: , j , t ou . , ' By F. M. KIMMELL. 11.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Sd DANBURY. t- The ground is becoming dry and k , / needs moisture. John and Will Leisure visited the commercial centre , Tuesday. ; Still there are a few emigrants going back to their wives' folks. This week Frank Everist moved out.onto his , ranch on the Driftwood - - I George Woods has gone east to enter a goveinment training school for seamen. Shere was some frost in this locality , last Friday and Saturday nights and the fruit was injured a little. i The Danbury base ball club will a - Playthe , Cedar Bluffs team next . Saturday , the 18th instant , on the llowe grounds. + The county teachers' association meeting held here , last Saturday , was not so well attended , on account - count no doubt of the bad weather of the forenoon , George W. Woods was fifth in the standing of those who recently took the examination for admission to Annapolis. His total average 1 was 7310-27. The average of the winner was 8411-27. Hon. F. W. Collins of Lincoln delivered a fine lecture before the county teachers here , last Satur- x , . day. The lecture was largely at- ' f feuded and greatly enjoyed. Dean # ' n McBrien of the Orleans academy - accompanied him. F. W. Collins has returned from 'i ' a trip to Red Willow county. Sat- I urday night he delivered a lesture at Danbury , before the teachers ' on "Our Boys. " He was taken on a tour of the county by some friends , and he said he never before saw so prosperous looking a community anywhere in the state. The fields of alfalfa were enough to bring joy to any farmer's heart , and the prospects. were never better. He thinks that this county will get to the front in short order if alfalfa , as it is said to be , is really the salvation of Nebraska.-Lincoln i Journal , Knipple - is headquarters for all kinds of garden seeds. Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of job printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. Knipple is headquarters for 'bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply. 1 'Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE , office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable WALL PER at MCMmLEN S. Ice Cream Soda 5c. at MCMILLEN'S. Both seed and table potatoes for sale by the McOook Corn- mission Co. Early Ohio , $1.25. Greeley , $1.00 , and Frenchman . , Valley , only 85 cents. Early Ohio seed potatoes- Minnesota grown , at the Mc- Cook Commission Co.'s for $125 a bushel. Frenchman Valley cooking potatoes only 85 cts. a bushel. McCook Commission Co. Greeley potatoes for the table - ble at $1.00 a bushel. McCook Ccmmisslon Co. WALL PAPER at MoMmLEN's. Ise Cream Soda at MCMILLEN'S. Children Cry for Pitchers 'Castorla. , INDIANOLA. Councilman Hager indulged in a flying visit to McCook , Saturday evening. Sheriff and Mrs. Banks and 0.11. Russell were visitors in the "val- ley's finest , " Saturday evening. G. W. Swiggart and Lydia Worth were united in marriage at Box Elder , Wednesday. One of our youthful Nimrods recently went gunning for bluejays , on the classic Coon creek , and just narrowly missed bagging a "jay and a chippie , " Are you on ? Treasurer Meserve has been up at the metropolis , part of the week , assisting in the delivery of the hogs he recently sold to C. T. Brewer. His wife accompanied him , visiting her daughter. ' Charlie Lehn of McCook will lead one of the fair daughters of this neighborhood to Hymen's altar , Tuesday of next week , , The ceremony will be performed by Father ther Sproll. Here are our congratulations - gratulations in advance. Our esteemed and well-meaning Courier , last week , found considerable - erable fault with the open immorality - ality of McCook. . And this suggests - gests to our mind the question , which the Courier may answer at pleasure : "Which , think you , is the more objectionable , recognized haunts of vice , or the resort to livery stables , box cars or the thickets of classic Coon creek ? " If the Courier exhibits judgment in answering this question another one may be propounded something like this : ' "Which has the more demoralizing effect upon the com- muuity , the open saloon , or the boot-legger and side door drug store ? " These will do for a starter. We have in mind a number - ber more. PROSPECT PARK. Quite a number have quit , listing - ing ; too dry. Miss Nellie Brown of McCook visited Miss Mattie Shears , 'Mon- day. Banksville was treated to a law suit and a knock-dowN , all in one day , last week. C. G and Charles Boatman took