thiANuiIEFAOT AN OFT REPEATED STORY C TRUE PHILANTHROPY. - What CbarJs 11. Buckley IIa Dc for Vestorn ? tliclilgan. r . ' Frorn Grand Rapids ( Mich. ) Even ] Press. ) The most beautiful spot in all this city inseparably associated with the name Haclclcy. Chas. H. Hackicy has been the lumber bnsjness here continuously sir 18o and in that time has amassed a forf which gives him a rating among the wcalt men of the nation. But with wealth th did not come that tightcningof the PU strings which is generally a marked char teristie of wealthy men. It is no wonder then that the name Charles H. Hackley is known at home n abroad. His munificence to Muskegon aic represents an outlay of nearly half a milli For the past twenty years he has beei Constant sufferer from neuralgia and rlu matism , also numbness of the lower urn so much so that it has seriously interfer with his pleasure in life. For some tii past his friends have noticed that he I seemed to grow young again and to ha recovered the health which lie had youth. To a reporter for the News Mr. Hack ] explained the secret of this transformati "I have suffered for over 20 years , " he s "with pains in my lowcrlirnbssosevcr ( that the only relief I could get at night by putting cohi water compresses on i limbs. I was bothered more at night th in the day time. The neuralgic and rlu matic pains in my limbs , which had be ; , growing in intensity for years , finally 1 p came chronic. I made three trips to t ( Hot Springs with only partial relief a then fell back to my original state. couldn'L sit still.and my sufferings began make life look very blue. Two years a last September I noticed an account of I Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People a what they had done for others , and soi cases so nearly resembled mine that I v interestedso I wrote to one who had giv a testimonial , an eminent professor of mu in Canada. The reply I received was cv stronger than theprinted testimonial and gave inc faith in the medicine. " 1 began taking the plUs and found th to be all that the Professor had told inc th would be. it was two or three months 1 fore I experienced any perceptibic bett nient of my condition. My disease was such long standing that I did not cxpc aleCdY recovery and was tlisnkful even be relieved. I lrogressed , rapidly , howev toward recovery and for the last six moat have felt myself a perfectly well man. have recommended the pills to many pee and ani only too glad to assist others health through the medium of this wend ful medicine. I can not say too much 1 what it has done for mc. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all t elements necessary to give new life ni rIchness to the biood and restore shatter nerves. They are for sale by all druggisi ( U. may be had by mail from Dr. Wi1liam Medicine company , Schenectady , N. Y. , f M ) cents per box , or six boxes for 2.5O. A Vigorous Swordfish. The Norwegian bark Lorenzo , whi ? recently arrived at Pensacola , Fla. . h a sample of the strength of a swordfis Through the metal sheathing of Ii hull , then through six inches of plan ing and penetrating the inner ceilii about three inches the fish had driv its snout. or "sword , " time result beii a leak which kept the crew at t pumps for six hours a day. The swo. was about 2 inches in circumferen at the noint and 5 inches at the em where ii had broken off , the piece 1 ng about 20 inches long. flow's This ! We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewn : for any case of Catarrh that can not 1 cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure ! F. J. CENEY & CO. , Props. , Toledo , Ohi We , the undersigned , have known F. Cheney for the last 15 years , and belie' L him perfectly honorable in all busine transactions and financially able to car' out any obligations made by their firm. WEST & Tnii&x , Wholesale Druggist ] Toledo , Ohio. W.unno , & MiRvm , Wholesa Druggists , Toledo , Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internall acting directly upon the blood and mucoi surfaces of the system. Price 75c p bottle. Sold by all .Druggists. Testiinonmn free. ; Hall's Family Pills. 