A N- - I - - . . . - re . , - - ' r 1 _ 1s w- 1 LILL LLSL L1'a L S 1SS11p SL . 0 U R : . , , . 4 , , , y i/ e k4 F r 6 : - - I GOODS t r . a .Ir , . ARRIVED . . We have an exceedingly .complete and full assortment of Dry Goods , Carpets and Millinery. Ili ? 0 1 en1nnaa Opening will take ace on Wednesday afternoon an eevening , t te will sow a superb stock of Millinery and Dress Goods. - r . iv0'rnUff $ Oil , I Dry Goods , Carpets , Millinery. rrvV v ' lOiti d J F r CANSCHOW THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. X111 I U ° WOVOV oO I d ° o OVp l a o0 o \ 1 v c Ij I 0 0 j o , i ALLLiADERS - , -0 rA5HIoNp : : : o % OEGLARE AS ONE VOICE , p.r . -g ° t. . YHgYtiJEARRESISTERS o. Ow : Z 1FORFc LJCAq -p I5 YHEIR FIRST CHOICC"'O- o Ov ro B.LE 5-GO o , . I B0.5T0Nti IQ o , Y ' /0 0 I / D\ r o0 00 aPO 000 , -oo 0 ° ° 1 Good Suggestioll ! Is like a crying baby at a public meeting , it ¶ Ought to be Carried Out Those J. B. Lewis Shoes are suggestive of all that . P ertains to Style , Fit , and Good Wearing Qualities at a Reasonable Price. I We. Suggest Thai You Buy a Pair THEY ARE SOLD BY-OF COURSE YOU KNOW CANSCHOW , THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. 1 N , 'II TIME TAALE. . .vww Ooisa EAST -CENTRAL TIME--LEAVEF. No , : , through passenger. . . . . . . . . i:55 A. M. No. 4 , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 P. M. No , 76 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. M. No. 64 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 A. M. No. SO , freight . . . . . . . . . .10:00 A. M. No. 118. freight , made up bore. . . . . . 5:00 A. M. GOINO VEST-MOUNTAIN TIME-LEAVES. No. 3through passenger . . . . . . . . . ] 1:4oP.74. No. 5 , local passsenger. . . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 P. M. No. 03 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 P. M. No. 77. freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 : P.M. No.149 , freight , made up bere . . . . . 6:00 : A. M. IMPERIAL LINE : MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 175. leaves at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 A. M. No. ] 76 arrives at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:40 P. bt. NOTE-No. 63 CarrIes passengers for Stratton. Beakelman and Halgler. All trains run daily excepting 148,149 and 176. which run daily except 5undsty. No. 3stops at nenkelman and Wray. No. 2 stops at Indianola , Cambridge and Ar- apaboe. No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapabne. Nos. and 176 carry passengers for all Atatlons. When No. So is annulled No. I4S will leave at 8.eo a. m. central time. You can purchase at this office tickets to al. principal points in the United States and Can ada and baggagr checked through to desttna tlon without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates , cle. call on or address C. E , MACNEII. Agnetl Mrs. Ed. Beyrer visited Red Cloud relatives , last week. Auditor Poreman was down from Denver on business of his office , Wed- nesday. Mesdames C. E. Pope and Margaret Oyster arrived home , Monday night , from the state fair. Dr. E. T. Waters will entire charge of the Burlington relief department at this place for the present. \ill Brown went down to Orleans , Monday night , to assume the duties of regular operator at that station. Mrs. Mack Hughes is improving from an attack of typhoid fever. She was very low for a while , and her recovery was in doubt. Dr. J. A. Denney of Chicago , general medical director of the Burlington voluntary - untary relief department , was in the city , Sunday , while out on the Western division on business of the department. R. S. Nclhaney , formerly an engineer - gineer on this division , spent part of the week in the city , on his way to California - nia to enter the service again. He was discharged while in Pennsylvania on a visit for alleged affiliation with the order of railway engineers. M. Mckinnon , for ten years car accountant - countant of the Burlington , has resigned his position. He has been succeeded by G. P. Faucan. John Banks has been appointed - pointed assistant night yardmaster to succeed W. A. Manchester. Elmer Hutton - ton has been promoted to the office of the storekeeper's department.