! . ' i . it , 3 ! , I E ' - % _ , - . rucw r1 , ' Just a little adlet . Is your business rather glow - I'laccd with careful flJJQ And } oursales a trifle low ? # I . Aiakes a mi ( ; ht Y flflfl + Do Y ou care toswell their size ? I t : , " 1n this pleasant land , ] mead TILE TRIBU B and adxertise. ; : I ' yfc 'ka'ic ' Elasflc &aDcs c c d jc t3c , 'i ttcat3c > c csNs eald ; ; ' r I i i FOURTEENTH YEAR , . MCCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , OCTOBER 11 , 1895. NUMBER 2 ? . McCook Picnic at Long Beach , Cal. s Adelegation of the McCook people o f Los Angeles left the city , last Sunday , . . September 22d , for a day at the ocean. Leaving Los Angeles at 9 a. me a pleasant - ant half-hour's ride through orange groves , fruit and alfalfa farms landed us at the popular seaside resortLong Beach. The first two hours were spent in walking - ing through the parks and over the city. r A charming retreat was found under the cypressand magnoliasand all did justice toabountiful"repast prepared fortheoc- ' casion. The sound o the waves dashing a. Cu the shore hurried us to don our bathing - , ing suits and solve the problem of "What are the wild waves saying" . All enjoyed the dip except Doctor Odell , who being ' afraid of the water could not be coaxed in. Al. Bump being time lion of the occasion - casion dared not let go of the life 1inP consequently came out with a bloody nose. : After all had quenched their thirst with the briny water we decided to gather shells , the beach affording excellent - cellent opportunities , being six miles in length. After wandering along the shore and watching the sun setover the placid ' waters of the Pacific , the train whistle reminded - minded us that the day's outing was over , ' a tired crowd boarded the cars , wishing that the rest of the McCook people could have shared the day's pleasure. The following families were present : C. W. Paine and family , EB.Odell and family , . Alex. Weaver and family , F. S. Granger and family , Hiram Thrailkill and family , ILG.Terrill and family , A .G. Bump and ' t - wife , Mrs , Cora Kelley and boys , Misses Gertie and Edith Coleman , 3' FROM ONE OE THE CROWD , Had a Little Reunion. r On September 22d , the McCook colony in California had a little reunion at Long I Beach which is described by "The Eye" " t as follows : A merry party , well met , came down , . from Los Angeles , last Saturday , to en- t joy to the fullest extent the pleasure of I our matchless beach. The party upon their arrival were chaperoned by Thomas McCarthy , the real estate man , whoever has his piece at tongue's end , and who lost no time in presenting the claims that our town holds heir to. The party consisted of E. B. Odell and family , A. I ' G. Bump and family , H. Thrailkill and family , F. S. Granger and family , Alex. Weaver and family , C. W. Paine and family , Mrs. Kelley and family , Mrs. Terrill and family and the Misses Edith and Gertrude Coleman. Their coming was in the nature of a reunion , nearly , if not all being old acquaintances in Dic- Cook , Nebraska. They were completely I t captivated with our surroundings which will possibly result in locating a number of them in our midst. i S. H. Colvin and family , E. R. Curtis I i and family , and F. W. Heard and family i of Santa Ana were expected , but a high I wind made the drive inadvisable , f Tracheotomy Performed. i : It was deemed + necessarv , Wednesday , I tr perform an operation for the relief of s little Vance , the two--ear-old son of ' Reuben Trowbridge of South McCook , The child has been seriously ill with the dreaded diphtheria. Wednesday , the disease rapidly took on the membranous . form and an immediate operation had to be quickly performed. Dr. Gage performed - formed the operation-technically called I tracheotomy in surgery-making an opening into the windpipe , and inserting - ing a silver tube through which the 'i child may breathe temporarily until nat - t Lure resumes its proper function , The , f operation was performed alone by the doctor and with quite gratifying results , t . The child seems to be getting along satisfactorily - ; ' isfactorily , and if too much poisonous matter has not been or is not absorbed in tothe little one's system , a recovery may be expected. 