I j % : ; . , , . , . : What . Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ' - and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by ' Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , t cures Diarrhaea and Wintl Colic. Castoria relieves I teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Cas oria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria h the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Castoria. I "Castoris is an excellent flWdi : i : f r chil dren. Mothershave repcatcdir tu.d nu ; of its good effect upon their children. " I Dz. G. C. ORrooo , Luaell , MUSS. "CastorIa is the best remedy for children of I which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not ' far distant whenmotherswiliconsider the real interest of their children , and use Castoriq instead - stead of thevariousquack nostrums which are destroying.Weirlove d ones ; by.forcingopium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful t agents down their throats , thereby sending + them to premature graves. " i DIL L F. Envcnat os , Conway , Ark. Castoria. " Castoria 1S so well adapted to children that I recommend it assuperiortoanyprescripttoa known to me. " H. A. ARcUE ; M. D. , 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooldyn , N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart. ment have spoken highly of their experience - ence in their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " UNITED HOSPITAL AD DISPENsiny , Boston , Mass , Au.EN C. SMrTa , Fes. , 3 The Centaur Company , T7 Murray Street , New York City. . li < . i I PAI\IK K . l Capital CapitalandSwpius , OFFICERS AND RS. 1 GEORGE HOCKNEL 1 B , M , FREES , W , F1 IkWSON . President , Vice President. Cashiers A. CAMPBELL ! Fi ANK HARRIS. itizons INCO.trORATEL UNIE1i STATr LAWS. Paid Up Caital - - - ' - 50OOU. Surplus , - - - - - - - 10,000. wwwwww BUSINESS. t Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. Taxes Paid . for Non-Residents. . . -vwvw Tickets ® lls 5a e ar ® Ear e > < OFFICERS. V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBEItT , Cashier. CORRESPOtiDEA'TS-The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. - W 1 e ) o ( - LIME HARD I CEIiE11T , AND DOURS , LUT4PEkK SOFT itii\DOiFS , BLINDS. COi Ei. o RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. . U J. WARREN , Manager. F. D. BURGESS , Plumber and Steam Fitter le ' MAIN AVENUE , MCCOOK , NEB. Stock of lion , Tad and Sewer Pipe , Brass Geode , Pumps and Boiler Trim tinge Agent for Salltday , Eclipse and Ws ipnn Wind Mill. I . . r s .W w1 ' , ' spa . The Tariff , Financial , Hawaiian nil other questions of the day do ' ) t interest the people hereabout { 5 much as the question where can get the most and best groceries = t' the money. C. M. Noble can answer the gllestiou to the satis action of all. When D by tea , sic ! ; we case her Cas oria. , ' hen 'o acs a CbIJd , she cried for C > stor ia. ; Then s io bnamo Miss , she clung to Castoria. Win she liad Childrensho gavothem Castorh MILTON OSBORh PROPRIETOR. OF TILE WHITE LINE TRANSFER. gz"I am well equipped to do anytlling and everything in the line of drayillg business. I will move pianos or household goods promptly and safely. Your pat. ronage is solicited. Barn opposite the Central hotel. C. L. MILLER , PROPRIETOR OF Miller's Restaurant an CHOP HOUSE. ONE DOOR NORTH OF LRTOURETTE'S. Short Orders , Lunches , Orders for aanquels , ( 'ourteousTreatment. iteasonablo Prices. WI1 L DOUGLAS IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING. $5. CORDOVAN , _ . FRENCH&ENN7E1LEDCALF - = 4P350FlNECAF&IUINGAR04 - = - _ $3.50POLIC sSoi. s. _ so2WORKIN G EXTRA FINE. $ $ 75 BOYSSCHOOLSHOES , ; LA IES . .3. D 4 4 , . BEST , SEND FOR CATALOGUE ' WL DOUGLAS , BROCKTON , MASS. You can acre monPy by purchasing W. L. Duuglne shoe. , Because , we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world , and guarantee the value b stamping the name anei price on the bottom. which protects you against htgh prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style , easy fitting and wearing quhlities. We have them sold everywhere - where at lower prices for the value given than' any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cahnot supply you , we can. Sold by DEALER whose name will shortly appear - pear here. Agents wanted. Apply at once. t 0 ORE BACK ACHE M 0E I t CtJr5 AVE L , CONSTIPATION , INFLAMATION afE BLADDER , MD ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . J JJ QURIFIIg _ " ' rtlE iRAOc = MaP o - . n r § 50.FOR A CASE { T1VILL _ NOT CURE. It Is an agreeab'e ' Laxative for the Bowels ; can be made into a Tea for use in one minute. Prico25c.,50c.andLHOper packHge. , An Elegant I OILET POWDER for theTeeth andBreath-:5e The County Pair affords an excellent opportunity for the pick-pocket to get