FOR BOYS AND 'GIRLS. GOOD SHORT SKETCHES FOR THE LITTLE ONES. , An Alphabet of IIcipcrs-Story of a Borrower-Iiuw to Know God-It 1s Iflessed to lie Black-ilei Happy I.aur. z NNETTE is aiding Alice In her first attempt at art , Ben is buying blue ball eons for Baby , Belle and Bart. Constance comes in carriage to carry crippled Claire. Dorelle is dressing dainty dolls for Dorothy and Dayre. Eve's emhroldering ear muffs tor Eben- ezer's ears. Faith is fondling fretful Flo till' she forgets her fears. Grace is giving gingerbread to good Grandmother Gray , IIAgh Is helping Hiram and his harvesters - vesters make hay. Idalina's ironing for Inez , who is ill. Jean Is making jam and jelly just for Jack and Jill. ICeslah Icing is knitting for little Kitty - ty Korn. Louise is lacing Letty's lovely linen lawn. Maud is mixing medicine for "Mother's little man. " 1 Cl Is plucking nosegays for Nora , Nat and Nan. Olaf's opening oysters for old Miss 0L lye Ollie. Paul Is painting pictures for patient Princess Polly. Queenie Quincy's quilting for quiet Mrs. Quivers. Reginald is reading "flab" to ragged Robbie Rivers. Sallie's smiling sweetly , though surTer- Ing such smart. Tom is telling Ted a tale about a tempting tart. Una's planting pansies in Uncle Ur- ban's urn. Vida's making valentines for little Violet - let Verne. Will is whittling whistles for winsome Walter Wayne. Xenia's helping launch the Xebec , christening her Layne. Yorke is holding yellow yarn for Mrs. Yorick Yette. Zenobia plays the zither to please her Aunt Zulette. Serving lads and lassies these , willing helpers all ; { Oh , what happiness is brought by sacrifices - fices small. -Youth's Companion. Story of Borrower. "I have $10,000 worth of real estate , " said a borrower to the shark behind the desk of a mortgage loan office , "on which I should 111cc to borrow $3.50 to pay servant hire that is due to-day , Can you accommodate me with the amount ? " The shark drummed listlessly with the tips of his fingers on the desk and said nothing. Presently the borrower , j clearing his throat , repeated a little louder : "I have $10,000 worth of real estate on which I should like to borrow $3.50 to pay servant hire that is due today - day- Can you accommodate me with the amount ? " Still the shark looked dreamily through the visitor and at the people passing along the street , continued the tattoo with his finger ends and replied not a word. Turning to the office boy the borrower - rower asked : "What is the matter with your employer ? Does he mean to refuse - fuse the the money ? " "You have not paid the $2 membership - , ship fee to this loan association , " replied - plied the boy. The borrower put down $2 and ref - f 1 newel his request. Then the shark ' registered the victim's name and address - dress In a journal and said suavely : "Three dollars bookage , please. " "Booltage ? What bookage ? " t "None of your business ; $3 quick. " i 1 The borrower paid it without a mur- mur. t j "To inspect your property and titles will cost you $2 additional , " continued the shark , with a stern smile. The $2 was handed over. "Now do I get the loan of $3.50 ? " pleaded the bor- rower. i "Come in one year from to-day and our report will be ready. " "But the bill is due to-day , man. " "Let it wait. " "It won't wait ; the servant will leave tc-morrow if she is not paid. " "Oh , she'll wait ; just show her thus certificate of application to us and a-- plain to her that you have to wait" The harrower left the office with many misgivings. He returned in one year by the almanac and the clock. "I am very sorry , " said the shark , 1 "but we cannot let you have anything 1 on those chattels or lands of yours. " The victim dropped his head sadly on his breast and started to the door. The broker called him back. How did it end ? The shark charged the borrower $1.25 storage on the pal - l ' pers in the case. It Is Blessed to Be Meek. i To be meek is to be strong at all points. Well armed and equipped throughout. To live in an impregnable - ble castle in which are living springs , and secret outlets which cannot be discovered - covered by the enemy. To be meek in I spirit , is to be like Christ , and to have a hold on God that the world , the flesh and the devil cannot break. To be meek In spirit is not ony to inherit the earth , 1 but to own real estate in heaven. To inherit - herit means to have by lawful right By undisputable tite. To possess by the strongest of all claims. "To inherit the earth. " All of it that they want ; all they can enjoy. To