a trip do the county-seat , Saturday , , returning home Sunday. Mrs. James Boatman was quite sick , the fore part of the week , but is better at this writing. Mrs. E. F. Duffey departed on No. 4 , Friday evening , to join Mr. Duffey and the girls in Galesburg , Illinois. Quite a runaway occurred near Mr. Dunham's place , the other day , in which Charlie Shears' cart came out second best. MARRIED-At the home of the bride'in Tyrone precinct , Sunday , May 12th , 1895 , Justice- Frank Moore officiating , M. A. Richard of Livingston , Montana , and Matid Goreley. Both the young people are well known here , the groom having been a former resident. The young couple expect to make their home in Livingston.-Ty- rene correspondence Courier. BEAVER CITY is said to have two candidates for the judgeship at least : Lawyer Norris , republican , and Lawyer McClure , populist. We suggest that Editor Kelley , d6mocrat , be added to round out the matter properly. WELLS Ir Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. Knipple is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring , . ' supply. w . * ' k x s. COLEMAN. W. M. Rozell has a fine stand of corn large enough to cultivate , M. H. Cole and William Sharp were in Driftwood precinct , Wednesday - nesday , doing a little work for Mr. Taylor. Mrs , Cole and son Arthur , mother - er and brother of M. H. Cole , who have been visiting here for two months , left for their Iowa home , Wednesday morning. Mrs. W. K. Forsey was summoned - moned , last Saturday , to come at once to the bed side of her mother who is very sick in the eastern part of the state. She left on Sunday - day morning. On last Friday , as Mrs. Corner was lifting a can of milk her right shoulder suddenly gave way and since then she has had no use of her right arm. It is possible there is , at least , a partial misplacement of the shoulder. The shoulder has become so tender and sensitive that the slightest touch causes excruciating - cruciating pain. This week , Mrs. William Coleman - man and daughter Gertie were papering the house. For a scaffold - fold they used two barrels placed six or seven feet apart , and on these was a 4x4 about two feet long , and a 2x4 plank was laid on these 4x4 pieces. At the time the plank projected over one of these pieces at one end about two feet. Mrs. Coleman was standing on this end of the plank at the time. Gertie , not noticing this , stepped down onto a chair. As soon as her weight was off of the plank it flew up and threw Mrs. Coleman violently backward , landing her on her shoulders about the middle of a feather bed , which had been wheeled to , that favored position but a few seconds before. Had it not been for this results would have been , in all probability , of a very serious nature , if not fatal. While as it was their gymnasium feat made them laugh till they cried , while Uncle Billy snickered. RED WILLOW. Mrs. P. J. Taylor spent the Sabbath at the old home on the Willow. There will be an ice cream supPer - Per at James Woodworth's Tuesday - day evening. Red Willow school is in active preparation for a school exhibition at the close of the school year. The Red Willow Y. P. S. C. E. Gild Jakie Longnecker and Charlie B-field as ilel-gales to the convention - vention at Arapahoe. The frost of Saturday night damaged the fruit a good deal. Not even Wild grapr : jelly will tickle our palates , this year. Sheriff Banks informs us that he has notrevoked C. F.Bahcock's commission as deputy sheriff , as reported by us in our inst issue , nor dues he intend to do so. He simply deputized Mr. Jordan as a favor and at the urgent request of Mayor Kelley.-courier. The general report from over the colony is that rain is ueedecl -in same iccalities more urgently than iii others-but needed everywhere - where ; while the small grain prospect - pect is for the most part practically hihil. When Baby was sick we gave her tastorla. When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. When she became bliss , she clung to Castoria. When she had children , she gave them ( storia. Our stock of Wall Paper and Paints for spring trade' is now coinPlete and we invite - vite inspection. Our Prices Guaranteed. McCONNELL & Co. Ira r' } y Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , DR , i3iCE BAKING PocDLR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 45 YEARS THE STANDARD. NORTH DIVIDE NUBBINS. Small grain looks well at this writing , but a good rain is needed. The writer was absent from home the greater part of last week , consequently no