The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 06, 1895, Image 3

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The Insurrection Strong and Daily GainIng -
Ing Ground-A Lotlcr From the Island
Sets Forth the Situation I'lulnly-
Revolutionlsta heretofore Humane--
Amerlca to Bo Appealed to for Being-
erent Rights--Losses of Spain Thus
Spain on time irfen e.
Cnrc.tao , Aug , 31.-Joaquin A. Ver-
gas , e-Mexican consul here , has re
ceived a letter from a friend near to
A time high Spanish officials in llavana.
It is dated Aulrust 2. , and has this to
say of the progress of the insurrection
on that island : "The Insurrection is
strong and daily gaining ground. As
' a proof , ever since the very begknning
the .goverluuent forces are the ones
who arc on the defensive , while the
insurgents arc the attacking party.
.Spain began active measures to quell
the rebellion February 24 last with
an army of over ; 0.000 men , regulars
.and volunteers. Of these , though ,
by battle and disease , she has lost in
six months abnnt 13,000 men. In some
localities the troops have found themselves -
selves in suchm perilous situations that
many of the soldiers and some of the
ollicers have suicided , while others
have lost their reason. The Cubans
have fought with unexampled bravery ,
.an(1 have so far conducted themselves
with ) manliness and honor. . For instance -
stance , the Spaniards left thwr
wounded comrades on the field to die.
They are taken in and cared for by
I the Cubans , and when restored are set
alt liberty. But this humane conduct
is not likely to last , for Martinez Cam-
pos' party m" continually working on
the Cubans to get them to institute a
veritable re gn of terror. If that happens -
pens , the torch will be applied broadcast -
cast over the whole island anal no
Spaniard will then be spared. "
Two Caloraao 11Incs Enulfod a
flushing Torrent.
CISTR.tL Clrs , Col. . Aug. 31.-The
.accidental flooding of the Americus
; and Sleepy hollow mines yesterday
.afternoon caused the death. it is be-
] ievcd , of thirteen miners. Every effort -
fort is being made to rescue the unfortunate -
tunate men , but little hope is enter-
tained. A little after 3 o'clock the
.voter in the lower workings of Fisk
mimic , cast of the amain shaft , broke
through the old workings of a vein
that has not been worked for a number -
ber of years.
Coursing eastward it struck the
Americus , where two Italian miners.
'vvlzcsc names have not been ] earned ,
'ere at work in the lower part of the
shaft. 'l'imey were both drowned. In
its course the water diverted to the
Sleepy hollow mine , the easterly portion -
tion of the Fisk vein. Fourteen men
were working in the Sleepy Ilollow.
three of whom escaped A courier was
sent to the adjacent mines and all the
workmen escaped.
The rescuer who first ( lescended in
the bucket , Mr. IL P. Risk , was found
3t the 330 foot level. On reaching the
surfacc he was almost in an insensible
state. Other volunteers went down
.afterward , but were not successful in
reaching a lower point in the shaft ,
.owing to the raising of the water. Extra -
tra water buclets were sent for and
brought to the mine , which are now
working with a view to lowering the
They- arc Ccnsnrcd for Employing an
Incompetent Engineer.
DENVER , CoL , Aug. CL-The cor-
oncrs jury , after six days' investigation -
tion of the Gumry hotel disaster , made
its report last evening. It says th.t :
time testimony was conflicting and that
it is impossible to fix the responsibility
for the disaster on any one person , but
that the owners , Peter Gumry and
IL C. Grenier , were blamable for requiring -
quiring of their engineer sixteen hours'
work out of twenty-four , and for em-
ployint an inexperienced engineer ,
whose habits were dissipated and un-
Engineer Hellmuth Loescher , the report -
port says , had been drinking on the
night. of the disaster , and further he
bad not examined the safety valve to
the boiler for two months , proving
him to be unfit to occupy any position
.of responsibility. The city boiler in-
specto : is censured for failing to inspect -
spect the boiler after recent repairs
were made upon it. The r mnort closes
with a recommendation that an ordinance -
dinance be passed regulating the use
of steam boilers.
.it Soutln Dakota Girl Nearly Hills the
Object of Hcr Affections.
