The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 05, 1894, Image 7

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Don't be misled b the statements of merchants
. . . .claiming that they can. . . .
I am selling first-class groceries right along as low .
as those who claim they can save you money it you .
' 1' , r. will trade with them. Below we give a few items. .
Pickels , per bottle , - .10 Jell , per pail , .65
Onions , per bottle , - .10 Mince Meat , per package , .10
Chow Chow , per bottle , .10 Clothes Pins , per dozen , .02
Catsup , per bottle .20 Peas , per can , - . - .10
Raisins , per pound , . .05 Corn , per can , - . .10
Best Tea in McCook , T ) , .50 Alaska Salmon , per can , .12'
Syrup , per pail , - . .65 Everything else in proportion.
Always the Lowest and Best
Values Can b e Pound a t
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Blankets Yarns Canton Flannels Dress Goods Underwear -
wear , Muslins , Sheetings , Etc. Prices are made to suit the
, times. Watch our corner for bargains this month. The 20
per cent discount still on in our clothing department.
AT TJIE . . .
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J firs. Wi11 Archibald is bere on a visit.
A stock special east , Tuesday evening.
A slight wreck on this division , Saturday -
day night.
Hi. Thrailkill is home from his trip
to the Pacific coast.
Charlie Parsons was the guest of Jake
Burnett , close of last week.
Mrs. F. W. Campbell has joined her
husband , the engineer , at Alliance.
The company's gauge indicated a rain-
tall of three inches , last Saturday , at
Roadmaster Web Josselyn was up from
Orleans , on official business at division
Mrs. J. 0. Lindley is visiting relatives
at McCook and Culbertson , this week.-
Red Cloud Chief.
Mrs. M. A. Campbell went down to
Wymore , last week , to visit her daughter
Mrs. D. N , Ritchey.
Mrs. C.W. Bronson will be home from
Iowa soon. He mother , who has been
sick , is expeted to acccompany her.
Fireman and Mrs. C. E. Benedict came
home , Mouday night , from their wedding -
ding trip of a week or two. Cigars were
in order.
Agent Hawker of Stamford has been
laid off by the company. He is succeeded -
ed by an operator from Long Island , Ks.
C. V. Shields is now in charge of Long
Island office.
Engineer Heber , wife and son John
departed on last Friday night for Cali-
fornia. Charlie will remain here and
hold down his old position in the office
of Supt. Campbell.
J. F. Heber , who left for California on
last Friday night , has , we are informed ,
secured a passenger run between Sacramento -
mento and Los Angeles. His success has
caused some of the other men here to
look longingly toward the coast.
The services of station agent at Laird
have been dispensed with and the agent
transferred to Wray as night operator. . .
T. P. Haines , now special agent for the
Burlington , is acting agent here during
Agent Burghardt's vacation of a few days
in Denver. Tommy is a steady young
man and will soon merit a good. Position
from his employers.-Haigler News.
Night Operator Hendley was given the
g. b. , Monday. As near as we can learn
Hendley was too fond of the girls , he
having one or two transients with him
nearly every night , and when the company -
pany heard of this it decided that he
could not attend to business and give the
proper attention to the girls ; hence ire
was given the latter privilege and his
services were dispensed with entirely.
Ed. Malridge is the gentleman who succeeds -
ceeds him.-Haigler News.