pcssess in the truest and most complete 'sense. True wealth ' \ _ Is that which we enjoy ; that which becomes - comes a part of our life , by enlarging our capabilities ; lifting us to higher planes ; extending our vision ; giving us wings ; adding length to our arms , and helping 'us to become larger , better and wiser , and whatever does nct do this cannot enrich us. On the other hand , it makes us poorer , by enslaving us with cares on its own account. Blessed are the meek , for they can have rest where others would be weary ; they can be contented where others would have nothing but fret and worry. They can be rich without money ; strong without strength , and the real owners of everything - thing In sight , without having to keep up repairs and pay taxes. Blessed are the meek. Iler Iltppy hour. A touching instance , which reveals the only source of real happiness in life , was once related by a well-known evangelist - gelist as folows : A gentleman who had been educated among fashionable people and had become - come a minister , was recently at dinner where he met one of his former acquaintances - quaintances , a latly whom he had not seen in years. She spoke to him jestingly - ingly of his having become a minister of the gospel , and said : "I should think you would find it exceedingly stupid ; I do not see how you can bear to lead such a life. " 1-le turned to her and saki : "I should think you would be the one who would find life stupid , and I should think you would find your existence almost intolerable. " He said that even at the table her face flushed , and he saw tears gathering in her eyes. For some time she did not make any reply. A little later , however , she sought him in another room and said : "You were right in what you thought about my life ; it is almost intolerable , and would be wholly so except for the visits that I pay the Children's IIos- pital once a week. I dress myself in my brightest gown and take some of my most valuable jewels , and without telling anyone where I am going , I drive to the Children's Hospital and there try to amuse the suffering little ones for an hour. This , " she said , "is the one thing that makes my life worth living. " It is a sure balm for the healing of all unrest and discontent , that one should give himself to the alleviation of the woes of others. By the Moot Positive Knotvledre. As surely and as truly as Naaman knew God by the cleansing of his leprosy - rosy , may a man know God today by what takes place in himself. As posi- tivelr as the Syrian knew that his flesh had been changed by supernatural means , may a man know that his heart has been changed by the same power. In an instant he finds that all bitterness - ness has been destroyed ; that he hates no one , not even his bitterest enemy. Ile knows that he now loves everybody and has nothing but good will in his heart for all men. Things like this are not imaginary , but are as real as anything - thing in human experience. Neither are they exceptional , but have been attested - tested by millions. And no matter where the conversation takes place , the result is the same , whether in refined society , or in the heart of Africa. Enmity - mity is slain and love is born , and gratitude - itude to God springs up in the heart. because the burden of sin that was like a crushing weight , is gone. Therefore , every man who knows God , knows him because he knows that a work has been wrought in his heart that only God could work. Knowledge of God is the most positive and convincing kiowl- edge known to human life. The Boy DIIII Know It A certain minister in Louisville is the father of a very bright youngster who has the bicycle fever. The minister - 1 ter had occasion tc leave the city a few days ago on a short trip , and the first night after his departure the little fellow - low was saying his prayers as usual and wound up without making any reference to his father. His mother softly stroked his curly head and asked : "You are not through , are you ? " "Why , yes , " answered the youngster ; "what else must I pray for ? " "For your papa's safety , " replied the mother. The youngster sprang from his knees in surprise and cried : "Why , mamma , I didn't know papa had a safety ! " Comin : Home. One may be very happy while away from home , but he is very glad to return - turn to it. The plainest old familiar dish is better than the daintiest epicurean - curean bill of fare abroad. One's own little room , with its handy , compact belongings , is preferable to all the marble - ble