Sioux CITY , Iowa , Aug. 1. - For
some time Lena Dahl , daughter of a
farmer living near Westfield , S. I ) . ,
had loved henry flalseth , a young and
prosperous neighbor. Last week she
visited a medium and bought front her
an alleged love potion. Tuesday she
succeeded in putting the stub into a
bottle of cold coffee , which he took
with his lurch to the fields where he
was harvesting. Thep she watched
him from behind a hedge. At newt he
drank the coffee. Soon afterward
llalsctli became seriously ill. A few
drOlS of the liquor still remained in
the bottle and a brief investigation
showed that strychnine entered largely -
ly into its composition. The fortune
teller decamped when she heard what
had happened. The girl has not been
.arrested nor has site tvn Halseth's
rlnn St. Joseph , Mo. , Financier , Stricken
Suddenly With heart Disease.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Aug. 31.-Charles
P. France , for many yea"s president of
.the State National bank of this city
.and one of the richest men in this &ty ,
died suddenly this morning. His
death was entirely unexpected and was i
Sue to heart disease. He was i,5 years
old. He leaves a wife and two chii-
.dren , who will inherit one of the rich-
st estates in the Platte purchase.
. ,
Comments and Crltlclsms of tire Amer
lean Consul at Liverpool.
WAslltGros , Aug. 31 , Tu a mar-
Icets for United States products in
Great Britain are reviewed in detail in
recent consular reports. At Liverpool
cattle from this country are reported -
ported as superior to the native
cattle , the latter including many
immature and young animals slaugh-
t red for food acid also a greater proportion -
portion of old animals. Consul Nealat
Liverpool reports , however , that sheep
from the UnitedStatesand othercoun-
tries do not compare favorably with
time British , lacldnb taste and tenderness -
ness , and it is suggested by experienced -
enced men that this might be greatly
improved by shipping tlue sheep young-
er. say 1 or 2 years old.
Large quantities of apples are received -
ceived from various countries of
Europe , but the importations appear
to be regulated by the size of the apple -
ple crop in the United States. American -
can apples command the highest
prices. Forty-five per cent of the
wheat and ninety per cent of the flour
in the Liverpool consular district come
fromn the United States.
Consumers depend to a large extent
on the importations of bacon and hamn
from the United States and Canada.
The strongest objection made by the
Liverpool trade to hog meats packed
in the United States is that of insulli-
ciNnt curing. 'I'he consumption of
American canned meats is falling off
and that of Australia is increasing ,
due largely torelatively high prices of
American goals. Consul Neal recommends -
mends that the United States make
more of the finest goods for export to
compete witli : other supply sources.
An American Citizen Thrown Into
Prison at Hamburg.
DECATUR , Ind. , Aug. 3-R. : M.
Romberg , a prominent livery man of
this city , left here about two months
ago to visit his old home at Hamburg ,
Germany. Word has just been received -
ceived here that he has been taken b ?
the German officials and sent to prison
for twelve years. The crime with
which he is charged is that of whipping -
ping an olIleial in the army prior to
his coming to this country. Romberg
came here about twelve years ago , and
has during his stay here accumulated
quite a fortune. lie is a prominent
member of the Democratic county central -
tral committee. He has a wife and
five small children here tvho arc wild
over the news.
Judge Sanborn's Order in time St. .Iaeph
and Grand Island Matter.
OUAIA , Neb. , Aug. 31.-The order
of Judge Sanborn of the United States
circuit court in the case of the Central
Trust company of New York against
the St. Joseph and Grand Island has
been filed in the circuit court of Ne-
bruska. The order provides that the
fire Union Pacific receivers be appointed -
pointed receivers of all the property
and franchises of the company , and
directed to maintain and operate such
lines mind property until otherwise ordered -
dered by the court , as a part of the
Union Pacific system.
Rebel Iteverscs Reportea.
II v xA , Aug. 31.-Gencral Antonio
Maceo attacked Plantation Union near
San Luis. The garrison of the fort ,
fifty-nine in number , for three hours
sustained the fire of the insurgents ,
who finally retired , leaving among the
killed Lieutenant Juan Vega and
among the wounded Captain Marees
Ramier , who died soon afterwards.
Si. sharpshooters and swordsmen of
the command of Lieutenant Colonel
Tejera recently succeeded in ambushing -
ing and killing the insurgent Lteutcn-
ant Rablo Lanonde. Time insurgents
succeeded in making their escape
through the country districts , but
troops are in pursuit.
A Windfall for a Bank.
