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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1895)
.r r oM . , e - - + . - - - - - . " - _ _ - - 'r " - rte.--.r - . - .a - - - - n . - ' - - . i L . R .i . i - t a' r 1t c ncoo Li ti lb tine. 'If I t3. t y THIRTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING , MAR. 29 , 1895. NUMBER 45 ' . - . r 1 Mr. Tate Returns. Grand Master Workman Tate of the A 0. 'U. W. , returned yesterday from New York where he was engaged in soliciting aid fur the destitute members of the order in western Nebraska. His recall is due , as is generally known , to the court order requiring him to call the regular session of the grand lodge at Kearney in a few weeks. Mr. Tate was met upon his arrival in Lincoln by a number of members of the -order , who gave him their assurance of the loyalty of the order to him personally - ally and the cause he represents. There is no doubt that the grand master has a large following in LincolnA reception will be tendered him at the Funk opera. house this evening , when it will be made clear , perhaps , what the feeling is among the local workmen. Several officers and prominent members - bers of the order from out in the State are in consultation with Mr. Tate as to the course to be taken in dealing with the little difficulty of the grand lodge meeting. They are sanguine that all troubles will he smoothed over and the order will lie stronger and more popular than ever.-Tuesday's Lincoln JouruaL Ask for Them. Nice line of prints , Satines , Percales and Ginghams just received. The prices are reasonable. We are selling clothing from one of the hest firms in Chicago. Look at samples and prices. Now is the time to get spring and summer clothing. Garden seeds , Alfalfa seed and seed Potatoes for sale. Dinner pail land is still a rapid seller. i Buy to pounds and get a dinner pail free. ' We are still giving away those fine bread and cake knives with baking pow- der. Ask to see them. We have a full line of cured meats at very low prices. Give us a call. MCCooK MERCANTILE CO. A Handsome Gift. / The handsome gift made by the St. Louis Merchants' Exchange to Nebras ka's destitute of $2,500 , in addition to - the $500 for use of the state commission , was divided as follows : Alma $ t5o , Ben- ' keluian $ t50. Broken Bow $5oo , Curtis $125 , Cambridge $125 , Holstein $50 , In- dianola $150 , McCook $ t5o , Niobrara 51So , O'Neill $100 , Red Cloud $50 , Nelson - son $50 , St. Paul $50 , Valentine $ [ OO , Basin $ too , Hastings $ r50 , Hayden $50 , Hitchcock county $5o. Surprised Him Completely. About fifty members of the Methodist class of South McCook surprised Elder Berry , last Friday evening , with a generous - erous donation party. His numerous South McCook parishioners left about $25 worth of substantials and good things at the Elder's home as a testimonial of their regard for him and appreciation of his effurts among them in church work. Besides the affair was a pleasing and profitable one from a social standpoint. They Are a Necessity. You can't do any lawn sprinkling business - ness without one. We mean those patent - ent lever hose couplers. The simple movement of a little lever connects or disconnects your hose to or from the by- Brant. The women will appreciate this little patent. It will save them lots of time and effort. Cochran & Co. sell them. A Card to the Public. I have for the present rented the north half of the Mrs. Smith Gordon residence on Madison street , where I may be found when not engaged professionally or absent - sent from my office over McConnell's drug store. Z. L. KAY , M. D. Mrs. Barger has her stock of spring millinery in and is ready to show trimmed goods and a great variety of pattern hats and bonnets. Also school hats from 25 cents up. THE TRIBUNE dCes not recall ever seeing any account of the celebration , in Red Willow county , of a golden wedding. But there is one a-coming. The Republican river already shows a marked diminution in volume of water , the result of the operation of the several i ditches along its course. S A number of teams were down from Hayes county , Monday , after aid supPlies - Plies , starting out from here on the following - lowing morning. Nair weather is a distinctive heritage of Nebraska. But rainy weather would go to the spot just now. r 4 Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Be a planter of trees. You will then t' be a patriot. E E's Cream BakilUg Powder Wild' $ E k ttigbc.t Aw&d. Y- ; McConnell's Sarsaparilla. McConnell's Balsam for coughs. A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets - lets at this office. The bicycle bacillus has attacked Mc- Cook with telling vigor. Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla - rilla for a spring medicine. Screen doors and wire cloth , all sizes , for sale by Cochran & Co. Hurry those campaign lies around. There are only a few days lett. Mr. Augustine informs us that he will not move his barber shop but will stay at the old location. Phillip Blatt is having a 16x20 feet dwelling built on his farm about five miles northwest of the city. Now is the proper time to begin taking a spring medicine. McConnell's Sarsaparilla - parilla is the best thing to use. The fqur-months old child of A. G. Culbertson died on Sunday and was buried at Box Elder on Monday. Some handsome new bex writing paper - per just received at our stationery de- partment. Prices very reasonable. A girl 12 to 14 years of age that proves congenial can find a good home with Mrs. Fred Carruth , two miles south of town. The fifteen-year.old.son of John Bennett - nett of the Quick neighborhood died on last Friday. The burial took place in that locality last Saturday. He married a Trilby because of her feet , too late he discovered , alack , that while to the eye they are grateful , they are not to the small of the back. The chief end of men-of some men at any rate-now , is betting on the coming city election. And more men are betting - ting on their prejudices than on their judgment. We are in receipt of a communication from Banksville which we are unable to publish on account of the severely personal - sonal nature of the same. The writer is an artistic "roaster , " we grant , but we are not in the peanut business. A. Utter , living near Bartley , had a paralytic stroke while in Babcock Bros. store Tuesday. He was taken home in a buggy by F. J. Stoner and his team , which he had come to mill with , was driven home by AI Bly.-Cambridge Kaleidoscope. Bulletin No. t of the Nebraska State Fair and Exposition to be held in Omaha , September r3 to 20 , has been issued by the management. Forty thousand dollars are offered in prenc- iums , $10,000 in speed purses. Wrtte'R. \V. Furnas , secretary , Brownville , Neb. , for further particulars. It seems as if the whole force of the equinoctial storms were concentrated in Great Britian to the exclusion of every other section of the earth. If it were not for the almanac people in this vicinity - ity would not know that we were passing the line supposed to mark the end of winter and the commencement of spring. The publisher is in receipt of an invitation - tation to attend the commencement exercises - ercises of the Kansas City Medical College - lege , which took place on Tuesday evening - ing , March 26th. J. Walter Rowland of Gerver precinct , this county , was a member - ber of the graduating class of twettty- eight. Here are our congratulations. The world has been suffering from drouth for two years. The New York Herald has figures to prove this statement - ment , and also data showing that the trouble has been caused apparently by pernicious activity on the part of the sun. The entlcusiasni of Sol is now abating , according to the best evidence o'ttainable , and it is therefore predicted that the end of the long dry era is now approaching. The relief bill is now a law. Au even $2oo,00o is available to help the farmers of the drouth stricken area put in seed for a new crop. The farmers must do their share , too. Everything should be gotten in readiness for planting so soon as the season permits. The state cannot do the work of the farmer. Let each farmer show , by increased exertion that he appreciates what others are doing for him.-Omaha Bee. One of A. F. Moore's horses died the other day , it is stated , practically of star- vation. Mr. Coffey of East McCook has been in charge of the stock during Mr. Moore's absence in the east. It is said that Coffey has been feeding the animals according to directions given , but that the food has been insufficient in quan- tity. One of the remaining animals is quite reduced in flesh. . . . 'A. ; When Will the Republican Party Die ? When the lion eats grass like an ox And the fishing worm swallows a whale , When the terrapin knits woolen socks And the hare is outrun by the snail , When serpents walk upright like mein And the cloodlehugs travel like frogs , When the grasshoppers feed on the hen And the feathers grow on the hogs , When Thomas cats swim in the air And elephants roost on trees , When insects in summer are rare And snuff fails to make people sneeze , When fishes creep over dry land And mules on velocipedes ride , When foxes lay eggs in the sand And women in dress take no pride , When billy goat butts from the rear And girls get to preaching , on time , When Dutchmen drink no lager beer And treason no longer is crime , When a humming bird brays like an ass And limburger smells like cologne , When plowshares are male out of glass And the hearts of Virginians are stone , When ideas grow in Populists' heads And wool on the hydraulic rani , Then the Republican party will be dead , And this country won't be worth a d-n. -Beaver City Tribune. God Only Knows. Thou alone Keep justntent for thine own. Only unto thee is known What to