The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 29, 1895, Image 4

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gaak ; e
, , $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE.
' .
r' s THE office of the Salisbury ( Pa. )
Star was recently destroyed by fire
' The publisher of the Star is Peter
" R. Liverigood. He formerly published -
lished a paper at Carleton , this
; state.
. WILLIAM E. SMYTBE of the Irrigation
rigation Age is in New England
booming irrigation in the western
states and emigration from the
overcrowded eastern states to the
irrigated lands of the west. Edward -
ward Everett Hale is helping in
the missionary work.
THE "new women" is invading
theology. She now wants another
translation of the Bible' which
shall do justice to the "Heavenly
Mother" to whom prayers should
be addressed as well as to the
"Heavenly Father. " Some of the
advanced ladies are not 'waiting
for a new Bible unless the chroniclers -
iclers of the Washington nneetin g
are doing them an injustice. It
is related that one of the delegates
who was in distress received consolation -
solation and advice from a very
much advanced sister , who said :
"Just take your trouble to God.
She will make it all right.-
d UDGE CALDWELL'S request for
the resignations of four out of five
of the receivers originally appointed -
ed for a bankrupt investment concern -
cern at the solicitation of certain
of its creditors , on the score of
economy , will be taken to indicate
that at least one federal judge recognizes -
ognizes the main object of a receivership -
ership to be the restoration to sol-
vency. The idea has become prevalent -
alent that a great many receiverships -
ships have been multiplied s tlely
' to furnish lucrative positions to
I favored individuals , and that in
frequent instances four and fire
receivers are retained at remunerative -
tive salaries where the work would
at best call for uo more than two
or three. When the courts beget
to cut down the expenses of these
receiverships there is room for
hope that general reorganization
will soon be possible.-Bee.
IT cannot be repeated too often
that the greater part of Nebraska
is as fertile and productive in all
seasons as any part of the great
Mississippi valleyaud that this fertile -
tile and productive area is an empire -
pire within itself. An agent of one
of the commercial agencies says :
"If we have rains and an average
crop Nebraska will not only be on
her feet again , but the homeless
millions of the east wi11 again turn
1 -
their eves hitherward and the
prairies will once more be alive with
breaking plows and picturesque
with new built homes. IVe ought
not to forget for a moment that if
we concede that 21,000 square
miles of our area is arid and unprofitable -
profitable for farming we still
have 365 square miles more to
farts and poj ulate than the great
sta a of Iowa. This is no time to
be downhearted. 1Ve are not dead
nor even sleeping. "
Sunday is a great day for bicycle -
cle riding.
- Fraiik Everist shipped a car of
hogs , this week.
Dave Smith was up from Wil-
sonville. Monday.
Considerable alfalfa is being
sown in this vicinity.
George Morgan has just erected
a windmill on his farm.
The mite social met at Mr. Stil-
g ebouer's , last Tuesday evening.
The Danbury band will play
on the street every two weeks ,
commencing about the middle of
April. ,
, , . '
[ Published at the rt quest of the executive
committee of the citizens ticket. ]
The committee selected hY the
oandidatts on the citizens ticket
to conduct their campaign have
finished their work conscientiously
and well. They have completed
in an invincible wanner a thorough
organization for municipal honesty
and morality. They have 1n e-
sented to the working men and
the business men of McCook a
ticket on which there is no speck of
corruption. A ticket that is not
hampered by any clique or class ,
from whose members there is no
promise of reward , no threat for
disloyalty , but one to which the
interest of every citizen and taxpayer -
payer is paramount. Read the
names and be assured. Jacob
Burnett , manor ; H. H. Easterday ,
councilman 1st tiiard ; B. L. Tinker ,
councilman 2d ward ; C. L De-
Groff , treasurer ; C. F. Babcock ,
city clerk ; Z. L. Kay , d. F.1 en-
you , II. B. Archibald and SV. ' 1' .
Coleman for the school board.
