The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 26, 1895, Image 7

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    L 1 , ,
1 I
r I
, . .
i Deafness Can Not Be Curctl
by local applications , as they can not reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one tvay to cnro Deafness and that is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of tire
, mucous lining of tire Eustachian Tube.
When this tube gets influmed you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing , and
when it is entirely Sneed Deafness is time
t , ana unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal -
mal condition , hearing will be destroyed
forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused
I by catarrb , whfch is nothing but an inflamed -
_ _
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces ,
' We will gthe One Hundred Dollars for
, any case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh )
that can not be cured gby Halls Catarrh
° ' Cure bend for circulars , free.
, F. J. CHENEY & CO , , Toledo , 0.
c'Sold by Druggists. 75c.
' Hall's Famil Pills , /IM
The Travels of Derellcts.
The New York 'tribune : The dis-
ranee which derelicts traverse is much
greater than is generally supposed. A
careful record of observations has re-
suited in the preparhtion of a chart
which shows that thehulk of a schoon
er , the Fannie E. Wolston , has drifted ,
V ' ' during the last five years , more than
t 10,000 miles. This calculation is based
on forty six reports of its having been
I . sighted. Another deri'lict , which be-
i ' gan its wanderings in 1891 , drifted
about 3,500 miles up to the time it was ,
last seen , when it had been afloat 015
{ days. The W. L. White , another float-
' terror of the sea , roamed over the
North Atlantic for 310 days , covering
in that time about 0,000 miles.
F Next Time You Go West
9 Take the Burlington Routes "Black Hills ,
Montana and Puget Sound Express"
it i Leaves Omaha at 4:35 : p. m. daily.
Fastest and best train to the Black Hills ,
northern Wyoming , the Yellowstone Na-
J tional Park , Helena , Butte , Spokane , Seat-
tie and Tacoma.
r For rates , time table , etc. , apply to the
r local ticket agent or write
, J. FnANCrs.
) f G. P. & 'C A. , Burlington Route ,
Omaha , Nob.
The April Review of Reviews on the
severity of the winter just passed ,
4 in the southern latitude of our own
? country and in the British Isles. The
erection of a snot. statue of Washington -
' ton in New Orleans late in February
and the freezing over of the Thames
) below London Bridge in the same
month are two events which fully justify -
tify the Review in pronouncing the
( winter of 1895 a most unusul 'o'ne for
t recent years , and a rebuff to the ' 'told-
est inhabitant" with his tales of "old-
fashioned" cold weather.
Pigs have been washed , but none Shane
ever been cured of their love for mud.
:1' : _ - i
1 " - . c .4. ,
I 11
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly u The many , who live better -
ter than others.and enjoy life more , with
less expenditure , by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
' the needs of physical being , will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
1 - remedy , Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleasant -
ant to the taste'the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect laxative -
ative ; effectually cleansing the system ,
dispelling colds , headaches and fevers
an permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
I met with the approval of the medical
profession , because it acts on the Rid-
Bess Liver and Bowels without weakening -
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionablesubstance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all dru ;
gists in 50c and $ i bottles , but it is manufactured -
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only , whose name is.printed on every
package , also the name , Syrup of Figs ,
and being well informed , you : will : not
accept guy substitute if offered.
Man men
of earn minds
. - iaJ
'It ' i
. . say that
Beats all other kinds
' .
' . . , l
Climax Plug is much
the best chewing tobacco
It's Lorillard's. -
made. , .
h t
- ;
utes , by imposing the followfng additional
duties upon county commissioners when an-
prafdu - educational lands : "And they skull
forward to the commissioner.of public lands
and buildings evidence of such a raisal and
all a raisements shall be revit ed b'the
board of
educational lands and funds , and 'f
such appraisement be found by them to bs
out of proportion to the true value thereof ,
the said board shall reject the Saaro and
shall appoint three freeholders -
holders of the county in which such
land is situated to reappraise the
same , and upon approval of the said
board of educational lands and funds the re
nppraisement shall be deemed the true value
of said lands. "
House roll No , 161 , by Chapman-An act
to amend section 3821 , chapter 45 , consolidated -
dated statutes of 1891 and to repeal said
section. The act changes the law in relation
to the payment for land sold by the state so
that if a purchaser desires to make full
final payment and has interest paid in
advance ho may have credit on his final
payment for such advance interest paid.
