The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1894, Image 4

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r 1 o .
J. ET .the dead ( democracy ) and
tbe beantiful ( Bryan ) rest ,
Is Rosewater a good rP ublican ,
is hi just Rosewater ? Don't all
. speak at once. '
ACCORDING to the Alliance Grip
there are about 100,000 anarchists
and socialists in Nebraska. Per-
, pia .I 1s , _ There is certainly one fool
simon pure , atleast. ,
IT'S hardly al owable to assume
thatthe , democracy are special oh-
, , 'ects of that noble passion because
the Good Book says that "whom
the Lord loveth Be chasteneth. "
It doesII t harmonize with the facts ,
you know.
WITH the prospe2t tf an intense
contest over the selection of a U S.
senator in the next legislature , the
Probabilities itre that little or no
desirable legislation will be secured -
ed in the coolinb session. 'T'his is
one of the good reasons why the
i . people should choose their senators
by a direct vote.
THE wood is full of senatcrial
i a s p i r a n ts. Tb urston , Cronuse ,
' Manderson Lam bcrtsun Whedon
and others being already in the
, list of active seekers after the i
distinguishe(1 liouor. 'The old
north and south Platte fight seems
-to be on and an exciting , if ] pot a
bitter conb'st may be expected to
be waged ou both sides.
MCKEIGHAN comes out from in
- - under the snowdrift quite cheerful
considering : He was noticed b y
, a democratic friend , Monday evening -
- ing , on a freight train bound for f
' . Hastings. He was asked by his
surprised friend if he was going to
the Andrews ratification. To be 1
sure , replied McKeighan , a funeral
' without the corpse wouldn't be
complete , at all. And Mac. sighed
softly-so softly.
- 1
AFTER taking the facts developed -
ed in the hearing of the maximum
freight rate law injunction under
consideration for nearly six long
months justice Brewer , who Presi-
. . ed over the ] judicial proceedings J r
in ' with Judge Dundyp 11
has at least reached a decision.
That decision gives us the aPPar-
I eutly paradoxical ruling that the i
legislature was perfectly within its
constitutional authority in enacting
. the maximum freight rate law and
exercised that authority in strict
conformity to the constitution , but
that in fixing the particular schedule -
ule of rates it was mistaken in 1
judgment as to what constitute
reasonable rates for the transportation -
tation of freight rates in Nebraska.
- A MAN cares infinitely more for
a little thing which is present than
for a great thing afar off , and , as i
i ; he thinks , contingent. A man will r
be set wild by , sand in his shoes
F and give no thought to the ques1 1
tion. of a final place of punishment
r . for the wicked. A man will be
deeply outraged by a bug in his
cup and give no heed to a thunder-
: , , storm lowering black in the distant s
sky. But when the thunderstorm r
' breaks and capsizes his tent as this
' : one has , beats him black and blue
- with hail , and leaves him damp i
and shivering , he realizes the difference -
ference between a storm and a bug. t
Therefore , I believe the workingman -
man this year and hereafter will
say to his employer : "You and I
will adjourn our fight ; we will go i
together to get something to divide t
and after that we will fight on the i
divide for we can no longer fight i
when there is nothing to fight for. "
-Thomas B. Reed of Maine.
Naturally some interest has already -
ready centered in the speakership
of the lower house of the comb g
legislature , and the claims and
gnalifieationsof several candidates
are being canvassed alld discussed.
In this connection' there are reasons -
sons why the speaker of the next
house can properly be selected
from he representatives in this
section of Nebraska. Southwestern
has ftlr the 1 last four
years been a popnlistic stronghold
and has had but slight recognition
in the past two sessions , Now that
this portion of the state has swung
into line in such , grand shape it is
very desirable and will he good
policy to give ] t proper avd full
ret'ognition in the c pining session.
The speakership requires a fair
knowledge of i"1inmentnrv rules
and practices , good judgment , anl
1n'omPtI firm action. A nian of
affairs. And THE TRIBUNE feels
like strongly urging the candidacy
of Hon. John J. Lamborn , repro-
sentative-elect from Bed Willow
As to peanut politics , well they
are decidedly below par.
THE log-rolling for the United
States senatorship is under wav. ,
WHO killed 'l'oin Mujurs ? I said
Rosewater. Witb my little Bee.
I killed Tom .
OF course , thH democrats and
poIpulists can at least be thankful
that it was no worse.
IT is Major General Alexander
McDowell MCConk now ; he succeeds -
ceeds Howard , retired.
THE probabilities are that the
republicans will not be able to
organize the next senate.
