The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 15, 1895, Image 6

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r. nr. RIMMELL , Publbcjior.
; ic00K , - : - N1mAsKA.
1JIE band boysqf West Point elenrczl
$00 b their reccn1 ball.
G. F. Du1T.AND .ri11 take charge o
the 1'lainview postofflcc April 1st.
THEn ! : are thirten Sheridan county
boys in the reform school at Kearney.
PAIItFIELI ) can secure a creamery if
her citizens will put up the necessary
bonus. :
Tixii business buildings at Alvo
were destroyed b fire , causing a loss
TIlE soldiers' home at Grand Island
will shortly be supplied with incaudes-
' 2iin Loup and Elkhorn Baptist asso-
elation vil1 hold a meeting at Tilden
iUarch 13 and 14.
I. 1) . NEWELL , formerly superintendent -
dent of Clay county , died recently at
Manhattan , ] tas.
CIAIIr.ES DAVIDSON , a young man
living near Stanton , has been arrested
charged with the , ruin of Miss Abbie
Ovziuvonj and 'cyorry over sick children -
dren has caused Mrs. Augusta Lade of
Sherman county t6 lose her mind , and
hehas been sent to an asylum.
1I1E Grand 1slnd Baptist college
will hold its first graduation exercises
this year. Miss Grace Bentley will be
the first graduatc and is the only one
in her class.
- A : effort is being made , and a mcet-
. ing will soon be held at Norfolk , to arrange -
range for a circuit of laWs this fall ,
including Antelope , I'ieiice , Knox , Mad-
lson and Boone counties.
I lAvI CrocKE1L : chief of police of
York , has resigned. The trouble arose
over the mayors orderwhieh he refused
to obey. It is rumored that .lamcs.E1-
ginfritz vilI succeed humn.
A TEcusF:1 [ wife-beater started in
, 'belaboring his wife with his fists , when
. the woman's sister arrivedon the scene
and hit the brute over the head with a
stick of cord wood , laying him out.
Buy home-made goods and build up
home industries , is a good policy : Far-
rell' Fire Extinguisher. made by Farrell -
rell Co. , Oiriiha ; Morse-Con boots and
Limes for men , women and children.
JACK \VILKS of St. Louis and Black
Pearl , a colored pugilist from Hastings ,
t had a glove contest at Leon Grove , a
resort about a mile south of Grand Is-
] and. Wilks had the best of it throughout -
out the four rounds.
E. E SI'RAcuF has been holding
meetings at the Willis school house ,
north of Stockville , for the last two
weeks , and on Sunday last eighteen
perEons were united with the church
as a result of his labors.
RETIJflNS from all precincts in lloyd
county show that the proposition to
bond the county for $1O.OO ( ) to buy seed
grain and feed for teams was carried ;
836 votes were cast , 500 being in favor
of and 336 against the proposition.
A lrAr.F-wITTEI ) boy and a match
started a fire at Stewart that caused
the destruction of a lot of hay , consid-
crablc farm machinery , a number of
the Standard OiI coznpany'sbarrels and
a building belonging to John Skiring.
SUNDAY morning last two young meu
named Robinson and Powell escaped
from the county jail at Springview. It
is supposed that they have escaped to
the Indian reservation north of there.
They were being held on the charge of
horse stealing.
AFTEn going to church at Leigh Geo.
Davis thade an assault on Bert Jlolden
and was locked up to await the action
of the districtcourt. During the night
some ono unlocked the jail and gave
Davis his liberty. lie has not been
Eeen since.
TIIE.special election vliicli was held
last week to vote upon the question of
bonding Ilolt county for 5O.OOO to provide -
vide seed grain for time farmers , re-
suited in the defeat of the proposition
by a vote ef about 6 to 1. A light vote
was polled.
SrlIKE FEATHEn , a Ponca Indian ,
vhile asleep in his tepee in the Nio-
brara valley , was burned nearly to
death. lie was alone at the time and
it is supposed that the high wind
fanned the flames of the lire inside and
burned the tepee.
Ar.TlfouoIt . .J. Bryans term as con-
grcssinnn has closed , he is not cx-
pected home in the immediate future.
. ilefore he returns to Lincoln he will
make a tour of the south , lecturing on
free silver. lie is expected to remain
away about a month.
SrnIXOFIEI.n has just been authorized - .
ized by the county commissioners to
hold an election for the purpose of voting -
ing $ , OOO bonds to build a. system of
rater works in the village for fire pro-
tction and domestic use. The election
is to be held August .
TILE trial of time gang of farmers
charged with bretking into a car on
the B. & ; N. track at Atell , February
2. and robbix2 the same , was bad in
the county court at Minden. The
court decided to hold the defendants to
the district court and fixed the bail ut
: $500 each.
TimE First National bank at O'Neill
got a verdict against bit county for
s11,000 in warrants drawn on the 1S93
fund. Barrett Scott got the money ,
and there being no funds to pay the
'warrants the suit was brought. The
county will be obliged to make a
-special levy.
TImE Banner County . News says :
Stock in this part of Nebraska is in cx-
cellent condition , in spite of the severe
cold spell of the first half of February.
The probabilities are that cattle and.
horses vill come out in better shape
than usual in spite of the reported
scarcity of bay 'and fodder. .
AT Aurora James Gillitly and Ed
Williams , sons of old settlers there ,
were arrested a few days ago for steal.
ing chickens. They plea led guilty to
the charge before judge Stark , and
'were promptly fined $25 and costs each
and made to pay $14 for the chickens
they had taken.
A SHORT time ago a house which had
been recently bought. by Richard
Louis , a well-to-do farmer , who jives
west of Decatur. was burned to the
ground. It was beyond a doubt of in-
cendiarv origin. There is a man who
saw the deed done. and saw the man
'who didit ; but refuses to disclose his
- ; 4.
A snrous if not fatal runaway occurred -
curred at Waterloo. Mrs. Louise Lar-
son's horse became unmanageable and
ran into a tree , smashing the buggy
into kindling wood and throwing the
lady over the dashboard , where she
struck on her shouldcrandwhcn picked
up was unconscious. Fatal results are
MIMonI.L : services in honor of the
late lion. T. M. Marquette were held at
Lincoln in the supreme court room.
Appropriat&resohitions of respect were
adopted and eulogistic speeches made
by .Judge Cobb , ex-Gbvernow Dasves ,
ex-Attorney General Hastines , Attorneys -
neys A. 0. Abbott , Woolworth and
Tiri roosters of the realm are going
to lo1d a grand carnival ball at the
opera house in Madison on the 18th
inst No ladies will be admitted , and
one-half the gentlemen present will
impersonate the fair sex in dress and
manner , a valuable prize being given
o the greatest artist in that line. This
is a novelty with whiskers.
