A . jflt k n e. By F. M. K1MMELL. , $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE , I Judge of the Supreme Court , li0N. T. L. NORVAL of Seward. Regents of the University , C , H. MORRILL of Lancaster. . . H. L. GOOLD of Keith , JUDICIAL. Judge of the 14th District , l30N. G. . MORRIS of Furnas. "EQUALITY before the law" . Who objects to such a platform. NEBRASKA'S supreme court says that the supervisor's law is all i right. THE South Carolinians want to proscribe the colored man because be isn't white , alas ! HJALMER H. BOYESEN , the La- - wous Norwegian author , died . in : Nesv York , Friday , October 4th. A COLLAPSE in South African mining shares of proportions rivaling - valing the South American failure of a few years since , is expected at any time. Oust tannery will remain open for a while for the accommodation of a few hides that ] iave escaped in some marvelous and inexplicable way the fool killer , THE O m a h a World-Herald thinks it has a case on the Omaha Bee. The damages are set at $50,000. Edward must be hunting - ing Bertie pretty closely. COLONEL I Isaor of the Indian- ola Reporter is much exercised because - cause he fears "Colonel Kimmell is not on the inside" of the. political - cal situation. 1'Pe are grateful for the Colonel's solicitude-but maybe - be he is mistaken. At any rate we are not disposed to break in. THE success of the Republican ' state ticket seems to be practically assured. A united , harmonious Republican , party means victory in Nebraska. And there is where the Republican party "is at" in Nebraska , just now. The majority - ty ought to be 20,000-to be in good form for 1896. IN 1893 Bishop insisted that "Bert Barnes would find thatthere is a great , wide gulf between Geo. Hocknell's dollars and the peoples' votes" . In 1895 he speaks of "A. H. Barnes , the Republican nominee - nee , ( as having been elected ) by a handsome majority" . And sheds crocodile tears over the fact that "unfortunately for the county Mr. Rarnes lived but a few months" . THE TRIBUNE supported Barnes , as Bishop atthe time stated when "he leas everything to lose , and nothing to gain" . Bishop fought him. Now Bishop declares us "out of poli- tics" . What detestable insincerity. In 1893 Bishop violently , opposed the A. P. A. In 1895 he defends it. In 1893 , speaking of a certain R Populist meeting , he said : "Those present report a splendid time and say that Mr. Meserve made a strong speech , making a host of friends" . In 1805 Bishop hurls harmless rot at Meserve by the column. This is perhaps explain- able on the theory that in 1893 he wanted to be Populist organ grinder. Now he seeks a Republican - lican deputyship. Yet he is the mouth-piece of those who would read this paper out of the party. We have the material to multiply these inconsistencies without end. However , we are in no wise anxious - ious to disturb the harmony of the campaign , this fall , will refrain , with the admonition to those who L are no/v devoting all their spare time to fighting this paper , that -l th might be able to do themselves - - selves and the party more lasting and substantial good by fighting the opposition , and letting their friends alone. Shinny on your - " own side , or be prepared to have the bark taken off. Patience is no longer a virtue. Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of job printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. 'Buy Your writing paper at .THE TRIRuNE office : All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable We are jest in receipts of a new suPP1Y.of tablets and boa papers , memorandums , etc. J5 + M. a rzrzr . THE patent , undisputed fact THE Mc000K TRIBUNE has not as customary - tomary , thrown off its outer garments - ents and whooped it up in an unsolicited - solicited manner for the county ticket , this fall , has caused Cols. Bishop of the Indianola Reporter and Smith of the Danbury News , two gentlemen who have but lately broken into the Republican party after swill , to lose much needed sleep and peace of mind. And the further fact that the publisher's father-in-law is the Populist nominee - inee for treasurer has quite upset and unbalanced them both. So with one accord these eminent pat , riots squat upon their haunches and attempt to bray THE TRIBUNE and its publisher out of the party , the while wagging their abnormal auricles most amusingly. Now , as to thefacts : THE TRIBUNE - UNE and its publisher have been ignored acid insulted upon every opportunity , so far in this cam- paign. It has been thrown into the teeth of the publisher that no man could be a Republican unless he subscribed to the tenets of a certain secret order that is now running the Republican party of Red Willow county , This paper has during the fourteen years of its publication been a Republican newspaper. Such it is now and it will doubtless remain of that political faith so long as the present - ent publisher is its owner. We point to the record , and defy successful - cessful contradiction. But