rf ; t oa u . By F , M. KIMMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. . TUE abdication of the Chinese emperor is proclaimed , but the genuineness of the proclamation is doubted. JAMES W. SCOTT , chief owner of the Chicago Times-Herald , is dead. He was one of America's most sagacious newpaper men. THE free silver agitation is taking - ing another boom , and is attracting the attention of the administration by reason of its fervor and force. THE Paris Figaro gives currency to a rumor that Dr. Nansen , the Artic explorer , has found the North Pole , and that it is situated on a chain of mountains. fE E f TIIE whiskey trust has been ordered - dered dissolved by Judge Showal- ter of the U. S. circuit court at Chicago , and the property to be i sold to the highest bidder. THE price of coal oil is steadily advancing so far as the Pennsylvania - vania product is concerned at least. i And its the uncertainty how high ( the figure will go that most bothers - ers operators on the oil exchange. ' TIFER E is ample money in the state's permanent school fund to take up the relief warrants , which should not in any manner go begging - ging while almost a half million of the permanent school fund remains - mains uninvested. Keep the interest - terest at home. THE resignation of Chancellor Canfield of theNebraska University will be deeply regretted. His departure - parture for Ohio , where lie assumes the chancellorship of that state university , July 1st , will be a distinct - tinct loss to the state university of Nebraska at whose head there has never been a brainier or more clever man. THE talk that a beef trust exists is denied by the journals of that trade , who claim that the cattle are not in the country and that the increase in the price of cattle is due to this fact and to crop fail- ures. The receipts of cattle so far in 1895 are indicating a remarkable - ble decrease , while the price keeps steadily appreciating. THE decision of the supreme court in exempting holders of municipal - nicipal , county and state bonds and land rentals from the opera- ticn of the income tax , it is stated , will reduce the income of the government - ernment from that tag about one- half. Such decisions will not in any measure increase popular respect - spect for the court. The injustice ' of it is too patent even to a school boy. THE 317 voters of this city who died in the last ditch with Jacob Burnett at the last municipal election - tion will doubtless be gratified to learn from the Times-Democrat of this city that there were "sorllE of the most respected citizens of Mc- Cook in the ranks of the opposi- tion. " The Times-Democrat then pours a little brine into the wounds of the opposition just to make them feel cheerful no doubt-by insinuating something about the "details of a rather ugly job which have been filed away for future F reference. " THE TRIBUNE is just a little curious. Let the people have those details-if they exist anywhere than in the pregnant and fertile imagination of the writer. Out wit the details. Children Cry for-Pitcher's Castoria. I PRESIDENT CLEVELAND has further - ther solidified himself with Wall street in his recent letter on the money question. But not so with the people of the west at least , where the silver sentiment seems to be growing rapidly and per- manently. THE supreme court of this land has not in years made a decision which has been so generally criti- cised as the recent decision on the income tax law. There is doubtless - less more law or precedent than common sense in the decision. The moral effect on the masses will be damaging-the wealthy class being the chief beneficiaries. ONE thing that Nebraska can congratulate herself on her escap- iug is the avalanche of swollen rivers and floods that is carrying dismay into many quarters of New England and the east. There is no present danger of the Nebraska rivers slipping their banks this year. Between too much moisture and no moisture at all the farmers of the country have a hard time. The happy medium of just moisture - ure enough is what Nebraska pre- fers.-Bee. A DISPATCH to the London Times from Shanghai says that Li Hun ; ' son-in-law that Chang's - - telegraphs a peace convention was signed at Shimoneseki , Monday , by the plenipotentiaries - ipotentiaries of China and Japan. Following are the terms of the convention : 1. The independence of Corea. 2. That Japan retains the places she has conquered. , 3. That Japan shall also retain the territory east of the Liao river. 4. That the island of Formosa shall be ceded permanently to Japan. 