> s i : ' for _ infants _ _ and Children. _ _ Csatoria lsso well ndsptod to chUdrea that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me. " 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. - c'Tho use of 'Castoria' Is so universal and its merits so well known that itseems awork oe supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. " Cantos MAILT N , D. D. , x , New York City , Castoria ctwe colic ; Uoeetlpstloe , Sour stomach , Dlarrha a , Erucdatloa , Kifs Worms , gtves sleep , aiid proototes dl. ge5tioD , Without lnjurious medication. "For several years I leave recommended 'Castoria , ' and shall always continue to dose so , as it has invariably produced beneficial results. " EDWIN F Peantrz , IL D. , 125th Street and 7th Ave. , New York City. TAE CE. mua ( Axreas , 7T Muzuu'r STREET , NEw Yens Crry. . . 1. J , : WATIOWAL 1 . $ JA Z . : ' ' rrD D. ' Capita $ OOOOO Captai Surpu VF 60,000 : ' = 'IOERS .ANTD DIRECTORS. P CKNELL 8. ft. FREES W. F. LAWSON F. A. PENNELL : ' President. V. President. Cashier. ' Asst Cashier. Ii ' A : CAMPBELL , FRANK HARRIS. Ii1sf 1sf ; , Nto ; t OL itTE1 UNDE1. STATE LA19 . Paid Up Capital , - - - $50,000. Surplus , - - - - - - 10,000. t''Y ' r DOES K GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. { Collections , Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. faxes Paid - for Non-Residents. TiG d s or a e o a ro Ehro es OFFICERS. V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. s CORRESPONDENTS : The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska , The Bhemical National Bank , New York City. t ' : ' INta LP/ - I - I * ADSOEJTr ' 17IL - - - - ! 0i = eft - THE E5T tGYS.3.E . , - 1 M l 'l " " \ o . 1 a t 5 h T 0 R K 5 h ip nSUR s Eo - ATERI 1l. ThE FINEST : . , i v ODEL& wis iT , I5 n z P OUt1Ds p RIf f , 5.TO $ 1o 0. . , f VERYMAUilt9E FULLY GUARArtTEED CATAL 9UUC SENT FOR T.lo C tJT iAnf ? ; R ° 1 , /r1AIN OFFICE AfyD FACTORY tAItE f1AL5TED 5T 'I = RETAIL SALEbR00M 280 'WABASH + + AVE4'r- ' L , ' I FA9TtRN . WAREHOU _ _ 97- 99 P.FAOE 5f , NE 1J Y 0 RK ' - - -c. SAN ° 'FRANI5 ( a SALT lAtSI' urx . L $ . \ " . + Lti LantSiCf fn ttcnl. . ; BURGESS , I 7 . Plumber and Steam Fitter ' - MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim. I pings Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. s : siibijitijir Tile McCooK Tribune _ : . . It has no equal in this local. field. f . .t 4 i . , l ' . ? . . . . . ? ' , kMw' } ' a Yf 4 rtr : ' s.l.J4 .r.'t u. zawn .y BARTLEY BUDGET. f Loton Duckworth of Indianola was in , + ti r us over , Monday. Miss Mary Kite was among those who were sick , first of the week. Denver Taylor came down from Indianola to spend Sunday at home. By way of diversion there wac a lively fstic argument to town , one evening first of the week. I. N. Clover left on Tuesday for HuntitiR toni Oregon with-a view to changing his to cation. J. II. Stephens returned , Wednesday , from a business trip through Frontier and , Dawson counties. F. G. Stilgebouer was quite sick , a few days first of the week , but is able to attend to business - ness again. J. B. Clover returned home from Omaha , Saturday morning , and left for Denver , ' 1'ues day evening. J. W. Leisure of Danbury and C. B. Gray of McCook were in town on Tuesday looking up things politically. Our town is almost depopulated of young people , so many having gone away to school or to look for work. Charles Hickman is able to be out again after being confined to the house by sickness for about a week. W. S. Minnich of CedarBluffs , Kansas , was here , Monday , looking after his property interests - terests and renewing acqurintances. 1V. M. Taylor returnedon Monday more ' _ from Oregon , Mo. , where he has been assisting - ing in a protracted meeting for the past two weeks. On account of sickness Milton Frost came home from McCook , last Friday morning , returning to his work in the shops , Monday evening. After spending three weeks here with his brother Seward , M. L. Flannagan left , last Friday evening for his home , Pawnee City , Nebraska. Owtng.to an accident which might have re- suited seriously one of our lady cyclists appears - pears in a more abbreviated wheeling costume - tume than heretofore. John Reiter took his little son Joe to the ' 'Messiah" at Denver to be treated for his almost - most helpless arm , and reports that member , much henefitted by the visit. A.E. Lang and wife returned , Sunday morning - ing , a visit to ( lie "Messiah" at enver and Mrs. . Lan claims that as a result her health has been greatly benefltted. In order to have a place to skate , this winter - ter , the boys have devoted considerable time and labor in building a dam in the liver on the north side of the big island south of town. . It seems that some of R. S. Baker's friends thought he was enjoying to much of a "snap" and owing to their influence the postoffice department - partment is advertising for bids for carrying the mail between the postoffice and depot. There was some talk about legal proceed. ings , the latter part of last week , on account of the theft of some