I " _ i : . . . Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report QtwAi Bkng I % L ABSOUJTELY PURE . Th l i . ' { , T3ihe. By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. THE gentleman from the notori- 0us Third ward swings a vigorous , dirty quill ; and he is doing his dirtiest. I Six lives were lost and $150,000 worth of property destroyed in a fire at Hot Springs , Arkansas last Friday morning. TIE party that impairs or cripples - ples the Slocumb law will have something to answer for , the fullness - ness of which may not now be fully iii ) tlerstood and appreciated. Hands off ! A uEuB > R who will vote for the i contemplated amendments to the Slocumb law now proposed in our state legislature should be and i doubtless will be politically and morally damned beyond recovery. The present legislature should be as decent as it can be , at least. The integrity o1 the Slocumb law must not be impaired. THE various counties wherein the proposition to vote bonds for seed and feed have been tested have remorselessly and relentlessly paralyzed the proposition afore- said. These hard times make the question of bonding especially ob- noxious. And again , there is a i bitter popular prejudice against bonding for any purpose. THis movement for pure food ought not to stop with the smashing - ing of the oleo industry in Neb- raska. The oleo manufacturer is almost a saint compared with the fellow who makes syrup out of old rags and concocts "Pure Michigan Cider" without the aid of a single apple. If we are to weed out frauds , let us do a thorough } ob of it. Journal. THE warning given by Professor Bessey concerning the new forage plant , "snccaline , " before the stock breeders' association , should be repeated to every farmer and stock raiser in the state. The seedsmen are doing their best to convince the people that the new plant will enrich every man who invests a few dollars in seeds , especially if he be located in the semi-arid regions. Professor Bessey finds that saccaline is a fraud , without a single redeeming virtue , and that the chief anxiety of the farmer who sows it will be rid himself of the plant before it overruns his farm and becomes a pest.-State Journal. THE crying need of the people of this state just now is grain for stock and seed grain for spring planting. Without it there can be 710 crop put in , no matter how favorable - orable the weather may be. The prosperity of the farmer , the merchant - chant and , above all , the railroads , is solely dependent upon an adequate - quate and prompt supply of grain. The unfortunate tillers of the soil must not be left to the mercy of money sharks who will rob them of their crops in consideration of advancing money for seed grain. It is the duty of this state to provide - vide a means whereby grain may be provided for actual land owners and farmers. The importance of this subject must impress itself upon the minds of all intelligent men.-Bee. I 1ll j , ' ; 1 " 1 : ; TUE MORAL CLEAR. Buy your coal of the Barnett Lumber Co. They have all the most approved styles in hard and soft coal , and their prices are always just right. CONGRESS by joint resolution has interpreted the in omo tax law seas as to make it a trifle milder. The time for reporting incomes this year is extended to April 15. Fire insurance and necessary repairs may be deducted from incomes , also dividends if they are subject to taxation elsewhere. Names and salaries of employes need not be reported unless asked for by the collector for verification.-J ournal. DANBURY. Mrs.Hiram Parker died Monday morning. Al Smith visited Wilsonville on Monday last. Rained all day Monday and Tuesday here. Farmers are beginning to sow their small grain. Alford Matson returned from Missouri , Monday. Mrs. Ruby is improving after three weeks illness. Sanford Cass is under the doc- tor's care , this week. Epworth League social held at McDonald's , Tuesday evening , was greatly enjoyed b } . ' all. William Sandon and Clifford Naden rode over to the county-seat on their bikes , Sunday. Born-To James Toner and wife on Monday a son. Jim is setting up the cigars like a captain. PROSPECT PARK. Nice spring weather. R. M. Wade finished hauling wood , Wednesday. James Boatman and son are hauling wood , this week. Rev. J. E. Tirrill held services in the school house , Sunday. Mrs. Holbrook has been on the sick list , but is improving at this writing. The rain , the first of the week , was a very good one , and did considerable - siderable good. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Caldwell and daughter spent Sunday afternoon - noon with Mr. and Mrs. Wade. Quite a number of friends and neighbors called on Eugene Dun- ham , Tuesday evening. The evening - ing was spent in games and music. Move Wood Nice and Dry , at Bollard's WELLS ! Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. 'Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable Extra fine No. 1 salted salmon , white fish , trout , mackerel , herring - ing , bloaters , etc. , at Knipple's. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and boa papers , memorandums , etc. T _ . _ THE TRIBUNE is entirely at a loss to harmonize the position taken by the Lincoln Journal on the proposed amendments to the Slocumb law in its issue of Saturday - day with its editorial utterances on that snbjeet in the Sunday issue. 