The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1894, Image 5

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Highest of al ! in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gods Report
' .t ; ppv iakin
' } S [ J = Powder
Letshia M. Stewart , Letshia M. Stewart as
adininistratrrx of the estate of Robert R. Stewart -
. art , deceased , James Stewart and Joseph
Stewart , defendants , will take notice that
George Ilockocll as trustee for the McCook
Building Association laintiff , has filed his
petition n the district court of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of
f which are to foreclose a certain mortgage deed
I executed December 22 , 1892 , by the defendant ,
Letshia M. Stewart , and one obert R. Stewart -
( art , row deceased , o the plaintiff , upon the
following described real estatesituated in Red
1Vi16w county , Nebraska , towit : The east
half of the northwest quarter and the west
I half of the northeast quarter of section numb -
bored in numbered three
b twenty-two township ,
fl north of range numbered twenty-nine , west of
( the sixth principal meridian , to secure the
't payment of their three certain promissory
li notes , each for the sum of $5oo , due respect-
ml ively on the first day of December , 1893 , 1894.
I 1895. There is now due min said notes and
1 mortgage the sum of $5oo , with interest thereon -
on at the rate of six per cent. Goan December
I , 1893 , and there will be due thereon frunt the
said defendants on the first day of December ,
1894 , the stun of $5oo , with interest at the rate
of six per cent. from December I , 1893. and on
1 December t , I8)$5oo , with interest thereon
I e at six per cent. from December t , 1893 , and
1 the plaintiff prays fur a decree that the defendants -
dants be required to pay the same , or thatsaid
premises be sold to satisfy said amount.
1 You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the 14th dxy of January ,
' 1895. Dated tilts 26th day of November , 1894.
, GEORGE IIOCKNELL as Trustee for
I tl the McCook Building Association , Plaintiff.
By W. S. Murlan , his anorney. Dec.7.4ts.
Should get what ? \9hy , the Rev. Inl L.
f hicks' splendid almanac for 1895. lie has
I kindly sent to this office a copy of the same ,
and we speak advisedly in saying that it is a
rare publication-the very latest and best of
all that has emanated from the pen and brain
and heart of this well-known friend of the
public. The history of this man's work-now
an open book to all America-and a casual
I glance at his almanac 6.r 1895 , convinces us
that this vitally useful and instructive book
ought to find its way into every shop , store ,
office and home in the land , The price of the
book-only 25 cents-could not to our knowledge -
edge be invested for any one thing more prof-
itably. It contains 84 p.tges , printed on tine
hook paper , with elegant covers in colors.
It is for sale by all newsdealers. This fine
almanac is given as a premium to evcy yearly
subscriber to Rev. In R. ( licks' well-known
and deservedly popular paper , Words and
Works. This uni ue ournalis a peerless educator -
ucator of tine masses and is fast becoming a
household guardian and necessity in he
homes of America. Those who want to keep
ti with all the advanced thought of the age
in science , religion and all social , comniercial
and intellctual and domestic subjects , should
subscribe for 1Vords and Work. Subscription
only $ I.OO a year. You can send for both to
Words and Works Publishing Company , St. ,
Louis , Mo.
We authorize our advertised druggist to sell
l Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ,
coughs d and colds upon this condition : Ii You
are afflicted with a cough , cold or any lung ,
throat or chest trouble , and will use this
remedy as directed , giving it a fair trial , and
experience no bcneht , you may return the
1 bottle and have yt.ur money refunded. We
could not make this offer did we not know
that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied -
lied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottle
free at McMillen's drug store. Large size
4 50 cents and $ t.oo.
j As a remedy for all forms of headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the best.
{ It , effects a permanent cure and the most
S dreaded sick headaches yield to its influence.
We urge all who are aficted to procure a
bottle , nd give this remedy a fair trial. In
cases f haitual constipation Electric Bitters
f cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels ,
and few cases long resist this medicine. Try
l it once. Large bottles only 50 cents at Mc-
Millen's drug store.
t The best salve in the world forcutsbruises ,
i sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles erne ay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cts.
, perbox. Forsale by McMillen.
