The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 15, 1895, Image 5

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. . . '
i i irBu - t yer
, _ _ : , ? ' _ - , , ' ,
, .4 . . . . 1S Nw . . .
.t ,
, join to icLC , > ivt , the finest 1 ! eel
ol : : Silk VoclleH { ' ( ) troll allfl Linen Dress
( > i oods ever lsc'octg'll t to this market a ' 1 rid at
Ic iCes a 'I c t c l > 'i ' c , wit l i tics tildes.
Gi ' C'ARPE'1' ' acid oui MILLINERY
I t nnti Til1 surpass any stock we
1iiye ever sl1OWtl. it will Iia' Y Yoil to see
ticc cih. 1lce , I ) ices aie all iiglit. . .
. .
. ; ,
' 6 s
i , ,
t }
1 , I t t ILowman & Son.
Dry Goods , Carpets , Millinery , Etc ,
- - -
By virtue of an order of sale d acted to me
' from the District Court of Red tt illowc..unty ,
I ebaska , , ua judgment obttinel hef , re
Iron. D. 1' . Wetly , 1ullge of the district
'I court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
on the r7th day . .f December , 1894 ,
in Ltvot of 1V.Ildo J. DuRg , as pl.rimiff , aad
against L. E. Faulk et a1 , as defendants ; for
the sum of four hundred ant seventy-four
( 474) ) dollars and tweutytwu (22) ( ) cents , and
cost , taxed at S23.43 and actwing ousts , I have
levied upon the following rral estate taktn as
the property of said defendants to satisfy sail
judgment towit : The west half of the southeast -
east quarter and the east half of the southwest
quarter of section thirty five in township three ,
nurth of range twenty-seven , west of the 6th
p. in. , in Red Willow county , Nel raka. And
will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder -
der , for cash inhandon the i8thday of Jlarch ,
A. D , 1895 , in front of the south dour of the
cout h , use in Indianola , Nelrrtskathatbeing
the building wherein the last term of court
was held , at the hour of one o'clock , p. in , , f
said day , when and where due attendance will
be given by the undersigned. Dated February
! t t 12thr895. 2-15-5. E. R. BANES ,
11. S. MORLAN , Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
fry in the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nt brrska , on a judgment obtained betor :
Hon. D. 1.1Veltylintge of the district court
of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 17th
day of December , 1894 , m favor of the Milford
Savings Bank elf Milford , New Hampshire , as
plaiathff , and against 't homas H. Fowler et
al. , as defendants , for the sum of eight hundred -
dred sixty-two ( $ S62) ) dollars and ninety 19o1
cents , and costs taxed at $31.73 , and accruing
costs. I have levied upon the following real
estate tak-n as the property of said defendants -
ants to satisfy said judgment , to-wit : The
northeast quarter of section six , township , ne ,
uoth , range twenty-eight , west of the 6th p.
m. , in Rett Willow county , Nebraska. And
will offer the same for sale to the highest bit-
der for cash hr hand on the 25th day of
March , A. D. 1895 , in front of the south dour
of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska ,
that bein tae building wherein the last term
of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock
p. m. of said day , when and where due at
tendance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated 1 'ebruary 4th , 18g . E. R. BANKS ,
J. E. KELLEY , Sheriff of said county.
Attorney. 2-22.5t.
f '
. '
Groceries :
I ,
Ii Confections
. i I ,
: ANO Queensware , ; '
, : .4. . ;
h '
1 . . . . PEUPL i . : ;
1 who insist on knowing all about .
' an article before bu'itig it who '
demand that price and quality
must be just exactly right who '
form their opinions of dealers by '
1 goods they have sold in the past ,
those are the folks we like to do :
, t bnsiiiess with. '
WE ARE . . . . . :1 :
, Ourselves in buying. We won't
spend a penny unless the price is
I 5 I : , low and the quality high.
r ,
. ,
No , 3 , through pasacnger. . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A. M.
No. 4 , meal passenger. , . . . . . . . . . 9:00 P. M.
No. 76 , frolghi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. M.
No. 64 , fretght . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:80 A. M.
No. 80 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1000 A. M.
No. 148. frelglht , mae up bore. . . . 5:00 A. M.
No. 3. through passenger..11:35P.M.
No. 5. local pasQscuger. . . . . . . . . . . . 9:16 P. M.
No. 63. freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5(0 ( P. N.
No. 77 , freight. . . . . . . . 4D P. M.
No. 149 , freight , made up here. . . . . . 6:00 A. M.
No. 175 , leaves at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:06 A. M.
No. 176 , arrives at .5:44) : ) P. M.
tom' NOTE-No. 83 carrl R passengers for
Stratton , Itetikelmau and Halgter.
All trains run dally excepting 148,149 and
176. which run daily except Monday.
No. 3 gtnps at Ilenkeluian and % Vrar.
No. 2 stops at ludlanola. Cambridge and Ar-
No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola.
Camhrrdge and Arapnhne.
NOR. and lib carry passengers for
all stations.
