II I I 1 A Precious Stone in High Favor. A precious stone which at the present - ent time is very valuable , because it is , the stone of the houris the peridot , or "evening etncrald. " It is a lovely stone , with its exquisite shades of tranrparcnt green , the best suggestion of whose hue is the effect produced by tS looking at the light through a delicate p leaf. , le vclers say that the peridot is a sPccics of olivine , of the same class as the beryl , aquamarine and the topaz , I and that it is in fact the ancient "topa- zion , " otherwise known as chrysolite. It is found in Egypt , Ceylon and Brazil , good crystals being exceedingly rare. ' Of the various shades of green olive , leaf , ppistachio , or leek , the clear leaf green is the most admired p Of all these precious stones the per- , dct is the most difficult to polish. The final touch is given on a copper wheel moistened with sulphuric acid , a process - cess which requires ; the greatest care , for , if dipped into the acid the stone has the peculiarity of becoming sol- uble. Sometimes it is cut in rose form , or like a carbuncle , but it is better - ter and more valuable when worked in small steps , as the brilliance is thus increased. Owing to time quality of softness the peridot has been considered of little value , but now that it is the fashion fabulous prices arc charged for the ; tone.-Montreal Star. i Ten Thousand Miles or Thirty , It matters not which , Inay subject you to sea sickness on the "briny deep. " Whether you are a yachtsman , an ocean traveler , out for a day or two's llshirig on the salt water , or even an Inland tourist in feeble health , you ought to be provided with llostctters t-tomach Bitters , a valuable remedy for nausea , colic , rheumatism , nervousness : tnd SICk headache. Lay ht an adequate supply. Ants Keep' Cows. There are other ways in which ants are like us , though their bodies arc so different from ours. They have stables under the ground in which they keep-guess what-tiny green plant lice , like those mama will show you on her rosebush. The right name for these little things is "aphis. " The stable ants take care of them and bring them bits of tender green leaves to eat The aphis is the ants' cow. It does not give extctly the same kind of milk that we drink , but the ants are very fond of what it ( Ices give. We call it honey dew. When an ant wants some he touches the aphis in a certain place and the aphis gives a tiny bit of honey. 'this seems to me a wonderful thing , and makes me feel as if the ants were in some way related to us. Perhaps as nearly as third cousins. Indeed , the more we watch each little live thing , the more we find that each has something - thing about it like us. Everything is a nice part of the lovely , useful world in which we live. E. 13.WALTIIALI. & CO. . Druggists , Horse Cave , Hy. , say : "hall's Catarrh Cure cures everyone that takes it. " Sold by Druggists , 7c. Three Eyes a Day. Casset's Saturday Magazine : It is a fallacy to suppose that people who wear cork legs and glass eyes are indifferent - different to their personal appearance. They are often vainer than ordinary in- dividuals. A rich man , for instance , who is obliged to wearan artificial .eye. will wear three different eyes every day-an eye for morning , when the pupil is not very large : aneye for noon , when the pupil is smaller , and an eye for evening , when the pupil has extended - tended to its full size. A dealer fu artificial eyes , who gave this information - tion , said he made aboutan equal proportion - portion of glass eyes for men .and women. Some people keep quite a stock in their possession ; in fact no fewer than twelve eyes have been made for one individual within three years. his son had got one -made from measurement , and that eye fitted so perfectly that the old gentleman , in an outburst of gratitude , wrote off for eleven other eyes. A Use for Marines. Pearsoi's Weekly : hiss Inland ( to old salt , who is showing the party over the flagship-'And ) what are those soldiers on board ship for ? " Bosuns NateThim ? Oh , tltim s the marines , mum. ' ' Miss Inland- ' Marines ? And what are they for ? " Papa lnland-"Don't ask so many foolish questions , Mary Ellen. Everybody - body knows those gentlemen are employed - ployed by the government for the sailors - ors to toll stories