J ' - „ ti sw- 1 r X ' r I t 4 3laii1ng a Stamp. - ; < ' How many people know how to mail a stamp in a letter. ? Nina people out of ten stick it so carefully down that , the recipient always loses his temper , ! , j and generally the stamp , in the effort to release it. It is really more exas 1 perating than when the sender forgets I s " altogether rho stamp he should have enclosed , for then , at. least , it is not wasted. Even the most extravagant of us seldom have souls above saving k , a stamp , for it is , strangely , far dearer _ . . to us than the .2 cents it represents. j .pr The tenth person' sends it loose , which is well enou h provided it does not slip out unsee and vanish , as these totally depraved small things have a habit of doing. The proper wayy is a simple one. Cut with a sharp pen knife two parallel slits at the ton of your letter - ter and slip in your stamps , which will thus travel as safely as if in a special . papercase. Perhaps you have been in , , a Country v' illabe cohere money orders ' and postal notes are unknown , and for some reason it becomes necessary to - . , , send change in a letter. Cut a piece of 'Yl ' light cardboard the size of the envel- I - ape , and from this cut circular pieces the size ofyour coins. Insert the corns and paste a slip of paper across one or both sides.-Demorest's - Magazine. Best the Judge Could Do. i Albany Times Union : A story is told of a judge who lately had the hypnotic plea raised before him by a burglar. . The prisoner claimed that he did not ' know that he was "burgling ; " that he . did it automatically and unconsciously under the direction of a hypnotist. The judge said he would give him the full benefit of the law , and also of his hypnotic misfortune. He therefore sentenced - , . tenced the man to ten years in the ' state prison , but told him he could , if he chose , send for the hypnotist and have himself made unconscious for the term of his imprisonment. "The same power , " said the judge , "which enabled you to committhe burglary - glary , and not know it , ought also to enable you to suffer imprisonmentwith hard labor and not be aware of it. At any rate that is the best I can do for - you. " -tJ _ - Hold the fort Againsta bilious unitt uy ailug to your aid t Ut. pUi Saut atry , r obtetler S tOmaea iilt- ters. lue we uuu then oe urA'cu Uacu utterly ) ueieateu. ayspepsia , bleu neuuacnu , ma"r.u , , kiuney , nertous uuu rueumaue treuue utlU 1 wustpatouyrerdto tue aetrou at tus mobs r beaeu..eut or reueute. ' .Liu a it regwury uuu y uu Wur bouu eaperieuce its goon euecta " ' Snake Makes a Charge. ' In the month of July , some four or t five years ago , I tvas'but shooting flori- can with a friend wt mine in Guzerat. 1Ve had fairly good luck , and as we were making our way to the railway ti station to catch the early train back to Ahmedabad I noticed my friend , who was shooting in line on my left suddenly - ' denly point his gun at something on the 'round and fire and on asking what it was he said it was a black L cobra , and that he had shot it in two pieces , the head portion disappearing 'down a hale. As we were in a ' hurry to catch the train we went on , but very soon heard one of the beaters calling out , and looking back , 4 saw him running toward us with the ' ' head portion of the snake following him with the hood expanded. It appeared - peared that he had remained behind trying to dig out the cobra , and the result - sult was that it came out of the hole an&went for him. Of course the snake could not get much pace on and was quickly killed. - M. L. THOBiPSON b CO' . , Drugg ists : Cou dersport. Pa. , say Hall's Catarrh Cure is the best and only sure cure for catarrh they ever sold. Druggists sell it , iec. , The Prince Walked In. A few years ago a well known physi- ciaef of this city , while visiting Paris , attended an amateur circus-a fashionable - , + , able society event to which there was - admission only by invitation. He presented - sented himself at the door with a ticket - et made out in the name of his friend , Prince Orloff of the Russian embassy. "But this ticket is not yours ; it is Prince Orloff's , and it is not transfera- ble. " said the doorkeeper , as he barred the way. - "Well , am I notPrinceOrloff ? " asked it tl a doctor. "No , sir ; we know very well that , . , Prince Orloff has only one eye. The other is'giass. " "Well , stupid , how about this ? " said the doctor , as he took his own glass eye out and held it in his hand for in- spection. "Oh , I. beg yor highness' pardon , " said the doorkeeper. "Walk right in. " The man had by a singular chance hit upon the only respect in which the prince and the doctor resembled each other. Queer incident , wasn't it.