G D V GG flT r ( From the Journal , Detroit , Mich. ) Every one in the vicinity of Metdrum avenue and Champlalr street , Detroit , knows Mrs. McDonald , and many a neighbor has reason to feel grateful to her for the kind and friendly interest she has manifested In cases of Illness. She is a kind-hearted friend , a natural nurse , and an intelligent and refined lady. To a reporter she recently talked at some length about Dr. William's Pink Pills , giving some very interesting Instances - stances In her own immediate knowledge - edge of marvelous cures , and the universal - versal beneficence of the remedy to those who had used it. " I have reason to know , " said Mrs. McDonald , "something of the worth of this medicine , * or it has been demonstrated - strated in my own immediate family. My daughter Ktttie is attending high chool , and has never been very strog ' ( since she began. I suppose she studies ( hard , and she has quite a distance to go every day. When the small-pox broke out all of the school children had to be vaccinated. I took her over to Dr. Jame- son and he vaccinated her. I never saw such an arm in my life and the doctor said he never did. She was broken out on her shoulder's and back and was just as sick as she could be. To add to it alt neuralgia set in and the poor child was in misery. She Is naturally of a nervous temperament end she suffered most awfully. Even after she recovered the teuralgia did not leave her. Stormy days or days that were damp or preceded - ceded a storm , she could not go out at all. She was pale and thin and had no appetite. "I have forgotten just who told me about the Pink Pills , but I got some for her and they cured her right up. She has a nice color in her face , eats and sleeps well , goes to school every day , and is well and strong In every partic- ular. I have never heard of anything to build up the blood to compare with Pink Pills. I shall always keep them in the house and recommend them to my neighbors. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People - ple are considered an unfailing specific in such diseases as locomotor ataxia , partial paralysis , St. Vtus' dance , scIatica - atica , neuralgia , rheutratism , nervous headache , the after-effects of la grippe , f palpitation of the heart , pale and sal- I low complexions , that tired feeling resulting - sulting from nervous prostration ; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors I in the blood , such as scrofula , chronic t erysipelas , etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females , such as suppressions , irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from 'S mental worry- , overwork , or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers , or will be sent post paid on receipt of price (50 cents a box , or six boxes for $2.50-they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) ) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. , Schenectady , N. Y. A Joke That Is Not half True. It is a common joke that when a r man's wife is out of town he writes a mournful letter , and then goes around and has a high &d time. There is not much in that joke. It does not begin to do duty with the mother-in-law joke , and that is pushed far beyond its deserts. The fact is that out of a dozen men whose wives are out of the city for the summer there will be at least eleven who are really lonely and , in fact. put in a very miserable time. ' . 'hey do not feel willing to acknotvl- I edge it at first , and few like to have sympathy thrust upon them , but there are mighty few who do not in their hearts pay the highest kind of tribute to their wives and wish for their re turn.-Washington Star. 1m'orda Which Rhyme Not. The number of English nerds which have no rhyme in the language is very large , Five or six thousand at least - are without rhyme and consequently It can be employed at the end of the verse only by transposing time accent , coupling them with ad imperfect consonance - nance or constructing an artificial rhyme out of two words. Among the other words to which there arc no rhymes may be mentioned month , silver - ver , liquid , spirit , chimney. warmth , gulf. sylph , music , breadth , width , depth , honor , iron , echo. T HE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR. . Special Rates and Trains via the Bur- linzton Route. Round trip tickets to Omaha at the one way rate , plus 50 cents ( for admission