pity , what to blame , How the fierce temptation came , What is honor , what is shame. -Alice Carey. Convince the world you are devout , true , Be just in all you say , in all you do ; Whatever he your birth then you shall be A peer of the first quality to me. Juvenal THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Supt. Valentine is improving from his threatened attack of pneumonia. Miss Olive Rittenhouse is assisting in the South McCook school for the present. J. H. Fowler of the South McCook school is now assisting in the high school during the illness of the superintendent. On Thursday evening , April 4th , 1895 , beginning at 8 p. ni. , the pupils of the South McCook school will give an entertainment - tainment to the patrons and friends of the school. The following is the PROGRAMME. Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Orchestra. Recitation , "The Village Blacksmith" School. Song , "Merry Sunshine.School. Fairies Lullaby..Eight Little Girls. Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Maud Suter. Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Birdie Carty. lied Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Song , "Farewell" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Winnie Judge , llattie CattArthur Heard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fitzgerald. Recitation , "Day Break" . . . . . . . . . . . . .School. Song , ' Listen to the Music" . . . . . . . . . . School. Recitatkn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Della Bailey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trowbridge. Song , "Sailors' Chorus" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School. Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Effie Holcomb. Talk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Supt. Valentine. Song , "Good Night" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School. Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orchestra. AT THE CHURCHES. Usual services in the Methodist church , next Sunday morning and evening. Regular Episcopal services next Sunday - day morning and evening by Rev. Knox. Sunday school in the morning , The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at the home of Mrs. CrabtreeSaturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rt. Rev. Anson R. Graves , missionary bishop of the Platte , wi'l ' hold services in McConnell hall , April 7th , at eleven o'clock , and at Indianola in the evening of the same day. McConnell's Balsam for coughs. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Co. C. T. Brewer shipped a car load of hogs to Denver , Wednesday. Victor and Crescent bicyles. C. A , Leach , exclusive agent. The thermometer registered g4 de- greees above in the shade , Wednesday afternoon. Cochran & Co. carry in stock the Olds , Charter Oak and Bain farm wagons. There are none better in the market. Refrigerators , gasoline stoves , screen doors and wire cloth. . COCHRAN & Co. Buy your bicycles of agents who know how and are prepared to take care of them. Leach Bros. are the practical bicycle people. If you want to buy a first-class , high- grade new bicycle at way below the wholesale price , call at this office at once. There is a great bargain for a man with the ready money-almost half price. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder waxed' . Fair HIg..c JI.a.I aM apiw. u 1 Mdh 4 . F'EOI'LE YUU KNOW. MRS. A.I3ARNETT returned home from St. Louis , Wednesday night. DR. A. J. THOMAS was down from the ranch near Hatgler , Saturday. CAPTAIN R 0. PHILLIPS was up from Lincoln , Thursday , on business. 0. FRosT was up from Bartley , Tuesday - day morning , out sonic business. MRS.V. . D. BURNT TT is entertaining her outer , Mrs. Bolianan , of Lincoln C. T. BREWER went down to Indian- ola , Tuesday morning ; to buy sonic hogs. MRS. U. J WARREN was threatened with pneumonia , but is able to be about now , ALEX. MCMANIGAL airived home , last Friday night , after an absence of several months. COUNTY ATTORNhY KEYEs was up from Indianola , Monday , on business of the state. W. H. EDWARDS and John Rooney returned - turned from their Arizona trip , Friday of last week. REV. BARTLETT and wife are over from Stockville on a visit to their daughter - ter , Mrs. C. T. Beggs. LENA COLLING , formerly of this city , will engage in the dressmaking business at Indianola , April 1st. JUDGE LEIIEW writes from Lincoln thttt he is rapidly improving under the treatment received at the sulpho-saline sanitarium. JACOB PICKRELL ds back from Crab Orchard , Johnson county , where he has been spending the winter , and will go to work on his Valley Grange farm at once. W. E. MULLEN came up from Fort Worth , Texas , the first of the week on a short visit Monte with the family and among his many admiring friends in the city. city.D. D. R. CARPENTER , formerly a famous newspaper man of this county , but of late editor