The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 14, 1894, Image 5

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S \lll \ ! H
{ ! .
: : Makes
a ABid Fore
o Your Trade. .
' 1 7' k-ecidt , . H
t fide Jewkr.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage given by Flank P. Allen to
Elmer Rowel ] my 20th , 1894a copy of which
was filed to the office of the county clerk of
Red Willow county , Nebraska , on July 20th ,
i 1894 , to secure the payment of a promessoi y
note for the sum of forty-two dollars (4) ( ) ,
due August 20th , 1894 , bearing ten per cent
interest after maturity , upon which there is
I now due the sum of forty-three dollars and
fifty cents. Default having been made in the
payment of said note and no suit at law hav
ing been instituted for the recovery of said
debt , or any part thereof , and no part of said
debt having been collected or paid , therefore
I will on the 15th day of January , A. D. 1895 ,
at one o'clock p. m. , sell at public auction , to
the highest bidder for cash , ( lie property de-
r scribed in said mortgage , to-wit : one two-
seated carriage , one single seated phaeton
and one single-seated buggy , which sale will
take place at the north-west corner of Main
and Dodge streets in the city of McCook ,
Red Willow connt . Nebraska Dated this
filth day of December , A. D. 1894.
A. G. BUMP , Agent for Mortgagee.
J. E. KELLEY , Attorney. I2-I4.4t.
The best salve in the world forcutsbruises ,
sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles or no ay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect
t satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2 cts.
Per box. For sale by McMillen.
Watch your kidneys. They carry the poison
from the system , and need care as much so as
the bowel. ake an occasional dose of
Oregon Kidney Tea , it will keep von in prime
health. Give it to the children , it will keep
them well , and save lots of trouble. Trial
size packages 25 cents. All druggists.
I've a secret in my heart ,
Sweet Marie ,
A tale I would impart ,
Sweet Marie.
If you'd even fairer be
You must always use Parks' Tea ;
The improvement you will see ,
Sweet Marie. Sold by McMillen.
The American beauty owes her prestige
more to a clear com lexton than to any other
attribute. A cup of Parks' will enable
one to possess this. It clears the skin and
removes pimples and that sallow , muddy
r look. Paris tea is use by Thousands of ladies
for the complexion. Without being a cathar-
k tic it cures constipation. Sold by McMillen.
, Parks' sure cure is a sure specific in all diseases -
eases of the liver and kidneys. By removing
the uric acid in the blood it cures rheumatism
S. B. Basfor of Carthage. S. D. , says : "I be-
4 i , lieve Parks sure cure excels all other medicines -
cines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. "
Sold by McMillen.
Parks' tea clears the complexion. Mrs. N.
Meyette of LeRoy , N. Y. , says : I have used
Parks' tea and find it the hest remedy I have
ever tried. " Sold i'y McMillen.
A CUp of Parks' tea at night moves the
bowels in the morning without pain or dis-
comfort. It is a great health giver and blood
purifier. Sold by McMillen.
Mrs. T. S. I-Iawkins , Chattanooga , Tenn. ,
says , "Shiloh's Vitalizer Saved My Life. ' I
consider it the bestremedy for a debilitated
.t' system I ever used. " For dyspepsia , liver or
kidney trouble it excels. Puce 75 cts. Sold
by McConnell & Co.
Karl's Clover Root , the great blood puri
flex- . gives freshness and clearness to the Com-
' t plexrn and cures constipation ; 25 cts. , 50
cts. , $ I.00. + Sold by McConnell.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood ,
dear your complexion , regulate your bowels
and make your head clear as a bell. 25 cts. ,
5o ets , $ I.oo. Sold by McConnell & Co.
Notice is hereby given that the board of
county commissionersof Red Willow county ,
Nebraskawill on January first , 1895 , receive
sealed bids for the furnishing of the following
named books , blanks and stationery for the
i use of the various county officers of said county -
ty during the year 1895 , as follows towit :
28 quire plain canvascovered deed records.
2 8-quire plain canvas covered mortgage
18-quire plain canvas covered miscellane-
nus record.
I 8-quire printed canvass covered bond
2 S-quire printed canvas covered indexes.
2,000 full sheet letterheads for treasurer.