A GRAND reception was given in the
opera house at North Bend by the old
settlers of that community , in honor of
the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. M. -Cotterell , founders of
that city. Four hundred invited guests
Sat down to a sumptuous wedding ban-
quet. Friends and relatives of the aged
couple from Canada , Ohio , Iowa and
other states were present.
Tin. : board of supervisors of Fillmore
County met in called. session to consider -
or the question of appropriating funds
to assist the destitute farmers in the
purchase of feed and seed grain. After
U prolonged discussion $3,500was voted
from the general and road funds to be
apportioned to the various townships
according to tImer needs , in ampounts
ranging from $115 to $225.
Mn. xn Mxs. M. S. CorTinIr.L of
North Bend last week celebrated their
golden wedding. Four hundred invited -
vited guests were present at a sumptuous -
ous wedding banquet. It was one of
time most happy social events that has
ever occurred in that part of the state.
.Mr. Cotteroll settled in South Bend in
1830. and has since continuosly resided
IIixmy ICxoFr.r. of Fremont has corn-
menced two suits in district court to
recover heavy damages , one against the
receivers of the Union Pacific railway ,
and the other against the city of Fre-
mont. The allegations in both cases
are substantially the same , and in each
case he asks for $10,200 damages. The
suit is about a defective culvert that
wcntdown with disastrous results to
I 'rilE $10,000 worth of county warrants -
rants assigned by the county cominis-
sioners of York county to T. W. Smithe
of York for the purpose of purchasing
seed grain and grain for feed to be sold
to York county farmers who are unable -
able to provide themselves with grain.
will , judging from large numbers of
applications received , only supply one-
fifth of the amount asked for. No applications -
plications will be received after March
REV. JAMES Lri.n of the Methodist
Episcopal church of North Loup left
last week to solicit seed grain and feed
for the townships of Independent , Davis -
vis Creek and North Loup , intending to
visit portions of Illinois , Indiana and
perhaps Ohio , where the reverend gen-
tieman. is well known and has a large
acquaintance , on account of having
served pastorates in those regions lie
is duly accredited by the officers of the
local relief board.
Tim agent for the Book-walter lands
in Valley county the other day received
a letter authorizing the purchase of
wheat to the amount of $400 on the account -
count of the owner of the lands and
distribute it among their needy tenants -
ants , pro rata to the amount of ground
broken out , and to take notes for the
same , parable October 1 without inter-
est. The cornpany also propose to
make some arrangements with regard
to seed corn before the time for plant-
ing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Two Judicial Districts Added.
The committee on apportionment
considered a number of measures looking -
ing to a redistricting of the state. The
committee will report favorably on
house roll No. 470 , by Schiekedantz ,
which relates to judicial districts.
The measure provides that the state
shall be divided into seventeen judiciul
districts. There are now fifteen. The
division recommended is as follows :
First District-Richardson , Nemaha ,
Johnson and Pawnee.
Sccond-Otoe and Cass.
a Fourth-Douglas , Sarpy , Washing.
ton and Burt.
Fifth-Gage and Jefferson.
Sixth-Hamilton , Seward a nd York.
Seventh-Butler , Polk and Saunders.
Ehrhth-Dodge , Colfax , Platte , Boone
and Nance.
N in tb-Saline , Filmore , Tb miyer ,
Nuclwlls and Clay.
'l'enth-Cuniinr , , Stan ton , Dixon , la-
kota , Cedar and Thurston.
Eleventh-Wayne , Madison , Antelope -
lope , Pierce and Knox.
TwelfthAdamsVebster , Kearney ,
Franklin , Harlan and l'helps.
Tliirteenth-Merrick , flail , Vh eeler.
Greeley. Garfield , Loup , Valley and
Fourteenth-Buffalo. Dawson , Cus-
ter , Sherman , Blame , Thomas , Hooker
and Grant.
Fifteenth-Lincoln , Logan , Keith.
Cheyenne , Deuel , Scotts BlutY , Kimball ,
Banner , McPherson , Arthur and Per-
Sixteenth-Gosper , Furnas , Fron tier ,
Red Willow , Hayes , hitchcock , Chase
and Dundy.
Seventeenth-bit , Rock , Brown ,
Reya Paha , Cherry , Sheridan. Iawes ,
Sioux , Box Butte and unorganized ter-
Seven judges arc provided for the
Fourth district , two for the Eighth ,
Thirteenth , Fourteenth and Seventeenth -
teenth , four in the Third , and one in
each of the other districts.
TuE sixteen-months-oh child of Mr.
and Mrs. Raffen of Omaha was burned
to death last week. She played with
the fire svhile her mother was temporarily -
rily absent.
ONE of time latest projects on foot in
Fremont is for the establishment of a
manual school , to be known as time
"John C. Fremnont Manual Training
School , " for the training of boys and
girls in the use of tools and mechanical
appliances , 'with instruction in mathe-
] naties , drawing and the English
branches of a high school course. The
school is tobe 'established to perpetuate -
ate the name of the "Puth-findety' for
whom Fremont was christened.
. - - - . L Ru
Mat , ' Bills Now Bolug Pushed T1irouIi
-Insurance Matters-T1e IrrIgatnhi
Mcasure-Bllb Uecornmcnded for
1'isgage-Aii tpproprIatIoii for Unfin-
Ishet ! BUilIIflgSThe Sugar Beet In-
dustry-Seed for Nebraska'g Droutli
Strcken-MIscemIaueous Matters.
TIu Nebraska Assembly.
SENATE.-In 11)0 ) senate oi time 4th the
.ctandlng committee reported the following
bhIJs : To eStahIs1I free emlloymcnt offices
hi cities of the first class. recommended to
pass ; prohihittug justices of the peace from
giving process to constables otuskie their
district for service in the district for wJioh
ilie constable ws , elected. to be Indefinitely
postponed ; making tax and special assess-
nient receipts presumutlwc evidence of the
tax or assessment and that the same was
1ethly a'scs'ed and levied and a lien
against I he laud. hideiiiiitely l)0StP0Iled
to provide for .ettIing dIsutes as to ownership -
ship of Islands in mioii-navigable
streams , indetiiiteIy po5tpnhle(1 ; to make
persons liable forpay for iiewsiapers until
the full subscrlptioii price Is paid up afll
providing that notice to Stop must
1,0 , accompanIed by the full amount
(1110 flU subscrlptioti. i. commended to pass ;
the \Vestoii ballot bill pruVilifl for using
I3arty emtleni. , reconimended to pass : iiie
bill prOVldiIIg for the selection of flOt1-JartI-
ati eleetloii officers. recommended to pass.