PuxEsvlr.LE , Ohio , Aug. 31.-When
the Painesville Savings bank collapsed
four years ago mtmntng the assets found
was $ i50,000 worth of stock in a Western -
ern mine. At that tine the mine was
thought to be worthless , but it is paying -
ing a fair dividend , and the stock is
nearly at par. The indications are
that the depositors in the wrecked
bank will secure a good dividemid , with
the prospects that ultima ply they may
receive their deposits back in full.
Salvation Army Cavalry.
DENVER , Col. , Aug. 3L-ThN Salvation -
tion army of Denver organize i a cavalry -
ry corps of young womtn yesterday
and last night Brigadier General
French of St. Louis dedicated the new
branchm of the service at the First hap-
list church , which was hardly large
enough to accommodate the crowd.
This corps enjoys the distinction of being -
ing the only mounted Salvation army
fighters in the world.
The Wrong Man Was Billed.
Gni xn RArlns , Mich. , Aug. 31.-
John Smalley , the supposed train robber -
ber , killed by deputy sheriffs at Mc-
Bain , was , it has been learned , at
Brinton visiting his old neighbors last
week at the time of the hold-up and
until after the killing of Detective
Powers in this city. The train robbers -
bers and the murderer of Detective
Powers are still at large and time officers -
cers have as yet obtained no definite
clue as to their identity.
Wlate Caps to bo Prosecuted.
ExcELslon SI'nI\Gs , No. , Aug. 31.-
Nothing has been heard from the two
men who were taken from the city
jail here and whipped Tuesday night.
The colored people are highly incensed -
censed and have taken steps to have it
legally investigated.
The steamer Bawnmore , ashore in '
Oregon , is a total loss.
Plain deluged the Johnson county ,
Kan. , fair-exhibits at Olathe.
The Kentucky Democratic state committee -
mittee issued an address to the party ,
pleading for harmony.
It issaid that the administration is
going to turn down General Miles in
aeleeting a successor to General Scho-
Four prisoners escaped from the
Stoddard county , Missouri , jail by sawing -
ing the bars in two.
Convict Allen Tells of Ills Connectin u
IPith IIolmes.
LITrLE P.occ , Ark. , Aug. 9.-J. 0
Allen , alias Caldwell , the convict serving -
ing a ten years' sentence here f.r
horse stealing , has made a statement
to Warden Moore in regard to II. IL
1Iolnea and his operations. The warden -
den believes the man knows a great
deal more than he has told , but he had
the statement put in writing , read to
Allen and vcrilfed in every particular.
lie first met llolmes under the name
of Pratt in Tennessee in the fall of
1992. About three weeks afterward
Holmes , Pictzol , Ninnic Williams and
Allen nmet ill St. Joseph and Ninnie's
Fort Worth property was deeded to
Allen in the malmie of A. E. Bond. 'l'ime
deal was made with the understanding -
ing all around that it was to be swind-
Img operation After making trips to
Leadville and Denver they went to
Fort Worth.
"l'iet : e1's conduct at Fort Worth
caused lfolmes to send him to Kansas
City. While in Kansas City Pietzel
wrote several threatening letters to
IIolnzea , in which he said that he
would turn up all the rascality unless
Holmes sent hint money. Pietzel was
furnished money three times sent by
me at Ilolmnes' request. IIolmes visited -
ited 1'ietz l at Kansas City to get him
to reign the necessary papers to secure
a loan of $16,0)0 on the Fort Worth
property. While Pietzel was in Ran-
tas City , IIolmes and Pat Quinlan , who
had joined us at Fort Worth a short
timne before we left that place , had
several talks about putting Piet : el out
of time way , because llolmes had become -
come afraid of him on account of
his drinking too much and knowing-
too much. ( It was known to us all
that Pietzel carried a $10,000 life insurance -
surance policy ) . At our last taut
upon this subject , three days before
leaving Fort 11 orth , it was understood
that Pietzel was to be killed. I was
selected to assist Holmes in doing time
job , but in what manner it was to be
done was not definitely settled , only
that Holmes remarked that lie had
sometlming that would make the job
easy , and a large trnnk was purchased
in Fort Worth in which to place Pfet-
zel's body after being killed. At this
point llolmes patted me on the back
and raid : 'llascat , it is $10,000 and a
trip to Lcng Branch , and from there
to California and more buildings.