Watch your kidneys. They carry the poison
from the system , and need care , as much so as
the trowels. ' 1'ake an occasional dose of
Oregon Kidney Tea , it will keep you in prime
health. Give it to the children , it will keep
them well , and save lots of trouble. Trial
b size packages 2 ; cents. All druggists.
I've a secret in my heart ,
Sweet Mane ,
k , A tale I would impart ,
Sweet Marie.
If you'd even fairer be
You must always use Parks' Tea ,
The improvement you will see ,
Sweet Mane. Sold 6Y McMillen.
The American beauty owes her prestige
more to a clear complexion than to any other
attribute. A cup of Parks' will enabe an
one to possess ths It clears the skin and
removs pimples and that sallow , mmuddy
look. Pants tea is use by Thousands of ladies
for the complexion. Without being a cathartic -
tic it cures constipation. Sold by McMullen.
Parks' sure cure is a sure specific in all diseases -
eases of the liver and kidneys. By removing
the uric acid in the blood it cures rheumatism.
S. B. Basfor of Carthage. S. D , says : "I believe -
lieve Parks' sure cure excels all other medicines -
cines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. "
Sold by McMillen.
Parks cough syrup cures coughs , colds and
consumption , Mrs. Catherine Black of Le
Roy , N. Y. , says : "I took one bottle of Parks'
cough syrup. It acted like magic. Stopped
my cough and I am perfectly well now. "
Sold by McMillen.
Parks' tea clears the complexion. Mrs. N.
l Meye ate of LeRoy , N. V. , says : I have used
I arks tea and find it the best remedy I have
ever tried. " Sold : y McMillen.
A cup of Parks' tea at night moves the
bowels in the morning without pain or dis-
comfort. It is a great health giver and blood
purifier. Sold by McMillen.
Captain Sweeney , U. S. A. , San Diego , Cal. ,
says , Shilohs Catarrh Remcly is the first
medicine I ever found that would do me any
good. " Price SOC. Sold by McConnell.
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It
P cures incipient consumption. it is the best
cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts. ,
50 cts. , $ I.OO. Sold by McConnell & Co.
Shiloh's Cure , the great cough and croup
cure , is in great demand. Pocket size contains
twenty-five doses , only 25 cts. Children love
it. Sold by McConnell.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
lion. D. ' 1' . Welty , judge of the district court
of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 18th
day of Deccmber,1893 , in favor of Ge rgie A.
Dewey as plaintiff , and against Ebert J.
Henderson et al. , as defendants , for the sum
of six IiunIre(1 ninety-two ( $692) ) dollars anti
twenty-three (23) ( ) cents , and costs taxed at
535.33 , and Burton & Harvey on the same
day on their cross petition obtained a decree
for the sum of $33.25 , and accruing costs. I
have levee I upon the following real estate
taken as the property of said defendants to
satisfy said judgments , to-wit : The east half
of time north wet quarer and the west half of
the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine
(29) ( ) , township two (2) ( ) , north , range twenty-
nine (29) ( ) , west of the 6th Red Willow
county , Nebraska. And will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in
hand , on the 17th day of December , A. I ) .
1894 , of front of the south door of the court
house , ut Indianola , Nebraska , that being the
building wherein the last term of court was
held , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said
( lay , when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned. Dated November
15th , iSg4. E. R BANKS ,
lv. S. MORLAN , Sheriff of said county.
Attorney. Nov.t6.5ts.
Sheriff's Sale. ,
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , emi a judgment obtained before
I lee , D. T. Welty , judge of the district court
of ReciWiBov county , Nebraska , tnI the 5th
day of October.I891in favorof George I-Iock-
ncll as laintiff , and against 14ilham II. ! lar-
mon et al. , as , defendants , for the sum of one
hundred and fifty ( $ I5o ) dollars and thirty-
four (34) ( ) cents , and costs taxed at $30 , and
accruing costs , 1 have levied upn the follow-
in real estate taken as the ProP of said
ale endants to satisfy said judgment , t0-wit :
the west half of the northeast quarter and the
east half of the northwest quarter of section
33 , township 2 , north of range 2g , west of the
6th p. in. , imi Itetl Willow county , Nebraska ,
and will offer the same for sale to the highest
bidder , for cash in hand , on the Toth day of
December , A. D. 1894 , in front of the south
door of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska -
ka , that being the building wherein the last
term of court was held , at the hour of one
o'clock p. m. of said day , when and where due
attendance will lie given by the undersigned.