25c. A Monument of Bakruptcy. The great tower at % yembley par : 1 north of London , which is intended I I be much higher than the Eiffel towe promises to become a monument I bankruptcy. Time company has spem $500.000 , and the first platform has m yet been reached. S300 FOR A NAME. This is the sum we hear the Saize Seed Co. offer for a suitable name Ic I their wonderful new oats. The Unite States department of agriculture say f Saizer's oats is the best of 300 vanietjc I tested. A great many farmers repox f a. test yield of 200 bushels per acre la year , and are sure this can be grow : and even more during 1S95. One thin ] 'we know and that is that Saizer is tIm largest Farm Seed grower in theworl and sells potatoes at $2.50 per barre Just time kind that do well in TCX ; and the great South. Thirty-fly packages , earliest vegetables , $1 pos paid. L h You \ViIl Cut This Out and Send It with lOc postage to the John A. Saize Seed Co. , LaCrosse , Wis. , you get fre his mammoth catalogue and a pach age of above 8300 rzo Oats. W.N. U io sure i People live that way. IOK1FRE In order to introduce our line c Standard Novels to the pubflc we wfl for a short time , send one or all of th following books FREE on rece of 12c ( stamps accepted ) for eac ) book to cover postage , packing , etc . Goad Print Good Paper , Handsome Coven CsnlUrY Cook Book . . . . UncIoTOm'SCab . H.B.Stow . jj Bachefor ReverieS of a . BulwerLyttoi Last days of Pompeii BcyOfld the City . . , . Conan DoyI DoraThorne . . . . . . Bertha CIa ! . W. Rilei 'I Poems and Yarns Bill Nye-J. The Wife's Secret . Af. E. HoIme Webster Vest- Pocket Dictionary . The CCR Songster , with words and music compIet Address HARRISON BOOK CO. 88 West Jackson St.1 Chicagc Send 2c for catalogue of books. r - - - - - - - - GRAN1) ) OLD PART THE EUROPEAN BOYCOTT AMERICAN PRODUCTS. Whore Itro the 3larkotg or the wo 1'rom1ujd by Democratic Leaders v1l,1 J'opulistlc Schomes-WJat Senators Do-Found Guity. ! A Commercial War. The new year finds Grover Cic land with Eomething more than a o gress on his hands. And the n problem with which 110 has to deal one that cannot be solved by a sim twist of the wrist , by parceling i executive patronage , or bulidozi small bore politicians. It is a cent in which a test of statesmanship v have to be made. As a proposition to begin with , t United States cannot afford to ha the ports of the principal Europe consumers of American produc closed against it. The question shot be as to how time threatened boyc may be averted , and the diserimir ting duties already imposed be I moved with the least friction. B from the indications arising from t : steps already taken by the state partment all thoughts of an amical arrangement of the existing dii culties , if any such thoughts cv existed , have been laid aside and it to be war from the word gd. The cUfliculty in the first place w \S'hlly unnecessary. It never wan have occurred with time flepublic party in power , and were it now sible to restore the government to 11 publican hands the friction wou soon be over. But with the 01cc land administration there is but 0 : way of doing things , and that way in no sense calculated to result good feeling on either side. The Democratic leaders prornis to open the markets of the world the American producer. There h been no time in the history of t country w'ncn an outlet to these m kets was more needed , says the ICa sas City Journal , but instead of ope ing them up they have been close and now it is proposed to go into war for the purpose of forcing o products UpOfl them , whether willii or unwilling. And it is a bad time to have such contest brought upon the countr With commerce and industries stru gling to regain a measure of the prc perity wrecked by the Democratic w on the currency and upon the man facturing interests , fresh discourag ments have been brought forward the heels of every sign of improv ment. as if it were the purpose of ti administration to utterly annihila hope itself. By the establishment of the princ pie of reciprocity the Republicz party removed the same discrimin ting duties which are now complaim of , and our foreign commerce grew a remarkable pace. The treati made under the McKinley law were n only highly satisfactory to the natioi affected by them , but were producti of time most beneficial results to Ame ican producers. And they were the nature of contracts which shou not have been annulled without U consent of both parties thereto in ti case of each one. But Mr. Clevelar and his congress step in and with ox sweep wipe