halls , swept through by silk-clad dames. "Home ! " One is more than ever impressed by the significance of that word , when , even in the roughest little hamlet and most desolate-looking hut , it may mean so much to those who were born ) n 1t. A Clever Cat. William Gilen of New London , Conn. , threw some lobster meat to his cat. Cats are very found of this delicacy , so what was William's surprise on seeing Grimalkin lug the meat around the corner. Following her , he found that she had placed it carefully in front of a large rat hole as a bait. Then she lay in wait behind a barrel until an unwary - wary rat came out and snapped the bait , when pussy pounced on him and broke his back with a single shake. Taming a Rat. A trapped rat may easily be tamed by allowing no water but that ofered in a spoon , for the creature soon learns to recognize the hand which supplies this all-important necessary. The sincerity is of course everything ; without sincerity they became mere flatteries , or conventional , meaningless - less commonplaces. F A'Generons Child. A few days ago I ran in to see a woman friend of mine-one of those dear'conventional cvotnen who take life seriously , and wouldn't do an unusual thing' ' for half your kingdom. While we tverc talking my friend's little daughter came into the room. She sidled shyly up to her mother. "Mamma , " she said , "may I go down to Ramie's just a minute ? ' The day was cloudy and the mother demurred. 'llle little girl insisted. "I have to go , mamma , " she said. "Why , dear ? " asked her mother. The little girl hesitated a moment and then , to her ultra-particular moth- er's dismay she cheerfully explained : "Why , " she said , "I lent Mamie my chewing gum last night , and I want it myself now.-Washington Post. .1 Grlut Jest. Youth's companion : Deathbed jokes are generally not authentic. The celebrated - ebrated one attributed to Toni hood , for instance-that he protested against blaming the undertaker who had blundered into coming before the great wit was dead , and said that the man had "only come to urn a lively Hood"-is known to le decidedly apocryphal. Nevertheless , a remark somewhat of the same sort , which is attributed to Lord Chesterfield in his last illness , is undoubtedly authentic. Chesterfield was very-ill , and his death was only a matter of a few weeks ; but his physician - cian advised that lie be taken for an easy drive in his carriage , and he went out. out.As As the equipage was proceeding slowly along it was met by a lady who remarked pleasantly to the great invalid - valid : " :1h , my lord , I am glad to see you able to drive out. " "I am not driving out , madam. ' ' answered - swered Chesterfield ; "I am simply rehearsing - hearsing my funeral ! " The Atlantic Monthly for November will contain among other features three short stories of exceptional quality : In harvest Time , by A. M , Ewell : The Apparition of Gran'thier 11111 , by Rowland - land E. Robinson , and The Face of Death , by L. Dougall. There will also be an installment of Gilbert Parker's serial , The Seats of the Mighty , and Charles Eghert Craddock's 'r'ue Nys- tery of Witch-Face Mountain is con- cluded. The recent series of papers in the Atlantic - lantic has attracted more wide attention - tion than George Birkbeck hill's A Talk over Autographs The fifth and last of the series appears in this issue. Lafeadio Ilearn's contribution hears the suggestive title After the \Var , and is quite as readable as his outer delightful - lightful studies of Japan. Poems , exhaustive book reviews and the usual departments complete the issue. Houghton , Muffin e v Co. , Bos- ton. Notes by a Layman. "Never operate if you can help it , " said an old and eminent surgeon. "Let nature cure if possible. " "Operate with confidence as son as possible , anti let nature cure afterward - ward , " said a younger doctor. The other doctors are wrangling to this moment over this issue. The man whom one takes to be a country- doctor , wearing a sack coat and a white necktie , awkward in gesture , not glib of speech , and diffident of manner - ner , is often found to be one of the "star" city specialists , who is listened to with the most respectful attention. Deafness Can Not 1e Curets By local applications , as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness , and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition - dition of the mu ous lining of the Eustachian - tachian Tube. When the tube is inflamed - flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing , and when it is entirely - tirely closed Deafness Is the result , and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube nestored to its normal condition , hearing will be destroyed forever - ever : nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh , which is nothing but an inflamed - flamed condition of the mucous sur- faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dearness ( caused by Catarrh - tarrh ) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0. Sold by druggists ; 75c. Hall's Family Pills , 25c. When Nearing an Iceberg. The captain of an ocean steamer in most cases finds out when his ship is nearing an iceberg front the men in the engine room. When a steamship enters water considerably colder than that through which it has been going its propeller tuns faster. Such water surrounds - rounds the vicinage of bergs for many miles 1Vlen the propeller's action , therefore , is accelerated greatly without - out the steam power bcinu increased , word is sent up to the officer on the bridge that icebergs may be expected , and a close lookout is established. Young people will find much to interest - terest and please them in the November - ber number of Frank Leslie's Pleasant hours for Boys and Girls. There is a capital short story by Oliver Optic , an article givinir some excellent hints for boys on buying and using a gun , by Wilf P. Pond ; an interesting description - tion of an incident of the war , by J. Frederick Thorne ; a valuable paper on "Children in Japan , " by A. B. de Guer- yflle ; an illustrated poem about an arithmetical puzzleby Clifford If oward ; a story for very little folks : a description - tion of a new and exciting game for boys ; several illustrated jingles , and a number of puzzles ; while the two serial stories by Edward S. Ellis and Jeannette - nette IT..1Valworth . continue with increasing - creasing interest. A unique feature of this magazine , which starts in the November - vember number , is the editor's talks about the new books for boys and girls , in which he points out what is best in the late juvenile publications. . The number is splendidly illustrated. Highest of aU in Leavening Power.--Latcst U. S. Gov't Report RoYal B40 $ g TELY PRE None 1Vere Wasted. The resources of a properly trained Biddy are practically inexhaustible. A short time ago I bought some very expensive - pensive hothouse grapes for a member of the family who had been sick , but they were not fancied at the time , and I asked the maid to take them away. The next morning I went to her and told her to take the fruit to the sick room. "Sure , ma'am , Oi can't. 'Tis meself thought ye wanted them throw'd away ! " with the peculiar stupid look an Irish girl puts on and takes off with ease. "Thrown away , Bridget ! " I exclaimed - ed angrily. , "flow could you be so stupid ? Don t you know that kind of grapes are awfully expensive ? " "Don't be put out , ma'am , " Bridget' ' said . ' 'Sure not soothingly. , one was wasted. Oi ate ivery good grape me- self ! " Trips Undertaken for health's Sake li'ill be rendered mpro leneficial. and the fatigues of travel counteracted , if the voyager - ager will take aiong with him Iios otter's F tomaeh Bitters , and use that protective and cnablfng tonic , aen d invigorant and appetizer regularly. Impurities in air and water is neutralized by it , and it is a matchless - less trlwquiilizer and regulator of the stom- aclt , liver : utd bowels. It cooncracts ma- Iaria rhenarttisni , : utd a tendency to kidney - ney and bladder ailnients. How to Roast the Succulent Oyster. Select large oysters and haves them scrubbed thoroughly , then place them in the oven in a large tin with the round side of the shells down , so that when they open the liquor will not be lost. As soon as they do open remote the upper shell , sprinkle then ) with salt , pepper and chopped parsley , add a little butter and serve hot as possible on a bed of watercress. Oysters served in this way maize an exccDeat first course at dinner if accompanied by thin slices of brown bread and but- ter. Do You Speculate ? Then send for our book , "How to S.ecu- late Successfully on limited Margins in Grain and Stock Markets. " Mailed free. Comstock , Hn2hes & Company , Riato : Building , Chicago. Ill. The Emperor's Cousin. Prince Albert of Prussia , the second cousin of the German emperor , has been made chief of the regiment of dragoons bearing his , name. The prince is , with one or two exceptions , the tallest man in the army , being G feet f inches in height , and