con- con to time State Fair ) , will Le on sale Sep- - temnter 13th to 20th , at Burlington Route stations , in Nebraska , in Kansas on the i Concordia , Oberlin and St. Francis lines and in Jowa and Missouri within 100 miles of Omaha. Nebraskans are assured that the ' 9v State Fair will be a vast improvement on its prede ° essors Larger-more brilliant-bet- ter worth seeing. Every one who can dose so should spend State Fair week , timewho.e of it , in Omaha. The outdoor ceobrations : will be particularly - larly attractive. surpassing anythingof the kind ever beore undertaken by any western - ern city. Every evening , Omaha will be aflame with eertrie : lights and glittering rn eauts will rarado the streets. The program - gram for the evenin ; ceremonies is : Monday , Sept. loth-Grand Bicycle Car- nival. S Tuesday , Sept. llth-Nebraska s parade. Wednesday , Sept. 1Sth-Mmitary and civic rarmldc. ( 'Ihursdav , Sept. 10th-Knights of Ak-Sar- ben Parade , to be fol.o + + ed by the ' 'feast of Mondamin" . . Round trio tickets to Omaha at the reduced - duced rates above mentioned , as well as full information about time Burlington Route's train service at the time o time State Fair , can be had on application to the nearest B. & M. R. R. agent. Honmeseekers' ( Eicurslous. On Aug. 29th. Sept. 10th and " 4th , 1S9 : , the Union Pacific System will sell ticket from Council Bluffs and Omaha to point south and west in Nebraska and Kansas also to Colorado , Wyomin ; , Utah and Idaho , east of Weiser and south of Beaver Canon , at exceedingly low rates. For full information , as to rates and limits , apply S to A. C. Duxx , City Ticket Agent , 1302 Fsrnam St. , Omaha , Neb. ' A vein of coal five feet thick was found 00 feet deep near Louisville , ills. I Among the books announced by i harper & Brothers for publication in September is A Study of Death , by $ enry M. Alden , author of God in His World. The extraordinary success of Mr. A1den's previous book , which was pronounced "the most successful work of religious thought of the season , " and time most noteworthy book of a religious kind ( in style as well as in substance ) published in England or in America for many years , insures a suitable reception 'for A Study of Death -a book wholly uncommon , spiritual , 1 t hopeful and important , I The largest cut stone in the world is in the Temple of the Sun at Eaalbee. t - ' rr7)2 IFi II rr , y - : 'll li ll Illl ri ' A S ORYI' l1A rA - , - - W. JOHNSON. . , . IRGNl [ i o COPYRIGHT I$82 BY RAND.Mc NALLY Co CO. , . - rta , . . . ' , I S . uYl / ( 1 ; r INGERNATIONAL PRESS Ass'N , CHAPTER YII.-Contlnued.l "Where shall I go ? Where will you hide me ? " she demanded , with childish simplicity of confidence. The color mounted to the young man's cheek. , "I will take care of y on , " was his reassuring - assuring response , delivered after a moment of reflection. "Oh , carry me away from Malta on one of the ships ! " sighed Dolores , clinging to his arm. e F * s * e e The hour of departure of the Italian steamship Elettrico approached. ' 'he confusion and bustle incident to sailing - ing increased rather than diminished as the day advanced. Mrs. Fillingliamn trotted about to secure the best of evervthing for her invalid husband during the short voyage to Messina. ' 1'lme Signorina Giulia Melita , hoarse and very much wrapped up in shawls , trade petulant responses to the solicitous - ous inquiries of the urbane Mn Brown. Melita was bored and out of spirits. She displayed a fickleness which is occasionally observable in birds of song and scarcely glanced at the Island where her own debut in opera had been successfully achieved. 'I'he ' American millionaire from the great west , and his bevy of children , were bidding farewell to their numerous - ous acIuaintances , with cordial invitations - vitations to visit them in turn and make a tour of Colorado or the Rocky mountains. "i think the Mediterranean is perfectly - fectly isplerdid , " allirnmed the 17-year- old daughter. with enthusiam "Iloor ay for Malta ! " cried the son and heir 'l''ornmy , aged 10 , striving to climb a ladder. "We will come again soon , won't we , I'a ? " " 1 shall expect to see you arrive on a flying machine , invented by your clever fellow countryman , 'ln Edison - son , ' ' remarked Capt. Blake. ' I like to travel , " said time rosy - clIeekc(1 daughter. "People arc so pleasant. " Time keen eye of Captain Blake noticed 'a lady among the passengers with sudden curiosity. The lady stood alone. She was enveloped - veloped in a brown cloak ; with a hood , and wore on her head a small straw hat , with a veil of black lace attached , which effectually concealed her features. The captain roamed around this solitary figure , inspiredby a suspicion , and endeavored to gain a closer inspection - spection of her face , l utshe averted her head , as if disturbed by his interest - est , fixing her gaze with a timid and melancholy insistence on the shore. . 