t 1 f for Infants and Children. U CastortaissoweUadaptedt childrenthat I recommend it as superiortany prescription known to me. " IL A. ARCIU R , ) L D. , iii So , Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N , Y. "The use of 'Castorla' Is so universaland , its merits so well known that it seems a work + of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the , Intelllgent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach , " CAnr os MARTYa , D. D. , New York City. Castoria cures Colic , Constipation , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation , Kills Worms , gives sleep , and promotes dl. gestion , Without injurious medication , "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria , ' and shall always continue to dose so , as It has invariably produced beneficial results. " EowINF. PARDEE , 31. D. , 125th Street and 7th Ave. , New York City. , 0 THE CE\TAL'n COMP. v , i Munn& STREET , NEw YORK CITY. 1 ' ii i i . . , - i T4E II . . . FlkIT WAT1OAL i i , Authorized Capital $100,000 r a Surplus 60,000 J OFFICERS .ETD DIRECTORS. . . GEO. HOCKNELL , B. M. FREES , W. F. LAWSON , F. A. PENNELL , President. V. President. Cashier. ' Ass'f Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. Y Tflc Gitizglls BdllK Of M6Gooh INCOItL'OICATED UNDEI : STATE LAWS. . Paid Up Capital---- $ , - - - $50,000. Surplus - - - _ _ _ 10,000. BUSINESS. Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. faxes Paid i for Non-Residents. f TIC e or a e o a r ® Eiiro ett I QFICERS. V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. I - CORRESPONDENTS-The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. The Chemical National l3ank,1New York City. t INf , r- r- . - iQ6 0 UTl ! F AlL . , , , , . . 1 _ _ i- Wn I. ,1 i 1 u9 t t ! G 5. LE 1 T 0 R SnIP hSUR P A5 D ATERIAl. THE FINEST 1 IY . ODE15a wEIGgTS 18 TO 25 pOUfiDs p I ICb , B S.TO 100. ' I VERY MACH1hE FuLtYa , , GUARANTEED CATA1 + aGUl : SENT FOR tJo CftJTSTAI1l ' I J Y O. i - : .fhA1n ofFIGE Ano FACTORY LAISE f1Al5TED 5T 5 ' t RETAII ' .SALEbROQMt 280 WABASH I VE = ! STLRN WAREHOU9E - 97-99rREADE b1'NEU OQk -1PORT.LAN D RANCHES SAN RAhC15CA ' ' r , , - Lane51DEraocsem 7 I F. D. BURGESS Y . N MAIN AVENUE , McCOOS , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Geode Pumps and Boiler Trim minga Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. I , - Subscribe for The MeCook Trbnue ! . , s- . It has no equal in this local field. , , - . . . - - . ' , - r ? - SU t51oNs BY PUBLICATION. Barbara Stevens , defendant , will take notice that Mary A. Lonergan as executrix of the last will and testament of Thomas Lonergan , , deceased , plaintiff , has filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed August 22 , 1839 , by the defendant , Barbara Stevens , to the said I'hoinas Lonergannow deceased , of whose last well and testament this plaintiff is the duly appointed , qualified and acting executrix , upon the northeast q uarter of section num beg- ed twentyone in township numbered one , north of range numbered thirty , west of the sixth principal meridian , in Red Willow county , Neb. , to secure the payment of her one certain principal promissory note for the sum of $150 , dated Aug.22 , ISSS , due Sept. I,1S9t , drawing interest at , the rate of ten per cent. per annum from maturity. There is now due on said note and mortgage the sum of $150 , with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cunt. per annum from May t 1893 , and lait- iff rs for a decree that he dedant be r - uiiredyto the same , or that said premises besold tpay said mount. 'Vouare required - quired to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 16thi day f September , 189 ' . DatedAugust - I8 MARY A. LONERGAN , as Executrix of the last will and testament of Thomas Lonergan , deceased , Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan , her attorney. S-9.4ts. SU1IoNs if PUBLICATION. John J. Unzieker and Sarah Unzieker , defendants - fendants , will take notice that Mary A. Lon- ergan as executrix of the last will and testament - ment of Thomas Lonergan , deceased , plaint- iii , has filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage deed executed December 9 , ISS9 , b the defendants , John J. Unzieker and Sarah Unzieker , to the said fliomas Lonergan , now deceased , of whose east will and testament this plaintiff is the duly , appointed , qualified and acting executrix , upon lot numbered four in block numbered eight in the second addition - tion to the town of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , according to the recorded plat thereof , to secure the payment of their one certain principal promissory note for the sum of $5oo , dated December 9 , 1889 , due December - ber 9 , 1894 , together with ten coupon interest notes thereto attached , each for $22.50 , all dated - ted December 9 , 1889 , due respectively June 9 and December 9 , iS6o , 1891 , 1892 , 1893 and 1894 , all drawing interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annum from maturity. There is now due on said notes and mortgage the sum of $522.50 , with interest thereon at the rate of ten percent , per annum from December 9 , 189.4 and plaintiff prays for a decree that the de fendants be required to pay the same , or that said premises be sold to satisfy said amount. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 16th day of September , 1895. Dated August 5th , 1895. MARY A. LONERGAN , as Executrix of the last will and testament of Thomas Lonergan , deceased , Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan , her attorney. S 9.4ts. My little boy , when two years of age , was taken very ill with bloody flux. I was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , and luckiy procured part of a bottle. I carefully read the directions and nave it accordingly. 1-le was very low , but sowl and surely he began to improve , and now is as as ever. I feel sure it saved his life. I nevr can raise the remedy half its * orth. I am sorry everyone in the orld does not know liogoodit is , as I do.-Mrs. Lina S. Hinton , Grahamsvile' Marion county , Flor- ida. Fr sale by L. W. McConnell Co. , druggists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY ? Is the truthful and startling title of a book about No-To-Bac the harmless guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up the nnicotin- ized nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and man- hood. You run no physical or financial risk , as No-To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. 4-19.95-lyr. 'Sold by McConnell S Co. , McCook , Neb. Children Cry far Pitcher's Castoria. Since 1878 there havebeen nine epidemics of dysentery in , different parts of the country , in which Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was used with perfect suc- cess. Dysentery , when epidemic , is almost as severe and dangerous i as Asiatic cholera. Heretofore the best efforts of the most skilled physicians have failed to check its ravages ; thus remedy , however , has cured the most malignant cases , both of children and adults , and under the most trying conditions , which roves it to be the best medicine in the world for bowel complaint. For sale by L. W. McConnell - Connell S Co. , druggists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ; Six weeks ago I suffered with a very severe cold ; was almost unable to speak. My friends all advised me to consult a physician. Noticing - ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised in the St. Paul Volks Leitun I procured a bottle and after taking it a sort while was entirely well. I now most heartily recommend - mend thus remedy to anyone suffering with a cold.-William Keil , 67S Selby avenue , St. Paul , Minn. For sale by L. 1V. McConnell S Co. , druggists. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss , she clung t Castoria. When she had Children , she gave them Castria , To Wm. E. Glynn : You are herebynotified that on Nov. 27 , 1893 , Geo. Hocknell purchased - ed at public tax sale of the treasurer of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the following described - cribed land , the northeast quarter of section 26 , township I range 29 , iRed Willow coun + t y , for the delinquent taxes thereon for the year iS 2 that said tax sale certificate has been transferred to and is now owned b the undersigned ; that the time for the re demtion of sai estate from said tax sale will ex ire on Nov. 2- ' after which time the undersigned will a 1S9t the treasurer of Red Willocounty , Nebraska for a deed to said land , unless redemption is made according - ing to law. Dated at McCook , Nebraska , on the Sth day of August , 1895. J. W. Hupr. ORDER TO CREDITORS. The state of Nebraska , county of Red Willow , ss. In the matter of the estate of Rothees S. Hileman , deceased : 'Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims and demands against the said estate of Rothees S. Hiloman , deceased , that such persons are required - quired to present their claims with vouchers to the county judge of said county , at his office therein , on or before the 24thh day of February , IS96 , and all claims so filed will be heard before the said judge on the 25th day of February , iS96 , at one o'clock , p. m. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published in THE McCooK TRIBUNE for three successive weeks beginning August 23d , iSQ5 Dated this 20th day of August , t8Q5 . CHARLES . BECK S Sts. County Judge. A FACTORY OF YOUR OWN S TART in your own town. Be independent - pendent ; make money. A money maker ; but a few dollars required. Full particulars - ticulars on receipt of stamp. P. D. SwICK , Des Moines Iowa. i I have removed' from my old stand into the Ganschow building , first door south of Dc- Groff & Co. , where I am displaying - playing a larger and finer stock of CIGARS , TOBACCOS and SMOKERS' GOODS than I have ever carried before. Pour patroinage is solicited. J. I-I. BFNNETT. \I J , The California Cold Process. If you are looking for something with which to preserve fruits , vegetables , and liquids by the California cold process , see George P.Weick of South McCook , He has the materials , directions etc. , for the most successful fruit and vegetable preserver iii the world. Call on or address - dress him. Keeps all fruits and vegetables - tables perfectly