That night I advised llolmes to quit
the business , as he had enough money
not to resort to murder. Ile replied
that lie had been at the business so
long that it had . become perfectly
natural to him , and he would not quit
' "The plan agreed upon to dispose of
Pietzel was that we ware to meet him
in St. Loris and together go from
there to Chicago , where he was to be
'fixed. ' It was between Fet Worth
and Denison that Holmes told me
that I must have my life insured for
$10,000 in favor of my little niece.
Remembering the large trunk bought
for Pictz el's body , determined to
part company with Holmes , which I
did at DCnisoni , and I have never seen
him since , but received as many as
three letters from him.
"Time last time I saw Minnie Williams -
iams was at our meeting in St. Joseph.
HOime5 told her that she must leave
the United States for a period of three
or four years. India was agreed unop
as the country to which she should go.
1 went to the depot with her , while
Hokin s bought her ticket and checked
her baggage , but where to f did act
know. While at Fort Worth I i
three letters from Minnie Williams
llolmes. They purported to be fromn
India , the place 1 have forgotten. If
Minnie Williams is dead she has been
put out of the way since this excite-
irent was gotten up in regard to
"The building in Chicago known as
the 'Castle'wa erected especially for
a 'death trap , ' and during my association -
tion with Holmes 1 was in it oftenancl
in fact occupied a room theme. A
stranger to the city during the world's
fair was decoyed into the castle and
murdered for his mnonev. lie did not
have as much money as Holmes
thought-only $3,700. A bright little
boy was enticed into the castle during
the fair and ieid in a room for five
days for a reward for his recovery.
Nu rewarcl being offered they
were afraid to turn him out and the
gas was turned into his room at
night and he was suffocated. I could
mention other such cases of crime coin-
mitted in the 'e istle' and discussed in
my presence , but these are sutI dent
except one , and that tvas of Nannie
1V'illimns. The cause of her killing , as
explained by llolmes , was that out of
the girls must be pat out of the way
and that he could manage Minnie
easier than he could Nannie. : , linnie
Williams was crazyin IOFC will
IIolmes and she was jealous of her sister -
ter , as Iloinies was paying her some
att ntion trmo. IIe took particular
pains to increase her jealousy to work
her up to the roint of rutting \annie
out of the way. "
Allen conciuded by saving that
every word in his statement was true
and that ho ( lid not make it to secure
a pardon ; that he knew Governor
'Clarke too well to believe that he
would issue a pardon unless the cvi
deuce would break 1lolmc ' rack.
Welcome to illshop IIogan.
r.tNSAS Crrr , Mo. , Aug. ? J.-Bishop
James J. Hogan of the diocese of Kansas -
sas City , returned last night from a
year's absence in Europe , and was accorded -
corded a reception ouch as no other
man in a like position ever received in
Kansas City. A multitude of time pars
ishone s of the diocese met him at the
Ueion depot ; ° ,000 of them escorted
him through the city streets , while
nuwberless persons bade hinm welcome
as the procession moved to the catbe-
draL The entry was a triumphal one ,
and every Catholic in the city , large
and small , old and young , added his or
her quota to the general greeting.
The Oaicer In Charge of time Giowa. Indians -
dians ltcporicd Murdered.
Er. RENO. Ok. , Aug. 2t-It ) was reported -
ported here to-day that Captain BaldWin -
Win , U. S. A. . acting agent at the
Kiowa , Comanche and Apache agency
at Anadarko , had been murdered last
night by the Indians. The report
lacks verification as yet , but federal
officers credit it , except that they believe -
lieve the murder was committed by
gamblers and whisky peddlers-against
whom Captain Baldwin had been waging -
ing war for some time. 4 large party
of deputy marshals is on the way to
that country. . " _ - - -
Tlme Rcnzalns of Howard I'lotzel Found
In Indlunnpolls.
INDIASAPOLlS , Ind , Aug. ? 9.-In-
( lianapolis will claim the right to try
H. H. Holmes for murder. This claim
will be based upon the ImoIrible developments -
velopments of yesterday , which include -
clude the finding of the charred
remains of 9-year-old Howard Pietzel
and evidence which before any jury in
the country would convict II. H.
Holmes of having murdered him and
then having partially burned his body
in a stove. .