- r Mail and Express. Hotneseekers Excursions. On May 21st and June 11th , 1S95 , the . Union Paciffe System will sell tickets from Missouri River points and stations in Kansas - sas and NeLraska , to points south and west in Nel raska and KanFas , also to Gol- orudo , Wyoming , Utah' and Idaho , east of Wtdser and south of Beaver Canon , at rate of one first class standard fare for the I , round trip. 31 nimum rate ST.00. C Must Clothe the Naked. "So far as I could see with the naked yeye , " said the detective to the police court justice , "the living picture was entirely nude. " And did you look at the defendant ' with the naked eye ? " asked his honor. . 'Certainly. " "Defendant dismissed , " continued the court. "Until police officers learn the law with regard to nudity I cannot punish others. Detectives must here- I'f afterwcargoggles.-NewYorkWorld. I I 4 s 4t. Y4 . -rv rvyf ; , ' n s THAT IUMP in a m"an's stomach which makes him irritable and miserable - ble and unfit forbus- mess or pleasure is caused by indiges- tion. Indigestion , t , like charity , covers s a multitude of sins. The trouble may be in stomach , liver , bowels. Wherever it s is , it is caused by the presence of poisonous - ous , refuse matter which Nature has been unable Jo rid i herself of , unaided. In such cases , wise people send down a s little health officer , personified ' by one a of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant - a ant Pellets , to search p out the trouble and c remove its cause. , -y , - . s - ' 't ' ; r ll i o S RY 13 Y t ' % IRGINIA 'W. JOHNSON. - COPYRIGHT 1892 BY RAND.McNALLY c C0. . , - - -r a , n t J r ; - ' 7 v hi ' ? ran' tt IfNGERNATiON AL PRESS AI55 N CHAPTER L A MALTESE GARDEN. f IIL . ; . Q 3. S HE ISLAND OF iialta basked is s p r Iii g sunshine. The glow of light : was intensely brilliant - iant on rock and rampart , after weeks of rain , and already suggested the speedy ap proacti of bhghteng summer heat. The harbor of Valletta wore the usual aspect of European animation. The Russian Corvette Ladislas had just cast anchor , having on board a young grand duke , who was making the tour of the world in a leisui ely and princely fashion. Mercantile steamers came and went , amid puffing' tugs , launches and yachts , while the native shore craft , the dhjaisos , darted about laden with fresh fruit , or transporting nimble tailors and washerwomen in search of work Occasionally a torpedo - pedo boat of sinister appearance glided through the throng of shipping - ping , and vanished in some adjacent inlet , or the gig of a man-of-war cleft a passage with rhythmical flash and dip of oars , toward the quay. One of the latter , quitting the side of her majesty's ship Sparrow , recently - ly arrived from Suda Bay , brought Flag Lieutenant Curzon to the shore. The young man made his way through a poisy crowd , and ascended the steps to the city of Valletta. Below him stretched the sparkling Mediterranean sea , and docks and moles thronged with shipping. Above him , towers , churches , palaces , with quaint balconies and a margin of stone wall , rose with a background of blue sky. His eye was attracted by wayside shrines at the angle of buildings - ings , where lamps burned before saints gaudily adorned , shops displaying fila- gree ornaments of gold and silver , and whole webs of Maltese lace , and groups of soldiers , nuns and priests. His nostrils were saluted by the fragrance - grance of flowers , coffee and those latent odors of the southern seaport , garlic , and fish frying iL oil. His ear was stunned by the jangled peal of church bells , mingled with the hum of voices. Lieut. Arthur Curzon was supple and vigorous of form , and alert and decided - cided in manner. His golden hair curled tightly on a small and shapely head , a closely trimmed beard framed a handsome face , with clearly-cut features , and lighted by a pair of keen blue eyes , capable of a great variety of expression. The sun-bronzed tint of the cheek , below the margin of a fair and open brow , revealed by the removal of the cap , and certain accentuations - centuations of resolution and maturity gradually deepening around the lips , alone redeemed the entire physiognomy - nomy from a youthful insouciance and merry audacity which were eminently attractive and boyish. Climbing the stone steps from the port to the old town on the height of this most populous of islands , he may have aptly represented that , The sword of war opens the way of commerce - merce : " Truly the officer was ready to cope with any adventure or danger which fate might have in store for him on this day of fitful spring weather. He came of a family noted for intrepid - trepid courage and originality of mind and charactei ! A commonplace world , of enthusiasm , pronounced the race eccentric , perhaps a trifle mad. Descended from Scandinavian sea rovers , who had settled on the northern - ern coast of Scotland