Chapter 4a-Public Finances.
House roll 82 , by Bee-An act to authorize
the investment of sinking funds in the hands
of any county treasurer in registered court-
ty , city , town , township or school district
registered warrants. The investments are
to be authorized by county hoards. The city
councils of any city in the state under the
law may also make similar provisions for
the takin up of city warrants by the sink-
fag fund in the hands of any city treasurer ,
the warrants so taken to ho of the city in
which they are taken up or of the school district -
trict of said city. Where a school board is
custodian of its own sinking fund it may
make like provisions for taking u its own
warrants through use of the said sinking
House roll No. 117 , by Lamborn-An act
amending sections 1 and 2 of chapter 93 ,
compiled statutes , relating to warrants. The
new law acquires treasurers of school districts -
tricts , as well as state , county , city and village -
lago treasurers , to pay warrants in order of
their presentation and to keep a warrant
register in which shall be entered each warrant -
rant , fund drawn upon , time drawn and
name and address of persons in whose favor
House roll No. 500 , by Crow-An act to
provide for a uniform system of vouchers
for use for all disbursements of state funds ,
to require an oath to each claim by each
chaimant and providing a penalty for the
same. The law places in the hands of the
auditor the preparation of forms of vouch-
. Orignal vouchers shall be printed on
white paper , duplicates on blue and triplicates -
cates 'on red paper. No warrant shall be
issued except upon the original voucher on
white pnper. All claims shall be itemized
in full and a blank form of oath is re-
'scribed which shall accompany each claim.
Anyone making false oatto claim shall
be held for . The law becomes operative -
ative on ateMn y 15 , 1895
House roll No. 590 by Shickadantz-An
act authorizing the state treasurer to transfer -
fer 310,631.70 from the saline to the permanent -
manent school fund. Emergency clause.
Special Act ; .
House roll Wo. 1102 , by Harris of iteith-
An act defining a legal newspaper for the
publication of legal and ofIcial } notices.
The law requires that to be a legal newspaper -
paper for such purposes that it must have a
bonftde circulation of at least 200 copies
weekly and it shall have been Ppublished
within the .county.for fifty-two successive
weekspriorlto ; publication of legal notices
and must be'printed in whole or part in an
office maintained at place of publication.
Exemption is made for counties having no
newspaperpublishod therein or but one published -
lished therein. The atfia lavit of ublica-
tion ofran legal notieeshall state that the
Publication.hasbeen made in a legal' news-
Senate file No. 170. by Cross-An act legalizing -
galizing dedication and conveyance of lots
and parcels of land in the city of Fairbury.
House roll No. 27
, by Brady-An art
punishing by a fine nottooxceed $20 amid imprisonment -
prisonment in the'county jail not to exceed
thirty days , any one who unlawfully obtains
or wears the fireman's national button. It
is unlawful for any not am active fireman
or exempt through having served as a fireman -
man according to the laws of the state , to
obtain or wear the button.
House roll No. 383 by Munger-An act to
vest the title to lot No. 11. in block No. 125
in the city of Lincoln in the German
Evaneelical Luthern congregation.
House roll No. 99 , by Burns-An act vesting -
ing the title to lots Nos. 11 and 12 in block
189 city of Lincoln in the Congregation
Bnai-Jeshuram. Emergency clause.
Cole of Civil Nrocedure ,
Senate file No. 8 , by Watson-An act to
amend section 311 of the code of civil pro-
cedure. Exceptions must be reduced to
writing within fifteen days , not exceeding
forty days from adjournment "sine die of
the term of court at which judzment is rendered -
dered or at 'which the motion for a now
trial is ruled on. * * ' "Provided ,
that any person or officer , or the presiding
officer of any boned or tribunal before
whom any proceeding may be had , shall , on
request of any party thereto , settle , sign
and allow a bill of exceptions of all the evidence -
dence offered or given on the hearing of
such proceeding. Provided , further , this
act shall apply to all cases now pending or
hereafter brought"
Crimtnnl rode.
