. fl4uok rrth. By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. THE jury in the case of Oscar Wilde disagreed. SENATOR RATBBUN was severely injured in a runaway , Sunday afternoon - ternoon , about ten miles north of f Cambridge. SUPPLY and demand are not the only factors in the price of cattle or in the meat market-or in any thing else for all that. A TERRIBLE cyclone devastated the coon near Ha 1 steadKans. , Wednesday , killing six persons outright , injuring many and doing immense damage. THE Woman's edition of the Omaha Bee on May Day was one ' of the finest newspaper productions the west has seen in many moons , a credit to the intellect and energy of the women as well as a monument - ment to the enterprise of the pub- lishers. THE Benkelman Bee has been merged into the Benkelman News. This gives Dundy county but one newspaper , lout Haskins can fill the bill quite acceptably. Editor Snider will go to Colorado , where he contemplates engaging in the business again if he can find a suitable location. This merging business could be followed with splendid and desirable results all over the state , especially the western - ern part. SECRETARY MORTON seeks to let the people get even with the beef trust by authorizing the importation - tion of Mexican cattle into this country. Extensive plans to that end are now being completed by wealthy easterners , it is stated in the daily press. In this connection it is stated under oath by an agent of one of the big packers that the r packers have been doing business at a loss for two or three years- such abominable chaff. THE great Tammany-Platt combine - bine in the Albany legislature was broken the other day by Governor Morton , who called the republican end of the organization into the executive chamber , and read the riot act to them. The republicans then passed the reform bills for the city of New York and the weeping and wailing of Tammany can be heard across the continent. These bills enable the mayor of New York to discharge a large number of Tammany hold-ovens and begin business with new books. -Journal. THE fact that the commissioners of Red Willow county have con- a tracted with an illegal newspaper to do the county printing , this year , is destined to give the county no little annoyance and possible litigation and expense. The case in point emphasizes the fact that the question of cheapness alone should not govern the county commissioners - missioners in their decisions when the important question of securing a reliable official county newspaper is involved. The new law which became effective April 5th requires that newspapers for the publication - tion of all legal notices must have been published 52 consecutive weeks and have a circulation of 200. The present official paper does not comply with the law , and consequently any legal notices published in that sheet after April 5th and until 52 consecutive publications - lications have been completed since its last lapse a few months since , ARE ABSOLUTELY VOID. The county - ty commisioners and the public will do well to act accordingly. Children , Cry for Pitcher's Castorl 'a. t INDIANOLA. Editor Mitchell of the Indianola Courier is quite indisposed , this week. Barrister Starr gazed upon the metropolis , Saturday , on business of the law. Treasurer Meserve and wife made a flying visit to the Brush creek ranch , Tuesday. Sheriff Banks and County Attorney - ney Keyes had business in the metropolis , Wednesday. Colonel Mitchell of the Courier thinks that "Trilby isn't in it with Coin's Financial School" . R. B. Archibald , master mechanic - anic at McCook , was down to the county-seat , last Saturday , to see about his taxes. Pen Hager and wife are proud parents of a brand new daughter , who arrived at their home on last Friday