The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1894, Image 4

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rJtif ' t o9 j'rne.
WE may be truly thankful for
the essential brevity of the present
session of congress. .
HE eu elman News proudly
announces its evacuation of the
fence , and its espousal "until death
dotli us part" of simon-pure re-
JOAN 111. THUBSTON has a host
of loyal supporters among the
weekly press , for the senatorship.
i But the pencil pushers have no
THE Baltimore ( bankers' ) plan
is the president's idea of a financial
policy , to a gnats heel. But the
plan may not be said to be so popular -
ular with the people.
Sri AIING of the speakership ,
Representative John J. Lamborn
of Red Willow county is talked of
by his many friends and would be
in certain contingencies a strong
candidate.-Lincoln Journal.
THE president's message to the
closing session of the 53d congress
which convened at Washington on
Tuesday of this week , is of appall-
ing length , though not so startling
j in its diction and views as some of
the president's past messages. It
is declared , on the whole , unsatisfactory -
factory to both parties , though
quite Cl welaudesque.
Xmas is coIning.
The infant son of J. Croker and
wife is quite ill.
r ' W. H. Holbrook and wife spent
Thanksgiving with friends north
of the metropolis.
B. M Wade and wife , 3.11. Wade
and wife and Mrs. J : B. Records
spent Thanksgiving at Marsh's.
John Calkins and family from
the Beaver spent Thanksgiving
with Eugene Dunham and family.
R. P Barr was down from Haig-
lei close of last week after some
stock to winter on his ranch near
that place.
James Cain has disposed of his
windmill to W. L.Critser , who will
use it to pump water to irrigate
his farm on the Driftwood bottom.
The young folks of this neighborhood -
borhood are making preparations
for a Xmas tree , to be in the Prospect -
pect Park school house on Xmas
night. Hope it will be a success.
J. K Dolph will soon have his
new barn up.
t Leisure Bros. have received a
' stock of caskets.
M. E. basket supper at school
house was well attended.
S. W. Stilgebouer is enclosing
his lots with a picket fence.
I McDonald and Sandon rode to
Indianola on their bikes , Monday.
A man who broke jail , last week ,
was captured at Lebanon , aweek
+ ago today.
Leisure is back from Arkansas.
He says they had good crops in
that country.
T.C.Crebbins started to Lincoln
Monday. He expects to return in
the spring.
A delightful surprise party was
given Maud EnoWednesday evening -
ing of this week.
BIRTHS-A daughter to John
Leisure and wife , Saturday. To
A.C. Furman a daughter , Sunday.
Prof. Dow and Will Sandon are
bathing together , . this winter , over
s Gliem's store. They both say that
they have gained five pounds each.
Danbury Dramatic club played
"Louva , the Pauper , " at Wilson-
villo , last Saturday night , for the
benefit of the Ladies' band. The
players started from here in the
morning and stayed over night ,
returning home on Sunday morning -
ing , after having a big time.
We 1MUST reduce
stock. LEACH The
, .
i f
l : Notary Public ,
: Reliable , Insurance ,
Collec ion Agent
II . I I I I I I I I I
A large ljure , of latest -
est novelties. LEACH ,
The Jeweler :
The LI 'iicoinState Journal pronounces -
nounces Representative Lamborn
of our city a strong candidate for
the speakership.
The county commissioners were
in session , Monday ai.d Tuesday ,
adjourning on the evening of the
latter day to re-convene on the 17 ,
The Rt. Rev. Anson R. Graves ,
Missionary Bishop of the Platte ,
will administer the Apostolic Rite
of Confirmation , Sunday e4e1Iing ,
at 7:30 o'clock , in our city.
Mrs. Trissell , who lived about
five miles northwest of Bartley in
Alliance precinct , was almost in-
staTitly killed , Monday afternoon ,
about two miles north of Indianola ,
in a runaway accident. Her brother -
ther was walking along side of the
wagon driving the term , lie stumbled -
bled and fell , and the driverless
team ran away. Mrs. Trissell
jumped from the wagon , striking
the ground on her head , probably
breaking her neck , receiving injuries -
ies at all events from w hick she
died in about ten minutes.
Cards are out announcing the
approaching nuptials of Harry Z.
