_ - . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . ; _ , ; ' . ' , ' , . . - ' * ' , - , _ 4 _ . . -4e. t , . . _ . . . . , . . . . " , - . ii . . : : . . : : : . : - . . .0 - 1 . t : * I - r 1 FIgST thTi&MAL : PATK K. , , Capita $ VOO,000 CapitalandSu'pIus' OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCKNEL t Bt M. FREES ! Wr F , LAWSON t President. Vica President , Cashier , A. CAMPBELL . , FaANK HARRIS , Gitizdlls iNCO.a OItA'tEUN1)LI { STAT : . LAWS. Paid Up Capital , - - - $50,000. Surplus , - - 10 000. ! T . 1 BUSINESS. t Collections flade on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all 1'rincipal Cities of Europe. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. 1r r , It . Tickets , . : OFFICERS. i.a . . V 1 IANILIN . President. A. C. ) JBP.R1 , Cashier. . * ' ' COItftESPONI)1 NTS-The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. The A ry Chemical National Bank , New York City. f 1 KIMMELL9 MCCOOK , NEFL . ftilltor AND--- Statioll6r. FUBLISHEE 01' AND DEALER IN LdCUdI 1dnks JOOkS , BOOKS , . . : ' ' S6d16 Books. ; : . DEALER IN Office AND i : . STATIONERY OF ALL FINDS. TRIBUNE FF1.CE , . , nIEST DOOR NORTH OF , THE FOSTOFFICE Ba Bt 1 NEBRASKA. a { . , . _ .o u.5re r > t J. S. MCBRAYER , PROPRIETOR OF TILE McCook Transfer Line. BITS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. 'Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. Horses braided on left hip'nr left shnuldnr P. 0. addreaa lmtriat. Chast county , and neat' rii o. Nebraska. Range. Stinking Water and the Frenchman creekR. in Chase county , Nebraska. Brand 5K cut on side of some animals , on hip and sides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. TILE ROWELL , NOTARY PUBLIC , 8aSBe eC i AND INSUIANCE. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. J. E. KELLEY , AGENTLINCOLN LAND CO. slctoK. - - NEBRASKA. t On to T t Rr nf t'tr t Nntiunal Rank. CHARLES N. BOYLE , ATTORNEY - ATLA W . Mc000K , NEBRASKA. J. A. GUNK , Vs S11r06011 , a McCOOH , NEBRASKA. F Omcs-Front rooms over Lowman & two en's store. RxsmENcg--4O McFarland St. , wo blocks north of McEntee hotel. Prompt ttentlon : to all calls. . - > r - - Buy yiii' tabletS ink ens WI1Ci1S alld Sfati(1He1'Y0f a.)1 ) kinds at'I'hk T1'iiUHe office , I1'Xt (1001' t0 the Ost- office. You can buy 100 pounds of good flour for$1.40 , in 1,001) pound lots , from the McCook Coininission Co. They have a flue high patent flour for sale at per 100 pounds , in 1,000 pound lots as tivell , MILTON $ OSBORN 1'IOPRIETOa OF T1R WHITE LINE TRANSFER. I am well equipped to do anything and everything in the Iline of draing business. I will move pianos of household roods promptly and safely. Your pat ronage is solicited. Barn opposite the Central hotel. C. L. ilI1 LLE EI PROPRIETOR OF Miller's Restaurant and CHOP HOUSE. ONE DOOR NORTH OF LaTOURETr E'S. Short Orders , L11iicl , Orders for ltaagt1 tF , ( 'nun eons Treutmtn . UP.snnaI.lH Prle.s. DOU LAS e' , UOE IS THE BEST. ' ? fl NOSGUEAKINC _ 5. CORDOVAN , FRENCH&ENAMELLEDCALF. - - $ 4.30 FINECALF&IANGIIAOQ $ 3.50POLICE.asoi. s. - , so.$2.WORKINCM EXTRA FINE. $ 2. $ L75 BOYSSCHDDISHDES , , 1 , LA iES sa s2. I s w BestD A , SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL DOUGLAS , . ' BROCICTON4A55. You can save monry by purchasiua W. Ir. DouglaM Shoe. , Because we are the largest manufacturers of advertises ( shoes in the world , and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom , which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Ourshoes equal custom wort : in style , easy fitting anA wearing qualities. We have them sold every. where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you , we can. Sold by DEALER whose name will shortly appear - pear here. Agents wanted. Apply at once. tI 0 ORE ACK CHE OR E 0 ; . , C1E5 ' AVE L , CONSTIPATION , INFLAt4ATION afgp6 BLADDER. pHD ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . r S JJ 01 , e i . - Jm TPAOE. a --f. e a o n t { 50.FOR A CAfiE IT WILL hOT CUFlE. f It is an agreeab'e Laxative for the Bowels ed can be made into a Tea for use in one minute. . Price 23c. , 50c. and $1.10 per acksge. An Elegant TOILET POWDER t o ® Rib for theT ec 'h andllreath - . , os' ' 0 0b 0s o The t o CountyFair g affords an excellent opportunity for the st pick-pocket to get your watch. If you vould be proof against his skill , be sure " hat the bow ( or ring ) is a h t. m * a t y . EO This wonderful bow is now fitted to the Y Jas. Boss T Iilled Watch Cases , which are made of two plates of gold oldered to a plate of composition metal.m Look equally as well as solid gold cases , ea nd cost about half as much. ha Guaranteed to wear 20 years. b o th Always look for this trade