of the Tecumseh Republic , an Alliance organ , will move out to Webster county itnd farm this season. MRS. C. S. Snmu s of Coleman precinct - cinct who has been visiting at the old home near Rock Island , Illinois , for a number of weeks , arrived home , Wednesday - day evening. Closed for the Present. The King's Daughters had a meeting on Wednesday , the 27th , and for the present closed up the business of that benevolent association , all the funds and resources of the association for the time being exhausted. The ladies desire in this connection to express their thanks to each and all who have donated towards the bounty which the association has been enabled to dispense - pense among the needy of this vicinity. The Grand Duke Alexis is dead. The grand duke came to this country twenty years ago and went on a buffalo hunt. For two days his party camped on the east side of Red Willow creek , opposite Carrico , at the mouth of a ravine that is still known as Alexis canyon. They' are reported by old settlers to have killed many buffalo in this neighborhood and enjoyed a royal good time.-Hayes Center - ter Republican. They have reached a depth of over 400 feet in sinking the experimental well at the pumping plant of the city water works , and work has for the present been suspended on account of lack of rope used in hoisting. William Brown is carrying the west side of his face in a sling. The damage resulted from an obstreperous tooth. Will looks like a man might be expected I to appear who had used his face to stop a run-a-way bicycle. H. C. Gordon of Quick is in receipt of a shipment of seed and feed sent out by his old Iowa friend J. P. Mountain of West Liberty , for which he is duly and deeply thankful. The Quick Meal gasoline stove is sold by Cochran & Co. They are the best on earth , a Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose couplings. COCHRAN & Co. Mrs. J. H. Holliday spent the closing days of last week in Denver. We hear it stated that W. H. Edwards will remove to Arizona. WhitePineCough Syrup , by McMillen , druggist. McConnell's Balsam for coughs. McConnell's Sarsaparilla , 'McConnell's Sarsaparilla. Children Cry far Pitcherf's C The Winner. The Citizens candidate for mayor , Mr. Jacob Burnett , + vas also a candidate in 1861 , when the clash of arms and the roll of cannon was heard on every hill- side. 'Yes , lie was a candidate , and was elected for a term of four long years , iii Company A , 4th Iowa Cavalry. His country's friend in time of need , is a safe passward to the office he has been selected to fill. The first Union soldier chosen as McCook's chief executive , and the first one that shall have been elected. Since his nomination many a veteran has quietly grasped his comrade's hand and pledged , unsolicited , his hearty help on Tuesday next. The veterans and sons of veterans shall rally 'round his standard and in one voice shall say to those whose spleen anti selfishness excludes the justice of his cause : "h there not some chosen curse , Some hidden thunder in the stores of heaven Red with uncommon wrath , to blast the mail who plights his troth for a PATRIOT'S ruin. " McConnell's Sarsaparilla , House for rent , cheap. W. H. Davis. Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters. Take THE MCCUOK TRIBUNE for that tired feeling. Buy a patent lever hose coupler from Cochran & Cu. Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and hands. The horse clippers seem to be reasonably - ably busy just now. Take a bottle of McConnell's Sarsaparilla - rilla for a spring medicine. Those who have planted small grain are anxiously looking for rain. For Insurance on Farnis and City property call on C. J. RYAN. L. W. McConnell & Co. have had their stoic room handsomely papered , this week. E. L. Jones and family moved up to their place at Champion , close of last week. Notice that DeGroff and Anderson have a change of advertisements in this issue. The Quick Meal Gasoline Stove is sold by Cochran & Co. They are the best on earth. Cochran & Go. hanrlte the best Refrigerators - frigerators in the market. A large stock now on hand. Roadmaster Macfarland of Red Cloud was at western headquarters , Tuesday , on business of his office. The George Coleman dwelling on the I west side is being thoroughly overhauled , repainted , repapered , etc. Now is the proper time so begin taking a spring medicine. McConnell's Sarsaparilla parilla is the best thing to use. Conductor H L Rouch is building a 14x2ox16 feet addition to ( lie front of his residence on Melvin street. Fifteeu (15) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , containing - taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. The celebrated Charter Oak cooking i stove with gauze oven door is sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. It is the best in the market. The Danbury News states that 2,000 acres of land will be sown to alfalfa this spring , within a radius of five miles of Danbury. The fire department was called up to the C. W. Paine residence , early Tuesday - day evening. 