'rime summons for all loiterers to seek land was given , and Captain Blake prepared reluctantly to depart. Here was a little drama in real life , and lie longed to serve as cynical spec- tator. Here was a baffling mystery under - der his very gaze , and he wished to solve it to his own satisfaction. The agitation of the unknown one in the brown cloak became marked. She shrank nearer the bulwark , and grasped the railing with a nervous I hand , while her shoulders moved convulsively - vulsively , as if she was unable to repress - press some powerful emotion. .txt this critical juncture a small boat anproached , and Arthur Curzon sprang on board of the Elettrico just as the packet was about to swing from her moorings. My dear fellow ! " exclaimed Capt Blake , with vivacity. "Areyou oft on leave ? " "Yes , " was the brief response. "And I am chained to this rock of steel for several months longer , " grumbled the soldier. Lieut Curzon had never appeared more animated and handsome timan in civiian's : dress on this occasion. He hastened to the traveler in time brown cloak. "Am hate ? " he demanded , in cheerful - ful accents. - "Yes You are very late , " she replied - plied , in a low tremulous voice. Tlrey talked together earnestly for a long time , quite oblivious of sur- roundings. The young olicer , on quitting Dolores - ores at an earlier hour , had sought the presence of his kinsman , the commander - der of H.M.S. Sparrow , to claim the promised leave of absence. Ile had no misgivings as to the result , and possibly the conversation with his cousin Mrs. Griffith recurred to his mind. The amiable hostess had intimated - mated her conviction that time stern ruler of the ship would be disposed to overlook all peccadilloes. A brief and stormy interview had nevertheless ensued - sued , of which the full particulars were not given by either of the par- ticipants. The captain made subsequent - quent allusion to headstrong young men who threatened to throw up their commissions if thwarted in their dear est wishes of. the moment. Xae vessel once in motion , Lieut. - - - -----a-- I Curzon led his companion to time Fill- inghams. What was the amazement and indignation of worthy Mrs. Fill- ingham at beholding Dolores , who stood before her pale and frightened , mind holding her little dog Florio in the ample sleeve of her traveling garment - ment , "Oh , my dear child ! " exclaimed the matron. "lIo v could you take such a very rash step ! " "Ile loves me , and I love him , and that is all we care about in the world , " faltered the girl , with a sob. "But think of your poor grand- papa ! " "Grandpapa will not miss me , " retorted - torted Dolores , stealing a deprecating glance at the severe and disapproving countenance of Mrs. Fillingham. "I am quite sure he will miss you , " rejoined the older woman. "Ile never cared about me at all , " cried Dolores , with a sudden and passionate - sionate outburst at wrong. "Lieutenant Curzon , I consider your conduct as simply abominable , " said ilrs. Fillingham , becoming red in the face. " 1 will have nothing to do with your elopement" Then she turned away , as if to clearly - ly demonstrate that she washed her hands of a very bad business. The Ancient Mariner removed his spectacles , and polished the grasses on a silk pocket-handkerchief. Dolores clung to her lovers arm , aghast and bewildered by this brusque , feminine repulse. Iid Capt. Fillinghamn wink at Licut Curzon ? It cannot be positively asserted serted that the old gentleman was guilty of such an undignified proceeding on this grave occasion , yet assuredly a highly suspicious trembling of the right eyelid was perceptible - ceptible , while his benevolent features - ures failed to reflect the anger of his spouse He even smiled at the terrified - rified Dolores , and patted her hand re- assuringly. "There is no use in crying over spilled milk , you know , " he