Detectives Gever of Philadelphia ,
Richards of Indianapolis and Inspector
Gary of the Fidelity Insurance coin-
pany have been at work for weeks
hunting for traces of the boy's body.
fie was traced here with Holmes and
dbappeared. The city was scoured
and work began in the suburbs hunting -
ing for a house rented by IIolmes on
October 10 , 11 or 12 of last year.
Yesterday morning the detectives
event to Irvington , a pretty suburb of
time city and the seat of Butler college ,
and before they had been at work an
hour their attention was called by a
local real estate dealer to a small vacant -
cant cottage situated in the woods at
the edge of the town and far removed
from any other dwelling , The party
went to the house , ' and a few minutes
later the ollicers found beneath the
side porch the missing trunk which
was taken from the side door of the
Circle house in this city October 10 by
II. II. IIolmes , and which was thought
to contain the body of the boy.
In a barn connected with the house
is a large stove of eylinderical shape
of time same pattern as IIolmes bought
in Cincinnati. He rented time house
under the same alias. Time stove had
been moved from the house to time
stable by time owner of the house after
IIolmes left. It was atonce concluded
that the body had been burned in the
stove , and search was began for the
Last evening Dr. J. F. Barnhill's attention -
tention was called by a small boy
named 1Valter Jenny to time stove hole
where the stove had been. It was
filled with refuse. This was pulled
out and the remains of time boy were
found. Physicians and dentists were
there , and in this pile of refuse luun-
dreds of pieces of charred bones were
The teeth showed that time body was
that of a boy between S and 10 years
of age , and all the other bones con-
firnmed this. All were charred , and
pieces of flesh clung to some of them.
The skull bone and pelvis added to time
same convincingtruth. The body had
evidently been burned in a cob fire ,
and in the huge stove found in the
liotvars overcoat was found at a
grocery store near by , where Holmes
had left it , saying the boy would call
for it. He never came. Owners of
the house recognize Ilolnes from pictures -
ures , and several neighbors distinctly
remember his face. All identify him
as time man who last October rented
the house with the same story he told in
Toronto and other places , came with
the boy and big stove , wash stand and
bed , stayed two days and then disap-
peared. Seven people have identified
him , tfnd all doubt is removed. Other
developments are expected , and with
this evidomce Indianapolis will demand -
mand Ilolnes for trial.
A Sucec sful liousc.
MiOlmsted , of Bentley & Olmsted ,
has just returned from Chicago , where
he went to meet a buyer of a large
western concern , and inspite of the
strongest competition Mr. Olmsted
brought bath time order , amounting to
over $5,000 , of shoes and rubber goods.
-The Des Moines Leader.
Artlmur Master , son of Lord Arthur
Master of London , England , and second -
end cousin to tbonuarquisof Salisbury ,
fell from a second story window at
Middlesboro , Ky. , and was fatally in-
( , notntinns froum New York , Chicago. St.
Louis. Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter-Creamery separator. . IS ° _ 0
! : utter-l air to good country. 1 i II' , ,
I.cs-Fresn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 lul
beney-California , per lb. . . . . . 11 t. Ia
liens-Live. per hi.- 6 t' C , , r
SpringUbickens , per lb. . . . , , . . 9 uc _ 10
lemons-Chico . . . . . . ( . 7 50
- bbl----------------- ' 0O 3 "i
Apples-per - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oranges-Floridas , per box. . . . 2 50 ( J 3 00
t ounces-New. . . J5 ( , 30
Watermelons-per dozen. . . . . . . 3 OJ ( ; 3 50
beans-Navy , hand-picked , bu ' t0 4L 0
hay-Upland , per ton.---- . . 6 00 l 7 00
uzuons-I'er him. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 cs9 50
heese-Neb. . & Ia. , full cream 10 11
l'ineapples-per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .i fm 2. ;
Tomatoes - per bushel. . . . . . . . . . 0 JO
Imo ; , -Mixed l ) tC1 in : . . . . . . . . . . 4 4.i (4 4 50
llo ; c-Heavy u'cihts. . . . . . . . . . 4 5' ) (1. 4 5.i
beeves- cockers and feeders : ' 30 3 60
Ieet steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 JO ( 4 85
hulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : (25O (
: tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 3O0
00 ifs 4 50
tows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ° , i r + 3 60
. 09 u 3 70
1Vesterzs. . i 00 s 3 50
i.eeu-Lambs. . : i QO t. 4 50
mw&ep-Choice natives. . . . . . . . . 50 u& 's 00
1i heat-No. : , spring. . . . . . . . . . . . GO r3 COI ;
horn-l'er bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I6w 3G ?