your watch. If you would be proof against his skill , be sure that the bow ( or ring ) is a a I This wonderful bow is now fitted to the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases , which are made of two plates of gold soldered to a plate of composition metal. Look equally as well as solid gold cases , and cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear 20 years. Always look for this trade mark. None genuine without it. , Sold only through watch dealers. t Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send to the manufacturers. KeYstoneWatch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. _ - THE TERRIER AND THE LIONS. size Did Not Count s Regarded Ownership of the Cage. Kindness is powerful with animals , but I have often been led to think that where kindness fails impudence con- quers. In Lincoln park , Chicago , I saw a lady put her hand on the heads of three lions in succession and stroke their ears as if they were kittens. They growled when she pretended to leave , and when she returned they fought among themselves for the first chance of being petted'again. . But this lady bad nursed these lions , and they seemed to know her as a child knows its mother. . There was a little Scotch terrier in the cage with the same lions. He did nothing but bark and snarl and snap at them. One good swish of any one of the three tails would have wiped him out of existence. But he just ordered the big-animals around as if he were the lion and they the rat catchers. They obeyed , although with the long deep rumblings as of muffled thunder. He was not a pretty dog , nor was his voice calculated to make him many friends. Ho was in no danger of being worried by encores. I don't know that he had any moral qualities worth bragging - ging about. But he was Scotch. He had the reputation of being a terror as well as a terrier , and he had a broken leg. Perhaps as an invalid he appealed to the sympathies of his big companions. This , however , would not account for his insolent airs of superiority. He took the best of the food. He got the first and the last shake hands from the lady. His barefaced impudence was more powerful than all the kindness and attention of the gentle nurse. And he gave nothing for his living except his bark. , For.tllo struggle of life he had no equipment but impudence , and yet he kept three lions in what must have been literally a condition of galling servi- tude. There is room somewhere here for a moral. But . .sop is dead. And when he lived he tacked morals only to fables , where indeed 'they seem to be- long.Donaice's ) Magazine. THE TELEPHONE DEADBEAT. How lie Gradually Comes to Believe That Ho Owns Your Instrument. "If there is a variety of deadbeats , " said an eminent citizen the other morning - ing , "which annoys me more than all others , it is the man who moves into your building because you have a tele- phone. At first he drops into your office and tells you his wife bade him order a steak before noon and that lie had forgotten - gotten whether it was porterhouse or sirloin. He says that a family across the street from his house has a phone , and that with your permission he'll just ring 'em up and have 'em send for Mrs. % Walt , that doesn't bother you much because you are thinking of the family across the street , but in a week or two Mrs. % . begins to call you up with the request that you step across the hall and bring her husband to the phone. Then the husband begins to drop in to telephone his commercial acquaintances - quaintances until two-thirds of his entire - tire business is done over your wire. There is only one more step. One of his agents is up , say , at Mount Morris , and it is very necessary to communicate with him immediately. As much as $4 may depend upon a word. Ho hurries in and says of course you have connected - ed with Mount Morris. It is marvelous how man's inventions put the miles at naught : "While you are chalking up 25 cents to profit and loss ho has become thepos- sessor of your telephone. From that time on , if you are using it when he comes in , he waits impatiently and gives you a look when you ring off as much as to say , Sir , you are taking liberties with my property which I must resent. ' There are but two things left to do-take out the telephone or move out yourself. I am fond of my offices , so the telephone had to go. ' - Rochester Standard-Union. A Cat's Breath. All the feliday ' possess poisonous breaths , intended by nature to act as an anaesthetic on their prey. If a person cares to experiment by inhaling , for instance - stance , a cat's breath , they can easily realize - alize the truth of this statement Carefully - fully watch a cat playing with a captured - tured mouse You will discover that the mouse does not suffer , but is sort of stupefied , as if by