. What is Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless Fubstituto . for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by MillionsofMotllers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vom Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. . ' Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa toria i3 the Children's Panacea-the ffiother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Ian excellent mtx'.icine for ehll trcn. Mothers have repeatedly td me of its good effect upon their children. " Dt. G. C. Ocnooo , Lowell , Mass. 1 Castoria Is the best re.uedy for c1i11dren of which I am acquainted. I hope tae day is vo : far distant when mothers willconsijerthorcal interest of their children , and usu Castoria in st , ad of the various quack nostrums which are drstroyfng their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , sopping syrup and otter hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending : hem to premature graves. " Dn. J. F. XNcncwc , Conway , Ark. Castoria. ' ' Catoria is so well wTpted to children than Irecommend itassuperiurwunypre crIpUon known to me. " 1T. A. AncnttttTf. D. , Ill So. Oxford St. , Uruoklyn , N. Y. "Our physicians in the children s depart ment bave spoken highly of their eaperi enoe In their outside prrctiee with Caatoria , and although we only ham autoug our nicdical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we ore free to confess that the merits of ( 'astoria has won us to look with favor ulHtn it. " UNIT IDUospITJL.L Dlt t'HN8daY , Bwton,1lasa Autx C. Sarre , F e& , The Centaur Company , ' 17 Murray Street , Now York City. F. D. BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter. MAIN AVENUE , McCUUK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim minga Anent for Halliday , Eelipse and Waupun a ind'Alilt. It Tt4ED l : FIkST WATt o1AL II l6 Authorized Capita $100,000 604000 OFFICERS .A1 TD DIRECTORS. r REORGE HOCKInEI Bt M1 FREE W , F , UWSDN President. Vice President. Cashleri A t CAMPBELL , FttANK HARRIS , Tb Gitizdlls Da11K of M6GooK INCOal'o1ATE1) UNIISB STATE LAV. . Paid UP Capital - - - - 50,000. Surplus , = - - - - - 10,000.c l DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all F , Principal Cities of Europe. taxes Paid t . - for Non-Residents. ® a OFFICERS. V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS-The First atonal Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. The ' Chemical National Bank , New York City. l H. . W.C.BULLARD&CO ° , ) o ( 8 . LIME , IIABD e ' . , AID ' LUMpEg.Z r . ' SOFT DU rs , . BLINDS. COAL. t : ' y r . - EEp : .CED4R AND OAK POSTS - .u. J WARREN , Manager. , NORTH DIVIDE NUBBINS , Mr , iintl Mrs. Fred Carter were I 1)1vuIi ' ' f ) . A u tfFort is Iting mtrdt to re- nratuize ; the Not'th Dlvule Sunday tSl'llnUl. J. U. Hendersott 1LIIl family uert + visitors i'dowu Oil the farllt , " Sunday last. Uccle - Billy will be busily en - gaged ii ) taxidermy , the balance of the mouth. A series of prayer meetings ar e hying held at ( tifereut phtces in this 1)elghhorhood. A right . jrIly crowd amuse ( 1 themselves amid' entol taiuetl the writer. Saturthty eveiiiug. J. S. 3Iulydll is expecting a car load of grtiu from Arcula , Illinois , which has been dunattnl t0 hlln b4 relatives. A number of the gentry o f North Divide will ttike l , tut lu the Ehster festivities at 13ox Elder and the gamut is help ; ; Atutlted. John Johusan is hustling arouu ( 1 hetiules and lrepariug a goal 1 sized patch of gruuud tt be it 1 readiness tor plttuting corn. A team alll wagon , a l ) II row of fence posts , a Ittulle of marl ) wire and 13en Juusou ! were mor e or less utitet ttp ill a run-a-way , receltly. Tto services at the Box + lde I JI. E. church are drawitig very l arge and appreciative autlieuce s every Santilttuui 13ro. divinr is cr)1'respoudiugly gratified au ( 1 happy. On account of the scarcity o f well wheat anti oats a very slnal l acretti7e of either commodity i s being sown ill this vicinity. From all appearances corn will occup } ' the time and atteutiuu of the bus baultuen , this season. Three ful'lol'It f looking chaps o the speckled-hen or ben-pecked v ariety , were seen in ealldel'IU g al1Ol'.t this neighborhood , Sunday e vening , lalell with coats and blankets and evidently going to 01 returning from some place. In response to a general "bid"l to come and join in jollity per - baps the largest and gayest corn pHnv o1 : young fuili ill man } moons were gathered at the resi- d ence of ex-County Treasurer Doyle , one evening last week. CONNIE. NOW-THE TIIE TO MAKE MONEY. Last month I cleared , after pay ing all expenses , $175. 