every last one of them o the books and leave no other cour for the par ty of the second part 1 pursue but to re-establish the duti and restrictions upon American tra which existed prior to the reciproc agreements. That is the only offem of which the stata department has 1 complain , and it will be an up-hi fight to force the foreign powers retrace the steps they have taken I their own defense. Stupid Democracy. In all the talk about the alleged L justice with which Americans a : treated by Spain in respect of ti duties on flour imported into Cuba , should he remembered that these di criminations would not have be made if the reciprocity treaty wil Spain had remained in force. It w time stupid Democracy which causc that treaty to be abrogated , and no the same stupid Democracy is grow ing because Spain allows this counti to suffer the consequences. - Ne Vork Advertiser. Just Give the roople a Chance. The report of Admiral Walker oni confirmed the common impression thr Great Britain is hostile to the Unite States in Hawaii , and that British ii trigue and influence will be used t the utmost to prevent annexation. is to be hoped that matters may ri main in statu quo , at least , until tI people get a chance to substitute patriot for the anglomaniac in t1 tate department-Detroit Tribune. There Are Democrats Iii Greece. The parliament of Greece has vote to destroy the currant crop of tl country in order to insure bett prices. This piece of statesmanshi is equal to that of the Democrat party in throwing time workingma Dut of employment in order that I : may not be taxed on his importe goods. Cleveland and "Reform. " Administrations change and con nerce changes with them. A Sout ] rn railroad , which in the days Elarrison and reciprocity , carried thousand barrels of flour a day Ic thipment to Cuba , carries not a. sing : barrel under Cleveland and his b ign trade regulations. An Answer to iany "Whys. " Senator Lodge has a roo1ution d rianding to know why no warship h been sent to-care for American inte. ests at Hawaii. The answer is ez enough. It is because at the criti moment when hawaii was asking z nexation to the United States and w on the point of being admittc Grover Clevelend succeeded Goner Harrison as president. That explai a good many other' things as well the loss of Hawaii , when you come think of it. A 1o11 or fonor. When the present administratli began its work of hunting down t pension frauds the "special examinem division" of the pension office v detailed to do the greater pa of the work. The sum of 4OOOl had been appropriated for the WO ] of this division and about fifty-fl' special examiners were instructed examine every case thoroughly for ti purpose of discovering ay suspicioi circumstance in connection with ti application for , the proof of , or ti allotment of a pension. The scrutix seems to have been reasonably clo and rigid. At all events nearly 5,00 4,765 to be exact , were picked out justifying a suspicion of fraud of son kind. kind.Even Even if all of these eases had bec fraudulent , the fact would have r mained that out of more than 1,250 000 pension cases these fifty-five e : aminers , with an appropriation i400O00 to aid them in their won discovered less than of 1 per cot of pension cases to be fraudulen Considering the sweeping character the charges made , time result won ] have been to show that the indic ment of the pensioners , while in sorn measure justifiable , was , at all event somewhat exaggerated arid undu ] pessimistic. However , as itproved , most of th 4,765 cases selected by the examiner as likely to prove fraudulent justifle no such suspicion. It was easy enoug to charge and to recommend the sm pension of pension paynlent in sue cases ; but when a thorough invest : gation was made it was discovere that in about every case there wa little good reason to charge the per sioner or applicant with wrong-doing This appears from the report of th pension office for the last fiscal yea and time statistics there given ar worthy of the best attention of thos who have denounced the pension sy tern as a gigantic fraud. Out of the 4.765 cases selected a fraudulent by the pension examiners convictions resulted in less than 200 and of the persons convicted twent , were notaries and executing ollicer5 thirty-two were attorneys and sub agents and thirty-seven were wit