morning. The Bartley G. A. R , and W. R. e. will hold a joint meeting tomor- row. A good program has been prepared for the occasion. County Clerk Roper , who has been visiting the Pacific coast country for a few weeks , arrived home on Monday morning. Mrs. R. L. Beckwith depai' eden on Friday evening for Denver on a visit to her parents , Express Agent and Mrs. George Sherlock. District Clerk and Mrs. W. 0. Bond were participants in the Odd- fellow celebration at McCook , last Friday evening. He was chosen secretary of the district associa- tion. E. C. Burkett and family came down from McCook , last Saturday night. The family will remain here with her parents while he prospects for a location in the northwest land somewhere. County- Judge Beck attended the celebration of the 76th anniversary - versary of American Oddfellowship at McCook , last Friday evening. He was elected president of the district association of Southwestern Nebraska. J. B. Mather expects to leave for Dayton , Washington , some time next week. He will eventually - ually go to Idaho , where he will engage in the real estate business. We understand that Prof. L W. Smith is considering the advisability - bility of continuing the abstract business that Mr. Mather has been conducting here for a number of years. WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. It is claimed that an average of 200 bicycles are being sold in Denver , daily. Two empty baggage cars went through on No. 4 , last night , that had been used a day-or two before to haul bicycles for the Denver market. Knipple is headquarters for all kinds of garden seeds. Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. Don't forget to come and see us when you want aBy kind of lob printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. KniPPle is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply. ° Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable Greeley potatoes for the table - ble at $1.00 a bushel. McCook Commission Co. . County Aid Committee's Report. Goods received and given out to each precinct from March 4th up to and including - cluding April 27th : RECEIVED. Corn , shelled , 25,000 lbs. from state ; 124,700 lbs. ear corn solicited by J. F. Black , Hersher and Reddick , Illinois ; flour , 250 sacks from state , 396 sacks purchased with money donated ; oats , 2I2' bushels ; wheat , 437 bushels solicited by Black , 272 bushels with money donated by St. Louis Relief Committee ; meat , 1,065 lbs. sugar one barrel , syrup 3 barrels - rels , peas x6 bushels , salt 1 sack , rice 2 barrels , oatmeal 3701bs. , beans ,2 , barrels - rels and 17 bushels , seeds 6 sacks and x6 packages , prunes 4 sacks and one box , dried fruit I box , dried pears 4 sacks , to small cases canned goods , hominy 2 sacks , coffee 55 lbs. , clothing 3 barrels , x box and 23 bags , , potatoes. DISTRIBUTED. Alliance precinct-88 sacks flour , 5 sacks meal , 122 lbs. meat , rice , 24 lbs. hominy , 237 lbs. beans , 34 Ibs. oatmeal - meal , 41 lbs. coffee , 22 lbs. sugar , 25 gal. syrup , rice , 50 lbs. peas , 4 lbs. seed , 34 lbs. sweet corn , So bu : oats , 200 lbs. potatoes. Bondville precinct-I6I sacks flour , 15 sacks meal , 326 lbs. meat , 32 lbs. rice , 276 lbs. hominy , beans , 191 lbs. oatmeal , 351bs , tea , coffee , 55 lbs. sugar , 15 gal , syrup , 440 lbs. salt , 56 lbs. peas , 30 packages seed , 15 lbs. seed , 34 lbs. sweet corn , 164 bu. corn , 122 bushels wheat , 96 bushels oats , S3 sacks potatoes. ( Io6 sacks flour , 200 lbs. meat , salt , 83 sacks potatoes , etc. , were a special donation to this precinct - cinct ) . Beaver precinct-4S sacks flour , 6 sacks meal , 52 lbs. meat , 46 lbs , rice , 13 lbs. hominy , I1S Ibs. beans , 241 lbs. oatmeal - meal , coffee , 16 lbs. sugar , 15 gal. syrup , 25 