4 LATER-The child died last night , the I membrane forming below the tube , and a bafliing human skill. The parents and ' friends have much sympathy expressed , t in their behalf. The funeral took place , this afternoon. { A Piano Recital. m A charming little musical event took place at the residence ofV. . S. Perry on 4 Tuesday evening of this week. We refer I to the felicitous piano recital given by the pupils of Miss Bertha Boyle. The numbers were rendered with excellent effect and to the credit of both pupils 4 and teacher , while it evidently afforded much genuine pleasure to the small corn- pany present , consisting mainlyof the parents and pupils. Miss Boyle is doing - Painstaking , conscientious and successful - ful work in her chosen field. The Coming Play. Some time in the closing day's of this month , local talent will place upon the boards at the Menard"Caste" , an excellent - lent , high grade comedy. Some of the best talent of the city will appear in this play , which will be given under the auspices ofthe Lady Maccabees of our city. An excellent play may be expect- ed. Particulars may be given next week. , I The Bank of Wilsonville is the last bank to fail to comply with the requirements - : -ments of the new banking act which wouldenable it to obtain a charter. The state banking board took possession of the bank , yesterday , with Examiner Cline in possession.-Wednesday's State Journal. 1 , . . } 3.W. Leisure , the Republican nominee for county clerk , is canvassing the nest end , this week , with satisfaction. . An original pension was granted Peter B. Glover of Valley Grange precinct on . September 23. The Knights of Pythias are holding a grand lodge meeting in Grand Island , this week. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. . .1 ; : a. . . C RAILROA'I ) Engineer Robert McElfiainy is still in the city. The pay car made its monthly visit , last evening. Messenger Lawrence of the Cheyenne line recently married an Oberlin lady , Walter Washburn has recently been transferred from Inavale to , Axtell as agent. Mrs. C , A. Dixon returned home , Sunday night , from a short trip to Platts- mouth. Hugh Brown was among the visitors to Denver , first of the week , to see the "Messiah" . Brakeman Ed Caffery and bride arrived home , Sunday night , from a brief wedding - ding trip. , Chief Dispatcher Forbes went to Grand Island , Tuesday , on Knights of Pythias business. Charlie Williams is firing 309 on passenger - senger for Johnson. Walt Stokes for Westland on 234. Auditor W. P. Foreman dropped down from Denver , Tuesday , on business of the auditing department. Conductor Jimmie Burns thinks that a handshake with the Denver "Messiah" will help one to walk straighter. Conductor and Mrs. J. W. Line arrived home , Tuesday night , and are receiving the congratulations of their friends. Dispatcher R. B. Simmons and family arrived home , first of the weed , from a long visit to relatives in Detroit , Mich. 149 had 53 cars west , Saturday. An extra 54 empties for BrushColoradoFri- day evening , for a big cattle shipment east. One of the leading milliners of , the state has been engaged at the Dodd house for several weeks. A prominent B. & M. official might explain why.- Republican City Democrat. Yardmaster Thomas Burge and wife , B. G. Batten , wife and child , "and Mrs. George Bowman made a trip to Denver , last week , to shake hands with the "Messiah" . Engineer U. G. Wolfe is down from the Fremont county , Wyoming , gold mines , where he has been assisting in the development of the mines for a num- ber'of months. Thomas Combs , a former Burlington engineer , and who was let out of the service for alleged order sympathies and membership , passed through here , Saturday - urday morning , for Florida , it is stated. Billy Koll will shortly procure the necessary papers from Judge Everson . .As the auspicious day approaches a lovely smile illumines the countenance of Al. O'Neil.-Republican City Demo- crat. Brakeman William Louden of Sheridan - dan , has been discharged for fighting. He struck Conductor Joe Fay with a lantern. . . .Engineer L. I. Deserve returned - turned to work , yesterday , after being laid up for a month with a badly scalded head and neck.-Alliance Grip. Theremains of Mrs. A , Evans , wife of the Union Pacific agent at Raymond , who died on Saturday in this city , were taken to Wahoo , yesterday , for inter- ment.-Tuesday's journal. The deceased - ed was a cousin of Mrs. J. E. Robinson of our city , where she has visited a few times and made friends who will be saddened - dened by the news of her death. L. E. Cann left , last Tuesday morning , for McCook , where he has a position in the B & M. dispatcher's office. A reception - ception and social were given by the young people of the city in his honor , as he was very popular. Too much can not be said in favor of this young man , as was evidenced by the great interest manifested.-Oxford Standard. It was stated bya - well informed Sheridan - idan gentleman in Hyatville , this week , that G. W. Holdrege , general manager of the B. & M , railroad , and Mr. E Gillette - lette , formerly identified with that railroad - road as a civil engineer , have arrived to starta town site at the mouth of the Stinkingwater , and they propose to call it "Shosone" . If true this movement is significant of an important railroad movement in the basin.