centuries ago , the Curzons numbered prelates , soldiers - diers , and faithful followers of the Stuarts among their members. The 'first object ever noticed by Arthur Curzon in infancy had been the portrait of an ancestor suspended above the chimney-piece in his grand- father's castle , wearing a helmet of different colored metals , a gold chain around the neck , and carrying a horn of the chase , studded with precious stones. Lieut. Curzon had won honorable mention atsthe storming of Alexandria - dria , and aspired to promotion in the service by fresh exertion , when oppor- unity offered. For the rest , he was a ailor on shore for a holiday. He directed his steps to the Strada 7.ecca , and paused before a palace of ember aspect , with a projecting roof which cast a deep shadowon the pavement - - ment below. The memory of the gnights Templar seemed , to brood over thiespot , undisturbed by modern nnovation or change. The visitor was met at the door by a ervant with the intelligence that the mistress of the house was absent on n excursion. Nrs. Griffith had left charming note , written on pink pa- er , in three lines of gigantic feminine hirography , urging the young officer 1 i r J ' o return for 5 o'clock tea in event of his obtaining leave to come ashore that day. Lieut. Curzon read the note and consulted - sulted his watch , which indicated the hour of w. How should he while away the time until the return of his cousin ? He loitered in the shops and bought a festoon of lace in a helpless , masculine - line 'fashion , wherewith to cheer the declining years of a maiden aunt , dwelling in a provincial town of England - land , if permitted to escape the Malta postoflice. He bethought him of a bevy of little cousins in Devonshire , launching recklessly into the purchase - chase of silver filagree crosses for their benefit Zhen he decided to stretch his limbs by means of a country - try walk. ' Quitting the streets of Valletta the young man soon left behind him the encircling fortifications ; with a sense of freedom in movement after the cramping inaction of shipboard. The unattractive aspect of the country could not rob the spirits of the sailor on shore of unwonted elasticity. Before - fore him extended a gray and nearly treeless region , broken by villages of flat-roofed houses clustered about the church with a dome. The intervening spaces were chiefly subdivided by stone walls , as a shelter from the wind for the crops fostered in the soil brought from Sicily. The pedestrian paused at length , weary of the dusty highway. He glanced wistfully in the direction of the arid ledges of the shore , and the sea beyond , which glittered in the sunshine - shine , with changing tints' wrought by passing clouds , and broke in white foam amongthe rocks. He chose a short cut to gain the shore. If the measure led to 'trespass- ing upon , his neighbor's ground , he trusted to personal adroitness to extricate - tricate himself from all embarrass- ments. He skirted a deserted chapel on a ridge , and was descending the slope beyond , when an object attracted his keen eye , and brought him to a halt in his rapid walk. A human hand and arm ; clenched and rigid , as if in death , projected a from the entrance of a half- ruined structure in his path. Had the arm not been thus extended , Lieut. Curzon would have passed on without noticing , especially the building. Strange whim of destiny ! He approached and peeped into the place. Shadows obscured the interior , but lee recognized a temple , probably of the early PIux nician settlers of the island , built of rough blocks of stone. Traces of a primitive altar were discernible - cernible , still adorned with the rude idols of the twelve Children of the Sun , the Kabiri , once worshiped here. The spot was silent , humid , chill , save when a stray sunbeam filtered through the pervading darkness to gild the semblance of nearly effaced carvings , mere rudimentary hints of decoration , on wall and roof , or danced with a flickering motion above the pavement , weaving a pattern of mosaic with motes and shade. An old man lay on his face , motionless - less , and with a fragrant of marble table overturned beside him on the ground. The officer's first suspicion was of murder. Anticipating some accident , he lifted the victim of foul play , as he supposed , and speedily ascertained that no trace of violence was perceptible , either on the pinched'and slirivelecl features , white hair , or small body. He was further reassured when the old man gave utterance - terance to a feeble groan , and opened his eyes , with a manifest extort to , collect - lect his thoughts , bewildered by an interval - terval of insensibility. "The place would not be safe , " he muttered in English. "No ! No ! Far from safe , this ruin. " "Do you live near by ? If you can