. i , What is r 1i J + Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants " ' and . . It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. t. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Castoria. 'I CastoHa is na excellent nueileine for chll- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told urn of its good effect upon their children. " Da. G. C. O ooon , Lowell , Mass. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of 'which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castorla in. stead of thevariousquack nostrumswhich are destroying their loved ones , by forcingopium , lr morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " I Dn. J. F. Kz cucLon , ! ! Conway , Ark. . Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior Lenny prescripUon known to me. " H. A. ARcnsR , M. D. , 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart. meat have spoken highly of their expert. ence in their outside practice with Castorla , and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it" UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPENs.uY , Boston , Mass. AuEN C. Su vn , Pres. , The Centaur Coinpany , T7 Murray Street , New York City. i F. D. BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trtm t iinga Agent for IlaUiday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. . . . FIRST WATIOr4AL B t Capital and'SurpIu 60000 . , . . r OFFICERS .EiN'D DIRECTORS. GEO. HOCKNELL , B. M. FREES , W. F. LAWSON , F. A. PENNELL , Presidenf. V President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. ' ; T116 6itiz6ll BailK of M6Gook INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. t Paid TTA Capital , - - - $50,000. Surplus , - - - - - - 10,000. . . DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. taxes Paid for Non-Residents. : Tickets. ' or Sae oan r o Eliro e ! OFFICERS. ' V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. 1 COBBESPONDENTB-The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. The a Chemical National Bank , New York City. C. . CO. . , f i loci. . . . ; f I . , I . LIME , HARD x ' ' CEiffEST iIQD ' ' DOORS , LJJMJ3ERJ SOFT YlarDO s , BLINDS. COALS i hoc i : RED CEDAR AND : OAK POSTS. } U. J. WARREN ; Mana er. - s , a DO YOU WAN1 TO STOP TOBACCO ? YOU CAN HE CURED 1VHILE USING IT. The habit of using tobacco grows on a man until grave diseased conditions are produced. Tobacco causes cancer of the mouth and stomach ; dyspepsia ; loss of memory ; nervous affections ; congestion of the retina and wasting - ing of the optic nerve , even to the extent of blindness , dizziness , or vitigo ; tobacco asthma ; nightly suffocation ; dull pain in the region of the heart , followed later b } sharp pains , pal. pitation and weakened pulse , resulting in fatal heart disease. It also cuseloss of QUIT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. To quit suddenly is too severe a shock to the system , as tobacco-to ? n inveterate user , becomes a stimulant that his system continually - ually craves. BACCO-CURD is a scientific and reliable vegetable remedy , guaranteed to be perfectly harmless , and which has been in use for the last 23 years , having cured thousands - ands of tobacco users-smokers , chewers and snuff-dippers. - You can use all the tdbacco you want while taking "BACCo-CURo" . It will notifyyou when to stop.Ve give a written guarantee to permanently - manently cure any case with three boxes , or refund te money with to per cent. interest "BAcco-CURo" is not a substitute , but a reliable - liable and scientific cure-which absolutely destroys the craving for tobacco without the aid of will power , and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine , as the day you took your first chewer or smoke. Sold by all druggists , at $ i.oo per box , three boxes ( thirty days treatment and GUARANTEED - TEED CURE , ) $2.50 , or sent direct on receipt of price. Send six two cent stamps for sam pie box , booklet and proofs free. Eureka Chemical & Manufacturing Company , Manufacturing - facturing Chemists , La Cross , Wisconsin. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Willow county - ty , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon. D. T. Welty , judge of the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 15th day of January , 189 5 , in favor of George Hocknell as , and against George M. Chener et alplaintiff for the sum of three hundred thirty-eight dollars and forty cents ( $3S.4o ) , ancsts taxed at $40.08 , and accruing costs , I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants , to satisfy said judgment , to- wit : The undivided one-half interest in lot thirteen (13) ( ) , in block twenty-two (22) ) , in the original town of McCook , Red Willow county - ty , Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest kidder , for cash in hand , on the 15th day of July , A. D. , 1895 , in float of the south door of the court house , in Indian- ola , Nebraska , that being the building wherein - in the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day , when and where due attendance tivill be given by the undersigned. Dated , June 3d , 1S95.E. E. R. BANKS , Sheriff. W. S. MORLAN , Attorney. 