: . - r : , ± -TI CoDally. r ; ' .i , . . Buy Holiday Gifts 13 E ; - 'That are Useful . ' -3 - " And Serviceable. . . -4. , . . . OVERCOATS , . . . . . . MUFFLERS , . . . . SUIT : r . . . . . . . . 11'RISTLETS , . . . . . . . . HATS , . . . . . . HANIKEtCI1II : + FS , . , : , . CAPS , . . . . . . . . NE'K V'EAIt , . : . . . . SUSPENDERS , . . . GLOVES & M " ' . . . ANY OF THEM ARE D 'SIRABLE. , . PRICES ARE LOW. McCook , Nebraska. JONAS ENiEL , . -1-MANAGER. I COM H. H. TROTH , Manager. Headquarters for all Grades of Flour. Pillsburys Best. . . . $1.50 per sack Monogram , H. P.51.20 per sack . 84 High Patent . . . . 1.20 per sack Little Hatchet " . 1.15 per sack Wauneta , B. P. . . . 1.10 per sack 91 , High Patent. . 1.00 per sack Minnesota Cream. High Patent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 per sack Pure 'Pennsylvania Buckwheat. Te are selling the best baker's grade flour in the city at $1.40 per hundred. Ground Feed of all kinds , Corn , Oats , Baled 1 Hay and Alfalfa always on hand , 11 . 11 T14E. r' FIkST . WJTO1SAL a Authorized $100,000 . Capital and SurpIu 60000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. BEOROE HOCKNELf B. M. FREES ! W. F , LAWSON ! President , Vice President. Cashier , A , CAMPBELL ! FRANK HARRIS. Tb Gitiz6lls BailK Of M6600k INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAZVS. Paid UP Capital , - - - - 50,000. Surplus , - - - - - - 10,000 , DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. . , ' Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. I Tickets or a e o a ro tirope > : OFFICERS. . , V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. ConEESPONDENTS-The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska The Chemical National Bank , New York City. a Cr CO. , jo ( LIME , HARD a CE > , AND DO 0 P. S , LUMpEI t soivr WI11DO1 , BLINDS. COAL. ) o ( . POSTS. U. J. WARREN , Manager. , V BOX ELDER. Everybody was hunting during the snpw. Mrs. M. E.Piner is slowly recovering from her severe spell of sickness. . A great many are wondering where their feed and seed are coming from in the spring. M. E. Piper has commenced his school after a two-week's vacation on account of sickness. Robert Campbell has returned from his prospecting trip well satisfied with Red Wil- low. , The recent snow and rain will he of great benefit to the fall and winter grain that has been sown. E. Brown , who has been nursing a very afnful hand from being cut on an ax is slowlY - lY recovering. R E. Moore is having his creek land cleared - ed of thetimberand brush prepartory to farming - ing in the spring. Box Elder Sunday school will give an entertainment - tertainment instead of a tree , Christmas eve. Alt are cordially invited to come. LEBANON. We had such a snow it stopped our correspondence - pondence , last week. The meetings in Beaver creek school house will close this week. Meetings have been in progress in Lebanon the last and present week. The snow is gone but it left a healthy mark on the small grain in this vicinity. Monday afternoon Bruce Cummings started for Illinois , to join his wife , on avisit. December 9th E. F. Duffey and family stopped over night with his brother-in-law , E. E. Hayes , on his return from Kansas. J. H. Wade and wife of Prospect Park spent Saturday and Sunday , December 8th and 9th , with his sister and brother-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. E , E. Hayes. ORDER OF HEARING. Orderof hearing on petition for allowing final account and discharging executor. The State of Nebraska , Red Willow County , ss. In the matter of te estate of John D. Gver , deceased. In the county court. On reading and filing the petition and final report of Joshua Gerver , executor of said estate , this day filed , it is ordered that January 8th , 1895 , at I o'clock p. m. , is assigned for a hearing on the said petition and examining said final account - count , when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county , and show cause , if any exist , why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given by publishing a copy of this order in THE TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper published in said county , for three weeks prior tO said day of hearing. Dated this 19th day of December , 7594. Ct1ARLEs . BECK , Dec. 21-its. County Judge. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the dairy firm of Carson & West has this day been dissolved by mutual consent , Mr.Vest retiring. The business will be continued by Carson & Taylor - lor , who will collect all money due and pay all debts of the firm of Carson & West Dated , McCook Neb. , Dec. 20 , 1894. A waaw CARsoN. Dec. 2I-fits. 1' , F. NEST. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , sal ; rheum , fever sores. tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. 5 . per box. For sale by McMillen. NEED WATCHING. Watch your kidneys. They carry the poison from the system , and need care , as much so as the towels. Take an occasional dose of Oregon Kidney Tea , it will keep you in prime health. Give it to the children , it will keep them well , and save lots of trouble. Trial size packages 25 cents. All druggists. I've a secret in my heart , Sweet Marie , A tale I would impart , Sweet Marie , if you'd even fairer be You must always use Parks Tea , The improvement you will see , Sweet Marie. Sold by McMillen. The American beauty owes her prestige more to a clear complexion than to any other attribute. A cup of Parks' will enable any one to possess this. It clears the skin and removes pimples and that sallow , . muddy look. Paris tea is use by Thousands of ladies for the complexion. Without being a cathartic - tic it cures constipation. Sold by McMillen. Parks' sure cure is a sure specific in all diseases - eases of the liver and kidneys. By removing the uric acid in the blood it cures rheumatism. S. B. Basfor of Carthage. S , D. , says : "I believe - lieve Parks' sure cure excels all other medi dines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. " Sold by McMillen. Parks' tea clears the complexion. Mrs. N. Meyette of LeRoy , N. V. , says : I have used Parks' tea and fins it the best remedy I have ever tried. " Sold by McMillen. A cup of Parks' tea at night moves the bowels in the morning without pain or dis- comfort. It is a great health giver and blood purifier. Sold by McMullen. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins , Chattanooga , Tenn. , says , "Shiloh's Vitalizer Saved My Life. ' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used. " For dyspepsia , liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 95 cts. Sold by McConnell & Co. Captain Sweeney , U. S. A. , San Diego , Cal. , says : "Shiloh's Catarr i Remedy is the first medicine I ever found that wouldo me any good. Price Soc. Sold by McConnell. Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumptitm. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts. , So cts , $ I.OO. Sod by McConnell & Co. Shiloh's Cure , the great cough and croup cure , is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses , only 25 cts. Children love it. Sold by McConnell. t R. M. OSBORN PROPRIETOR OF THE WHITE LINE TRANSFER. rI am well equipped to do t anything and everything in the line of draying business. I will move pianos or household goods promptly and safely. Your patronage - ronage is solicited. Barn opposite . the Central hotel. b C. L. MILLER PROPRIETOR OF Miller's Restaurant & Chop House ONE DOOR NORTH OF LaTOURETTE'S. Short Orders , Lunobee , Orders for Banqueta , Courteous Treatment. ReaaonablePtICe. . . . VLLCOX ! . . ' Buys' And Sells i , i i i i i' , I 1,1 , , , i i I Hogs. i I i i I I i i I i I a i i i i i PAYS THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE , , . , a OFFICE : in the B & M. Meat Market , where he A will always be pleased to see his old . : " customers as usual. , there are so few Fat Hags coming to this market : I have decided to make each Saturday - urday a special market day for buying bogs. This will save much expense In feed and In shrinkage , and if the farmers will co-operate in this It will aid considerable Ir' establishing a goon borne market. F. S , titiILCOX. J. S. MCBRAYER ! PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line , BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. Horses branded on left hip or left sbnuldor. P. U. address Imperial , Chase county , and Beat- ri' e. Nebraska. Range. Stinking Water and the Frenchman creeks , in Chase county. Nebraska. Brand as cut on sideof some animnlsou hip amid sides of some , or anywhere - where on thr animal. ELDER ROWELI , , NOTARY PUBLIC , Real Estate , ohs ! AND INSUIIANCE. Mc000K , - NEBRASKA. J. E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY ATLAW , AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , Ofliae In Rrarof First rational Rank. CHARLES 11. BOYLE , ATTORNEY - AT - LAw 111cC00K , NEBRASKA. R. A. COLE , LEADING 1ERCHANT TAILOR ' OF Mc000K , Has just received a now stock of CLOTHS and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fit- ttng suit made at the very lowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop first door weal of Barnett'a Lumber Office , on Dennison street. W. V. CAGE , SurfiGon , MoC00B : , NEBRASKA. Omci Uotnts-9 to ll a , m. , t to 5 and to ii p , m. Rooms over First National banlr N1 ht calls answered at oifico J. A. CUNN , lillSi6idll dill SIIrUGOII , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. t OFFIcz-Front rooms over Lowman & Ion's store. RESIDENCE' McFarland St. , wo blocks north of McEnteo hotel. Prompt attentlon to all calls. MRS. E. E. UTTER , -MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR.- Plano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. STUDIO ROOM 3 , OVEn GANSCIIOw3. IcCook , . - - - Nebraska. A IISTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , TTORNEY- - LAW , 3IOC00K , NEBRASKA. W Office oter the Famous Clothing Store. w tN * - l ' , . _ , , - 't ' _ i SUTTON'S y V i y : i - Special Sale . 1 1 - w .V j At and Below Cost " 3Q DAYS , : FOr Cash Only. I Everything Goes. M Stock Must he Ileduced 1 We are not going out of business , but have taken this method to reduce our stock. This will give the people of , McCook and vicinity a grand opportunity to secure their Holiday Goods at prices never heard of before in this part of the country. MY stock is the largest found in the entire . Republican Valley , consisting of Watches of all kinds-five ; hundred to select from-in gold , gold filled , etc. Diamonds , a complete stock. Rings-well I should say so-too many for you to count. Jewelry , the very latest styles. Silverware - ware , plated and solid of all descriptions. In fact anything , . ' a found in a first-class jewelry store will be found in my store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLOCKS CLOCKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Onyx , Marble , Wood , and Stone. ; We Engrave Our Goods Free. Pianos Organs and ' Musical Instruments - 4 .sALL GO. . . , Everything Warranted as e resell e . f A , Remember , my entire stock on sale at and below doss for 30 days , for CASH f' . the Je weler , McCook , Nebraska. - _ - - - _ - t - : E ± : - ; F. D. BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter MAIN AVENUE , Mc000K , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trizu wings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mi1L Take otice. l DoYou . 1 Want The t , Very Best ? Having contracted a the choice herd o l high grade Hereford heifers of Mr. Evans , of 1 e Hatfield ranch. Also will receive monthly s li men s o Fancy Alfalfa e Cattle from : : Colorado. We are in a position to offer the : ines meats ever offered .f in e city. 1 . . . All Kinds of . . . ' f. GAME POULTRY r , 1 OYSTERS . , ETC. ETC I { . Iu I , Top Prices paid for . . . ; u , Beef Hides Furs Tallowy Lard Etc. . / 1 . .l e1 FHB B / & M 1 MEAT MARKET a . 1I 1 1 I y + , r FLITCRAFT & NIN GS ' l ! I Y . PROPRIETORS. ' } 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 -