R a By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Two more years of Grover , and then , the Lord be praised , be will be in the . soup all over. THE disappearance of important witnesses in the easa makes 't very improbable that the murderers - ers of Barlett Scott will ever be t * brought to justice. - ' NERT t0 "effervescing through his tile" the worst habit an editor man , . can get into is "doffing his beaver. " The publisher of the Orleans Progress is acquiring this latter habit in acute form. WE observe that Harrison Bost. wick , who became more or less infamous - famous during the years he misruled - ruled the republicans of Hastings and the second district , has been caught in the tolls out in Washington - ington for alleged crookedness. It is to be devoutly hoped that the portly Harrison will be cinched hard on general principles. 4 SOMETHING definite has at last 1 been done to encourage the creation - tion of storagA 1)011(16 All the 1vest- emu [ ) hulls. The Kansas legislature - ture has passed a law providing that 10 per cent , of the taxes shall be relnittt'd on each 'trnct of land , amounting to over forty acres whose owner shall maintain a pond of water at least one acre in extent on the property.-Jon iii al. r r , PROSPECT PARK. Monday's dust 'storm was a f howler. Bertha and Kate Duffey were home over Sunday. J. I. Grundy and \Vill Tuttle will soon star t for Oklahoma. G. C. Boattntui cltrsed his term of SCItOOl OVCI' ou Ash creek , Friday - day , and is butne. i \S'e are liiftrlvletl that Frank Allitnh and family are on their way home fi in Colorado Springs. L. A. Stephens and wife came hniue from Hnigk i , last week , and havtwOVNl ( nito the Barr farm , which lie will farm this season. ' Q Hite a J Illv party SurPriSPd E. T . llutfe } nod f , trail v on tuesd r 1 } t evening. Ahont 2J were present , and a delightful time Was had by all. Several of our local politicians took iii the debate at the FotvltJr school house , Wednesday evening , and succeeded in convincing the judnes that protectiAn is tide thing. WednesdayMarch ? thwas , Rev. J. E. 'I'irrill's hirthdny ; on which occasion ahout fifty friends and neighbors surprised him. A bountiful - tiful dinner was prepttled by the Yatlies to which ample justice was - - . done. Taken altogether it was a very enjoyalle party. Mrs. George E. Johnston and t Miss. Deila took their departure , last night , for their future home , in Salt Lake City , Utah , where Mr. Johnston bas leased the well known Walker house. Success to them abundantly and ever is the wish of their McCook friends , Both of Charlie Weintz's sons are now alt Sheridan , John having recently moved therefrom Gillette , Wyoming. The Epworth league National social in the Methodist , last night , was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. ) Observe Lowman's advertisement - ment and wait for their new spring goods. The marriage of a popular conductor - . ductor is coming Byr- and by. Regarding Sabaolling. k I' . B. Hibbard of Irvington , Neb. , writes the World-Herald : "Those that have had experience with soil in eastern Nebraska will bear me out that there is none better to absorb and retain mois- tare than the ont we hare. I have heetr farming since 1867 , and never have I seen a failure before 1894 in this sec' tloa. Our seasons have been gradually growing' ' dryer .for the past five years , and had we a stiff clay subsoil , as in some states , our crops would have suffered - fered before , but owing to the under- stratum the capillary action has been able to supply the wants of the crops where the proper cultivation of the top soil has been cared for. Now , to increase - crease this amount of moisture and carry it over for needed supplies there is nothing - ing better , in my estimation , than sub- soiling a portion of our cultivated fields each year. By so doing we make a reser- vuir that the crops will be able to be supplied with needed moisture during dry periods. Last spring I purchased a subsoil plow and gave it a test on about twelve acres of the highest land I had in cultivation and planted to corn , and from my observation I am thoroughly convinced that it is what is needed in our soil , whether we have a dry or wet season , as it will have a tendency to absorb - serb and make dry in a wet season , as it does to retain in a dry one. Many in speaking of subsoiling take it to be the turning up to a greater depot and leav- big exposed to the elements with the common plow more of the under strata. Sucht is not the case. To subsoil requires a plow made on the principal of a wedge and working like a huge mule , following ill the furrow of a comtrion plow and loosening and breaking the soil tyagrrat depth and leaving in tine condition for trees , roots an(1 grain