to. " A man was photographed in Georgia white dangling at the end of a rope. Don't 1 e a saint in church and a heathen on the street car. l , , s 'u t t NLED i Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when ' rightly used. The many , who live better - ter than others and enjoy life more , with ! ' less expenditure , by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being , will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy , Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasant - ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative - ative ; effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds , headaches and fevers an permanently curing constipation. t It has given satisfaction to millions and ' met with the approval of the medical profession , because it acts on the Kidneys - neys , Liver and Bowels without weak- I enina them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. r Syrup of Figs is for sale by all dru ; gists in 50c and $1 bottles , but it is man- : 1 j ufactured by the California Fig Syrup e Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and going well informed , You will not accept any substitute if offered. _ II I I I t 1 u u , , , S RY 0 M ETA _ . y 1RGlN1 A W. JOHNSON. t ; - COPYRIGHT 1892 BY RAND-MtNALLY' CO. , _ - - IIIVI - . . tit „ , ' . . q : , , . . . . - - nul t. I'N6ERNATIONAL PRESS A5& ' N CUAPTEU 'Ill Mr. Brown had obediently taken from the depths of a convenient pocket a bundle of gloves , which combined a rainbow of delicate tints , varying from violet , lemon color , the blue of a robin's egg , to velvety black , and the owner bestowed her gift with careless - less good humor. Left alone , after murmuring some confused words of thanks , Dolores contemplated - templated her first pair of fresh gloves with an ecstasy of feminine contentment - ment impossible to describe. How beautiful they were , of a texture like a roseleaf ! How deliciously they were scented with some unfamiliar perfume , which may have represented the first , subtle odor of a perfected refinement of civilization to the awakening senses of the girl ! She seated herself with the poodle on her lap , stripped oft the old gloves ungratefully , casting them down at her feet , and assumed the new ones. Then she rose , and glanced about her , irresolutely. Unfamiliar with the mansion , she sought Lieut. Curzon on every side , with her glance. Ile had promised to wait for her and conduct her to the ballroom. Tiresome Florio must first be given to grandpapa. She went on to the next room of the suite , bewildered by her interview with the singer. In the second apartment a lady had paused to button her glove. She glanced up , recognised Dolores , and came swiftly toward her. She wielded no fairy wand wherewith to further embellish the poor , little maiden admitted to this paradise of . f n I''vLQ'V ° ' C , . ct } , m cit tr C ' = = 4 ? , \ , \ 1 \ , ' I " \ 1 ) it t' ' r I „ t t - "THIS IS YOUR WAY OUT. " revelry. Instead , her blue eyes dwelt with an expression of wounding disapproval - approval on the flimsy , pink ribbon encircling the golden-brown throat , and the coarse texture of the dress. The glance was one to coldly discern defects in other women rather than charms. Miss Ethel Symthe , in arobe of pure , white silk , subtly interwoven with glittering silver , which shone like diamond dust scattered over snow , inspired - spired fear , a chilling dread in the soul of Dolores , as she looked at her , Why ? What had she done amiss ? The irrepressible - pressible flash of jealousy and irritation - tion in the blue eyes of Diana may have been the annihilating ray launched at a rival , the obstacle in the path , since the day of Queen Eleanore and the fair Rosamund. Miss Symthe had not failed to remark the folly of mankind , as evinced by Capt. Blake , and even the Ancient Mariner , Capt. Fillingham , in lingering near the I'henician of the tableau. The anxiety and abstraction of Arthur Curzon had inspired in her secret uneasiness and suspicion. Where had he found Dolores ? Why was he so solicitous about her pose and acecs- series in the scene ? Fate having delivered - livered the innocent culprit into her hands , this daughter of her ctntury decided to dispose of her in summary fashion. "Good-bye , " she said with a haughty bow. "You are going away now , I