flosses and other persons not pension ers. There were also found eigh tee : fraudulent impersonators of claimant and pensioners and eleven impostors But of soldiers and widows , of pen sioners or applicants for pensionsonl ; thirty-nine were discovered to b guilty of fraud upon the governmenl Out of more than 1,250,000 pensioner or applicants for pensions , less tha : forty were convietd of fraud by tImi force of fifty-five special examiner aided by a special appropriation. If. as President Cleveland asserted there are thousands. of fraudulent pen sioners ; if , as other Democratic leader insist , the pension system were a thin of mere spoils and plunder , what wi ] it cost to find outthe remaining fraud5 at the present cost of $10,000 cad franclulent pensioner discovered ? What the Senators Do. "What do the senators do , papa ? The United State3 senator3 do" "They arc patriots alL my good little Paul , They are patriots tried and trto " l3ut what do the senators do , papa ? The United States senator-i do ? " "Oh , they t alk and debate for the goo 1 of tim state , They arc statesmen leal and true" "But what d9. the senators do , papa ? The United States sciator do ? " "They cah tafl in turn until they adjourn , They are vGrkers stern and true. "But whit do the senators do , papa ? These United Stat senator ; do ? " "Oh , their speeches are sound and very prc found , They are orators wise and true" "But what-but what do they do. papa ? Dh , what do they do , I pray ? ' 'Om , they draw their pmy in the reular wai in the old immemorial way. " -New OrIean PIcayune xlce For the Other Fellow. Canada has secured from Spain con essions similar to those possessed b , the United States under the MeKin Icy law , and is now gaining control o the Cuban maret for flour , which u Lo the time of our new tariff law , va I source of large profit to our miller tnd farmers. Strikes the Mean All RIht. It is not a mere trifling coincidence [ t is an illustrative fact , that even ii 30 contemptible a matter as the mu ilage on the back of a postage stam ] Lhe present administration canno' ; trike time golden mean between noth Lug and a pound of glue. wilt Do Sentenced in 1896 , Speaking of the Republican party x-Senator Ingalls says that it is no'c ) n trial in Kansas. Speaking of th Democratic party , we may say that i was recently on trial all 'over th United States , and that it was unani nously found guilty. A Commercial Freak. The heavy loss sustained by thi ) raflge growers of Florida in the re ent cold snap is chiefly remarkabi rroxn the fact that it was not causei by Democratic efforts at statesman ship. _ _ _ _ _ _ A Tbor Candidate. The announcement of Presiden s1cBride that the labor unions wouli probably place a presidential candi late in the field caused Genera Weaver to pick up his ears. $ , , - - ' - . ' - . r ; . , - - - - - - - - - - ' . - - - . - - - , ' - ' . . . Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report P V ALJTEVY PE A Primary Battery. According to the Glasgow newsp pers , two young Scottish workme : sons of a mechanic employed in ti Singer sewing machine works on U Clyde have invented a battery wliic' ' it is asserted , will revolutionize dc trical work , and a great man of scieni like Lord Kelvin thinks so much of that he offered to 'buy time patent righ for $50,000. The inventors , aged and 18 years , have , mt is said , made primary battery "in wimich , while ti decomposition of the zinc plates is rem dered enormously slower and the clien icals used are of trivial value , ti strength of. the battery tlm\xs formed very greatly increased. " The batter has been put to some severe tests an is said to have stood them triumpi antly. It is evident that these la have made some sort of a discover which is likely to bring them fortuni but general expert opinion cliscredi : the idea of an electrical revolution. The Nicaragua Canal. The project of the Nicaragua Cant has been debated in the U. S. senal very vigorously. One thing should remnem'bered tbout that climate , it death to almost every foreigner wh goes there , and laborers especially sui cumb. It is said the Panama railroa cost a life for every tie. 