' JI'c ' THIRTEENTH YEAR. McCOUK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , DEC. 14 , 1894. NUMBER 30. ; Y A Swell Social Affair. Mrs. W. C. LaTourette entertained a xarge company of her lady friends in the Temple hall , last Saturday evening , in a thoroughly clever and felicitous fashion. The guests were invited for six o'clock , .and shortly after the hour appointed t nearly one hundred ladies had assembled in the capacious and comfortable hall , which then presented an appearance o f quite unparalleled brilliancy and gayety. Refreshments were at once served , a score or more little tables being tastefully spread for the occasion with dainty linen , pretty wares in silver and china , delic- jous edibles and cut flowers. The collation - tion was elaborate , varied and toothsome : ! n character , and the hostess was ably assisted by a number of friends in its serving , and the music of an orchestra of seven instruments added an element of charm and inspiration during the hour. t The affair , besides being unprecedent- edly comprehensive in its scope , was in that neither cards nor dancing \ were utilized in entertaining the unconi- monly numerous company. But the lively run of social chat and small talk 1 was augmented and quickened by the presentation of a list of twenty-two conundrums - undrums , which the guests were expect- I ed to answer upon cards specially prepared - pared for the occasion. Keen interest and quite a competitive spirit were ex- diibited in the solution of these questions. Three ladies succeeded in correctly answering - wering seventeen of the total of twenty- two conundrums , but in the drawing Mrs. Sylvester Cordeal was successful in securing the prize-a pretty souvenir spoon. Likewise three other ladies had 20 draw for the booby prize , which fell to the lot of Mrs. B. V. Haley. The awarding of prizes concluded happily - pily one of the most extensive and charming - ming entertainments in McCook's social history , every feature of which passed off 'with rare smoothness and to the evident satisfaction and delight of all. The following are the names of those present : MESDAMES-D. E. Bomgardner , Z. L. Xay , E. Q. Robie , E. C. Ballew , A. J. . Rittenhouse , H. F. Pade , Arthur Snyder , 1. Q : R. B. Simmonds , C. J.Ryan , C. B.Gra y. ii C. H. Boyle , Samuel Rogers , A. Barnett , J. V. O'Connell , Orville Burnett , Vina Wood , S. B. Strasser , Nellie Johnson , Frank Brown , S. Patten , Smith Gordon , I , . Day , Cora Kelley , Anna Coffer , C. E ' Idagner , L. W. Stayner , Jacob Burnett , L. B. Stiles , H. W. Cole , W. A. Mitchell , C. W. Knights , A. L. Knowland , M. Y. Starbuck , H. H. Easterday , E. H. Doan , H. G. Borneman , H. P. Waite , Fred A. Pennell , C. F. Babcock , C. T. Brewer , A. S. Campbell , Patrick Gibbons , C. M. 1 Noble , J. F. Ganschow , C. E. PopeV. H. Solliday , J. H. Burns , L. W. McConnell , I J. E. Allen , B. F. Troxel , J. E. Kelley , J. W. McKenna , W. F. Lawson , George Connor , J. F. Forbes , W. S. Morlan , F. M. Kimmell , W. M. Lewis , F. S.Wilcox , t S. L. Moench , J. E. Robinson , Sylvester Cordeal , J. M. Henderson , C. H. Meeker , I Louis Lowman , W. S. Perry , T. G. Rees , G. E. Johnston , H. P. Sutton , Jay Tubbs , , B.V. Haley , T. B. Campbell , J.W. Hupp , M A. Spaulding , 0. M. Knipple , A. J. ' Chambers , C. L. DeGroff , J. A. Wilcox , S. L. Green , J. A. Cordeal , Jonas Engel , W. D. Burnett'J. B. Meserve of Indian- ola , W. S. Cornutt of CulbertsonWaech- t ter of Benkelman. A Circle of King's Daughters. About a score of ladies assembled at the home of Mrs. A. J. Chambers , Monday - day afternoon , despite the heavy snow storm , and formed a circle of the King's Daughters , with Mrs. A. J. Chambers as president ; Mrs. C. L. DeGroff , vice president - ident ; Mrs. A. J. Rittenhouse , secretary ; Mrs. S. E. Taylor , treasurer. Besides the ladies made a quantity of bedding and other articles which will come in handy for some needy ones. A Musical Recital. Mrs. E. E. Utter's pupils gave a very gratifying recital at her studio , last PH- day evening , in which the scholars generally - erally participated in their respective departments. After the recital a musical club \vas formed that is expected to develop - velop into something helpful and desirable - ble in due time. These programmes will be rendered regularly in future at stated intervals. Must Pay Up. All bills must be paid between the first and fifteenth of each month , otherwise - wise no credit will be given. CARSON & WEST , Sunny