The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 08, 1895, Image 4

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
O A Bake
. Powder
- 1jr 1j v ,
The worst storm of the year , if
nut for a number of years , prevailed -
ed in this section , all day Wednes-
dY ; commencing at an early hour
in the morning and continuing
until a late hour in the night. The
terrific wind from the northwest
blew the snow , sand and dust in
blinding clouds all the while , and
the mercury rapidly fell in the
thermometer until at an early hour
ou rhursda3 ' morning the lowest
huint for a number of years was
1 tched-28 degrees below zero.
' Doubtless much suffering was
entailed upon man and beast ; and
the probabilities are that consider-
alle : stock has perished , though up
to the hour of going to press we
have very meagre reports. Business -
ness was practically suspended
during the day , and time was devoted -
voted exclusively to keeping warm.
It was a terror with several sets of
ugly horns.
There is some talk of putting up
a broom factory on the lot north
of the electric light plant.
The people of Red Willow coun-
! ; tv must help themselves first.
Charity afterwards.
1 I read in your valuable paper
how one of your subscribers made
money in the plating business , but
: I e.u beat that and I am only a
girl. I sent and goc the new Gray
Plater and cleared $212.16 in one
month. Can any of your readers
beat this ? You can get spoons ,
forks and jewrelry to plate at every
house. ; Some big articles I sent
and had plated at the factory.
There is plenty of work to do in
both city and country , and why
should any person be poor and out
of employment when such an opportunity -
portunity is at hand. Anyone can
get my plater by writing to
Gray & Co. Plating Works , Columbus -
lumbus , Ohio. They do all kinds
of plating and will teach the art.
My plater has a lathe , wheels ,
tools and materials for polishing-
" a nice little workshop. I hope my
experience will help otheis.
The month of January was a
little warmer and dryer than the
average for the last twenty-five
years , but the departure from normal -
mal was so slight as to be hardly
- worthy of remark. The lowest
. mean temperature recorded was in
1886 , seven degrees above zero
the highest , thirty-four degrees ,
came in 1880. The lowest precipitation -
itation , .07 inches , came in 1879 ;
I the highest , 2.11 inches , was in
. 1894. The mean temperature last
month was nineteen degrees , and
the precipitation .35 inches.-.Lin-
cola Journal.
fame as the leader of New York's
400 , died last Thursday night ,
. with the grip. Just common ,
every-day , plain , p lebean grip.
If you need a road cart or any
kind of a wagon , see Cochran &
Co. They can fill the bill and at
: Prices to correspond with the hard
y. y ,
: Notary Public ,
Reliable , Insurance ,
Collection Agent. .
Lots of snow this week.
Charles Gentry has bought Birbridges's
old shop.
School has closed for this week on account -
count of scarlet fever.
Laurel Dell gave a very comic play at
the lyceum here Saturday night.
Mrs. A. C. Furman is spending this
week with her folks out in the country.
The Library day exercises held in the
church , last Friday evening , were grand.
Powell Bros , shipped one car of cattle
and one car of hogs , Wednesday morn- !
Perry Austin got his ankle broken , last
Friday , by barrel of salt falling from
the dray.
Bvery day the state relief commission
should publish a list of the day's consignments -
signments and the destinatton thereof.
It should also publish an itemized statement -
ment of the day's donations of cash and
contributions of supplies of whatever
nature and source. This much the people -
ple demand , and if this reasonable and
business-like requirement is much longer
ignored the presumption will inevitably
follow that the relief commission has
something to conceal and that its methods -
ods of doing business will not bear the
light of day.-Omaha Bee.
The first weekly report of the state relief -
lief commission was submitted to the
legislature. Wednesday , showing the
amount shipped from January 7th to
February ist. Red Willow county is
credited with receiving : 32 barrels
clothing and provisions , 22 boxes clothing -
ing and provisions , 2 cars of coal , 4 cars
provisions , 127 sacks flour , i sack cornmeal -
meal , 7 sacks corn , 5 sacks clothing and
provisions , 30 bushels wheat.
The Wednesday Evening club met on
Thursday evening. Wednesday evening's
storm was too much for the stoutest
heart to brave.
C. P. Hubbard was down from Cul-
bertson , Wednesday , in consultation
with Messrs. Phillips , Osborne et al.
Auditor W. P. Foreman came down
from Denver , Wednesday night , on business -
iness of that department.