tatser bn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20zi wl
1 orc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 f. 9 63is
Lard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i J' GL 6 00
hoes-l'ackers and mixed. . . . . 4 0 4 5
cattle-Nativesteers. . . . . . . . . . 3 60 c 5 ? 5
: hcep-Lama : S 00 5 35
cheep-Natives. . . 3 50 ' 3 3 ;
11 hcat. No. : , red winter. . . . . . . 6 : rig C2'4
torn-O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 % !
tams-i\0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :4 L 4v
1 ( UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100 : . , 11 50
L : ra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 30 (4 6 50
ltheatNored , cash. . . . . . . . . Cl f. 6I3g
torn-Pcrbzm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 .y : Nis
Eats-Per bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U ) , O f
Logs-Mixed packing. . . . . . . . . . 4 01 u. 4 4i
cattle-L'eft steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 4 Sl
neem.-Mixed natives. . . . . . . . . . 2 5 ' .a " " -
Lambs. . . . . . . 3 00 G 4 5)
hA : jAs C11'i. i
wheat-o. ; : hard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 .y 53
torn-No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ii' .
tats-\o.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- ! ± tr " 0
Lattietoekers and feecr3. . 2 40 a 4 20
hogs-Mixed pacacrs. . . . . . . . . . 4 23 4 : A
beep-Muttons. 2 70 J " 3
At Grant City , Mo. , J. J. Hibbs , ex-
treasurer of Worth county , committed
suicide by shooting himself in the
head. He left a note stating that he
took his life to avoid shame.
The treasury department has made
arrangements to supply small bills
with which to move crops.
A New York-New Jersey-St. Louis
combine is said to be trying to crib
the Uncompahgre gilsonite lands.
The National Spiritualist association -
tion has begun a two weeks' encamp.
meat at Liberal , Mo. - -
- -
Interesting and Instructive Reading for
time Beira to TMs Iepnblic-Incltcnt
and Anecdote Worth the 'I'Imlin to
Ream About.
OU NEVEI't can
tell when you
i'4j $ . send a word-
Like an arrow
. shot front a
A bow
mi By an archer blind
, -be It cruel or
1' kind ,
Just where it will
I ' charee to go.
It may pierce the
breast of our
dearest rriencl ,
Tipped with its poison or balm :
To a stranger's heart in life's great
It nmay carry its pain or its balm.
You can never tell when YOU do an act
Just what the result may be ;
But with every deed you are sowing a
seed ,
Though its harvest you may not see :
Each kindly act is an acorn dropped
In God's productive soil ;
Though you may not know , yet the tree
shall grow
And shelter the brows that toil.
You can never tell what your thoughts
will do
In bringing your hate or love ;
For thoughts are things , and their airy
Are swifter than carrier gore.
They follow time law of the universe-
Each thing must create its kind ;
And they speed o'er the track to bring
you back
\ Tlmatevei went out from your mind.
-Ella Wheeler . \'i'--cos.
lrorat Effect of Good Itoadv.
That noble society that has for Its
object the preventlon of cruelty to hni-
mals has found in the organization
back of the good roads movement the
mightiest ally it was possible to have
brought to its assistance. The good
roads movement brought about by the
coming of the bicycle , is a vast , purposeful -
poseful effort for the emancipation of
the brute creation employed in the
transportation of men and merchandise ,
from a world of needless and painful
abuse. When we attempt to compute
time inromprenensible amount of time
amid money that has been wasted in
trying to convey good loads over poor
roads , we are amazed to think that mnen
have been so blind as to thus sadly neglect -
lect tliim most important factor in the
upbuilding of good citizenship and good
government. And when we think of
the Innumerable number of dumb
brutes that have been whipped and
bruised and lacerated by beastly- men
who have sought to overcome the poor
character of their roads by the superior
quality of their whips and goads , it almost -
most seems as though the human race
should do penance from now until
doomsday for the wrongs it has inflicted -
flicted upon brutes since the dawn of
creation. The moral effect of good roads
must be apparent to all who ttill look
at the subject underst m ingly. In addition -
dition to time and money , there has
been enough patience lost because of
the trials arising from bad roads , to go
far toward saving the whole unsaved
race of men. Good roads , good morals
and good religion are very closely al-
lied. We should not bet much on the
genuine goodness of a country church
congregation , the members of which
compel dumb animals to convey them
to service over a needlessly rocky or
an almost bottomless mud road. Such
a congregation should be told to "amend
your ways and your doings , " and be
compelled to go out in the highways
with pick and shovel. A merciful man
is merciful to his beast. "Good Roads , "
would serve as a splendid text for all
the ministers in the ] and to dwell upon.