You c'an purchase at this otllre tickets to al.
principal pobrts in the UnItfd States and Can'
ada atirl haggngN checked through to dNRllrrn'
tine wtlhnut Nxtru Nharge of trausfrr. For
information regarding noes. Ntn , call on nr
address C. E MAGNEII. Agnetl
Pay day Monday , Did you know it ?
Mrs. Ed. Beyrer was in Lincoln , first
of the week.
Joe Robinson is the luckiest man this
side of St. Louis.
A. P. Ely has gone to work for the
company under George W. Foster.
Assist. Supt. Harman of Holyoke was
a Sunday visitor at headquarters.
Master Mechanic Archibald went up to
Denver , Monday night , on business.
Roadmaster Josselyn was a visitor at
western division headquarters , Monday.
Engineer G. R. Johnson arrived home ,
Sunday night , from the Shriners' gathering -
ering at Omaha.
F. E. Kennedy of Sheridan has gone
down to McCook to look after his household -
hold goods.-Alliance Grip.
We understand that the Times-Demo-
crat is preparing to soon issue a special
railroad men's edition of the paper.
Clarence Colter arrived from Jerome ,
Iowa , last week , and will make his home
here. He is working in the shops.
Elza Odell will shortly leave for Los
Angeles , California , having been offered
a gored position by Yardmaster Frank S.
Mesdames R. B. Simmonds and V. H.
Solliday went in to Lincoln , Monday
n ght , returning house on the night
train , Tuesday.
Herman Hegenherger and wife left on
uondaY for Iowa on a visit of a few
weeks He will also visit in Peoria , Illinois -
inois , during his absence.
Dodgers are out announcing the first
annual hall of the Railroad Employes'
cluh , to take place in the A 0. U. lV.
hall , Monday evening , April 15th. Pro-
reeds will go towards buying additional
literature , etc.
Conductor C. W. Bronson arrived
home , Sunday night , from attending the
meeting of Shriners at Tangier oasis ,
where some forty wayworn infidels were
successfully led across the burning sands
to Arabic bliss.
A brakeman named Kelley , from Beatrice -
atrice , slipped and fell while boarding
the way car of his train at the depot ,
\Vednesday. His left foot was badly
crushed but will not have to be amputa-
ted. Dr. Damerell dressed the wound
and he was taken hone to Beatrice.-
Red Cloud Belt.
The case of Kellogg against the Bur-
'liugton for $20.000 damages for injuries
received at Bertrand in 1892 while lie
was company agent there , was submitted
to tlhe jury at HoldregeTuesday evening ,
and a verdict rendered for plainriff for
$9.000. The injury was claimed to have
resulted from a defective brake chain.
Our esteemed young friends Oscar
Yarger , the genial telegraph operator ,
and canl Jenkins , the popular band
muster , have spurned the winsome
smiles of their lady friends and determined -
mined on a life of perennial celibacy ,
having elaborately furnished a suite of
rhours over Ducker's store Their rea-
slrus for wanting to "iach" are numer-
o is. One says that by so doing their
living is not so expensive. Another
s tys that their food will be more hearty ,
and Stewart Albright thinks it was all
done so they can come home at 2 a. m.
" .without the folks getting on. " Their
ro nis are nicely arranged with "brussles
carpet on the floor , and street cars run
fling by the door , " also a fine library and
dissecting room. It is said that they
have pneumatic tubes running down to
Geo. Lindsey's shop for meat , and another -
other ruining to Miner Bros' . store for
groceries. They haven't laid the tube
to Polnicky's place of business yet. The
rooms are heated by electricity furnished
by the cats which hold nocturnal visits
on their back porch. There used to be
a poker table in the dissecting room ,
but Jenkins tore the dud-blasted thing
up , and makes Yarger say his prayers
b = fore breakfast. The first bushel of
beans cooked were thrown away by
Yarger , because h = said they were
wormy , when in fact they were the
best of beans , but simply had dark
germs , and the sante day Jenkins used
rough on rats for baking powder , and
upset a can of hot lard on himself when
bediscovered hiserror. Several of their
bachelor friends dined with them Sunday -
' day , at which time was served a feast
far ahead of anything ever hud' in Red
i C'oud. But for lack of space .we would
give the menu.-Red Cloud Chief.
A Sad and Fatal Accldent.
Bert Williams , aged sixteen years , son ,
of John S. Williams of Perry precinct ,
this comity , accidentally and fatally shot
himself with a twenty-two calibre revolver -
volver , Tuesday afternoon about half ;
past four o'clock , the bullet entering his
right eye and lodging in tc brain
the left side of his head , causing de'htlh
at about six o'clock on the following }
Deceased was out on the Republican
river near Perry siding with a party o ; '
geese bunters. Not having a bun he wa +
told to lie down on the bank of the river
while the other members of the party
slipped up on.a flock of geese tear by t ,
the river. The party had not gone far
before they heard the report turd the I
subsequent splashing in the water wherein -
in the young man fell in' his agonh. I
They hurried to his rescue , and the injured -
jured boy was taken to his home t' ar
Perry aid medical assrstatce'nntmoned
But it was a fatal shot. The 'mllut lt d
coursed to the left side of the head front
the entrance at the right eye , the entire
1 ft side soon became paralyzed and
death ensued about six o'clock on the
following morning , the injured boy be
in ; conscious to the end , and stating
that the revulvtr lhrtrl been accidentally
discharged and shot htiir
The family moved into that section
shout two years since This tragic death
of their sun is a crushing blow to them ,
and the profoundest synilmtlry of all got s
out to theur in their- sleep sorrow.