nubbins. George Henderson was quite badly bruised and shaken up on the way home from church , Sunday evening. His pony became unmanageable and "acted up" desperately. Two more deals and the aid business at Box Elder will be a thing of the past. A good deal of dissatisfaction exists among those who have been assisted the most , and without apparent cause or reason. We understand that Ben Johnson has found work up near Kearney , Nebraska , where be expects to stay for the next three or four months. As might be expected - pected , Ben and the bib fiddle are more than missed. Miss Topsy arrived from the east , one day last week , nicely arrayed in a black and red gown , yellow spotted sun bonnet , and snow white apron. bliss Tcpsy is quite young , of pleasing form and features , has black hair and blacker eyes , is very quiet and reserved and does not seeui to be worried at all at the dry weather-and our dryer prospects. Her friend and companion , Miss Dinah , lives just over the way , and she also has a sweet , quiet nature , as those who know her best say she never talks back. RERIINISCENSES. It was "Cheyenne" eating crusted snow.-J. J - Why not get out and feel for the road ? -L. K Now you needn't be trt ubled about pins any longer.-B. J. I'm going to have a "gell" at the next party.-C. M All that chicken and pie and cake wasn't intended for us.-C. H I had a notion to go out and take care of that baby myself-G. H. You three boys are always together and are the ones who sent those valen- tines.-C. K. \Vell , if Bert did go up around that way I guess he'd find the way home all right.-A. A. H. After the she's treated me wouldn't it serve her right if she'd have to walk home-S. B. How pa would swear.if he ever found out how I run those horses. But they can stand it , let's try it again : B. J. CONNIR. Homeseekers' Excursions. On May 2rst and June 11th , 1895 , the Burlington Route will sell round-trip tickets -at one lowest standard first- class fare , except that the minimum round-trip rate shall be $7 , to all points in the states of Arkansas , Colorado , Kansas , Nebraska , Wyoming , Indian Territory , Oklahoma Territory , Texas and points in South Dakota on the line of the B. & M. R. R. , all points in Missouri - souri south of Kansas City , and all points in Utah except points on line of Southern - ern Pacific R. R Limited to continuous - ous passage in each direction , final limit twenty days. C. FMAGNER , Agent. A Card to the Public. I have for the present rented the north halt of the Mrs. Smith Gordon residence on Madison street , where I may be found when not engaged professionally or absent - sent froni my office over McConnell's drug store , Z. L. KAY , M. D. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion is delinquent and you have the wood bring us in a load or two. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Ice cream soda-5 cents-at McCon- nell's. WhitePine Cough Syrup , by McMillen , druggist. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla - rilla for a spring medicine. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , , for sale by Cochran & Co. . _ _ . . . . . ' ; ' ' . % " 4 t/ / iii : : , , * 'TI-2E Lx i F AMOUS CLOCHINO S S ' * 1F . tiaN ' _ _ IP - - ' - . Seasonable - j Goods. - i i , Straw , Fur and Wool Hats , 't 1 f . Thin Coats and Vests. .t , ' J Light Underwear and Hosiery , _ - r . Novelties in NeckWea10 - . r.j. . Colored and. Wlilt e Shirts , - : , All at Popular - ; . , _ _ , . . . . .tP. . . . . . . . . _ ; . - . . McCook Nebraska. ' JONAS ENGEL , ; _ . . .J-MANAGER. . - - a „ . -rtiE sr _ IGYrGl.Ev" w ; - L % r , Y 1 \ : a ti J ! trri = o' h t ' t f t' :7- : ' , - Sv CIS E G A6 o MA S p n5uap s ® I AT RIAL T1-1 f fIN 5T f s ; ODELS HJIIGgTS 18T0 25 p OWiD5 PRISES 35.TO 100. ' r VERY t1ACHttiE FOLLY GUARANTEED t CATAt9CUE SENT FOR rJo tENT STAJ1 r J , tb .l - Alh OFFIG E AfyD FACTORY LAKE E ED 5Th , ' . - 'RETAIL .SALEoR00M 260vWA8ASH AVE'r---- ' ; EA TLRV WAREIi0U5E 97READS 51 , NEW ORK -"PORTLAND j RA 1L.11:5. , SAN FRANCI3C0 , TT " 55 ° 1 An 5 = E lHI 0Ctfl. I - - - - - - , . . - V DID ti 1 , 1 HAVE CHANGED MY MIND AND WILL STAY ! , s SLIPPERS BUY SHOES YOUIL at at ,1.00 a SIIOEs I-1. j ' - ' 1.00. PAIR. a . l . r . H3 THUOLD h rn M I : f ( L Ii U F RELIABLE I : r1 ° D 11 CI ) c , t W N I SHOE STORE C . A .1 Q y . , rAT . M AT o SHOES TAN i I r- : MCCOOK , I-I : ' W - 4 at OXFORDS z NEBRASKA. ( I ) - 1 - ' I : $1.25. I of , t l. F H F. . CANSCHOW : , t THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. . r r lr . j4 Y f r r { -k- . 1