lbs. salt , Io lbs. peas , 31 pkgs. seed , 90 bu. corn , 44 bu. wheat. Danbury precitict-55 sacks flour , 5 sacks meal , 7 lbs. meat , 361bs. rice , 146 lbs. beans , oatmeal , ISI lbs. sugar , 20 gal. Syrup , 30 lbs. salt , 50 lbs. peas , 32 pkgs. seed , 14 lbs. seed , 34 lbs. sweet corn , 6o bu , corn , 47 bu. wheat , 200 lbs. potatoes. East Valley precitict-73 sacks flour , 10 sacks meal , rice , 20 lbs. hominy - iny , beans , 30 lbs. oatmeal , 3 lbs. coffee , sugar , 15 gal. Syrup , 50 lbs. salt , 5o lbs. peas , 3 ! pkgs. seed , I41bs. seed , sweet corn , 112 bu. corn , 42 bu. wheat , 29 bu. oats , 200 lbs. potatoes. Fritsch precinct-5o sacks flour , 3 meal , 89 lbs. meat , 15 lbs. rice , 15 lbs. hominy , 3 bu , beans , 26 lbs. oatmeal , 2 lbs , coffee , 22 lbs. sugar , 15 gal. syrup , 40 lbs. peas , 30 pkgs. seed , 14 lbs. seed , 341bs. sweet corn , 143 bu , corn , 49 bu. wheat , 62 bu. oats , 3 sacks potatoes. Indianola precinct-75 sacks flour , i sack graham , 4 sacks meal , meat , 42 lbs. ace , 20 lbs. hominy , 268 lbs. beans , 25 lbs , oatmeal , 3 lbs. coffee , 22 lbs. sugar , i. gal. syrup , 30 lbs. salt , 9o lbs. peas , 21 pkgs. seed , t6 lbs. sweet corn , 34 bu. corn , 2,000 lbs. coal , 2 loads wood , clothing. Lebanon precinct 41 sacks flour , 3 sacks meal , 56 lbs. meat , 26 lbs. rice , I lb. coffee , 22 lbs. sugar , IiSlbs. beans , 23 ll s. oatmeal , 12 lbs. hominy , 35 gal. syrup , 10 lbs. seeds , 63 bu. corn , 36 bu. wheat , 20 bu. oats , 5,100 lbs. coal , 50 Ibs. salt , seeds. Missouri Ridge precinct-5o sacks flour , 8 sacks meal , 74 lbs. meat , i6 lbs. rice , i6 lbs. hominy , 205 lbs. beans , 29 Ibs , tea , coffee , 22 1,3. sugar , 15 gal. syrup , 10 lbs , salt , 50 lbs. peas , 31 pkgs. seed , 14 lbs. seed , 34 lbs. sweet corn , 192 bu , corn , 62 bu. wheat , 53 bu. oats , clothing , 300 lbs. potatoes. North Valley precinct-46 sacks flour , I sack meal , 76 lbs. meat , 26 Ibs , rice , 13 lbs. hominy , 145 lbs. beans , 24 lbs. oatmeal - meal , coffee , 221bs , sugar , i6 gal. syrup , 59 lbs. salt , 50 lbs. peas , 31 pkgs. seeds , 14 lbs.seeds ! „ 34 lbs. sweet corn , 135 bu. corn , 52 bu. oats , 41 bu. wheat , 2 sacks potatoes , clothing. Red Willow precinct-38 sacks flour , 4 sacks meal , 62 lbs. meat , 23 lbs. rice , 15 lbs. bominy,118lbs beans , 36 lbs. oatmeal - meal , 2 lbs. coffee , 24 lbs. sugar , 14 gal. syrup , salt , 25 pkgs. seed , seeds , 75 bu , corn , 43 bu. wheat , 30 bu. oats , clothing , seeds. Tyrone precinct-53 sacks flour , 2 sacks meal , meat , 26 lbs. rice , 14 lbs. hominy , 148 lbs. beans , 25 lbs. oatmeal - meal , coffee , 221bs , sugar , 15 gal. syrup , 50 lbs. peas , 14 lbs. seed , 3o pkgs. seed , sweet corn , 65 bu. corn , 43 bu , wheat , 30 bu. oats , clothing , potatoes. Box Elder precinct-67 sacks flour , 5 sacks meal , 20 lbs. rice , 140 lbs. beans , 17 gal. syrup , salt , 68 lbs , peas , 5 pkgs. seeds , 135 bu. corn , to bu. wheat , 32 bu. oats , 7,300 lbs , coal , 190 lbs. potatoes , clothing , seeds. Coleman precinct-71 sacks flour. 3 sacks meal , 2olbs , rice , lee lbs. beans , to lbs. oatmeal , 18 gal , syrup 15 lbs. salt , 12 lbs. peas , 5 pkgs. seeds 65 bu. corn , 12 bu. wheat , 169 lbs. potatoes , coal , clothing , seeds. Driftwood precinct-65 sacks flour , 3 sacks meal , 30 lbs. rice , 12 Ibs. hominy , 100 lbs. beans , 20 lbs. oatmeal , 3 lbs. coffee , 103 lbs. dried fruit , 1 case canned goods , 5 gal. fruit , 19 gal , syrup , 15 lbs. salt , 5 pkgs. seeds , 75 bu. ' corn , 21 bn. wheat , 179 lbs. potatoes , coal , clothing , seeds. t Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , DR. 0 eitE BAKING MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any otb , r adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Gerver precinct-4o sacks flour , 2 sacks meal , lbs. meat , 20 lbs. rice , 65 Ibs , beans , to lbs. oatmeal , 2 lbs. coffee , 51 lbs. dried fruit , i case canned goods , 3 gal , fruit , II gal. syrup , 14 lbs. salt , 5 pkgs. seeds , 6 Ibs. peas , 72 bu , corn , to bu. wheat , 94 lbs. potatoes , coal , clothing - ing , seeds. Grant precinct-57 sacks flour , 2 sacks meal , 1011)5. meat , 26 Ibs. rice , 12 lbs. hominy , 65 lbs. beans , 3 lbs. coffee , 99 Ibs dried fruit , 1 case canned fruit , 3 gal. fruit , I9 gal. syrup , 15 lbs salt , 9 pkgs. seeds , 121bs. peas , 63 bu. corn , 14 wheat , potatoes , coal , clothing , seeds. Perry precinct-76 sacks flour , 4 sacks meal , rice , 14 lbs. hominy , 90 lbs. beans , r6o lbs. dried fruit , r case canned goods , 4 gal. fruit , 4 lbs. coffee , 24 gal. syrup , 25 lbs. salt , 5 pkgs. seeds , 19 lbs. peas , 65 bu , corn , 26 bu. wheat , 217 lbs. potatoes , coal , clothing , seeds. Valley Grange precinct-75 sacks flour , 4 sacks meal , 13 lbs. meat , 35 lbs. rice , 9olbs. beans , 26 lbs. oatmeal , 133 lbs. dried fruit , coffee , I case canned goods , 5 gal. fruit , 6 gal. syrup , 15 lbs. salt , 9 pkgs. seeds , i6 lbs , peas , 65 bu. corn , r6 bu. wheat , 6o lbs. potatoes , coal , clothing , 166 lbs. potatoes , seeds. Willow Grove precinct-14o sacks flour , 9 sacks meal , meat , 75 lbs. rice , 231bs , hominy , 150 lbs. beans , 6 lbs. coffee , 40lbs. oatmeal , dried fruit , I cafe canned goods , S gal. fruit , 54 gal. syrup , 30 lbs. salt , to pkgs. seeds , 30 lbs. peas , 205 bn. corn , 14 bu. wheat , 1o oats , 35 lbs. potatoes , coal , clothing. J. H. BAYSTON , Secretary , County Central Relief Committee , A Card to the Public. I have for the present rented the north half of the Mrs , Smith Gordon residence on Madison street , where I may be found when not engaged professionally or absent - sent front my office over McConnell's drug store. Z. L. KAY , M. D We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscrip lion is delinquent and you have . the wood bring us in a load or two. McConnell's Sarsaparilla McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Ice cream soda-5 cents-at McCon- nell's. White Pine Cough Syrup , by McMillen , druggist. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla - rilla for a spring medicine. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Our stock of Wall Paper and Paints for spring trade is now complete and we invite - vite inspection. Our Prices Guaranteed. MCCONNELL & Co. SCREEN DOORS ! You can buy both FANCF and PLAIN SCREEN DOORS of THE BARNETT LUMBER Co. at the Lowest Prices. Both seed and table potatoes for sale by the McCook Commission - mission Co. Early Ohio , $1.25. Greeley , $1.00 , and Frenchman Valley , only 85 cents. Early Ohio seed potatoes- Minnesota grown , at the Mc- Cook Commission Co.'s for $125 a bushel. Frenchman Valley cooking potatoes only 85 cts. a bushel. McCook Commission Co. See our Screen Doors and get prices before buying. The Barnett Lumber Co. Our Screen Doors are The Best. The Barnett Lumber Company. F < . . . r r I ' 'fir sti' : - - + -T:6 : : B-4- ; . - ; F AMOUS CLOIHINO COMPA . , qs . ' , 'i + 1 - ; - : : : : /y : _ . , . Sw : r , . . : . - - : Seasonable . 1 I - ' ' Goods. , : . i r Sti. aW Fu a'lld Wool Hats : : Thin Coats allI Vests ' : ; , - ) I Light Underwear all ( ] Hosiery , - , - t' Novelties iii Neckwear. Colored 1111(1 tivllite Shirts ' All at Popular Price'ssKN . , . . . . ; r McCook Nebraska. JON AS \'G1L , 1 _ -MANAGER. . - - - - - - - - - - - - T _ 5 r ! i 9 41 ALL. , . , ,1 , _ 1 y 'w :1e : esr [ GYGl.ES . r , i ' _ - i D - vt its' e 1 ' ti- , r J 71 z _ l ( o AT R9A "h iNEST , I II. r1i ODELSkIGI4T5 1f3T0 25 1'OIJtjD5 PRIC15 85ioo. ' , J . . VERY /lACHltiE FULLY. . GUARANTEED s CATAil96U1 SENT FOR tJO CEJT $ TAr1I . & JiA1N OrFIGE" F A CTO RY L Alf E I1A L 5 TED ST5 . , , y RETAILr ' .SALEbROOM : ; x ! 