'What an ide of pains and aches is in this sentenci It is mostly due tocarelessness. Ever laborer provided with St. Jacobs 0 wo.ild be armed against these troublc Men's muscles there are cramped wit rheumatic pain and they ache all ovei That's just the condition where tim ] sovereign remedy can do its best won Time fearful malady is very much lilt the break-bone fever in certain part of America. Selecting Wheat for Seed. II. Tj. Bolley in a bulletin from tim North Dakota station gives the per centage of germination and the yield c wheat from normal seed and from see frosted , winter bleached , immatur and heated in the bin. The yield fror normal seed was much larger than tha from seed injured in any way. Norma seed and injured seed gave practicall ; the same w'eiglmts for the same velum of grain. Smutted wlmeat , however weighed slightly less for a given vol 'time than sound wheat. The autho recommends selection by means of fanning mill of large grans for seed. Before a Full Head of Steam Is gathered by that tremendously destructivi engine. malaria. put on the brakes with Her tetters Stomach Bitters , which will check it progress and avert disaster. Chills and fever bilious remittent , dumb ague and ague cak are promptly relieved and ultimately cured b ; this genial specific , which is also a compre hensive family medicine , speedily useful ii cases of dyspepsia , biliousness , constipation sick headache , nervousness , rheumatism an neuralgia. Against the hurtful effects of sud den changes of temperature , exposure in we weather , close application to laborious menta pursuits , and other influences prejudicial V health , it Is a most trustworthy safeguard. I fortifies the system against disease , promote ] appetite and sleep , and hastens convalescenc after debilitatthg and flesh wasting diseases. .As soon as gold was discovered somebod ; invented brass. True hospitality is never a temptress ii her own parlor. Pisos Cure cured me of a Throat ani Lung trouble of three years' standing.-E Ciur , Huntington , md. , Nov. 12 , 1S94. A good word is an easy obligation , uti not to speak ill requires only our silence. it the Baby is Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy , Mns. % Vixsz.ow's SooTuL'a Srntr for Children Tecthing- Every lie has a truth on its track tha will some das kill it stone dead. Coe' Cough Balsam Is the oldest and best. . It will break up a Cold quick er than ansthlng else. It Is always reliable. 'iry It People who really want to do good wil sooner or later find out how. Billiard Table , second-hand. For saic cheap. Apply to or address , H. C. Aitrx , 511 S. 12th St. . Omaha , Nob. The chains of a habit are too small to hi [ alt , until they are too strong to be broken I Dowi , Vent the Light. "John , " said Mrs. Bossman , "it i the light down , the first thing yo know the baby will be awake. " "Pshaw , " said Mr. Bossman , "th ugh t won't wake him. " "No , but I'll wake him myself. " ' The prospect was too app'alling. 11 meekly did as he was bid.-Exchangc . Vorms In llorse. The only sure cure foi' pin worms in horse knowim is Stekote&s ho ; ( iliolora Cure 1\ever fulls to destroy worms lii horses , irog heop. ( logs or cats ; an excellent remedy foi sick fowls. Send sixty ceuts In ( Jnlte ( States postage stamps and I wilt send hi mall Cut this out , take it to (1rtlggit. : tmr pay him fifty cents. Three packages for $1.51 express paid. G. G. S'L'EEETEE , Grand 1181)1(15 , Micli. Mention name of paper. Warned. We know a certain judge who tool ] occasion recently to warn his peoph from coming into the courtroom drunl in these words : "I wish to put every body on notice that if they come intc this courtroom while I am sitting or this bench drunk they had better lool ] out.-Ilamilton ( Ga. ) Journal In Oldezi Times People overicoked the importance ol permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action ; but nos that it is'generally known that Syru of Figs will permanently cure lmabitua ] constipation , well-informed people wil ] not buy other laxatives , which act for a time , butfinally injure the system. In kind words some peopo are very stingy. A Ucntfe Corrective is what you nce(1 when your liver becomes inactive. It's what you get when you take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets ; - they're free front tire violence anl tire griping that - . . . comae with the ordinary Pill. 