6.14.5ts. ORDER OF HEARING ON API'OINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX. In the County Court of Red \Vi11ow county , Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Charles C. M. Rowell , deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Imo- gene Rowell , filed this 13th day of June , 1895 , praying that Letters of Administration be granted her upon the goods , chattels , rights and credits of Charles C. M. Rowell , deceased - ed , who died intestate on or about the 2d day June , 1895 It is ordered , that Tuesday , July 2d , 1895 , at one o'clock , p , m. , b assigned for a hearing in said matter , when all persons interested may appear and show cause , if such exist , why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given by publishing a copy of this order in THE McCooK TRIBUNE , a weekly- newspaper published - lished in said county , for three weeks prior to said day of hearing. CHARLES . BECK , 6-14-its. County Judge. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 27th day of March , 1894 , executed by E. W. Harris to the CitizensBankof 1'IcCook to secure the payment of the sumof $43.00 , and upon which there is now duethe sum of $ . } 3.oo , with interest at the rate of to per cent , per annum from June 27th , 1894 , default having been made in the payment of said sum , and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover saun debt or any part thereoftherefore we will sell the property therein described , viz : One black stallion , weighing about 1,700 pounds , at public auction at the livery barn of Clark & owen in the city of McCook , Nebraska' on the 22d day of Jue 189 , - , at ne o'clock , p. m. of said day. Dated , May 28th , 1895. THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCooK , 4-31-4ts. Mortgagee. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , June S , 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final homestead proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska - raska , on Wednesday , July 24th , 1895 , viz : Anfin 0. Houge , who made homestead entry number 9655 , for the west half of the southwest - west quarter and the south-east quarter of the south-west quarterof section twenty-seven (27) ( ) , and the north-east quarter of the northwest - west quarter of section thirty-four (34) ( ) , in township five (5) ( ) , north of range twenty-nine (29) ( ) , west of the sixth (6th ( ) principal merid- ian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation - tivation of , said land , viz : Andrew P. Larson - son of Quick , Nebraska , Porter Maddox , Hubert Beach , Irving W. Spaulding , all of Box Elder , Nebraska. A. S. CAMPBELL , 6I4.6ts. . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , June 7 , 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register - ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , July loth ; 1895 , viz : Joseph I. Grundy , homestead entry 10,007 , for the south half of the south-east quarter , section three (3) ( ) , and north half of the north-east quarter , section - tion ten ( to ) township tjvo (2) ( ) , north of range thirty (30) ( ) , west of the sixth (6th ( ) principal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : William S. Fitch , Joseph Schmitz , Stella Fitch , Nora Schmitz , all of McCook , Nebraska. 6-I4.6ts. A. S. CAJII'BEI.L , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , May 2S , 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler hs filed notice of his intentin to make final homestead proof in support of his claim , and that said roof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska - raska , on Saturday , July 6th , IS95 , viz : Thomas Pinkerton , who made Homestead Entry Number - ber 9158 , for the east half of the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of section ten ( to ) , in township four (4) ( ) , north of range twenty-nine (29) ( ) , west of the sixth (6th ( ) principal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his , continuous - ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Ira Harrison , Alexander W. CampbellStephen Belles , H. B. Anderson , all of Box Elder , Nebraska. 4-31-bts. A. S. CAMPBELL , Register. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores. tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles erne ay re wired. It is ranted to give erect satisfaction refunded. PriceP or money . 5 cts. per box. For sale by McMillen. Children cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 5 , - - - - - - - - - - wfi - - SAVED A LITTLE 'GIRL'S LIFE. Sar.aai Student Eeecuee a Child From Death by an Electric Car In Cambridge. A signal instance of courage and quickness of thought ; which undoubtedly - ly saved the life of a little child , occurred - red in Cambridge on Friday evening. Shortly before 7 p. m a Tremont House electric car was passing along Main street at a very rapid rate. Near Windsor street a little girl , apparently about 3 years of age , ran from the sidewalk - walk toward the track. The motorman quickly shut off the current and put on the brake. Then the child paused , and the motorman released the car. Just as the car had regained its mo- mentnm the child , through some strange impulse , darted forward to cross the track. The motorman was almost breathless with horror. There was no time to stop the car , and the toddling' infant seemed doomed. Suddenly a tall , athletic young man sprang from his seat at the end of the front row , and grasping the curved han die on the dasher of the car with his right hand swung himself out on the fender. Just as the car was about to crush the little girl under