5. The payment of an indemnity of 100,000,000 yen. 0. An offensive - sive and defensive alliance. DANBURY. Small grain is coming up nicely. How many eggs did you eat Easter ? Supt. Bayston was in our city , Monday , Powell Bros. shipped a carload of hogs , Tuesday. Frank Everist started , Tuesday , for Utah , to buy cattle. The alfalfa seed in this neighborhood - borhood is about all gone. S. W. Stilgebouer and family visited in Bartley , Sunday. Frank Everist has sold his meat market to Mitchell Young. A car load of aid corn and oats came for Bondville , last week. A very high wind , Monday , which wound up with a very nice rain. Miss Mary Cann will give a musical entertainment in church , next Saturday evening. Danbury's streets were crowded on Saturday with teams and wagons - ons to hear the band play. Ashton Bros. sold a carload of alfalfa seed , Wednesday. They had already disposed of two cars , WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. gnipple is headquarters for all kinds of garden seeds. Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. .gnipple is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring supply. _ Bny your writing paper at THB TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable Bulk and garden seeds at Knip- ple's. _ -a IN THE INTEREST OF BEAUTY. 0 Town Should Have Control of Phu th g and Pruning Trees. Who is not interested in seeing our streets lined with rows of beautiful trees ? What a boon their shade ! Trces in a town often have a hard time of it. Poor soil and little or no attention do not conduce to strong and luxuriant growth. But in many towns and cities trees are made to flourish , showing that it is not an impossibility. It is hardly necessary to say that trees will not thrive unless they are treated with an intelligent understanding of their re- quirements. While evcryproperty owner - er plants a tree or not in front of his property , as it suitshim , and retainsfull control of it , chopping off limbs and oUieiwise mutilating it as he sees fit , the aspect of our streets cannot improve. The town should take entire control of the planting and pruning of shade trees , and under the direction of some Iverson who has knowledge of their rc quirements in time long rows of verdure will border our thoroughfares. Mr. Joseph Iltoehan , in a paper read before the Pennsylvania Horticultural society , made some useful suggestions as to tree planting in towns. Ho says : "As to spring or fall planting , it makes no difference. Unless in beauties - ties where the natural soil exists iii its original purity it is better to dig out a moderate cartload of soil and fill in with fresh , good earth. Rank manure should not be used at all , but that a year or moo old , well decayed , may be mixed with the soil moderately , but good planters think it better that it be not in direct contact with the roots , so unmixed earth is first thrown in to cover - er the roots. "It is well known good practice to do some pruning before planting. Just how much is determined by examining the roots. All trees lose more or less roots in digging. If but few arc lost , but little pruning of the top is called for ; if many arc , a good deal of the top must come away. Nonattention to this is the cause of the loss of thousands of trees. Numerous branches make more mouths than the roots can supply , and the trees die. Do not be afraid of a good pruning of the top. There is another - other reason for pruning at planting. The trees may be unshapely , the branches - es too low or the top spindling. Pruning or cutting away of branches to remedy these defects aid the roots at the same time. " F Mal , KIMMELL9 McCOOK , NED. Prillt6r AID Statiollor. p - FUBLISIIEIt OP AND DLA LE1t I N Loa1 Dianks BOOKS , Books , S6d16 Books. DEALER IN Office Supplies AND . STATIONERY 01 ? ALL KINDS. TRIBUNE OFFICE , FIRST DOOE NORTH OT THE POSTOFFICE , I Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , DR. i3ICEj CREAM BAKING . POWDLR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Our stock of Wall Paper anl Paints for spring trade is now comp' etc a IR d we in- vice inspection. Our Prices Guara.Iiteed. 