failing in passing the secret society test- which tive submit is something new in. American politics in the history of the Republican party , "the last child of liberty"-we have been tabooed with studied effect , by certain party leaders and candidates - dates , in some instances by those whom we have supported for years. The support of THE TRIBUNE has not only been unsought , but its modest influence has been belittled and its editor misrepresented and his business boycotted. Under these circumstances the publisher of this paper has not at all felt justified in forcing its support upon the ticket , this , by thus doing adding - ding to insult felony. We submit this to candid minds. As to Col. Bishop's ungrateful thrusts , they are cowardly and inexcusable - excusable as well as maliciously mendacious. The Colonel's unholy - ly hunt for a deputyship has evidently - dently blinded him to every sense of fairness , decency or gratitude. He stabs friend and foe alike in his insane scramble for a promise of doubtful fulfillment. He will doubtless get his reward. Finally , as to the puny efforts of Col. Smith ; they are only worthy of notice as samples of presumption - tion and impudence , born perhaps of excusable ignorance. The callow - low young innocent should get him to a gunnery and blow out his biayings. His work is distinctly coarse. GEORGE W. NORRIS has been making a canvass of thb western part of the Judicial district , the past week or two , and from all we can learn he is everywhere making a favorable impression , friends and votes. Norris , we violate no confidence - fidence in stating , is of the tribe of Eli---and a winner. THE yokel of the Danbury News scarcely succeeds in breaking into the Republican party before in his ignorant impudence he presumes - sumes to read out of the party those who have fought the party's battles in the county for a dozen years or more. The poor , addle- pated fool. AMERICANS support "home in- dustries" at the ratio of ? 5 to 1. They spend $75,000,000 in Europe - rope seeing the sights , every year , to $1,000,000 in America to see the matchless Niagara , Yellowstone - stone Park , Yosemite Valley etc. Is Colonel Bishop's anxiety to write THE TRIBUNE"out of politics" his expression of gratitude for THE TRIBUNE'S support of his patron , last fall ? Or does the Colonel thus hope to solidify his chances for a deputyship ? LORD SCULLY , owner of scads of Nebraska soil , is visiting in the state. He is now plain William Scully , having taken out naturalization - zation papers upon his recent arrival - rival from Ireland. JOHN BULL is playing ' second fiddle to Uncle Sam in about everything - thing except finance , just now. J. B. holds the money bags. , .Y A . , S d ' Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , DR. R 1 CREAM BAKING PO1WDLR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder : Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. INDIANOLA. Pearl Shumaker visited Cubert- ] bertson relatives , last wPe1c. The state supreme court has adjourned till October 15th. T. E. McDonald , the Danbury banker , was in town , Tuesday. S.RSmith was in Lincoln , Wednesday - nesday , on county-seat.business. Mrs. F. M , Kimmell was the guest of her parents , yesterday. Messrs. Haley and Smith drove to McCook , Sunday afternoon last. Mrs. C. W. Barnes and the baby are the guests of the grandparents this week. C. W. Beck came home from a trip to York and Lincoln , Friday evening last. The Culbertson horse trial case will come up again on Saturday in the county court. Marion Powell and family arrived - rived home , Tuesday morning , from their western trip. Eli Akers and a number of others - ers attended lodge at Danbury on Saturday evening last , riles. Henry Whittaker and sister - ter , Miss Whittaker , were McCook visitors , last Saturday. Fred Story of Cambridge is collecting - lecting for the Wadsworth Hardware - ware and implement Co. R.MSmith's family came down from McCook , Tuesday evening , and they will keep house , liereaftei. Fred Woodcock came in with J.-.J. Lamborn's horse , Guy L , on Tuesday evening. He has lost but three races , this year. Mrs , John Welborn was the guest of Mrs. Page Francis near McCook , last week , returning home Friday evening. J. J , Lamborn was attending to his business interests in Indianola , the first of the week , leaving for Wilcox , Wednesday. evening. Supt. J. H , Bay ston and L. W Smith drove to DanburySaturday , to hear State Supt. Corbett. Miss Flora Rankin also attended fromn Indianola. We have been making a careful and thorough canvass of the political - ical situation here. There isn't a sore spot on the Republican body politic. Honest ! The high school orchestra began - gan practicing again , Wednesday evening. Several new players have joined and the orchestra now numbers - bers some fifteen or sixteen , , The Indianola school boy nine played at Danbury , Saturday afternoon - ternoon and came home easy win- ners. "Them boys can play ball" , as