House roll No. 87 , by Dempsey-An act to
punish cattle stealing , those buying stole , .
cattle or harboring them or concealing
cattle thieves : and providing that those
found guilty shallbo punished by imprisonment -
mont in the penitentiary not more than ten
nor less than one year. -
House roll No. 348 , by Benedict-An act
'to amend ttmo.criminal cede by raising the
age of consent ofra'femalo child from fifteen
to eighteen yearn , except such child be over
.fifteen and is known to be unchaste , every
person so offending shall be deemed guilty
.of rape with punishment in the penitentiary
not less than three or more than twenty
years. -
House roll No. 60 , tby Jenkins-An act
prohibiting the : manufacture , sale , keeping
for sale , or giving away in the state of
Nebraska , cigarettes , cigarette paper or
materials for cigarettes and fixing the penalty -
alty for violation'.as a misdemeanor. The
minimum fineis 3lO and the maximum fine
.o. do each flue goes to
The informant.
.Senatefde i o..88'by Hahn-An net to
Drotuct Mongolian pheasants , prohibiting
: their , killing.or injury or the offering for
sale when ldlled , providing a penalty of not
less than t5O.or more than $100 for viola-
tionaof the law , ono-half of fines to go to the
informer. Justice .courts given jurisdiction.
Senate file No. 40 , by Smith-An act to
amend section Z , .chapter 8 , criminal code
in the compiled statutes , so as to make daylight - '
light burglaryn felony punishable by im-
prisoutnent in the penitentiary not more
than five years nor less than one year , or by
fine not exceeding x00 and imprisonment
in the county jail not exceeding six months
at the discretion of the court.
Senate file No. 139 , by Rathbun-An act
for the destruction of Russian thistles , collection -
lection of expenses and to fix penalties.
Any person or company owning or controlling -
trolling land who cha11 permit an Russian
thistle to grow thereon one week after publication -
lication of a notice by the road overseer the
first July shall , on conviction , be
fined not less than $10 or more than $100 and
costs and if thistles are not destroyed by
August 15 the road overseer shall do the
work and the cost shall ho charged to the
party in possession of said land. If
the party is not the owner ho
shall pay 25 cents an acre , the
balance to be taxed against the land. If the
lessee fails to pay , his share shall be taxed
against the land , and the owner may collect
from the renter the same as any other debt.
The road overseer shall destroy thistles in
the highways , and receive $1 a day and help
at $1.50 a day. If he fails to do his duty be
may be fined $50 or not more than $100.
City authorities shall destroy thistles growing -
ing on public ground , and tax up the cost of
destroying'those growing on lots. . Railroad
right of way comes under the provisions of
this act , nyo&e who - knowjng1y . d seed
. {
- : - - _
_ _
containingtfiistle seed may be'fned $25 and
may be liable for damages. This act takes
ffect from andafter , its passage.
Senatefilo No. 78 , by loan-An act defining -
fining imitation butter , and cheese , prohibiting -
ing their being colored in semblance of butter -
tor and cheese , regulating manufacture and
sale and protecting consumers at the table.
Every substance other than that produced
from pure milk or cream made in semi once
of butter or cheese is declared to be imitation -
tion butter and cheese , but the use of suit ,
rennet and other harmless coloring matter
for coloring product of pure milk or cream
shall not render such product an imi-
tatign. Any person making or keeping for
sale any imitation butter or cheese
shall be fined not less than $10 nor more
than $20 , but the mannficture of substitute
butter not colored shall not be prohibited.
Each package shall be stamped "imttation
butter. " Failure to keep a sign to tire place
where imitation butter s us-1 atithotable ,
bearing the words "imitation butter , " is
punishable by a fine of not leis than $25 nor
over $50 , orimprisonment in the county jail
not more than thirty days. The sale of
imitation butter to anyone who asks for
butter is punishablee by a fine of not less
than $25 and not more that $50 for each
House roll No. 612-An act amending the
law relating to imitation butter and cheese ,
by providing that no provision in the act
shall be construed to rovont the manufacture -
ure of imitation butter and cheese within
the state under the restrictions of United
States law for shipment to points outside
the state.
Beet 9n > : nr Bounty.
House roll No. 67 , by Burns of' Dodge-
An act to provide for the encouragement
of the manufacture of sugar and chicory
and to provide a compensation therefor.
The law provides for the payment to any
person , firm of corporation engaged in the
manufacture of sugar is this state from
beets , sorghum or other sugar yielding canes
or plants grown in Nebraska the sum of %
of 1 cent per pound upon every pound of
sugar manufactured under the conditions
and restrictions of the law. To those who
after the enactment of this law establish
and operate additional factories for the
manufacture of sugar an additional bounty
of % of 1 cent psr pound shall be paid
themt. In order to receive the bounty sugar
shall contain at least 90 per cent of crysta-
lized sugar. The beets used must have been
paid for to the grower at least 85.00 per ton.