It was not possible to keep the west
ward building warm enough , yesterday ,
hence no school was held.
T. 0. Gray of Trenton on February
first succeeded . A. Austin as station
agent at Indianola.
If you want to be exclusively and comprehensively -
prehensively in it , start a raffle. No
matter what for.
G. W. Roper , county clerk , came up
from Indianola , Wednesday night , on
some business.
Colonel Caldwell of the Denver News
is in the city today , hustling for that
great daily.
G. S. Osborne of Denver was in the
city , Wednesday , on ditch business.
Prof. Smith of Dr.Ballard's office went
clown to Arapahoe , this morning.
James O'Donnell was up from York ,
this week , on some business.
The government is placing one
of the large searchlights on the
tower of the Chicago Auditorium
to assist the observers there in
giving warning of impending
changes in the weather conditions.
The light will sweep the horizon ,
telling by means of a pre-arranged
code to all the people within an
area of ten miles what the weather
is likely to be on the morrow.
Secretary Morton is credited with
theidea of utilizing these big lights
as adjuncts of the weather depart-
ment.-Lincoln Journal.
All dental work done at our office is guaranteed -
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
ho Former Making Demands Upon the
Latter Which May Cause a Fight.
France has unquestionably decided
upon another high handed outrage
against a wel lt and helpless country ,
which apPpreutly has not even as many
friendg as poor Siam , Myio de Vilers
has gone to MatlagascaZ' prilctioally to
demand the abdication of the government -
ment and to annex the great and rich
islands to the French domain. It remains -
mains to be seen if the great powers , in-
gluding the Uuitetl States , will permit
the execution of this plan. The instruc
tions given to the special emissary were
nominally secret , but there is no doubt
that the outlines given by the government -
ment organs in Paris are substantially
correct. The # ollowing are the chief
points of the demand , with war as the
penalty of refusal :
The first is the revision of the treaty
of 1885. The not that France's territory -
tory at Diego Suarez shall be extended
to Passandano bay , on the western side
of Madagascar , and to Vohemar bay on
the east ; that Iajunga and Nossi Be ,
on the west toast , and Fort Dauphin ,
Tamatave , Mauaboudro , Andovoran , to
Foule Pointe awl Mauanara , on the eastern -
ern shores , shall , with their adjacent
territories , be ceded too France. Furthermore -
more , that the French residents shall
have the right to control all the actions
of the Malagasy government , including
its foreign policy and international ad-
Opposition will be offered to what is
described as the steady invasion by the
Hovas of the territory of the Antakares.
Then Myre de Vilers is to insist that
the French be allowed to acquire prop.
erty in the island instead of holding it
on long leases. Likewise that they be
empowered to claim concessions of
mines , works and so on. Concessions for
which foreigners may apply will only
be granted after examination at the
French residency. The French plenipotentiary -
tentiary was also instructed to demand
full compensation for his countrymen
who have been victims of vexatious
treatment on the part of the Hova gov-
It is assumed , very naturally in
Paris , that the Malagasy government
will refuse thus to surrender all its powers -
ers and independence to France , and so
preparations are already making for a
naval and military expedition on a large
scale. The plan is to undertake this
patriotic invasion two months hence , at
a moment when , it is now feared , so
cialistic discontent will threaten to assume -
sume a dangerous phase in Paris.-Paris
An Interesting Case From Franco of Successful -
cessful Masquerading as a Woman.
People living in and near Gap , in the
Upper Alps department , were recently
startled by the sudden metamorphosis of
a fine young woman into a full grown
young man. Mlle. Laure Bernard , 24
years old , had for several years past
very successfully managed an institution
for the cure of stammering in speech.
It appears that begaiemen , or stammering -
ing , is prevalent in the region , so Mlle.
Bernard was able to make nearly r2 , 000
at it in a few years. This money enabled
her to live independently of her parents ,
who , however , are well off. One of her
brothers recently died in the colonies ,
where he practiced as a physician. Au-
other is a priest , and she , or rather he ,
for mademoiselle is now monsieur , has
a sister who is a nun. The successful
specialist in stammering cases was registered -
istered at birth as a female child and
grew up in petticoats. Lately , while
studying medicine at Grenoble , Bernard
fell deeply in love , discarded the petti
coats , had the birth registration altered
and married the girl who had smitten
him by her charms. The ex mademoiselle -
selle was also duly enrolled as a military -
tary conscript and will have to serve in
the contingent for the year 1895.