WHO says that W. E , Andrews
was a weak candidate ? Compare
lie vote with others before you
GREAT grief , won't Silas have a
ugh old time of it dishing up the
offices for the hungry popnlistic
Patriots ! "
THE country at large overwhelm-
ngly agrees with President Clove-
and's conclusion as to the "perfidy
and dishonor" of the late congress.
MCBRIDE'3 majority for repre-
entative of Frontier and Gosper
counties is 360. 'He will be one
If the ablest men in the neat leg ,
lafure ,
THE state's credit is all - right.
It never was in danger , the calam-
ty howling portion of the republican -
can press to the contrary notwith-
standing. _
THE report of the strike commission -
sion just issued is ode of the sensations -
sations of the hour. Its recommendations -
mendations are in the maim excel-
ent and favorable to labor ,
THE first official act of the new
czar of Russia was a good one. It
was an order suspending an order
ssued by Alexander for the expulsion -
sion of 125 Jewish families from
one of the provinces. This is an
ndication that the religious bigot-
y of Alexander has not been transmitted -
mitted to Nicholas and that the
attar may he a real product of the
Nineteenth century.
AMONG other things the result
n Nebraska on the governorship
bows that the people-or quite a
espectable portion of them at least
-feel that the legitimate province
of railway managers is the manag-
ng of railways , not the exploiting
of their towering intellects in Poli- i
ics. In fact the people of Nebraska -
raska are quite willing to give the
railways fair and generous treatment -
ment , but the late election returns
1ldicate that they prefer to reserve
he right to manage their own poetics -
tics a little. And. THE TRIBUNE
s not suiprised at their exhibition
of this reasonable and very proper i
preference. °
. .
R. M. Wade is able to be about
Harry Wade marketed a load of
hogs ill the city , Wednesday.
Mary Marsh spent Saturday and
Sunday with her parents near the
metropolis ,
Dr. 'Crilser has been quite seri
outly ill , but at last accounts was
ill ) )1'OVllJg ,
Mesdames J. H.Wade and J. B.
Records visited with Mrs. James
Boatman , last Friday.
Gene Dunham has been laster-
ing his house and otherwise preparing -
paring for winter's chilly blasts.
Mr. Barr and Charlie Boatman
left on the 7th with a buuch of
horses to pasture on the ranch near
Clifford Dunham and Charlie
Burton returned hune from Grant
county , Tuesday , 'T'hey have peen
up there baling hay for the past
two months.
S.V. . Cunningham departed on
No. \VC(1lIOSdav eve111lg ) , fur his
home in Afton , Iowa , ttftei an eight
months sojourn in the wild alid
woolly west.
There will be Sunday school and
preaching in the school house on
nest Sut'day at the usual hours :
Sunday school at ten o'clock tuid
preaching immediately following.
0. L. Everist lost a valuable
jack , Sunday.
Real estate has been on the
move , thiP week. ,
B publicans are feeling good
over the election.
Leisure Bros. are building an
addition to their store ,
William Stewart and sons started -
ed for Oklahoma , last week.
The Danbury News announces
all enlargement for tins issue.
Gaines and Williams will leave
for Yates City , Kansas , next week.
The dance in the hall , Saturday
night , was well-l attended. A good
time is reported.
Metcalf & Fisii , Ashton Bros. ,
and J. E. Dolph shipped six cars
of hogs to Kansas City , this week.
The fence about our cemetery
grounds has been repaired , this
week , thanks to S. W. Stilgebouer
and others , .
Mrs. James Wingate of Beaver ,
precinct died on the 6th , and was
buried in the Danbury cemetery
on the day following.
John Ambler and Howard Wade
went on the stock train to Jansas
city and Rohl there they will go to
Ib diana on a month's visit.
It is hardly allowable for the
News to say that R. L. Duckworth
and wife have "bran"
a new boy-
even though the father is a miller.
A reception was given for Rev.
Webster at the Methodist church ,
last Monday evening. There was
a good attendance and a pleasant
Tell your friends and neighbors
about our play , "Louva , the Paup-
ar , " next Saturday night , Nov. 17.
Reserved seats 35x. General admission -
mission 15c. and 25c. Everybody
THIS good old democratic administration -
istration has found it necessary to
issue another call for X50,000,000
lvortli of five per cent. bonds , they
to run ten years , interest payable
n gold. And the 'orst of it all i s
that there are two years and more
between now and 1806 , plenty of
time in which to issue another
batch or two of bonds before the
republicans can get control of the
A PRETTY thorough house-clean-
ng may be expected to occur in
LjACOlf about January first.
R. E. Moore is decorating his
house with a fresh coat of paint.
Will Sexson has leased the R.C.
