. What is \ , , : ' \ \ / H Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Chidren. ? It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasait. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions oflfothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , I cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves { teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas . ' Mother's Friend. toria is the Children's Panacea-the ll 3 Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent tnrdicim for chU dreg Mothers have repeatedly tc d me of its I good effect upon their children. " I Da. G. C. O oooo , I Lowell , Mass. ' I' ( .astoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is trot h far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria instead - l stead of the various quack nostrumswltichare ; destroying their loved ones , by forcing opiutn , i , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Du. J. F. KINcucLoc , l Conway , Ark. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me. " H. A Aacusn , M. D. , 111 So. Oxford S : , , Brooklyn , N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart. ment have spoken highly of their experience enco in their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " UNITCD HOSPITIL d\U iISPCN3ARY , L'oston , Mass. Aw N C. Snrru , Pres. , I I The Centaur Company , 'i'I Murray Street , New YorkCity. . l i F. D. BURGESS , s MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. r Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim stings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupuu Wind MilL U TI4E .II . .I t WAT1OAL . AK . H z. Auth' I $ RO,000 I OPPICERS bN-D : DIRECTORS. GEO. HOCKNELL , B. Ii. FREES , W. F. LAWSON , F. A. PENNELL , P'esidenf. Y. President. Cashier. Asst Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. t . Paid U Capital , - - - - $50,000. . Surplus , - - - - - - 10,000 , wwwww 1 N1 Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. faxes Paid for Non-Itcsilents. i - , . . - . . . . . . . . . . OPPICERS. - V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBE'.tT , Cashier. CoLhs [ > ONntaNTS : _ 1'he first National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. Tha Chemical National Bank , New York City. s e , f ) o ( LIME HARD CE9iE11T , AND DoaBS , LUMpEi SOFT NIIDO S , BLINDS. COAL. ) o { , RED CEDA1 AND OAK POSTS. J. WARREN Manager. RED WILLOW. Ne11ie Myers visited the folks at home over Sunday. Everest Moore and family spent the Sabbath with the Myers family. Mr. J. F. Black , it is reported , is doing good work soliciting for this county. Mrs. P. J. Taylor spent Saturday night with her old neighbor , Mrs. Canaga , returning to Sunnyside 0n Sunday. Miss Kate Longuecker who has for some time been suffering from some nervous affection is reported a little better. Mr. Wilber was expected home , Monday evening. A car load of corn for the Eufferers of this precinct - cinct preceded him. Rev. Johnson has been holding a series of interesting meetings at the Christian church. They are to continue through the present week. Anti so the low comedy order of our country literary is not to the taste of every one. Perhaps it would be well if more would express - press themselves as did "Connie" of North Divide. If we must have literary societies why can we not have stmetlnng of a more elevating nature. Country liternries are fast degenerating into a place where only a few boys constitute the eit- tire audience , CLEANSE THE BLOOD. PUBIFI TIIE SYSTEM OF ALL TBosE CATAiIRUAL LIPUBITIES ANU CUItE IS CEnIAIN. Spring time is most favorable to the cure of chronic catarrlf. Hundreds of letters are received testifying to extraordinary cures. \Yilliam Maudell , of Sleepy Eye , Minnesota , writes : "I have been troubled with chronic catarrh for thirty-five years an(1 had tried nearly every catarrh cure known , until by accident I was advised by a friend to give Pe-ru-ua a trial. In one week from the time I took the first dose I began to feel like a new man. I kept on using it for some time and I am entirely cured. I have no symptoms of chronic catarrlf whatever. I am 74 years of age and ami sure that Pe-ru-na is the best medicince I ever used and would not be without - out it in the house for anything. " The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company , of Columbus , Ohio , are offering free , post-paid , two ined- ical books , one on catarrh and Catarrhal - tarrhal diseases , the other one is on spring medicines and spring diseases. These books contain the very latest and most reliable information - mation on these important sub- jects. For free book on cancer address Dr , Hartman , Columbus , Ohio. Knipple is headquarters for garden seeds of all kinds. Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of aol printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. Kuipple is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply. Choice Mammouth Pearl Seed Potatoes for 65c. a bushel at the McCook Commission Co.'s. Texas seed oats , best in the world , for sale by the McCook Commission CO. Texas Red Seed Oats , best in the world , for sale by the McCook Commission Co. Choice Mainmouth Pearl Seed Potatoes for 65c. a bushel at the McCook Commission Co.'s. ° - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROSPECT PARK , Herbert Shagw has a new saddle pony. Spring wheat is coming up very nicely. Monday's windstorm was a regular - ular howler. L. A. Stephens has finished sowing - ing 100 acres of wheat. Charles Boatman and Alice Holbrook - brook spent Easter Sunday at Mr. Hartman's. Sunday school and preaching at the school house , next Sunday. All are co l diallY invited. There was quite a lively meeting - ing over at the Banksville school house , last Saturday evening. J. M. Record and wife came out from McCook , Saturday iliglit , on a visit to their dauglier Mrs , J. H , Wade. CT. C. Boatman is teaching a three month's term of school over in the Hartman district in Grant precinct. E. T. Duffey departed , on the 5th of this month , overland , for Galesburg , Illinois , taking three of his eldest daughters with him. Mrs. Duffey and the younger children - ren will follow by rail in about a month. VAILTON. ( l. Roper's father of Lllinois is visiting him. Mrs. Esher has beett suffering rvitli the rheumatism. We still h0pe for the desert to bloom as in olden tiine. I Mr. Dutcher is sowing wheat. I He is one of our old-time hustlers. The tvinct Monday was certainly terrible. Plenty of ( lust but very little rain. There will 1)e a newframe , building - ing put up on the tract north of Joseph Schmidt's. The lumber is now on the ground. A. W. Nettleton expects to remain - main at his western home the coining - ing season. We reported his E speedy return a short time since. TYRONE. Some fariliers are listing corn in the ground broken last fall. Quarterly meeting for Tyrone and Wilsonville , next Saturday and Sunday. Readers of THE TRIBUNE here always delight in reading "North Divide Nubbins , " by "Connie. " The application for garden seeds for 27 families in this precinct was generously filled by Gregory & Sons , of Marblehead , Massacliu- setts. They came last Saturday. MARRY THIS GIRL. MR. EDITOR : -I stained a blue silk dress with. lemon juice : what will restore the color ? I am inak- in' lots of money selling the Climax - max Dish Washer. Have not made less than $10 any day I worked. ' Every family wants a dish washer . and pay $5 quickly when they see I the dishes washed and dried in one minute. I generally sell at every house. It is easy selling l what every family wants to buy. I sell just as many washers as my brother and lie is an old salesman. I I will clear $3,000 this year. By aldressing J. H. Nolen , 60 West Third Avenue , Columbus , Ohio , anyone can get particulars about the dish washer , and can do as well as I am doing. Talk about hard times ; you can soon pay oft' a wort , gage , when making $10 a day , if you will only work ; and why won't people try when they have such il i l good opportunities. MAGGIE R. Try. McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and hands. Bulk and garden seeds at ruip- Pie's. , CARSON & TAYLOR , j' I'roprktor $ of the. . . . 