reasoned at Iength. "What are your plans ? " Lieut. Curzon eagerly unfolded his projects. IIe intended to seek Switzerland - erland at the nearest point of the Canton - ton Tessin , get married and journey on to Paris. If Dolores could be placed under time charge of Mts. Fillingham in the interval - terval , all scandal would be avoided and busy tongues at Malta efi ° ectually silenced. It is true that the lover j thought of public opinion for the first time as the shores of Dolores' island home faded in the distance. The young hypocrite pleaded his cause warmly and well lie did not hesitate to remind the ancient mariner that he had been his father's best man at his wedding , and to hint the acceptability - ceptability of his giving away a bride of another generation. The comrade of Admiral Jack listened - ened attentively. What reminiscences did the voice of his companion evoke ? his heart warmed toward the rash couple and he felt young again. lie nodded acquiescence and made the culprits take a seat bride him on the deck , thus assuring them of his own protection and approval. An hour later Mrs. Fillingham , in relenting mood , had given time pale Dolores a cup of tea , with plenty of sugar , and held the whimpering and doleful Florio on her lap. In the meanwhile , Capt. Blake strolled into Mrs. Griflith's tea room , where the Vicar , with the weak chest , was discoursing on shells with Miss Sy mtlie. "Our friend time lieutenant is off on leave of absence , " said the airy in- truder. 'Who ? " demanded the hostess , with an unusual inflection of sharpness in her tone , ' "Lieut. Curzon , " replied Capt. Blake , accepting cream at the hand of the hostess. "The pretty Maltese was on board. " "Are you jealous , Capt. Blake ? " inquired - quired Miss Symthe. Not a trace of displeasure was perceptible - ceptible on her fair face , nor a tremo of agitation in her soft voice , as she turned to the tea-urn. IIe laughed his grating little laugh. "I am not a marrying man. " lie thought- 'She is very strong. " The clergyman resumed his thread of talk , pleased with time graceful deference of an intelligent listener : "I should like to show you my cabinet - net of shells , Miss EthelI have sonic rather good specimens" Capt. Blake stirred the contents of his cup and gazed into the depths , as if he suspected some private jest of lurking at the bottom. "I always have bet ten to one on the chances of the parson in my own mind , " he thought. "The living is an uncommonly rood one , I am told. " The Island of Malta lessened , faded , and disappeared altogether to the passengers of the Elettrico , as the packet made her way in the direction of Messina over the calm , blue Mediterranean - terranean sea. The day had held is its unfolding hours the elements of marvelous changes. A fortnight later a young man sat at a piano in the salon of a hotel of the Avenue de l'Opera at Paris , strumming - ming a bar of the Swallow waltz of t Strauss , while a young woman paused ' in the embrasure of a window , holding - ing a tiny dog in her arms The night was rainy , and the great r globes of the ciectric light shone on the passing crowds and the wet pavement - ment , The young woman drew. from the folds of her dress a Maltese cross She gazed at it for a long time , and then kissed it with reverence. Time trinket slipped from her fingers , and fell on time floor. Stooping hastily to recover it , she trod on the cross , and broke it. She burst into tears. "I dreamed of grandpapa last night , " she sobbed. "Jie seemed to be calling - ing for me. Oh , poor , old grandpapa ! The portrait of our knight had fallen down. Take me back to the Watch Tower ! " "We must start for Malta on Monday - day , " said Arthur Curzon. "Let us go at once , " pleaded Dolores. CIIAI'TER XIII. Money. tYI il ; b7 , ! . ' Si J ACOB DEALTRY tottered into time little garden of his abode , and sank down on a bench. His appearance was that of a man who had just sus- tamed a crushing blow. Ile wiped his moist brow , and gazed , vacantly , about him. "Good God ! " he groaned , his pinched features contracting with anxiety and fear. "Who would have ever believed it ? how could I have forseen this day ? Accursed knaves ! " Two weeks earlier his agitation might have been attributed to the flight of his granddaughter ; but , in fact , the old man had sustained her loss with remarkable equanimity and resignation. "It is her Spanish blood , " he had muttered aloud , after reading the note written by Dolores before sailing. "She must be full of tricks as she grows older- . Let her go , once for all ! " In his profound egotism he might even have been suspected of a sentiment - ment of relief that a burthen was re- moved. Sorrow , apprehension , regret - gret for the rash step taken by a young girl , wholly ignorant of the world-did these paternal misgivings fail to touch the heart of Jacob Deal- try ? lie gave no sign. When a letter from Licut. Curzon , dated Lugano , had been received , announcing - nouncing the marriage , and enclosing a second , faulty , little missive , written in Italian , from the bride , he had read the two communications without comment - ment , and thrust the crushed envelope into the pocket of his threadbare coat. coat.Now Now a far more severe misfortune had stricken the old mar , , and his whole being threatened to collapse in tli ( : shock. The event which moved Jacob Dealtry to despair had convulsed all native Malta as with an earthquake tlmr'oe. Italy , actuated by the aim of consolidating - solidating a national currency , had recalled the coin known as the Sicilian dollar. The government of Malta announcing - nouncing the decision , had given an ultimate date for all money of this denomination in circulation on the Island , to be brought to a given place and redeemed. The unexpected tidings were received - ceived and discussed with a perturbation - tion of which municipal authority may have nre'-iously entertained no suspiciolr. The Maltese , bigoted by tradition and distrustful by temperament - ment , had remained cold amidst the fever of modern speculation , hoarding his worldly goods rather than risking all in bank , railway shares or loans. To possess gold one should be able to . handle and count the glittering coins frequently. Suchi is his creed. Moreover - over , to obey the present summons would be to fully reveal one's treas- nre , a course to be deplored. Malta wept , prayed , raved in secret. In vain ! The nobleman in his palace , penurious and abtemious of life , time merchant , the man of law. the sailor , the fisherman , equally cursed the tern poral dispensation which so ruthlessly unveiled the actual condition of individual - vidual finances to public curiosity. here was a situation almost unique in history. The island must divulge her wealth as far as the Sicilian dollar was concerned. .Now the Sicilian - ian dollar was a coin of preference with all grades of society agreeable to manipulate , and sufficiently convenient - venient to slip into unsuspected hid- l ing-places where neither moth nor rust need be feared nor thieves breamk through and steaL Swift and unforeseen stroke of destiny - tiny coming to overturn time established - lished order of things ! The world , changes , and one must change with it , or be flung from the wheel of fortune and crushed. During the period of waiting , conjecture - jecture and doubt , when rumor still lacked complete confirmation , Jacob Dealtry had gone about like one distraught - traught , seeking news Each neighbor - bor was absorbed in bis own gloomy meditations , and did not especially heed the eccentric foreigner Alone in the Watchm Tower , his conduct - duct did not astonish grandchild or servant At time first hint of impending change he had haunted the streets of Valetta and the quay- , eager to glean fresh news from any source. Then he had returned home , to sink down on the stone bench , spent , dejected and broken in spirit. In all the prudent calculation of I y Gars it had been impossible to realize 1 his day. ; . . ( re 1A 1 - ' - - - ' = = : : I Highest of all in Leavening Powcr--Latcst U. S. Gov't Report i f L U ( 414th' I ' j'W DLtIU ng ji i j i . P Powder . I Y FE I Confined round. The intensity of confined sound is finely illustrated at Causbrool : castle , isle of 11'ight. where there is a vze11 200 feet deep amid l feet in diameter. The well has IS feet of water in it , and the entire interior from top to water is lined with smooth masonry. 'rhmislining so completely confines time sound that a pin dropped from t1m top can be heard very plainly to strike the water , at a distance of 1S2 feet below. Another instance is cited from India , where workmen at waterworks often talk with those at the reservoir , iS miles away , their telephone being an 18 inch water main that is no longer used for conveying water.