Rev , Fr. Hickey conducted the funeral
services in St. Patrick's eliurr'h of this
city at Io:3o : A. M , Thursday , and the
remains were interred in the parish
City Affairs.
There was an alijlurted session of the
municipal patriarchs. Tuesday evening ,
all present but council man StinuIetz.
Bills allowed as follows :
McCook Electric Light . . . . . . . $ .
R. M. Osborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ,
C. G. Holmes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 ? 3
J. S McBrayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 :
J. A. Wilcox & Son. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 40
t.onrad Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 57
Prett Kroh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
Chris Seblect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50
Firemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 00
. .
JE. . Kelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
C. 11. Gray. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 50
E. J. Wilcox. . . 75
It was' decided that until May 15th
the hours for sprinkling lawns he fixed
as follows : From 7 to g A M , and 5 to 7
P. M , Resolution was passed transferring -
ing money as follows :
Be it resolved by the Mayor and Council -
cil of the city of McCook , Nebraska.
SECTION r , That the sum of one hundred -
dred sixty-two 41-too dollars be and the
same is hereby transferred from the ful-
1' wing funds : Cemetery , one hundred
seventeen and 42-too dollars ; Special ,
tv'entyone and SS lee dollars ; Donation
t + venty-three and 14-zoo dollars , of said
city to the General fund of said city.
SEC. 2. That the treasurer be instructed -
ed to enter such transfer upon his hooks.
Passed and approved this 12th day of
March , A. D. IS95. J E. KELLEY ;
Attest : E. J. WILCoy , Mayor.
[ sEAL. ] City Clerk.
The Burlington Route will , until April
15th , haul seed grain tree of charge fiom
all points on their lines east of the Missouri -
souri river to points in Gosper. Furnas
Frontier , Red 1Villow , Haves , Hitchcock ,
Chase and Dundy counties , in cases only
where the grain is to be given to the
farmers without charge ; in cases where
grain is to be place I on shares , or where
it is to be paid for by the farmers in casher
or otherwise , the emergency rates in
effect will be collected.
C. E. MAGNER , Agent.
Cochran & Co are receiving their stock
of implements for the spring trade. Call
and inspect their line , which is the most
complete in the city.
Fifteen ( I5) ) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , containing -
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel-
Cochran & Co. carry in stock the Olds ,
Charter Oak and Bain farm wagons.
There are none better in the market.
Now is the proper time so begin taking
a spring medicine. McConnell's Sarsaparilla -
parilla is the best thing to use.
White Pine Cough Syrup , by McMillen ,
McConnell's Balsam for coughs.
McConnell's Sarsaparilla.
McConnell's Sarsaparilla.
Children Cry for ritcher's Castoria ,
S. H. Clifford , New : Cassel , Wisconsin , was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism , his
stomach was disordered , his liver was affected
to an alarming degree , appetite fell away , and
he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength.
1'hree bottles f Electric bitters cured him.
Edwatd Shepherd , Harrisburg , Illinois had a
running sore on his leg of S years' standing.
Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and
seven boxes of Bucklin's Arnica Salve , and
his leg is sound and well. John Speaker.
Catawba , Ohio , had five large fever sores or
his leg. Doctors said he was incurable. One
bottle of Electric Bitters and one box o1
Bvcklin's Arnica Salve cured him entirely.
Sold at McMillen's drugstore.
Parks' sure cure'is a sure specific in all diseases -
eases of the liver and kidneys. By removing
the uric acid in the blood it cures rheumatism.
S. B. Basfor of Carthage. S. D. , saps : "I believe -
lieve Parks' sure cure excels all other medicines -
cines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. "
Sold by.McMillea.
' 1
. + t
- - - - -
I , t
F i
w w n I
. + . ; I
. oujj'V I I
Call n . I
. Examine . ' . , 1
Our t
NewStock r
Of . : M
t . . -
WashFabrics , t
Ginghams 1 .
Dimitres , .
. Etc. . -H I
T TIlL ?
. .
H Cc'sIi
r 1ixwaitt
\ _ , . , .
( ; . 1. . 1)rG l ( ) F & C ® . ass
assC C
a t
' tf
lc y
111 ;
Is the T'1a11
Who Sells l'resli .
A A A .
. yr
end He Sells
Theni Right , Too. .
When you want to buy anytliinb in the Grocery line , !
Noble is the man you want to see. He keeps the f
seeY best goods and sells them at remarkably low
prices. He also carries a rnatraificent line of Lamps
Q ueensware of all kinds and Crockery. His line of 9
Hangins and Stand Lamps is undouhtedlY the finest
in Southwestern Nebraska. h-member the Holiday
season is approaching , and no more appropriane present -
ent can be imagined than a handsome Lamp or a set
of Dishes. You can get them at Noble's.
i . .a. s. .
Go and See '
Noble , He Will , u
e +
. r