mark. None genuine without it. I In Sold only through watch dealers. fe s Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send few o the manufacturers. w of KeYstoneWatch Case Co. . , w PHILADELPHIA. fr , 1 1 3 CHASING THE WALRUS. How lie Is Harpooned and Then Finished with Cold Lead. Arnold Pike tells of a walrus hunt in Bird i.ay , to the north of Spitzbergen. The bay was full of fast ice , but eastward - ward the sea was fairly open , and the hunter was rowing slowly back to the sloop when the harpooner Huthlenly laid aside his glass and headed the boat for' a black mass which the mirage magnified - fied into the tize of a small hhnse , but which was really a walrus. "The walrus raises his head , and we are motionless , " says Mr. Pike. "It is intensely still , and the scraping of a piece of ice along the boat seems like the roar of a railway train passing overhead - head on some bridge. Down goes the head , and we glide forward again. The walrus is uneasy. Again and again he raises his head and looks around with a quick motion , but we have the smi right at our back , and he never notices us. At last we are within a few feet , and with a shout of Voek op , gamling ! ' ( Wake pp , old boy ) , which breaks the stillness like a shot , the arpooner is on his feet , his weapon clasped in both hands above his head. "As the walrus plunges into the sea the iron is hurled in his side , and with a quick twist to prevent the head from slipping out of the same slit that it has cut in the thick hide the handle is withdrawn and thrown into the boat. No. 2 , who with a turn round the forward - ward thwart has been paying out the line , now checks it , as stroke and the 'hammelmand , ' facing forward , hang back on their oars to check the rush. Bumping and scraping the ice , we are towed along for about five minutes and then stop as the walrus comes to the surface to breathe. "In the old days the lance would finish - ish the business , but now it is the rifle. Ho is facing the boat. I sightforono of his eyes and let him have both barrels without much effect apparently , for away we rash for two or three minutes more , when he is up again , still facing the boat. He seems to care no more for the solid express bullets than if they were peas , but he is low this time , and as he turns to dive exposes the fatal spot at the back of his head and ( lies. " -Milwaukee Wisconsin. DISEASE GERMS IN MILK. How They May Ito Killed by I'asteurizinfi the Fluid. The simplest way to pasteurize milk is to place it first in clean bottles Tlmn put the bottles into a large kettle or other metal receptacle. Pour cold water into the kettlc until the water reaches the level of the milk in the bottles. Now close the month of each battle with a plug of clean white cotton fiber. Heat the kettle and contents to 155 degrees - grees F. Then remove from the fire and cover the whole affair snugly with a woolen cloth to keep from cooling at once. Leave half an hour , then take out the bottles and keep them in running water or in any cool place , leaving diem still stopped with the plug of cotton. The flexible wooden stoppers used with some kinds of patent glass jars would answer in place of cotton , the object being to exclude air , dust and germs. Be careful notto heatabovo 155 degrees , or the milk will not taste quite right. In practice it will be fomid a good idea to make easier the circulation of the hot water by placing a wire frame an inch or two in height in the kettle beneath the bottles. Milk carefully treated by the above process may be warranted free from disease germs , and it will keep sweet about 24 hours. Many a milkman could get up a fancy trade at advanced prices cu milk treated in this way. For shipping - ping milk long distances none of the methods , except by icing , has been yet sufficiently tested to be recommended. -Massachusetts Ploughman. I Ants wearing the Green. "I once witnessed tire interesting but Peculiar spectacle in animal life , but one which I have never been able to account - count for , " remarked Abraham L Givens - ens of Brenham , Ter. "I was going home just atnightfall overa sandyroad when I noticed directly in front of me what appeared to be a long line of green ibbon about one-half an inch trick. I tooped to examine it , and to my aston- shment found that it was a procession f ants marching three or four abreast n very close order , each one carrying a ittlo piece of green leaf. Theeffectwas continuous line of green without any real I went back to find the begin- ing , but as it issued from the grass at ho roadside I was unable to trace it arther inthat direction. I then follow- it for several rods until it entered the grass on the other side and was