1Vindell farm and will live in our
midst another year.
It has been James Iiln i trh , oru' o
misfortune to have to lift his pomp
the second time this , , .
Everything is quiet at Box El
der since the election , because the
republicans were strictly in it.
With good relnibllcan laws and
good crops we will lift all the in-
( lebtecluess from dur farms , next
We wonder why the. man that
received the lug of pop whiskey a
few days before election did not
pass it around on election day. Did
he take the hunt that it was better
to leave it at home ? The people
of Box Elder should be Irode of
the stand that was taken by the
t'hurch people of this place in the
way they knocked out whiskey
e ectioueering. Speed o11 the good
James Hupp of McCook was in
town this week.
County Supt. Bayston is looking
over school interests in these parts ,
this week.
The foot race , last Saturday , was
a sender for Porter , Yandenburg
was Iiotln it.
Mrs. Bruce Cnmming started for
Illinois , Monday , ou a visit to relatives -
atives and friends.
Last Friday evening an oyster
supper was held at the residence
of Al. Johnson , 4- miles miles east
of town , which was a very enjoyable -
ble affair , and realized about $10
for the benefit of the Methodist
preacher , Rev. Webster' .
Hurrah for Andrews ,
Our new ppistor is Rev. Streeter.
The church was replastered and
cleaned , last Saturday.
The populists elected everything
in this precinct from "Hokum" to
clerk of election.
3. C. Moore and brother Frank
1lttenled the teachers' association
meeting at Bartley , Saturday.
The fifteen true blue republicans
of Tyrone stayed by their ticket
refusing to a man any proposition
to ant any candidate.
The Tariff , Financial , Hawaiian
and other questions of the day do
not interest the people hereabout
as much as the question where can
I got the most and hest groceries
for the money. C. M. Noble can
nuswer the question to the satis
faction of all ,
The McCook Commission Co.
is making very low prices on flour ,
feed and hay ; and these prices will
he good for the next thirty days.
Go to them when you need any-
thinb in their line.
The McCook Commission Co.
has 50 tons of alfalfa-splendid
fattening feed-for only 45 cents
a bale. Also 150 tons of flue hay
at 50 cents a bale.
If you need a road cart or any l
kind of a wagon , see Cochran &
Co. They can fill the bill and at
prices to correspond with the hard 1
Rememberyon can get the highest -
est market price for stock hogs of
from 50 pounds weight up at the
B. & M. meat market. I
Knrpple always leads in fruits
and vegetables. ' He carries the
freshest and largest assortment
the market affords.
The McCook Commission Co.
keeps a large stock of all kinds of
chop feed , corn and oats , at lowest '
market prices.
Buy your writing paper at
THE TRrnuNE office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
Cochran & Co. carry a full line
of shelf and heavy hardware. They
always make you the right price :
1 ,
" ' .A . u i 4Sw ,
. .t
OFFICIAL \/OTE , : ' n f
TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 6th , 1894 - ,
' ! I
11IIInW f ' , r ( I i
G _ - - - c t _ . - i. . y
- - < < -
_ . -
x r
b'Vlt ( iuV1.INUI ( :
Gerrirrd , P , 2' Ii . 1 3. i. 44..2333i 11 2 3 11 41
n Icnmh , 0. & P. I , , , . a9 47 46 19 19 36 ° 6 45 5I 1311 ' 8,88 46 44 : ki 383 , 47 a : 3 3 : ' . 876