Each and all are worthy citizens
of our town-citizens for toir or
more years-and to whom no man
can point with a corrupt or
honest reference. The candidates
and their committee are grateful
beyond expression for the approval
and hearty co-operation they have ,
met on all sides. The silent sen-
titnent that now holds firm the
orkhop and the store , the office
and the bank , but still more the
humble home with its school ehil
dren of every age , is a mute but
strong appeal for better government -
ment for our taxpayers and better
example for our children. 1Vhat
a sad monument for imitation for
our bright and beautiful young
scoot girls , to learn prematurely of
crime by the frequent flaunting of
immoral females on our strriets.
'the query comes day after day ,
why such gay and brazen display
of crime in broad day light , before
our innocent children , iii a city
that has better schools and better
church buildings than any city of
twice its size in Nebraska ! No
other reason than the sympathy of
the executive of our city. The
watchword of needed reform in
this and city finances is on our
masthead. Reforms first duty ie
directed to the social , moral and
fiuaticial condition of our city.
Bigotry of any kind means retro-
gression. The citizens ticket as
named , with its invincible following -
ing , shows a sentiment of dissatisfaction -
faction with the present regime ,
autj the enthusiasm it has caused
assures its success beyond a ques
tion. Apart from this the good
ladies of McCook have in their own
forcible manner called a halt. The-
quiet but firm demand from the
guardian of the home and its innocent -
nocent inmates , stays knocking at
the door of public sentiment and
asking for protection-protection
against bad example , protection
against impending crime. And
this knocking by the inothers and
daughters has found a hearty re-
slltinse. The fathers , the brothers ,
and the sons have joined hand in
hand and shoulder to shoulder to
grant their wishes to place men in
office-the citizens ticket-who
shall do credit to themselves , the
city of McCook , and to every true
citizen and loyal supporter , on
Tuesday next , Finally it behooves
those having such interests at
heart , and who can help the good
cause , io lend their aid and not
try to stem the tide of public
feeling , especially when that feeling -
ing tends to the suppression of
municipal dishonesty and corrup-
tion. The municipal government
should be entirely divorced from
party politics and from selfish
ambition or personal gain.
Choice Mammouth Pearl Seed
Potatoes for 65c. a bushel at the
McCook Commission Co.'s.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awerded Gold Medat Midwinter Fau , Sao Francisea
How is this for summer ?
Miss Kate Duffey has an attack
of measels.
E. ' 1' . Duffey took in the city ,
\Veduesday. '
Mr. Atherton of McCook has
rented Jas. C'tins' farm.
Ililskell T'irrill and 'wife aril
Alvin Beujrtmiu and wife took .
dinner at J. H. 1Vatlt 's Snndnv.
Charlie Boatman bird the misfortune -
fortune to lose his best horse while
bringing it home from Haigler
where they have been wintered ,
ilfr. Hammond canal over from
Atwood , K + nisat , ' 1'neiuIav , with
two loads of goods. He is moving -
ing to his farm under the ditch.
William H : Boyddefendantwilltake notice
that on the 19th day ef February , 1895 , S. M.
CoLhrall & Company , ul.tintiffs , filed their
pttitiult in the distnct coact of Rrd \ iliow
county , Nebraska , ag , inst said William H.
Boyd , defentlaut , the object and prayer of
which are to secure the I.ayment . of a certain
pr missory no a in + rttiug , for the sum of .
of ri445o , dated May 17 , 1894 , due July.
17 t894 , wm h + ntetest at 10 per C tit per annum -
num from date , m „ le . + nd delivered to said
S. at. Cochran Lompauy by said William
li. Boyd ; that there is now due on same
from said delendant to plaintiffs the sum of
$44.50 and it.tere t as aforesaid fnm date.
for tihich sum the plaintiffs prayftujudgment
agmilistsaid Wilhani Ii. Bo , d : these plaintiffs -
tiffs ore said 19' ' Ii d. , of Febluari , IS9Scaused
a writ of attachment err issue from said conit
:1i. } inst the property of said defendant in said
aunty and by virtue of said order min same
day these plaintiffs duly attached the follow-
ingdescribed real estate : omilheast quarter of
section II and thesuut hwcst quart , ref section
12 , all iii township 3 , north 'f range 30 , west
6th p. n , , hcd Wtil.w county , \rbraska , and
due appraisal and r turn of said order has
b en m ile.t anti filed in the , ( fire of the clerk
of the district court of said c.tiuty , the ln r-
pase of said attach + mi nt being to subject said
land to sale for tlt irYntent , of the amount
due plaintifs fiom dL fi ndant , as hereinbefore
set forth. Von ac rcquir d t' answer saol
petition in said court on orbeforethe 29th day
of April , 1895. ' CUCHRAN & Co.