"The prudent man looleth well to his
going , " anti "A righteous man regard-
eth the life of his beast. " The good
roads movement is home missionary
work of a commendable , practical kind.
The man who doesn't care where his
horse's feet must go should be made to
pull the cart until a light dawns on his
opaque intellemt.-L. A. W. Bulletin.
lie Struck time Ex-l'resilemzt.
Gus Butterworth , the popular boni-
iace of the Ridgeway House , is probably -
ably the only living man who , literally
speaking , struck a president of the
United States and received thanks Instead -
stead of a term in jail for it. Mr.
Butterworth once gave it to Benjamin
Harrison in the neck and he lives to
tell the tale. It was while President
Harrison was living in his Cape May
cottage. Mr. Butterworth was running
a hotel not far from the executive resi-
dence. One day while enjoying a ride
( p. a trolley car Mr. Butterworth , who
happened to be sitting behind a short ,
thick-set man with gray hair and beard ,
noticed a very- large healthy mosquito
getting in its bloody work on the back
of the thick-set man's neck. Acting on
a very natural impulse , Mr. Butter-
worth raised his right hand and brought
the palm of it down on the back of
the mamf s neck with a resounding slap.
The man turned quickly- around and
Mr. Butterworth saw it was the president -
dent of the United States.
"I beg your pardon , " said Mr. Butter-
worth , "but there was a mosquito on
your neck. "
"Thank you very- much , " remarked
the chief executive , cordially. "Judg-
ing from the force of your blow I don't
think the insect will give me any more
trouble. I don't use slang very often , t
but this is the first time I ever got it
in the neck-at least in that fashion. "
Then : , Ir. Butterworth plucked the
dead mosquito from the president's
neck , and he and Mr. Harrison entered
into a pleasant chat on general topics.
Mr. Iutterworth has that mosquito yet.
-Philadelphia Inquirer.
A Belief Confirmed.
The belief that the formation of cloud
Is often accompanied by electrical effects -
fects is confirmed by Prof. Schuster ,
who describes an experience in Switzer-
land. As he was descending from Dent
Blanche after sunset , he found himself
in a wide valley at a height of about
1 ° ,000 feet. A current of air was apparently -
ently blowing up 'he valley and below
him lie observed the formation of a
cloud at a height a little below the snow
line. As night carne on , and the de-
- '
scent over the glacier and down tha
valley was continued , a series of electric -
tric discharges were seen between the
cloud , which was lying In a deep cut
valley , the sides of the mountain , and : °
and the blue sky overhead. The moist
air was evidently flowing through the
cloud , depositing Its moisture in the
, form of drops , and leaving the cloud In
an clectr'ifled state. Wherever water ,
rubs against air positive electricity ! s
generated. Every wave that breaks '
Into spray under the action of a strong
wind leaves the water negatively elee-
trifled , the air carrying away the positive -
tive charge. Prof. Schuster suggests
that it would be of great interest to p05-
5055 observations on atmospheric elezm-
tricity on bca'-d rhlp while waves are
breaking In the neighborhood. So far
tive have to guide us only the observations -
tions of Exner , who found , on the Ceylon -
lon coast , that the spray froth breaking
waves , showed by the electrometer ,
that It was positively electrified.
A Dreuled Tns1t.
A task never grows smaller or lighter
by sitting down and lamenting that itt
must be ( lone , and there is ail old maxim
that teaches us that a thing "once begun -
gun Is half done. "
A writer In a current periodical tells
of a farmer friend who has a 1-1-year-
old boy , named Billy , who is Mice a good
many boys we all know.
"lolly , " said Mr. 1I--- one day ,
when i was at the farm , "why don't
you go to work on that little patch of
potatoes ? "
"Aim , " whined Billy , "there's so many
of them 'taters i'Ii never get them
hoed. "
"You won't if you don't begin soon. "
"I hate to begin. "
"How are you ever going to do the
work if you don't begin ? "
"Well , I'll begin pretty soon. "
Ills father walked away and I heard
Billy exclaim in a tope indicating grant
mental distress : "Plague on thorn old
'titersIt ! makes me sick to think
about them ! " !