bhlj"ra. It. . , , . . , , , , 234713 35 ' :4.3 .71 ) „ . 2 I 11 87 58 6. . 18 J : ' 14 144 101 91 92 IUUI 12p
Stnrdevaot , S. ) . . . . . . . 5 I I 4 . . . . . 1 4 6 8 3 3 39
Futt Isie LIFIIT , low. ; I'.1 GnVlcnrlnll.I . 6 2 8 . . . . 1 . . . " . 3 3 1 1 1 3i '
nu'iiihp. 8 D. 2 6 1 3. , . . 2 . 4 3 4 3 2. 14 8 4- . E'
( , marl , n & I' . L : , : . 5 ia3 45 I9 17:3728 : 2..4 . 811 44 44 33-t35 18 44 41 82 26 N45
bloar. . a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° 7 47 I83352. 1321 11 S80 7 21 193215b'6138 94 94 88 997 152'
Felt SI C'Y OF dTATB : I I
hllick , U a 2 , . . . . . . . . 3 1 1 3 ' ] 6 3 J7
Tlnnrpes. P. . . . . 4 2 8 , . 1..4 2 2 : 4 3 1 2. 1 3. 41
' .9
M Paddt'o. P.1 . . . . . . . . i 3474S2I IW . ! 345' : i4 12' 4:104543U:537IS : : 43 3' 33 840
Pitr r. it. . . . . . . . . - ' 64511035 424:1691121'11 . 8461 6I2U34T3535 ! ! 0 N $ 85 117 1:19 :
Itulfe. S. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3 I I . .I 3 . . . . 4 3 1 1 3 . 1 . . 9 5 4 1' ' 47
Fen TIRAFURRIt : I 8..2 . 1
1 turrh y , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . l4 34 r5 nr . . u . p I2 lb l l . a v r 4 8 o1 21 . ' 8 14 33 lag i 8 83 85 " 9711 14 4
aridenthal. S. U . . . , , 2 2 ' ] 2 2 3 5 2 3. 4 I 111 5 6 a" ' 5
Luik ar t . p , 7 1 1 1 1 „ 7 ' 6 1' 42
Pnnrl. P. . . . . . . . 1 3 1 3 a 1 7 4. 2 ' I 1 2 2 3. ZS 5
i'nPerR , P.1 . . . . . , , . 4N 4t U' ' 173625415214 11 91314142,3:7J3' 19 3F 34 31 2 44
1 oit A U1,1TIR :
Ilaatnan S 2 5. 3 41. . " . 6 6 4 II. . 5 1 1 19 7i 6 75
blrn'rt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45144 : 424 : 741 : 2(1 11 Si 01 7 21193 153 , I'l ( F6 S7 6a gip 15F
, f' . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .1 4044 IN 18342:42 51 13 11 929414':8:313516 42 411 33 2 815
Fou A'rTI Ni v GICN'I. :
a fl' , ' . S 1) . . 1 6 3 4. . , 3 4 2 a 16 9 6 2 69
( ' 1ttry D. &I' . . . . . . . . ! . , 141 16342443 ! 11 ; II 11030424ll23338IN : 41 c8 11 21 817
( ltnrehill , R . " . . ,8 4914 3I 21' 211 7 ; ; I ' : l I l 87631 G 21 11' I32' ' IF : f5 1a2 87 87 8o as' 164 ; I
51at k. I > - - - - - - . 2 I a 1. 1 j1 3. 2 2 6 3 i 1 3 S9
Folit ' ( „ ' . L n. : .
Itivlei' , S. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . S. 4. 4 1 2 9 5 3 2 2 3. 17 t' 75
11111. 1' . , . , 1 4 I t 12' 3 , t3 3 1 2 1 5 4 1 8 4 3 1 ru
KIII , I ) . I.2 . 45 46 17 ' 7 ,1':3 43 II 15 1161 27 44 43 3'aS ' 8711 ! 44 3fi : n 2' 811
ILII ell. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5U 14 34 25 24111 7:1 : Ii 20II 85 r)7 6211932' 13851:8 8N 88 S5 90 139
yorett , . . . . . . . . . . 123. . 242i'll7J122h II ! tfi ! 5'11193414:1.5135 : F5 Al R 959 1 &
nnolit410. S. D. . . . . . . . . . 1 4 - . 3 , . 3 . . 2 . .I. I ti 3 4 , 2 1 2. 10 i U 1
1u11eanL P1. . , . . :4:54119'7:9i : 24 44 51 13 1 ( 93x'4321353 : ' : 3819 42 : + : 82 3' 831
Kearney. P. . , 1 4 3 3. , 1 1 5 2 7 2 . . 2 1 3 3 1 3 a 1 451
I 01c ( 'ONGRIssMAN : : I I.
1 iidrrwv U. . . . . . . . . 3uil It':14:6 25 19 71 12 2i ( l ! 9182 721 19351437141 @ 1 134 87 ! 117 ! l3r
.ai + hry. S. D. 1 4 ii I I :3 : 3' ' 2 21 : 1 3 1 4 3 40
nullell P 3 2 4 1 2 1. 4 2 . . 1 4 3 2 1 4 2' 4n
) ' ( R' ! "ban 0 S. P.I. . 5h ' 46441 0 L : )526 : , 5214 11 95 31434132 J5 ; 38 15 55 4:19 : 3 891 ,
Ftit TATI. . SI.NATOIt : I
Lenew. S 1).2 . 2. ! i 4 1 1. 1 a 3 4 I : I 2 12' ' Ia n 11 8w
. . . . . . . . . . . 5 : : 14uI252421'7 ! 122'I ! I 9 : ! CI' Ii241F3713:17134 . FF 11:3 : 7l $ 9's 154.