1Vi11 the Journal kindly explain its sudden and apparently complete change of heart ou this miserable death blow at Nebraska's liquor law , which has been and is properly - erly considered a model of its kind. A I1EMAIKABLE suit to recover $758,000 lies been begun by Edward - ward McGillen of Youngstown , Ohio , against John Claflin and others , comprising the old dry goods firm of H. B. Claim & Co. Mr. McGillen , who is well known in the western dry goody trade , asserts that he was "fraudulently induced" by Mr. Claimn and the Tatter's partners to transfer two big dry goods stores that he.owned in Cleveland , Ohio , to "two dum- mies" fora price much below the actual value under circumstances that lie sets out at great length. Mr. McGilLen's attorneyswho have brought the suit , are Bourke Cock- rime , Congressman Foran of Ohio and Wales F. Severance. H. R. Claimn & Co. say that McGillen was merely a partner in the Cleveland - land dry goods house , and that he diverted large sums of the business - ness , investing them in a ranch enterprise. In this manner he almost - most wrecked the dry goods houses , it is declared , and when McG-illen's firm was on the verge of bankruptcy - cy , he came to them and besought them to take over the business in order to avoid the losses that necessarily - essarily would ensue if an assignment - ment was made. The plaintiffs in this suit are well known in the upper - per Republican valley. Finest bucket of jelly on earth for 55 cents at Knipple's. White Pine Cough Syrup-by McMillen , druggist. 8 KMMELL9 ! McCGOK , piED. PrIfitor AND Station6r 6 PUBL1y11ER OF AND DEALEI : IN Lcual 51d11KS Books , R66611fl Books , Books. FALER IN Office Supplies AND STATIONERY of ALL KINDS. TRIBUNE OFFICE , YIBsT DOOI NORTH OT THE POETOWCB NEBRASKA. Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , 3ICEj CREAM BAIliNG POIDLR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. BOX ELDER. Rev. Vivian preached to a well filled house , Sunday. 1Yilliam Doyle is building a line residence on his lower farm. Will Mall is residing at P. A. Brewer's for a short time. ljrelcome pleasant spring. Now if the farmers had the steed and feed they would all be busy. Tobias Brown of Frontier county - ty , a few miles noitli : of here , died on Monday morning. Funeral at Box Elder church , Wednesday afternoon - ternoon , services by Rev. Vivian. Now that the bonds have been ' given the black eye , we would like to ask those that did it how we are to get seed antl feed. There are some who carried around remon- strances who need feed and seed just as badly as the writer , and we cannot see how they could do it , l Bing men of goad horse sense. Not only does it keer ) us from feed 1 and seed , but it will slop relief from coming in. The people 1n the east will say that we had a way to help ourselves but would not. Little did you think you were in the employ of a few who cared only for their own welfare and not your own. This has been done by the creek and ditch farmers who raised a few beans and potatoes , and have a few quarters of land they want to catch some unfortunates - ates v , ith ; and after they do this they have the gall to conieand say , "we will get you seed on shares. " We do iiot believe they can get enough to supply the demand , and if they do how can the renter pay one-third rent and one-third for use of grain. What have you left for you labor. I do not think the needy people have given this matter - ter enough tliought. There is some seed that has been shipped in , but it takes money to get it , and the question is how are we to get the money. SOUTH DIVIDE SCHOOL Miss Condon was a visitor of Josie Houlihan's for a few days. r Will A. Wallin was a visitor at Bentz Go kley's , Friday evening The farmers seem to think it about time to begin spring work. A seven pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ritchey on Saturday morning. The Night Cap social held on Friday evening last in District 72 was well attended. The program delivered is said to have been quite a success. SECRETARY. Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and hands. CARSON & TAYLOR , I'roprietors of the. . . . SUNNY SIDE DAiRY. ' , - V We respectfully solicit your business , and guarantee pure milk , full measure , and prompt , courteous service. J. B. BALLARD. ® DENTIST. . All dental work done at our office is gnar- anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. / - - - - " z -TI3E-4 1 CL0THINO COMPANY F "w _ " 1"I , , OUR REGULAR . . . ! " Semi-Annual Clearing - r is NOW ON. i A Great Opportuiiit3 r to r Buy Trustworthy as Well . ® . as Very Reliable Goods at . ® - Specially . o r Prices. Call aI1t1 see us. Be convi Led. j - , . . - .r - . . G. - IfcCook , Nebraska. JONAS ENGEL r . --mot-MANAGER. - - - - - ! - - - - - a.m t 1cCOOK COMISSIO Cft i I . H. TROTH , Manager. Headquarters for all Grades of . 1 Pillsbulys Best. . . . $1.50 per sack Monogram , H. P.$1.10 1 ter sack 84 Higli Patent. . . . 1.10 per sack Little Hatchet " . 1.00 Per sack f Wauneta , H. P . . . . 1.00 per sack 91 , High Patent. . 1.00 Per sack ; Minnesota ream. High Patent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 per sack Phil t , ' PCIZIls1vaIl ls. , Buckwheat. ii are selling the best baker's grade flour in the city at $1.40 per r hundred. Ground Feed of all kinds , Corn , Oats , Baled tl Hay and Alfalfa always on hand. - - - - - - - - - - - - a IM - - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D ; ic 0 ; 1 , Do You Want The Very Best ? ' contracted all the choice herd of high grade ere orc heifers o r. { vans , o e ale ranch. Also wilreceive ' 1 monthly ' shipments of Fancy Alfalfa fed Cattle from Colorado. We are in a position to offer the finest meats ever offered in e city. . . . All Kinds of . . . i MEAT , GAME , POULTRY OYSTERS , ETC. , ETC. t Top Prices paid for . . . ' Beef Hides. Furs. , Tallow , Lard , Etc. 5 & M e MEAT MARKET , " FLITCRAFT & HENNINGS PROPRIETORS. ' , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o a i 1 t 1 1 , 1 r - -