-Lincoln cor. Omaha Bee. The Burlington figures its loss by the fire on the bad order tracks , last Thursday - day morning , at about $9,500 , divided as follows : Fourteen cars , $6ooo ; lumber shed and contents , $3ooo ; blacksmith shop and tools , $ lee ; carpenter shop , tools and material , $ joe ; office , $50. No further light has been thrown on the origin of the fire , but it was probably either from the blacksmith forge or from sparks from engines.-Lincoln Journal. Fireman R. L. Harris has gone to Red Cloud , Nebr. , on a short vacation. . . . Miss Clara Bonnet , sisterof Mrs. Phelan , left this morning to visit friends at Slier- idan..Engineer 1' . A. Haley of Sheridan - . dan , will circulate among his McCook friends , next week. . . .Engineer L. I. Meserve who was scalded Sept. 7th , is getting along nicely , and will be able to work in about two weeks.-Alliance Grip. - Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Braden departed on 4 , Tuesday evening , for Beardstown , Illinois , where the Doctor has been transferred to take the place in the Burlington - lington voluntary relief department which Dr. Erhart of that city has just resigned. Beardstown is a division point on the Q's southern line , and has a population - ulation of about 5,000. This appointment - ment is in the line of promotion for the Doctor , upon which his admirers in this city congratulate him warmly. Both the Doctor and his estimable wife have during - ing their comparatively short residence among us formed a large circle of friends , and they all join THETRISUNEin wishing - ing them every good thing in their new home-though sincerely regretting their removal from the city. FOR THE Campaiqn ! 'e Weekly Omaha Bee TO JANUARY 1 , 1896 , FOR CENTS. The campaign this fall v ril ] be full of interest to all Nebraska voters. The Bee proposes to discuss the issues in its usual fearless manner. Send 1 cents for the best paper in the west. 12 Pages Each Issue. [ j 1 0000 1 , i Worth Seasonable MerchandisL ; ' Just Received. gA , r DRY GOODS. tT X3,000 , . . p : : : X1,000 , Kits aid. Caps. ' ikuOO , Boots alid Slioos1 m3rI00 , C1otliiu aild Overcoats. a Cloaks aid Jackets. ,500 , , Capes , . Lj This , together with the stock on hand , makes the Largest Stock top m ; select from between Hastings and Denver. Most of our goods. were It bought before the recent advance in prices , amdd you will get the benefit of the Low Prices. 100 Pairs of 10-4 Blankets at 50c. a g > air. , Other ; ; oOd values in Blsinsr BLANKETS.a up to X5.00 z Pamir. 300 lolls Cotton Battii b 5c. rall. 500 Yards of GOOI OLltlllg FhLIIIICl _ PT n 1\T at 5c. L yal'l The best values you JI.1 1. ! FI ! IY 1.1 111 I jI , ' ' ever s , r at lOc. end 12 > c. Others 1 J s ask 12 ½ c. and 15c. for samee fygt ti. d w n See our Covert Suitings at S I-c. ' SIhITINGS , yard. Only 200 3 tiids at this price , You can't afford to miss seeing our ( Yj A Cloak Stock if 3 on need anything in ? UL 0 TjS ' , ' ' , ' . l i , Ladies' Misses' or Children's Cloaks ecG' .3 or Jackets. We sell a Combin < ttion Suit for Boys 4 to 14 years old , 1 cast , pairs pants and cap for $3.50. o SUI S. 1 U . Ask to see them. Other splendid TW values in Childreai's Suits from { ice 75c. to(1r.00 ( apsnit. Grocery stock . .ill pit a11 tinnes be complete with a fresh and staple GRO CERI S. . Stock. Pr01211)t delivery. You , vill r4 , get right prices in this department. tttls The Cash Store C. L. DeGJIOFF & CO , ii