ynauu , l' . T. . . . . . . . . . 1.6 49 45 .U :4 44 b3 I. 1:3 : 9136 4U 4:31 i9 d9 ,8 , 3 t ' 251 S "d
Ft a IIN'I11.S6NTATIVU' : 1 1
T.inrharn. Ii. . . . . . . . . . . 35 53 19 31 2.528207 1 = 6 7 96611IS2 1r 361531 I6 s : 84 741 983 124 '
Lnayrnecker. ' . . . . . . . . 5. 2 2 : 1 1 6 3. 2 2 3 3 1 4 2 b I 51
h -id Ur. P. l I'.4 Its I8441 22 14 BN 29 ei 45 32 a6 21 1F 48 4ri :37 : 41 859
Fun U. . SNNATOR : .
1 t r Nor. I . . . . . . . I3 ft F I 1 J. f 1 341935 210 8527 15 If 7 (
Ilrp III. 1) .t . . . . . . 2u F 1 15' ' 9 : r 3s 5 11 5125 12 29 2U :5 1 1 1' 57 51 40 2F 5 6 2f71
Flllt ( 'OUNTY ATToflr E1 : ! I I
nmle 1' 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . a 4143:2 173S28 11 40 2' ' 4 6f3t:94I353i.33W ; 88 56 54 4' 871
1\PYI'A , R. . . . 37 6217 3 24 = 5 : 74 1813 8 12i 64:4 :516148 2:6 : IU' 79 i2 is 909 134
Fos Co , TrteAsultEIt Y
: i.
Iterry , R.3 . 07 II 3t 26 22 ] u r- 117 r I 2 6741 rr L ) iJ.61'r.J 2. , t7 71 859
5lraert e. P.1. . . . . . . . . , 51 41 51 IF 17 412E 47 5. It I 1 114 55 4548 31 4" 38 'S0 91 56 53 4:3 : 1141 181
jolt Quick 1'oUNTY'CoIioNElt I' : . 12 : I 11 4 9 " 4 a 1. 41.
Rrnwo , 1' . I. . , : . . . . , t6 18 49 17 18 a7 23 4613 1 : 12 87 91413 45 ! 4 34 37 111 42 32 27 2r 87
I i nr t , H. 47 113 :1133 19 72 Itt 22 I 19516:5 1 17 37 Ili 35 1.9 53 5I ! 52 968 141.
Jahn on. ' . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 lI . .I 1 3 I 5 3 3 1 5 3 2 9 7 8" :1
F''it ( 'n. 1'.I
, r bor. . . . . . . . . . 43 4 7 9 IS 38 2' i 41 4913 II ) 9o 33 44 44 32' 3 4916 4r , 3I :7 2'5 831' '
Hill , It. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; : I314C3 : 24 23 19 711521 ; tl t8 U ) 62'1735 4373:8 : 81 116 85 988 1.58
'I' , lnr. P , .3 . 5 1 ( . 3 Y N 714. . : i 1 Ii 3 7..I _ tit ,
Advertise in Tlie cCook Tribune > <
u u o 0 0 o n I n o o 'n I o 0
. .
Coffipally. E
. . . ® .
Y ee ® ur . .
: Overcoats c
And Suits.
1 ea h
'Prices are Lower than same qualities ,
have ever been before.
c o
MCCook , Nebraska. JONAS LNtaEL ,
0 Il a O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 t ) 0
Qnipple has just received a car
oad of Loomis Flour , than which
there is no superior on this market -
ket , that he is selling at the very
owest figure for such a high grade
and popular article.
Frank Nichols guarantees the
veils he sinks. Leave orders at
Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention I
will be given the same.
We are just in receipts of a new
supply of tablets and box papers ,
memorandums , etc.
Anything you want in the hard-
vare line at Cochran & Cc.'s.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , over
Ganschow's shoe store.
1lcMillen Brothers
are lIeadquarter's for
Winter goods of all
kindS. See them !
Our clothing has arrived. Now
is the time to obtain a good winter .
suit at a bargain : Do not wait ' '
until the best bargains are gone.
Come at once , so as to have a good
variety to select from , I
If you want a new dress , do not +
fail to look at our stock , for the
stock is all new in the dress bonds I t
line , and has been purchased at '
greatly reduced prices. i
We have just laid in a targe
stock of canned goods of all kinds ,
and by reason of buying them in i
large quantities , we are able to t )
sell you the best of goods , elthei' ' '
by the single can or by the case
at very reasonable prices. Liberal '
discounts made t0 Parties Purchas.
ing one or more cases.
Gentlemen , if you need a new , !
hat , this fall , it will pay you tt
inspect our stock.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
1 1