chloroform. In the "Life of Livingstone , " written byhim- self of explorations m Africa , he states that once when he was seized by a lion and his arm broken the crunching of the broken arm gave him no pain , so benumbed - numbed were his senses by the animal's breath. A cat seeks the child for its soft bed and the warmth of its bed and lies down on the chest of the infant. Its weight impedes respiration , its breath anaesthetizes the child , and death fol- lows. This circumstance has actually occurred , and medical records conclusively - sively prove it-Brooklyn Standard- Union. Sir Richard Owen and the Fakir. A novel story of the late Sir Richard Oweu is going the rounds. A snake charmer at Cairo , reckoning without his host , appeared before Sir Richard to go through a deadly performance with cerastes-the horned wasp. The reptile was placed on the ground. Owen looked at it a moment , then stepped forward and picked it up. Before the luckless performer could interpose the savant plucked from its head its projecting horns , which on closer inspection proved - ed to be fishbones. The fakir was somewhat - what disconcerted at the rapid unveiling - ing of an actnallyharmless animal , and the entertainment was withdrawn.- Landon Figaro. Science Right. Husband-A great scientist says that women are less sensitive to pain than men. men.WifeI Wife-I presume it is so. I can suffer orments and go right along with a smile on my face , while you swear and tear.aronnd like mad if you bump your head while hunting a collar button.- ( ow York Weekly. . - u a siS r : n s , . . , : _ . 41 . S TTOEN'S vvvv l ! : Special Sak : : : . , I I I -w . FOR 3Q DAYS For Cash . 01 I Everything Goes. MY Stock , Must be Reduced. ( . . I We are not going out of business , but have taken this l method to reduce our stock. .Pula will give the people of ) McCook and vicinityy a grand opportunity to secure their Holiday Goods at prices never heard of before in this part of the country. My stock is the largest found iii the entire Republican Valley , consisting of" Watches of all kinds-five ' hundred to select from-in gold , gold filled , etc Diamonds , a complete stock. Rings-well I should say so-too many r for you to count. Jewelry , the very latest styles. Silverware - ware , plated and solid , of all descriptions. In fact anything found in a first-class jewelry store will be found in my store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLOCKS , CLOCKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Onyx , Marble , Wood and Stone. We Engrave Our Goods Free. Pianos , Organs and . a Musicad Instruments . . .CALL G0. . Everything Warranted as Represented. ' 'Remember , my entire stock on sale at and below cost for 30 days , for CASH . 1 Jeweler 1 , McCook , Nebraska. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. J. S. MCBRAYER PROPRIETOR OF THE McCook Transfer Line. BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. 'Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. Horses branded on left hip or left ehouldor. p. o. address Imperial , Chase county , and Boat- ri e. Nebraska. Raege. Stinking Water and the Frenchman creekR , in Chase county , Nebraska. Brand as cut on sldeof some animalsou hip and sides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. ELMER ROWELL , NOT.titY FUBLIU , a Estate , Collections , I AND INSURANCE' . IVIc000K , - NEBRASKA. J. E. KELLEY , .iLJ , AGENT LINCOLf L&ND CO. afc000K , - - NEBRASKA- Office In Il aror First National Bank. CHARLES H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Buy 3your tablets , iiik , 1)ens , pencils and s fationerYof all hinds at The Tribune office next door to the post- office. office.FOR FOR SALE ! We have seed wheat , seed rye , and corn for sale at the elevator , H. H. EABTEPD&Y & CO. Tablets , inks and pencils at this office. R. A. COLE , LEADING 1EROHANT TAILOR OF McC00K , has just received a new stock of OLOTHS and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fitting - ting suit made at the very lowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett's Lumber Office , on Dennlsoa street. W. V. CAGE , . SUflOOfl , arcCOOE , NEBRASKA. t -Orca UOCRS-9 t0 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 and t f to b p. m. Rooms over First National bank. ' Night calls answered at office. I J. A. CUNN , Sllrflon , / afcCOOK , NEL'IASKA. -Orricz-Front rooms over Lowman , t Son's store. REsmENcn-402 McFarland St. , two blocks north of McEntee hoteL Prompt attention to all calls. ' 1 MRS. E. E. UTTER } -MUSICAL r I _ INSTttUCTUR. ! Piano , Organ Guitar and Banjo : VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. STCDIO ROOM S , Ovxa GANSCHOWS. ' V McCook , - - - Nebraska , A USTIN J. IITTENHOUSE , y 17 Jj j f 'l ' MoC00i , NEBBASg I 'Ofee over the Famous I Clothing Sto Ii r _ _ - i 4 '