suppose. Mrs. Griffith is too busy to see you again , I fancy , but it does not signify , as I am here. " The radiant face of Dolores clouded , and she recoiled a step. She was expected - pected to go away instead of dancing. The words , look , and manner of Miss Symthe pierced her heart , as the blow of a whip might have stung her cheek. "I am not leaving yet , " she stam- mered. ' 'There is to be a ball. " Miss Symthe elevated her. eyebrows , and bit her lip. She knew that the Grand Duke had expressed a wish to dance the next quadrille with the Phoenician. She was aware that Arthur Curzon loitered in an adjacent corridor to claim his partner. Rage and bitterness filled the soul of the young lady of many seasons. "You are mistaken , " she said , in such cutting accents that the listener winced instinctively. "You do not know about such matters , of course , " with another disdainful glance at the pink gown and ribbon. "You were asked to share in the tableau. Mrs. Griffith gives the ball to her frierds. " "Then why as I invited at all ? " cries poor Dolores , piteously. "Men will always make a fool of you , if you allow it , " said Diana. "This is your way out. You will find your grandpapa yonder. " She pointed to a door , and waited to see Dolores depart with a marked impatience that brooked no appeal. Surprised , dismayed , and nota little aggrieved , the girl would have caught at any straw of delay , had such detention - tion offered. Iler pride flamed up suddenly , and she departed swiftly , stifling tears. Miss Symthe rebuttoned her other glove , glided behind a screen of plants , thus adroitly avoiding Arthur Curzon , and entered the ballroom with a smile on her rosy lips. Dolores , with head lowered , and clasping her dog , ran into Capt. Blake , who started forward at her approach from the court. "Where are you going ? " he demanded - manded , extending his hand. " 1 am to go away , " replied Dolores , in a faint voice , placing her little , trembling hand in his grasp , and looking - ing up at him appealingly and sorrow- fully. "The little witch ! " thought the soldier - dier , with a pleasurable quickening of pulsation in the region of the heart , beneath his red jacket "I never saw such eyes in my life. " lie had placed himself in ambush to 1 await her approach , for he had reasoned - soned that she must bring her dog to her grandfather before dancing. lie was moved by the complex motive of admiration of her beauty , curiosity as to who she was and a desire to thwart the sailor. "Going away without dancing with mc : " ' he exclaimed aloud. "That will never do. " "The lady-I mean Diana-said I was to go away now. Oh , 1 am so disappointed - appointed ! " confessed Dolores , bending - ing her head still lower to hide the threatening tears. "You ihust not mind Miss Symthe. She is not the mistress of this house , " said the gallant captain , in soothing accents. Dolores dried her eyes with a quizzical - cal expression. In the game of cx perience Miss Symthe had thrown the shuttlecock of dire warning that men would make a fool of Dolores , and here was the first man met by the girl afterward , tossing back the refutation , in unconscious vindication of his sex , possibly , by admonishing her to beware - ware of Miss Sv mthe. Lieu t. Curzon waited impatiently , darkened."I dressing room where Dolores had betaken - taken herself to change her stage costume - tume , and again pacing the length of colonnade. ' The onening quadrille of honor was over. The new singer , Melita , invited .for the occasion , had rendered successfully - cessfully a brilliant , operatic aria , with innumerable bird-like trills and quavers , substituting as an encore an odd and sad little Russian song in a minor key. Still Dolores did not come. The young officer was vaguely aware that girls require an unconscionable time for their toilet. He was too large of soul to notice the frock of Dolores , if he thought of it at all. He was determined to give her the pleasure of dancing at a real ball , and , well-of dancing with her. Still she did not come. The blood coursed more quickly in his veins. lie paced about restlessly. Perhaps - haps some accident had happened to her. The admiration bestowed on her beauty in the tableaux inspired in kiln as much distrust as satisfaction. He would seek the grandfather. Why had he not