280 WA6ASH AVE : , EA57tILN WAREHOnSE - 97-gg' REhDE Sf : 'HEW oRlf t/ AORTLAND / RAMGhtES SaN Faancl5co , _ SALi" LAKE UTY . . 1 nntSiol rrlor9cd . yr. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CirArrEl. MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated on the 26th clay of January - uary , 1895 , and duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of Red Willow county , Nebraska - raska , on the 28th day of January , 1 895 , and executed by henry 1 enner and L. I Inner to F. B. Lewis to secure the payment of the sum of $227.0a > and u ion \vhich there is now due the sum of $212.70 default having been made in the payment of said sum , and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted - ted to recover said debt or any part thereof , therefore I will sell the property therein described - cribed , viz : nine sets of double farm harness , hand made , at public auction , at the store room of C. F. Babcock , in the city of McCook , Red Willow county , on the 18th day of May , 1S95 , at one o'clock. in. of said day. Dated :1pnI 25th , 1895. F. B. LE\VIS , Mortgagee. By W. S. i l ORI AN,1-Iis Attorney. 4.26-4t. Is the truthful and startling DON'T title of a book about No-To- TOBACCO Bac , the harmless , guaran- SPIT OR teed tobacco habit cure that SMOKE traces up the nicotinized YOUR LIFE nerves , eliminates nicotine AWAY poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk , as No-To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere - where under a ' guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book'ree. ? Address Sterling Remedy - dy Co. , New York or Chicago. 4-19-95-Iyr. NOTICE. William H. Boyddefendantwill take notice that on the 19th day of February , 1S95 , S. M. Cochran & Company , plaintiffs , filed their petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against said William H. Boyd , defendant , the olrejct and prayer of which are to secure the payment of a certain promissory note ir' writing , for the sum of $44.50 , dated May 1r7th 89a due July 17th , I 89i , with interest at Io per cent per annum from date , made and delivered to said S. M. Cochran & Company by said William H. Boyd ; that there is now due on same from said defendant to plaintiffs the sum of 544.$0 , and interest as aforesaid from date , for which sum the plaintiffs pray far ] judgment against said Wilam H. Boyd. These plaintiffs on said 19th day of February , 189 $ , caused a writ of attachment to issue from scourt against the property of said defendant in said count and irte of said order on same day these plaintiffs duly attached the following real estat : Southwest quarter of section ri.and the southwest quartr of section 12 , all in township north of range 2 west of the 6th . m. iShed Willow cunt Nebraska ' and duea raisal and rebrrn of said order has been mailed and filed in the office of the clerk of the district court of said county , the purpose of said attachment being to subject sailand to sale for the payment of tine amount due plaintiffs from defendant as hereinbefore - inbefore set orth. You are required to answer - swer said petition in said court on or before the 27th day of May , 1895. S. M. COCHRAN & CO. By J. A. CORDEAL , their attorney. 4.I9-4t. A VALUABLE FIND. After years of study and labor there has at last been discovered a sure and never-failing remedy. It has been tested on patients who have des aired of ever being cured , and the results have been in eve case wnderful Goff's rheumatic cure is unequaled as a positive - tive remedy in all cases of chronic and ate inflammatory rheumatism , outy lumbago , sciatica - atica and neral ia ; especially smenorrnc ea ad allkindred affec- tio. It Is also a valuable blood purifier , being - ing especially useful in eczema , , scrofula , all andular enlargements and diseases - eases of the liver and kidneys. It is absolutely - lutely free from all narcotics. Severe attacks are rlieved in from one to three days and a positive cure effected in from five to eighteen days. For sale b ) McConnell & Co. 3-2J-3m. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red 1Viliow county , ( I Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before + j lion. D.1' . Welty , judge of the district court j of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 15tH 1 day of January. 1895 , in favorof George Hock- + nell as plaintiff , and against George M. Chen- t cry et al. as defendants , for the sum of three I i hundred thirty-eight ( $338) ) dollars and forty I (40) ( ) cents , and costs taxed at $2'.I8 and ac- cruing costs , I have levied upon tiie following real estate taken as the property of said de- i it Pendants to satisfy said judgment towit : The I I undivided one-half interest lot thirteen in (1 ( 3) ) _ _ in block twenty-two (22) ( ) in the original town r t ( now city ) of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska. And will offer the sameforsale to , the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 13th day of May , A. D,1895 , in front of the south door of the court house in Indianola , I ( Nebraska , that being the building wherein the j last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. of said day , when and where ' due attendance will be given by the under- ' signed. Dated April 12th , 1895. E. R. BAS Sheriff o said count } . I I \v. S. MORLAN , Attorney. 4.12-5ts. t SEE THE WORLD'S FAIR FOR IS CENTS. Upon receipt of your address and 15 cents in postage stamps , we will mail you prepaid I u , our Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian - 1 bian Exposition , the regular price of which is ' fifty cents , but as we want you to have one , we make the price nominal. You will find it t hl a work of art and a thing to be prized. It I contains full page views of the great buildings - - , j ings with descriptions of sameand is executed ' in the highest style of art. If not satisfied 4 I with it , after you get it , we will refund the j 1 stamps and let you keep the book. Address , H. E. Bucklen & Co. , Chicago , Illinois. 1r ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery - covery know its value , and those who have i not , have now the o p or tunity to try it free. Call on the advertised druggist and yet a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to II. E. Bucklen & Co. i , Chicago , and et a sam- t pie box of Dr. Kings New Life P ills free , well as a of Guide Hose- copy to Health and - t r hold Instructor , free. All of which is guaran- r teed to do you good and costs you nothing , At McMillen's Drug Store. I r 1 BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world forcutsbrafses , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles or no pay re q uired. It is guaranteed to ire perfect , satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 Its.'Y per box. For sale by McMillen. 1 DISSOIUtjon Notice. f To whom it may concern.The firm 1 of Flitcraft & Henn' togs is this day dts _ t solved by mutual consent , George lien- rings retiring from said firm The bust- u - - ness will be continued at the old stand i - by Flitcraft & Kroening , who will all bills of the late firm and to whom pay all _ 1 accounts due said firm of Flitcraft & - Hennings are payable. , ' McCook , Neb. , April 8th' 1 S - . 4 ED , FLITCRANT , GEORGE HENNINGS. J. B. BALLARD , 0 DENTIST . - ® t St i _ All dental work done at our office anteed to be first-class. We do is guar- - ' all ki ' Crown , Bridge gds' _ and Plate Work , D Smith & Bellamy , assistants. Y , 1 - r