i + , iI i I , . . ir i t . + i. 1 i ' ; . - : . , , i o ; . . nU ' - D + t , 0 1 U I , 0 ' k . t , r o , , . . . , , , . .r" l . . I WE ARE IN BUSINESS TO DO . , , . , BUSINESS AND WILL NOT BE OUTDONE - DONE BY ANY ONE. WE ARE NOW OFFERING SOME SPECIAL PRICES UNTIL JANUARY FIRST.YOU WILL DO WELL TO SEE OUR ASSORTMENT AND GET OUR PRICES. e ; : 0 f" 1 . . _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 x r - ° - ' i Is the Man ' ho Sells k resh 1 ® And die Sells Them i b ht Too. Nheu you meant to buy anything in the Grocery line , Noble is the man yon leant to see. He keaps the Very best goods and sells them at remarkably Iow prices. He also carries a magnificent line of Lamps , Queensware of all kinds and Crockery. His line of Hanging and Stand Lamps is undoubtedly the finest in Southwestern Nebraska. Remember the Holiday season is approaching , and no more appropriaue present - ent can be imagined than a handsome Lam P or a set . , . .t , b of Dishes. Yea can get them at Noble's. .N. . . ' .r . , ' , , .4ti r b 'f. . Go and See Noble Ie > tll . SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. Letshia bE. Stewart , Letshia 11. Stewart as administrator of the estate of Ituhett R. Stewart - art , deceased , James Stewart and Joseph Stewart , defendants , will take notice that Georga Ilockuell as trustee for the McCook Buildin Association ' laintiff has filed his ' etition the district'court of 'Red Willow county Nebraska the object and ra er of which are to foreclose a certain mnrtpa a deed executed December r t8 2 h the defendant Letshia M. Stewart + a d one Robert R. Stcw art , row deceased , to the plaintiff , upon the following described real estate situated to lied 11'illuw county , Nebraskatowil , : The east half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quarter of section numbered - bered twentytwoin townshipnumberedthree , north of range numbered twenty-nine , west of the sixth pnncipal meridian , to secure the a incur of their three certain romisso notes + each for the sum of S5 oo + due res P eery ively on the first day of December , t893 , X894 1895. There is now due on said nr + tes and lnurtgage the sum of SSoo , with interest thereon - on at the rate of six per cent. from December t , IS93 , and there will Ile due thereon from the said defendants on the first.day of December , t8gq , the sum of SSoo , with interest at the rate of stx per cent From December t , t8g , and on December t , t8g from , with interest thereon a t si x pe r c r n t . December t t8 93 , a nd the platnUff prays fur a decree that the deten doors le requtrerl to pay the sameorthatsaid premises be sold to sattsfy said amount. You are required to answer said petritnn on or before Aianday , the tgth dx of January , IS g5 Dated this 26th da of Nyovember t8 94 . GE o RGt : Hoc hN FYL as Trust ee inr the 11clouk 13uilding Association , Plaintiff. 13y1V. S. Morlau , his attorney. Dec.ygts. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that the board of county commis siuuer of Red tit illow county , Nebraskawill r.n January first , 1895 , receive sealed bids for the furnishalg of the following named books , blanks and stationery for the use of the various county ofticers of sold county - ty during the year IS95 , as follows towit : Br , r6S. 2 8 quire plain canvas covered deed records. 2 8 qulre plain canvas covered mortgage recurps. t 8 gmre plain canvas. covered miscellane- nus record. t 8 quire printed canvass covered hood record. 2 8 quire printed canvas covered indexes. STATIONERY. 2,00o full sheet letterheads for treasurer. 50o statement blanksune-calf ] sheet , printed - ed fur treasurer. z,5oo No. 6 ; rag XXX envelopes , printed , for treasurer. t r.Tross Spencerian pens No. t , treasurer. toooq , rag XXXenvelopesprintedjudge. tooo 6 rag XXX envelopes , printed , for judge. 2 gross Lean Isaac pens , Nos. to and tI , for judge. 4,00o g34 rag XXX encelopesprintedclerk. 