pull yourself together a little I will help you home , " said Lieut. Curzon , in a tone of encouragement. The old man was silent. He passed a trembling hand across his brow , and then shaded his eyes , the better to examine - amine the face bending over ] him , while his own features expressed a scared surprise , agitation , and even furtive suspicion and distrust ' . .r I . I .r rt'f _ . . , ' --I- A N' OLD MAN LAY ON ills FACE. "I have not the pleasure of knowing you , " he retorted , after a pause , and with perceptible petulance. Lieut. Curzon smiled involuntarily. "Shall I call your-people ? " he suggested - gested , with unabated good humor. "No. I musthave stumbled overthat fragment of table. How did you find " . me ? His manner was more collected and confident-but he eyed the stranger ; { t 1 :4s askance as he struggled to regain an upright posture. "You have had a fainting fit , a vertigo - tigo , I fancy , " said the officer , glancing - ing around the spot , in the hope of descrying some person to whom he might consign the human burthen thus unexpectedly cast upon his care. No aid appeared. The old man placed his hand on the sleeve of his companion , as if to aid his vacillating movements. Lieut. Curzon was inspired by a sentiment - ment of repulsion , mingled with the compassion of the strong for the weak The hand , thin and nervous , resembled a , claw , and the fingers , infirm yet groping , clutched at the muscular arm of the sailor with a disagreeable tena' city of hold. This member was the same which had attracted his notice , stretched forth from the entrance of the temple. "Did I speak ? Did I say anything- odd ? " demanded the old man , eagerly. "Nothing of importance , " was the brief rejoinder. "People will seek here for traces of the Greeks and the earlier Phcenieians , but there only remains rubbish , you understand , absolute rubbish ! " Ha broke off with a short laugh. "Ahl" assented the other , drily. The old man emerged from the temple , still cliliging for support to the opportune aid vouchsafed him by chance. Lieut. Curzon , a trifle bored , submitted to the task of assisting him. What did it matter , after all ? He had to deal with a feeble and aged creature , who was possibly a little cracked as regarded brains , and who had exceeded his strength pottering about a ruin intent on archuologieal research. Surely the old man's family must have looked him up in time , even if lie had not taken the direction of the temple , and discovered the other fallen in a swoon. The pair traversed a considerable distance , walking slowly and with some difficulty. The old man paused to rest occasionally , and wiped the moisture from his temples with his pocket handkerchief. He repeated - peated , with a garrulous insistence , his first assertion thatthe temple contained - ed no relics and was wholly unworthy of a visit on the part of a stranger. The conviction was gradually forced on the frank and unsuspicious mind of the sailor , that lie inspired uneasiness s 1 , < s rl ' w1VIIP - : - i A YOUNG GIRL STOOD BESIDE A FOUN- TAIN. and fear in his companion , instead of any sort of confidence. Why ? He could not determine. He checked a final allusion to the temple by a curt denial of personal interest in the relics of Malta. This decisive assertion was possibly misunderstood by the weak = ened faculties of age , as suspicion seemed to increase rather than be al- layed. They wined a high wall , such as elsewhere protected the fruit trees from the sirocco , and a house , which resembled a tower , was visible within the inclosure. As they approached , a voice , youthful - ful and fresh , proclaimed in Italian- t\Vhat would I like best as a fairy gift , Dr. Giovanni Battista Busatti ? Very well then , I should like to be rich , veryy rich , incredibly rich ! I might have a new dress in that case , and go to a ball. After my visit to the Monte di Pieta ; you will understand that , my friend. " A man's voice replied , slowly and distinctly , with a slight vibration of emotion perceptible in the tone- ' You are already rich in beauty and amiability , Signorina. " A laugh , deliciously pure and silvery - very , was the sole acknowledgment vouchsafed for the compliment An expression of amusement dawned in the bright , blue eyes of Lieut. Curzon. On the other side of the garden wall dwelt a girl who longed to go to a ball. Was she pretty ? ( TO RE CONTINUED. ) How Bavarians Frighten Spirits. In the little village of Egmanting , in Bavaria , a curious nocturnal exhibition - tion has just taken place. A few minutes after midnight there sudden- Is appeared in the village a party of 150 armed men , mostly peasant proprietors - prietors , driving apparently some imaginary specters before them. Presently every man discharged his firearm. Many of the inhabitants who were