corn from the field , but leniency on the part of the owner averted such an action and the matter has been amicably - ably adjusted. Some excitement was occasioned , Wednesday day evening , by the non arrival of hiss Irene Flint , who teaches school in the 1lickman district , six and one-half miles south of town. A party'of young men was organized to look forlier and they found her at Mr. ' Ifickman's , the horse having run away and reduced her buggy to kindling wood. Their arrival and report was a great relief to 'Miss Flint's friends. VAILTON. Pretty chilly at this writing. J. w. Hupp of McCook was in our midst , this week. Ed. Huber thinks of prospecting in the east , in a few weeks. N. F. Esher is feeling better since his Denver trip. We sincere- l)1 hope he tivi11 fully recover. ' The Driftwood ball nine won the game with the Danbury nine at McCook , last Thursday. David Carpenter bought the corn on the Welsh place. Mr. W. will remain in the east for the present. Owing to some delay in forwarding - warding their nomination certifi- eates the Independents of this precinct - cinct will proceed by petition. James Harris has returned from his Cripple Creek trip. Mr. H. has been testing some of the minerals - erals here-a = bouts , since his return. We are sorry to report the fact that Mr. Jones is troubled with asthma. A large number have found relief from that malady in the atmosphere of this section. We have been wondering if there could not be great reform - in our voting system. Our elections are too expensive under the present statute. However , . we would not have the present law repealed , but somewhat altered. RED WILLOW. The Mulford family lert for the east , last Friday. They will seek a less drouthy clime. Sunday eveningGrandma hummer - mer fell down cellar , but fortunately - ately escaped without serious hurt. Wednesday evening , there was a pleasant farewell party , at the Cowan home. They will make Missouri their future home. On Saturday Mrs. S. L. Miller - rode to town. At night she failed b to return. But on Sunday morning - ing the horse appeared , dragging a rope. Much alarm was felt by the family. But later developments - ments proved that all was well with Mrs. Miller. The horse got loose , sand left her. Mrs. Elias Canaga invited her many friends to a rag sewing on last Thursday. A very pleasant time was had on the whole but the company much regretted that Mrs. Jacob Longnecker was taken quite ill , and had to make a hasty cle- p arture. At this writing she is somewhat improved. . - _ . . . . . , , . - - - . f' k. Rev. E. J. Vivian of Boy Elder i pfe { nhecl to impressive sermon , in i.I tt ; Pillow school house Sunday evening , Frank Crockford's horse hecame unmanageable as lie was returning from the servicesand , be ran headlong into Mr. Mundy's buggy , tearing off wheels and causing havoc. Fortunately no one was seriously injured ; and by borrowing a qair of cultivator wheels , Mr , Mundy was able to return to hie home at Box Elder , NOTICE. -William 11. defendant will take - Boyd , , no- i lice that on May 7,1895r Frank Carruth , plaintiff - tiff , filed in the District court of Red Willow conty , lebraska , a transcript of the proceedings - ings had in an action begun before J. E. Kelley - ley , a justice of the peace of said county , against - gainst defendant , the object and prayer of his petition filed therein being to secure the pay. ment of a certain promissory note in writing , given by said defendant to the Citizen's bank f McCok Nebraska , Sept. 29 , 1S94 , for the sum of o.5o , due De. 29 , 1894 , drawing interest - terest at 10 per cent. per annum from matur ity , which note was duly sold and assigned to plaintiff before commencing this action and on which there is now duplaintiff from the defendant the sum of 843.8t' , for which sum with interest and costs of suit the plaintiff prays -judgment against s a i d deendant. Plaitiff on MaY 7 , 895 , caused a writ , of attachment - tachment to issue from said district court against the property of defendant in said county , which the sheriff of said. count being nable to find an personal property of defendant subject to attachment , oni1ay 1895 , duly levied upon the follwing described - scribed real estate the property of defendant in Red Willow county , Nebraska , to-wit : The southeast quarter of section u , and the southwest quarter of section 12 , all in township - ship 3 , norof range 29 west. Due appraisal and return of said ord has been made and filed in the office of the clerk of said court , the purpose of said attachment being to subject said land to sale for the payment of the amount - mount found to be due plaintiff as above set forth. You are required to answer said petition on or before Nov. 25 , 1895. IO-IS-4t5. ! 'RANK CARRUTIr , Plaintiff. NOTICE OF Dsso.U'rION. , , Notice is hereby given that the partnership existing between R. H. Taylor and Andrew Carson has this clay been dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the Sunny Side dairy will be continued by Andrew Carson , who tivtll pay all debts and collect all outstanding - standing accounts of the firm. McCook , Neb. , Oct. 23 , 1895. ANImEw CARSON , Oct. 25-fits. R. H. 