It is said that Bernard , while passing
as awoman acted the part to perfection ,
so far as wearing the clothes went. His
features , however , were just a trifle
harsh far a damsel , and his voice was
occasionally gruff.-Paris Cor. London
The Black Geyser of San Felipe.
San Diego county now has a genuine
geyser , about as near a thing to a volcano -
cano as is to be found on American soil.
The geyser was discovered last Wednesday -
day in the canyon leading from Paul
Santenais' ranch , on the San Felipe
grant , to the Borega springs , and is at
the edgeof the desert At thatpoint the
desert wall , or "rim rock , " as it is
called , is high and abrupt , inclosing the
desert like the rim of a tub. San Felipe
canyon cuts through this rim like a
crevice or crack , which it undoubtedly
is , in what was once a solid wall. The
canyon is narrow , and the walls in
places are 2 , 000 feet high.
The geyser was discovered by two
cattle herders , who were out looking for
water for their stock , as about this time
of year new springs appear in that re-
gion. From the top of the canyon one of
them dimly saw a spout of water and
climbed down to investigate. He got to
within 100 feet and stopped there. He
did not want to go nearer. The ground
around was boggy and was saturated
with black water. In the center was a
pulsating spring which at irregular periods -
riods spouted a column of black water
into the air from five to seven feet , the
column being about a foot in diameter.
He could not or did not ascertain
whether the water was hot or cold. The
overflow filled the floor of the canyon
and rolled on in a black stream down
toward the desert.-San Francisco Ex-
A historical Mistake.
In the September Forum Dr. George
F. Shrady says that Dimsdale , a prominent -
nent physician of London , was called to
vaccinate the Empress Catherine II of
Russia in 1762. There must be some
mistakq here , for Jenner did not con
firm his discovery in regard to thA pro.
tective value of vaccination until 1796.
-New York Tribune.
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
ALMOST 400 passengers of the
German-Lloyd steamer Elbe were
drowned in the North sea , close of
lust week , by the sinking of the
liner after a collision with the
steamer Crathie.
Stove Wood Nice
all l Dry , at Btillarcl's
Frank Nichols guarantees the
wells lie sinks. Leave orders at
Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention
will be given the same.
Cochran & Co. carry a full line
of shelf and heavy hardware. They
always make you the right price.
' 'Buy your writing paper at
THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
We are just in receipts of a new
supply of tablets and box papers ,
memorandums , etc.
Anything you want in the hardware -
ware line at Cochran & Cc.'s.
Try 1IcNlillen's Damask Rose
Lotion for face and hands.
White Pine Cough Syrup-by
McMillen druggist.
N1c000K , NEC.
Legal BlallKs
Note BooKs ,
S6d16 Books.
Office Supplies
- + - -
_ _ " . fyi
Semi-Annual '
Clearing Sale
Is NOW ON. a
A Great Opportnnit3 to ,
73ny Trustworthy as well
. : . Rs Very Reliable Goods at . : . . .
Specially Low Prices. Call i
and see us. Be convinced.- !
6feCaok , Nobraska. JONAS E\'GEL ,
. .
H. H. TROTH , Manager.
Headquarters for all Grades of Flour.
Pi1lsUuxys Best. . . . $ la0 per seek Monogram , H. P.L10 per sack :
84 High Patent. . . . 1.10 per seek Little Hatchet " 1.00 per sack
ZVanneta , H. P. , . . 1.00 per seek 91 , High Patent. . 1.00 per sack
Minnesota Cream. High Patent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 per sack
Pure Penns3'IT'IL1118 , Bi1C1iw110iLfi.
We care selling the best baker's grade flour in the city at $1.40 per
hundred. Ground Peed of all kinds , Coin , Oats , Baled
Hay and Alfalfa always on hand.
. J
Take Notice.
Do Yoe.
Want The
Very Best ?
Having contracted all the choice herd of
high grade Hereford heifers of Mr. Evans , of
the Hatfield ranch. Also will receive monthly
shipments of Fancy Alfalfa fed Cattle from
Colorado. We are in a position to offer the
finest meats ever offered in the city.
. . . All Kinds of . . .
Top Prices paid for . . .
Beef Hides , Furs ,
Tallow , Lard , Etc.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0.0 0
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