Lanterns issued to engineers are now
painted black. Train and section menu
have no use for black lanterns . . . .We are
reliably informed that Roadmaster Cur-
ren is the inventor of a new machine
worked by the friction of the air and animal -
imal heat , to be worn in roadmaster's
hats while on trains. It will record the
speed of trains. Also has an alarm that
will go off when a train exceeds its schedule -
ule time. This he says will be of great
value to roadmasters. Mr. Curren is confident -
fident that lie can still improve it so it
will record bad places iii track and
bridges , as well as the speed.-Alliance
The postal clerks on the Kansas City
and Oxford route are going to make a
vigorous kick for change of grade. This
would result in a raise of salary. This is
one of the hardest and longest runs in
the state and its clerks have been illy
paid , so far. It is to be hoped that success -
cess may crown their efforts , and we believe -
lieve it will , if they kick long and loud
and all kick together. . . Conductor Green
and his crew had an unusually long ,
heavy and exciting tun , this week , as a
stock extra. They left St. Francis at 2
a. in.Wednesdayafter ( having run there
as the regular local ) for Hastings via Oxford -
ford with about 35 cars of stock. Arriving -
ing at Hastings they were turned and
sent to Holdrege with a train of empties ,
and from there they came home , getting
here at4:35 on Thursdaymorning. While
the boys were coming down the line this
side of Oxford , they run into a drove of
horses , the property of an emigrant
camped near the track. The train was
stopped and slowly backed up to where
the stock had been struck , and it was
found that four horses had been killed
outright and several others injured. The
owner could not be found , however. It
was evident that he mistook the boys
with their lanterns for white caps or train
wreckers and took to the woods in negligee -
gee attire. The place where he had been
sleeping was still warm and this is the
only theory that can be advanced for the
man's miraculous disappearance. The
boys are not having many forty-eight
hour runs without sleep , but this seems
to have been one of then.-Republican
City Democrat.
Parks cough syrup cures coughs , colds and
consumption. Mrs. Catherine Black of Le
Roy , N. Y. , says : "I took one bottle of Parks'
cough syrup. It acted like magic. Stopped
my cough and I am perfectly well now. "
Sold by McMillen.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
R y II Bktng
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Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ,
A workman in the Erie railway shops
at Hornellsville , N. V. , conceived the
idea that these bolts could be quickly and
effectively removed by a projectile fired
from a cannon. The master mechanic
resolved to test the ideaand a steel mor-
tar-shaped piece of ordinance was made
for the purpose , with a two-inch bore ,
seven inches deep. This is fitted with a
steel projectile the same length as the
bore. The first test of this novel tool
was made on Saturday. The mortar was
loaded and the drill projectile placed beneath -
neath a bolt in an engine frame. At the
first discharge the bolt , a particularly
obstinate one , was driven from its hold.
The entire frame was dispossessed of its
numerous bolts by the projectile in a
much shorter time than a single bolt was
ever taken out before. The success of
the ordinance tool will mark an important -
ant revolution in the work of locomotive
repairing.-Newark ( N.Y. ) Sunday Call.
A Cook Book Free.
"Table and Kitchen" is the title of a
new cook book published by the Price
Baking Powder Company , Chicago.
Just at this time it will be sent free if
you write a postal mentioning THE TRI-
This book has been tried by ourselves
and is one of the best of its kind. Besides -
sides containing over 400 receipts for all
kinds of pasty and home cookers , there
are many hints for the table and kitchen -
en , showing how to set a table , how to
enter the dining room , etc. ; a hundred
and one hints in every branch of the
culinary art. Cookery of the very finest
and richest as well as of the most economical -
nomical and home like , is provided for.
Remember "Table and Kitchen" will be
sent , postage prepaid , to any lady sending -
ing her address ( name , town and state )
plainly given. A copy in German or
Scandinavian will be sent if desired.
Postal card is as good as letter. Address
Price Baking Powder Co. , Chicago , Ill.
Fine Printing.
We make a specialty of fine job print-
ing. Oursamples of fashionable and elegant -
gant stationery for invitations , programs
etc. , is not excelled in Nebraska.
Mrs. M. E. Barger is receiving her fall
and winter millinery goods. She will
not have a regular opening day , but will
be pleased to show goods and quote
prices at any time. Call and see goods
and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Dressmaking at hard times prices and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Iron will find all the fruits , berries
and vegetables , in season , at Nthle's.
And they will be the freshest and best
the market affords.
Fifteen ( I5) ) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , containing -
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel-
We are selling meats cheaper than
any one in the city. And we do as we
advertise. F. S. WILCOX.