done so before ? Iie paused suddenly at the sight of Capt. Blake approaching , with Dolores on his arm. The captain thoroughly enjoyed the situation. Miss Ethel Symthe , who had slighted him on several occasions in favor of Lieut. Curzon- wished to banish Dolores. He would make the latter dance all the evening , if possible - ble , in consequence. Besides , he found it very agreeable to pour flatteries into the unsophisticated ear of his compan- ion. He held a card , and was writing down his own name for a number of dances , Dolores observing him with puzzled attention meanwhile. She recognized Lieut. Curzon. withdrew - drew her hand from the arm of her escort , and ran toward him , with a joyous exclamation. 'I am glad to see you again , " she said , simply. "I was going away , only Capt. Blake stopped me. He has been so kind , " with a light gesture , caressing - ing and grateful , toward her late com- . "I " panion. may stay ? Dolores glanced from one to the other in sudden misgiving of her reception - ception in that great world of ballroom - room beyond , where reigned Miss Ethel Symthe in her robe sparkling with silver. Capt. Blake laughed. "Oh , the women ! " Ile said. He uttered a few sentences of explanation - nation in the ear of Lieut. Curzon , and laughed again. The other listened with an expression of surprise and anger , while a steely light shone in his ayes , and the lines about his lips tightened visibly. "Here is your card , Miss Dealtry , " added the son of Mars. gaily , concealing - ing any vexation the intrusion of Lieut Curzon on his tete-a-tete might have occasioned him. Do not forget . " your engagements with me. "Oh „ no , " replied Dolores. smiling , and attaching the card to her fan by the silver cord. The next moment her features darkened. I "I hate her ! " she whispered , fiercely. "Oh , how she has made me suffer ! " Evidently she had heard and comprehended - prehended the words of Capt. Blake. "What does it matter ? " said Arthur Curzon. "Nobody shall cheat us of our dance , Dolores. You do not hate me , little bird ? " lie would have deemed his tone sentimental , even lachrymose , in another man. She lifted her flower-like face , as if inviting a caress , all softness and alluring - luring sweetnessin smile and dimple. "How could I ever hate you ? " she questioned. He looked at her in silence. She was there under his protection , but surely some emotion deeper , more subtle , blended of pain and bliss , than the chivalrous sentiment of the gentleman - tleman and the sailor , was awakening in his nature. Already the orchestra breathed forth the first notes of Strauss' Swallow - low Waltz , in which the listener feels the poising of the bird on fluttering - ing wing before launching into wide circles of flight. Lieut. Curzon led his partner to the ballroom , and had already clasped his arm around her slender waist , when the message of the Grand Duke was communicated to her. Was Dolores , surprised or pleased , tasting a first triumph ? Her color went and came quickly , still she did not attempt to withdraw her hand from that of Arthur Curzon , even to listen. "Shall I accept ? " she inquired , archly. "Yes. " The couple glided away into the midst of the dancers , leaving Mrs. Griffith disturbed and displeased by so much audacity and coquetry ! Was it a mere waltz , after all , the brief span of time when society accorded - corded these two the privilege of obeying - ing the rhythm of the music , and the rose in her hair brushing his lips , and her light form obeying every impulse of his guiding and encircling arm ? Both forgot the Grand Duke , the ball , mere external circumstances. They were alone in a world of life and radiance , moving through space , almost - most without personal volition , attuned - tuned to the strains of delightful harmonies. In the sailor's instinctive yielding to the spell of a waltz measure it was apparent that the sea had been his dancing master , and the wind his musician , imparting buoyancy alike to pulse and limb. In his zest of enjoyment lie more closely resembled the Frenchman , or the Italian - ian , than the average young Briton , who stalks gloomily through time mazes of the modern dance. As for Dolores , the blood of her race asserted time right of agility and lightness - ness , spurning the trammels of ordinary - nary instruction