ByJ A Cok DEAL , I heir at t. rney. Mcliz-4t.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
1 B U
McCCCto , r1DD.
Lca1 51a11ks
K6661flt BooKs ,
Office Supplies
- - -
highest Honors-World's Fair , ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ,
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday ,
the 2d day of April , A. D. 1895 , an election
will he held in the City of McCook , Nebraska ,
fair the purpose of electing
Mayor ,
City Clerk ,
Citt Treasnr r ,
City Engineer ,
On , . Luu.c loran from the First Ward ,
One t'ouncilman from the Second Ward ,
Two Members of the Board of Education
for the trrm of three years ,
One Member of the Board of Education
for the tern of two years to till unexpired
term ,
One Mcmber of the Board of Education
for the term of one year to fill unexpired
The City Council has named the following
as voting places , amid Judges and Clerks of
Election to the respective precincts :
PRECINCT No. I-ALTulley Building , Main
street. Judges , ii.\V.Cole , ' 1' . M. Phillippi ,
\I. A. Spalding. Clerks , Ebner RowellC.T.
l'iatc1NcT No. 2-At Cole Building , Main
Street. Judges , Charles Weiniz , fit. E. Horn-
, r , G. 11. Starr. Clerks , Charles Lehn , A. N.
PRECINCT No. t-At I lose Cart room , City
hall. Judges , 1. F. Benjamin . 0. Norval ,
i l 1-I. 1 lolmes. Clerks , F. A. Pennell , Charles
PRECINCT No. 2-In old photograph building -
ing , 210 Main avc.-Judges , G. IL Piedmore ,
Gouli , I ) Orman , G. W. Bowman. Clerks ,
11. H. I ) avs , , Georife D. Leach.
11 hich elccti.n will be open at nine o'clock
in the morning and close at seven o'clock in
time afternoon , central standard time.
By order of the Council.
hated MCcook. Nebraska , March 6 , 1895.
E. J. 11 n.C'X. CIty Clerk.
1. Notice is hereby given of the incorporation -
tion under the laws of the state of Nebraska ,
of a company known as The National Park
Geld Mtrnng , ! stilling and Development
l ompany.
2. The principal office of the company is at
McCook , Nebraska ; the working plant of the
cumPanv and its mimics are located m Fremont
county , \Cyuming
3. The gg neral nature of the business is the
lot ating , purchasing , developing and owning
niining property and mills , and equipment for
opeiatirm the same , and for treating the ores
4. The capital stock of said company is
$50,000.00 , fully naid amid not-assessable.
5. ' 1 he existence of the corporation began
February 25th , 1895 , and will continue twenty
6. 'lhe ; highest amount of indebtedness to
which this corporation nay , subject itself is
7 'l he affairs of the corporation are to be
conducted Ip a board of five directors , chosen
by the stockholders. Time directors elect from
their own cumber a president , secretary and
McCook , Nebraska , February 27th , 1895.
F. W. Bo5woKTH , R. B. AuctnnAI.n ,
3-I-5t. Secretary. President.
Mary E. Johnston and George E. Johnston
de fendants , u ill take notice that f lattie A.
Conklin , plaintiff herein , has filed her petition -
tion in the district court of bed Willow coun
ty , Nrl raska , against the above caned defendants -
fendants , the object and prayer of nlmicb is to
reclose the certain mortgage executed and
delivered by the defendants Mary E. Johnston
amid George E. Johnston to time Nebraska
Loan and Banking Company , on the 13th day
of May , A. D. tS89 , and ahem-wards assigned
to this plaintiff. Said mortgage was upon the
southwest quarter of section 15 and the nor tli-
west quarter of section 22 , in township 1 , north
of ran e 30 , west of the 6th P. M. , in Red
Willow county , Nebraska , to secure time payment -
ment of their eleven certain promissory notes ,
one furt,5o0 due on the first day of May ,
1895 , and tin notes for 552.50 each , one due on
the first day of November , 1889 , and one maturing -
turing every six months ther , after until the
maturity of the last of said cotes which matured -
tured May 1st 18 . There is now due on
said notes and mortgage the sum of $1,730
with interest at ten per cent from March 1st ,
189 $ , and the ldaintiEf trays for a decree that
the defendants be required to pay the sane or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy said
amount with interest and costs of suit. You
are , required to answer said petition on or before -
fore Monday , April 29th , i8g5.