Abstracts of title will be furnished
promptly and accurate byC.
Fine and completeline of calling ; cards
at THE TRIBUNE , also order taken for
engraved cards.
Beaf steak 7c. per pound.
F. S. WIICOx ,
The Sunny Side is the place to buy
the best and the purest milk.
Perfumes and toilet powders at L. W.
McConnell & Co's.
Boiling meat 3C. per pound at the B.
& i\I. meat market.
A nice variety of ink and pencil tablets -
lets at this office.
Toilet soap , tooth brushes and sponges
at McConnell's.
Toilet soap , tooth brushes and sponges
at McConnell's.
For a quarterof a century Dr. King's New
Discovery has been tested , and the millions
who have received benefit from its use testify
to its wondeiful curative powers in all diseases -
es of Throat , Chest and Lungs. A remedy
that has stood the test so long , and that has
given so universal satisfaction , is no experi-
ment. Each bottle is positively guaranteed to
give relief , or the money will be refunded. It
is admitted to be the most reliable for Coughs
and Colds. Trial bottles free at McMillen's
drug store. Large sizes Soc. and Sr. Oct.
IT MAY Do As Moen Poi : you.
Fred. Miller of Irving , ill. , writes that he
had a severe kidney trouble for many years ,
with severe pains in his back , and also that
his bladder was affected. He tried many so-
called kidney cures but without any good re-
sult. About year ago he began thuse of
Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric -
tric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all
kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost -
most istant relief. One trial will prove our
statement. Price only 'oc. for large bottle.
At McMillen's drug store. October.
It certainly is false modesty , negligence or
something of the kind , when people continue
to suffer rom kidney r urinary troubles , for
Oregon Kidney Tea can now e bought in
small size packages for 2' cents , and if one
package does not cure them , it will give so
uch relief that the will cotinue tuse it
until cured. We advise you to try it.
. . . . _
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
The Fair.
This is fair week and as a result the
road between town and the grounds is
several feet deep in dust and as the
longed for rain did not come , sight seeing -
ing is very unpleasant and real estate
moves about rapidly. Yesterday afternoon -
noon we took a flying trip to the grounds
and looked around for about half an
hour. 'rule horse stalls all seen to be
occupied and we would judge that good
races would be forthcoming.
Mr. Winans of Red Willow has a fine
bunch of mules on exhibition. We
noticed several bunches of rlurifty look-
jug cattle. Ora Clark of East-Valley
has a mace and colt and two-year-old
colt entered. IIorace Taylor of Red
Willow shows sore ; ne horses.
In the hog department J. H. Warfield
of Ash Creek shows his 700 lb , Improved
Chester boar , Montgomery Ior3 , second
prentiunt at state fair , and other hogs
from his herd , Mr. Wagoner o [ Danbury -
bury shows Yorkshires , while C. C.
Sibbitt of Bartley and John and David
Deveny each have some fine specimens
of Poland Chinas front their respective
herds. Mr. Pickney of Coon Creek had
a couple of fine Poland pigs oni exhibition -
hibition , which lie sold while we were
present. John Irvin of Missouri Ridge
had aline Yorkshire sow and pigs on
The irrigation pump exhibit is attracting -
tracting considerable attention. The
big New Orleans steam pump with a
capacity of Iooooo , gallons per hour is
surrounded by an interested group of
visitors constantly. It is operated by
John Reiter's threshing machine engine
and works nicely : Lerch & Wadsworth
have the Aerinotor wind irrigator and it
throws a fine stream of water. Tire
Dempster Till Mfg. Co. of Beatrice
have one of their irrigation pumps at
work and an agent on hand to explain -
plain its tinny good qualities.
The exhibit in floral hall is very inter-
esting. The display of vegetables is
good , although not quite as extensive as
last year. The fancy work-we don't
know anything about but think it was
perfectly lovely , and honey , fruits , etc. ;
looked good enough to eat.