'TAYLOR. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. The Darlington , Wis. , Journal says editorially - ially of a popular patent medicine : "We know from experience that Chamberlain's Colic , Cholqra and Diarrho a Remedy is all that is claimed for it , as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved - ed us from an untimely grave. We would not rest easy over night without it in the house" . This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering than any other medicine in the world. Every family should keep it in the house , for it is sure to be needed sooner or later. For sale by McConnell & Co. , drug- gists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , If your children are subject to croup watch for the first symptom of the disease-hoarse- ness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse it will prevent the attack. Even after the croupy cough has appeared the attack can always - ways be prevented by giving this remedy. It is also invaluable for colds and whooping cough. For sate by McConnell & Co. , drug- gists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY ? Is the truthful and startling title of a book about No-To-Bac the harmless' guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up e nicotin- ized nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and man- hood. You run no physical or financial risk , as No-To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book fre. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , New York or Chicago. 4t9.IY. . . Chase Go. Laod ald , t lye Stock Coe , . , . ' it Horses branded or. left hip or left shoulder P. U. address Imperial Chase county , and Beat riao , Nebraska. Raige , Stinking Stater and the Frenchman creeks , in Chase county , Nebraska. Brand ns cut on sideof someanimatson hip and sides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. COLE 9 LEA IDINC. i OF McCOOta , has dust received a new stock of CLOTHS and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fitting - ting suit made at the very lowest prices for good wort , call on him. Shop first door weal of Barnett's Lumber Office on Dennison utreet. R I P A N S I LL , - uI The modern standard - ard Family Medicine - a cine : Cures the N s common - every-day " ' ills of humanity. W TRODC z 0 , f mAitR . - n _ t G .r I ' , i , S I taI1I , /t x . = : = j , . = . , , li. ; ' \o\ \ . { < \ : . .N 1 I . ; . , _ _ , VL..1tT . 1 1 r . f I f I / ; , i. ' I - d ' , i - 1r i iI I -s ; n - i a I / r/ i f / ll , ' \ - H- EVERYBODY IS ON TO IT . - i - rniA * ' s t ' SI T 1 L JR LARGEST PIECE OF i . . i j I N . 4 GOOD TOBACCO r I i A . , , 1 MISSES MOORE , DRESS e MAKERS. FIRST CLASS WORK AND STYLISH GARMENTS GUARANTEED. Front rooms over Knipple's Grocery. MRS. E. E. UTTER. . . . . HUSICAI. INSTRUCTOR. Piano Organ , Guitar and Banjo voiGE TRAINING A SI'ECIALY. , Studio-Cornerof , Dodge and Madison sts. ELMER ROWELL , Real EstateCollections , Insurance McCooK , NEBRASKA. ; Notary Public. East Dennison street. ESTRAY SALE. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash on Monday , November iSth,1895. at two o'clock , pm. , at the residence of J. M. Baldwin of Driftwood to defray expenses and costs towit : One ba horse bout fifteen hands high , white mark on forehead and white hind fet ; Len years old ; weighs about r,2oo pounds. Said horse being taken up by J. M. Baldwin on June 2d , 1895 , and duly advertised. 1V. F. ESHER , J. PP of Driftwood precinct. Vailton , Neb. , Oct. Itth,1895. Io-18.5t. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. W. V. GAGE , , PHYSICIAN ANU SURGEON ; I McCooK , NEBRASKA. ' I , Office hours-9 to t1 a. m. , 2 to 5 and I q to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First National e / bank. Night calls answered at the office. . ; I J. A GUNN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I r. McCooK , NEBRASKA. 1 1 'Oflice-Over C. A.Leachs jewelrystofe. Residence-701 Blain street. Prompt attCn- 1 ! ion given to all calls. ; " i t AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , i 1 : ATTORNEY AT LAW i McCooK , NEBRASKA. , CrOffice-Over the Famous clothing store. , J. E. KELLEY , ' . ATTORNEY AT LAW E McCooK , NEBRASKA. ; . i -Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- ' Rear of First National bank. ' . { 1 I - J. B. BALLARD , e DENTIST. ® t 1- / All dental work done at our office is guaranteed - anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of - , Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith t & Bellamy , assistants. i / l pt' ' , . PORTABLE CORN CRIB ' - i HOLDS 400 BUSHELS , - / ? I / " I ' 1 , , 1 ; f ' ; I ' f' ell i s I : F ' - 1i i 1 l , i : { , 1 ' . : _ . i i . - I r i , : 3 1 i ; - tf Just the thing for temporary crib. Every ' farmer needs one some three or four. Can be I set up in 30 minutes , and when empty can be used for a stock fence , and set up for corn again when needed. Call and examine. , ¶ 1 . . ( 1 t , ; f .