-St. Louis Republic. Di. L. TIiOMPSON & CO. , Druggists. Cou der port , Pa. , say hall's Catarrh Cure is he Lest aria only sure euro tor catarrh they ever sold. Druggists sell it , .ac. The Woman Medical Writer. A London , writer , with due respect lot' women journalists , thinks that the only department of a paper that should be closed to a woman writer is time medical-unless , of course , she is a medical 'elan. ' ' IC goes on to say that the medical columns of any LOfllOfl weekly. it is easy to perceive , arc conducted - ducted by accouiplisfined experts , but a case has recently come under his notica where a young woman vine had failed as an art critic was set to answer time nmedical inquiries of correspondents oil a country paper. "I forget to a deem- I maul what was the exact mortality of time district. " he continues , "but the proprietor stid if she remained munch lommger on the paper he Should have had no subscribers left One of her replies tvas sommctiiing like this : "I'o Daisy- 'llmmnks so nmclm for your irind letter. Yes. The mistake was mine. It should have been a quarter grain of strychnine instead of a gtnu te of a pound for your father's complaint flow unlucky ! Better luck next time , but 1 was so very busy. Yes. ' 'here is no better shop for mourning than , ' " Jay's. After six years' suffering , I was cured by Pi = o's (2are.-MAItY ' 1'uouaoar , ' ! 9i. : Ohio Ave. , Allegheny , Pa. , March 19 , ' .11 A Iauhter's Crael Joke. A story is being told of a young lady who found a package of love letters that had been written to her mother by her father before they were mar- ried. The itnughter saw that she could have a little sport. and read them I to her mother , substituting her own name for that of her mother , and a fine young man for that of her father. The mother jumped up and down in her chair , shifting imer feet , and sceumc(1 terribly disgusted. and forbade her daughter to have anytlung to do with the young nen who would write such sickening and nonsensical stuff to a ' girl. 11 lien the young lady handed time letter to her mother to read the ! I house became so still that one coull f hear the grass growing in the back yard. "Iianson'C Pagic Conn Salve. " I yvarrauted to ctne or nimey retnded. ; 1.1 ; yo1 : dnaght for it. Price 15 cent. . The Century for September will contain - tain three complete sketelmes of fiction by popular American writers , representing - senting three different sections of the country. Mrs. Mary Ifallock Foote will contribute a powerful story of ramming life in the far west , entitled ' 1'iie Cup of Treumbljug. " Hiss Saralm Orne Jewett will contribute a humorous - ous story of the New' England coast. entitled ' 'All My Sad Captains , " and illustrated by I'ape. The third is a roarmn sketch , by harry Stillwell Edwards - wards , of negro life in time south. It is entitled "The Gum Swamp Rebate , " an(1 is full of humor , and is a faithful reflection of the characteristics of the negro race. 'rickets at Reduced L'atrs Will be sold via time Nickel Plate road on occasion of the meeting of the Ger- mnan ( 'atholic Societies of the United States at Albany , N. V. , Sept. 15th to I th. For further information address .1. Y. Calahan , Gen'l Agent , 111 Adams' St. , Chicago. Small and steady gains bring the hind of riches that ( lo not take wings amid fly a1ay. Pifiard take , second-hmand , for sae ! cheap. Apply to or address , hi. C. AKmr , 511 S. 1.tim St. , Omaha , Nep. : Life has no blessing like a i rudent friend. The thC A M , . of Coilsumlmptiou is stopped short L v Dr. Picrcc's Golden Mcd- ica1 Discovery. If yon lmalem't waited , . reason , ' ' there's complete rev f , cover } and cure. r' Although by many' - believed to be iner- 4 f _ ( " able , there is the evidence of hundreds : of livinf , g witnesses to . , the fact that , in all ' K - ! its earlier stages , con- . .y in ; Sumptmolm ms a curable , „ disease. Not everI I " x"i' , - . " .case , but a 1ac per- " ceimlage of cases , and ° ' , yry , we believe , fitly 98 - per cent. are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery- , even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce repeated bleedings from time lungs , severe lingering cough with copious expectoration ( including tubercular - lar matter ) , great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation and weakness. .t Solution Found. The Boston 'l'ravcller saysthat a few weeks ago a Maine young man bought a pair of socks cotaining a note saying I the writer was an employee of the I ' Kenosha ( \\'is. ) knitting works and wanted a good husband. She gave her name amid requested the buyer , if an unmarried man to write with a view ute to matrimony. 