fresh. Is harmless and healthful. Drew and the cheese knife had a painful - ful conflict , last Saturday , in which A. } I. was a second best clear. Wednesday's rainfall was.45 ofan iuch according to the Burlington gauge at this station. Princes Violet Perfume at McMilleu's. Try Stolen Sweets Perfume at McMil- len's. . BOX ELDER. Road Overseer Pinkerton is putting - ting the roads in fine shape. We would like to see our primaries - maries in the Republican party go on without a split between the voters. R. E. Moore has returned from his visit in Iowa , where he has disposed of his horses by trading them for a piece of land. The corn crop has been very badly damaged by the hot , dry weather. The early crop will make a half crop and the late will make good rough feed. J. F. Miller , who moved to Friend , last spring , has returned to Red Willow county , satisfied he cannot move from drouth or hail storm and says there are worse places than fled Willow county. We would like to warn all candidates - didates in the Republican party not to send any liquor to the polls or send anyone who will peddle liquor , to work for you , or anyone - one that uses liquor. We have had all such work as this we want and are getting tired of such work , and any candidate known to send liquor or any one that drinks liquor - uor will not be supported by the substantial Republican v o't e r s. We boast of one sober , decent election in 1894 , and we are determined - termined to keep a good name by keeping whiskey from the polls. And we would like to impress on the minds of candidates that there is a certain party in Box Elder that is trying to bleed the candidates - dates by getting money to work for them. These parties do not belong to the party and will do anything for the money and whiskey - key they can get , and the same parties have been known to take money and cigars to work for the Republican party and worked for the other party. These parties have no influence and any Republican - lican candidate these parties work' for will not receive the Republican - can support. DANBURY. The merchants have received their fall goods. Dave Smith from Wilsonville was up , Tuesday. , Miss Alta , daughter of George Illorgan , is on the sick list. Rev. C. A. Webster is back again ; his family return , Tuesday. H. W. Parker had a narrow escape - cape from a destructive fire , re- cently. J.C.Cass is down with the fever. P. J. Bostaiu is running his yard for him. School commences on next Mou- clay. The Shiloh school also begins - gins on that date. We had a good shower , Wednesday - day , and it will help the early corn out in good shape. The Populist ticket for Beaver precinct is : Assessor , Soren Si I monson ; overseer road district 41 , William Scarrow ; overseer road district 24 , Gardner Pratt ; justices of the peace , William Sullivan , J. A. Cass ; clerks of election , S oxen Simonson John Adams ; judges of election , James Toner , Milton Leopold , Amos Thomas. , . - Y co w . _ - en en s . . . , . Will very easily easilyf a ' or 2 f sheets o f a'er and 2 envy eta-es. 15c. gets a j . better. 20G. some- < thin g good. . .5c. l a , s'leacid article. 9 " \ 3oG. a su/erb box , ' , and . an elegant - and stylish paper , ! . ' - at the Stationery ® e ' artnent 0 27ze ) YI0000L' Tribune. . . _ . . . . . . z. > + Land ! Land ! Land ! I have the largest list of lands on my books of any agency in southwestern Nebraska , and all of these lands can be bought right and at prices that will make the purchaser money. But in addition - to my regular list I -have a few tracts upon which I took options , last spring , and for the next 6o days I can sell these lands at dry weather prices. There- are some very fine alfalfa lauds among them. C. F. BABCOCK. Office oil Main st. , opposite hotel. Democratic Judicial Convention. Notice is hereby given than the Democrats of the Fourteenth judical district of Nebraska will meet in delegate convention at McCook , Nebraska , on the 4th day , of September , 1395 , at 6:30 p. nn. , for the purpose of placing in ' nomination a candidate or the office of District Judge of stud district , and the transaction - action of such other business as may collie before - fore the convention. The counties composing the said district shall be entjtled to representation - ation as follows : Furnas..6 hIayes. . . . . . . . . . .2 Goaper..3 Hitclicocl.3 Frontier..5 Dundy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Red Willow..5 i Chase2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 By order of committee. ELWOOD BIGLER. Chairman. C. M. KELLEY , Secretary. Prohibition Mass Convention. The Prohibitionists of Red Willow county , Nebraska , are hereby called to meet in mass convention at1lcCook , Neb. , in the city hall , on Saturday , September 21st , at two o'clock , p. m. , for the nomination of county , oflicers and the transaction of any other business that may properly collie before the convention. R' . O. NORVAL , Chairman. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. John Quan and Catherine Quan , defendants , will take notice that Mary A. Lonergan as executrix - ecutrix of the last will and testament of fliomas Lonergan , deceased , plaintiff , has filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are t foreclose a certain mortgage - executed March I , ISSS by the defendants - ants , John Quan and Catherine uan , to the said Thomas Lonergan , now deceased , of whose last will and testament this plaintiff is the duly appointed , qualified and acting executrix - utrix , upon lot numbered eleven in block nuun- bered tea , first addition to South McCookRed \Villoly county , Nebraska , according to the recorded plat thereof , to secure the payment of their one certain principal promissory note for the sum of S2oo.oo , dated March 1st , ISSS , due one year after date , drawing interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annum from date until paid. 1 here is now due on said note and mortgage the sum of $130.00 , with interest thereon at the rate of tern per cent. per annum from September h,1892 , and plainldf prays tor a decree that the defendants be required t pay the same , or that said premises be sold to satisfy sand amount. You are required to an saver said petition on or before Monday , the h6th day of September , 1895. Dated August 5th , 1S95. MARY A. LONERGAN , as Executrix of the last will and testatment of Thomas Lonergan , deceased , Plaintiff. By 1V. S.Morlan , her attorney. S-9.4ts. HOME 7 THE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISER AND REAL ESTATE WORLD is full of information about Iowa homes , homes in the Sunny South , homes in the Nest , wild lands , cheap lands , fruit lands , lands for colonies - onies , bargains in property of all kinds amid in all sections , property to exchange , etc. Send stamp for copy. It will be worth dollars to you. Address INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISEI : , 203 Fifth st. , Des Moines. Iowa. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Eves and Granuiated Eve Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per'box. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorder ; and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked hone. _ 5 cents per package. For sale by druggists. L.V. . MCCoNNELI. & CO. , VIII I I S. CORDEAL 0 V l : I Notary Public , : Reliable , Insurance , Collection Agent. J. S , IICEDAYER 4 I'ROPRIETOR OF TIIE McCook Transfer Line , I BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. ; ' DnIy furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. . , . ( Some handsome liew bex writing , pa- ! per just received at our stationery de- partment. = Prices very reasonable , 1 i i attte'l / I ' ( I I AX I I 1 .I I PLUG t Tl1e ; laje3t piece :1 : o r t , eves so O Y . , 10 CENTSi I I i n I I f , , a I COLE , LEADING'f I n OF Mc000K r ( , Has just received a new stock o1 CLOTH9 J , 4 i and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fit- 1 ting suit made at the very lowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett's Lumber Office , on Dennlaoa. Itree t. I I . JULIUS ILUNERT , i , i ' Carpet Laying , ! 1 + i Carpet eailinc' . b fi i : " -I am : still doing carpet laying , carpet , cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See i or write me before such work. My f , , charge are very reasonable. Leave orders at i TR11IUNE office. JULIUS KUNERT. r t , l W. V. GACE , F ! PI-IVSICIAN AN t SURGEON r ' McC00K NEBRASKA. 1 1 ' t srOffice heirs-9 t0 I I a. m , , 2 to 5 and I t 7 to 9 p. m. Looms-Over the First National i . bank. Night calls answered at the office. i 1 J. A. , GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , t McCooK , NEBRASKA. I J .a OGice-Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. j I Residence-7o1 Main street. Prompt attention - tion given to all calls. J AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , i t ! ATTORNEY AT LA % r , i MCCOUi : , NEBRASKA. i "Office-Over the Famous clothing store. ' J E. KELLEY , , ATT'OltNEY AT LAW i MCCO0K , NEBRASKA. 'Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- f Rear of First National bank. + + , J. B. BALLARD , + ) ® DENTIST. I fI , + . i All dental work done at our office is guaranteed - anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of , Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith I & Bellamy , assistants. , J . . . . -.MRS. E. E. UTTER , . . , . . . . . . . MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VUICE TRAINING A SPECIALV. i I .7Studio-CornerofDodgeand lladisonsts. 1 f e , ELM R ROWELL , 1 r , Real FstateCollections Insurance r MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. ; 7Notary , Public. East Dennison Street. , J , Y CARSON & TAYLOR Pronrietors . . . of the ' - i SUNNY SIDE DA1R'I - I , llt t ( We respectfully solicit your business , 'a and guarantee pure milk , full measure I f and prompt , courteous service. Y i Chase Co , Land and live Stock C 0. I Y , ) : $ li ' 1 1 i t1 is . . , i , + S I 1 + Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder ; P. 0. address imperial i Chase county , and Beat rice. Nebraska. Range , Stinking Water and the Y I Frenchman creeks , in ChasecountyNebraska. i Brand as cut onside of some animalson hip and sides of some , or - anywhere where on the animal. . , , .If .II I - I r