lost sight. Whether it was Palm Sunday r St. Patrick's day with the ants or mo political jubilee they were tolerating - o rating has always remained a mystery me.St Louis Globe-Democrat. Round Too Much. Pale with suppressed indignation , Al- ernOn McStab uncrossed his legs , rose idly and turned up his coat collar. "Glycerin McCurdy , " he howled , you have seen fit to sneer at me. You aye accused me of having a wheel in y head. If I have , false beauty , it is least a wheel that has run true to ) U. " "Alt , yes , "replied the young wounm , ith a pensive faraway look in her ulful eyes , "and yet I hardly want ou far a hub , you know.Chicago ribune. A Temple Made From a Single Stone. Mayalipmam , India , has seven of the est remarkable temples in the world , Si ch of these unique places of warship ving been fashioned from solid granite wlders. Some idea of their size and e task of chiseling out the interior ay be gleaned from the fact that the tallest of the seven is 24 feet high , 17 et long and 12 feet wide. Travelers hp have carefully examined them are the opinion that it took centuries of ark to carve these graceful edifices om native rock.-St Louis Republic. --y. _ . - ; ; . . h . . . mA t - . : Ic . I Whatis r .r i ' " \ " ' ' ' ' 's' ' ' \ ' Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor ( ' other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. f It Is Pleasant. ' Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind 'Colie. Castoria relieves . ' . i tectbing troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach 1 and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas ' Mother's Friend. toria i i the Children's Panacea-the Castoria. Castoria : I "Castotla is an cccllcnt m.diciTr for chit- Castoria is Sowell adapted to children that ten. Mothers have repcatcdl u..dmcofiLs . recommend it assuperiortoanyprescrlpUoa good effect upon their children. " known to me. " D . G. C. OSaOOD , II. A , ARCIIaIt , M. D. , Loweli , 5iuss 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. T. 'I Castoria Is the be , t r'entedy for eltildren of "Our physicians is the children's depart. which I am acquainted. 1 hup ; the dy is trot ment have spoken highly of their experi far distant whenmothetswillconsiierthereal epee in their outside practice withCastorts , interest of their children , and ustt Castoria in. and although we only have among our stt adofthevariousquacknostrumswhicharo medical supplies what is known as regular t destroying their loved ones , by forcingopinm , product , yet we are free to confess that the morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won m : to look with agents down their throats , thereby sending favor upon it. " them to premature graves. " UNITED Hosprr.&L e1o 1't.P : NSAar , i Da. J. F. Ktscuctoe , Ilobtoa , ] Haag. - Conway , Ark ALsaN C. Ssrrn , Pres. , The Centaur Company , iI Murray Street , Now York City. . , 1t 1 II I ) o ( I 0 i ft LI311i gARU CEII EN' ! ' , AND Daolts , LUMERK il'NDlllti SOFT t BhINUS. COAL. ) o ( RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. U. J. WARREN , Manager. B. & M MEAT MARKET , F S. WILCXs Prop3 Fresh and Salt Meals , BOLOGNA , CHICKENS , i T ors ail is 1i. . F. A. BURGESS R 117AIN AVENUE , McCUUII , NEI3. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trlm wings. Agent for Ilalliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mi1L FOR SALE ! We have seed wheat , seed rye , and corn for sale at the elevator. H. H. EASTERD&Y & CO. Tablets , inks and pencils at this ffice. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Age1 "Water is the God of the Ilarvest. DISPENSIBLE TO THE . . . - / p Farmer , 1. . , Investor , Engineer , Contractor Fruit Grower Home Builder. onld be in evert home. The only magazine of its kind. l:0NTHLY : , - S2 PER YEAR. ILLUSTRATED. } i 1e Irrigation e o. , 511 Masonic Temple , * * CHICAGO. "Sample copies , ro cents. R A I LE LEADING IVIERCHANT TAILOR OF McCOOK , Elas just received a new stock of OLOTHB and TIIMMINGS If you want a good flt- ting suit made at the very lowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett's Lumber Office , on Dennison ttreot. W. V. CAC SllruGon , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. C Otriz'roz HOuns-fi to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 aud t to t p. m. Booms Over First Natioual baala Night calls an3wernd at office. Lt1Rs. B. H , IITTEP. , -MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. _ Piano , Organ Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. STUDIO R00)i 3 , ova OANscHOwS. McCook , - - - Nebraska. IISTIN J. RITTENH OIISB , - f ATTORNEY. AT - LAW , Mc000K , NEBRAj 091ce over the Famous Clothtn Ii Stor. , , ' ? .