Dated November 7th , 1894. E , R. BANKS ,
W. S. M0ItLAN , Sheriff of said county.
Attorney. Nov.9.5ts.
Road No. 303.
To George H. Simmerman , James Kellcy
and to all whom it may concern :
The board of county commissioners have
ordered opened a public road commencing at
the southeast corner of section 9 in Coleman
precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running -
ning thence south on section line to the southeast -
east c rimer of section 16 , thence cast on the
section line , terminating at the southwest corner -
ner of the southeast quarter of section 14 , in
township 4 , north of range 30 , west of the 6th
p. in. , and all objections thereto or claims for
damages must be filed in time county clerk's
office on or before noon of the 30th day of
January , A. D. 1895 , or said road will be established -
lished without reference thereto.
GEO. 11' . ROPER ,
Nov.23-4t. County Clerk.
Road No. 299.
To Susan A. Horton , W. F. Bechtel , Millard
Horton , Charles S. Blair , E. Floyd-Jones ,
Alexander Swanson , Alice Slurey , Charles G.
Bromnan , Rebecca Offal , John Gust Bromair ,
Paul Eggar , and to all whom it may concern :
The'board of county commissioners have
ordered opened a public road commencing at
the southwest corner of the southeast quarter
of section 28 in Tyrone precinct , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , running thence east on the
section line , terminating at the southeast corner -
ner of section 25 , all in township 2 , north of
range 26 , west of the 6th p. m. , and all objections -
tions thereto or claims for damages must be
filed in the county clerk's office on or before
noon of the 3oth day of January , A. D.1895 , or
said road wrllhe establisliedwrthoutreference
Nov.23.41s. County Clerk.
Road No. 298.
To Smith Bros. Loan and Trust Co. , Thos.
' L. Keigan , D. R. Smith , Frederick II. Gen-
sicke , George If. Simmerman , H. H. Easter-
day , Oscar Bradford , Robert J.Traphagan ,
and to all whom it may concern :
The board of county commissioners have
established and ordered opened a public road
commencing at the northeast corner of section
3T n Coleman precinct , Red Willow county ,
hebraslca , running thence southon the section
line to the southeast corner of section 22 , terminating -
minating thereat all in township 4 , north of
range 30 , west ol6th p. m. , and all objections
thereto or claims for damages must be filed in
the county clerk's office on or before noon of
the 30th clay of January , A. D. 1895 , or said
road will be established without reference
Nov.23.4ts. County Clerk.
Road No. 297.
To Oscar Bradford , Hiram Thraiilkill , Robert -
ert J. ' 1'raphagan , George Elbert , Robert
Moore , Isaac W. Dwirl , and to all whom it
may concern :
The board of county commissioners have
established and ordered opened a public road
commencing at the southwest comer of the
southeast quarter of section 22 in Coleman precinct -
cinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running
thence east on thesecnon line , terminating at
the southeast corner of section 23 , all in township -
ship 4 , north of range 30 , west of he 6th . . ,
amid all objections there or claims for dp.m.
must be filed in the county clerk's office on
or before noon of the 30th day of January , A.
D. 189 ; or said road svill be etablished ith-
out reference thereto.
Nov.23-41s. County Clerk.
Road No. 2g6.
To I-Iugh A. Jennett , II. H. Easterday , William -
liam licklns , and to all whom it may concern :
The board of county commissioners have
established and ordered opened a public road
commencing at the southeast cornerof section
16 in Coleman precinct , Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , running thence south on the section
line , terminating at the northwest corner of
section 27 , all in township 4 , north of range 3o ,
west of time 6th p. m. , and all objections thereto
or claims for damages must be filed in the
county clerk's office on or before noon of the
3otlr day of January , A. D. x895 , or said road
will be established without reference thereto.