FIATi1E . A. CONKLiNplaintiff.
By P. A.W.1 LLs , her atrorney. 3-22.4t.
By virtue of an execution issued by E. Bak-
erclerk of the district court of Lancaster
county , Nebraska , upon judgments rendered
in said court in favor of ( .hares Wliite against
Tillie May and David May , lhaveleviedu on
the folloin real estate ahe property of said
Tillie May and David Mo to wit : 1 e north
half N. of the northeast quarter N.E.
of section twentt-nine (29) ( ) m townshiponeI ( )
north of range thirty (3o ( ) west of the sixth
principal meridian m Red Willow couutyNe-
braska , and I will , on the 12th day of April ,
1895 , at one o'clock , p. m. of said day , at the
front dour of the'court house of said county , in
Indianola , 5th 1 said real estate at public auction -
tion to the highest bidder for cash , to satisfy
said execution , the amount due thereon , in the
aggregate being the sum of $6,27215 and
$43.62 costs , and accruing costs. Indianola ,
Neb. , March 12th , 1895. E. R. BANKS ,
Mar.15-5ts. Sheriff of said county.
After yews of study and labor there has at
last been discovered a sure and never-failing
remedy. It has been tested on patients who
have desPaired of ever being cured , and time
results have been in every case wonderful.
Goff's rheumatic cure is unequaled as a positive -
tive remedy inn all cases of clrrnic and acute
inflammatoryrhe"nnatism , gout , lumbagosct-
atica and neuralgia ; especially ovarian neuralgia -
ralgia , dysmenorrheea amid all kindred affec-
tions. It is also a valuable bled ; purifier be-
in especially useful in eczema , psoriasis ,
scrofula , all andular enlargemens and diseases -
eases of the liver and kidneys. It is anso-
lutely free from all narcotics. Severe attacks
are relieved in from one to three days and a
positive cure effected in from five to eighteen
days. For sale by McConnell & Co. 3.29.3m.
The best salve in the world for cuts , bruises ,
sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures"piles or no ay
. Itis , g uaranteed to give perfect
satlsfactiioii or money refunded. Price 25 cts.
per boi e ' Fo r sale b y ] ! Ic J lrllen.
. . The Latest
" Spring Styles. .
Men and Bops'
Soft and Stiff . , . .
J4ufs. :
. . .Shirts , Underwea.r . E :
And Other Goods. r
McCook , Nebraska. .JONAS LR ( EL , ' '
. i
, /
0 0 0 0O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0U
Take Notice. H
Do You .
Very hest ?
Having contracted all the choice herd of , '
high grade Hereford heifers of Mr. Evans , of
the Hatfield ranch. Also will receive monthly I
shipments of Fancy Alfalfa fed Cattle from
Colorado We are in a position . to offer the ; ,
finest meats ever offered in the city. ! j
. . .All Kinds of . . . ,
. . .
Top Prices paid for '
Beef Hides , Furs ,
Tallow , Lard , Etc.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 00
Frank Nichols guarantees the
wells he sinks. Leave orders at
Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention
will be given the same.
Knipple is headquarters for
all kinds of garden seeds. Call
and see his supply and get his
prices before laying in your stork
for spring planting.
Buy your writing paper at
THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
White Pine Cough Syrup-by
McMillen , druggist.
Bulk and garden seeds at Knip-
ple's.j. .
Proprietors .
of the . . .
- - .
- y- f 1
We respectfully solicit your business , l' t
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , R
and prompt , courteous service. . - '
.1. B. BALLARD ,
. I
All dental work done at our office isguar-
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds df
Crown , Bodge and Plate Work. Drs , Smith N
& Bellamy , assistants. ; t\
\ _
Bnipple is headquarters for - 1 1
bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult : '
him before
buying "
your sprang
supply. . = u
. ' . .
I. .
. J