Consideration was giveit to Seliate tile bi. the
state ljuiildiig bill. The bill provides for a
state lLIIkiI1 board , of which the stite ; au-
dhtor. state treasurer : tiitl attOrliey geiieral
shah be the nieni1ers. The board isautlior-
Ized to flIlOhIIt a secret ary at a salary of
l,5t0 , nial a. clerk at a salary of $1,200 per
annum. Bank examiners are to 1e : LpIrlItCd
by the ioard , and lle fee for cxa.mlniig a
1)ank is liCet at. $15 for banks having a capi-
I a ! of $ Iut or less ; banks 1aviiig ; over $1.-
000 and less than OOOO. $20 ; for ihose hay-
hiu fi'on5O,0 0 to $150J.OO , S5 ; and on
all with niore than $150,000 capital. the fee
is tb be sto. : The bank examniiier is re(1uired
to give bond in ihie .sinn of 'Vithi
several comnilttec amendment thus bill was
IeCOflhmfleflUeI to PLSS. ¶ I'12e following wore
: ilso recomiuciided for 1)1155 L' e : Tolegalize
ihie acts of the governor aZIJOf city ohhicci's
uhIIer the no of AJ)111 P. 1891. governing
cities of the first cliss. : which act Was after-
vard ( lecinred uncoimtitut1onal by the su-
JCflC court ; senate file Si , to legalize the
ISUC of hoiids by counties aiil precincts ,
wIii're the bonds are t be tued foi hOrlI1j
vclls to he used for lrr gatiiig purposes ;
-oiiit file . . : , to legalize acknowledgments
t ) ( heeds taken by commissioners of
(100(15.s'lIcII , have riot had at-
Inched the cerhilcate of the score-
tary of state as required by law.
IIousi.-Iii the liotise on the 4th. , the Insurance -
surance committee reported Harte's bill to
repeal the valued policY law , recommend-
lug that the bill be Indefinitely postponed.
iavies of Cass moved to adopt the report.
Ilarte of 1)ouglas moved to place the bill
on geeral file , but his motion was lost In a
chorus of noes. and the but was laid to test.
Other bills indefihitely postponed Were
house roil 71. by Ilairgrove. regulating the
reserveof life insurance companies ; house
roll 233. by Brownehl. rcgulntiit mutual
lire lightning or tornad iiisuraitcc corn-
panics , and house roll 47 , by Burns of
.Lanca ter. and house roll 4i7 , . by
Burns of Lancaster. creating an tn-
suraxice board. House roll 169 was
considered. This is a measure providing
that In the event of a contestovera county.
precinct.or township office , or a member of
the legislature from one county alone , based
l1lOfl the ground of error in the count ant
error alone , the certificate of election shah
be withlieid until after the recount demanded -
manded shall have beeti completed , when
ihie certificate shall be issued to Ike nerson
shown to have the highest number ovotes.
The bill was amened so as not to app'y to
members of the legislature or congress and
iii tills shape was reconmcitled to ptss. :
hloust ) roll i:3 : , Cole's bill to reduce the rate
of interest on tax certificates to 10 per cent.
WLS recommended for passage. house roll
Iss. Sutton's compulsory educatioii bill , was
ifllefiflitely pOStpOfleI. hlou'o i'oIl 174 ,
llairgrove S bill to apportioI lines and
license money in towns and villages , was
recommentied to as.s. House roll 283 , ic-
Nitt's bill providingfree attendance at 1)1mb-
lie high schools. was rccommeiidcd to pass.
Suxtvs.-in time seiiate on the 5th the
stalIlhIIg committee reported senate file IGS.
the bill to amend the herd law , by including
ill mlie meaning of the words , cultivated
lands , 1mL11 s on which are trees , hedge rows ,
lame grass , or around which a plowcI strip
of hot less tilall One yard in Wilth has been
l)10WCd at least once a year , recommended
to pass. Senate file No. t82 , the Akers irriga-
tioli act , va read time third time. After the
reading was completed , ieiiator Akers
mOVed a call of the house. Roll call showed
several senators abSent. These were
brought in by messengers and the proceed-
ins under the call of the house were dis-
lc11sca with. Time vote was then on the
passage f the bill. Twenty-seven senators
voted for it : tiid the bihlwas declared passed
with the emergency claue. The gow-
orsor's 1)11 vate secretary delivered
to the senate a message from the governor
notifying tile senate that lie had slirflCl '
senate file 7s , and reconimending 'That
amendments be made ut it. as it became a
law. senate file 181. the i'latto river canal i
1)111 , W8S rea(1 the third time and put upon
its passage. Tile bill recelvedseventy-seven
votes , only three , Bauer , Dale and Sprechier
voting against It. enate file 112 , provIding
that county judges should be practicing at-
torileys , was passed. Senate file 118 , to
amend the law relating to draining swamp :
iaiids , and to provide for keeping open tile
drainage ditches was passed. Senate file 82 ,
providing for the nayment of bounties
on time scalps of wolves , was passed.
Ilousa-Governor Ilolcomb on the 5th returned -
turned the anti-oleomargarine bill , senate
file No. 7 , signed , but accompanied by a
special niessage recommending Important
amendments to be incorporated in another
bill. Unanimous consent was secured by
the committee on finance , ways and neans
to report house roil No. 531 , by Griffith. ap-
propriathiig S25,000 for the payment of itici-
dental eXpeJlS(5 of time le.islature , for umts-
sage. house rolls ? os. 531 mold 551 had been
made a S1)eCial order for today , and 54 was
Put upon its passage , receiving L2 votes to
110110 aga. list. Tile 1)111 authorizes county
Loards the severmtl counties in the state
to use the surplus general funds. road funds
audI county lridge funds in )1mrcilLsillseel :
and Iced and to distribute the same amoiar
the destitute. house roll No. . :1 imassed by
: tvote of S.Sto. homily and Gutliricol- .
posing. Tiiis Ii1l authorizes County corn-
ItlissiOfleiS to USC the surplus product
110fll funds for purchasing sied amid feiU.
By resolni loll of the hloU5e , senate tile No.
251 was called up amid 1)Ilt. upon its iissge.
This is known in the house : ms "tue lirrm1 t
Ci. chiauie of vcmitio bill , " providinz that 1
tue aticrlmey gciieiaI caii take any lrisaner j
Out ef one county for trial in another. It
) aSSCd by 69 to 2. , . The house relief bill ap.
prllrJating $200. ' 00 was tmassed without the
enorgeuiey clause. Other ililis passo1 as t
follows : eumauor file I\o. LI , mLliihIOriZi1)t. tue
appolutnierit of suprenle courteonlmission-
ers. I louse i oil ? o. s : 1)y i\lunger , grantiI ) I ,
Lincoln reil estate to tue German Lutheran
coimmreratio1I. house roll No. GO. by jenkiums. t
proilibitiuilt t he nianufneturc and sale of
cigareites lii the state of NebrasIa. house
roll No. 117. by Lanilorn ; , rlatimi to the i
payment of warrants and the form of warrant -
rant registers.
iEI.'ATr.-'Ilt the senate on the 6th senate
file 17J , to legalize acts' and ( iOillg.S of the
governor and of tile cities affected tinder
chapter 8 , of tile laws of 1891 , which law has
beeui declared unconstitutional , was passed.