Owen of Chipeta , Colorado , and
Lila Welborn of Iuclianola. The
ceremony will be performed at the
residence of J. W. Welborn , nest
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
They will he at home to their
friends at Chipeta , Colorado , after
March 1st , 1895 , Miss Welborn
is one of Indianola's most estimable -
ble daughters , and has been one of
the teachers in her public school ,
the past fall term , Mr. Owen is
manager of a large mining property -
ty in Colorado at present , though
formerly a resident of this county.
He is highly spoken of.
King's store building has quite
assumed proportions.
Bradbury's store is nearly ready
for occupation.
Rev. Huntzinger has started for
the northern part of state to hold
The Sunday school was reorganized -
anized in Beaver school house with
a good attendance , a good corps of
teachers and Mr. Hammer as the
Meetings have been in progress
for the last two weeks in Beaver
school house , Rev. Webster con-
ductor. The meetings have awakened -
ened a lively interest among the
outside world as well as the church
people. .
Jewelry and musical instruments
can be bought this month from
H. P. Sutton at matchless figures.
Everything goes ai this reduction
sale-nothing exempt. Come in
and learn my prices , and inspect
my immense stock.
Knipple always leads in fruits
and vegetables. He carries the
freshest and largest assortment
the market affords.
Buy your writing paper at
THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
Cochran & Co. carry a full line
of shelf and heavy hardware. They
always make you the right price.
Try McConnell's Fragrant Lotion -
tion for chapped face or hands.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , over
Ganschow's shoe store.
Use McConnell's Balsam for
eoug.hs and colds.
- Y W
J. F. Helm had a turkey shoot ,
Thursday last.
There was a pleasant party , well
attendedat , Elias Canaga'sThanks-
givingevening. .
Mrs. Nesbitt of Frontier county
is the guest of her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Benj. Baker ,
The Mulford family , Mrs. Taylor -
lor and Horace , and Ed. Ernest
and family took Thanksgiving dinner -
ner with the Helms.
Quite a number of the Willow
ladies went up the creek on Friday -
day , to Mrs , Maynard Loomis'
quilting. They report a good
time and the quilt completed.
An old fashioned spelling match
in District 72 , Friday evening , in
which District 72 will endeavor
to regain a little more than she
lost in the former contest with
the Red Willow scliool.
A rather curious suit for damages -
ages was brought by J F. Helm
against Nathan Tubbs. Said
Tubbs took up some of Mr. Helm's
cattle in his ( Tubbs ) cornfield ,
and upon his refusing to give the
cattle up without damages , Mr.
Helm took them with a replevin ,
and entered suit for unlawful do.
taiiament The decision is awaited -
ed with much interest.
H. Wixon carries the mail now.
Rev. Lavine , the Swede preach.
er , is here again.
William Schmid has been sick
for several weeks.
Frank Moore attended G. A. R.
meeting , Saturday.
A number of people from Plain-
view attended meeting at Tyrone ,
Rev. D. Streeter expects to commence -
mence revival meetings at Wilson-
ville , this week , and will be assisted -
ed by Evangelist McKay.
Farmers here are showing considerable -
siderable grit in preparing for a
big acreage of crops , next year.
Let us hope it may be a favorable
Eifert's new hardware store is
Platte Kenney shelled his corn ,
There was a dance in the new
hall , Thanksgiving night.
J. L. Townley and others have
sent for four carloads of hay.
There is a jeweler's repairing
shop located in the postoffice.
Rich & King have been invoicing -
ing their stock of goodsthis week ,
Everything of the game kind is
being hunted by scores of amateur
The school in district 11 will
close , this week , for a three week's
For the next thirty days you can
secure unapproachable Iargains
at Sutton's jewelry and music
store. His stock must be reduced ,
and he will make prices to accomplish -
plish that result. Call and inspect -
spect his line of goods.
Noble is sole agent for Chase &
Sanborn's celebrated coffees , the
finest flavored in the market. If
you want a superior quality you
know just where to go for it. There
is no better purchasable.
If you need a road cart or any
kind of a wagon , see Cochran &
Co. They can fill the bill and at
prices to correspond with the hard
Remember you can get the highest
est market price for stock hobs of
from 50 pounds weight up at the
B. & M. meat market.
Try McMillen's Damask Rose
Lotion for face and hands.
Stove Wood Nice
and Dry , at Bollard's
. .
- - - - - - - - -
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
, ice
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Any one or more of the follow-
lug described books will be sent
frr + o by the Peru.iia Drug Manufacturing -
ufacturing Company of Columbus ,
Ohio , to any man or worueu in the
United States or Canada and Mexico -
ice during December and January.