-Big Horn County Rustler. To California in a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally conducted - ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado - rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday - day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists } travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the nearest - est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. A western man has decreed that bicycling - cycling shall go on all winter. All you have to do is to replace the front wheel with a leg with a skate on the end of it , i take off the tire from the hind wheel _ and replace it with an "ice tire" , and you can go faster than ever before on good ice. The girls may as well begin to draw plans for winter bloomers im- mediately. General Mahone of Virginia , the ex- Confederate general , died in Washington - ton , D. C. , Monday , aged 69 years. . ' i- Mrs. Barger held a successful millinery opening on Saturday evening , We undersand that Mrs. Barnett does not intend to open her millinery bazar , this fall or winter. The Hatfields shipped in four carloads of cattle , Tuesday on 71 , which they will feed for market on their ranch east of the city. Observe time change of advertisment by the Famous Clothing Co , , this week. They offer nothing but Trustworthy Merchandise - chandise and at Strictly One Price. The infant daughter of Nick Kruger of Little Russia died on Monday. The remains were buried in Longview cenie- tery , Tuesday afternoon. Sometime the close of this or first of next month the ladies of the Degree of Honor of the A. 0. U. W will give a ball. An enjoyable evening may properly - erly be expected. If you are in favor of eartliern embankments - , bankments instead of wooden bridges drop into this office and sign our petition to the county commissioners to that effect fect , and test the idea thoroughly. Comrades II , H. Benson and H , H , Berry addressed the Hitchcock county veterans' reunion at Trenton , Weduesday evening , Congressman Andrews is expected - pected to speak to , the old soldiers today. We imagine there are people in Mc- Cook who are better pleased over H. H , Berry's not being renominated for justice of the peace than the elder is himself who does not appear to be strictly in the ' altogether" . The indications are that there will be a regular exodus to Denver , Saturday and Sunday nights , to seek time supposed healing power of time "Messiah" . Mesdames - dames McBrayer and Griggs and the hat- ter's son Bert will be of the pilgrims. An electric light built to accommodate 110 volts of electricity ; won't stand 220 volts. At least one of our very esteemed citizens , who has been using electricity without money and without price , found that to be a fact the other night. And lie has been so sly : The T : D. thinks reformers are subjects - jects of suspicion or general principles. What is , is right The Roosevelts need watching. But then the T : D. is a standing - ing excuse-a fence. No word of warning or of correction is expected from it. The fame of Schlatter , the man who is apparently causing such boundless excitement - citement and feverish interest in Denver , has spread to our city , and every train carries people to Denver to feel his alleged - leged health-giving touch and to hear the words which shall make them whole. Among the articles in. Noble's store attached for taxes were the shelving , counters etc. These were replevined by Rooney & McAdams. The case was tried on Tuesday and unresisted judgment was secured by the county to the suns of something like $65. The following costs are about $7. It is of vital importance i to this county that that the ability to collect taxes be maintained. If the problem of obtaining direct energy from coal is solved , and that a t horse power can be produced from three- quarters of a pound of coal per hour , t without smoke or dirt , then those of our i people who have recently invested in coal lands would better sell out to some s person who has money and go into some business they understand. Westinghouse is now building the engine that is to solve the problem , and he will most likely - t ly succeed. This will lower the sales of coal eiglmty per cent , and drive thousands - t ands of people to some other method of making their livelihood. - BARGAIN COUNTER. , t ti Fine Box Paper at McMillen's. Go to McMillen for Lamp supplies. Wallpaper 4 cents a roll at McConi i well's. Wall paper 4 cents a roll at McCon- nell's. For a fall medicine-try a bottle Mc- f Connell's Sarsaparilla and Burdick. I lb. Bird Seed and a piece of Cuttle Bone 10 cents. No dirt-no millet. L. W MCCONNELL & Co. i Fifteen (15) ( cents will buy a box of nice writing paperat this office , containing - taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. 