'ille emergency clause was attached. The C
foluowin also nassed. Senate file SI , to
legalize bonds heretofore. issued amid tue
money realized from tile sale of whicil was
used for boring wells to be used for irrigation -
tion jurpses. Sellate file 45 , making a I
judgnlent in the district court a lien on the 1
real estate owned by the debtor in tile I
county where tue judiment is given. sen-
ale tile 54 , leahizing oaths administered
and ackiuowleagernenis taken before comitC
missloners of deeds where no certiticale I
of the secretary of state is attached. i
Senate file ( II. 1.0 establish a state
baimkinr board. provide for a secretary
and a cler of the board , and regulate time c
conductof the officers of thc board. Senate
file l , allowing incorporated muiunl insur-
an' c companies to charge a policy fee of
f.0 cents. was recommended to pass. Senate J
file 77 , providinir thut contracts for the sal' 'J
or leasing ofroihing stock of any railroad or t
street railway company , shall La recordd .
III the oihice of tile secretary of slate. This i
operates so as to remove the necessityfor e
recordingin cacti county ontheilneofroad c
was recommended to pass. r enate file lii , 1
providIng for park coumissioners and an-
ihorizing them to purchase and maintain
parks In citiesof from 5)00 ) to 2 .000 Inhabl-
tants , was meeomnmonded to ptss.
UOUSE.-In the ilouso on the 6th Governor
Ilolcomb's special message accompanying
tile auti-olco bill was read , andMiles moved
to refer it to the committee on agriculture.
Cilapmalm amended to refer to the committee -
tee on miscellaneous subjects with iuistruc-
lions to prepare a bill in accordance wIth
tue governor's suggestion. Time amendment
of Chapman prevailed. A message was
read from the legislature of outiI 1)nkora
reclttmigtiie passage of a resolution provll-
lug for the mLilOilitIlellt Of three commissioners -
sioners cactI by the StateS of oIltI Dakota
and ebraska for tile pUrpose Of settling
the boundary line hetweeti the states. Thu
message was referred to the COrnfllittCC on
federal relations. Time following bills wer
Put U1)Ofl their passage and disposed of.
house roll . 'o. 14 , by Allan , to iegtiiate the
coiulltzct of priniary elCCtiOIlS ill cities of the
met roloh11 a ii class 811(1 of the first class iiav-
IlIg a Potlulatloll Of 10 , ' (3(1 or more. and to re-
( uire the registration of voters for that
purpose. Passed , 71 to l& . house roll No.
; m2 , by i'iiyers , to lrovIle for organi-
zatioui of Irrigatloll nistricts aunt. acquir-
lug of canals partly bniit. i .se d , SO to 1.
House roll 1St ) . by Cilannnn ) , providing for
decidIng tile merlis of IIIl election contest
bIsCI upon tile ground of error in count.
Passed. 71 to 12. hIous roiIS3I , by IJrIlIith ,
: tpjmropriat lag $5O0J for I ho paylneiltof In-
eldental expenses incurrel ( Lurliug the
'J'wenty-fourthi session of the legislature.
was tile last bill on third reading , and was
(1151)090(1 of. Tile tihl PiSSCd , 87 to 0. 'l'lle
committee on accounts and ( 'xpelldliturl's.
by unanimous consent , reported house roll
? .o. S3for passage. Tue i.iil provides for
1110 method of purchasing all Ilmanlier of stun-
plies for the ierhslatulo'and regtilate-
tIse aiid Care of the same. mixty days prior
to time convellillg of t lIe legislature the
Board of Public Lands and Buildings shuilI
alVertlSe in tue same inalilior as for other
bids for suiiphies uiot to exceed $ .i ( I war. ii of
SttLtiOuiai'y and ! OtlIer Ztrtidles. 'fhie iirsOui
to whom the contract is : LWlraeI shah ( IC-
liver the gOO(1S to tile order of the ioari ; on
or i.efore tue first ( lay of the sesioii of the
legislature. accqmnpanied by a complete invoice -
voice or 1)111 of the same , which shall 1)0 PlC-
SeI1tC(1 to the cornnlittee on dlninIs. All other
.SIlhpIieS shall be purellase(1 by resolution
of eltiler branch of the legislature.
SENATE.-Iii the senate Ofl the 7th Stewart
stttcd that lie boliovel tile time Ilad conic
WhIch the senate should tLIe : some action
tOW1IN1 rtmlieviuig the distress of the ( lesti-
tute 1)COPIe in the ( iroUtii-S r icken counties
of the state lie tiierefote nlovel that the
ichief 1)1115 kiiowut mis seusate file No. 27 1111(1
house roil No. 2SF i.e made a special order
for 1 o'clock this afteruwoui. 1'hie motion
vts untiiimnoushy agrcel to. Senator Slonim
or F iliniore county led the opposition to tile
afltCillUleiltS l)1OPOSel by liovermior oh-
comb. while Semitt.i Meheeby of Webster
othelated as the ellampioll of time bill
WhIch embodies the govcrnors sugge .tioll.
Slonit moved that tue bill be referred bacic
to the committee on conmierce. In support
of his niotiorm he said tiitt : he had asked for
alt opportunity toappearbefore thecommit-
tee. 'ihe ciiairnmait of ti e conminittee limid mtS
sured Ilini that lie 5110111(1 have tile opportu-
nity. Senator 11 ltchcock attacked Mr. Sloan's
right to appear before tile committee at all.
tie demanded to know by what right or by
what courtesy tile senator from Fillmore
asked to appear before tilat committee.