finely pro- portioned. lie is by all means , since the death of Empcrcr Frederick , the handsomest member of the liohensol- lern family. Fighting Tobacco Ueers. By prompt and decisive action the management of railroads have run out of their employ all men who prefer getting - ting drunk to holding steady situations - tions , or who think- they must drink liquor. Now the superintendent of the Boston eC Maine railroad has commenced - menced war against tobacco consumers - ers , and has issued a circular to his rnen which says : "Your attention is called to the fact that you are not allowed - ' lowed to use tobacco in any form whatever - ever while on duty , nor on trains , erin the stations when off duty with uniform - form or badge on. This rule is imperative - ative and must be regarded at all times. " This may scorn a little severe , and may force some men to take a day of ? occasionally for the purpose of cliewing. Parties desiring special , reliable and free int'orinalion regarding Chicago or other eastern markets are recomitiended to correspond with Comstock , Ilughes . v Co. , Rialto building , Chicago , whose advertisement - ment appears in this issue. 't'hey are thoroughly reliable and will answer all letters promptly and conldeatially , 'i'iy to give pleasure , and you will receive more than you give. From Now Until Spring Overcoats and winter wraps will be in fashion. 't'hey can be discarded , temporarily - porarily , while traveling in the steam heated trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee - kee & St. Paul Railway. For solid comfort , for speed and for safety , no other line can compare with this great railway of the ii'cst. Mothers apprre1 : to the good work of Parker's Ginger Tonle. v1 Ii Its revh lugqualities -a boon to titu ii In-stdekenulceplcss and nervous. if you can't break an apple you'll die an old maid. _ ' Vhen S on ConC to realize th ttyour corns aregcn and no mare pain , how gtatrfulyoufeel. : attb norkofllindercorus.I6e. It takes two to quarro , but only one to malco up. I bIr.rllnr' sOr t FiTS-A11Fitsstapalfr rr. ra l 1'ervcRestorer. No Fits alter titelirstdav'suse. ilarvelouscures. Treatlsoanti 3t trial hottlefreet litcases. 5eudtoDr.Klme , 1.lrebbt.YLtla.Pa. i The nlna whose heart is set on things rcrishabie loses all when they perish. "Sanson's Slagio Corn Salve. " Warranted to eure or nioey icfunded. As'c ' ; our druggist for it. l rlcc 15 ccts. ! Courage not controlled by prudence is foolishness. I cannot speak too highly of Piso's Cure , for Consumption.-Mlts , h ) : xit Monts2131 WV. 272d St. , NewYork , Oetoter ell , lb'JI. . It's bad luck to cross a luaerai proces- N4. . . 4j , I ' ' 0 F 1 ' 4yt ; , tr7i b te5 a91 ) -1 tits : ise = 'Rr y 31x1 'i r t t Use r e : , i 3'ou want to feel it con- 41 at ' ccntrttc its Iicaiing iii once t' d a cure. - AvRs y PECTORAL "Five years ago my wife 6 ' ' My mother has been a was sick with bronchitis. great sufferer from asthma lVe tried different physicians , for ten years , and her recor- I > ut her case was pronounced cti f ed cry is almost without a par- hopeless. A friend recom- allel , on account of her mended Ayer's Cherry Pecto- advanced age-over seventy. ral. She tried it , and , in a these She has been cured by only a short time , she was entirely part of a bottle of A yer's cured.-FELIx ROTIICnILD , Cherry Pectoral..1GLIS Livermore , Ky. lQo BANNS , Tar Brook , N. S. CURE YOL TO a t i 1 ' t t II--Bolton's FHmned Brown Itrend. For one large loaf of bread use three pints of sifted cornmeal , three pints of j rye flour , one cup of good hop yeast ; and oate cup of molasses. Mix vt.rrsoft r with warm water , pour the mixture into a round pudding tin and allow it ; to stand until light. Bake with a \ ' f t steady fire for three hours 1ht eman'sCamplioricewlthGlyrrrinr. The original and only genuine. Cures Cbap dtAunts , and Face , Cold sores , &c. V.0Clark Cu.\Uat'uu.C1- . .t It costs more to be proud than it does to be generous. If thu Teem. Baby is Cutting i Bo sure and use that old end tcrlt trlel remedy , lfn& F Wnstoty'sSoorllcaSuer forCl.liJrea sthin ; r . .r . 