a . F M. P9IMMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. I . ' VAILTON. , } We behold the clouds but the " ' ; rain does not materialize. Frank Everist has become a resident - ident of the classic Driftwood. The quarterly meeting at the sod church was well attended. tt- Njra. Swank will visit her daughter - . - ter , next week , who is living Colorado. C f Mr. Dutcher has finished planting - ing seventy-five acres of corn in r good shape. L. F. Fauss has been greatly troubled with rheumatism but not r seriously. We are informed that there will be preaching services at the Vail- ton school house nest Sabbath at three p. m. DANBURY. Weather is very cold and dry. Mr. Perry Austin is on the sick list. Born , to Oscar Everist and wife , a girl. Charles Wode is very sick with typhoid fever. Two young men came up from Beaver City on their bykes. Frank Everist and family moved I over on their farm , this week. There was a dance in Dolph hall , last Saturday evening. The home team won last Satur- day. The score was 26 to 25. School will close the 29th inst. The advanced scolars will give an exhibition that night. Knipple is headquarters for all kinds of gardeh seeds. Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of lob printing. . We are the people who do the nice printing. KniPPle is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply. . , , - 'Buy your writing paper at THE TnmuxE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and hands. Bulk and garden seeds at Knip- ple's. ple's.WALL WALL PAPER at MCMILLEN'S. Ice Cream Soda 5c. at MCMILLEN s. Both seed and table potatoes for sale by the McCook Commission - mission Co. Early Ohio , $1.25. Greeley , $1.00 , and Frenchman Valley , only 85 cents. Early Ohio seed potatoes- Minnesota grown , at the Mc- Cook Commission Co.'s for $1.25 a bushel. Frenchman Valley cooking r"potatoes only 85 cts. a bushel. McCook Commission Co. Greeley potatoes for the table - ble at $1.00 a'bushel. ' McCook - Commission Co. WALL PAPER at MCMILLEV S. Ice Cream Soda at MOMILLEN'S. Our stock of Wall Paper and Paints for spring trade is now complete and we in Vile inspection. Our Prices Guaranteed. MCCo m''ELL & Co. Children Cry for Pitchers Castorla. M 4 M , . ' & ' A INDIANOLA. # Banker Dolan was Iso in the state capital , this wee t tl Marion Powell hand usiness in the metro P oils , Friday last. Miss Lena Coiling h returned to McCook to engage in dress- making. Colonel Mitchell of our esteemed - ed Courier is alway amusing , if he is sometimes uninterestin. J. W. Dolan of the State bank had business in the county's commercial - mercial center , Saturday. Mrs. F. 0. Gray , wife of Agent Gray of the Burlington , was in the commercial center , Saturday. Mesdames J. E.Allen and F. M. Kimmell of McCook were the guests of Treasurer Meserve' and wife , yesterday and today. S. R. Smith went down to Lincoln - coln on business Before the state supreme court relative to the contest - test case in the county seat removal - val matter , Sunday night. W. R. Starr was before the supreme - preme court , fore part of the week , as one of our attorneys iu the contest - test case , returning homeWednes- day morning on 80 , via McCook. County Attorney Keyes vent down to Lincoln , first of the week , on the county seat removal contest case which was submitted and argued before the supreme court , Tuesday. A reunion programme has been prepared by the Red Willow Christian - tian Endeavor society for May 20 , at 3:30 p. m. Delegates from McCook and Indianola will be present. All are cordially invited. -Indianola Courier. Colonel Mitchell of the Courier is as poor a guesser as he is an answerer of questions. His little think tank leaks in both instances We beg pardon , Colonel. We had no wish to lead you into deep waters - ters to drown you ; none whatever. There is some discussion to be heard on our streets and in the stores now that our public schools may not be opened for the fall term on account of the delinquent state of our school district finance. The district is considerably in arrears now , and there is quite a backward tendency noticeable in the matter of paying taxes , this year , which further complicates the financial condition. Wliile we do not think it will come to such an unfortunate pass , yet the matter is the occasion of some sober thought among those interested'in the schools-which , by the by , comprehends a large portion of our people. Preparations are making for the presentation of that stirring military - tary drama , "Lights and Shadows of the Great