Nov.23-4ts. County Clerk.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla ,
Buy useful holiday presents-A
dress , a cloak , or something of that
order will be very acceptable this
year. We have the only fine assortment -
ment in the city.
Notice is hereby given that the board of
county commissioners of Red 1Villow county ,
Nebraskawill on January first , 1895 , receive
sealed bids for the funrishumg of the following
named brooks , blanks and stationery for the
use of the various county officers of said county -
ty during the year 1895 , as follows towit :
2 8-quire plain canvas covered deed records.
2 8-quire plain canvas covered mortgage
18 quire plain canvas covered miscellaneous -
ous record.
18-quire printed canvass covered bond
2 8-quire printed canvas covered indexes.
2,000 full sheet letterheads for treasurer.
blanksune-half sheet printed -
500 statement , - ,
ed , for treasurer.
,500 No. 64 rag XXX envelopes , printed ,
for treasurer.
I gross Spencerian pens No. r , treasurer.
1,00094 rag XXX envelopes , printed , judge.
1,00064 rag XXX envelopes , printed , for
2 gross Leon Isaac pens , Nos. IO and ii ,
4,00094 rag XXX envelopesprintedclerk.
2 gross Perfection lead pencils , Faber
make , rubber tips , No. 3 , clerk.
2 boxes assorted bands , No. 1,150 Faber.
Thefurnishing of the above named books ,
blanks and stationery will be let in separate
contracts , to the lowest competent bidderwh o
shall give bonds for the faithful performance
of his contract , with at least two good and sufficient -
cient sureties to he approved by the board of
county commissioners. Separate sealed bids
will be received at the office of the county clerk
up to noon on the 1st day of January , 1895 , the
right to reject any and all bids is reserved.
Dated December 1st , 1894.
GFoltcE : W. ROPER ,
Dec.7.4ts. County Clerk.
By virtue of an execution directed to me
from the district court of Red R'illow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before J.E.
Kelley , a justice of the peace of Iced V illow
county , Nebraska , on the 9th day of May.1894 ,
in favor of Wm. tl. Anderson as plaintiff , amid
against George M. Chenery as defendant , for
the sum of one hundred dollars and twelve
cents , and costs taxed at S8.4o , and accruing
costs , I have levied upon the following store
fixtures and merchandise taken as the property -
erty of said defendant , to satisfy said execution -
tion towit : Drugs , medicines , fancy and toilet
articles , blank books and stationery , rubber
goods , perfumes , patent medicines , condition
powtiets , paints , oils , show cases , counters ,
prescription case , scales , shelf bottles , soda
fountain amid apparatus , and all furniture , fixtures -
tures , drugs anal articles of merchaudise composing -
posing the stock of George M. Chenery. And
will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder -
der , for cash in hand , on the 22d day of December -
ember , A. D. 1894 , at the drug store of George
r i. Chenery on Main street in McCook , Nebraska -
raska , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. , central
time , of said clay , when and where due attendance -
ance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at trcCook , Neb. , Dec.3d,1894.
E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county.
By C. F. BABCOCK , Deputy.
George M. Chenery , Matie M. Chenery , II.
I-I. Berry as guardian of George M. Chenery ,
an insane person , William M. Anderson and
McPike & Fox , a partnership , defendants , will
take notice that George liocknell hasfiled his
petition ur time district court of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage deed
executed November 2I , 1890 , by the detentl-
ants , George M. Chenery and Matie M. Chen-
cry , to the plaintiff , upon time following described -
cribed real estate , situated in Red Willow
county , Nebraska , towit : The undivided one-
half interest in lot thirteen , biock numbered
twenty-two , original town of McCook , to secure -
cure the payment of their one certain promissory -
sory note for the sum of $5oo , due 'ovember
21 , 1891. i'here is non due on said note and
mortgage time sum of $320 , with interest thereon -
on at the rate of ten per cent. per annum from
August 17 , 1894 , and the plaintiff prays for a
decree that the defendants be required to pay
the same , or that said premises be sold to
satisfy said amount. You are required to answer -
swer aid petition on or before Monday , the
14th day oJanuary , 1895.