Mckesson stopped the debate byniovingti a
previous qtmestlon. rtwas so ordered audi
tue yeas amid nays weic called on Sioin's
motion to refer the bill bacl to time committee -
tee on commerce and manufactures. Tile
Vote was m tic vote , and under th iules tue
motion W1LS lost. The bill therefore goes to
thegeneral file. The bill providing titat all
executiomis Silail take place at the penitentiary -
tiary , was read a tllird time and ! passed.
house rollS. 4 authiorlzlngt lIe county board
ofany county to use the surplus general
TiulIdiS , county road fuilds arid county
brithre funds. In purchasing seed and fce(1
for distributioum among the destitute and
neely farmers , was also considered
Aniemidniemits were adopted by the committee -
tee of the whole legalizing past acts of
county boards in conformity with the proVISIOnS -
VISIOnS of this bill. Senator m'tewart. objected -
jected to the provision wilicil required the
applicant to make : ilhidav t. tilat lie Is dies-
titute , ammd movedi tiiatthisclause be strict.-
en out. Tile amemidrneuit was adopted. Semi-
ator Spreehet tiioughit the bill conflicted
'ntim senate file i12. Tile 1)iil as amended
was recommeilded to the senate to ho
P USS C(1.
lIOt'-ln the house Oil the 7th tIle following -
lowing were recommended for passage : To
authorize coummtie to issue warrants ( luring
March , April and May , lSi5 , to tue full
amount of the levy , tue watia1mts in excess
of 83 per cent of the levy being used for the
purchase of seed grain ; authorizing labor
orgaiiizatiomis to use a label anI to prdivihC
a punisiimnt. mit for the infringenient of that
latel , Was Consilerel ; to authorize the organization -
ganization of mutual plate glass insurmuice
companies ; for au SOO apropriatior1 for ti.
branch soldiers' home at iiford ! ; to pro-
illIit the sale of bogus or inferior metal as
silver : to llOVidC for county depositories
audi to 'iiforce deposits of county funds
therein ; to appori ion the state himto coiigre--
siouial districts ; to apportion the state itmto
iudicmal ( histricts ; inflicting a PenaltY of23
per day upon county olhicers for failure to
report fees ; to define a newspaper for publication -
cation of legal notices to be a paper having
200 circulation ; regulatiog the construction
of coulily jails in counties of over 2.OO0 ;
l'ntz's 1)111 to restore 2,2ia50 to Ilakota
ounty for over-paid state taxes ; Robiim-
on's 1)111 to inco. porato companies to tb
busimmess on the assessment plan.
SNi.--Iii thesenate on time Stil protestS
mgainst the passage of time bill to permmt-
riently locate the state fair at Lincoln were
read. Petitions askIng for tile passage of
Liouse roll 84 , requiring convict made goods
Lo be stamped , vere. lresemlted and road.
senator Crane Introtfuced a resolution ask-
lag for the appointment of a committee to
nvcstigate time charges of cruelty aumd
i.ttempted bribery which have been
made against Warden Beenmer and
Ir1son Contractor Dorgan of time state
penitentIqry. Time resolution was adopted.
Ln motion of Senator McKesson senate
File 3t5 was advanced to tilird reading.
[ 'his bill irovidcs that. the secretary of
state shall designate the newspapers in
which proposed amendnients to tile constitution -
tution shall be published. Tue governor
00W names the papers. Senate file 1f3 ; , which
piovides that the commissioner of ) ubhic
11111d5 and buildings shaii have charge and
ontmol of tile appointment of the deputies
uid of the business of tue state oil ilispec-
LiOll , was takemi up. Senator Butler offered
ill ttlTleflIfllelIt stmbstituting the governor
Ls cimief oil inspector iilSteafl of tile comnhis-
; ioner of public lands and btmiidimms. Semi-
itor Wilson Sai(1 In' support of the bill that
lie new law Oil the statute books was con-
elCtt1y tlllCOIlStltUtiOIlal Oil time grOUill
: hiat tue legislature could miot create a new
mxeeutive 011iCC1. lie sail lie did not object
o the governor being aile(1 t 1 the board as
) fle of its members. Adjourned umitil MomiI I
IIOUSFL-1fl tile house on the 8th the corn-
flittee of time whole consumed nearly time
ntire day in coimsidering one of the five
tock yards bills , house roil No. 82S. It.iiad
) edn amIlicilatcd tiiat astutbormi fight would
e waged ! on tills , Or ally of the otlmei Ii ye
i1ls , audi such anticipations weme verified.
rhe amendment of Miles revai1ed. making
lie charge for weigilillg hiois ( cemmts a head.
tmttoim of Pawnee oflered an amendment f
linking a charge for switelling cars , ltmt It
vas VOtCI down. bothileuter rantea to re-
lace the price of weighing ammd yarding cam-
; lc from 2 to 1 : , cents a iteati. It is now 2.
cIlts amid time bill , uS clrawmi. provides for O
eiltS. bothleuter's amendmemmi. was do-
eated. Tue bill was recommended for pas- ,
; age by tile committee. ilotise roil o. II ,
Jy Suter , to lix commissions for soiling live
stock in the state , wC4 themi rushed through
mmmd recommendea for passage. it provi(1e5 I
Ihat It Silttll 1)0 UmllawfUl for parties seliill
stock to charge more titan 40 cents per head
roy cattle. i15 for ilogs , single deck cars and
8 for double ( lock cars ; 4 for sheep , single 1
leck , and $7 for double deck cars. On time I
luestiorl of amending the bill to petmit . I
lily one to sell live stock lit time Umalia '
ards. Barry said that no ne eoulcl i
, ehl stock either iii Omaha or Chicago except ' i
ncnilers of the Lixe Stockexciianges there. I
3enedict.disprovcd timisby tlloswornstatc-
neat of Mr. Spearman of marpy county. who
tati sold stock for over twenty years mn the i
) maha yards and leul never beemi a member
) f time stock exeitange. There was a close
rotc on tile motion t , recommend the macas-
ire fOr passage , iUt it prevailed. : ir to a.
Cile committee timen rose : timd reported.
: tenedictmnoved tiiatthe reportbe 11050mm1 1
airred in. but that : i. committee of five ho
Lppointed to visit the stock yards and re-
) ort. A motion to tabic was lost , as was i
Liso Benedict's motion for a committee.
[ 'lme vote for time bill was yeas 70. nays 0. i
rue roll call was then demanded on the
notion to adopt the favorable report of the
ommittcootthe whole on house roll No.9 ,
uter's bill to regulate thecommission dealI
rs of South Omalilt. Tlmiscarrlcd by a vote I
f 58 to 2a Tile house then adjourned until r
0 a. m. Monday. C
] -
- - - a.-
. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Signed the Oleo Ithil.
Anxiety over the fate of the antl-oleo-
margarine bill was ended on thO 5th by
I Governor Ilolcomb , who attached his official
. sigzmattmre to the casure , accompanying it
with time following message :
I To time honorable , the Legislature of time
State of Nebraska : In notifying your hoit-
orable bouy of the approval of senate fib
I\o. 78. entitled "Atm Act , Concerniim ° Imita-
t tiomi hiutter ailti Imitatlomi Cheese , ieiin1iig )
tiltmSanle , Proimlbhtimmt 'I'heir Jiciri ; Colored
in embiamice of Butter amid L'hmeese , .licgu-
lating Their i'siantifacture ' , Simipplug and
SUe , amid Protectimug the Consumers at the
table and Prescribing I'eIlaltlC. for tieV1o-
lution Tilereof. " I ( lesire to say that I thor-
ouglily appreciate the justice of so brand-
lug oeomargarhrme ! that consumers may
kimow they are using Imitation butter ailL
not the gentminc article , amid 1 heartIly ap-
pI.ove of wise legislation ) iaviiig for Its ou-
ject stichi reasonable protection as may be
giveti to time mnauufacttmrcr , ( healer audi coim-
sunier of ummadmmlterated butter and cimeese.
tile product of the dairy. I believe that
I olconiargarine should be 501(1 OIl its owmt
merits aimd not , on the merits of butter.