2 gross Perfectton lead pencils , 'haber make , ndber tips , No. 3 , clerk. 2 boxes assorted bands , No. tt5o Faber. The furnishing of the above named bowls , blanks and statumery will be let in separate contracts , to the lowest competent hidderw o shall give b nlds for the faithful performance of his contract , with at least two good and suTi- { cientsureties to be approved by tllc board of county cmnmissioners. Separate scaled bids will he received at the office of the county clerk up to noon on the tst day of January , t895 , the right to reject any and all bids is resen ed. Dated December tst , t894. ' GEORGE 1Y. ROPER , Dec.-qrs. County Clerk. SUDtMONS BY PUBLICATION. George DI. Chenery , Matte hI. ( , henery , [ E. H , Berry as guardian of George D1. Chenery , an insane personlVilliam Di. Andecsan and 11 cPike cox , a partnership , defendants , will take notice that George Hocknell hasfiled his petition m the district court of lied 11 illou county , A'ebraskathe object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage deed executed November 2t , tSgo , by the defendants - ants , George 111. l.henery and bfatle Iif. Chen- ery , to the plaintiff , upon the fallowing des- cnbed real estate , situated in lied lYilloa county , Nebraska , tawit : The undivided one- half interest in lot thirteen , Mock numbered twenty two , original town of bicCaok , to secure - cure the payment of their one certain promissory - sory note fur the sum of SSoo , dueovember 2t , IBgI. 'There is non due an Bald note and mortgage the sum of S32o , with interest thereon - on at the rate of ten per cent per annum from August tq , t894 , and the plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same , or that saidpremises be sold to satisf said amount. Yotl are re aired to answer - swer paid etition on or before londa y' the r 4 th da Y of 1 noun ry , t8 9 $ Dated this 26th d a y ul Novemb e r , t 8g4 GEORGE HOCKNELL , Plaintiff. By 1V. S. blorlan , his attorney. Deep-qrs. CHATTEL I110RTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortga a given by Frank P. Allen to Elmer Rowell my loth , t894a copy of which was filed to the office of the county clerk of Red 11 illoa county , Nebraska , on July loth , 1894 , to secure the payment of a promissory note far the sum of Tort Y -two , dollars ( S4 2 ) + due August loth , t8gq , beanng ten per cent interest ater matuntyupon which there is now due the sum of fart Y -three dollars and fifty cents. Default having been made in the Payment of soul note and no sort at law hav- tngbeen instituted frog the recovery of Bard debt , or any part thereof , and no part of said debt having been collected or paid , therefore 1 will on the t5tl } day of January , A. D. t8g5 , at one o'clock p. m. , sell at pubhe auction , to the highest bidder for cash , the property described - scribed m soul mortgage , to-wit : one two- seated carriage , one single-seated phaeton and one single seated buggy , which sale will take pace ] at the north-west corner of Main and llod a streets in the cit of McCook Red Willow count .Nebraska Dated this Itth da Y of December A. D. t 8gq A. G. BuatP , Agent for lforigagee. J. E. KELLEY , Attorney. i2 I4.4t. CURE FOR I'IEADACHE. As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded sick headaches yfield to its influence. 1Ve ur a all who are afflicted to rocure a bottle and five this reined a fairptrial. In cases of habitual consti anon Electnc Bitters cures b ivin the needed tone to the bowels , and few cases on resist this medicine. 