50o statement blanksune half sheet , printed -
ed , for treasurer.
,500 No. 6,4 rag XXX envelopes , printed ,
for treasurer.
I gross Spencerian pens No. i , treasurer.
1,000931 rag XXX envelopes , printed , jud e.
1,000631 rag XXX envelopes , printed , for
2 gross Leon Isaac pens , Nos. to and ii ,
for judge.
4,000 9 6 rag.XXX envelopesprinted , clerk.
2 gross Perfection lead pencils , 'Faber
make , rubber tips , No. 3 , clerk.
2 boxes assorted bands , No. it5o Faber.
The furnishing of the above named books ,
Blanks and stationery will be let in separate
contracts , to the lowest competent bidderw ; o
shall give bonds for the faithful performance
of his contract , with at least two good and sufficient -
cient sureties to be approved by the board of
county commissioners. Separate sealed bids
will be received at the office of thecountyclerk
up to noon on the 1st day of January , 1895 , the
right to reject any and all bids is reserved.
Dated December is'y ' 1894.
Dec.7.4t5. County Clerk.
George ,11. Chenery , Matie M. Chenery , H.
H , Beiry as guardian of George M. Chenery ,
an insane person , tiVilliam M. Anderson and
M cPike & Fox , a partnership ; defendants , will
take notice that George Hockneli hasfiled his
petition in the district court of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage deed
executed November 21 , i8go , by the defendants -
ants , George M. Chenery and Matie M. Chen-
cry , to the plaintiff , upon the fallowing described -
cribed real estate , situated in Red Willow
county , Nebraska , towit : The undivided one-
half interest in lot thirteen , block numbered
twenty two , original town of McCook , to secure -
cure the payment of their one certain promissory -
sory note for the sum of $500 , due t ovember
21 , 1891. There is noa due on said note and
mortgage the sum of $3zo , with interest there-
on"at the rate of ten per cent. per annum from
August 17 , 1894 , and the plaintiff prays for a
decree that the defendants be required to pay
the same , or that said premises be sold to
satisfy said amount. You are required to answer -
swer aid petition on or before Monday , t
14th day f January , 1S9.
Dated this 26th day o November , 1894.
By W. S. Morlan , his attorney. Dec.7-4ts.
As a remedy for all forms of headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the best.
It effects a permanent cure and the most
dreaded sick headaches yield to its influence.
We urge all who are afflicted to procure a
bottle , and give this remedy a fair trial. In
cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters
cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels.
and few cases Jong resist this medicine. Try
it once. Lags bttles only 5o cents at
\ ' drug tore.
Parks cough syrup cures coughs , colds and
consumption , Mrs. Catherine Black of Le
Roy , N. Y. , says : "I took one bottle of Parks'
cough syrup. It acted like magic. Stopped
my cough and I am perfectly well now. "
Sold by 111CMIllen.
' 2' r tifn 4 , . , a't a
, .u
No. 2. through passenger. . . . . . . 5:55 A. bt.
No. 4 , fount pie senger. . , . . . . . , . 11:00 P. M.
No. 76 , rrelght . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:46 A. I11
No. 64. freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.30 A. D1
No. 80 , lr.Ight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 A. P.1
No. 148. frrlght , mndo up bare . 5:10 A. M
No. 3 , t hrough ' . . . . . . . . : P. M.
No. , , Iueal passenger. . . . . . . . . . 9:15 P. M.
No. 63 freight. 6:110 P. H.
No. 77. freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:3 P.M.
No 149 , freight , made up hero . . . . . 6:00 A , P.1.
No. 175. Leaves at . . . . . . . . . . 8:191 A. M.
No. l8. arrives at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:40 P. M.
Norc-No. 63 earni s passengers for
Stratton , Itt nkelmxt , and Halgier :
All trams run dully exeepting 148. 1411 and
176. which run daily pxcrpc Runday.
Nn.3 sdgis at Iteukehaan and Wray.
No. 2 stops at lndianola. Cambridge and Ar-
No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola ,
t'atnhrldire itnd Arapahoe.
Nos. 4.6.148 , 149 and 176 carry passengers for
all stations.