'l'he bill referred to is time first legislation
I ilai lit tills state on this iIflportailtSUIjeCt.
, : tiitl , as It scents to me , lit order to remedy
( ho evils memitiomied , time act In question
works aim tmnnecessary lmardsimlp upon time
rmtanufaeturers of oleonmargarimme lit this
simitim. Tile provisions. as now contained In
tue bili , lractICahly Jreez1t the maimufac-
I tIle of oieornLrgmmrino : wlthmlmi time state mm-
( icr tIme laws of the L'nitedtates ' for ship.
macut Into other states than Nebraska with-
our 811) ' corresponding advantage to the
tulailtmfacttmrer of time ( ialry prottict , who
hiu to compete 1mm time opeim markets of time
WCrll with the oleomargarine product. now
rcco'4mmizel In our commercial system as a
wholesome f od product.
\s IllIe a law of the kind enacted is ncetled.
I aiIm of tile opinion time law siionid not he so
constructed as to tieprive time state of time
benefits aceruimig froimi time mammufacture of
oleomnargarino witllill ILS iim.ts , with mia
correspomldimlg : ulvamltlge to those who are
sommuimi. to be bemmefitted thereby.
'I'lme uianufacttmre of oleomargarine is aim
iimlIlSlrV which has lueIl IottCl 211 time
state , giving eniloynlmxmt. to a Imirge tittiuibem'
of workingrnen 811(1 eimimuicing ; time ValUe of
live stock on time mimarket.
Asseimato file No. 75 reCeIVel alniost unan-
limuttis alproval of time represemitatives of
time peolIe in time legislative bodies , I (11(1
hot. ( leeni time oi.iectiolis to be ot such . 'hmmt'-
actor as to necessitate time vetoing of the
ciii , whIch lii time niaiii , I consilereh to be
for tile ilest hmiteresms ( if the vhmoie imeoie.
lImit. I hereby autimorizo ; Llii rC'OmIiieiil
time Itmtrotluctlomm and passage of aim : tnmeimd-
mnemit. to semiato file No. 78 , providing tilat
nothing in that act shall be so construed as
to h)1'.VeIlt time mnamiufacture wit hum time
state of ( mleomargarine. tlIliIir time restric-
tiorms audi Provisions of time [ Julie ' States
law , and I would fimrtimer suggest that tile
word "oieoniargarine" be tmseti wimerever
time WOI'iS "imitatiomi butter" : mppear iii time
act. thmemeby makimim.t time stale law comiformu
to time laws of the United States .111(1 pre-
vemmting confusion iii c..rnplying with the
law by time manufacturer.
SILAS A. lIoi.conn.
(1 eve ruor.
Time New GaumiImlln Law.
Time new gambling law wilhelm time senate
Imas placed on tile geumeral file , witim a recommendation -
commendation tacitly favoring its Jassage.
is likely to create something of a stir before
it is flumally passed. Time entire bill is con-
tamed In the following paragraphs :
Every persomi wimo shall play at.any game
whatever for any sum of motley or other
property of value , or Silttll bet any money
01 property upon any gambling table pro-
hmlbited by law , or who shall bet upon any
game played at or by mneamms of any such
gaming table , shall , upon Convictioll , be
fitted in any sum not exceeding SmtiO , anl
ulion a second or ammy subsequent convlc-
tion shall be fifle(1 In any sum not exceeding
$200. or be ifllpm'iSOuled lii time county jail not
nmoro than sixty days , orbotim , atthe iliscre-
tiout of time court.
Sec. 2 Jf person or persons shah lose
any property or mormey at any game , either
cards or ganmes ot hazarh of any kind , such
1)eso simall imave tile right , to recover , by
civil vrocedtmte , timemoneyor value timereof ,
or time property or value thereof , impoit
iVOle1 proof of time same , said money or
property or time value thereof so recovered
ttl revert to the sclmooi fund of time county in
which sail action is brought. Every per-
5011 tvhmo shall set. up or keep aimy gaming
table , faro bammk , or any h-imid of a gaming
mnacimimie of any ( iescrihtiomm or mmanme whmmtso-
ever for tile purpose of uiayimig any game of
ciiatmce for niomicy or property , except bil-
hard tables , or who imahl keep any billiard
table forthe purpose of bei.ting or gani-
bhing , or shall allow time same to be usCl for
such purposes , simalh , upon COui'iCtiOml , be
pimmiishmed by fume iii any simm not exceeding
:20SI : , or be inprisonel ill time county jail not
to exceed sixty days , or both , at time discre-
tiomi of time court.
Sec. 4. icetioui 214 and section of time
Criminal Code , enacted ! in 1SS7 , anl nil Otilel'
acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.
The proposel bill cilanmcs time present law
ill this respect : Ummder the presemit statutes
gamtling is niade pIIIlisilUhie by fine and
Imprisonment In the state penitentiary ; the
Jmev bill simply proVihes for imprisonment
lii time countyjail ; time maximum fume under
time present faw is $ O0 ; tinder time proposed
law , : iOJ ( ; time extreme term of Imprisomi-
ment in the penitentiary under time present
law is one year for the first comivietmomi : Lnl
two years for time second ; under time proposed -
posed law the limit is sixty ( lays Ifl time
CoUnty jail for the second conviction ; imo
iniprisonmelit is provided for t.e first. convict -
vict ion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Features of the Stock Yarl' Bill.
house roll h2 , by Jenkins , the stock yards
bill , recommendcd'for passage by time corn-
nmittee of time whole , open- , the case with time
preamble that all stock yards opened or
organized under the general corporation
law of the state or by special charter are
declared to be public markets.
Section 2 provides that all persons , eor-
porations or companies dealing at such
stock yards -hall have the same rigiits arid
orivileges with all other persons or corporations -
ations , and no rIghts or privileges granted
or conferred upon any person or corpora-
hlion. either directly or immdirectly , shail be
held from any otherperson , company orcor-
Section 3 authorizes the governor to up-
1)01115 U number of competent persons to in-
$ rmectllve stock at the ytrd' and determine
what stock is unfit for market , amid have the
marne removed. All per-ons except those
aJjointed for time purpose are prolmibited
from acting in the capacity of insiiectors.
Section 4 prescribes tile 1)ricO for yarding
and weigimitmg stock.