indoors , behind strong barriers , trembled at the thoughtof the carnage that must have ensued. Tlien a specially appointed person recited the : Record of Deadly Sins" by way of exorcising the spirits of evil supposed to be hovering about. As a rule , nobody dared venture out ; but one more bold than his fellows did open his door and expostulated against such an unRarrantable disturbance of the night But the firingparty heeded him not. This ceremony of exorcising the evil spirits from the village con- tiuuecl for an hour. And as suddenly as the party had arrived so suddenly aid they disperse. There was a strong smell of powder in the air , but not a trace of brimstone. Bolata , a new discovery in the for sts of Surinam , is a substitute for the rapidly disappearing india rubber and utta percha. t , \ 1I 1 I t cy. r f lilt of all in Powcr--Latest . , ' Highest Leavening - - U. S Gov't Report , DVA 1 Baking I lt ' . L' a2 TLV PU The British Speaker. The position of speaker of-the house of commons is one of great difficulty. He draws a salary of $5,000 a year , enjoys - joys the use of a palace , gets a liberal allowance for entertaining , and a peerage - age on his resignation from office. It is one of the unwritten privileges of members of the house of commons to dine with the speaker. The speaker's dinners are held on Wednesdays and generally compose a total of about thirty members , so that taking the entire - tire parliamentary session , all the members - bers get their turn , starting with the cabinet , then the leaders of the opposition - tion , and then the rank and file. Until 1889 it was the custom to wear court dress at these dinners ; that is , knee breeches , velvet cutaway coats and cocked hats , but in 1859 that rule was swept away.-Washington Post. You Uon't Have to swear Off , Says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture In an editorial about No-To Bac , the- famous tobacco habit cure. "We know of many cases cured by No-To-Bac : one , a prominent , St. Louis architect - tect , smoked and chewed for twenty years ; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of tobacco - bacco makes him sick. " No--To-Bac sold and guaranteed by Druggists everywhere. No cure no pay. Bock free- Address Sterling Remedy Co. , New York or Chicato. Country Without a Paper. A country without a newspaper is in these days a curiosity indeed. Andorra is believed to be the only civilized state in the world in which not a single newspaper is published. Andorra is a little republic-about thirty-six miles long by thirty broad-situated on the south side of the Pyrenees , next the Spanish Province of Lerida and the French department of Ariege. It is nominally under the protection of France , but its 14,000 inhabitants speak the Spanish language. Here , then , is an opportunity for an enterprising journalist. lie need not be afraid of duels , for , though firearms are plentiful enough , it is said there is not a single inhabit- ant-who could hit a cow at 100 yards. Coe s Cough Balsam Is the oldest and best. It will break up a Cold quick. ertnanauythingehe. Itisafwaysrelable. TryiG It will always shorten our prayers wonderfully - derfully to first do what God expects. I am entirely cured of hemorrhagoof the lungs by Piso's Cure for Consumption.- LouisA LIanAUAx , BethanyJo. , Jan. S , ' : k. Faith rests and waits. Unbelief refuses to be quiet Lecause it has no feeling. IR the Baby 1s Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use tbateld aid 'well-tried remedy , Mas. ivlrsLOW's SOOTIL' G SYJ UI for Children Teething. Sin cannot be hidden , Le .ause God never shuts his eyes. What the Chicken Picked Up. Colonel w. D. Bettis , of Orange , Tex. , has a valuable opal about the size of a grain of peaberry coffee , that he wears in a scarfpin. Yesterday he called up a pet chicken and took 1t in one hand while lie allowed it to pick some grains of corn from leisotherhand. The chick- : swallowed the half dozen grains that were held out to it , and looking about for more spied the opal and struck it , but did not quite dislodge it from the setting. As quick as a flash the bird made another and more successful - cessful grab at the stone , tearing it out and swallowing it. The chicken was a great pet in the family , but opals cost more than chickens. A council of war was called , and it was decided that the opal must be found even at the cost of a life , so about two hours later the chicken was executed , and the opal was discovered lodged in its gizzard.Gal - 'veston ' News. A new dining car service letween Chicago - go and Buffalo via the Nickel Plate Road has recently been placed at the disposal of the traveling public , which will enable patrons of thus favorite low rate line to obtain all meals on trains when traveling on through trains between Chicago , New