Sugar made front beets grown by a manufacturer -
facturer cannot command the bounty.
The secretary of state has charge of all
inspections , and is authorized to appoint
inspectors , a resident inspector in each place
where sugaris manufactured ; fees of inspectors -
ors are limited not to exceed $5,00 per day.
A weighman is provided to be appointed by
the secretary of state who shall weigh nl
beets received and keep record of the same.
Compensation of weighman not to exceed
$ ; .00 per day , to be paid by the manufact-
In the manufacture of chicory , a bounty
of % of 1 cent per pound is paid to factories
already established and to new ones established -
lished an additonal % of 1 cent per pound
will be paid. No bounty shall be paid upon
chicory not manufactured' from chicory
beets for which at least $10.50 per ton has
been paid , and the quality must be 99 per
cent pure. The same duties , regulations
and appointive powers are vested in the
secretary of state in , relation to chicory
manufacture as in sugar maufacture.
All claims must be verified and approved
by the secretary of state whereupon the
auditor shall issue a warrant upon the treasurer -
urer for the amount.
The law applies and is in force for a period
of three years.
Constitutional Antendmonts.
Senate file No. 274-Adding a new section
to article 12 , relative to m rging the gow-
em inent of cities of the metropolitan class
and the government of the counties wherein
such cities are located.
Senate file No , 289-To amend section 2 ,
article 14 , relative to don9ti"n to works of
interiial improvement and manufactories.
Senate file No , 288-All votes shall be by
ballot , or such other method ( voting
machine ) as may be prescribed by law , the
secrecy of voting to be retainei.
Senate file No. 273-Fixing the number of
supreme judges at five and their terms of
office at fire years.
Senate file ho. 27l-Providing for the investment -
vestment of the permiment school fund in
registered school district bonds.
Senats file No. 275-Authorizing the legislature -
islature to provide that in civil actions five-
sixths of the jury may render a verdict.
Senate file No. 173-Authorizing three-
fifths of both houses to change salaries of
state officers. .
Senate file No. 231.-Adding three railroad
commissioners to the mst of state officers.
Senate file No , 28i-Authorizing the legislature
islature to increase the number of supreme
and district judges.
Senate file No. 283-Authorizing the legislature -
islature to establish compensation of supreme -
preme and district judges.
Senate file No. 2S4-Limiting the number
of state officers , except by concurrence of
three-fourths of each house.
Senate file No. 270-Authorizing the legislature -
islature to create an appellate court.
Joint Resolutions.
Senate file No. 130 , by Hahn-Asking congress -
gress to pass a hill now pending for ceding
to the state of all government lands within
the state.
Senate file No. 31)3-Authorizing the governor -
ernor to receive and receipt in full for $19-
000 duo the state from the govermnent on
account of repayment of the direct tax.
Senate file No. 20 , by Sloan That Nebraska
braska shall hereafter in a popular sense he
known and referred to as the Tree Planters'
Senate file No. 174 , by Smith-Asking
congress to grant Ft. Omaha to the stag on
condition that the fort bo converted into
encampment grounds for the Nebraska Na
tional guards and maintained as such by the
Senate file No. 411-Authorizing the governor -
ernor to appoint three commissioners to act
in conjunction with a like commission of the
state of south Dakota in ascertaining the
true and correct boundary line beweau the
state of Nebraska and South Dakota as far
as the same may be the boundary between
thecounties of Clay in South Dakota and
Dixon in Nebraska.
Senate file No. 120 , by Pope-A joint resolution -
elution asking congress to pass a bill providing -
ing for the payment to all union soldiers
who wore confined in rebel prisons during
the war apension ; of $2 per day during the
time so confined and $12 per month for the
remainder of their lives.
House roll No. 360 , by Judd-A concurrent
resolution as follows :
WHEREAS-The adoption of a'stato floral
emblem by the authority of the legislature
would foster a feeling of pride in our state ,
and stimulate an interest in the history and
traditions of the commonwealth , therefore
ho it ,
Resolved-That the legislature of Nebraska -
ka hereby declares the . flower commonly
known as "goldon rod" ( Solidugo Sorotina )
to-be the floral emblem of the stato.
Soldiers' Home.