in the terpsichorean art. The pupils of the convent school had danced together , during hours of play , as they had laughed or sung. Dolores had often been their leader , but such rudimentary practice of steps could not explain the innate grace of her movements in the Swallow Waltz. Other forms mingled and separated about her in giddy circles , and the waves of soft draperies broke over without submerging her in the folds of silken gauze , shot with variegated colors , the rich bloom of velvet , golden and peach-tinted tissues. Once she was confronted by the calm face of Miss Symthe , making a turn of the dances with the Grand Dukeand again the singer Melita gave her a friendly , half-amused nod of the head in pass- ing.All All too soon the music ceased to resound - sound , and Dolores found herself on a terrace softly liehted with tinted lamps placed amid masses of palms and ferns. "I am to dance withm the Grand Duke next , I suppose , " suggested this southern daughter of Eve , glancing up at her companion through her long and silky eyelashes. "IVill that give you pleasure- " 1 don't know. Perhaps I am a little afraid. I wish our waltz had lasted longer : " "I wish it had lasted forever , Dolores. " Calm reason nolongerguided Arthur Curzon , even a clear perception of the reality of things was merging in the intoxication of the hour. The Swallow - low Waltz of the magician Strauss still palpitated through his frame and hummed in his ears. He tools hem card , scrutinized it with severity , and erased the name of Capt. Blake with a lofty , masculine unconcern of / Jc's,1 ' III' ' Jl r , ' I 1 , . ' 'l i y i + tt 4. r'IIOTII FORGOT TI1I : G1tANIl I)1 1.13. " all rivals. This high-handed mcas- ure was calculated to arouse indignation - tion in the breast of the most tame- spirited cavalier , and could only hare' been satisfactorily adjusted among l continental nations by time allaying of hot blood by means of cold steel. "You must keep the engagement with the Prince , but afterward you belong to me. Do you understand ? " he said , authoritatively. "Yes , ' ' assented Dolores , with sweet docility. i Capt. Fillingham quitted a group of gentlemen to accost the young people. l Isis eyes beamed on them illrough hi ; spectacles with a benevolent and speculative - ; ulative interest. He wore on his breast a formidable array of decorations , including - cluding the China , Turkish and liaflir war medals , and the Swedish Naval Cross of Merit ( TO BE CONTINUED , ) , 1 r 1Ca jeE inge nod li n , atest V' ABSOLUTELY PDRE i Japan uud the Cotton Trade. One of the consequences of the new relations between Japan and China , it is predicted , will be that the British and American cotton industry will be injured liy rapid development of cotton manufacturing in Japan. But to make our operatives accept 50 cents for the dollar in their wages will avert the predicted shrinkage would not seem intelligible to any but an incurable fa- natic. For an American workman to subsist on half rations is not an immediate - diate economic necessity , nor is it ever going to be. There are other trades to turn to when cotton manufacturing for export declines. Meanwhile , moreover - ver , domestic demand is bound to in- . Times-herald. crease.-Chicago - . GRASS IS KING ! C TON PEit ACRE. Sow grass ; that is the foundation of all successful farming. Sow this fall ! Did you ever hear of six tons per acre ? Salzer's seeds produce such yields. Wheat 60 to SO bushels ! Rye 60 bushels ! Cut this out and send for free sample of winter wheat and grass and fall catalogue - logue to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. . La Crosse , Wis. ( W.N.U. ) A Queer Journey. lrarions towns in 1Vashfngton county saw a curious expedition in progress last week. A man and woman , both well along in years , were trudging steadily along the country raids. the man pushing a wheelbarrow vithwhat appeared to be bedding , his wife bringing - ing up the rear , carrying a lunch wrap. peg in a red bandanna. They occasionally - sionally halted by the roadside , brewed and partook of the cup that "cheers but not inebriates , " then filled their pipes and had a social smoke. They claimed to have walked from St. John , and were coming to Bangor looking for work. They seemed to be contented trth their lot- and to feel as though their lines had fallen in pleasant places. IlegentanrsenutpltorIcAwitIi Glycerine. Cure-Cha Handsand FaceTendProrSore Feet , Chilblalnsl'iles.