Rebellion" , or "The Hospital Nurse of Tennessee" by local talent , Thursday eveningMay 30th. The play will be given for the benefit of the G. A. R. post and w. R. corps of this place. Admission - sion 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents. The following cast of characters - acters is an earnest of an entertaining - ing , interesting performance : Guy Vincent..R. L. Beckwith Harry Cook. . . . . . . . . Will Dolan Dutchey. . . . . . . , . john Beck Captain Cree. . . . Willis Gossard Ike Long. . . . . . E. A. Sexson Zeb and Sam W. D. Gillett Bob Reno..Eugene Crabtree Mr Johnson. . James Hetherington Jack Rouck. . - . . . . . Will Crago Willie Johnson. . . . . Arthur Beck Carrie Johnson. . . Mabel Bishop Dora Vincent. . . . . . . . . Ora Smith Mrs. Long..Martha Gossard Mrs. Johnson. : M.A.Hetherington Kathrina Bedinger..Lena Beck St. Virgilius Catholic church of our city was crowded to the door , and many failed to secure admittance - tance , Tuesday morning of this week , by the multitude anxious and eager to witness the marriage of Charles Lehn of McCook and Mary Kessler of Indianola. The ceremony commenced at 10 o'clock and was performed in all its sacred solemnity by Rev. Bernard Sproll. The bride was charmingly attired in a very handsome wedding garment - ment , and the groom looked every inch the clever little gentleman that he is. The church's interior was handsomely decorated for the auspicious event. The choir , under the direction of Mrs J.W.Dolanad- ded a large and delightful element to the solemnity of the occasion. A wedding dinner followed at the residence of the bride's parents three miles south of here , at which only the relatives of the interested parties participated. After a short wedding trip the happy couple will be at home , after next Monday , in the little cottage - tage % t 405 Marshall street , Mc- Cook , which has been placed in readiness for their reception by the groom. A host of friends join us in best wishes for the prosperity of the youg people. COLEMAN. Corn planting is well' over. Henry Smith is to occupy the P. Groves farm. Frank Coleman is taking lessons in plastering. J. B. Smith went to Iowa , last fall , but returned to this precinct , last week. Mr. and infs. M. H. Cole were the guests of Mr. and Mrs SJohns oil Saturday night. M. H. Cole has completed his assessment of this precinct. He carried his book to Indianola on Thursday. There was a bad scrape herethe , other day. Uncle Billy fell over the lister and scraped his shins on the mould board. Last Friday , M. H. Cole and J. W. Corner assisted William Sharp in drawing the pump from the well and repairing the cylinder. On last Thursday , Misses Alice Cole , Viola Corner , and Gertie Coleman visited Misses Laura and Clara Pickering , who live 8 miles east of McCook. Miss Edithr Coleman writes from San Bernardino , California , that oranges sell there at fifteen cents a bushel. We would like to have a bushel ; but where are the 15c. to come from. On last Friday Mrs. Epperly went over to spend the day with Mrs. Prentice. On her arrival she found that Mrs. Prentice had gone visit Mrs. Nicklas. Mrs. Nicklas had gone to spend the day with Mrs. Corner. Mrs. Corner was visiting at Mrs. Sharp's. Mrs. Smith went to visit with Mrs. Wa1 es who had gone to visit with Mrs. Nicklas. The storm has not arrived - rived yet. WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. Knipple is headquarters for garden seeds of all kinds. Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. KuiPPle is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't faiLto consult him before buying your spring supply. Knipple is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. White Pine Cough Syrup--by McMillen , druggist. Bulk and garden seeds at Knip- . Ple's. . tj . " ' tr 4 q Ti . . . Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , 'DR $ KEi BMNG PO4'Dffl ' OST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ; 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. BOX ELDER. The M E. Sunday school will celebrate - brate Children's day Sunday , June 9. Mrs. Vivian is still afflicted with rheu- matism. She does not stein to get much better , and has to go on crutches all the time. Last Sunday morning brought a very large congregation to church. Extra seats had to be placed in the aisles. This speaks well for the people of this vicinity. They are cliurch-goers , which makes good society. Last Sunday rnorning twenty-five persons - sons were baptized in the church by the pastor , E J. Vivian. It was very pleasing - ing