t N - 0 UI . V NEW : HAVE ARRIVED ' I We have an exceedingly complete an full aSSOlt111en 0 r OOS , Carpets and Millinery. . I Or I.oo. We mean yards o Extra Quality , Yard Wide Bleiched Muslin. - , j Everything se Lower in rice an , . r ever before. See u1 Capes an Jackets. . ' t . 14owmc ii $ on , , C Dry oo st aresI iiner . . , , rtsvre. r r F. . , ' THE OLD BLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. ° ° - o0 o oo o o o % 0 r o , o ! o o/ --o o-r ro - l' ' ' LEADERS''rASH10Np/ , . s + DEGIARE A5'oNE VOCE , g : : : : O * ? p ? ( HA C IJEAR REssTERs , 0- 6 'tu.4Jr IS YHE.IR FIRST-CHOtCEti - ro - , o - . . O\ ° . ' tBLisc0 _ - , off : r .ui a . . t ' B0570N , ti o O 'I % ' J , : ; 090 1 ° oa , , 0000 ° o oooooo ao l 1 Good Suggestion ! Is like a crying baby at a public meeting , it Ough1 to be Carried Out Those J. B. Lewis Shoes are suggestive of all that pertains to Style , Fit , and Good Wearing Qualities at a Reasonable Price. I r ,4 We Suggest That You Buy Pair ' THEY ARE SOLD BY-OF COURSE YOU KNOW t t .t CANSCHOW , THE O1D RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. , I . . 4 , , . , is y NORTH STAR GLEANINGS. Laura Pickering was at home over Sunday , Winnie Phillippi of McCook visited in this vicinity , last week. R. A. Green of Cedar Bluffs was the guest of J. R. Neel , last week. W.J.Evaus threshed over three hundred bushels of wheat , last week. " Rev. Crago of Indianola delivered - ered an able address to an appreciative - ciative audience , last Sunday at 3 o'clock , p , m Messrs. Kerns and Ernest Carter - ter of Indianola and Rev. and Mrs. Morris of Laurel Dell attended services here , last Sunday' A certain secret order in Mc- Cook has ordered a couple of its members in this vicinity not to haul their corn to a certain feeder of this neighborhood. But as he pays the best price and the haul is short and the feeder is a straight and fair as a streak of daylight , he gets the corn just the same. But how is that for America ; free and liberty loving America ! God save the mark ! PROSPECT PARK , 0. L. Thompson and daughter May , and J. E. Logue took dinner at Harry blade's , Sunday. Charles Boatman has been quite sick for the past week or so , but is able to be about again now. ' G. C. Boatman , is looking after his political interests in the east end of the county , this week. J.E.Lawthers was in this neigh- borhoood , this week , threshing out the immense ( ? ) crops of small grain. L. A Carnahan was around becoming - coming acquainted with the boys in this part. of the county , a few days since. - C. B. Gray and J. W. Leisure were looking after their political interests in this part of the county , first of the week , Clifford Dunham has up 'a wall for a stable 14128. J. H.Wadeis also building a new kitchen of Nebraska - braska standard brick. Now is the time of the year for campaign yarns to be going the rounds. They should be taken for what they are worth. TYRONE. Caudidates begin to show up , Lida Borkman , who has been ill with typhoid fever is better. Mr. Draggoo and family expect to leave soon for Indian territory. ' C. S. Blair sold a bunch of two- year-olds , and is buying spring calves. Mrs. Griffith and five children from near Mindenare , visiting with the family of Frank Moore. R. R. News from Republican. J. F. Reynolds is in Chicago on business' this week. Brakeman George Bunting has gone to housekeeping. Engineer Cook and family visited in Orleans - leans , Saturday. W , W. Green made a business trip to Orleans - ans , last Saturday. Agent Reed's wife of Hendley is visiting in the eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown left , Monday , to make their home in Oberlin. - Mrs. Winnie Green has gone to Oberlin to pend the winter with her sister , Mrs. Travis Benjamin. Roadmaster Joselyn made his first trip over his division , Monday , since he recovered from his sickness , and found everything O. K. Conductor A. D. Green came in smiling , Wednesday , on account of the stock extra running , this week , and giving the Sunday layover at home. Section foreman John Spencer's little boy , Earl is improving from an attack of typhoid fever. Earl is a fine lad , and everybody is pleased to hear of his recovery. John McPherson is thinking of going to Denver to see Schlatter , the great healer. John is suffering with rheumatism , is a fine fellow , and his many friends would be happy to seehim restored to health. R I P A N'S U.S - The modern stand- . w and Family Medicine - x cine : Cures the N common every-day ' " ills of humani . - t7z z 0 Q q h ) i . . _ .2 ' - 7 . , r - r , T 4 BOX ELDER. Nearly