crops to send out their feeders to supply their needed wants. To those who have not given this subject much thought , I would just c dl their attention to where a great pile' ' of dirt has heen deposited from railroad C Its and notice the rapid growth , even in the crude undersoil , of trees , sun- fiewers , etc. One would be most thor- tiughly convinced did they take the pains to dig down where such deposit had been nude and examine this last season to find a great amount of moist- ure. The failure of the last season may prove to he a blessing in disguise. It will teach us all to make greater exertions - tions and give more careful attention to the cultivation of our crops , and it will be a twice told benefit in the matter of saving our corn fodder in the future that has been going to waste. " Two Important Decisions. Assistant. Secretary of the Interior , John Reynolds , has rendered a decision which will be of interest to pension attorneys - torneys throughout the country. He holds that fee arguments filed since December - cember 31 , 1893 , not acknowledged before - fore an officer competent to administer oaths as required by the statutes , are invalid and may not be approved. He has also decided that where one of the prrties to a marriage is ignorant of the f tct that the other party had at the time of such marriage a legal husband or wife living , from whom he or she had not been divorced , and ( lies in ignorance of such fact , it becomes a legal impossibility - bility for the surviving party to such second marriage , who alone had knowl- e dge of the legal imps diment , to prove a legal marriage , as in such case no consent - sent can be proved after the removal of the legal-impediment. The thermometer dropped below zero , Wednesday night. Some reports are as much as ten degrees below , Thursday morning. The snow fall Wednesday and Wednesday night was over an inch. Wednesday was one of the stormiest days of the winter. Call on Commissioner Ryan for seed from the Agricultural department. Knipple is. headquarters for garden seeds of all kinds. Call and see his supply au(1 get his prices before laying in your stock for spring planting. Kuipple is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consult him before buying your spring eupply. Choice Mammouth Pearl Seed Potatoes for 65c. tt bushel at the McCook Commission Co.'s. Choice Manimouth Pearl Seed Potatoes for 6ac. a bushel at the McCook Commission Co.'s. Taws seed oats , best in the world , for sale by the McCook Commission Co. , Texas Red Seed Oats , best in the world , for sale by the McCook Commission Co. Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and bands. Bulk and garden seeds at Knip- pie s. . -W + . . . . . . . . . " - " "w. i'-"ass. > zs"'wT'n" CITV ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday , the 2d day of Aprtl , A. D. 1895 , an election will be held in theCitvof McCook Nebraska , for the purpose of electing Mayur , City Clerk , City 1 reasnrrr , City Login + r , One Courtctlinan from the I irst 1Vard , One Councilman frunr the 5e.oud , t arf , Two MCmbera of the Board of Education for the trim of thie. years. Une Member of the Board of Education for the term of two years to Ell unexpired term , One Member of the Hoard of Education for the Wrat uI year to fill t ne : , : rid term. 't'he City Council has named the following as voting .P laces. amid Judges and Clerks of Election in the respective precincts : r11 ( r wARU. PRECINCI- . 1-At 'l'ulley liuildiu" , "aims street. Judges , I I.V. . ( . ole , 1. JI. Pl illippi , M. A. Spalding. Clerks , Ebner koweltC.'F. Beggs. PRECINCT No. 2-U ( 'ole Building , Pain Street. Judges. Charlrs Weitz , M. F. Homer - er G. tStarr. . Clerks , t harles Lehm , A. N. Alen. SECOMi WARD , PRECINCT No. f-At I Luse Cart room , Cit Hall. Jult ; es. 11' . BenjunmW. U. Norval M H. Holmes. Clerks. I. A.1eminellCharles Heber. PRECINCI' No. 2-In old photograph building - ing , 210 Main ave.-Judges , G. II. l'redmure , Gottlieb Jrm.n , Ii. W liowntau. Clerks , v. H. Davis , George I ) . Leach. 14 hick elecii + ni will bt oprn at nine o'clock do the morning and close at seven o'clock in the aftemnnou , ceniral standard time. By order of the Council. Dated MCCook , Nebraska , March 6 , r89J. E. I \1 ii.cux. City C ; i . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The State of Nehr.iska , Red 11 slow county , s.s. Notice is hereby given to all prsons having - ing claims and demands aga nst the estate of Granville R. Oyster , dece s , d , that such pet- sons are required to present their claims with vouchers to the county j dge of said countyat his office therein un or before the 5th d : t September , 18g- and all claims su fled will be hed befoe thr said 'ud r on the 6th day of SePtember , 1895 + at one o clock , p. us. Ad it is ordered that a copy of this order be published - ed in 'I'1tE McCooK I'Rl1tUM fur three consecutive - secutive weeks beginning March 8th , 1895. CIARLES W. BEcK , County Judge. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the Mayor and Council of they city of McCook , Nebraska. Sec. x. 't'hat the baui of three hundrLd dt- lars be and the same is hereby transferred from the donation fund of said city to the cc- eupation fund of said rite. Sec. 2. 'I hat tht treasurer be instructed to enter such transfer upon his books. Passed amt approved this 26th day of iu - rUary , A. D. 1895. J. E. KEi.LEY , E. J.Vit.cox , Mayor [ SEAL. ] City Clerk. Parks cough syrup cures coughs , colds and consumption. Mrs. Catherine Black of I.e Roy , N. V. , says : "I took one bottle of Parks' cough syrup. It acted like magic. Stopped my cough and I am perfectly well non. " Sold by McMillen. PR b 1 KMMLL ! McCCOK , NGD. ftint6r . . I AND i i ( StatiOllor3 , I , PURLISIIER OF AND DEALEUIN r f' f't R6661flt BOOKS , $ S6d16 BOOKS. , DEALER IN tt ' _ - r . STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. --S - TRIBUNE . OFFICE , 1t r 1 c WIBST DOOR NORTH Ot TBE POSTOYrICE I , I . - I Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , DR 3ICEj BAIUN6 POIIPLR. $ . OST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. l ree from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. _ c YEARS TILE STANDARD. INCORPORA 1'1 ( iN NO FICE. t. Notice is her , by given of the incorporation tion under the laws mil the stale of Nebraska , of a company known as The National Park Gold Mining , Milling amid Devctopmcnt ompany. 2. 1 be principal office . .f the company is at McCook , Nebraska ; th. working plant of the company and its mimes are located in Fremont county , Wyrtning 3. 'l'hr g m ral nature of the business is the Is ) , atmg , purchasing , develupmg amid owning urinmg property and nri.ls , and equipment for opetatuti , the samr , and fur treating the ores then fr.un. . ' ' Cipttal stork of sai(1 company is $50,000.00 , fully nand , end non.asses'abk. 5. 't'he ex stence of the rorporation began FF bsuury 25th , 1895 , and tvdl continue twenty years. 6. 'fhr highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation utay subject itself is $20,000.00. 7 'l h affairs of the corporation are to be conducted Iiq a board of five directors , chosen by the st ckhold. n. ' 1'h directors elect frunr their own number a president , secretary and a teasurer , McCook , Nebraska , 1'ehruary 27th. 1895 F. W. BoswowrH , It. B. ARCIIIUAI.D , 3-I-5t. Secretary. i'resident. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me frunr tlir District , curt of Red Willow county , Nebraska , oii a jusnrent ob.ained before Hon.1)1' . Welty , Ju ge of the District Court of Red \Vi low : uunt , Nebraska , on the 17th day of December , 1894 , in favor of James G. Johnson , I rustee , as pL.intiff , and a ; ainst F. E. Story et al , as defroclants , for the sum of eleven iundrd : and twenty ( $1i20) ) dollar , and fifty (50) ( ) cents , and costs taxed at $2233 and aces ung costs , I have 1 vied upon the following real estate I.tt. . n as time property of smid ; defendants to satisfy said judgnsentntwit : 'fhe southeast quartt r. 'I section twenty-free in township fun , , n rtli..f r age tweiltt-Six , west of thr 6th p. in. , sit Red \V.IIow county , Neb- raska. An I tivill off r the aurae fur sale to the Ii iglrest bi.1der , tor cash iii hand , on she 18t Ii clay of \ttrcly A. D.,189 : , iii fiont of the south 'I' r . .f the court house n Indtu o a. Nebras- k . , that being the bu hlig S , bet cin the last t. nn of . oust was held ; at the hour of one o'clock , p. u , . , of said day , hen and where due attendance will be given by the under- signed. Dated Feb.uary 12th , x895. IV. 5. MORLAr , E R. BANKS , 2.15.5. Ati. rney. Sheriff of sand county. SIIERIFI'S SALE. By virtue of : , n order of sale rtitected to me front the distrst court of Rrd'dlow county , Neb aska , ou . . - judgment o' tai..cil bef re Hon. D. 'I' . Welty , Judge of th district court f Rr.t \ \ i I v c tot ) , Nettsi a , on the 15th lay of Jatttaty,1895 , lit lavorof George Hock- tell as Plantrff , and against GeuttTe , ' I Chen- et , et . 'l. -s dcfeodu ts , fo , t : ( sum of lb cc Hundred thirty-etgh ( ; 338) ) d. liars and lorty (40) ( cents , and cults , oozed at 25.18 and ac- crrune costs , l have levied upon .he following cal estate tahcn as the prop ( sty ' ' 1 said defendants - fendants to satisfy said Judgment towit : 'fhe indiv.dt d one h it mtere-t n lot 1h rm en (13) n block try , nay t o ( 22) ) in the : riginal town n tv rfty ) ut J1cCo k. Re.t rl dl .w county , Nebraska. And wdi offer the s.Hneforsaie to the highest bidd , m , for cash us hand , nu the fth d.s } of :1prt , A I ) . , 195 , in front of the ; outb fluor of tIi c uit house in IndiaiioLa ebra-Ia , that being the building wltcteiu the ast to nn of c' iirt was he d , at the h ur of one , 'clock , p. mrn of said da , , when and where fur atiendanc- be given I.y the under- signed. Dated March 4111 , 1895. E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county. \V. St"RI ' . tttornev. 