° 1 Whatis " f' _ - _ _ Lastoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by 1llillions of Mothers. Castoria destroysWorms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Castoria. U Oa Loris Is an excellent midicine for Chit- Cron Mothers have repeatedly toad me of its good effect upon their children. " Dr G. C. O oooD , Lowell , Mass. I' Castoria 13 the beet remedy for children of -which I am acquainted. I hope the day is trot far distant when motherswIlICOflsider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria in- steadof thevariousquacknostnunswhich are destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful : ngents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Da. J. F. Krscacros , Conway , Ark. Castoria. 'I Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me. " H. A. AncRER , M. D. , 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. I' Our physicians in the children's department - ment have spoken highly of their experience - ence In their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only have among our , medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " IINITxD HosPrrAL AND D1spnsslnY , Boston , Mass. ArasN C. S uvn , Pres. , The Centaur Company , T7 Murray Street , Now York City. iflr 1 f .FIkT WATIO11AL .z PAK d Capital Surp'us ' OPPICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKNELI B , M. FREES , , W. F. LRWSON i President , Vice President. Cashier. A. CAMPBELL , FRANK HARRIS , . Tfl6 Gitizdlls DdIIK 0 ! M6Gook INCOftI'OILATEU UNDEI : STATk LAWS. Paid - 50OOU. Up Capital , - - - ! Surplus , - - - - - - 10,000. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. Tares Paid , for Non-Residents. . 1NlvWVV. Ti C P 9 > i OPPICERS. V. FRANKMN-President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. COmtESPoNDEIcTs-Tice First \attoual Bank , LineoIn , Nebraska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. C 9 ) o ( LIME , xARn ' cr En' , Ai9D I DOORS , LUMPEkZ SOFT TYI11D0 1fS , , BLINDS. COA4 ) o ( RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS , U. J. WARREN , L"lanager. F. D. BURGESS , Plumberand Steam Fitter MA1N AVENUE McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim. ainga ' Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and TPaupun Wind Mill. , L 1 ' . . . ; , See Sutton fin the best and the eheaIest jewelry and music. The Tariff , Financial , Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. Buy your tablets , llik ! pens , 1)e1ICIIS and sationei'yof all kinds at The Tribune office , next (1001' to the post- office. MILTON $ OSBORN PROPRIETOR OF T1E WHITE LINE TRANSFER. , I alu well equipped to do anything and everything in the line of draying business. I will move pianos or household goods promptly and safely. Your patronage - ronage is solicited. Barn opposite the Central hotel. C. L. MILLER , PROPRIETOR OF Miller's Restaurant& Chop House ONE DOOR NORTH OF LaTOURETTE'S. Short Orders. Lunches. Orders for aiuquets , Courteous Treatment. aNnsnnuhle Prices. WI1 L11 DOUGLAS ISTHE BEST. ' 1 fl NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN , FRENCII& ENAMELLED CALF. - - - = Sb50 . _ FINECIItF&IUN6AR04 = = 3.50POUCE 3SOLIS. , _ .S _ so$2.WORKINoHFNS - 4 : ] EXTRA FINE. - " , ,2.$1.75 BOYSSCHOOLSH01:9 : . , , . , , .LA IES . , . $3. ONGOL SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL DOUGLAS , Hai BROCKTON , MASS. You can save money by purcha dng W. L. Douglns ahoeN , ' Because , we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world , and guarantee the value b stamping the name and price on the bottom. which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style , easy fitting and . wearing qualities. We have them sold every. where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you , we can. Sold by DEALER whose name will shortly appear - pear here. Agents wanted. Apply at once. t 0 ORE BACK ACHE 0 RE 0t f J WAvE L , CONSTIPATION , INFLAMATION ofTNfs BLADDER. pND ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . TAKE THE A BEST 1 25ct& , CDc's. and s 31.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. Itis sold on a tee by all drug- gists. It cures Incipient Consumption. mid. is the l'est Cough and Croup Cure. is an arbitrary word used to designate the only bow ( ring ) which cannot be pulled off the watch. 6lere'stheilea The bow has a groove on each end. A collar runs down inside the r pendant ( stem ) and fits into the grooves , firmly locking the bow to the pendant , so that it cannot be i ' ailed or twisted off It positively prevents the loss of the watch by theft , and avoids injury to it from dropping. IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with Jas. Boss Filled or other watch WtfJ cases bearing this trade mark- All watch dealers sell them without extra cost. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. KeYstoneWatch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. . , " , , . , ' - - t . F. S. VILCOX ! . . V. , r Buys And Sells I I I I I I I , I I I , I , , , , , , Hogs , I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I PAYS THE - HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. . . . OFFICE : In the B d M. Meat Market , where he A will always be pleased to see his old customers as usual. iTAs there are so few Fat . . Hogs cnming to this market. I have decided to make each Saturday - urday a epeeiul market day for buying hogs. This will save much expense In feed and In shrinkage , and if the farmers will cooperate In this it will aid considerable in establishing a good home market. F. S. WILCOX. That Tea set a t your Own Price. LEACH , The Jeweler. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Lady Maccabees announce a supper - per and ball for December 19th. Particulars - ticulars nest week. There's a good time coming. The Ladies of the Maccabees will give a calico ball , December , 20th. Tickets 75 cents a couple ; ladies and children 25 cents. Both tickets include supper. A meeting of the ladies of McCook is requested at the residence of A J. Chambers on Marshall street , nest Monday - day afternoon at two o'clock , to form a Circle of the King's Daughters , and to perform some important and charitable work. Let there be a full attendance of the earnest , benevolently disposed women - men of our city. Vigilance Committee. Owing to the fact that numerous thefts have been committed in this precinct of late , the citizens of Driftwood and vicinity - ity met , December 5th , and organized a strong con mittee to co-operate with the sheriffin protecting property and bringing - ing thieves to justice. Lewis Farlin was elected captain ; R. D. Rogers , first lieutenant - tenant ; Charles Eller , second lieutenant. "Forbearance has ceased to be a virtue , " and we will make it hot for law-breakers in this precinct. By order of Co1SIittITTEE. No Court Docket. W. 0. Bond , clerk of the district court , writes us that he has been instructed by Judge D. T. Welty not to have any dockets - ets printed for the nest term of the district - trict court for Red Willow countywhich , we believe , commences on the Isth of this month. Whether for economical or prudential reasons we know not. White Pine Cough Syrup , by McMillen , druggist. A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets - lets at this office. Try McMillen's Damask Rose Lotion for face and hands. Something new-McConnell's Balsam for Coughs and Colds. Mayor Kelley went in to Lincoln , Monday - day night , on business. Fine and complete line of calling cards a : THE TRIBUNi. Also order taken for engraved cards. Speak gently ; it is better far , your temper not to tax , speak gently once or twice , and then wade in and take an as. Fifteen ( I5) ) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , containing - taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel- opes. List any lands you may have to sell at a bargain with J. E. Kelley. Office in rear of First National Bank , BlcCook , Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson , who live a short distance south of the city , were presented with twins , Monday night of this week. You will find all the fruits , berries and vegetables , in season , at Noble's. And they will be the freshest and best the market affords. Almighty dollar , thy shining face bespeaks - speaks thy wondrous power ; let our pocket be thy resting place , we need need thee every hour. By reference to his card appearing elsewhere in this issue it will be noticed that F. S. Wilcox is still continuing the business of buying and selling stock of all kinds , and that he is making his headquarters at the old stand in the B. C TVI. meat market. Thomas Pate has a grain sack in his possession belonging to someone else that he would be pleased and contented to turn over to the rightful owner , upon a simple request. It belongs to the person - son who made a raid on his corn bin , t about election night. So don't all claim the bag at once. An elegant stock of ladies' handkerchiefs - kerchiefs just received. Call early and get your choice. L. LOWMAN & SOH. . , r f . S s : ' 'i - , sijrrrforss : , - : - - . . ' i , I vvvv S pedal Sale : 1 At and Below Cost . FOR 3Q DAYS ' : I .1 For Cash .p , t Everything' Goes. My Stock - ' . Must be Reduced. = ; : - : - - - - + xa ° We are not going out of business but have taken this b method to reduce our stock. Tbis will give the people of McCook and vicinity . a grand opportunity to secure their . ; .I l Holiday Goods at prices never heard of before in this part ) of the country. My stook is the largest found iii the entire r Republican Valley , consisting of Watches of all kinds-five { hundred to select from-in gold , gold filled , etc. Diamonds , a complete stock. Rings-well I should say so-too many for you to count. Jewelry , the very latest styles. Silverware - ware , plated and solid , of all descriptions. In fact anything ' found in a first-class jewelry store will be found in my store. , ? t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLOCKS , CLOCKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Onyx , Marble , Wood , and Stone. , I ' I We Engrave Our Goods Free- ; r Pianos Organs and Musical Instruments ' . . -CALL GO. . . , , Everything Warranted as Represented. / ! > 'Itemember , my entire stock on sale f r at and below cos ( for 30 days , for CASH H P / e Jew e1er , - , McCook , Nebraska. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castarb. .J. S. MICBRAYLR , PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line. BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. CHASE CO. LAUD & LIVE STOCK CO. jtU Horses branded on loft hip or left slnouldor. P. 0. address Imperial , T11P. county , and heat- - rite. Nebraska. Range. Stinking Water and the Frenchman creeks , in Chasecounty , Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of someanimalson hip and sides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. ELDIER POWELL , NOTAIt > i i'UBLiC , ca Lsate1 off c enL , AND INS UICANCE. McCOOK , - F EB ASKA. JI E. KELLEY , ' 1 1:1 - f AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK. - - NEI'RASI A Office In Bear of First National Bank. CHARLES H BOTLE , ATLAw ATTORNEY - AT - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. SChen Baby was spelt , we gave her Castoria. . when she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. I When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria. When she had Children , she gavethem Castoris , q qr r , , FOR SALE ! We have seed wheat , seed rye , , and corn for sale at the elevator. H. i'ASTERDAY & ; Co. , inks and pencils at this ' , office. R Aa COLE , LEADING oP McCOOK , Has just received a new stock of OLOTH $ ti and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fitting - ting suit made at the very lowest prices for - I good work , call on him. Shop first door west , of Barnett'a Lumber Office , on Dennison , street. w. V. : CAGE , I , f. wecooK , NEBBASIIA. FOmcs Homts-9 to it a. m. , to 5 anti f to I' p. m. Rooms over First National bank ' Nit ht calls an cwered at office. , , f . r Ca./NN h rlillsI6iall dII SllrU6oll , - tl , McCOOK , NEIILASKA. I'i r ; t 1"OFFIcE-Front rooms over Lowman & , Eon's store. RssmaNcE-4l McFarland St. , i ; I two blocks north of McEntee hotel. Prompt IL t attention to all calls. / ' Rs. E. E. UTTER , ' ' -MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR.- I 1 I Piano Or an , Guitar and Banjo. 1" VOICE TRAINING ' y A SPECIALTY , f' l ' STUDIO ROOM 3 , OVER OA t SCHOWB. f 1 McCook , - - Nebraska. it . A.IISTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , r { . .f 1 , i , M000OE , NEBBASgg , , s r , kOffice over the Famous Clothing S ( 1 . n i