4 1 W o shall soon to hearing of the , o r . .mulo : . ' woman. , _ _ _ . - - - - - - - - - . , . ' * : ' c t ye--- , ' ye't 't 1 - 1' ' ( t J7 'i % ! ' N . ' 2t. ; q T i KNOWLEDGE . i Brings comfort and improvement anti , tends to personal enjoyment when tightly . The many , who live better - ter than others anl enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by more promptly adapting the world's best products to time needs of ) Iiysical beiim , will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced ) n the ' remedy , Syrup of rigs. Its excellence is due to its pre = enting in the form most acceptable and pleasant - , ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a l er'ct ! laxative - ative ; efectuaily cleansing the sttenl , dispelling colds , headaches and feven1 . . an permanently curing Censtqatiou. It has given satisfactioa to millions amid met with the approval of the nretlical profession , because it acts on the Kidneys - neys , Liver and Bowels without weakening - ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Firs is for sale by all dru ; - gists in 50c and $ i bottles , but it is manufactured - ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Fig. , arid being well informed , you will not accept any substitute i offered , - - - - - i ev WELL A-gfl-- Iilnstr ted cataloeuo shnwing WELT , ' AUGERS. LOCKD-ILLS,11V'D1k.UL.O ' AND JETTING MACTIINEItY , etc. SntaT FIlE } . H VO been tested and i aft warranted. / V Sioux City Engine and Iron ; yor'.4 , SUC'enSn5 to 1..i Atg. { 'o. p- .I t { SiouX ( 'li . 2owt. Tim nowctr. & eitvr ! : Aecuvri r ( 'o , I Ill west rletenth Strre : , Iun a + t'It ) - 'l AV'rEl1ny lady wishinm to mhe some ' money qutrkly : unl u. rdwg tteat'y . mploy- mentlhoutd work fornn aeli ng medn ate ! { wafters. Address A. N. Den , Id. D. , 212 l iiuutbus are. . Boston. is : s h gel' t 1 Situ . o Dtepai r c for 19 , 000 d i irrrrut stores audraa es , 1209.5 oit ; 1asAt.OiuaiaNeb ev..f. . . . "The Ccmpsnioa has tees yrowicg better , bribtcr cvory : as for mare than sixty years. " , ' - r + , ' P IRS I UTll iQ .r " 52 Tines a Year. " Subscription , $1.75. The value of the next volume of The Companion is suggested by the titles and authors of a few of th3 Articles announced for 1995 , as given below. I Notable Series. _ Lt : following Articles of exceptional value from the most Eminent Aathorit ies : The Lord Chief Justice of England. THE BAR AS A PROFESSION. . Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes. " WHAT THE SPEAKER DOES. Hon. Thomas B. Reed. HOW A PRIME MINISTER IS MADE. By Justin McCarthy , M. P. I hree CabInet ivi'i ste.rC . vava 1 A iav entures. No other periodical has ever been nble to announce articles AMOIG CHII'fESE PIRATES. Admiral A. H. 1Ylarkham. by three Cabinet Minisiers. SEA PETS. Admiral T. H. Stevens. Smith.SEA Ey SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. Hon. Hoke Smith. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE. Hon. J. Sterling Morton. LORD NELSON'S SHIPMATE. Sir George Elliot , K. C. B. I SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. Hon. H. A. Herbert. THE CAPTURE OF RANGOON. Admiral P. H. CoIsWb. e i 4 ' eria tones or t ze ear i From the great number offered a few of the best have been selected. I a THE VENTRILOQUIST. A Thrilling Story of Southern Life. By Miss M. G. McClelland. IN THE CLUTCH OF THE TSAR. An American's Life among the Russians. By C. A. Stephens. I f ROSAIvOND'S VIOLIN. A Story of fascinating interest for Girls. By Ellen Douglas Deland. IN HvDIATf MEADOW. Adventurous Pioneer Life of two Boys 90 years ago. By Charles Adams. ' f Send for Full Illustrated Prospectus and Sample Copies Fi ee. wvuvrsrvvvvro.av > , * wv > nrvnavtir.nn vuvyn. . en tinn < vv. . 1v < na .nnw C . . EMARKABIE OF rR ! r T co i5ew Stb.crliers who will cut out this slip and send it AT 021CE ; ' I with name and address , and $ L75 , will receive : ' " ? C . . . AR ? TEE-The Youth's Companion every week till January I , 1896. % , This S1Ip w ith - - - - . ; ---q--.1 , , , I C FREE-Thanksgiving , Christmas , Hew Year's Doable IL.Wer. , 1 M FREE-Car Handsome -rage Calendar (7x10 inches ) , lithographed - , , , , t j rs. . . . , ; graphed in nine colors. Retail price , 50 cents. , r + Tc 1 i k AHD THE COI 3AiI0a 52 wools a fall 9ear , to 3ann 3 I I89 7. ' 71 ® cJ 0 M r 4 ( [ 4f [ L'Rd4f Aill4ilVi > ti + , .SY4AY ( Ut4xic * [ [ tatjYSLets(4 Y MAr . [ 4 Yl t gL / [ a a Y . .V l . y tV . l'a't . 1EPA . THE YOUTH'S COMPAli10 , 201 Columbus Avenue , Boston , Mass. ' Send Check , Pot-Office or Express Order , or Registered Letter , at Our PJsk. i t D I Ilraay beL. . . t. ta. Piro s . CUrO kei t me rr" ,1 i'.1 1 ' ip I S C U E quick ConsnLpaou.rati. . II Ii. D. DAILI\L ; Eeaverll ! . 'Jeadoc 1 . Y. l3 tgn5 i r i- ii - P ni . . I J FO t f .t M 7 lt rv i ! I * l' V . ' F ili W id Cures Where AU E'se ' FaHa. BEET COUP SYRUP. I TASTES GOOD , USE IN TIME. SOLD T.Y DRUGGISTS. as CTS. - - - - - - - - - - a