to see strong men and women come forward and receive the ordinance of baptism , thus confessing their Saviour to the world. Mr. G. W. Swiggart of Lena , Neb.and Miss Lydia Worth of Red Willow county were married on the 15th at Mr.ViBiam Doyle's residence , by Rev. E. J. Vivian. Mr. Swiggart is a successful cattleman of Grant county. The bride is a noble Christian woman , a member of the Baptist - tist church. Of course we all wish the happy couple a very successful life over the sea of time. Special meetings were held in the M E. church last Sunday and Monday nights for prayer to ask a kind Heavenly - ly Father who controls all things to grant unto the people the necessary rain to produce a crop. Some people may laugh at this ; but the writer's conviction is that if the people would quit their meanness and sins God would send upon the people all needed blessings. We are very sorry so many of our people - ple are preparing to leave because of the very dry weather. Mr. Shank and family - ily leave this week for Missouri. Mr. John Millerandfamilyleave for Friend , this state. Others will be leaving soon unless we have rain. The people were never so sadly afflicted as now : so many do not know what to do. If they leave they do not know where to go , and if they stay they see nothing but starvation - tion unless rain should come to give them a crop. Homeseekers' Excursions. On May 21St and June lithi , 1895 , the Burlington Route will sell round-trip tickets at one lowest standard first- class fare , except that the minimum round-trip rate shall be $7 , to all points in the states of Arkansas , Colorado , Kansas , Nebraska , Wyoming , Indian Territory , Oklahoma Territory , Texas and points in Southi Dakota on the line of the B & M. R. R. , all points in Missouri - souri south of Kansas City , and all points in Utah except points on line of Southern - ern Pacific R R. Limited to continuous - ous passage in each direction , final limit twenty days. C. E. MAGNER , Agent. A Card to the Public. I have for the present rented the north half of the Mrs. Smith Gordon residence on Madison street , where I may be found when not engaged professionally or absent - sent from my office over McConnell's drug store. Z. L. KAY , M. D. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion is delinquent and you have the wood bring us in a load or two. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Ice cents-at McCon- cream soda-5 - - nell's White Pine Cough Syrup , by McMillen , druggist. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla - rilla for a spring medicine. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. A VALUABLE FIND. After years of study and labor there has at last been discovered a sure and never-failing remedy. , It has been tested on patients who have ds aired of ever being cured , and the results have been in eve case wnderful. Golf's rheumatic cure is One ualed'as a positive - tive remedy in all cases of chronic and cute inflammatory rheumatism , out lumbago , ssci- atica and nural especially smenorrheea ad all kindred affec- tios. It is also a valuable blood purifier , being - ing especially useful in eczema , soriasis scrfuall andular enlargements and diseases - eases of the river and kidneys. It is absolutely - lutely free from all narcotics. Severe attacks are relieved in from one to three days and a positive cure effected in from five to eighteen . sale McConnell & Co. . days. For by 3-:9-3m. d'i. . : , - . i4 . . ¶ - . - l63b - - T r r Z FAMOUS Clo HINO a. - - 1 Seasoiab1e . Goods , . . r - . : . k Straw , Fur and Wool Hats ' Thin Coats and Vests Light Underwear and Hosiery , Novelties in Neckwear. Colored and white Shirts . All at Popular Prices. I M I McCook , Nebraska. .10NAS ENGEL , . ---MANAGER. - ? HE EST. G 5 ' . . , . , . r - l - - i s n ///IL / )4 ; ; ¼ C1 LE IA OR A Sf IA iSURP 15 ED T R9 1 T iE FiN ST I t tW' ODELS WeKI4TS 18 TO 5 POUt1DS PP.ICES 5 TO100 ' ILVERY.P1ACHINE FOLLY GUARANTEED CATAf9UO SENT FOR rdo anti STAru ? u ; , .f9AIfi OFFICE AI1D FACTORY'L A1tE i.hA L 5 T ED 5 T5 " 1 RETAIL .SALEROOM ° 280ABASFI A\/E - - 1r ' , EASTtRN WAREnOUbE - 97-JJ READE 5I. . , nEwPO , . FORTLAND am k . / ' _ LgnLSIpL-t N4f9 Ctl6 , - - . EVERfi : 'V. I HAVE CHANGED IIlY MIND AND WILL STAY ! ! SLIPPERS Buy SHOES OUR at at $1.00 a S 7 ' - ' $1.00. PAIR. AT . . ; r Q J1 J W f TIIEOLDy H LWJJLLJLJJJU w Q STORE , C A HAT HQ AT SHOES TAN i r4 : McC00K , r M at OXFORDS NEBRASKA.OXFORDS ( f ) ,51.25. at s1. J. F CANSCHOW , THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. k i 2