1G ; th e month before , $149.93 , and hav e at the same time attended to my regular business. I believe any- o ne , anywhere , can do a well , a I have lint a particularly good lo- c ation and no experience. When you have all article that every family wants , it is very easy selling - ing it. It seams strange that a hood , cheap Dish Washer wa s never before placed on the market. With the Climax , which sells a t $ 5 , you can wash and dry th e dishes for a family ill two minutes , without putting the hands Iu water as soon as people sea the Washer work , they want one , and that i s wily so much lunacy can be mad e so quickly. For full particulars , address the Climax Mfg. Co. , Co- umbus , Ohio. I feel convince d that any lady or gentleman , ill any location , can make from 5 t 0 $ 10 a day , as every family will very soon have a Dist Washer , Try it , and publish your experi- nce for the benefit of others. When Baby was fling , l/e9 gave her iBtetirtr When she wasaGildshecriedforQ ode. When she.became heal the clung to t a orIa. Wbeu she had Chu , e > 1e gaetltoa OheQeia. - _ _ y VAILTON. Summer like at this writing and 1 10 wind just now , Neighbor Bunnell has removed to the A. C Nettletoni place. J. W , Walker was down from Palisade , Sunday , and reports all wvell. Mr. Flemining has commenced farming on Grandpa Williams' r anch. anch.H. H. M. Clute and family have r eturned to their Driftwood farm all feeling well and hearty. We understand that the owner o f the tract known as tile Palmer r anch will occupy the same inper- s oil the Coining season. We will note later arrivals in our nc + xt from both east and west. 1Ve truly hope this section will put forth and bloom as the rose , fwd that most speedily. Mr. Dutcher has been an tic- c ute sufferer from a lame back , the past week , probably caused ft 'ura a light tap from a falling liwb of a tree he had just cut. Not a great deal of farming ill this locality yet ; wve notice some wheat being sown , however , and b others preparing t0 sow as 80011 as the s I > r inrr b opens more favorably. RED WILLOW. John Helm is planting consid- enable small fruit. Mrs. Locker and family were visiting with Bent. Baker's family , first of the weal ( . Misses Lizzie Baker and Birdie Locker w'ere visiting friends Heal McCook , last Saturday. It is reported that Mr. Wilmer has secured a car lead of oats for this precinct and is trying to Be- c ure a car load of wheat. The closing exercises in district 7 2 were successful in every sense of the word , and reflected great credit on the teachers , Misses Stangeland and Rittenhouse. Mrs. William Byfield was quite badly bruised up , Tuesday morn- l ug , by being thrown from the wagon durin : ; a run a-way. Miss Dubarko was also slightly injured. TYRONE , Eli Allen has gone to Michigan. George Bede visited old friends here last week. G. W. Kimpton drove over to Cambridge , Saturday. John Morgan is back from Illi- uois and will farm for Frank Moore , this season. Rev. 0. T. Moore of Ainsworth , Nebraska , is here on a vist to his mother , who is dangerously ill. Frank Moore writes that lie has collected a car load of core and oats and well return home about the first of April , Knipple is headquarters for garden seeds of all kinds. Call a nd sea his supply and get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. Kuipple is headquarters for b ulk seeds. Don't hail to consult h im before buying your spring supply. Choice Mammouth Pearl Seed Potatoes for 65c. a bushel at the McCook Commission Co.'s. Texas seed oats , best in the world , for sale by the McCook C ommission Co. Texas Red Seed Oats , best in the world , for sale by the McCook C ommission Co. Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and Lauds. , B.n111 : and garden seeds at Knip- pie e. . -1 Knipple is headquarters fo r b ulk seeds. Don't fail to consul t him before buying your spring supply. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. Cameron's Home- GL OWIl Seeds. Send for Illustrated Cats- lo ue to James Cameron - eron , at Beaver City , Nebraska. S. CORDEAL V t , , Notary Public , : Reliable , lnsurarce , Collection Agent. J. S. i ioBRAYER , i'ROPRIKTOR OF TILE . McCook Transfer Line. BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS.e Only furniture van ill the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for t bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. II. M. OSBORN , . PROPRIETOR OF TILE WHITE LINE TRANSFER.li I am well equipped to do anything and everything ill the line of drayiug business. I will move Alocos or household goods promptly and safely. Your patronage - ronage is solicited. Barn opposite the Central hotel. Chase Coe laud and _ iV6 Stock Cot _ r 3 Horses branded on left hip nr lift phmi1.I r. P U HddrpRd lmpprinl , rhHPprnllnlyHHd Itpat ri e. Nrbrii ka. ttittge. ) Stitki , , tvllr r xnd the F'rplltll : niH tl ( rpr kR. In ChnpfCOUOty. Nphra'ka. rirnnd HR CntnlpdeOf POtrii aliiaI' . all IIIp NIHI sides of snore , or any- w here on hip Hnimnl. I,1L5111 { 1U1YEL ( , , NOTAIY 1'UnLic , , , , . . tln Estate , Q au Ii } RII S ! AND INSUILANCE. 1fc0001t , - NEBRASKA. t J. E. KELLEY , ,1 ' A TTORNEY - ATLAW , AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. 3rocooK , - - NEnnASIf& Ofii.n in ftparnf Fit ' : atlnnal Rank. CIiARLES H. BOYLB , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW MCC00K , NEBRASKA. M n I - - L fJPERllE1D5JEctC i . V t I act FiAYOIe , ! r , r A f w 'h , f ' e. ; p gl ? sa t'A Sums 0 ewiq CC4 .I ' awl in o I a lilileinore ai e rice a e the Or ln H. trade tobaccos , will find i ' .l 1 , ip ran su error o a o erg ci . BEWARE of ih y TAr1ONS. 1 I I ! rtll t { t . OJGLAS 1 t Is THE BEST. it S 3 FIT FORA KING. + J . 9. CORDOVAN i. FRtNCH&ENAICLLEDCALF . . * 4g3.p FINECAis&KANGAROR - $3s9PO1ICE,3soLls. ; -fir S so S2.WORKINGh1F S EXTRl1 FINc g 2.I.75 BDYSSCNONLSNOE& I : . LADI1:5 S2o $ 2l7n g3. 8 Es 2l7nl0 ? OIA c c " SEND FOR CATALOGUC I ' . - 'Vd L D0UG Z ' t BROClcTOLLJ tAS. , . Over One ! Million People wear th9 / W. L. Douglas 3 & $4 Shoes All ourshoes arc equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They cgaat Custom lees in style and lit. I I Thiwcurin qunlitles are unsurpassed. The prices arc unlform---stnmped on eote. f Fr" Si t + cj a n r'1 over other m'kes. If your dealercannot supply you we ctn. Sold by D1aAIIR whine name vtll hurtly appear - pear here. dbellts wanted. I ripply at once. r N cAUE a CV RKs COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? Fors p rompt answer and an honest opinion , w , Ito t0 111U1SN & CO. , who burn dad nearly Nfty rc ry' e xperience In the patent business. Communlt : tlonaatrlctlyconfldenttal , AHandbook otIn- f ormation concerning I'ntente and how to obtain - tain thorn sent free. Also a catalogue of merhaa- 1Cal and aclentltle books aontfree. Patents taken through 1lfunn dt Co. recelve s pecial notice fntho'ricntilicAnrcrirnnand l thus are Drolicltt widely bcforothc puhllcwlth. . out cost to the inventor. This aDlendld parc > + I ssued weekly. clegnntlyillnatratedhasb'farth0 lar est circulation of any ectentStlc work in the ' ' world. Fa assoc. fnmple Cn ieseentiroa. Building , monthly. t. Oa year. 8inglo copses , . . , cents. Ereq number contains beau. . tlful totes , in colors , snit pbotntapa ) of nes t houses , with plane , enaDltnc builders to show Cho F latest deascna and . secure contrnrta. Artdnse MUNN lk CO. , Nsw You , 361 BnoALw.Y. 1 1I I COLE , f t.l AUINO f I VIEROHANT TAILOR 1 r OF McCBOK , t li fts just received a now slack of OLOTlIB Ind TICIi41lS1INGS [ f you want a good nib- ttmr cult made at the very lowest prices for good work , calf on him. Shop flrstdour west of Barnotta Lumber Office , on Deanison . . itreut. 1. McM1LLEN BROS. , I Ir DEALERS IM lI Harness & Saddlery r ReP airln r Promptly l I Attended to. + , East Dennison St , McCook , Neb. we v. CAGE , SurGon , 3IoCOOK , NEBRASKA. } IOrrxcx if onus-9 to 11 a , m. , 2 to 5 and W b p. m. [ teems over First. National manic. Thrht rally Hnwprr + d at. office. J. A. CUNN , r lillSi6idll ant.l Siiron , afcCOOE NEBRASIA. "OFr'ica-Front rooms over Lowman & Son's store. RFSfntxes--40C McFarland St. , 4 two blocks north of McEntee hotel Prompt ttpntfnn to all calls. 'i USTIN J. IITTE\IlOUSE , f p ) LcCOOK , NEB1mAstd ! -Office over the Famous Clothing Store , 1UItS. & . 6. QTT13a , -MUSICAL INSTitUCrOli.- I Piano , Organ Guitar and Banjo VOICE TiAINING A SPECIALTY. s'ruolo BOOM 3 , ova OAN80flUlFB. cCook. - - wYcbraaka. . . t.r : ?