1'ICCONNELL & Co. Indianola Items. i llrs. A. C. Teel joined the visitors to McCook on last Friday evening. Clerk and Mrs. Bond were brief visitors - ors in McCook , Friday evening. Mrs. Larry McEntee was a McCook visitor , last Friday , between trams. Sheriff and Mrs. Banks spent a few hours in the metropolis , Friday evening last. E. Floyel-Jones rode to McCook on his wheel , last evening returning honie on No. 4. Editor Bishop attended i asterservices within time Sir Knights in McCook , last Sunday. Mrs , R. L. Beckwith's mother arrived from Denver , Monday evening , on a visit of some length , Prof. Smith of our public schools was in Red Cloud , last week. He is an applicant - cant for time principalship of time schools at that place. Sheriff Banks and Mr. Brown were up McCook visitors , yesterday , the sheriff trading horses with C. T , Brewer while i the metropolis. Mrs. J.BMeserve went up to McCook , Wednesday evening , on a brief visit to her daughter , returning honie on Thursday - day evening's passenger. Rev. Corwin of Kaukauna , Wisconsin , yviii be time new Congregational minister here , if enough money can be raised to pay his salary. The church had a meeting - ing to that effect , first of this week. J. J. Lamborn , who has been temporary - rary receiver of the State blank of Wilcox , is now acting as cashier of that concern , which commenced business anew on the i3th with a capital stock of $5,000. They Are a Necessity. Von can't do any lawn sprinkling business - ness without one.Ve mean those patent - ent lever hose couplers. The simple movement of a little lever connects or disconnects your hose to or from the hy- drant. The women will appreciate this little patent. It will save them lots of time and effort. Cochran & Co. sell them. A Card to the Pubic. I have for the present rented the north half of the Mrs , Smith Gordon residence on Madison street , where I may be found when not engaged professionally or absent - sent from my office over McConnell's drug store. Z. L. KAY , M. D. Our Mistake Your Gain. Cochran & Co. have overstocked themselves - selves with hose , lawn sprinklers , hose fittings and couplings , and to reduce their over-supply are making special low prices on these goods. Do not buy until you have seen their line and learned their prices. Garden Plowing. I am now prepared to plow gardens on short notice and in a satisfactory man- ner. Leave orders at the barn or with draymen. R. M , OsB0RN , White Line Transfer. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscrip Lion is delinquent and you have time wood bring us in a load or two. Irrigated Land for Rent. Fine irrigated land for garden. Call on or address , J. A. GOHEEN , . McCook , Neb. Mrs. Barger has her stock of spring millinery in and is ready to show trimmed goods and a great variety of pattern hats and bonnets. Also school hats from 25 cents up. We can use some wood-split or in chunks-on subscription any time. If you have the wood pay your subscription that way. Buy your bicycles of agents who know how and are prepared to take care of them. Leach Bros. are the practical bicycle people , McConnell's Sarsaparilla. rF ft I r ± - THE FAMOUS CLOTHING COMPA. : t 4 i . - " . .u1 . . - . , { - I , ll e The Latest ' ; S. Spring Styles. - ; Me1 i11l Boys' Soft and Stiff , . . ' z. . , . J'Iafs. , . . . Shirts , Underwear 4 AIld Other Goods. . I . 4 1 , . o McCook , Nebraska. JONAS ENi EG , . . -.t-MANAGER. IPI 1 . A 50LtJ' LY ir D ALL l&27H e Esr _ IGIGGLE Y I \V " , . , . ' . : + ti ° _ . . . k y 4We r Pf. f ( S GIS & A ' ' ODEL WEIOIIT , 18T0 25 P OWID5 PPICb 85.TO 100. ' . k VERY MACNUiE FULLY GUARAr TEED LATAt9GUE SENT FOR P.10 CEiJT STAr1J ? . ' ' . 6 . ; , /"lAi [ l OFFIGE A 1D FACTORY'AKE ! hA157ED 5T5 . p 'RETAIL ,7gLEJROOM 1 t3Qff WAOASH'o , AVE r - : EASTLRN WAREnOO C 07-99 READS SE , 13E1J..YORK p.Algc-j > - ' SAtAftE U'Tr air _ LanESIDE [ tJ ( ni. _ - Is the truthful and startling DON'T title of abook about No-To- COL'ACC ( ) Cac , the harmless , guaran- SPiT Olt teed tobacco habit cure that SMOKE braces up the nicotinized ! 'OUR Lii4E nerves , eliminates nicotine :1\V:1Y poison , makes weak men regain strengti' , vigor and manhood. You rum no physical or financial risk , as NoTo-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere - where under a "uarantee to cure or money refunded. Book ? rce. Address Sterling Remedy - dy Co. . New York or Chicago. 4.19.95-Iyr. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castotia- when she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria When she had Children , she gave them lastoria , Dissclution Notice. To wimom it may concern.-The firm of Flitcraft & Hennings is this day dissolved - solved by mutual consent , George Hen- nings retiring from said firm. The busd- ness will be continued at the old stand by Flitcraft & Kroetiing , who will pay all sills of the late firm and to whom all accounts due said firm of Flitcraft & Hennings are payable. McCook , Neb. , April 8th , 1895 ED. FLITCRArP. GEORGE HENSINGS. The Burlington Route will , until April 15th , haul seed grain free of charge from all points on their lines east of the Missouri - souri river to points in Gosper , Furnas Frontier , Red Willow , Haves , Hitchcock , Chase and Dundy comities , to cases only where the grain is to be given to the farmers without charge ; in cases where grain is to be placed on shares , or where it is to be paid for by the farmers in casher or otherwise , the emergency rates in effect will be collected. ! C. E. MAGNER , Agent. McConnell's Balsam for coughs. McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Refrigerators , gasoline stoves , screen doors and wire cloth. COCHRAN & Co. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. White Pine Cough Syrup , by McMillen , druggist. McConnell's Balsam for coughs. For Exchange. For improved property in McCook , a well located property in Kearney City , Nebraska. W. W. BARNGROVER , Stockville , NebS i S l NOTICE. William 11.1ioyddefendantwill take notice that on ( lie tgth day of February , iS95 , S. i11. Cochran & Company , plaintiffs , filed their I petition in the ihstrict court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against said 1Villiam II. Boyd , defendant , the obejct and prayer of which are to secure the payment of a certain 1 promissory note ip writing , for the sum of „ 44.50 , dated May 17th , 1894 , due July i7th , IS9.1 , with interest 'tt mo per cent per annum from date , made and delivered to said S. M. Cochran & Company by said \Villiam II. Boyd- that there inw ue on same from said defendant to plaintiffs the sum of $44.50 , , and interest as aforesaid from date , for which sumn the plaintiffs pray far judgment against said 1Vilham I I. Boyd. 't'hese plaintiffs on said 19th day of February , 1895 , caused a writ ; of attachment to issue from said court against the property of said defendant in said county , and by virtue of said order on same day these plaintiffs duly attached the following described - ed real estate : Southwest quarter of section I1 and the southwest nuarter of section 12 , all in township 3 , north of range 29 , west of the 6th p. m. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , 1 and due appraisal and return of said order has been mailed and filed in the office of the ' clerk of the district court of said county , the purpose of said attachment being to subject said land to sale for the payment of the amount due plaintiffs from defendant as hereinbefore - inbefore set forth. You are required to answer - swer said petition in said court on or before the 27th day of May , 1895- S. M. Coch RAN & Co. By J. A. CORDF.AL , their attorney. 4-I9.4t- i Castoria is truly a marvelous thing for the u children. Doctors prescribe it , medical journals - nals recommend it and more than a million mothers are using it in place of paregoric , Bateman's drops , so-called soothing syrups and other narcotic and stupefying remedies. I Castoria is the quickest thing to regulate the ' stomach and bowels and give healthy sleep the world has ever seen. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harmless. It relieves constipation , quiets pain , cures diarnccea and wind colic allays feverishness , , destroys worms and prevents convulsions , soothes the child and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. 1 C'astoria is the children's panacea-the moth- t er's friend. Castoi is is put up in only one size , bottle. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every purpose. " See that you get C-A-S-T-o-R-I-A. t . - - - - - - - s-ao is Cz sl , atuo $73 17 of A VALUABLE FIND. After years of study and labor there has at last been discovered a sure and never-failing iemcdy . It has been tested on patients who ' have despaired of ever being cured , and the results ' have been in every case wonderful. 1 Golf's rheumatic cure is unequaled as a positive - tive remedy in all cases of chronic and acute inflammatory rheumatism , gout , lumbago and , sciatica - neuralgia ; especially ovarian neuralgia - ralgia , dysmenorrhoea and all kindred affec- tions. It - is also a valuable blood purifier , being - ing especially useful in eczema , psoriasis scrofula , all glandular enlargements and diseases - eases of the liver and . kidneys. It is absolutely - lutely free from all narcotics. Severe are relieved in from on e to three days and . positive a. cure effected in from five to eighteen clays. For sale by McConnell & Co. 3-2J-3m. L'UCKLES'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world forcutsbmise sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever , , sores , tetter chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles or no a required It : is guaranteed to give erect satisfaction or money refunded. Pricer box. For cis. per sale by ldcMillen. i 1 I