"W'hy do you think about them ,
then ? " I said , laughingly.
"I've got to , " he replied dolefully , ;
with a sorrowful shake of the head.
"I've been thinking about them ever
since I got up this morning. "
"How long , now , Billy , will it. really
take you to hoe them ? "
" < < ell , at least an hour. "
"And you've been distressed about } t
ever since you got up ? "
'B'ell , I hate to hoe 'taters. "
"And you've been up a little more
than five hours ? "
"Well , I-I = ' Billy began to grin ,
took up his hoe , and said : "I never
thought of that ! "
And the potatoes were hoed in just
forty minutes.
A Girl's IIeroi' mn.
A touching instance of heroism in
everyday life was recently recorded by
the Scranton A heroine
Truth. l5-year-old -
roine , Lillian McMullen , sacrificed leer
own life t save two children in her
charge , in crossing the Ice of Peconia
bay , Long Island , a short time ago.
Into a hole in the ice covered by snow
she went down suddenly and called to
the little ones to "keep back , " with the
big dog that accompanied them. Ilur- j ,
rying on instead , hoping to help imer , I
the two little girls themselves plunged C
through the ragged ice into the wate : .
By one almost superhuman effort after
another Lillian at last succeeded in assisting -
sisting the younger child , 8 years old ,
to hold on to the ice firm enough for
the dog to grasp its clothing amid drag
it on to safety.
Time after time , till her strength was
exhausted , the young heroines made the
same efforts for the older girl , the ice
continually- breaking away under the z
double weight. At length , when she
could lift no longer , she said to the
child : " 1'11 hold on fast. You climb up
over me. Hurry up ! I can't last mucn
longer. " Effort after effort failed.
"take one more trial , " she said , and
the 10-year-old girl mar.aged to get her i
shoulders above water. The dog seized
her and tugged. Lillian made one last
effort to push the child tip. It was sue-
cessful. Then she made one final endeavor -
deavor to save herself , but , chilled anti
worn out , her hands slipped from the
ice edge. And she went down to come
up nu more.
Pretty 1lappy Girl.
There are many plafmm youmg girls
whose faces are lined with discontent
and unhappiness. ! 'here is a dran ( m ,
perplexed expression between the eyes ,
and the corners of the mouth have a
decided droop. These are the girls who
have a settled idea that they are plain
beyond remedy , amid the distressing belief -
lief has deepened the lines of dissatisfaction -
faction ; but in reality there Is only a
cloud over the face , cast by the habit of
A pretty story by which we can all
profit is told in an exchange as follows :
One morning a certain giz 1 whose face
was under this cloud walked out across
the sunshine of the common. For a moment -
ment the lightness of the morning bail
lifted the gloom and her thoughts were
unusually pleasant.
"What a pretty , happy girl that is we
just passed , " she heard one of two
ladies just passing say to each other.
She looked quickly around , with envy
in her heart , to see the pretty girl , but
she was the only girl in sight.
"Why , they mean me ! No one ever
called me pretty before ! It must he i e
cause I am smiling ! "
Invitation to ( 'biidren' . i'arh , _
xaturaly- birth'iay party- made up
of fiftyiittle people , more or less , takes
on certain gala-day phases. There are
invitations , either written or engraved ,
to be sent , specifying the day , hour ,
and nature of the party , u rites ; Irs.
A. G. Lewis in the Ladies' Theme Jour-
nal. If the stationery is to be engraved
some device which will appeal especially -
ly to children should be chosen-some-
thing in which animals or birds are to
serve as bearers of the much-thought-
of invitation cards. Perhaps he
Brownies might be pictured as carrying -
ing huge envelopes , inscribed with suitable -
able monograms.
I'ussy Singed by Llghtnins.
Lightning played all sorts of pranks
in Englewood the other morning , says
Chicago Daily News. It struck the
house of Henry Benseman at Sixty-
seventh and Halsted streets , and a
streak came down the chimney. The
family cat was lying behind the stove
and the hair in a straight line along
her back to the tip of her tail wa3
singed off. The animal was not hurt
It Is estimated that ninety thousand
conversations take place daily- over th
telephones in New Fork. _ _