'rime best niedical authorities agree that I iii regulatingthie bevels unild mtietliotis are pref- erable. Per every ( Ic- raugenmeilt of tire liver , stomach amid bowels , these tinny , sugar coated pills are inmost efeclive. l2liey go alOUt their work iii air easy and natural way , arid their goOi las/s. Oziec used , they are nlwaysiii 1h vor. Being composed of time choicest , concern- trated vegetable cx- tracts , they cost nmuch mniore thati other pills found iii tire niarket , yet fromti forty to forty- four are put up ill each sealed glass vial , as sold through druggists , at tine price of the cheaper niade pills. " Pleasant Pellets " cure biliousness , sick and bilious headache , dizziness , costive- tress , or constipation , sour stonnnacli , loss of appetite , coated tongue , imidigestion , or dyspepsia - pepsia , windy beiclnnmigs , " hart-burn , " pain arid distress after eating , and kindred derangements of tine liver , stomach and bowels. Put up inn sealed glass vials , therefore - fore always fresh and reliable. Wimetiner as a laxative , or in larger doses , as a gently acting but searching cathartic , these little " Pellets " are unequaled. As a " dinner pill , " to promote ( ligestion , take erie each day after dinner. To relieve the distress arising from over-eating , nothi- jug equals onne of these little "Pellets. " sugar-coated , anti-bilious They are tiny , - graimules. Amy child readily takes them. Accept no substitute that mnray be recoin- mimenided to be "just as good. " It. mmmay be belier for lize dealer , because of paying him a better profit , but lie is not time one who needs help. A free sample (4 to 7 doses ) on Irial. is mailed to any address , post-paul , on receipt of name and address on postal card. Address WoRLD'S DIsPitNSARY MEDICAL AssocIATION , Buffalo , N. Y. DoIIes oiibIe Sin AT OLD PRICE. PAN'IULLE TRY IT FOR DYSPEPSIA. THOSE WHO ULWE F against thcGovcrrrnent will write to N ATH AN B ICICFORD , I'enslon .t I'atentAtt'y , 914 F St. , Waslilniitonn , D.C.they will receive aproinpt reply Other reieies my s JJqJoBs OIL Will ere prns , IF'ise8 , auc a IMckache WALTER BAKER & CO ' The Largest .Manufacturers of 'a PURE , HICH GRADE . cecoAs AND CHCLATES . - . - , . On this Continent , have received . - HIGHEST AWARDS frim the great . , . : . . ! E'I : lildilsififil IId Food EXPOSITIONS 1 : 1Ill EllfOpOandll8f1C1 Lc7 , Z 4 t1 , , :4 : . , Unlikethc Dutch1'roceio Mica- - - lice or other Cternical or iye are ued in any of their prepartiofle. Their delicious BREAKFAS'F COCOA is absolutely pure and soluble , and Costa less than enc cent a cup. SOLD 0 ? GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER & CO. DORCHESTER , MASS. - TLwi INTERNALLY C AND the Dr In 1870. . Has cured thous. , - USED andsslnceandwjll ( iurc 3ou. Send I LOCALLY r yznptom bisork. 4 ' . WITH PIge by mall , ' ' Insufflator. IR. SYKES' SURE CURE CO. , U. CAXTOM ELCC. . CHICLCQ uOld b , ' all lrugzists. 1r f U , OnaaIial5 % , LieU . .kuswerimig A.ivertisouioue ai.iitf .ILemmtiomm t11L4 Paper. UtJEs WHERE ALL EI.SE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. UC In tirne , Sold by druggists. ; ' - - - ' - - - - - ( . ' r- - - - " - t 35 6611t Pat6rlls tor 10GCllts. _ These patterns rolali In fashion bazaars ana ' cents each. but stores for tweuty-livo to forty In order to Increase the demand among mnraxut- readers ot this. ens we alter them to lime lady ' paper for the remarinubly low price of only 10 Cents Each. Postage one cent extra. Tire ratterns are nil of the very latest ctv unequaled for style accuracy - York styles. zinC are . For twenty- ' racy of Itt , simplicity and economy. used tine mayo been fourycars these patterns country over. Full descriptions nut ! directions -as the number of yards of material required , V the numberand names of tine diflertnt pfecC4 Iii tire pattern. 