0 . A SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. . - - We respectfully solicit your business , and guarantee pure milk , full measure , and prompt , courteous service. J , B. BALLARD , 0 DENTIST. All dental work done at our office is guaranteed - anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. Knipple is headquarters for hulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. While Pine Coughi Syrup-by McMillen , druggist. Ca llle1011's I-IE1110- Growls Seeds. Selid for Illustrated Cata- fogile to Jallles Calll- eron at Beaver City , Nebraska. ' S. CORDEA.G ® v . . I : Notary Public , Reliable , Insurance , Collection Agent. _ j . S. MCBRAYER , PROPRIETOR O [ rata McCook Transfer Line , fills , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. Lhasa Co. Land and uva Stock Gat i I I Horses branded on left hip or leftshouldor. . P. 0. address imperial. Chase county , and heat. I tire. Nebraska. Range. Stinking Water and the Frenchman creeks , in Chase county , Nebraska. . Itrand as cut on sideof - sorneanirnulsmt hip arid sides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. LMER ROWELL E NOTAItV PUrrIr , 1 3l ANU INSUL ANCF : . f McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. J. E. aCELLEY , / ATTORNEY - AT -LAW , I ' AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. I McC00K. - - NF.lI.t3K.t Offiee in Tear of First National B2nlc. CIIARLES H. BOTLE , ATTORNEY-AT-LAw DIcc00K , iYEBRASICA. - 11 TIME'w ' FOR A LIMITED A HANDSOME katherr . odct 1. Case 1 FREE ttv EXCtIANGE FOR l0 TEY-CEtKT PA4 R TACS TA1 1 'l FROM P1iCK l v . t 9ikP' PLUG n 11 TOBACCO. C' ' AMPACNE FLAVOR I le American Tobacco Co. i tEW YORK , f - I w. L . OCLAS ' L' ' ISTHE BEST. S FIT FOR A KING. S5. CORDOVAN , FRENCH&ENAMELLEO CALF. , ,4. 350 fIhECAIf&iUILGAPGQ . ° . _ POLiCEs ; X25 oa2,410RKINGi .dEpg . . _ .EXTRA FINE. s2 I . BOYSSCHaOLSHOES _ ' .LAD LS r 5DS2.17g SEND FOR CATALOGIIE HROCKTCIN M895. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas 3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes in style and IL y Thar wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform---stamped on sole. From St to $3 saved over other makes. " If yourdealercaunot supply youwe can. Soldhy DEALER whose Hattie a'ill shortly appear - pear here. Agents Ivanted. Apply at once. U , l CACOPYRIGHTS. I COPYRIGHTS. - CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ; ' For a prompt answer and an honest opinion , write to iIIUNN&Clwhohare badnearlyflay years' 1 experience In the patent business. Commanlcn- tionsstrictly confidential. Ahandbook ofIn- formation concernsnw Patents and how to obtain - tain thorn sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- lcal and scientHio books sent free. Patents taken through Munn do Co. reecho special noticeinthe r eientificAmcriennand thus are brought widely beforothe publicwith- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. issued weekly. elecantlyllnstmtedbasbyartho , largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. $3 ayear. : ample copies sentfree. Baildinir Edition , monthly. l2IOa year. Single ropios , ti5 cents. Every number contains beautiful - ' tiful plates , in colors , and photngraphs of now houses. with plans , enabling builders to show the latest /lesieri8 and secure contracts. Address 3iUNN 1LCO. . . Ncw I OL'K , 361 Buoenw&T. R. Ae COLE L1.tIIING j 1 1\IERCIIANT \ TAILOR = MCC00K , I Has just received a now stoclc of CLOTHS I and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fit- ( I tin ; suit made at the very lowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop first door west of Burnett 's Lumber Office , on Dennison street. ; I McM1LLEH BR OS. , DEALERS Ir/ Harness & Saddlery Repairing Promptly I Attended to. East Dennison St. McCook , Neb. . V. GACaE , I i SurUGoll , , I 3rccooK , NEBRASKA. 1l l 1 C -OrnCE HOURS-9 to 11 a. m , Z to 5 and 1 I to 9 p. m. Rooms over First National bank. ! I Night calls answered at office. J. A. CUNN , ' 1 I rIlllsi6idllSllrflcon , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. - ' i ; " ) FFiCE-Over Farmer and Merchants Bank. RESIDENCE-lot Main street. Prompt attention to all calls. e a f { USTIN J. ItITTENHOUSE , f McCOOIt , NEL'Rtgj F ; 3rOfice over the Famous Clothing Store , IIRS. I E. E. UTTER. t ( ' 1 -MUSICAL INSTKUCToS- Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo DICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. srCDlo Roox i , OVER GA igcnows. j McCook. Nebraska. - lt l ,