' w friit. By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Governor , T. J. MAJORS. Of Nemaha. For Lieutenant Governor R. E. MOORE , of Lancaster For Secrctaiy of State , J. A. PIPER , of Ilarlan. For Auditor of Public Accounts , EUGENE MoORE , of Madison. , For Treasurer , J. 5. BARTLEY , of Bolt. For Commissioner , 11. C. RUSSELL , of Colfax. For Attorney General , A. S. CIIURcIn.t , of Douglas. For Superintendent of Public Instruction , ' H : R : COR11ETr ; of York. For Congressman-Fifth District , w. 1 ; . ANDREWS , of Adams County. For Senator , 29th District F. M. RATI11WN of Frontier county. For Ite resentative , JOHN J. LAMEORN , of Indianola. For Treasurer , IJINRY ! IL BERRY , of McCook. For Attorney , HARLOW . KEYES , of Indianola. For Confiner , DR. A. w. HOYT , of Bartley. For Surveyor , EDGAR S. HILL , of Indianola. .WHEN the word republican appears - pears to view , put g X there. It will be all right. THE York Times claims that some people make the great blun der of being too smart. THE little parson tt ill treat the opposition to a big surprise party , - next Tuesday a week. PUT a X after Harlow W. Keyes' name. You cannot regretit. He will make au excellent county attorney every body admits. THE republicau state ticket will be elected by a good majority , . and 1 the majority may even be large , so climb upon the band wagon. You can't afford to get out of line. ANDREWS will carry Adams , he will carry Clay , he will carry Hall , he vill carry Webster ; in fact he will carry dearly every county in the.district.Hastings Nebraskan. THE 5th district wust he Iu tin e Nebraska will then have a solid republican congressional delegal- tiou. Give the little parson your unswerving support and your vote. THE vital importance of the issue , not the individual , should be considered , this campaign.- United States senator at stake makes it imperative that the next representative from Red 'Willow county shall be a republican. Vote for John J. Lamborn. THE fitness of Prof. Andrews for the position to which he aspires is not disputed by the opposition. His record in public and private life is clean and without a flaw. The people are with him in this canvass and in the election soon to follow he will come off the vie S tor with a good round majority.- , Red Cloud Argus. ALREADY shipments of gold to 'Europe have started , and the j treasury officials are trembling and seem to be at a loss to account for - an outflow at this time. The money l is probably sent over there to pay the foreign workmen for making goods that have been sent in since the passage of the new tariff law- goods that should have been made . in America by American workmen. HON. W. E. ANrn Ews is in many ways pursuing a somewhat different - ent style of campaign this fall than two years ago. He is unquestionably - ably brighter and iuore active , and . it is gratifying to know that he addresses large crowds wherever lie goes. Can McKeighan say as much ? . . . .Have you heard the : latest ? The democrats of the. big fifth have placed in nomination , by petition , for democratic congressman - man , Hon. Thomas F.Asliby of Bloomington : ' Mr. Ashby was the receiver of the Bloomiugtdn land office under Cleveland's first administration - ministration , and is a bentlemau well known throughout the dis- trict.-Red Cloud Chiefs , . - C Y } n THE NOMINEES. Bartley Inter Ocean. J. C. Gammill returied , Tuesday - day , from a full meeting of the congressional committee at Hast- iags. Everything seems favorable - ble for the election of Audrews ; but all wishing a careful , capable , working representative should not fail to work earnestly and wisely for his election. Every person deserves cowmen- . dation for trying to promote tem- perauce , but the prohihitionists in this county are not likely to. elect any of their ticket , this year , hence they should carefully consider the subject of voting for J. J. Lam- born for representative. Danbury News. John J. Lamborn , republican candidate for 'representative , was looking after his political interests in this precinct , last Saturday. He has the qualifications to represent the county with credit. Give him your vote. John J. Lamborn , republicau candidate for representative , is making an earnest and energetic , campaign. If you are a republican - can vote for him ; if lie is elected he will be able to cast his vote for a republican United States senator this winter. H. W Keyes will be our next county attorney. He will receive a large number of populist votes all over the county. LARGE and intelligent audiences greet Professor Andrews all over the district. The clear and forcible - ble manner in which our candidate presents the issues before the people - ple makes many friends of those who" were , formerly against him. The little giant of the fifth is a winner..The people of this district - trict are going to send a man to congress who will be a credit to them and the state , who will not betray Nebraska's interests b y casting a free trader's vote but will carefully guard its interests with jealous care , and that man's came is spelled A-n d r-e-w-s.