3.5.5t5. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an ex , cution issued by E. Hak- erclerk of the district court f Lancaster count. , Nebraska , upon judgments rendered n said court in favor of ( ha'les White against Tillie May and David May , l have le iedu ou he folloing realestateastthe property of sa d I tllie May and David \loy , to wa : 1 he uortu half ( N.4) ' ) of the northi ast quarter ( N. E. ) of section twenty-nine (29) ( ) in township oner ( ) north of range thirty (30) ) west of the sixth principal mrridian in Red \\illow county , Nebraska - braska , and I will on the 12th day of April , 1895 , at one o'clock , p. mrn of said day , at the front dour of the court house .af said cnnnty , in lndianola , s. h said teal estate at public auc- iou to the hiihest bidder fur cash , to satisfy said'execution , the : rmosut duc thereon , in the aggregate being the sum of X6,27215 and $43.62 costs , and accruing cost. Ind sia'la , Neb. , March 12th , 1895. E. R. HANKS , Mar.15-5ts. Sheriff .f said county. A HOUEEHULD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller of C.tnajoharte , New York , says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house , and his family has always found the very hest results follow its use ; that he would not be without it if pr cur- alrle. G. A. Dykeman , druggist , Catskill , New York , says that Dr. King's ew Discav- ery is undoubtedly the best cough remedy ; hat he has used it in his family for etght ears , and + t has never faded to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tied and trusted. Trial bottles free at Mc- Millen's drug store. Regular size 5oc and $1. BUCKLEN'S ARN1(1A SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles erne aye erect e aired. It is guaranteed to give perfect attiisfaction or money refunded. cts. perbox. For sale byMc.lillen. I've a secret in my heart , Sweet Marie , A tale I would impart , Sweet Marie. If you'd even fairer be You must always use Parks' 'rea , The improvement you will see , Sweet Marie. Sold by McMillen. The American beauty owes her prestige more to a clear complexion than to any other attribute. A cup of Parks' wilt enabe an one to possess ths. It clears the skin and that sallow , muddy ook. s teis use by Thousands f the complexion. Wihout being a cathar is it cures constipation. Sold by i lcitiillen. A cup of Parks' tea at night moves the bowels in the morning without pain or dis- omfort. It is a great health giver and blood purifier. Sold by McMillen. Parks' tea clears the complexion. Mrs. N. bieyetttte of LeRoy , N. Y. , says : I have used [ 'arks' tea and find it the best remedy I have ver tried. " Sold i y McMillen.o Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. s r AMOUS lOTHING OMPANY . ; . ' Watch for it Next Week. McCook , Nebraska. JONAS L11ilEL , -.1-MANAGER. , I ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Ii i I -eke Noticea : DoYou Want The , Very Best ? Having contracted all the choice herd of high grade Hereford l eifcs of Mr. Evans , of the Hatfield ranch. Also will receive monthly shipments of Fancy Alfalfa fed Cattle from Colorado. We are in a position to offer the ' finest meats ever offered in the city. . . .All Kinds of . . . MEAT , GAME , POULTRY OYSTERS , ETC. , ETC : i Top Prices paid for . . . Beef Hides , Furs , Tallow , Lard , Etc. TKO B. & . MEAT MARKET , TLITC1tt1TT & tIElNIIVGS , ' PItOP1tIETOHS. t. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0O 0 0 0 0 n ' WELLSI Frank Nichols guarantees the wells be sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. Knipple is headquarters for all kinds of garden 'seeds. Call and see his supply and get his prices before laying in your stoek for spring planting. ' 'Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and.prices very reasonable White Pine Cough Syrup-by McMillen , druggist Bulk and garden seeds at Knip- Ple's. I ( - CARSON & TAYLOR , . / Proprietors of the. . . . i We respectfully solicit your business , and guarantee pure milk , full measure , and prompt , courteous service. , ' , J. B. 0 I ) E N TIST. All dental work done at our office isguar- + ' \ - anteed to br first-class. We do all kinds of I Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. KuiP111e is headquarters for bulk seeds. Don't fail to consul hire before buying g your spring supply' ,1 i . I' f .