York and Boston. For reservations of sleeping car space and further information see your local ticket agent or address J. Y. Calahan , General Agent , Chicago. Monopoly keeps prices up and wages 'down. No man can speak for God except lie to whom God has spoken. Billiard Table , second-hand. For sale cheap. Apply to or address , H. C. Axel , 511 S. l ° th St. , Omaha , Neb. Eternity is the infinite expansion of time -A Slander. t The new woman is marching bravely on. Two smoking parlors for her exclusive - clusive use have been established in f New York , and there is promise of sev- I oral more. From the smoking parlor to the drinking room is only a step and t frequently is not such a long step at- that. Beyond that , if the reformers. are to be believed , are the card and. faro dens , the roulette wheels , even the loaded dice and goodness knows. what not. Oh , yes , the new woman is ; ! marching ahead very bravely indeed. ' Let as hope that she is enjoying her t ' / progress.-Philadelphia Inquirer. l Make Your Own Bitters On receipt of 30 cents in U. S. stamps , I will send to any address one package Ste- ketee's Dry Bitters. One package makes- ono gallon be4 tonic known. Cures stomach - ach , kidney diseases , and is a great appetizer - tizer and blood purifier. Just the medicine needed for spring and summer. ° 5e. at your drug store. Address GEO. G. STE- ' EETEE , Grand Rapids. Mich. Not Like ills Name. One of the managers of a home for destitute colored children tells a funny 4 ! story about the way Christmas was eel- ' ' ebratetl at the institution. She went out there in the afternoon to see how if things were getting on , and found a q youngster as black as the inside of a I t coal mine tied to a bedpost , with liie hands behind him. i "What is the boy tied up there for ? " she demanded of the attendant. "For lying , ma'am ; he is the worst4 est , lying nigger I ever seen. " ' "What's his name ? " "George Washington , ma'am , " was the paralyzing reply.-Chicago Record. World's Columblan Exposition Will be of value to the world by illustrating - trating the improvements in the mechanical - chanical arts , and eminent physicians will tell you that the progress in medicinal - inal agents has been of equal Impor tance , and as a'strengthening laxative Syrup of Figs is far in advance of all others. - Boston Courier : We cannot so3 why a dog should be so much more fond of the seat of a man's trousers than any other part of his wardrobe. - 11enith once impaired iR dot easily regalued. yetl'arker's Ging r'ionic hasilttftlnedUtesersnlts in many cases. Good forevery weakness and d stress The coal barons threaten a war of rates. Their winter victims will have the satisfaction - tion of seeing titenr sweat without raying for it. It is more lhru.vonderful howpatlentlypeople sutlcrwitlcorns. Get.peac0 and cumfort by removing teem with Ulndereorus. Those who borrow trouble never get d chance to pay it hack. ' "Hanaon's ? Tagic Corn Salve. " Warranted to cure or money lerILntlcd. A.k yed druggist for it. i'rlce 15 cents. Galveston News : Man made justice blind. so that his encore would l e easy. - ' - ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR fjtpERIc JEANUst IT IS TAE BEST rcr : FOR Dyspeptic DelicateInfirm , and AGED PERSONS * JOHN CARLE & SONS , New York. * My son tats a f ticlecl . , FiY S with culurrh. I inclucctl . R gT'll gALhl tOtO ' \rqq c $ him to try Eli's Cream , eoH NHOd Balm allcl the disagree- able cutarncctl smell cdl ors left him. Ile appears as well as any one.-J. C. Olmsted , Arcola , Ill. ' ' 'L CATARRH ELY'S CREAM BALM opens and cleanses the- Nasal russagesAllays t fun and Intiumrnatton. Heats the Sores , protects the Membrane from Colds , Re- storesthe Sensesot Taste and Smell. The Balntla quickly absorbed and gives relief at once. A particle is applied Into each nostril and h agree- able. Price Ocentsatnrnggi tsorbymail. ELY BROTHERS , 56 Warren St. , NevrYork. . humahs19 ! Sat © kace r 8TcJACOB8OL is made from the best leaf in the best sway , and by the best shill-that's why IT'S MUCH THE BEST. Sold everywhere. Made only by the Oldest Tobacco Mfr's in America , and the largest in the world-the ; P. LORILLARD CO. _ - ' _ PAT ancarlyapplcatontorLoccaiAgencytoseuthe to Farmers and Dairymen. One style was shown In last number of this journal. Another wlwsoon be pictured out. Meanwhile , write for Handsome Dlus- trated Book Free. DAPIS & RANSLN BLDG. AID YFG. CO. , Sole ManufacturersP1O W.Lake St. , Chicago. iv. iN. U. , Omaha--20 , 193 : . When answering advertisements kindly wention this paper. l Trade-Marki 9 1 Examination and Advice as to Patentability of Invention. Send for" Inventors' Guide. or How to Get aratent. " PA sIcz O'L23ZLL , D. C. CUflES 1fE8E ALL EISE fA11S. Best Coagh syrup. Tastes Good. IIm l la time. Sold by drnxtlsts 1