-- Red Cloud Argus. AN inquisitive reader wants to know , "what is a democrat ? " DANBURY. , J. . Hulip nos a business visitor - itor , T Ii ursdai. This extremely dry weather is very disagreeable. McKeighan spoke to a fair sized crowd , Tuesday. S. B. Sutton of Oberlin , was selling onions here , this week. G. B. Morgan sold a car load of potatoes , last Tuesday , at 70 cents per bushel. Mrs. Burbridge returned home , last Wednesday , from a visit with relatives in Illinois , LEBANON. A new floor in our post office. A car load of apples was unloaded - loaded here , Thursday. B. F. Bradbury is to build a new store building , 50011. Mr. Waugh is expected home from Iowa , in a few days. A foot race is on the bill boards. Vandenburg and Porter are the contestants. - McKelghan passed through our village , Thursday , bound for Danbury - bury , where he spoke. The McCook Commission 'Co. is making very low prices on flour , feed and hay ; and these prices will be good for the next thirty days. Go to them when you need anything - thing m their line. THE BARNETT LUMBERFCo. sells the best Canon City coal in the market at $7.50 per ton , We are selling a Colorado soft coal at $5 per ton : Seud us your orders. The McCook Commission Co. has 50 tons of alfalfa-splendid fattening feed-for only 45 cents a bale. Also 150 tons of fine hay at 50 cents-a bale. FOR SALE ! We have seed wheat , heed rrye , and 'corn for sale at the elevator. H. H. EASTEBDAY & Co. . , . . 1S' PROSPECT PARK , Miss Marsh was at home over Sunday. Mrs. Wade has been on the sick list the past week. Miss Kate Duffey visited with the Wades , Saturday. Mr. Pickrell and family departed - ed , Saturday , for the eastern part of the state , to remain during the winter. A pleasant evening , party was held at the residence of Nr. Sea- mands , recently. Refreshments were served. Mr. Anderson started for Texas the first of the week. His family will remain here , as he expects to return in the spring. Our school has been very much reduced in number , but , fully as much interest is taken as though the attendant e was three times as largf , . The neighbors and friends of M. Anderson tendered 'him a very pleasant surprise party , T'hursday evening. A very enjoyable time was had by everybody. LEBANON. The postoffice and meat market have been undergoing repairs. Our second nine will play Dan- bury's secouti nine , next Saturday. Frank Thompson went up .near Atwood on a business trip , last week. An attempt will be made to have W. E. Andrews speak here , this week. The foot race between Porter and Vautlerhurg takes place oil Saturday. Lebanon has a face carpenter in the person of 1Villiam Belt. His shop is situated in the room west of the bank. 'The popnlista say that an old party cannot 1)A reformed , and that they are corrupt. 't'hey sere ] to be keeping company with one of the old parties. Better be careful about tlti company you keep. One bad apple wili spoil a dozen good ones. TYRONE. L. D. Kimpton and family are moving to a farm near Cambridge. Protracted meeting still continues - ues at Plainview conducted by the Rev. Taylor. H. H. Berry of McCook passed through here , and called upon several of his many friends here. There are 18 pupils in attendance - ance at the 'I'yrone school. No one seems to favor the conveying of I pupils to and froin school at publics expense as proposed by the county superintendent. Taxes are too high already. HAS ARRIVED. Our clothing has arrived. Now is the time to obtain a good winter suit at a bargain. Do not wait until the best bargains are gone. Come at once , so as to have a good variety to select from. If you want a new dress , do not fail to look at our stock , for the stock is all new in the dress goods line , and has been purchased at greatly reduced prices. We have just laid in a large stock of canned goods of all kinds , and by reason of buying them in large quantities , we are able to j sell you the best of goods , either by the single can or by the case , 1 at very reasonable prices. Liberal discounts made to parties purchasIng - Ing one or more cases. Gentlemen , if you need 'a new hat , this fall , it will pay you to Iuspect our stock. MCCOOS MERCANTILE Co. You can buy 100 pounds of good flour for $1.40 , in 1,000 pound lots , from the McCook Commission Co. They have a fine high patent flour fear sale at $2.00 per 100 pounds , in 1,000 pound lots as well. Send your coal orders to THE BARNEZT LUMBER Co. We have a large stock of both eastern and western hard coal. Also all kinds of soft coal. Eastern hard coal is cheaper than ever before. We have a large stack on hand. BARNETT LUMBER Co. Tablets , inks and pencils at this office. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria - , Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , CREAM AKIN vomin MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulteratt. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH As DESCRIBED BY DR. HARTMAN , ONE OF THE GREATEST Au- TIJOItITIES AND WJtITIHIS ON CATAIIRU. The symptoms of chronic Catarrh - tarrh vauy accirding to the stage and exact location of the disease. The first stage of catarrh of the nose and head produces discharge from the nose , sneezing , pain 1n the eyes and forehead , weak , acid sometiiiies watery eyes , oc2asion- ally loss of memory. In the last stage the discharge ceases , and dry ; offensive scabs form in the nose ; polypi growths sometimes form in ons or both nostrils auto the pttlll 111 the head and eyes is much less. Unless something is (101)0 ) to prevent , the catarrh will follow the muCous iitembrane into the lungs , where it will he followed by cough , eight sweats rapid loss of fl.ish , antl the other dread sym- toms of cousumltiol ) . Pe-ru-na is a specific for evely case of catarrh , whether the ( us- ease is located in the lungs , kidney or stomateh. The close of Peru-na should l3 a large tablespoonful before each meal and at bedtime. Women and some delicate Tiled should begin with a teaspoonful atld slowly and gradually increase to the above full dose. Free 1)ooks on chronic catarrh , la grippe , coughs , colds and coii- snnptiuu' are being ; sent to any address by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company , Colum- bus. Ohio. = . . _ RED WILLOW COUNTY closed a successful fair at Iidiauola ) , last week. Red IVillow is one of the few counties in the state that held a county fair this year.-Hastiugs Democrat. LOOMIS FLOUR. Kuipnle has just received a car load of Loomis Flour , than which there is no superior 011 this market - ket , that he is selling at the very lowest figure for such a high grade and popular article. W ELLS' ' Frank Nichols guarantees the wells he sinks. Leave orders at Cochran & Co's. Prompt attention will be given the same. The Tariff , Financial , Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. If you need a road cart or any dud of a wagon , see Cochran & Co. They can fill the bill and at ) ricer to correspond with the hard times. Remember you can get the highest - est market price for stock hogs of from 50 pounds weight up at the B. & M. meat market. Knipple always leads in fruits and vegetables. He carries the freshest and largest assortment the market affords. The McCook Commission Co. keeps a large stock of all kinds of chop feed , corn and oats , at lowest market prices. 'Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable Cochran & Co. carry a full lint3 of shelf and heavy hardware. They aways make you the right price. We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. Anything you want in the hardware - ware line at Cochran & Cc.'s. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , over Ganschow's shoe store. a . - . I S. . _ It : : : iiii , . t $ 0 II ( I , n II It 0 0 0 It 0 0 II I ) 0 - 1 p E I I f - o Clothing ! o I I I ! - s At Popular Prices , To Suit These Times. - kr t o McCook , Nebraska. JON AS LNt UL , o f + t.MaNAGER. r 0 0 1 G 0 I (1 Il 0 0 0 If I' II it 0 I' 11 Hon. J. G. Tate Will Speak. J. G. Tate wi11 speak on the political issues of this campaign , in our city , on the evening of Thursday , Novenber 1st. He is too favorably known to require an introduction at our hands. A crowded house wiligreet him. Mrs. R. C. Hall , wife of the electrician at the electric light house , died on yesterday - terday morning , soon after child-birth. The remains were taken to Oniaha , this morning for burial. Teachers' Association. The following is the programme of the Red Willow County Teachers' Association - tion , to be held at Beartley , on Saturday , November Loth , 1894 : MORNING SESSION. Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Devotional Exercises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address of Velcome..S.1' . Parsons "School-room Impruvement and Decosa- tion . . . .Laura Paine Snyder "Cultivation of the Sensibilities" . Jennie hIolland "How to Ask Qucstns".J. , L. Boyd AFI'ERn00N SESSION. "Tlte Teacher's Personality" . . . . L. W. Smith "Primary Writing" . . . . . .Lila Welborn 'Palk by County Superintendent J. H. Bayston "The School Officer" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. G. Stilgeboner and W. F. Miller. Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. M. J. Cordeat EVENING SESSION. I Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Vm. Valentine Those expecting to attend please notify Seth T. Parsons , Bartley , Nebraska. All teachers present will be expected to take part in the discussions. The committee in charge is composed of Sell ) ' ' . Parsons , J. H. Bayston and Addle Hanletn. The following is a list of the presents received at the Madsen-O'Leary nuptials , last Wennesday morning : One hunered dollars , Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Leary ; silver cake basket , Robert McElhaney ; silver berry dish , John and Jerry Mullen ; easy chair , Father Hickey and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKenna ; silver sugar bowl and cream pitcher. Charles and Geo. Leach ; silver pickle castor , Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Menard ; pair of silver napkin rings , Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnett ; silver napkin ring and toothpick holder , Ed. Caffery ; silver butter knife and sugar shell , Chas. Lehn ; silver berry spoon , gold lined , H P. Sutton - ton ; silver castor , Mr , and Mrs. Jonas Engel ; set of silver tea spoons , Anna Hannan ; rug , Mr. and Mrs. L. Lowman anti family ; picture throw , Mrs. Huck of Holdrege ; picture throw. Miss Roberts ; silver castor , S. L. Doan , G. L. Seymour , W. C. Pope , I.J. Reynolds , Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Crawford ; easy chair , M. O'Leary , bride's brother. Fine Printing. We make a specialty of fine job print- ing. Oursamples of fashionable and elegant - gant statioliery for invitations , programs etc. , is not excelled in Nebraska. Apples Cheap. I have a car load of fine winter apples for sale. Iequire first door west of S. 11I. Cochran & Co. Lowest prices. PERRY STONE. ) 60 Acres For Sale. 70 acres old ground. go acres under the irrigation ditch. Two miles from McCook. Terms easy. F. S. WILCox. McMillen Brothers are headquarters for Willter goods of all kiI1dS. See them Buy yoi11. ' tablets , ink , pens , IeflCils and stationer ref all kiods at ' 1'he 't'ribilne office o'Xt (1001' to the ; post- office. huts. E. E. UTTER , -3lEs1CAr , INSTitUCTOU.- Piano , Organ , Guitar and . Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. STUDIO 1100)1 3 , 0vEa G.t SCnOWS. 3icCook , - - - Nebraska. I tV'ea TZabr wt. . si ' , : ro tavc : her Cas orf.C. t' . Le ) se r a ; : : Cdtd : , she cried for Castoria. VI1Ca to Irxale she clung to Ca oria. 'Tcn she had Children , she gavotheol Castoria. t w t o L OUCLAS 0 IS THE BEST. NOSaUEAKING , 5. CORDOVAN , r _ . _ _ FREtICH&FNA11ELLEDCALF. . $4-$350 FINECN F&KANGAR04 } l $ 3.50 POLICE a SoLEs . $2 . s2.wNGti EN . EXTRA 2. 175 BOYSSCHODiSHOES r.P' ' ? ? LA IES SZsas2.l. BESTD 1.A , SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL DOUGLAS i ' f. ' BROCKTON MASS. You can save monrr by pnrchasiue W. I , . rmiginn hoe Because , we are tee largestmannfacturers of advertised shoes in the world , and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom , which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Ourshoes 1 equal custom work in style , easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere - ' where at lower prices for the value given than i any other make. Take )1o substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you , we can. Sold by DEALER whose name will shortly appear - pear here. Agents wanted. Apply at once. t : 0 ORE ACK CHE 0 .J it CLkE3J RAVE L3- . CONSTIPATION , I INFLAMATION cf1i E BLADDER. pHD ALL KIDNEY DISEASES. fr G RtF1Eg . , - . Tuios r.rvl , R C . SO.FOR A CASE iT v/ILL uOT CURE , ) It is an agreeal'c Laxative for the Bowels ; can be made into a Ti a for use in one minute. Price : ? .c &o.and$1.1Oper pnclnge. p itTtrt An Elegant TOILET PowoeR i ' _ for theTcetti and Breath-23 t Every Man whose watch has been rung out of the bow a ring a ! , by a pickpocket , , Every Man whose watch has been damaged b } r dropping - ping out of the bow , and Every Man of sense who merely compares the old pullout - ' out b0W and the new , ) A. a1 R / \vill exclaim : "Ought to have Lecn made long ago ! " it can't be twisted offthecase . Can only be had with Jas. BOSS t'illedand othercases stamped with this trade mark I Ask y our jeweler for pamphlet. Eeystone Watch Case Co. , Philadelphia.