everyone is huskii , corn , which in this precinct is a good half crop. There will be a popcorn social at Box Elder church on Friday evening , October 25th. The corn and chicken party was well attended. Bro. Campbell reported - ported 30 hens but no rooster. Messrs , Gray , and Leisure were here shaking hands with the boys and driving staples. The boys found everything all right in this corner. Rev. Vivian preached a very impressive - pressive sermon. His text was : "Let everyone that is athirst come and partake of the water of life freely" , Stephen Rolles is putting up his third crop of alfalfa. Fred is go. ing to start to Knox county soon. He is a hard worker and deserves success. Our old neighbor , A. R. Clark , we understand is going to Texas. May prosperity attend him. Clark always was all right in everything except politics. The woods are full of cattle buyers - ers , in our country. The writer had three after him in one day. We had a calf they were after. We didn't care to sell , but sold to get rid of them. Ira Kimball is one of our most enterprising onion farmers and gardeners. Last spring , he planted four acres of onions ; these being drowned out by the overflow , in June , he planted the ground to beans and cabbage and has raised 10,000 large heads of cabbage' ind 75 bushels of beans. DAN BURY. S. E. Ralsten was up from Lebanon - anon , Wednesday. Our new minister delivered a very fine sermon , Sunday. Philip Gliem has moved into the Frank Everist property. There were three more carloads of stock shipped from here , this week. . Will Stilgebouer and wife returned - turned home , last Friday , from a two months visit. The Indianola orchestra played some very fine music for the dance here , last Saturday evening. George B. Morgan & Co. enlarged - larged their cellar , this week. They have also shipped in a carload - load of apples. The lyceum has started up again here , and meets every Thursday evening , with C. S. Hammack , president , and Miss Lena Hill , secretary. CATARRH DESCRIBED. ' A SHORT HISTORY OF A BAD MALADY - ADY BY AN EMINENT MEDICAL - ICAL AUTHORITY. This is the way chronic catarrh usually begins : A person catches cold , which hangs on longer than usual. Then follows a sensitiveness - ness of the air passages , which inclines - clines to catch cold very easily. At last the person has a cold all the while seemingly. More or less discharge from the nose , hawking from the throat , nostrils stopped up , full feeling in the head , and cracking in the ears , The Pe-ru-na treatment for this disease is the only treatment that has withstood the test of time. Pe-ru-na should be taken without interruption until every symptom disappears. Send to The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company of Columbus - umbus , Ohio , for a copy of their latest book on chronic catarrh. This book is a complete guide to the cure of all forms and stages of this dreadful disease. J - . ' ? . : - - . _ _ _ I ' ! L. . r - _ - . _ I IEtt. ash IAll grades of CLOTHING have been reluced 25 per cent within the past ear , We have s fen ( id values 'U ill Men's Suits fI oin $3.5U , to 15.00. , st Overcoats from 5 .UU to X15.00 , ° ; 'We challenge comparison. Be ° " careful. Don't be "taken iii" with 1 ' Shoddy and Shop Worn Stu if before E , you have exa'mine(1. our stock and heard our p1 ices. I3oy's' and Child- t l'en's Suits , fi oln 75c. to $12 a slllt , ' , ' ij t CLOAKS. ' ' a ! 1Our Cloaks and Capes and Chil- s ( h'en's Cloak s are r o fist but we + still have a good assortment of correct - rect styles. Look at them before . you bu3r . ' UNDERWEAR .x Our Underwhear de a.rtlilent has P coven a winner. 0Ye still have t , more to select ti'oin than all other stores in ilcCook coinbiiietL . BLANKET s a ea- You tivill need blankets noel. % Ve ' have the best valtQ's ever sliown at - 50c. to : ' S.UU a pair. , CARPETS. rOver . . Over 100 samples o select From. . s At 37c. to $1.25 a l(1 , cut anzl male. . GROCERIE We have exclusive sale in McCook of Chase & Sanborn s coffee. Try us on other things iii this line. You can save money. AT THE . . , ' . .I 1ctrjiiu . f $ IOre. . . , . C. 11..i EG 1t0l l CO. . . i People . Who Write------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - Might as well get something - thing that's neat and stylish - ish as to buy something that isn't. ; : : * : ; What's the use of buying - ing a poor article when you can get The Best for the same money AT- - - The Tribune 1 J , . . . 4J ' ' 7T - . _ , / .i , . , 'e .34it 1 , , - . -w - a . . a . ; . w - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - . - . , - - -