Y 1 ' .1 r . . k t 'y M r Whati QAIna1II ! ! Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infalas and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute 1 for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It Js Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty Sears' use b y . ' r . 1ifllionsofMotlicrs. Castoria/destroys 'Worms andalIay/3 / feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd j j . cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. CastorLrelieves teething troubles , cures constipation and. flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach < ' ' and 1)Owcls , giving healthy and natural bleep. C .s toria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend , Castoria. 'castorb is an eccllcnt n , : der' n for rail- rren. Mothers ho rc , ewtrr : : . ir..d me of its good effect upon their ebidu. D : . ( ; . C. O cooa , Iuwdll , yeas. a' castoria Is the is t remedy for children of 'i ; hIch I am acquainted. I hope the day is rot far distant whenmothers will consi1erthe real interest of their children , and use Castoria instead - stead of thovariousguaclG nostrums which are destroying their loved ones , by forcingopium , morphine , soothing syrup and other lnirtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Da. J. F. niNcu ton , Conway , Ark. Castoria. "Catorlab owell alap't"(1 tnch11drenhct I recommend it assuperiortoaoy prescription known to me. " H. A. Ancnsa , ? L D. , 111 So. Oxford St. , L'ruoklyu , N. Y. "Our physicians iu the children's depart. merit live spoken Ligbly of their experience enco In their outside pr..ctko with Caste ! La , and although wo only have among mir medical supplies what is known as regunar products , yet we are free to confess that tL o merits of Catoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " 'UNITED HOSPITAL ABU I)14'KNSAnY , Burton , Masi. , Au sr C. S niu , Fes. , The Centaur Company , 77 Murray Street , Torr York City. 9 F. D. BURGESS .711 a a . MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Ilrass Goods , l'urnPs and Boiler Trhn Elinga Agent for Ilalliday , Eclipse and 1Vaupun 11 end Mill. s II i I M Authorized Capita' ' $100,000 CapitalandSuiplus 60OO0 I OFFICR S AND DIRECTORS. SEORGE HOGKNE l B , M , FREES lY e F , L cVySON President. Vice President , Cashier , A. CAMPBELL . FaANK HARRIS , i it t ThoGitizons DanK of M6Gooh t i INCOch1'OitATEu UNDER STATE LAWi. i Paid UP Capital - ' ° 50OOU.e , - - - , . SurpIus _ _ _ _ - - 10 000. I P I l : : . ° n Collections litade on all Accessible Poin . Drafts Drawn on all , Principal Cities of Europe. Taxes Paid e for Non-Residen . d , w t Ti C 4 ® r a ko air ® Eirpe. " = t ' 3 OFFICERS. f . j- . . . , V. F1 ANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT. Cashier. a 4 t. p. . COftESPONnENTs-The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska- The a ° , . ' . Chemical National Bank , New York City. a t : n y 0 ® . 9r - . " ' f ' : h IAIE , HARD C L cE IHIr ; 'r " IOUICs M SOFT BLINDS. COIL. , L _ . . ' . b ) o f : : ; EED CEDAB , . AND OAK POSTS a U. J. WARREN , Manager. 'j. COLEMAN. Snow , inr)1'f t IIO1V. i fhr school in tlistritt ; 05 closed , In ) t Friltty. Frtik Uoleruan went to Hayes e ( Oullty , Satllydfly. Gr& rtie Colennut spEnt Thursday ; II.glit of last week at liotne CIia:1Ps Beech of Haves count ( ' 1r nt It few days in this viciuity , . last 1 veek . 'I'Iie rlOW ) Intl cold wave hits rut a sh)1) , h ) seeding operations , for a few days. Mrs..M. IT. Cla has sold over nu ( , hundred poandS of butter , the past winter. Illiss Ella Smith is staying with Mrs. ' 1'ioulns [ Real during ) Ir. Ll'f11's nbseuce iu Illinois. It is all right to preach economy bllt IIUty can a tofu , 1)ritctice it if Ile has Hotliing to 1rrftctice with. School in tdle Hfuniltoti district tlOs'd last Friday. The scholars . iu district 58 attended the closing el ( 'F(1SI S In it body , 11as(1NIi1PS Eperly [ , Cole , Hines , ( Jtiyle and CornersEpent a daY tvith Jl rs. UOl µ uhlui , nntl behold the alnl'lll follow ( ' ? [ . Colne again. a To-day ( Friday ) Miss Laura Pirla riii will ( lost- the most sic- cessl'ul sip hfouths tt'rln of School tbnt hiis ever been taught -iii dis- irict 58. ' 1'he htIll (1 at first con- Lrilctetl I)1 a three months term , au ( [ at its close contracted for three III'Ilhti ( ( llO1'-'U. fill lulvahce of $10 per month in wages. On Tuesday evening of this seek the young ( , [ ) of tat , ut ighborhood to the Iumhel of twenty or inure gathered itt tier honring [ puree , at the borne 1)I Mr. Nickhts , 'aul spent the t vellllg with her. It was a com- 1)Irte surprise to her , but none the It ss a1 iIeciated and enjoyed. She was au naive worker iu the Sunday - day school , and at its close , last $ ahbath , the school bid her good ) ye. I t was a very affecting and tender parting. ' DR. HART'MAN SAID IN A RECENT LECTUItB ON ( JHhIONIC CATARRH AND CONSUMPTION. Catarrah of the lungs is , ordinarily - dinarily , known as consumption ; Also called tuberculosis. In these Cases the catarrh has usually found is way into the lungs by thegrad unl extension of the disease from he throat through the bronchial u 3PS. Consumption Is the nat- lral terluination of all cases of neglected chronic catarrli. Every f one who is afflicted with chronic atarrh is liable to be attacked vith consumption at any time. u the first stages of thie disease e-ru-na is a sure cure ; in the ater stages of the disease Pe-ru- a tan be relied upon to produce great benefit , and in a large per eat. of cases produce a permanent ure. All these afflicted with this read disease should begin at once he following treatment. After all other means have beefi ried in vain ; after doctors have renounced the case hopeless and riends have given up in despair ; t fter the patient has lost all faith ) i rid the incessant care of attend1 1 its seems futile , there is still hope Pe-ru-na. Send for a free copy f Family Physician , No. 2 , a omplete treatise on chronic atarrh , coughs , colds , la grippe ud consumption. Address The t Pe-ra-na Drug Manufacturing a ompauy , Columbus , Ohio , For free book on cancer address Dr. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio. P Knipple is headquarters for ilk seeds. Don't fail to consult 1 im before buying your spring pply. w wh 1. d.0 1.hildren hildren Cry for Pitcher's C aStOrl3. b NORTH DIVIDE NUBBINS , Uncle Billy Johnson is sowin g 40 acres to wheat , this week. A sort of hop was held at the old Scofield place , FridaY nibght , and was attended by a mixture of ' " . A telephone from North Divide to a certain and sometimes inaccessible - cessible school house ar near the Willow is talked o The winter has passed on the Divide without a eaudv " ullino r L" party. The boys got iu the habit of twisting the candy in the girls' hair , hence , etc. A pretty sociable that will long btu of pleasing memory to the mauy guests who were in attendance - ance , took place , last Tuesday evening - ing , at the Box Elder M.E. church A. F. Reeves who has been so- jouruing ill Southern California for the past few months , was expected - pected home some time ago , but we understand he has concluded to remain there , having found employlnellt. Fred Carter , who does as much farming as any man in the county , is probably sitting back of the kitchen stove rubbing graase ou his chilblaius and wondering when he can get at his spring plowing Much pleasant anticipation attaches - taches to the time tvliell the writer' ' will bring his better half from the land of Kansas. This , l y. the way , is the rt'sult of an untimely report that seems to have gained rredeuce ( luring our recent absence , an(1 we are the subject of many hilarious thouOgh food-natnred conbgratula- tiolls , ate. , etc. The Sherman brothers and their families who ] lave been iu the eastern part of the state during the past fall and winter have returned - turned home and will resume fu' m ing operations in due time. We nre pleased tG , have thi m buck again and regret to learn that their temporary removal from here was not a paying one. North Divide claims 'to have the biggest boys iu this neck .of the woods. M. Steltzer Esq. , 10 years of age , weighs ( right after dinner ) 197utpoun Is , and honest American weight at that. Mike , as the boys call him , trips the light fantastic irw ) and then , and when occasion demands can move about quite airily. It is said that he can eat 4J corn meal 1Ian cakes ( lipped in ham gravy , at one sitting - ting and never bat au a 'e. While a great many people have l left and are leaving Nebraska , there are many end gates going in the right direction. For every 1 m over that goes eastonegoes west , according to the statement of those r wlio have watched the movements t ) f the discontented 'through Mc- Cook. The man who concludes' that Nebraska will raise au enormous - mous crop , this year , has good , commou sense. This country has reached the limit of bad crops and the turn will come this season. It aways [ does when the patience of the people is worn out. Have patience and shuffle the cards. CONNIE. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. I am delighted with mT success sellhug Dish Washers ; in the last six weeks I made $534 , and was sick part of the time. I think his is pretty good for an inexper- enced lady. I anh surprised there has never baen a good Dish w Washer put on the market before , as everyone seems so anxious for one. It is certainly a popular demand - mand that is unsupplied , and that means big money for the agents hat supply the demand. I believe ny woman or man can make from 5 to $12 a day anywhere in this business , and by addressing the Iron City Dish Washer Co. , E. T. ittsburg , Pa. , you can get full particulars. It simply requires a [ tile push. You can't expect to ( make money unless you try. I ould like to have the experience h others of your readers in this . 'iciness. 11i. FRANCIS. r We are just in recei1its of a new supply of tablets and box IaEens memorandums , etc. 1 . 1 t l : Notary Public „ : Reliable , insurance Collectio n Agent PL UG ? E AC C 1 LAYOR . r asl r ' onsu messo c o arrow v arewl l11 o a a more all e rice a r e or tha or lug ago aCCOS , r l ! n l brand Su a to oa 6 erg BEWARE oF 1MI . J. S. OBRAYER , I'fOPRIETOR OF TIIF. c oo rans er Ines BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Only furniture van in the city. Also leave a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for' bus calls at Commercial Hotel or at office opposite the depot. It. ii'I. OSBORNr , PROPRIETOR OF THh : ; I am well equipPed to do anything and everythina iu the i ue of draying business. I will move pianos or household g o0 ds promptly and safely. Your [ rat- onage is solicited. Baru opposite lie Central hotel. Chase Cos land and _ ve StOCk CAI , a rinses branded on left hip er ieftshnuldnr. 