House roil No. 2884 , by Merrick-An act to
establish and maintain a branch soldiers'
home atMilford. , The law requires a lease
to be made to the the state for two years ,
with the privilege of eight additional years ,
for the sum of CS00 per annum , of the
property and buildings known as the sanitarium -
rium and park at Milford , Neb.
A commandant is to be appointed by the
board of public lands and buildings , who
shall receive a compensation of $910 per
annum. The home shall be governed and
regulated under the law governing the sol-
diers' home at Grand Island , and to carry
the law into effect :8,000 , or so much as
necessary , is appropriated. Emergency
clause. -
Shakspeare's plays have been translated -
lated into the Armenian , language , and
the translation will soon be published
In Russia.
Time Syarkling Wino Is Higher In PrlcO
Than Is Justifiable.
It is reported from France that the a
price of champagne will be , if anything -
thing , higher this year than it has been
previously. This Is somewhat surprising -
ing , for , although a great deal of money
is spent on the manufacture and bottling -
tling of the wine.nevertheless its cost
of production appears to be wholly out
of proportion to the charge at which it
is retailed , not only in America , but
also in French restaurants. In Paris
you must pay 12 francs , or $2.40 , for a
not strictly first-class bottle of champagne -
pagne , and the same wine will cost at
least $3 in New York. Turning to the
bill of fare given in a little guide book
to Paris published in 1803 , the most
expensive champagne is quoted at $1.20
a bottle. To be sure , Chambertin , Vol-
nay , Pommard and Nuits were only
$1 per bottle then. A beefsteak with
potatoes was 20 cents ; and "boulli" }
garnished with vegetables only 3 cents ;
but mutton cutlets were dear , being
cited at 20 cents apiece ; and a fried
sole cost 40 cents , if the book is to be
believed. Be this as it may , the value
of the champagne produced in France
is daily increasing. In the department
de la Marne alone it has increased from
$1,327,000 in 1844 to $6,000,000 in 1891.
The strangest circumstances connected
with champagne is that the French
themselves have little liking for the
vintage of Espernay. In fact , the average -
erage Gaul rarely touches "fiz" save on
the occasions of marriages , birthdays
and grand balls ; at the carnival , and
sometimes lit race meetings. At smart
dinner parties the vintage is never
served , being deemed vulgar. There
is an immense amount of champagne
drunk at first-class Paris restaurants ,
but the consumers are for the most
part foreigners-English , Russians ,
Germans , and especially Americans ,
who for some unaccountable reason
dote on this wine and consider no feast
complete without it.
It Is Now Applied to Warm the Interior -
ior of a London Theater ,
The Vaudeville theater , Londoh ,
England , has recently been heated entirely -
tirely by electricity. At first it was
contemplated to use a system of hot
water heating , but , after carefully considering -
sidering the matter , the management
decided that electrical heaters afforded -
ed a more advantageous system. Twen-
ty-two "box" or wall radiators and
four large portable radiators , all of the
"Crompton-Dowsing" type , are employed -
ployed , and they answer the purpose
admirably. The temperature of the
theater is maintained at 60 degrees ,
while the corridors may be as low as
10 degrees. The heating arrangements
are under absolute control , and any
portion may be turned off or on at will.
The electricity used is taken from a
public street circuit from a central sta-
tion. With electrical radiators there
is no danger of a fire , as there is no
combustion , and the temperature is
about the same as that of hot water
pipes. Some difficulty was at first
experienced with regard to the fire
fice and London county council , but
all authorities appear now to be convinced -
vinced that electrical heating , when
properly installed , is very safe , and
perfectly suitable for public buildings.
It is stated that electric radiators are
often used in an auxiliary sense where
sufficient heat is not obtainable in
buildings heated by hot water. They
are also useful for chilly evenings ,
and at times when it is not cold enough
to work the whole system of heating ,
but a little warmth is required in any
particular room or portion of a room.
A Princess and Her Violin.
Grand Duchess Olga , the 13-year-old
sister of the empress of Russia , is just
now a source of great anxiety to her
relatives , and especially to her mother.
Some celebrated German and French
specialists have been recently in St.