Dated this 26th day of November , 1894.
By W. S. Morlan , his attorney. Dec.7.4ts.
The Burlington Route's personally-conduc-
ted excursions to the Pacific coast are just the
thing for people of moderate means.
I'heap , respectablecomfortableexpedittous.
From Omaha and Lincoln every Thursday.
Through to Los Angeles and San Francisco
without change. Expem ienced excursion managers -
agers and uniformed Pullman porters in
charge. Second-class tickets accepted. Cars
are carpeted and upholstered and have spring
seats and backs , mattresses , blankets , curtains ,
pillows , towels , etc. Only $5 for a double
berth , wide enough and big enough for two.
The route is over the "scenic line of the
world , " through Denver , Salt Lake City and
Sacramento. All the wonderful canons and
peaks of the Rocky mountains are passed during -
ing the day.
if you are going west you should arrange t0
join one of these excursions. They are the best ,
the very best , across the continent. Information -
tion and advertising matter on application to
the local agent or by addressing J. Francis ,
General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb.
Homeseekers' Excursions.
November 20th , December 4th , and
December 18th. On the above dates
the Burlington Route will sell round-trip
tickets to all points in Texas , Oklahoma
anti Indian Territory ; to points in New
Mexico on the Pecos Valley railway ; to
Deming , New Mexico , to points in Arkansas -
kansas ; to points on the St. Louis , Iron
Mountain & Southern , and the Kansas
CityWatkins & Gulf railway in Louisiana -
ana ; to points on the Kansas City , Fort
Scott & Memphis railway in Missouri ,
south of Springfield. Limited to continuous -
tinuous passage in each direction. Final
limit twenty days from date of sale. For
one lowest standard first-class fare plus
two dollars. C. E. MAGNER ,
J. FRANCIS , G. P. & T. A. Agent.
United States Land Office ,
McCook , Nebraska , Nov. to , 1894.
Public notice is hereby given that under -
der and by authority of instructions received -
ceived from the commissioner of the
general land office the northwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of section 24 ,
and the northeast quarter of the southeast -
east quarter of section 23 , township 5 ,
north of range 30 , west of the 6th P. M. ,
containing So acres , will be offered for
sale at this office oft the 19th day of December -
ember , 1894 , at ten o'clock , a. m. , to the
highest bidder for cash and at not less
than $1.25 per acre , under section 2,455 ,
U. S. revised states , and the act ofMarch
3 , 1891. A. S. CAMPBELL , Register.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney. Nov.i6- .
McMill en Brothers
are headquarters for
winter goods of all
hinds. See them ! y
. . , . , . . , . , . . . . , , , , . . , . , . , . w..w. . . . ,
No. 2 , throutch passenger. . . . . . . 5:55 A. M.
No. 4 , Inca ) . 9UU P. M
No. 76 , t'relght . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:45 A. D1
No. 64 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:51,1. : M
No. 80 , tre Imtttt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10IN1 : A. M
No. 148. fr'iRht , tttade up bore . . 5IH1 A. M
No. 3 , throuull passeuger..1I:3a i' . M.
No. 5 , local pusssenger. . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 P. M.
No. 63 . fitt : , I' . M.
No. 77 , freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:2 P. M.
No 149 , rr' , made up hero . . . . . 6:00 A. M.
No. 1TS , ( eaves at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIb A , M.
No. 170 , urrlve s met. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:40 P. M.
'NOTE-Nn. 63 earri's passengers for
titrattmt , ltt nkt ImnI. and llalgter.
All truths run dully exeepltulg 148,149 and
176 , which run dully 'xe'pt i uiday.
No. 3 stops It Ii'nkehuan and Wra1.
No. 2 sumps at ltmdiun0lu. Cambridge and Ar-
apahnt' .
No. 80 will carry passengers for Indlanofn ,
Caurbridge and Arapahos.
Nos. 4.5.146,149 iiid 176 carry passengers for
all f titiiOIIR.