'Twas only a burning pile of rubbish. We presume that Nebraska deserves the name of the Tree Planter's state because it has so many tree planters and so few trees. Cochran & Co are receiving their stock of implements for the spring trade. Call and inspect their line , which is the most complete in the city. F. M. Kimmell has a prime new bicycle - cycle forsale at almost half price. See him without delay. The first responsible - ble man with the cash gets the bargain. The Burlington Route will , until April 15th , haul seed grain tree of charge from all points on their lines east of the Missouri - souri river to points in Gosper , Furnas Frontier , Red Willow , Hayes , Hitchcock , Chase and Dundy counties , in cases only where the grain is to be given to the farmers without charge ; in cases where rani is w be placed on shares , or where lit is to be paid for by the farmers in casher or otherwise , the emergency rater in effect will be collected. C. E. MAGNi R , Agent. - t t Final Report. t The following is the final report of the treasurer of the King's Daughters. j4 , : RECEIVED PROM rORMER TREASURER. Mar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . i Mar. 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.91 Total. . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . $95.91 i DISBURSED. I' a , 1 , c Mar. 23. . . . . . . . . . . 21.30' f f Mar. 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . .sz ! Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95.91 GARDEN SEED CONTRIBUTORS : . . D. M. Ferry , Detroit , Michigan. L. Templin & Son , Calla , Ohio. Gordon & Reese , Springfield , Ohio. McGregeror& Bro. , Springfield , Ohio. y C. A. Reiser , Springfield , Ohio , 0. M. Richardson & Co. , Canton , Mil. Dingee & Conard , West Grove , Penna. W. A. Burpee & Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. ° L. L. May , St. Paul , Minnesota. CLOTHING. ' f ! Clothing received from Messrs. Ryan , ; ' ! Divine , and Kelley. MRS. H. H. TROTH , Treas. ; k Correct-Attest. MRS. C. L. DEGRoirr , I'res. ' MRS. A. J. RITTENHOUSE , Sec. Several errors occurred in the report published last week. The expenditure of $9 40 on March 21 should have been February 21. Also the date of ( lie final balance should have been March 7th instead of March 11th. Moved. She looked at flint with pleading eyes. "Don't" she implored , "be so cold E with Pte. " Tears gathered , clung for an instant to 1 her trembling lashes and then coursed down her cheek. "People will think we are just married - ried , " she faltered. He started at her words , paled , hesitated - tated a moment , gathered her in a warm embrace and kissed her violently.- Detroit Tribune. - It Is Simmering. T While the publisher of THE TRIBUNE has been too much distracted with prolonged - longed and severe illness in the family to give municipal politics any attention , yet a passing knowledge warrants the observation that the pot is simmering ' vigorously. Our Mistake Your Gain. ; ; Cochran & Co. have overstocked themselves - . , . . , selves withi hose , lawn sprinklers , hose fittings and couplings , and to reduce their over-supply are making special low prices on these goods. Do not buy until you have seen their line and learned their prices. Garden Plowing. I am now prepared to plow gardens on , , short notice and in a satisfactory man- ner. Leave or.ers at the barn or with draymen. R. M. OSBCRN , White Line Transfer. Dismissed the Case. The suit brought against C. II. Boyle by A. M. Drew was given a hearing before - fore 'Squire Berry Tuesday afternoon and the justice dismissed the action. For Rent. The Johnston farm , one and one-half miles from town. Good implements , pasture , with 160 or 250 acres in cultiva- tion. Good chance for the right man. C. H , BOYLE. ! Irrigated Land for Rent. ; Fine irrigated land for garden. Call on or address , J. A. GOHEEN , McCook , Neb. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your suhscrip lion is delinquent and you have that wood bring us in a load or two. For Sale or Lease. The butcher shop and tools onVest Dennison street. Inquire of S. M. Cochran - ran & Co. , or of PERRY STONE. House for Sale. $00.00 will buy a comfortable dwelling - ing house on the hill. Inquire at this office. Refrigerators , , gasoline stoves , screen doors and wire cloth. COCHRAN & Co. Roadmaster B. V. Haley is preparing to build a 16x20 feet addition to his neat home on Madson street. Cochran & Co. handle the best Refrigerators - frigerators in the market. A large stock now on hand. The strongest light wheel made The Eagle , sold by C. A. Leach on very easy ' payments. Lawn Sprinklers and hose and hose couplings. COCHRAN & Co. Good writing paper ten cents a- quire at this office. McConncU's Balsam for coughs. p I