Section 5 makes it ummlawfui for aumy stock
yards corporation or company in time state
to charge for grain arid Imay more tiiaim don-
bie time nlarket price in time city or village
vcimere the stock yards are located.
Sectiomi 6 makes it unlawful for proprie-
Iois of stcck yards to deliver or sell less
than 2fXlo potmims of hay for a ton or less
timami SeVCflt3 poitmids of corn in the ear or
hifty-six pounds of simelled eorn fora btmsiiel ,
Dr lesstiian sixty IOtlt1S of witeator thirty-
fwo pounds of Oats for a busimei.
Seetloim 7 mmmmkes it unlawful for proprie-
lors of stock yards to proimibit time ownerof
lead stock in time yards to sell to army person
Lo viiorn said owner may ( beire to sell the
Time penalties for violation of any of time
provisions of time act are not less than ' )
icr more than 1Q0 for time first ofrcn.e , not
less than lO 1101' more than 2OO for time see-
) zml OffCii'0 antI for each suhiseqiiermt offense
IIot less thimtn nor more tilaim $3YJ.
The Peimalty Attachments.
Penalties attaching to violatiomm of the
) leomnargarilme law , which lims been signed
Iy the governor. and whIch has he'retofore
Leen given him full , are embodied In time fol-
[ owing sections :
Sec. S. \ % hoover shall violate any of the ,
) revisions of sections I hmree , tour (4. ( five
5) ) . six (6) ( ) : i.imd nine 9)of tiiisactsiiali , for time *
irst otremise , lie ptinislled by a tine of not
Ies tharm tweimty-five tloilars or by
Imprisonment hot. exceeding timirty days.
* rid for eaCil subseoueiitolrensc by ; t fine of
rIot less than fifty dollars O.CO ; , nor more
Ihan one hundred dollars ( l 0.00) ) , or by irn-
risonrnent in tile county jail of ilot. less
: hman thirty days nor m' re timan six moimt1r.
Ii' by both such flume ammd imprisonment , in .
time discretion of ilie coLrt. *
Sec.9. No action can be maintained on
ICCOUIIt of any sale or other contract made
in violation of. or with lntentto violateany
: if the provisions of this act by or through
lily person , firm or corporation who was
mmowinmiy a party to such wrongful sale or
) thler contract. hoover shall mutilate , oh-
; cure , conceal. ehTa e , cancel or remove any
nark provided for by this act.or cause or
iermit time same to hO done , with intent to
nislead , deceive or to violate any of time
rovislons of this act shah be guilty f a
nisdenieanor. I
Sec. 10. Whoever sells , or offers for sale.
.0 any person who asks , SeflbS or inquires ,
or butter , imitation butter. or Imitation
heese. or any substance made in imitatiorm
) for semblance ofptne butter , notmade
- J II
with or w1thott
milkof coW .
entirely from
of fraud
coloring mutter , shall be guilty
punished by a line of not less than twentY- tII *
live dollars ( $25.00) ) nor mnoro than fifty
lars$30.03)fOrCaChOtTCflSO. ( )
Iii C0fl
See. 11. All acts and parts of acts hereby' ,
filet herewith be and t a same are ,
repealed. - - '
Xciv Board of IinmigrmttiOu. .
bills Introduced In thur (
One of time last
j house , aimd by 'which It Is intended to i gbs-
late out of existence time OfficO of deputy'
labor commissioner , Is Cain's meastimtm ,
house roil No. i9 , provIding for : t StiLtO
Boari oflmnmigratlotu. ItnppraprlatCSSi'
000 for the use of time board , but 1rovldes S
that It shall mmot , under any consi er&tIoii , tJ
involve tue state lit any indebtednesS 0t ' ,
expense in amount exceeding the sulii tIP-
proprlated by the act. 'Ilio board sought to
cc created Is to consIst of the seCEC-
tary of state. auditor of public ' Janus-
alma buildings. It is made tue board's duty t
10 encourage immigration by
hmiforniation regarding time advantages
olterui by the state. It Is authorlzcl tt ) S
employ a secretary at a silnrv Of $2.U0 per S
aumummn. iacim year itsimuhl colicetarid corn-
1)ilefOi PtLbiiC8tiOU a report to the goverthor
of all facts and statistics relatIng to crops ,
cimaracter and resources of the state , ttIIO
amnotmnt of money expended by tlmonl. to-
getimer with other infornlation of gemmeral
irlterest timid calculated to subserve tile ( he-
Sigits of time act. Time board itself is to receive -
ceive no compensation. It Is emidowed with
thu power to appoint six representatives. *
011(1 front each congressional dlstrfit , UIl
timc. with time . shiuill give a 1)011(1. *
lii time stirn of $3,000 cond tinned for the faith' 4
ful performance of their duties. :
. Beet Sugar .Hounty Assured. I I
A Lincoln .SleCImtl says : Now' that time I
house has passel time lrnet sugar bounty bill
time html camuIaign in tile scimate promises tO
be brief itIil tritmmfllimalit. No one doubt-s I
time ability of this. one of time most popular S
measures of time session , to PUSS time simate.
'l'hie small oppositloim to time ximeaaire thmmit. is
prornisimig to (10 SO tOUCh for Nebrtka : is.
Im0Vcvem' , mnakimmg a few spasmodic eIT'orts to
eioittm : prujtithico u"aiumst It. Yestertlay a
roorback of the wlidest clmtv.mcter wts'turn-
ed loose. it iWt in time simtpti : of a story to
time ehiect thinS time Norfolk smigilr faCtOr3'
IVUs llolhimmg iii reserve 2,001,000 gahious of
syrup. : iumti tutu. as ooui as time boiiitty bill
umeettlimu a law the sym up 'tvnubl hO worked Up
amitt S5O.COJ drawmm out of the tremstmry.
A little aiiarvsis of these fimires will slmow 'I
their fallacy. 1mm time first plmco time Oxumards '
last year at. timeir Norfolk factory imnumufac-
tLmred and SOli ,6I0,0OO potmmmds of sim'ar front
27. ' ( JO toils of iCCts. To secure & ) , OO bounty I
front time state t rensury time Oxrmarls would s
have to imtve oil lmammd aftei .1 iiiy I next
ClUIlim syrup front Iastyears croCi to make
tttJOOj ( pottimtis of sugar. Timis would re- ,
(1iiil e co.Ooo toils ( If beets. It. is hardly ins-
sihie timat after selling time product of 2i.0J ( )
toiLs of beets last season tile Norfolk factory
wotmiti hmave remaimuiimg time syrup froni 0.IAi0
toims in 11diltlomm. If stich ami : timloilnt
SllOtlil be on hmarmd it is only fal r to lilfer that. I
time Oxnards would prefer to nlake up thin , -
stigar before July 1 aI1l receive time federaL
1)oUmlty of elgilt-teliths of a ccitt per politiCt
botiimty iumstoad of waiting umitht after .lnIy 1
to receive a Stat4l bounty of but flve-ekht
of a cemml per pOmmfli. I
Brancim Soldier's Iloimme.