&c. C. G. Clark Co..NcwUaten.CL The lylso Malden. An Ohio man who is being sued for breach of promise makes the defense that he proposed and was accepted on Sunday , and that according to the laws of his state contracts made on Sunday are not legally binding. If this defense is held by the court to be rood , future courtships in Ohio will proceed about in this way : . 'r'ime IYise Maiden-I cannot consider your offer today. If you are in earnest repeat it tomorrow , and perhaps I may give you the answer you wish. The Suitor-lint why not today ? Why will you keep me in suspense ? 't'he 11'fse Maiden-This is Sunday , you know. I don't intend to get left on any futurebreach-of-promise suit by entering into a Sunday contract.-L'uf- falo Express. Tobacco-Weakened Resolutions Nerves irritated by tobacco , always cravin' ; for stimulants , cxplaias 1vhy it is so hard to svsA1t ore. No 7'u-Bac is the only guaranteed tobacco-habit cure becaus it acts directly on atfecled nerve tenters , t.cstrol s irritation. Promotes - motes dwestion : utd healthy , relreshbt , sleep. Many gain to pounds in lu days. Yon cwt ho ri.l ; . No-'I'o Ilac is sold and graranteed by Druggists everywhere. Book tree. Address Sterhuo lleniedy Co.New York City orChicago. English Mullins. One quart flour , one-half teaspoonful I sugar , one teaspoonful salt , two large teaspoonfuls baking powder , one and one-quarter pints milk. Sift together - gether flour. sugar , salt and powder ; add milk , and mix into smooth batter , trifle stiffer than for griddle cakes. Have griddle heated regularly all over. I grease ; t and lay on muffin rings , half ; fill them and when risen well up to top of rings turn over gently with cake turner. They should not be too brown , just a buff color. When all cooked , pull each open in half , toast delicately , butter well , serve on folded napkin , piled high and very hot. . 'i hrvt iris I I'ur ter'K Giuzer'Fonte andbalievein i , 's y a mother at. , ! ' 0 WI I you sap when famili.tr iritlt its revitaliril t , ropcrlies. If there fr : any dot { 1n a man it is sure to growl when his fond is hot to his taste. The wise can learn something froth the mistakes of a fool. .Itl t. lion. it doeN it iM I"It the rtil . It is.enouait to knl.w Ihal Iltndtrtur s takoutthe to ns andavery pleasing r.lie1ltis.Ueatdruggists Minnesota has a variety of wolves which so closely resemble the Siberian ' wolf that ninny people believe they came from that country. I Cast-steel billiard balls are in use in l Sweden. Thcy are made hollow , so that their weight is about the same as that of ivory LaIIs. The .tngler's Paradise. Northern Wyomin ; holds out very i sre fal iaducement3 to the summer yaca- tionist , I ertcula rlv if he i.e of n si orting turn of infud. Its stream' teem whim the gamiest , greedie.t trout that ever rose to a ' fly. Four pounds are not infrequent and several fish weighing over six pounds have teen hrouht to batik. 'Ihe fishing waters are so extensive cad' ' so accessible that it is not even necessary to go to the trouble of making preliminary enquire aLolt them. Just purcha o a round trip ticket to Sheridan and place i yourself atter arrival in the hands of one of the numerous capable guides who make their headquarters there. He will 'do the rest. ' J. Francis. the general paesen „ er agent of the Buriington Route at Omaha. Neb. , will take pleasure in promptly answering letters asking for information about time cost of tickets , Lest way to reach Sheridan , etc. 'l'ime word pays more for pleasure than I it does for tread. Don't Take the Earth. Wheelmen are on the high wave of popular favor just now , but they should not demand the earth. They should permit those who do not ride the bicycle to live , or at least share the ozone in a restricted way. The luunblo worm will turn , and if they do not v grant the pedestrian some rights ho ' may arise in his might and demand them. Make Your Oun Bitters : On receipt of 30 cents In U. S. stamps , l will send to any address one package Sto- kete&s Dry Bitters. One package mnkea one gallon bem tonic known. Cures stomach - ach , kidney diseases , and is a great appa- tizer and blood purifier. Just the medicine needed for spring and summer. 