You can purchase at this office tickets to all
principal poluts In the United states and ( an
ada and baggage checked through to destination -
tion without extra eharg , of transfer. For
information regarding rates , etc. Call oti or
aodress l ; E AIA(1NEIt. Agent.
Christmas Novelties-A nice as-
sorfinenf just received. Come and
fake yourchoice before thoyare gone.
Roadmaster McFarland of Red Cloud
was at headquarters , Wednesday.
A. C Young was the guest of the
Grand hotel , Lincoln , last Friday.
J. F. Utter has returned to Alliance
after a short visit to McCook friends.
Mrs. C. VV. Bronson visited Red Cloud
friends , the closing days of last week.
Mrs. Fred W. Bosworth has been
called home by the illness of her father
Mrs. G W. Connor has been enter.
taming Mrs. Waechter of Benkelman ,
this week.
The pay car rolled into this port on
VVednecday evening , giving the boys
their Xmas dust.
Mrs C. A. Dizon went up to Denver.
Wednesday night , and is expected home
on Sunday night
Conductor Burns has this week moved
into the Frank Carruth dwelling over
on Monmouth street.
The Boeka family departed , yesterday.
for Sheridan. Vti'voming , where he is in
the company's employ.
Mrs Thomas Colfer has returned to
McCook after a three weeks' visit with
Mrs. J. R Phelan of this city.-Alliance
Monday evening of last week the postmaster -
master at Bertrand lost one of his feet
under the wheels of a passenger car at
We are pained to learn that Captain
John Archibald is lying at the residence
of leis son R. B. Archibald , in a very low
Russian railroads have abolished the
free pass system entirely , even railroad
officers and emploves must pay fare
since December first.
Mrs. Anna Haley , Mrs. S. Frederick
and Mrs. Morrissey were visiting Mrs.
B. V. Haley at McCook , this week. They
report having a nice time.-Holbrook
Thomas J. Connor , the company's
agent at Grand Island , is receiving a
free and unlimited amount of very distasteful -
tasteful and undesirable advertising
over his recent mental ailment.
An important decision to employes of
corporations or companies that have a
relief fund or associations for the benefit
of injured employes , has been rendered
by Judge Tedford in the Iowa district
court in the case of Maines vs. the Chicago -
cage , Burlington & Quincy railroad.
Tile judge held that an employe could
not receive benefit from the relief fund
and then have standing in court to claim
damages from the company.
The supreme court of Pennsylvania
leas just handed down a decision on the
Voluntary Relief Association of t h e
Pennsylvania Railroad. it states that
an employee does not waive his rights
when he signs a contract and becomes a
member , but he cannot , if injured , get
compensation from both scurces by taking -
ing the benefits of the association and
by action at law as well. He must decide -
cide , if injured , whether he will take the
benefits due him as a member or depend
upon a law suit. He cannot get money
both ways.-Alliance Grip.
United States Land Office ,
McCook , Nebraska , Nov , io , i894.
Public notice is hereby given that under -
der and by authority of instructions received -
ceived from the commissioner of the
general land office the northwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of section 24 ,
and the northeast quarter of the southeast -
east quarter of section 23 , township 5 ,
north of range 30 , west of the 6th P. M. ,
containing So acres , will be offered for
sale at this office on the 19th day of Dee-
ember , 1894 , at ten o'clock , a. in. , to the
highest bidder for cash and at not less
than $1.25 per acre , under section 2,455 ,
U. S. revised states , and the act of March
3 , 189t. A. S. CAMPBELL , Register.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney. Nov. i6.5ts.
The lyceum started up , Saturday evening.
Shiloh school will give an entertainment on
21st of This month.
The t. A. R , recently gave a rag social in
the Masonic hall.
Rev. Mason held meetings in the school
house , Sunday evening.
The ladies who drove to McCook , Monday ,
were caught in the snow storm.
Mr. Simms , of Bussey , Iowa , was in this vicinity -
cinity , last week , looking at some land.
A few of the Danburyitsattended the basket
supper at Shiloh , last Tuesday evening.
The ladies of the 11. E , mite society met at
bachelors' headquarters , Monday evening.