The chicken department is all right ,
little games and big Brahmas both
there and turkeys and ducks too. If
you have not attended the fair go tomor-
row. It's a good show.-Indianola
I've a secret in my heart ,
Sweet Marie ,
A tale I would impart ,
Sweet Marie.
If you'd even fairer be
Iron must always use l'arks' Tea ,
'I'lie improvement you will see ,
Sweet Marie. Sold by Mellillen.
The American beauty owes her prestige
more to a clear complexion than to any other
attribute. A cup of Parks' will enable any
one to possess this. 1t clears the skin and
removes pimples and that sallow , muddy
look. Paris tea is use by Thousands of hjdies
for the complexion. 1Vithout being a cathartic -
tic it cures constipation. Sold by McMillen.
Parks' sure cure is a sure specific in all diseases -
eases of the liver and kidneys. By removing
the uric acid in the blood it cures rheumatism.
S. B. Basfor of Carthage. S. D. , says : "I believe -
lieve Parks' sure cure excels all other medicines -
cines for rheumatism and urinary troubles. "
Sold by McMillen.
A cup of Parks' tea at night moves the
bowels in the morning without pain or dis-
comfort. It is a great health giver and blood
purifier. Sold by McMillen.
Parks' tea clears the complexion. Mrs. N.
Meyette of LeRoy , N. Y. , says : I have used
Parks' tea and fint it the best remedy I have
ever tried" Sold by McMillen.
Captain Sweeney , U. S. A. , San Diego , Cal. ,
says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first
medicine I ever found that would do me any
good. " Price Soc. Sold by McConnell.
Karl's Clover Root , the great blood puri-
fier. gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion -
plexion and cures constipation ; 25 cts. , 50
cts. , $1.00. Sold by McConnell.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood ,
clear your complexion , regulate your bowels
and make your head clear as a bell. 25 cis. ,
5o cts. , $1.00. Sold by Mccnneli & Co. j
September Sth , 1894.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before register -
ter or receiver , at McCook , Nebraska , on
Saturday , October loth , 1894 , viz : Ransom S.
Gordon , II. E. No. 8747 , for the northwest
quarter of section 12 , township 3 , north , range
29 , west of the 6th Principal Deridian. 1-le
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resdcnce ; upon and cultivation of
said land , viz : Frank Simpson , Thomas Rug-
gles , Frak Crockford and Thomas
f McCook , Nebraska.
A. S. CAaPncLL , Register.
To Fowler S. Wilcox , 1) . If. Babbitt and
Alvin E. Beatty , and to all whin it may concern -
cern :
The commissioners of Red \Vilov ; comity ,
Nebraska , have located and ordered opened
a public road commencing at the northeast
corner of section four , township two , range
twenty-nine , in Valley Grange precinct , Red
Willow count' Nebraska , running thence
south on section line to the southeast corner
of the northeast quarter of said section four ,
terminating thereat ; anl all objections thereto
or claims for damages must be filed in the
county clerk's offce on or before noon of the
22d day of December , A. D. 1863 , or said road
will be established without reference thereto.
Oct.S-4ts. County Clerk.
. . . _ , . -
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
f Ion. D. 1' . Welly , judge of tle district court
of Red 11'illow counts , Nebraska , on the 18th
day of September , I 93 , in favor of J.Cdolidge
Itills as plaintiff , and against Awnzo Jay et
al. as defendants. fcr the sum of six hundred
and fifty-nine dollar and fnrtvsix cents , and
costs taxed at $37.33. and accruing costs , and
co-defendants Burton t& Harvey having on the
same ( late obtained a decree for the stun of
$2zo. I have levied up.n the fni ; ing real
estate taken as the proptrty of said defendants -
ants to satisfy saiI judgments towit : ' 1 he east
half of the southeast quarter of section sixand
the northwest quarterof the soudhwest quarter
of section five , township four , north of range
tventy-eihhtwesl of 6th 1' . ,11. , in Red 1Villow
county , , \ebraska. And will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand
on the fifth day of Noveinbtr , A. I ) . , 1S94 , in
front of the south door of the court house to
Indianola , Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the ltst teen of court was held , at the
hour of one o'clock , p. in. of said day , when
and where due attendance will be given b }
the undersigned. Dated October 1st , iS94.