1' O. sddrrsa Iinprrial , a ( 'hnpr entinty , and treat1 ri e. Nrbr wka. ihaage. Stiking water and ihr til Frrachnnn errrkq , in ChuPe county. NntIraska. Ilrand as cutottauleor sntnrRnirtlalaou hip sad - sides of sume , or any- here nn ihr nliimal. LI. IILIt ltult'LLi , NOT.tItY 1 UBLIC , I ' Cl S C P Oj I CC IOih AN O I NSURAN Ch. t cCOOti , - I'edEBRASKA. t ti. E. KELLEY , AGENT LINCOLN LAND Co. afouOK. - - NEIP.ASKA wig . r : ct ntnnal Rank. CHARLES H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY - ATLAW McC00K , NEBRASKA.S A l . i ' ) r .3123 4 1 d I < ; ! . 1 . y f l . ( )1Sit ; tiddfir. Se11I ( ( )1 111ustl < htd , vita . - . _ I lnt''ile t ( ) tapirs Ca.1n- . E i ( ( . ) % I" e1'll it , , Nebras al. 1 1i i i w La DOUA e r I TH BEST. SFOItAKING. t I $ S. C0i DIVAN , 1 ; j FREtICH6ENS.CALF.r X4$3. pFINECAJ&IANGARGa y ; 5w : sid = „ $3s9PO1lc,3sotts. , . . 5o52.Wur , i $ tur6MFlj S 1 -EXTRA FINc S 2 .SL _ s BOYSSCHOQISHO ) : . L.ADIDS II S3g25s2.al o r ( ; ONGO ( END FOR C.1T'uL . , . _ ' . 31N L 170CGl nROCKTIPrMA95. Over One Million People w r tire W. D. Douglas $3 & 4 Shoes i , All ourshoes are equally rctxi ctoryr i They give the best value for the mone . They equal custom shoes in styt and tit. TIt Ir weurng qualities arc unsurpassed. The prices arc uniform---stamped nn sate. Pr-s Rt f SZ a t. rd men other If your dealer cannot supply you we ran. Soldb7 i DEALER rvhase name r . . wrtly a1 ? Irerr hers. Agents t 'tuied. 1t p1y at trace. I CAVE TSInARK ! COPYRIGHTS. ! CAN I OIITAiN A PATENT 3 Fora prompt answer and un honest opinion , w ) its : to DIUNN.S ; CO. , who have had nearlyfftyre-rt experience in the patent businesa. Commnnres- tionsstrictiyconlidential. Ailandh0okofIn. formation concerning I'atetts and how to obtain - tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechaa- tad and scientlfle books sent freo. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ; peclat notice In the tie t rrth tie A n : . eru n u. ar4 ) thus are hroucht widely bcforothe publiewith- t out cost to the inventor. This sr'rndd ; rarer , r issued weekly. elegantlylaustrated.basb larthe Iar.est circulation of any sclentlflc work In the 1 world. gj : ayear. nngde coplrnsc tfree. Building Edition monthly. 2JIOa year. 8Ingla r copies , cents. i very mmher co + a'ns be n- mul plates , In colors , and phou rrrl s of new ! houses. with plans , ennhlinc l nlldcrs to show the ' I hatest de&cns and securn rnntrncts. I 'r'rras MUNN & Co. . Ni w Yoi.t „ 3111 E .Udl/WAT. i i r vlmsv3 magaoetl orp'naip ptq oqs mitt srtos o o ; 2un1a O t 'sslpq aur q Otis uati 'vpo2 ; D .IOJ I > aita ogs'pilr3 u SVM ate irJtt vI.w s raq aav8 oat { op3 sUM qi uq I . A. COLS LE.11)I\t } h OF MCCCOIC , Ilan just received a new starts of CLOTHS i and TRIMMINGS Ir you want a good a4- ting suit made at the very lowest prices for oed work , call on him. Shop first door west of liunett's : Lumber Office. on nennison street. ) McM LLEN .BR OSf. DCALER8 iN tr & Saddlery irePairing PromPtl Y ) Attended to. East Dennison St. McCook , Neb. ' ' 4f. V. CAGE , , .t , lillsi6idn lld Suraon , i 1tcC0OK , 1EIZRAS { A. 1 01ICE ! fours-O to II a. m. , 3 to 5 and to I. p. m. Rooms over Ftrst National bank. htrailsnnewnrndnt apnea J. A. CU1 U , r lillsi6iall an SllrflOll , 1)Iecool , NEIIRASKA. -Orrice-Front rooms over Lowman k ou's p store. REswasca-402 McFar land . .t. . , f . wo blocks north of 3lcEntee botel. Prompt tsntlnn to all calls. USTIN J. RITTENIIOUSE. n 1 - 1 - f . . i , t 11cC00E , NEBItASIC& f r office over the Famous Clothing store. . 11RS. E. E. UTTE a { -MUSTL' AL INSTRUCTOR.- { i , Plan o , Or a an GuI tar anti Ban J o . i , ' i VOICE'TkAININU A SPECIALTY i 8 Uoto Roof [ ; , Ov a a * iscHolfa. , tcCook , - Nebrasks. . . r c