Mr. Peterson was over from Colby , Kansas ,
last Wednesdaytrying to trade land for horses.
Mrs. J. B. Dolph was pleasantly surprised
by some of her neighbors and friends on
Vednesday evening. A Pleasant time was
enjoy ed ball.
McMillen Brothers
are headquarters for
winter moods of all
kinds. See them !
. . . .n s. . - . . . . , . . . _ -
Letshia M. Stewart , Letshia M. Stewart as
adlninistratrixof the estate of Robert R. Stewart -
art , deceased , James Stewart and Joseph
Stewart , defendants , will take notice that
George Hocktiell as trustee for the. McCook
Building Association , plaintiff , has bled his
petition in tine district court of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage deed
executed December 22 , 1892 , by the efendant
Letshia M. Stewart , and one Robert R. Stewart -
art , row deceased , to the plaintiff , upon the
following described real estate situated in Red
Willow county , Nebraska , towit : The east
half of the northwest quarter and the west
half of the northeast qu.irter of section numbered -
bered twenty-two in township numbered three
north of range numbered twenty-nine , west of
the sixth principal meridian , to secure the
payment otheir three certain romisso
notes , each for the sum of SSoo , due respectively -
ively on the first day of December , 1893 , 1894 ,
1895 There is now due on said n'.tes and
mortgage the sum of $500 , with interest thereon -
on at the rate of six per cent. from December
I , I8 3 , and there will be due thereon from the
said defendants on the first day of December ,
189J , the sum of $500 , with interest at the rate
of six per cent. from December I , 1893. and on
December t , 1895 , $500 , with interest therem
at six per cent from December I 1893 , and
the plaintiff prays for a decree that the defer
dants be required to pay the sameor that said
premises be sold to satisfy said amount.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the 14th day of January ,
1895. Dated this 26thn day of November , 1894.
GEORGE I IOCKNELL as Trustee for
the McCook Building Association , Plaintiff.
By1V. S. Morlan , his attorney. Dec.7.4ts.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
lion. D. t' . Welty , judge of the district court
of Red 1V'illuw county , Nebraska , on the 18th
day of December,1893 , nn favor of Grurgie A.
Dewey as plaintiff , and against Elbert J.
Ilenderson et al , as defendants , for the sum
of six hundred ninety-two ( $692) ) dollars and
twenty-three (2 ( ; ) cents , and costs taxed at
S35.33 , and Burble & Harvey on the same
day on their cross petition obtained a decree
for the sum of $33.25 , and accruing costs. I
have levee I upon the following real estate
taken as the property of said defendants to
satisfy said judgments , to-wit : The east half
of the north west quarter and the west half of
the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine
(29) ( ) , township two (2) ( ) , north , range twenty-
nine (29) ( ) , west of the 6th Recl 1lillow
county , Nebraska. And will offer the saiiie
for sale to the highest bidder , fur cash in
hand , on the 17th clay of December , A. D.
1894 , in front of the south door of the court
house , in Indianola , Nebraska , that being the
building wherein the last term of court was
held , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said
day , when and where clue attendance will be
given by the undersigned. Dated November
15th , 1894. E. R BANKS ,
w. S. MORLAN , Sheriff of said county.
Attorney. Nov.I6.5ts.
Road No. 303.
To George 11. Simmennan , James Kelley
and to all whom it may concern :
The board of comity commissioners have
ordered opened a public road commencing at
the southeast corner of section 9 in Coleman
precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , nrun-
ning thece south on sectioline to the outh-
eastt curlier of section 16 , thence east on the
section line , terminating at the southwest corner -
ner of the southeast quarter of section 14 , in
township 4 , north of range 30 , west of the 6th
p. m. , and all objections thereto or claims fur
damages must be fiteu in time county clerk's
office on or before noon of the 3uth day of
January , A. 1).18 5 , or said road will be established -
lished without reference thereto.
GEO. 1v. ROPER ,
Nov.23.4t. County Clerk.
Road No. 299.
To Susan A. Horton , W. F. Bechtel , Millard
1-lorton , Charles S. Blair , E. Floyd-Jones ,
Alexander Swanson , Alice Shuey , Charles G.