1' it once. Lar a bottles enl Y 5 o cents at I11 c 11f11 e n's dru g store. NOTICE TO LAND OIVNERS. Road No. Zoo. To J. A. Bolton , Afary ) ; . Foss , D. W. C. Beck and to all whom It may concern : 1'he board have established and ordered opened a public road commencing at the northwest corner of section 23 in East Valley ' precinct , P.ed 11'illow county , Nebraska , running - ning thence south on the section line to the southwest corner of said section 23 , and terminating - inating thereat , all in township 3 , ran Te 26 , and all objections thereto or claims for dama- gesmust be filed in the county clerk's officeon or before noon of the 30th day of February , A. D. IS95 , or said road will be established wttlr- out referen _ ce thereto. GEORGE 1V. ROPER , Dec.t4-qrs. County Clerk. GUARANTEED CURE. Ve authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption , coughs and colds u nn this condition : 1l ou are afflicted with acou h ' cold or an ] un throat or chest trouble 'and will use tgs remedy as directed , giving it a fair trial , and experience no benefit , you map return the bottle and have c.ur moue refunded. 1Ve could not make his offer died we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied - lied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottle free at Mcbifllen's drug store. Large size 5o cents and St.oo. C6iidren Cr Y for Pitcher's Castoria , r ti r t- - - i , - r . _ . , . 1 ' t . ' 3 - ' ' a S . . . ' . - - , - FOI' the Next . . . . - - - h'or the iett two weeks we fiill sell ! out . sto . it df ( , lothw n , Di . ( ) , aS Cx00 ( S oOtS ' . i and Shoes at hilt a > i cl u LU 3 r thins at less than h alf , lac , . 'h ; < s S Lic , will nnl coil .1 . tlnue t 'o Teehs sand is dog' t e ur pose of - - ieclucin , o , o ii . l r , n , 5toc , , L 1 ) e h a ator Y to ' - .l our , nnna l. io cc . fib , , . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , ' We will quote a . .Few of the Many - ° e .l , j , No. 1. Lot of Broadhead Dress Goods that usually sell for 2t ) to 25 cents , only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12zcents. M . - No. 9 . Lot of Plaids and I'auc Y Dliatures that b enerally - sell for 30 to 50 cents col y . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 c ent s. J a ' 'c No. 3. Lot of All-jYool Dress Goods that here sold for , 45 to f 0 cents , Io during this sttlt for. . . . , . . . . 25 cents. -1q No , 4. Lot of Novelty and Plain Suitings that have been selling for 75c to LOQ nuty offared for . , . . . . . 37 cents. Igo. 5 Lot of All-lYo ol , 4 to v2 inches wlde , usually sold for 75c to ' 1.25 noty g coiner b far owl y. . . . 9 cents. , . . .1 No. G. Our 90c anti X1.00 B1acI. and Colored Henriettas and Serges will bo during this sale for. . . , . . . . 73 cents. , ( n .l No. i. Two hundred Cattol , Batts , regular price 3 to 10 j' , cents , now going for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 cents. r All Prints and Gwbhams at Cost. - 1000 yards . LL lllusIin at 4 cents P er 3 'ord. , . Underwear at Cost. % lCw - . . . . . . , . . . , . , . . , , ,1 Llo ha De 1 ) tlnent. - . ,1 1' Y a w ill not q cote p ri c a s but for thI s s + t le ytll rve ' t , ou ' Nw ! - y our choice of an y Suitor Ovel'cottt in our store „ at the remarkabl y low P rice of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X11,75. ' Your choice of any suit , age 13 to 19 years , during this Clearance Sale for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.75. Your choice of any suit , age 4 to 14 years , during this Clearance Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , . , , 2.75. 'Pe ' have man y chea P er ones. { , . .T Boots and Shoes at less than , ryost. 3 r P , 25 pounds of New Orleans Suar , , for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.UU 2 0 pen n ds o f Granulated Sub + Ir fo > _ . . . . . . . , , . . , . , . , . , . , 1.00 r rw - 2 P ackanes b of Coffee far. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Dried Fruits chea I per than ever. j u a'v" v" -1 1 Iere You Are. All R.mnants from our bi ; sale last Monday will c "V- f - be sold at less than cost. Remember this. . five hundred y aids of Dark Outin a m Rb t'w 1 - Flannel at 5c P er S ord. .l j e AT THE . . . l _ ! V l , , c „ a s r' , ? n ' a' ' r a h hCr. Cr. . + , , ! : ® ® v - 1 F L. L. DEG1rV0 ' ' & CO. t c - 1c1 , l 1'