Side Dairy. Mr , and Mrs. Charles O'Brien are entertaining - tertaining another little stranger-a daughter. GOODS AT ACTUAL COST. Until after the holidays the Mc- Cook Mercantile Co. are closing out the balance of their fine Winter Clothing and Hats and Gaps at Cost. Dress Goods 10 per cent oh : These prices remain but a short time. A full line of Candies , Nuts and Fruits for Christmas. Gall early. McCook Mercantile Co. Dr. Price's cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. There are Women. There are women who are comely , There are women who are homely , But be careful how the latter thing you say- ' There are women who are healthy There are women who are wealthy , There are women who will always have their way. There are women who are truthful , There are women who are youthful , Was there ever any woman that was old. There are women who are sainted , There are women who are painted , There are women who are wortheir weight in gold. There are women who are tender , There are women who are slender , There women very large and fat and red. There are women who are married , There are women who have tarried , There women who are speechless-but they're dead. -Albion News. White Pine Cough Syrup , by McMillen , druggist. A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets - lets at this office. Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and hands. Something new-McConneIl's Balsam for Coughs and Colds. Mayor Kelley went in to Lincoln , Monday - day night , on business. The various Sunday schools of the city are preparing to give Xmas entertainments - ments , with treat attachments. Fifteen ( I5 ; cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , containing - taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. opes.You You will find all the fruits , berries and vegetables , in season , at Nthle's. And they will be the freshest and best the market affords. Supreme court adjourned to January 1st , when , or soon thereafter , some decision - cision respecting the county seat removal case may be expected. A number from this section have signified - nified their intention of taking in the Kearney irrigation convention , Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Fowler Wilcox has recently had built on his farm south of the city a frame barn 160x20 feet , to shelter his stock in stormy weather. O'Neil & Kilpatrick did the work. "Diamond " is of Jim" Hupp out luck. He drove down to the southeastern part of the county and back , last Friday , and one of the horses passed in its checks that self-same night. Monday's snow storm did not extend as far west as Hitchcock county line or farther north than the Red Willow creek in any considerable quantity. But went on east at least as far as the Missouri river. In this vicinity the fall was from 5 to 7 inches in depth. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The alumni association will meet again tomorrow evening. The enrollment of the high school has reached the lee mark. A few school children are reported as needing warmer clothing. Miss Martha Johnson and the members - bers of her school will be guests at the lantern class entertainment , tonight. The school foot ball team was defeated in last Saturday afternoon's contest by a picked eleven in a score of to to 6. The school district treasury is in very straightened circumstances , insomuch that the teachers and other employes had to have three-fifths of their last month's salary registered for future payment - ment , the remaining two-fifths being paid. State Superintendent Goudy has just completed the semi-annual apportionment - ment for December. The total amount appropriated is $215o69.02. The rate perscholar is 59 cents. Red Willow county is entitled to $2,161.19. The June apportionment was about one-third larger or $304,189. ANNOUNCEMENTS. "Grandpa's Birthday" at the Methodist - dist church , tomorrow evening at 7:30. The minstrel show for the Brigade band's benefit will be given about January - ary pay day. Regular meeting of the King's Daughters - ters in the McCook club rooms , Wednesday - day afternoon of next week. The New Year eve masquerade ball in Temple hall , under the auspices of the A. 0. U. W. and for the benefit of their band. The calico ball by the Lady Maccabees Thursday evening , December 20th. Supper - per and ball 75 cents. Good music is promised. The invitation is to whom- soever'will. Music by K. P. orchestra. Next Tuesday evening the ladies of the Episcopal church will give a supper