110w tO cutand lIt auciput thu garment - ment toethicr-nre sent with each pattern , with a picture of the gntrmcmit 10 go by. These patterns are complete in every particular. there being a separate pattern for every single irmeco of time dress. Your order will be hued tine stuns ] lav It In ; received. Order patterns by number and give size in. Inches. Every pattern guaranteed to ho perfect. ThEY ABE GLOVE PITTING. To get get DUST and IIItEAST measure , put ho tape measure ALL of the wny around the body. over tine dress cioe nunder the arms. Price of each pattern , 10 centS , Whcl rclercd on coupon printed below. Postage one cent extra ou EACH patt a. t7.r : j' ± 4 , It 4 I At9. V , JtZ-Z e ; inrs DRESS. Pattern No. is cut In three sizes , viz. : 8 , Ii ) and 12 years. Marine blue velvet amni fancy French plaid ri-ge Is here stylishly combined. A simulated eke ot velvet covers tine tipper rortions ot tile ttcl 1)Od3 ) , back amnd front. The full ( rout and nnck is shirred and plucetl on in pointed out- [ ne. Stylish breteiles nregr.mduated to pollits , flU frill gracefuly 1imn the slnoullers to the ] aist line. Iront and bacit. A stanndinmg collar of elvct ilnishes time neck and time closIng Is in enter back. Double pulls are stylishly ar- tinged over fitted sleeves faced to the elbow rith velvet. The full round skirt is gathered t the top and sewed to tIme lower edge or waist. 'he mode is desirable for dresses either or silk r woolen fabric arid can be suitably developed 1 varnous combinations of colors or umaterini. no material alone earn be used , variety being iren by decoration or braid , ghnp , ribbon. veL Ct , insertion or lace. The relaliprice orpatternis 25 cents. * V 4 ' ( - , . . M . V. 1 I / , 5. . 1ADIES' NORFOLK BASQUE. Pattern o. t32 Is cut in live sizes , viz. : 82 , 31 , 3 , 5 arid 41) inches bust measure. The Norfolk jacket is as popular to. my as it was in its first seasn. It ss the merits of being very generally icoming , easily adjusted. comfortable anal ; yiish looking , besides being available for ar1y all Sorts of fabric. As here repre- ntcd made of vicuna iii a sort of hcath'r nnihc- ire , It forms part of a dressy toilet for gemneral car , shopping or visiting. etc. The tlX plaits ] e formed in the fronts and bath. the under : es being stitched together to a few inches dow the waist line. Under arm gores lit the des smoothly and the basque can he made rer the body lining litted with doUble iharts. or rat portion can be omniticil if so preerr.d. he closing is invisible in center front under me middle llait. but buttons and button holes in he used it desired. 'rue fashionable turner - er collar is in latest mode and the belt of .0th fastens witim a dull gilt buclt1. Any of IC seasonalle woolen materials viII mnilte up yiisiml.v by tine mode. Serge. che % so : . ix. plain ] mixed varieties. homespun lailieseloth. erne no flannel. A plain finish Is all that is nieces- iry. The retail price of thIs pattern Is cents. UPO In ordering , give No. . . . . . . of patterns wanted Bust. . . . . . and Waist. . . . . . incas- ure. Either of these patterns wilt be ennt to any address upon receipt of l ) cents in silver or stamps when this coupon is cmi- closed With orderand one cent fof potagc , 'with your address. Address COUPON PATTERN CO. , . cxi Lock Box 747 , New York. For , ale In Fertilt' Belt ot Manitoba & orthw-.torn Iailuay- Co. at 2 5' pernrre ; ety trrms ; 20 AjVfl ear. ' time. S Icr vent lnteet. . itceeliT .tICM. O.iiO acres. 'eIete.i CO.000 In tle Yorkion -I , ilistrict , famn'c , br miixeI farsii. e.IIoL'i.e lai'n guide gratis. Apply II. SEY1AS , VIitrilprg. 1nii. 90 c3t NeJorkTfibune -AND-- V FO A WHOLE YERK The 1eekv Bee A special contract enables us to offer THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE , time leading family weekly oi the United States , with the OMAHA WEEKLY BEE for only 90 Cents , less money than is charged for any other single weekly paper in the country. TilE O3tAIr..t. - WEEKLY BEE is the leading paper in the western country and is too well known to need a special description. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE isa National - tional Family Paper and gives time general news ot the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshmell. Its "Agricultural " department has no supe- nor. Its " Market Reports " are recognized author- ity. Separate departments for " The Family Circle , " "Cur Young Folks , " and "Science and 1e- chanics. " its "Home and Society" columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. its general - eral political news , editorials and discussions are corupre- hensive , brilliant and exhaustive Send 90 Cents for both papers to THE OMAHA WEEKLY _ _ _ _ _ - - - 'i'oanvSubseribei- H OMESTEA 2 of this paper weN n-ill maI N itfl S-page weekly paper one year (52 ( weeks ) FREE on receipt of 25c to pay postage. Full of latest tel- graph and farm news. Write at once. UOMESTEAD I'UB. CO. , Omaha. .