Broman , Rebecca OffiI , John Gust Btomau ,
Paul Eggar , and to all whom it may concern :
The board of cdnmty commissioners have
ordered opened a public road commencing at
the southwest corner of the southeast quarter
of section 28 in Tyrone precinct , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , running thence east on the
section line , terminating at the southeast corner -
ner of section 25 , all in township 2 , north of
range 26 , west of the 6th p. m , and all ubjee-
tiuns thereto or claims for damages must be
filed in the county clerk's office on or before
noon of the 3oth day of January , A. D. 1895 , or
said road will be established without reference
Nov.23-4ts. County Clerk.
Road No. 298.
To Smith Bros. Loan and Trust Co. , 'rhos.
L. Keigan , D. R. Smith , Frederick II. Gen-
sicke , George II. Simmerman , H. H. Easter-
day , Oscar Bradford , Robert J. Traphagan ,
and to all whom it may concern :
The board of county commissioners have
established and ordered opened a public road
commencing at the northeast corner of section
3 in Coleman precinct , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , running thence southon the section
line to the southeast corner of section 22 , terminating -
minating thereat all in township 4 , north of
range 30 , west of 6th p , m. , and all objections
thereto orclaims for damages must be filed in
the county clerk's office on or before noon of
the 30th clay of January , A. D. 1895 , or said
road will be established without reference
Nov23.4ts. County Clerk.
Road No. 297.
To Oscar Bradford , IIiram Thraillkill , Robert -
ert J. Traphagan , George Elbert , Robert
Moore , Isaac W. Dwirl , and to all whom it
may concern :
The board of county commissioners have
established and ordered opened a public road
commencing at the southwest comer of the
southeast quarter of section 22 in Coleman precinct -
cinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running
thence east on the section line , terminating at
the southeast corner of section 23 , all in township -
ship 4 , north of range 30 , west of the 6th p.m. ,
and all objections thereto or claims for damages -
ges must be filed in thecounty clerk's office on
or before noon of the 30th day of January , A.
D. reference road will be establishea without -
out thereto.
Nov.23.4ts. County Clerk.
Road No. 296.
To IIugh A. Jennett , H. I-I. Easterday , William -
liam Nicklas , and to all whom it may concern :
The board of county commissioners have
established and ordered opened a public road
commencing at the southeast cornerof section
16 in Coleman precinct , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , running thence south on the section
line , terminating at the northwest corner of
section 27 , all in township 4 , north of range 30 ,
west of the 6th p. m. , and all objections thereto
or claims for damages must be filed in the
county clerk's office on or before noon of the
30th day of January , A. D. t8g or said road
will be established without reference thereto.
Nov.23-4ts. County Clerk.
We authorize our advertised druggist to sell
Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ,
coughs and colds upon this condition : 11 you
are afflicted with a cough , cold or any lung ,
throat or chest trouble , and will use this
remedy as directed , giving it a fair trial , and
experience no benefit , you may return the
bottle and have your money refunded. We
could not make this offer did we not know
that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied -
lied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottle
free at McMillen's drug store. Large size
50 cents and $ r.oo.
. .
: r.
. ' c o 0 0 0 0 . . ,
y t
/ / \
Is the Ma.
Who Sells' Fresh
And He tiells
Thenl ltlg lit , Too.
When you want to buy anything in the Grocery line ,
Noble is the niau you taut to see. He keeps the
eery best goods and sells them at remarkably low
prices. He also carries a magnificent line of Lamps ,
Queenswart of all kinds and Crockery. His line of
Hanging and Stand Lamps is undoubtedly the finest
in Southwestern Nebra3ka. Remember the Holiday
. season is approaching , and no more approprlane present -
ent can be imagined than a handsome Lamp or a set
of Dishes. You can get them at Noble's.
na s
Go and See
T oble He Will
o go at 60 cents a pair.
North 75 cents to $1.00.
To go at 5 cents a piece.
Worth 10 t0 2 0 cents.
'Special reductions in our Dress Goods
department. A few sample cloaks left. Our
Clothing stcek must be reduced. Call and
get prices. New Fascinators , Shawls , etc.
AT THE. . .
s I
. urjciiii
.Y' -