in the Babcock store room. Supper will be served from 5 o'clock till- There will also be some fancy work for sale. The Baptist Boys' Brigade. Some misapprehension probably exists in the minds of many of our citizens iii regard to the object and motive of the Boys' Brigade , recently organized by the Baptist Bible School. To set at rest any mind who may think that it is primarily - rily a military organization , it is only necessary to quote from the constitution : "The object of this organization shall be to advance Christ's kingdom among the boys , and instill in them habits of reverence - erence , discipline and obedience. " And further , every boy joing the brigade must he a member of the Sunday school and before receiving their membership cards are required to sign a pledge to obstatn from the use of tobacco , intoxicating - cating liquor , and from swearing and using vulgar language. Thus the military - tary part of the movement is entirely secondary-only a means to an end. The earnest co-operation and aid of our people is asked in this effort to get hold of the boys. That something should be done is a fact too patent for argument. We believe this will be a success here as it is everywhere else in the United States that it has been tried. Nearly 15,000 boys are now enrolled in the ranks. The growth of the movement during the four years of its existence has been phe- nothinal , rivaling that even of the Christian - ian Endeavor Society. Further information - tion may be had of the superintendent. Grandpa's Birthday. On Saturday evening , December 15th , 1894 , the children of the M. E. Sunday school , under the direction of Misses Hattie Yarger and Mae Thompson , will render the pleasing cantata entitled , "Grandpa's Birthday , " teplete with choice solos , duets , dialogue etc. , and a chorus of twenty-five voiced , with the following cast of characters : GRANDPA..W. D. Beyrer Little Maude. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eva Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yarger Alice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ida McCarl Clara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Blanche McCarl An admission fee of fifteen cents will be charged , the proceeds of which will be used in procuring a Christmas treat for the Sunday school and poor children of the city. Exercises will begin at half past seven o'clock. PROGRAMME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superintendent Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Orchestra Recitation..Lila Sircoloumb Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prank Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recitation..Arvilla Olcott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kenneth Welles Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orchestra CANTATA. Delegates to Kearney. A brief session of the Southwestern Nebraska Jrrigation Association was held in our city , Wednesday afternoon , with President L. Morse of Dandy county - ty in the chair , for the purpose of choosing - ing delegates to the irrigation convention - tion to be held in Kearney , Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. F. M. Kim- mell of Red Willow acted as temporary secretary. The following delegates were chosen : J. W. Cole , S. E. Solomon and C. P. Hubbard , of Culbertson ; C. H. Peck of Trenton ; L. J. Holland and J. J. Lamborn , of Indianola ; David Zimmerman - man of Arapahoe ; Frank Carruth , C. H. Meeker and H. H. Benson , of McCook ; besides all the officers of the association , all of whom are entitled to seats in the convention. A Benefit Masquerade. On New Years eve a masquerade ball will be given in the A. 0. U. W. Temple hall by the members of McCook Lodge No. 61 for the benefit of their band. It will be an invitation affair , and the invitations - tations will be out in a few days. Ball tickets will be $ t.oo , ladies in costume free , spectators 25 cents. The Fischer orchestra will provide the music. Ed. Jordan will be master of ceremonies ; E. R. Curtis and E. H. Rohlf , floor managers - gers ; B. H. Douglass , Peter Bevier and M. A. Spaulding compose the committee on arrangements ; C. E. Throne , J. V. O'Connell and C. F. Lehn on invitations. You will have to present your invitations - tions at the door , so preserve them. Given Away. Your choice of any hat or cap in our store for next thirty days , to every man buying a suit of our bargains in men's winter clothing. The suits are a bargain at the price sold for ; the hat is given to you for nothing but your good will and trade. Buy early and get your pick out of a fine line of hats and caps. Good bargains in underwear for ladies , gentlemen - men and children. MCCOoK MERCANTILE CO. Cooks , use McCook Electric Soap and save gumming your dishes and pans. Try McConnell's Fragrant Lotion for chapped face or hands. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair , San Francisco. 1EUf'LE YOU KNOW. J. W. HUPP is at Lincoln on business. H. H. TROTH was a' Lincoln visitor , last Saturday. H. H. BENSON will locate in our city for the present. J. W. DOLAN is up from Indianola on business today. MRS. STRASSER and Gracie are visiting - ing Holdrege relatives. C. T. BREWER and B. F. Troxel were Indianola visitors , Monday. MRS. E.C. BALLEW went in to Omaha with her husband , Tuesday night. REGISTER CAMPBELL went in to Omaha - aha , Wednesday night , on business. MRS. FRANK STILLMAN is entertaining - ing a number of friends from the east. L. MORSE of the county of Dundy was in the city , Wednesday , on irrigation business. DEACON MoRLAN went in to the state capital , on Wednesday night , to see the wheels go 'round. MISS LIzzIE SPRY retires from the postoffice and goes into the Fair store , Verlie Berry retiring. MRS. A. L. CLARKS of Hastings was the guest of Mrs. A. S. Campbell on Tuesday of this week. H. W. COLE went down to Omaha , Monday night , to attend a Grand Council - cil meeting of Nebraska Masons. MAYOR KELLEY and Marshal Bump attended the meeting of the Nebraska chiefs of police held in Lincoln recently. CAPTAIN AMI TODD of Plattsmouth , was a city visitor , Tuesday. The captain is a bother-in-law of Messrs.Carrutb and Dixon of our city. MRS. D. H. BABBITT of the South Side and Mrs. W. A. Austin of Indianola , were the guests of Mrs. A. L. Knox at Arapahoe , first of the week. MRS. PLEWS of Littleton , Colorado , who has been visiting her father , Joseph Dudek of Red Willow precinct , for the past three months , left for home , last night. SHERIFF BANKS of Indianola , was a city visitor , Saturday , being accompanied - ied by his two brothers-in-law , S. J. Schermerhorn and E. N. Walcott , both from B Oomington , Illinois , who are out on a visit to the sheriff and his wife. W. E. KETCH of the Quick neighborhood - hood is just back from a visit to Louisiana - na , where a brother resides. He thinks of returning to that portion of the south to live. He reports roses in bloomoran- ges on the trees , fresh peas in the market and other attractions now visible in the southland. E. C. BALLEW , J. S. LeHew and Thos. Whitmer went in to Omaha , Tuesday night , to secure the indictment of Zane Teeter for bootlegging during the late county fair. Zane , it will be remembered escaped the deputy U. S. marshal here some time since , and is now supposed to be down in Oklahoma somewhere. R. B. WAHLQUIST , W. A. McKay , C. L. Rose , \V. J. Falk , W. M. Dutton , C. G. Lane , T. J. Cooperrider , J. S. Smith , Isaac LeDioyt , Pat Sullivan , S. S. Snyder - der and H. M. Oliver , all of Hastings , were in the city , Tuesday , on their way up to see the Culbertson and Meeker irrigation ditches. The question of irrigation - gation is gradually assuming practical form down in Adams county , where are located a number of enthusiastic and earnest irrigationists. AT THE CHURCHES. The special meetings at the Methodist church are still continuing , and with increasing - creasing interest. There have been several - eral conversons and many more are now considering the subject. J. L. McBrien , dean of the college at Orleans , will be in McCook and address the people at the M. E. church , next Sunday morning at xi o'clock. Preaching - ing in the evening by the pastor ; subject , "Two kingdoms. " Congregational services-Preaching at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subjects , "A Heart Religion , " and "What the Lord Requires of Thee. " Endeavor society at 6:45 P m. Topic , "A New Command- ment. " Leader , Miss Stella Norval. Contrary to announcements made last Sunday , Baptist services will be held in Temple hall , next Sunday morning and evening. A full attendance is desired at Sunday school , at Io o'clock , to ar range the music for the Christmas con- cert. Christian Endeavor meets at 6:45. Company A , Boys' Brigade , was organized - ized last Sunday afternoon with a membership - bership of 35. Meetings every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock , under the instruction - tion of Elder McBride. Members should be on hand promptly to answer to the roll call. Applicants for admission to this company , over ten years of age , should be at the Temple hall at 9:30 a. m. for examination. If the examination is favorable they will receive an application - cation blank fortheir'parents'signature. Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters. Use McConnell's Balsam for Coughs and Colds. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. District court at Indianola , Monday and Tuesday next. Use McCook Electric Soap and save boiling the clothes. THE TRIBUNE still has some valuable space for sale to Christmas advertisers. Those owning or able to hire cutters or bobs have been making good use of the snow. _ Hastings is figuring quite strongly on a proposition to establish a beet sugar factory in that city. They had another of their delightful banquets at the Eastern Star meeting , Wednesday evening. Sutton is selling jewelry at cost. You can secure matchless bargains from him for the next thirty days. Abstracts of title will be furnished promptly and accurate by byC. C. T. BEGGs. Remember everything goes at cost for the next thirty days at Sutton's jewelry store. His stock is unequalled in the Republican valley. There are no end of balls , parties and entertainments of various sorts on tapis. This promises to be an uncommonly lively winter , socially. O'Neil & Kilpatrick are building two barns in West McCook for R. A. Cole , one on the rear of his business lot and the other on his residence property. 1FI. Y. Starbuck's colt created a large excitement , Sunday afternoon , in the northeastern part of the city , by running away. Little damage was occasioned and no one hurt. In the case of Frank Shank against Lawrence S. Gillick , the secretary of the interior has denied the motion for a review - view of the case , and Gillick's entry is held for cancellation. With all your buying , buy wood for fuel. It will keep hundreds of dollars at home , where it is needed , and will furnish - nish labor for many. Buy wood. Patronize - ronize a home industry. Speaking of snows , Monday after- noon's production was an inspiration. And there were six or seven inches of it. No wind to speak of. Oh , it was a symphony - phony , while all the people were in ecstacy. The law providing for a board of education - cation in cities of the second class , should be so amended as to permit the new board to qualify and take their seats when other officers-elect , such as mayor and councilmen do. John Huff paid Gottlieb Orman $2 for the coat alleged to have been appropriated - ated from Orman , and the costs of suit , and the case continued before Squire Berry for last Saturday was settled and dismissed. The little coat episode thus only cost Huff $7.20 The Burlington company has consented - ed to transport free aid into such western - ern counties as will effect organization and appoint responsible men to have charge of the distribution of the same. Dundy county has such an organization already. Has Red Willow ? The fund for aiding the poor in Furnas county is .already exhausted and overdrawn - drawn , and the commissioners are at this early date finding the question of taking care of their needy ones a serious problem. And the winter season has hardly touched them yet. This aid business - iness is destined to become very bothersome - some before spring. Last week Colonel Bishop of the Weekly - ly Reporter relapsed into his old bad habit of iliconsidered roasting over the mandamus proceedings instituted in the supreme court , Wednesday. We sincerely - cerely deplore anything and everything tending to inflame partisanship in this matter. It is useless and unlovely , Bishop. It is immaterial , irrelevant ; and not germane to the case. Recent investigation has proven conclusively - clusively that the benevolent people of our city have been shamefully imposed upon by certain parties from the coun- try. This fact should simply stimulate our people to ascertain whether the persons - sons seeking aid are needy and deserv- ing. Some course should be devised to get such information on authority. No needy ones should be allowed to suffer. No indolentworthless , , undeserving ones should be given what belongs to the honest poor. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Wodd'a Fair Highest Medal wd Oiplome. WINDMILL IRRIGATION. Valley of the Frenchman to be the Scene of Great Industry. HOLvoLE , Colo. , Nov. 25-Special. ] C. H. Harman of this city and assistant superintendent of the local line of the B. & M. , together with his employes , have incorporated under the name of Frenchman Valley Windmill Irrigation Company for the purpose of testing in this part of the state and along the Frenchman creek the possibilities of windmill irrigation. The surface bed of the Frenchman creek is composed of dry ground , but at various points an abundance of water is found at from three to six feet below the surface Mr. Harman is of the opinion , and with good reason , that there is sufficient water in the creek to' irrigate a large amount of land in the adjoining portions of the valley. With that view of the matter he put men to work , the first of the week , excavating a well near the city. The well is eight feet in diameter , and the workmen are down now about twelve feet , and ever night the water accumulates - lates in the well to the depth of four feet. The work of excavation was suspended - pended today on account of being unable - ble to bail the water away from the workmen as fast as it flowed in. A windmill - mill and pump of large capacity is now being erected , and when completed and in running order , the sinking of the well , together with running a connecting tunnel across the channel of the creek , will be advanced mail such time as the pump will be unable to exhaust the inflow - flow of water. After that suitable reservoirs - ervoirs and of sufficient capacity for the quantity of water obtained will be constructed - structed for storage purposes , and the coming season a corresponding area of land adjacent will be irrigated , cultivated and planted to garden crops If this experiment - periment proves a success , and its promoters - meters have every reason to believe it will , then the following season will witness - ness a duplication of the plant at one hundred or more points along t 11 e Frenchman and within the limits of this county.-Omaha Bee. We will say in this connection that work has been delayed , for the present , on the above mentioned enterprise. Mr. Harman tells us that they are now waiting - ing for a pump that lie has ordered , and that work will be resumed early the coming week.-Overland Mail. The City Council. There was an adjourned session of the city council , Wednesday evening. All present but Councilman Sutton. The following bills were allowed : ' Water Co. . . . $425.0O Light Co. . $1oo.oo Tribune . . . . . . S.oo Starbuck. . 1595 A.G. Bump. . 65.00 H. Smith. . 50.00 Coglizer. . . . . 50.00 Bowman . . 2.00 C.G.Holmes. 2.00 An ordinance establishing water pressure - sure for fire purposes , and an ordinance constituting a fire department were read a second time , and are now ready for passage. An ordinance providing for the election and appointment of city officers , fixing the amounts of their official bonds and salaries , beginning of municipal year , passed first reading. Salaries are to be materially reduced. Following resolution was passed : RESOLUTION Transferring the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars from the cemetery fund of the city of McCook , Nebraska , to the general fund thereof. Be it resolved by the mayor and council - cil of the city of McCook : Section I. That the sum of one hundred - red and fifty dollars now in the cemetery t fund of the city of McCook be and the same is hereby transferred to the general fund of said city. Section 2. This resolution shall be iii force from and after its passage.approval and publication according to law. Passed and approved this 12th day of December , A. D. 1894. Attest : J. E. KELLEY , E. J. WILCox , Mayor. City Clerk. [ SEAL. ] You Have Noticed It. You have noticed that handsome oil painting in the window at C. A. Leach's jewelry store , of coursel The author of that pretty and artistic production is Mrs. George Connor , and another interesting - esting fact in this connection is that some lucky ticket holder will soon have that life-like retriever and game hanging on the wall of his home in its handsome frame. Fine Printing. We make a specialty of flue job print- ing. Oursamples offashionableandele- gant stationery for invitations , programs etc. , is not exceLted in Nebraska. For Sale or Lease. The butcher shop and tools on Nest Dennison street. Inquire of S. M. Cochran - ran & Co. , or of PERRY STONE. I 60 Acres For Sale. 70 acres old ground. 9o acres under the irrigation ditch. Two miles from McCook. Terms easy. F. S. WILCOx. A new stock of linen Art Goods for the holidays just received. Prices lower than ever. L. LOWMAN & SON.