Petersburg , with the object of diagnosing -
ing her case , and she is to accompany
her mother to the south of France ,
where she will undergo medical treat-
ment. She has never recovered from
the shock of the terrible railroad accident -
dent at Borki , whfch in some way appears -
pears to have affected the development
of her physique , though not of her
mind , for she is a remarkably intelligent -
gent girl , and has inherited in particular -
lar her mother's talent for music. She
is especially proficient on the violin ,
of which she is passionately fond , and
which she has been playing for the
past five years. Many people and not
a few doctors have expressed the opinion -
ion that her playing several hours
every day on the violin may be partly
responsible for her stunted and slightly -
ly deformed physique. There is certainly -
tainly no musical instrument more calculated -
culated to affect injuriously the figure
of a young and growing girl than the
violin , owing to the position in which
the body is held while playing. It is
probable that the doctors will now definitely -
initely insist on what they have already -
ready recommended , namely , that the
princess shall put her violin aside for
a time , at any rate , pending the treat.
ment which she is about to undergo.
What Does lie Mean ?
What does the German minister of
war mean , when he says , as he did the
other day in the reichstag , that the
new army rifles had been fully tested
and were "certainly not inhumane
weapons ? " Considering that the end
and object of their manufacture is the
destruction of human life , "humane"
is a somewhat strange word to apply
to them , and we may expect to hear
soon of the benevolence of gatling guhs
or the merciful propensities of torpe-
does. ,
- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - -
- - - -
- - I:1 : !
, , ' . N
c <
, _ _ . -
is the purest and strongest ill
baking powder made. It has y
. , r '
received the highest award at the U. 5.
b t
' Gov't official investigation and at all ,
, .
-I 1 1
the Great International Expositions and . , 1r
' , i
World 's Fairs wherever exhibited in
. competition with others. t ;
It makes the finest , lightest7 sweetest , . "t , t
L most wholesome bread cake and pastry. N
i More economical than an other leaven-
, . ingabent. . > ,
a f
ek *
Flying Under Rater.
When the penguin in the London
zoological garden is fed , the fish are
thrown into the water , and the bird ,
which cannot fly in air or swim on the
surface of the water , at once plunges
in , and is transformed into a swift and
beautiful creature , beaded with globules -
ules of quicksilver , where time air clings
to the close feathers , and flying
through the clear and waveless depths
with arrowy speed and powers of turning -
ing far greater than in any known form
of aerial flight. The rapid and steady
strokes of the wings are exactly similar -
lar to those of the air birds , while the
feet float straight out , level with its
body , unused for propulsion , or even as
rudders , and as little needed in its
progress as those of the wild duck
when on the wing. The twists and
turns necessary to follow the active
little fish are made wholly by the
strokes of one wing and the cessation
of movement in the other ; and time fish
are chased , caught and swallowed
without the slightest relaxation of
speed , in a submarine flight which is
quite as rapid as that of most birds
which take their prey in midair.
Like a : tlachluo ,
Which kept in order runs smoothly and regularly -
larly , so tae bowels keep up their action mf
measures are taken to keep them in good
woritmg order. 't'his litters , of course , that
they arc out of order. The surest recourse
then is to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters , a laxative -
tive mild but elsective , tvinctm is also a remedy
tor dyspepsia , malaria , rheumatism , nervousness -
ness and kidney trouble.
He always does his Lest who always does
all he can. +
The less blood there is in a sermon the
more compliments the preacher will get.
"Hanson's Magic Corn Salve. "
Warranted to cure or ruouey mefunded. Ask
druggist for it. rrice iS cents
It is well to have a nobfepurlose , but oh ! {
perform the doing of it.
"Short Journeys on a Long itoad"
Is the characteristic title of a profusely
illustrated hook containing over one hundred -
dred pages of charmingly written descriptions -
tions of summer resorts in the country
north and west of Chicago. The reading
matter is new , time illustrations are new ,
and the information therein will be new to
almost everyone.
A copy of 'Short Journeys on a Long
Road will be sent free to anyone who wi.l
enclose ten cents ( to pay postage ) to Geo.
H Healord , General Passenger Agent
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway ,
Chicago , 111.
Lions Ate the ltt : , r.
London Daily News : From Lemberg
our Vienna correspondent learns that a I
terrible battle has been fought at the
railway station at Rawaruska. A menagerie -
agerie was being conveyed by rail and
when the train stopped at the station
a great noise was heard. The guards
went to the wagons containing the
wild beasts and found the woollen partitions -
titions which separated three lionesses
from three beats and these again from
lmree hyenas broken down and the animals -
imals engaged in battle. One bear was
missing , the lions had eaten him , skin
and all. They had bitten another bears
paw off and a hyena lay dead on the
floor. Twolions in a neighboring com-
, artment remained calm. No one dared
to interfere between the fighting beasts
ntil the owner arrived in a sledge and
separated them-not before he had
been bitten by a bear , however. lie
claims damages from the railway administration -
ministration because the partitions
gave way.