its wheels he seized her firmly by the waist. It was a trying moment to the nerves of the p ls&mgers and motorman. It seemed for an instant as if both man and child would fall in front of the fender. But by an almost convulsive effort the rescuer lifted the little girl from the track and laid her on her back at one side out of the reach of the wheels. So greatwas the strain upon hint that as soon as the child was released he himself - self fell forward on the fender , and only an unusual degree of agility enabled - abled him to scr'aml'le up on his knees and back to his seat i1i the car. The whole thing was done in an in- stant. The motorlan , pale with fright , was only able to look his thanks. The hero of the affair was the most composed person on the car. He at once sought a rear seat to avoid attention , merely remarking to the motorman as he passed : "Gad ! Why don't you get out of this ? " A passenger said that the young man was a Harvard student who resides on Sacramento street , Cambridge.-Boston Herald. REIGNING FAMILIES. .merica Has Its "Uncommon People , and They Are Our "Itoyal Families. " In discussing the family squabbles of one of the reigning families of New York , Mr. Ward McAllister , as the recognized - ognized authority on everything which concerns the uncommon people , says that the trouble is doubtless over and the family "probably entertaining some for- eigu prince at their house on the Thames. " Why not ? Are not our royal families as good as those of Europe , of Asia , of Africa or anywhere else where royal families are tolerated ? Mr. McAllister will undoubtedly agree with us that they certainly are. It makes no great difference how power over man is obtained-whether by the force and brutality which made princes In more primitive times or by modern methods. The result is the same in any event. It is just as honorable and glorious a thing to accumulate a hundred million unearned dollars and thereby master the bodies and subjugate the minds of 10- 000,000 men as it is to do the same thing by virtue of controlling a million bayonets. On either hand it is power usurped from the people to dwarf and maim their minds and souls for the greater glory of their masters. Our royal families need not stand back for those of Europe or of any other country. Their right to reign is as good , their blood is as good , and their manners - ners , though sometimes indecent when measured by ordinary standards of decency - cency , are even better than those which characterize the most courtly courts of the world. When our reigning families go to Europe and buy the palaces of the effete survivors of a decayed feudalism , it is condescension to entertain the former owners , and it would be condescension still if it were done in the servants' hall instead of the salon.-New York World. ! A Great Summer Snowuide. The Rev. Roland D. Grant of the First Baptist church reached home last week , the first to arrive of the party leaving here a month ago to make the ascent of Mount flood from Government - ment camp. The descent was easy enough , almost too rapid for some. One lady badly frightened the crowd when she made a misstep and started down the mountain side at a lively gait. There was a momentary shriek of horror , but when the woman struck her heels firmly - ly in the snow and so checked her wild career every one felt better. Just then Dr. Grant suggested he could do the same himself , and he , his daughter and Mrs. W. Gray were a moment after floundering in the snow. They slid down 1,000 feet , landing in safety below , to the great merriment of those who watched the frolic.-Portlaud Orego- nian. Modest Oscar Wilde. A story is being told that on the death recently of the great scholar , Mr. Walter - ter Pater , the editor of a London evening - ing paper telegraphed to Oscar Wilde to ask him to supply some personal gossip - sip about the dead man , who was known to be a friend of the ex-resthete. Whereupon - upon Mr. Wilde wired back , "Leave the gossip to the jackals , not the lions , of literature.New York Times. Abyssinia's New Stamps. 1 It is difficult to understand the object to which the ling of Abyssinia intends to devote the elaborate postage stamps which he is now having engraved and printed at Paris. There is no postoflice and no postal service in Abyssinia , and the Ethiopians have not yet developed the civilized mania for stamp coiled. ing.-New York Tribune. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorl a , A VALUABLE FIND. After years of study and labor there has at last been discovered a sure and never-failing remedy. It has been tested on patients who have despaired of ever being cured , and the results have been in every case wonderful. Gaff's rheumatic cure is unequaled as a positive - tive remedy in all cases of chronic and acute inflammatory rheumatism , gout , lumbago , sct- atica and neuralgia ; especially ovarian neuralgia - ralgia , d smenorrha a and all kindred affec- tions. IYis > ; also a valuable blood purifier , being - ing especially' useful in eczema , psoriasis , scrofula , all glandular enlargements and diseases - eases of the liver and kidneys. It is absolutely - lutely free from all narcotics. Severe attacks are relieved in from one to three days and a positive cure effected in from five to eighteen days. For sale by McConnell & Co. 3.29.3m. SEE THE WORLD'S FtuR FOR 15 CENTS. Upon receipt of your address and 15 cents in postage stamps , we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian - bian Exposition , the regular price of which is fifty cents , but as we want you to have one we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It contains full page views of the great buildings - ings with descriptions of same.and is executed in the highest style of art. If not satisfied with it , after you get it , we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address H. E. Bucklen & Co. , Chicago , Illinois. Is the truthful and startling DON'T title of a book about No-To- TOBACCO Bac , the harmless , guarau- SPIT OR teed tobacco habit cure that SMOKE braces up the nicotinized YOUR LIFE nerves eliminates nicotine AWAY poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and manhood. Von rum no physical or financial risk , as No-To Bac is sold b Y druggists everywhere - where under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Reme- dvCo. , Newyork or Chicago. 4-tq-95 tyr. TSold by McConnell & Co. , McCook , Neb. ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery - covery know its value , and those who have not , have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co. , Chicago , and get a sam- pie box of Dr. King's i ew Life Pills free , as well as a copy of Guide to Ifealth and Household - hold Instructor , free. All of which is guaranteed - teed to do you good and costs you nothing. At McMillen's Drug Store. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castorla. ' Chen she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria. When she had Children , she gave them Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. CARSON & TAYLOR , Proprietors of the. . . . A SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. V We respectfully solicit your business , and guarantee pure milk , full measure , and prompt , courteous service. ELMER ROWELL , Real EstateCollections , Insurance McCooK , NEBRASKA. Notary Public. East Dennison street. ' - S. CORDEAL 7 V I : Notary Public : Reliable , insurance , Collection Agent. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J. S. McBRAYER s PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line. [ BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. 3'On1y furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. Chase Go , Land and Live Stock Co , I s & Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder , P. 0. address Imperial , Chase county , and Beatrice - rice , Nebraska. Range. Stinking Water and the Frenchman creeks , in Chase county , Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of some animalon hip and sides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. . . . . . . . - ' , . -.y , , , ! > dn - ' . i ' J . 1.r I at FOR A LIMITED TIME' ' * ' ° . I f A HANDSOME r kather ' ' J1i i. I Docket I Casei 41 FREE - . , . ttl EXCtiAtNGE FOR t0 TE 4-CENT 4AFER TAGS -tA + 1CWt1 FROM . J11EJPS1Li JPER CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR e American Tobacco Ca , NEW YORK. , Ii I i 1 WRL.DOUCLAS H $3SHOE ISTHt : BEST. _ FIT FOR A KING. I 9. CORDOVAN i .f ! ' FNENCH&ENAMELLEDCALF. ; r = , . firs 4$350 FINECAIF&KANGARGQ 7'r' $3sopOLICE,35OLES. 1 5o$2.WORKING $2 - h1E g -EXTRA FINE- - { 2. I. _ BOYS'SCHOOLSHOES s -LADIES i . 55 ; , _ ) S END FOR CATALOGUE Eiaocucrot ssss. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom Bhoea in atyle and fit. Thelr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform---stamped on sole. From 5t to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ' DEALER whose name will shortly ap- , .r . pear here. Agents wanted. ' Apply at once. t R. Aa COLE J LEADING WIERCIIANT TAILOR f McCOOK , just received a new stock of CLOTHS and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fit.- Ling suit made at the very lowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett's Lumber 0 > Bce , on Dennlsaa street. 1 , a MCMILLEN BR oL7. I . . , r i I , , J DEALERS IN Harnes L & Saddlery i ' t' , Repairing Promptly , Attended to. I 1 I East Dennison St. bIcCook , Neb. JULIUS 1LUNERT Carpet Laying , , ar et Cleaning. b ' , : I am still doing carpet laying , carpet , i cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See or write me before giving such work. My charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at TRIBUNE office. JULIUS KUNERT. W. V. GAGE , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , M000OK , NEBRASKA. rOffice hours to it a. m. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First National bank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCooK , NEBRASKA. -Office-Over C. A. Leach's jewelrystore. . Residence-lot Main street. Prompt attention - 1 tion given to all calls. AUSTIN J. RiTTENHOUSE. A.TTORN EY : sr1' LY ' t McCooK , NEBRASKA. -Office-Over the Famous clothing store. CHARLES H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW ' McCooK , NEBRASKA. r Office-In Phillips-Meeker building. J. E. KELLEY. , ATTORNEY AT LAW f. McCooK , NEBRASKA. Aizent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- : ear of First National bank. J. R. BALLARD , 0 DEi\JLiSi. 0 , , Alt dental work done at our office is guaranteed - i anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith Bellamy , assistants. I . . . r MRS. E. E. UTTER.L. MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALI : rStudio-Coruerof Dodge and Madison sts. J z S