'Pic young ratan who found the note considered the matter in all its phases and decided to write to time girl. lie ( lid. Awaiting the answer - swer with considerable anxiety he was at last rewarded with a curt letter i stating that the girl was now the mother - er of two children and had been roar- 4 ried four years , and the letter he had answered -had been written ever so long ago. It was a "sock dollager , " and the young man hunted for a solu- tion. Ile found it. The merchant of whom he bought the socks doesn't ad- vertise. , i The Modern Beauty , Thrives on good food and sunshine , with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face i blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy , she uses the gentle and pleasant - ant liquid laxative , Syrup of Figs. Mouths. P Some mouths look like peaches and ' cream ; umd sonic like a hole chopped ! into a brick wall to admit a new floor or mvindow. 'l'ime mount is a hotbed of I toothaches , the bunghole of oratory ! and a baby's crowning glory. It is patriotism's fountain head and the tool chest for pie. 11'ithout it the politician w would be a wanderer on the face of the earth , and the cornetist would go down to an unhonorhd grave. It is the gro 4 cer s friend , the orators pride and the dentist's hope.Mamtunpth : pringllou- itor. FITS-.111 Fitsstopred frrr byDr.Ialnr's dream ltcrveJcstorer. No Fltsatterthaursuap'su : + n , Iarvrmouscutes. Tn atkeand 'Stral butt 1.'rn . tt 4t cases. Scud tonl..Kllue,93t. rchSt.l'hlla.l'a. 1-Iumility is a virtue allpreat h mono prar tire , and yet eyorybody a content to hear praised. Exprrlencclcada many motera la.a "Lrc t'r'ersliner'I'uuc.ecauselsteprei ! ! dly wood fur curds , unto pmt almost every weakuess. Time largest mmm mnroth tusk yetdiscovcred was sixteen feet in length. 'I'ioa. dlwtreaainy ; Coma : nam : as they are , ll lndcrcorns wt.l r nwvc them and th ° n you can wih and run and jump a' yuu like. 1 he Nickel I 'late road has authorized its agents to sell tickets at greatly re- IUCCI rates to Albany , N. Y. , on occasion - sion of the meeting of the German Catholic Societies of the United States in that city , Sept. If tlt to 14th. For particulars address .1. Y. Calahan , Gcn'l Agent , 111 Adams St. , Chicago. Love boos not .Vint the eves , but with - the mind. The Greatest Necker ! Discovery of the Age. KEY'S t , MEDICAL J . lm , E > < I f DONALD KENNEDY , nF flfXiihhf , MASS. , Has discovered in on "t ' ur common pasture weeds a renmedv tint cures every " kind of Hunior , fronm the w'prst Scrofula i" down to a common Pimple. lie has tried it in over eleven hundred cases , and never failed except in two cases ( both thunder humor ) . 'has now in his possession over two imundrt.l certificates of its value , all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card far book. A benefit is always eperienced from the first bottle , and a perfet cure is 11ar- ranted when time right quantity is taken. /hen the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains , like needles passing through tlmeni ; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped , and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomacim is foul or bilious it will cruse squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you ca.m get. and enough of it. Dose , one tablespoonful in water at bed- time. Sold by all Druggists. ! l A a 1r r d _ : 13 /fi . ' 1 n o > , , . cL cs rvi.tcK ' . 1nLsto ttanc " i nxlr. Kaven . j r Cmt meny 't tknesln a sea ran tohare.et ; o ! Io v uheems to at your v' aon forhaulin , u , grainfodier , man. arr. ins , &c. : o. " . - resetting of tire. Catrglree. ddJre + s rrmrlreffg. Co. . P. 0. Box 33 , Quincy lit. TAKEN INTE55ALL7 Cured AND tLn Ur. In 1610. U S ED ands Aga curedanthotu Corc Ton. t3rnd LOCALLY forfreo book , end ' : WiTN e by m , t I'mo' ' ' ' IasnfitatoC.I'mo' B. SUE'S SURE CURE CO. , H CATCN ELDC. , CNICACO : Eeld by all druggists. I 1 . r. e Field a [ Cabled Poultry , Garden and Rabbit Force , Steel Web Picket Lawn Pence. etc. QuaLty first Class. Pit CE S LOW. Cataiogu F1 EE. H 0 erne i , De Kalb Fence Co. , 121. Nish St. . De K3tb , II , I 1 . - = . . .a + - . ya-Y.- ,