Orders should be sent in early as
the issue may be exhausted :
1. 1'he ills of Life-Fourth
Edition-A short , plain description -
tion of all diseases , and the treatment -
ment of each. A complete home
guide to health.
Family Physician No. 2-
Second Edition-The best popular
book on the prevention of catarrh
and other cola weather diseases in
. The Pe-ru-na Almanac-This
Almanac contains , besides the. regular -
ular monthly calendar , a Jewish
calendar ; information of particular
value to farmers , mechanics and
business men ; tables , statistics ,
eclipses and much valuable medi-
ical information. A copy of this
almanac should be in every family
in the United States. It is one of
the most complete almanacs ever
published. Address The Pe ru-na
Drug Manufacturing Company ,
Columbus , Ohio.
The portion of the costume
which seems to be the leading
rubjNCt of enquiry at the present
moment is the skirt.Vhile bodices -
ices and sleeves are follohing to
some extent the general lines of
the former season , skirts are the
absorbing theme of interest in the
new importations. Great is their
variety. The question of choice
embraces an extensive field , both
of extreme novelties and simple ,
practical designs , Models to suit
every taste and occasion are illustrated -
trated in the popular "McDowell
Fashion Journals" which we have
at hand. One finds , moreover , in
these magazines in their coupon
patternsa feature exceedingly con
vement for those who desire a
cheaper grade of patterns than the
more expensive made up models.
Among these coupon patterns are
seen some artistic , practical skirt
designs filling very appropriately
a general demand for the latter.
"La Made De Paris" and "Paris
Album of Fashion" cost X3.50
each per annum , or 35 cents per
copy. "The , French Dressmaker"
is $3.00 a year or 30 cents per
copy. "La Mode" which is the
best home magazine of its kind ,
costs only $1.50 a year or 15 cents
perr copy. If you are unable to
procure any of these journals from
Your newsdealer , do not take substitutes -
stitutes from him but apply Y
mail directly to Messrs. McDowell
& Co. , 4 West 14th Street , New
Bnipnle has just received a car
load of Loomis Flour , than which
there is no superior on this market -
ket , that he is selling at the very
lowest figure for such a high grade
and popular article.
Frank Nichols guarantees the
wells he sinks. Leave orders at
Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention
will be given the same.
We are just in receipts of a new
supply of tablets and box papers ,
memorandums , etc.
Anything you want in the hardware -
ware line at Cochran & Cc 's.
Something -McConnell's
Balsam for coughs and colds.
White Pine Cough Syrup-by
1llcMillen , druggist.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Caste rla.
. . ,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r '
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o , ,
c q
k ) qI. I.
Faffiolls Clothing CoMpany. i
. . . . . . . +
See Oiil' . . ' '
: Overcoats °
° And Suits.r. . . .
C . , o +
o s..eme. ti
.c o f f
'Prices are Lower than same qualities °
have ever been before. ° '
t'lcCook , Nebraska. JONAS LNUFL ,
. o .
C --c--MANAGER. ,
0 1
° 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ik1i1ii I . I
H. H. TROTH , Manager.
Headquarters for all Grades of Flour.
Pillsburvs Best. . . . 1.50 per sack Monogram H. P. 1.20 per sack
84 High Patent. . . . 1.20 Per sack Little Hatchet " . 1.15 Per sack ,
Wauneta , H. P. . . . 1.10 per sack 91 , High Patent. . 1.00 per sack '
i1innesota Cream. High Patent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 per sack
Pare PunsYlvania Buckwheat.
We are selling the best baker's grade flour in the city at $1.40 per
hundred. Ground Feed of all kinds Corn Oats Baled
Hay and Alfalfa always on hand.
. . os .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. DoYou
Want The
Very Best ?
Having contracted a he choice her o 1
to b grade Hereford heifers o Mr. Evans , o ,
e ale ranch. Also will receive monthly
shipments of Fancy Alfaffa fed Cattle from
Colorado. We are in a position to offer the
Ines meats ever offered in e city. ,
. . . All Kinds of . . . l
Top Prices paid for . . . +
Beef Hides Burs ,
Tallow Land Etc.
9 & m MEAT 1ARKET , : 11 i
. Ir
w' ± y
0 , O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0O.
. ,