a Danbury young man , remark- ed. G. W. Norris , who will soon occupy and warm D. T. Welty's seat on the bench , spent Wednesday - day here , canvassing the situation , and figuring upon the size of his majority. It seems to be only a question of majority in Red Willow - low , as well as in the Fourteenth district. County Attorney Keyes and County Treasurer Meserve spent Tuesday in McCook on a replevin suit of the county , in the matter of the Noble failure. The county won the case , which is of large importance in its bearings , involving - ing as it does the collection of taxes. It is quite the general opinion here among the rank and file of Republicans that if Bishop of the Reporter would refrain from further - ther lying about Treasurer Meserve and misrepresentation of Editor gimme ] ] , he might do the Republican - lican ticket some service. It is just such dirty work as the Reporer is now engaged in that has been unfortunately assisting in reducing the Republican vote here. All fair-minded , honest tliinklg Republicans - publicans love the truth and hate ingratitude , So Bishop's admiring constituency here is not all it might be , , , - _ , , - - - , . . . " - - - - " - - ' .r--- o---- ' r Y _ ' ? ESTABLISHED IN 1886. STRICTLY ONE PRICE : . , . . A : . , : , . r C6. -v . . ' R t . -i , st I Our store is devoted exclusively to the a olei.fixing , : , ' . . , . ' . u p o f Boy and 11Ian.To , where else in Sot1tti veste n Neb { > l aska--ceitainly not in 1IcCook can comparisons be mad - - : . With our t' } I } , . , . e 11 it , I . Large Variety s 1 r Men's . ' & Boys' Clothing - ( ' X4.4 . I ! , 1 i HATS ! OAPS AND URNIHING 000DSI ' "I " . I t I ' ' _ : L ; _ , i z'I1 > iis fail the stock is more nearly lea fect thaii eves . a . C rlipr Ices--flla tit3 T considered.-ai . e always lower . than , . .4 elsewhere. - e only o nl T offer TRUSTwolfTIIY MElCIIANDISE . . . . , . . . il , A persoiial iris pection viii satisfy Voii , J J ; ( , I I . I . rY. 4 L : e : , McC00K .NEB , k. t Oct. 1195 , anagerk 1 . 1 THE RIVERSIDE OAK r , „ n , Ii i't ' I G . IK' f ' 1J h i' ' I - - - , 6 ' I l ! iI ! / 't ' , : = 1v. 1 % ,4. ? ti & Sr 'It . t We now have in stock a full line of the Riverside Oak , the Gem City Oak , and the Thos. White Oak Heaters-both soft and hard coal burners. In fact we have the finest thing in heating stoves to be bought in the market , or ever exhib ited in this city. Don't fail to see our Ventiduct Heaters. We also have the popular Square Oven Cook Stoves in stock. Everybody ought to have one of our Square Oven Cooks-they are the latest and the very best. COCHR AN & Co. This isabsolutely rust proof , every piece is guaranteed , and will be replaced if not as rep- resented. COCHRAN & Co. BUGGIES AND CARTS Remember , we are showing the best line of Buggies , Carts and Wa one to be seen in this part of the Republican valley. COCHRAN & Co. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. 0 TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone tip the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or overworked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. L. W. MCCONNELL & CO. CARSON & TAYLOR , Proprietors of the. . . . A SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. . - - --'V We respectfully solicit your business , and guarantee pure milk , full measure , and prompt , courteous service. SMITH , BondedAbstracter1 _ B. G. GOSSARD , Asst. INDIANOLA , - - NEBRASKA , JULIUS KUNERT - Carpet Laying , are eanin . : rI am still doing carpet laying , carpet cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See or write me before giving such work. My charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at TRIBUNE office. JULIUS KUNERT. J. S. MCBRAYER , PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line , BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. 'Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. . , l f Ten ens , . . . . . . . . . i , . i Will very easily i f f , ayer 2 4 sheets } ' . . ' p aver and 24 env = t . _ elopes. .75G. gets a better. . , oc. some _ , I thing good. 2.5G. ' . a s lendid . t Soc. a superb box , " ' and 35c. an elegant + i i and stylish after , t , ' . at the Stationery ,1 De artme , ° t of Tjie . 1 1 , , 1' , , McCook . . I g 'f ' Tribune. ' ' : .FU . { , ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S. CORDEAL I , . . . 1 1 , I : Notary Public , : Reliable , insurance , 1 , , Collection I' Agent. , - tri t . ! ri 1 ! t : ' t11 { ri have removed from my f' ' old stand into the Ganscboe i building , first door south of lie- } Groff & Co , where I am displaying - , playing a larger and finer stock : \ 11 of CIGARS , TOBACCOS and , SMOKERS' GOODS than I r have ever carried before. Your patronage is solicited. i j ; J. H. BENNETT- - , 1 J y T ; r . S R- 11 l 'I l 1 , Tr that 15 ce ntbog ' paper a t THE TRIG UxE office. Worth 25 et s. 1 Also cheap er grades. - Read the best coup , r ' newspaper-that's The McCook Tribune every time. , . .3 . ti - -.f f r