23e. at k your drug store. Address GEO. G. Sill . sixesGrnd ltauids. Mich. tip An Optical Delusion. IsA # Mrs. llammond-"Mrs. Ilashcroft has bragged again today about her keeping boarders so long. " Mrs Foraweek-"She don't really keep them long. She keeps thent so i thin that they look longer than they really arc.-Indianapolis Journal. Tobacco Chewint ; Do : ; . ( 'S Supt. McAlvoy has a little English ntnstift pup , eight mouths old and weighing 135 pounds that has developed an abnormal rip- petite for tobacco. He acquired this taste' for it by watching Amos chow no doubt , ' and ho is never happier than when ho 1sl given a "chow. " He chews awl spits like 1 any other man and has never yet been' sick. His tobacco habit is avery expensive one amid ho will ho given a treatment otl No-to-back in the hope of curing him- Crawfordsvillo ArPus News. There are said to ho over 3OttOO ) deitloS in time Hindoo mythology. i t in france there are fur inure fenutlo than' ' mare bicyclists. I helieve Piso's Cure for Consumption saved may boy's life last summer.-Mns. ALLIE DOUGLASS , LeRoy , Mich , Oct. 'O , J 1. . Immersion in snail , tumid or water pro , serves wood for ninny centuries. II the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. ae sure and use thatuld and well-tried reulr.ly , ntu , ti W1 Lorr'sSourotsaStourfurChildrenTcetling The right kind of gooduers is sure to ho good for something , "Ranscn's Magic Corn Salve. " Warranted to cure or utouey retnndol. Ask yo. druggist fur it. l'rlee 15 cent. . The poor have a thousand joys that the rich know nothing aLout. FITS-Ail Flts stoppca Tree by Pr.lr hue's ( f rcat irervtRestorer. iroFltiatlerthetrstday'yuse. [ Dtarveluuscure. . Treatisr : uu1S'StrtatIotUetlretu ' . . . ' . ' . i l''itcases. , : rchSt.,1'hda.,1'a. When wo go out to nieet trouble ve iiovor have a long walk. Billiard tnife , second-hand , for sale cheap. Apply to or address , H. C.AiI , Ill S. 12th St. , Omuha , No ! , . Estes Parlr , Colorado. Sixty-five miles nortlnvot of ieuver and reached by a two hours ride by rail thence twenty miles by stage is Estes I ark , ono of the most delightful retreat' it f. ; 1 t .iido to inlu.fmio Year by year it , attrnr bens become - come more widely- known amid ea' h nmireeed- I ih ; : Season Svitnesses a larger influx of suui- nmervisitors who timid its the wholesoumT out-of-doors life that is there the r'le just what their systems most need ctrl they themselves most cnoy. 'l'ime tishiir { in. Estes Park is unequalled in t'ooruto. : Shady hoots nl.ound. lnd sh' , hate' . , cottages - tages and Camping faeiitie ! are all t hat can' be desired. I , A copy of n little fook ; t ontainiug ail the information shout Estes furl : one reauiros will to nmaic'd : to any address on : mp ihhr.a- tion to .1. Fran is , G. i' . & T. A. hurling ton Route , Omaha , Nob. Worry mid thegrave digger et ( .11 well together. , I'ou can catty tie 1 little vial of Doctor -1 Pierce's Pleasant Pellets - lets right imt the vest- pocket of von ! dress suit , and it will not make even a little lump. The ' ' Pellets" are so small that 42 to t of thrum ; o in a vial . - scarcer more than an itch long , and as big round a a lead pencil. ' They ctn'c coustipa- 0' 1 tion.One i One "Pellet" is a Laxative ; ttvo a mild cathartic. Orr taken after tinnier will stinm- ulate dige-tiva action : nod palliate time effects of over-eatiug. They act withm gentle efLf- CIeuCr oil .temaC ] ! , liver aui bowels. They don't do time work theni.elvts. They intpiy'tinlUlale the ntttji .u tion of the orbtu them- - selves. vat MAcmEf Iliastratsd cataloet chnrrln r o r YELL/i AUGERS. EOCE DRILLS , IiYDIt3ULIU AND JETTING MACHINERF , etc. SE.yr Faz2. Have boon tested an'i all warranted. /I City Engine & Iron Works. _ , Successors to Pech Mfg. ( o , 5 Riouz ( Itv.7otra. , . ! TILE 1lOWELL&'nA'E.Itr or " 1 ' " 1414 treat Eeventh : Strt. . , I.1a 1 f 7 , no. J/IIIti i.IiLOIffII1'I 5 ® tl i1V idlinm ton 1l. C. Successfully Prosecutes Claims. LatePrincipal Ethminer U.S. Penefon Bureau. 3yrs .ulast war , JSadjudttatmgclaiut. , art ; , iuc' , e TIFICIA.L iT l'reeCatalogue. G * u.It.l wter. Box 2246 , Rochester , \ . Y. EEELE e Field an Cabled Poultry , Garden and Pabbl ; fence , Creel Web Picket I ztvn nonce. eic tualtty nrst class. PRICls LOwCaiatc gt : P'111E. 0 Fen ce , De Kalb Fence Co.,121 Ni hat. , Dealb , III. , m