You cmul purehast' at this otliee tfekPts In all
prtnclpul poluts lu tilt' Undt d State's and Cuu
ado and taugagecheeped through u , de'stlna-
1iorm without e'xlru'hargc gf trunsrer. For
information regmerdhtg rat's. etc. cull on or
address 0 E MAGNEit. Agt'ut.
Christmas Novelties-A nice
- as-
sortmentjust received. Come and
fake your choice before thOV are gone.
Gus Busick has been on the sick list.
Sam \Vilde is preparing to move to
Southern California ,
Mrs. Dave Magner has been on the
sick list for the past week or ten days.
C. W. Lindsay has gone up to the Wyoming -
oming division seeking work o11 the
Mrs. J. D. McAlpine has been down
from Denver since Monday evening ,
visiting her parents.
Dispatcher and 111rs. J. E. Robinson
arrived home , Monday afternoon , from
a brief visit to his parents at Curtis.
They drove over and back.
Dispatcher George E. Leming left to
take a job on the Wyoming division-
perhaps at Sheridan , Sunday night. His
wife will follow hits in due time.
Thomas Combs , familiarly known as
"Tallow-pot Tom , " has had his fill of
the Wyoming division and returned to
McCook , last Monday.-Alliance Grip.
Miss Belle Spanogle of Red Cloudwas
the guest of Conductor and Mrs. C. 1V.
Bronson , closing days of last week. She
is a teacher in the schools there and returned -
turned to her duties on Sunday ,
Jack O'Connor and Fred Schlagel , two
B & M. employees of McCook , were in
town , Monday , shaking hands with the
former's friends , lie having at one time
operated the pump engine at this place.
-Benkelnian News.
The B. & M. have a new Jull snow excavator -
cavator now being set up at the Have-
lock shops. It will be kept at Lincoln.
If any trains get buried in the snowdrifts
this winter they will not be allowed to
melt out.-State Journal.
Walter Stokes came up from McCook ,
Thursday morning , to eat Thanksgiving
turkey with Akron friends and also to
attend the Odd Fellow's ball. . . .Charles
Ball has been transferred to McCook.
He is a good yard man , a tip-top boy
and we are sorry to see him leave Akron.
-Akron Republican.
Mesdames Cummings and Goodrich
have been up from Red Cloud for the
past week , we understand , seeking a
settlement with the company for the loss
of their husbands' lives , which' it will
be remembered , occurred at Perry a
year or two since , under their engine
while backing up to the gravel pit an
the Frenchman valley branch.
The Jeweler.
0 Goods.
Call aoa See.
A Bullet in HisSide.
Brakeman H. R. Amick is suffering
with a bullet from a 22-Calibre revolver
in his right side. Monday afternoon his
little daughter dropped the revolver on
the floor and the weapon was discharged
with the result just stated. The doctors
haven't found the bullet , but the injured
man is doing very well , and no serious
result is at present expected.
The lecture delivered by Father Malone
of Denver , in St : Patrick's church , last
Sunday evening , is pronounced by those
who had the pleasure of hearing it as
being a very eloquent and able produc-
Y ,
' ft
Is the ii'Iaii
Who Sells Fresh
- ,
T s v
. .Ail He wells
_ ( , Rig ' htrboo.
hThen you want to buy anything in the Grocery line ,
Noble is the man you naut to see. He keeps the
very best goods alitl sells them at remarkably low
prices. He also carries a Inagaificenttline of Lamps ,
Queensware of all kinds atitl Crockery. His line of
Hanging and Stand Lamps . is undoubtedly the finest
in Southwestern Nebraska. Remember the Holiday
' season is approaching , and no more approprialte present -
ent can be imagined than a handsome Limp or a set
of Dishes. You can get them at Noble's.
a. D-OS
Go anti See
: Noble , He Will
f ioo PAIR OF
To go at 60 cents a pair.
Worth 75 cents to $1.00.
To go at J cents a piece.
.Worth 10 to 20 cents.
Special reductions in our Dress Goods
department. A few sample cloaks left. Our
Clothing stock must be reduced. Call and
get prices. New Fascinators , Shawls , etc.
'P '
- 6 4 t ® '
C. L. DEG ROFF & Co.
.r L