1 Improve your opportunities and have our eyes tested in a scientific and a practical tical manner manner by the Omaha specialist at C. A. Leach's jewelry store. \VANTED-Farm lands in Red Willows and adjoining counties to trade for o stocks of goods. No objection to small t mortgage. Address , giving description c and price , Lock Box 14 , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Fred W. Carruth offers at private sale S on his farm 2 miles south of town : One e span of good mules , one set of work harness - ness , wagon , riding cultivator , stirring a plow , roller , subsoil plow , hog rack , and other articles too numerous to mention. 5 Truman C. Beardsley , of Omaha , specb alist in Tenses for the eyes , will be at C. e ' . Leach's jewelry store , Oct. 9th to p 16th. ' All errors of refraction corrected. n If you have headache , if your eyes are are troubling you , or your glasses are not giving you satisfaction , consult him. Eyes tested free , and all corrections t guaranteed. m mn D r. Price's Cream Baking Powder ° DAwarded 1 Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fur , San Fraadsc . . , ; . - ' - ' ¶ HWRE A , J. RITTENIIOUSE is in Iowa on law business. J. T. BULLARD was down from Palisade - ade over Sunday. ELnER GOCKLEY went down to Holbrook - brook , lust week. MR. MCKENNA , father of P J. and J. W. , is vilitjng in the city. I.'A.'SIIERIDAN and B. R. Banks were in the metropolis , Wednesday. W. R. STARR and C. H , Russell were up from the count-seat , yesterday. DR , B. B. DAvIs is expected in the city , tomorrow , on a business visit. J. W Hu drove over to Lebanon , first of the week , on important bank business , DEACON MORLAN is visiting in Michigan - igan and Wisconsin , in company with his wife. C. ARMSTRONG and Frank Everist were iii Cambridge , close of last week , on business. MRS. J. E. KELLEY and Mrs. C. W. Knights "followed time crowd" to Denver on last night's passenger. G.W. NORRIS , our next district judge , was in political headquarters for the Republican valley , Tuesday. MISS SALLIE FURNAS returned to Lincoln , close of last week , after a short visit to Mrs , B. B. Lowman. MR. AND MRS. C. F. BABCOCK drove clown to Cambridge , Wednesday afternoon - noon , returning last evening. CHARLES MILLER , the Fairmont banker - ker , was in the city , yesterday , guest of J. W. Hupp , his business colleague. POSTMASTER MEEKER returned home , Sunday night , from a visit of a few days on business in eastern Nebraska. MRS. CHARLES LEIIN and mother , Mrs. Kessler , left this week , on a visit in Sioux City and Earling. Iowa. 0. FRosr was up from Bartley , last Friday evening , figuring with the boys on the Republican majoriny this fall. Miss Ar IEE MENARD was among the pilgrims to Denver , Wednesday night , to seek the healing touch of Schlatter. JOE SHANK of Max , Dundy county , was in the city , first of the week , having Dr.Kay operate upon his lip for a cancer. MESDAMES HALEY and Cullen went up to Denver , Monday night , to see the healer , returning home , Tuesday night. S. CORDEAL expects shortly to move his office Into time old Drysdale tailor shop building , north of the Commercial hotel. A. A. WELLER , of Syracuse , Nebraska - ka , arrived in the city , Tuesday night , and is the guest of his partner , C. L. De- Groff. MRS. N. L. CRONKHITE was in the cit } , early part of the week , looking after ter her business affairs here and here. abouts. MRS. W. S. MORLAN is visiting in i Zisconsin. Her sister , Margaret Evans , s looking after the residence during her absence. W. T. HENTON , the redoubtable Republican - publican warrior from Danbury , was over exchanging notes with the boy's , Monday. MCMILLEN BROS. will soon occupy lie Farmers amid Merchants bank build- ng with their stock of harness and addlery. ' J. W. LEISURE was in the city , fore part of the week. He and C. B. Gray are canvassing this part of the county , his week. J. P. A. BLACK'was up from Blooming - on , Tuesday , on some land business for Andrew Anderson and John Bloom , rho were also here. PETE FARLEY was down from Slmeri- dan , Wyoming , fore part of the week , on some business. He left for home , Thursday evening. JAMES HATBIELD Caine in from Deca- ur , Illinois , Monday night , and is spend- rig a few days here on business connected - ed with the big ranch. MRS. T. R. SToCKToN of Kansas City arrived iii the city , Monday night , amid s the guest of her daughter , Mrs. A. C. Ebert. A little niece also. _ H. C. HENSEL of the Lincoln Newspaper - paper Union spent Wednesday in the city on business connected with time de- unct Enterprise , on whose press they hold a mortgage. H. J.VHITMORE , national bank examiner - aminer , was in the city , Monday , exam- ning the condition of tine First National hank , which , it goes without saying , he found in good shape. MESSRS. J. B. KELLEY , C. G. Cog- izer , Tom Wilkinson and Fred Wash- burn organized a councilof the A. P. A. t Red Cloud , with a charter member- hip of 40 , so we heard stated. WILLIAM B. JONES of Lincoln , state ecretary of the A. P. A. , delivered a lec- tire on "The Necessity and the Objects f the A. P. A. " , last Saturday evening , i o a crowded house in the hall of Couu- il ioo. MR. JAMES , father of Mrs. Frank Ratliff , of Brush creek , left for Missouri , aturday morning , to arrange for an any return to make his home here , where he has found great relief from sthma. R. B. HOWELL of Omaha and H. A. t Cott of Lincoln , members of the state t oard of irrigation , came in from the ast , Monday night , going up the Im- erial line on Tuesday morning , on busi- ess of the board. MESDAMES T. B. CA3IPBELL and H.G. Borneman and Rev. H. L. Preston , who were delegates from the McCook church o the Republican Valley association eeting , first of the week , arrived home n Wednesday night. They report a arge attendance and a fine meeting. . . , ; - - - - - - "Now time candidates are rustling As the days are going bye , And the way that they are hustling , While the days go bye , Would lead one to expectate , That they feared an awful fate , Amid before it is too late , Each opponent they'd checkmate , While the days are going bye" . Genius is a capacity for utilizing spare time. This is a very- prolific country for dues , and patriots. Don't speak of people accepting the inevitable ; they simply get it. The next nmeeting of time county commissioners - missioners will be held on November It. This is the season of white parasols , summer hats , wraps and fall overcoats. Frank Carruth arrived home on this morning's passenger front his Denver visit. The baby express brought in a son for Mr , and Mrs. C. C. Squires , last Saturday - day morning , The honeymoon may be considered at an end when the groom reads the morning - ing paper to himself at the breakfast table. The supreme court has refused a rehearing - ing in time famous Dole-Stratton breach of promise suit and Miss Dole thus wins finally and conclusively some to or 12 thousand dollars , The best human sentiments are not begotten outof legal enactinent. Patriotism - ism , religion , home love , grow from within - in ; they cannot be forced upon us from without. One of our exchanges is becontinb skeptical : The scriptures" it says , tell us that man is but dust. Now dust settles : but many of our subscribers don't settle" . Something wrong somewhere - where sure enough. A Coleman precinct farmer gives it as his opinion and experience that the eastern - ern and southern corn planted in thmat precinct were more responsible for time small corn crop than time dry weather. A large acreage of such corn did not mature. Really , too great care cannot be taken in time selection of seed corn. It must be of the early-maturing variety , only. Plant ninety daycorn. . Last week a man slipped up to us and said he would pay us every cemt : he owed us if he lived until Saturday night. We presume the man died. Another said he would pay us in a day or two as sure as we were born. Query : Did the uman lie or were we never born ? Another said he would settle as sure as shooting. We are led to the conclusion that shooting is not very certain. Another hoped he would go to the devil if he did not pay us in three days. Haven't seen hint since ; suppose - pose lie has gone , but trust he has not hoped in vaui. Quite number said they would see us tomorrow. These have beemi stricken blind or else tomorrow has not come. One man told us he would pay us as soon as lie got some money. That man would not lie , so of course he has not had a cent since.-Ex. it &X3 THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. i Supt. Smith of time Indianola schools eras a brief visitor in our city , last evening - ning , between trains. One of time school teachers received a Christman gift , this week. "Everything comes to him who waits" . L. A. Carnahan , who is not averse to becoming our next county superintendent - ent , was a visitor , Wednesday. Mrs. N. L. Cronkhite will likely address - dress the Lantern class tonight on the subject of her European travels. J. H Fowler was indisposed , Thursday - i day afternoon , and Supt. Valentine had Grades 2 and 3 , east , in charge during that session. Supt. Valentine made a trip to Hold- rege , Wednesday , to visit the public schools at that city and to arrange for a game of foot ball between the teams of the two high schools Will Walters is here from Omaha , this week , visiting the family and greeting his many friends among the pupils. He would have been a member of the graduating - uating class had lie remained in the sys- tem. He is living with F. H. Spearman and family. Will is a prime favorite iii the high school. Last Saturday