Time old soldiers in the vicinity of the state
house are jubilaimtovertime favorable report S
0mm Merrlck's bill , house roll 284 , which i)10
1)oses to locate a branch soldiers' home at
The 1)111 huts aroused some dhscussiott , mit.- S
it is gcrmerailT favored by tile Grand Army
of time lteptmbiic. ltprovides for time etah-
lishmmentof a branch soldier's home at.ihl .
ford. Time free useof the satmitarium build-
lug and park is given to thmo state for time
mmext two years. Captairm ( Jtmlver says Ii. is S
not intended to antagonize time Grand Iiatmd.
home , but to provmde for time lresunt eniur-
gcncy. o many of time veteramms destre amid
reuumre 1mtneiimtC care that to wait for imew
buildings to be erected would cause great
sutrerlimg. One lmuumdred earm be accotim mu-
( hated iii time hjtmiidlmmg otrered to time state
with but. little co4t for operatlrm expenses. I
which wotild give time state $10,000 froxmm time
gemloral g vernment. I
'Fhme bill provides the duties of cornmnmimd- :
; tnt. ahjtitammt arid quartermulaster simmi 1 be
performnei by one person aims ! for time same
amount is Is 110W paii to tile ahjUt ant at
tue ( liramid Isimiuid home. Time ( luties of sumr-
geon will be perfornlcI by Uil 0110 of time I
doctors Ut Milfoid for $1i ie immontim. One
engineer perforiiis all of time work at this , lii- I
( lustrial ilOmile aimd caim (10 It at. this bra imeim
imomlle. Time otimer positions raim IC Sti pliCl
frolml tile iIiflhittCS. No itork Is neCfLi on
time grotmiltis , aS imature has Zmlabe ar.iimlu ri- I
visloim In time way of 511:1(10 1 rues. spr rugs
and pleasant. surrouitd rugs. Time derimauid is
great at this time , which ftct suggests this , I
wisdomim of Immediate rd ie f.
Capital I'unishmineimt in Nebraska.
Disctmssion of the Smitil liii , to require all
( bath seimtcnces to be executed iuSile tlmo S
walls of time statit penitentiary , developed
time fact timat there is a strong sermtirnefmt lit
favor of the abolition of capital imttmmisii
A number of senators , during the 1ebmte ,
took occa1oim to express time hmopo that time
time would soon come when there would be
no judicial killings of Imuman beings him time
state. senator Stewart's amermdrzient. which
hind tile effect of abohis. ing time death jiemi-
alty , was hot. atboptel. but this Is behfevud to
hitLVC iedn tCCaUse tue ( iUestiOti WitS tmtmCX-
pcctediY brougimt up , anu itsadoption would
hIve imave killed the Smith hili. without
giving assurance that the amended mucas-
um e WOU1i be adopted
Friends of time reform jim time penal moo
imave , after consultation , come to time coim- I
elusion timat the house will las4 a. bill ahiob-
isimiimg iiLiigirmg. An amendxnexmt has been
prepared. and when time Smith bill leaches
time imotmse It will be offered , by wimicim the
cllange will ime made.
When tile lull passes tue house , as it. is cx-
pCCtC(1 it irihl by those who are uusimiim it.
it will come back to the senate. Tlmoc Cost
Informed as to the sentiment of time senators -
tors unhesitatingly say that there Is mme
question btit that the amendment wiil be
concurred in if adopted by tile house.
Witiiout time Emergency Clause.
Time relief bill which appropriates $ .o'30
passed time JlOUSe witimout thmei ernergemmcy I
clause. Time constitution provides thatbills
that pmss without. an emergency clause he- . I
come laws after time expiration of three
ctlendar.rnommtims after tile adjournrnentof
time legislature. If this I ill shotmid PUSS the I
senate without : mrnemmdrnent , and the Ieis- j
lature SimoUl(1 adjourn during the montI of
Marchm. time bill would become a law July 1.
I I time leislature should adjourn cmi
( lilY lfl Ajhl t would imot beCome a law anjr
Atmgtmstl. Intimisevemit itwould scent that
tue appropriation W0t21l be practically tiSO-
less , but time friends of time bill hope that time F
money would be : tlvtlmCed by onmtm one in
order that it could be ued iii time to buy
seed grain. It is not probable. however ,
that time senate will pass time bill with the j
: :0)O.0 appropriatiorm. , It is very likely timat S
time senate will cut the sum down to 1C0C0i
at tue most , and will then tack on aim emner- I
gency clause. senhirmg it 1)lCI : for time con- I
etirrenee of the house. The situation seems
very dreary for a suitalle : mpirorriation to
time droutim sulTerers at time imantis of time re-
Pu blican legiiature , itltllourhm 'I r. Oxnarol's
interests ilLve been well cared for.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
Anienohim thuo Slocumub Lass- .
Mr. A. G. "iVohferibarger , rcpresemmting tIle S
Nebraska prohibitlonists , Ilas aldresset
letters to the members of the logislattre In I
ivimicim lie protests against lialrgrve's bl'Il
to amend the Slocumb law. 'i'hmis bill is
house roll 416. Mr. Wolfenbargor says ;
"Section 1 of this pro osed mtrne.ndrnent
requirts t 1OO bond by remonstrators , which
is imimfair and unreaoimable. Itut. the crown-
trig Iniquity of this bill is found in sections 5
3ind4 , which seek to amend sectlonsj3 and
1t ; of the present law in such a niammuer as to
practieaiy itlOhiSh nil rights in civil tlam- (
: tges under the for injury growing
out of the traffic.
"I would especially call your attention to
the manner ill wimich sectioim lil of the rires-
emit law Is to be cimanged. If thmi miroDosed
Ret liecomes ii. law no womirm whose omo
has been wreckedby thedrinktraffic Intimis
state , need seek to recover dmrnages. It I
trill be lracticahly impossible to do so. Not
ammo womamm iim l0.0i0 knows or will know who
is selling tlm hiiUOr that debauches and
ruins her hmlsrmarld , so thatslie Can witim certainty -
tainty serve written notice upon time one I
trhmose tratlic eventually. works the injury. I
The entire menstmrels uncalled for , was
not demanded by time people in'the eietion S
: i.m ; which you were c osen. nor made an
issue. Itshould re indefinitely
md I Imope you iviit your way c ear to ( , '
rtssist 1W defeatluig thus impudent miece of
proposed Ilquor legislation. '
Our actions arr dur own ; theIr con
sequences belong to heaven. . . .
The world gives no plcaslmros w Ii
out giving burdens with. then. . ;
- S . 'I
- - ' - - S.