:1 Rord about tt hte { Clover.
Professor henry of time \Visconsin I
station is credited with the following : I , '
It , is not advisable to sow white clover t lG
alone on land for hog pasture , but a
mixture of several grasses. suchm a , two
bushels of blue grass , one bushel of
orchard grass , one peck of timothy and'
four pounds of white clover seed. otv
this on three acres of around , tvuh a
very light seeding of oats and barley ,
or , better still. without any grain at
all. It is suggested that the lurid bo
not pastured until the sod is well
formed , and if the grass runs un tall
that it may be cut for hay. No stock
should be turned in on the field until
the second season , unless a few weeks
in the fall while the ground is dry.
Thick seeding is tugged.
Make Your Own Itttter t :
On receipt of 30 cents in II. S. tumnps , I
will semi to any address one package Ste-
ketee s Dry Bitters. One package mimakes i
one gallon kerb , tonic known. Cures stow-
neh , kidney diseases , and is a great appetizer -
tizer and blood purifier. Just the ntedirine
needed for spring and summer. 2e. at 1
your drug store. Address GEo. G' . rs- I
I ETEE , Grand Rapids , Mich.
If a woman has a nice loo'drg i oclet
Look to carry , she doesii t care whether she
hits any money or not.
Drs. Ii. IT. Green & Sons of Aiianta ,
Ga. , are the greatest dropsy specialists pt
in the world. Cure more patients than
the entire army of physicians scattered ri
over this beautiful land of ours. A valuable -
uable discovery outside any riedicat
book or published opinion. A I urn 1y
vegetable preparation. Itemov's all
dropsical symptoms rapidly. T ! l da:5
treatment mailed to every stmIYerer. See
advertisement in other column.
Only a brave man is afraid of a ghoa of
a murdered opfortunity.
It tine Baby is Cuttiug Teetlm.
ile sure andu ethatoId aid writ-tried rem.t , i 'is.
Wiaat.ow s SOOTHING Svtc , ( or CI..ttdren T , : tltre-
Bright things are not : thvty Sgoo11 thimitts.
What au ordinary mt t eats
and the way he eats it would
be enough to give dyspepsia
to an ostrich-unless Ce ostrich -
trich were wise enou gh to assist -
sist his digestion
front time to time
1 . with an efficient '
.I- ' ' ) coimbinltioni 01
vegetah'i ex-
' tracts. S u c Ii a _
w . preparation is
ji Dr , Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets.
- ' - - They are tIe pills
_ par excellence
J = for those v ; li o
sotnetines eat
the wrong things and too much. They
stimulate action in all of the digestive
organs. They stop sour stomach , twilch
belchings , heartburn , flatulence sail cure
constipation , biliousness , dyspepsia , indigestion - a
digestion , sick headache and kindred
Once used they are always in favor.
Ely's ' ream a m ' eR FtY'S
cAM gAlhp ,
WILL CURE s 4 & , COL , p
1crApk bH „
NAFF lE R ( 1 .
I Price 30 Cents.
Apply Bairn into each nostril ,
Fr x Bnos.6 twarren St. , N.Y.
ici RLL IRE I Pit' BR. . aoo
Te JR6OB Oft
a S CU1 E IS KIt1G ; lile with J' CHES ii ) Everytlh.
Perhaps 3Tou may think that Scott's Emulsion is
only useful to fatten babies , to round up the angles and
make comely and attractive , lean and angular women ,
and fill out the hollow cheeks and stop the wasting of
the consumptive , and enrich , and vitalize the blood of
the scrofulous and anxmle persons. It will do all this
-but it will do more. It will cure a
Hard , Stubborn Cough
when the ordinary cough syrups and specifics entirely
fail. The cough that lingers after the Grip and Pneu- t.
monia will be softened and cured by the balsamic healing -
ing and strengthening influences of this beneficent
food-medicine , namely , Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver
Oil and HYPoPhosPhates of Lime and Soda.
Refuse substitutes. They are Stever as good.
Scott & Bowne , New I , York. All 'Druggists. 50c. and Si.