evening the members of the Twelfth grade organized a surprise party on Frank Forman , who left this week to attend the Orleans college. A splendid feast consisting of ice cream and cake and several kinds of fruits and also many other delicacies , was enjoyed. The remainder of the evening was spent n variousamuserents and thecompany dispersed at a late hour , having enjoyed I themselves heartily. Although Frank has only been in the McCook schools a short time he has made many friends and is a general favorite - orite in his grade. Although the schools have had no debating - bating society , when the Wednesday Evening Club was organized ten or fif- een minutes was set apart in which to ransact business , and generally some pretty lively discussions ensued. But yen that has died out , and some half dozen pupils have now organized a debating - bating club which will occupy an hour at the regular meetings of the Wednesday - day Evening Club. A suitable subject will be chosen and there will be three for and three opposed. The subject for next Wednesday will be : "Will curiosity lead man farther on than necessity - cessity will drive him. " - ' alk 3cyBcs'tc 't Itcudc T CITY i FJ 't 'Sd relc c ' LIr REV. FORMAN amid family moved to I I ' Beaver this ek. City , we 1 REV. J A. BADCON's fanmily are now ° in time city. They will occupy the W.M. Anderson residence upon its vacation by time family. METHODIST-There will be the usual church services , morning and evening. Sunday school and the Leauge nmeetings. REV. J. A BADCON , Pastor. e BAPTIST-No preaching services , Sun- day. Bible school , at Io a , In. Toting 3 r People's Union at 7 a. iii. ; subject , i . . "Preparations for Service" ; Miss Bertha Boyle , leader. All are cordially invited 4 to these services. Time Bible school corn- i ; menced , last Sunday umorning , a year's 1 study of time history of the Apostolic 7'4 church. ; 1 CONGREGATIONAL-Time tlienie will be "Safety and Danger" ; the evening topic , „ ' "The Day-dawn" . Endeavor society at 7 o'clock ; topic , "How may our Society do Better Work" ? Time meeting will be led by time president , 1' . B , Caumpbell. Sunday school at to o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all the services of the church. HART L. I'RESTON , I'astor. . s e } e NICKELS AND DIMES. lI t S - : : : : : = : : - - - - - -a _ = - : : - _ - - . = ; :4 : School supplies at McMillen's. McMilleu has a full line of Lamps. Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters. Wall paper 4 cents a roll at McCon- nell's. Nail paper 4 cents a roll at McCou- nell's. McMillen has a very fine assortuieut of Writing Tablets. For a fall medicine-try a bettle Mc- Connell's Sarsaparilla and Burdick. I lb. Bird Seed and a piece of Cuttle Bone Io cents. No dirt-no millet. L. W. MCCoNNELL & CO. Land ! Land ! Land ! e I have fife largest list of lands otm uiy i books of any agency in southwestern Nebraska , and all of these lands can be bought right and at prices tlmat will make the purchaser money. But in addition ' to my regular list I have a few tracts upon which I took options , last spring , and for time next 6o days I can sell these lands at dry weather prices. There are some very finealfalfa landsamong them. C. F. BABCOCK. Office ott Main St. , opposite hotel. Reduction in Coat. 7 We are selling Hard Coal lower than t ever before amid have reduced the price I of Canyon City to $7oo per ton. At the prices we are selling at , we would be glad if the money were sent along with the order , and when the coal is not paid for on delivery , we must insist on the money the 1st of the month or the pay day following. BARNETT Lt 1nER CO. ' ' i Coal. We have bought our stocks of IIard and Soft Coal and are making lower prices than ever before. Reduction in price of Canyon City and on both Eastern - ern amid Western hard Coal. BARNETT LCTIBER Co. Clothing. Tailor Made Suits. . . . $15.oo and upward Ready Made Suits. . . . S.oo and upward Children's Suits. . . . . . 3.0o and tmpwar m Underwear and Furnishing Goods. See samples at Babcock's room. I. T. BENJAMIN. A Girl Wanted , To do general Imousework. Apply to Dirs. J. F. Forbes , northwest corner of t Dennison and Monroe streets. S t 1 We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion is delinquent and you have the wood bring us in a load or two. The fireguard cry is being raised. It may be advantageous to give the matt your early attention. FOR SALE. 1,000 cattle feeders - ers ) for sale foe' cash 0E' ( ) n tlllle. . F. 5. Wu cox. Canyon City Lump Goal , $ i a ton W. C BULLA1W & Co. See us abort llai'd coal before - fore you buy. Canyon City coal 7 per ton , delivered in ourbin. . Other kinds of coal soft and hard Jt equally low prices. Toone & McAdams. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder world's Fair Highest Medal aad Diploma.