E. R. > , lKS ,
1V. S.MorLAN , Sheriff of said county.
Attorney. O c 1.5.5 t s.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
front the district court of Red 1VIIlow county ,
Nebraska . , . on a judgment obtained before
lion. D..1..1\'elty , judge of ( lie district court
o [ Red 1 'illou-county , Nebraska , on the IStlt
day of December , 1893 , in favor of The Anner-
ican lirvestment Company as plaintiff , and
against Gerhart I iiugers et al. as defendants ,
for the sun of four hundred and eighty-three
dollars : uid nineteen cents , and costs taxed at
532.15 , and accruing costs , and co-defendants
The Frees & Ilocknell Lumber Co. having on
the saint date obtained a ( ! eeree for rite sum
o [ I have levied upon the following
real estate taken as tine property of said ( Ie-
fendants to satisty said judgments towit : 'l'lie
southwest quarterolsectiou tee , township one ,
north of range twenty-eight , west of the 6th
I' . M. , in Red \Villow county , Nebraska. And
vull often the same for sale to time highest bidder -
der for coil in h tnd on the fftli day of November -
ember , A. I ) . , iSt , in Ironf of the south door
of time court house inIndianola , Nebraskathat
hieing the buihling wherein the last teen of
court vas held , al the hour of one o'clock , p.
In. of said day , vIicn and where tile attendance -
ance w'iil be given by the undersigned.
Dated October 1st , ISM ) j.
E. R. lr1NKS , Sheriff u [ said county.
1V. S. MuILAN , Attorney. Oct.S-5ts.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red 1Vrilow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Hon. D.'F.1'elty , judge of the district court
of Red 1Vdlow county , Nebraska , on the :8th
day of Deceinberl8gin favor of Lewis S.
1)abuev and Frederic , : Cunnitghm , trustees ,
as plaintiffs. and again. t Timontas Mize et al.
as defendants , Ii r the sum of four hundred
anl thirty'-three dollars and nice cents , and
costs taxed at $29.S , and a tcruin , ; costs , and
ca deteudants But ton & IIarvey having on
the same date obtained a decree for the stun
of $3750 , I havt levied upon the following ;
real e , tate taken as the property of said defendants -
fendants to satisfv said judgments towit : The f
test half of the northwest quarter of section
twenty-cght : , township two , north of range
twenty-sit , west of the 6th P. 11. , in lied 11'il-
low county , Nebraska. And will offer the saute
for sale to the highest bidder for cash iii iand
oil the lfth day of November , :1. 1 i , iS91 , in
front of the south dour of the court house iii
Indianola , Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the last term of court w a' held , at
the hour of one o'clock , p. iii. , of said ( lay ,
when and where due attendance will ha given
by the undersigned. Dated October 1st , 1894.
E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county.
11' . S. MORt.Arr , Attorney. OILS-5ts.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from time district court of Red 11'ilhow county ,
Nebiaska , on a judgment obtained before
lion. 1) . ' 1' . ; Velty , judge of the district court
of Red 1Villovr county , Nebraska , on the iStlr
day of September , 1893 , in favor of I [ annah ,
M. Johns as plaintift , and against Jacob Leib-
brandt et al. as defendants , for the sum of
seven hundred and thirty dollars , and costs.
taxed at $22.4 ; , and accruing costs , and codefendants -
defendants Burton n Raney having ou time
same date obtained a decre' for t" of
$27.10 , I have levied upon time fuliowug teal
estate taken as the property of said defendants -
ants to satisfy said judgrnemts towit : The '
northeast gnarterof section thirty-one , township -
ship two , north , of raie twenty-eight , west of
the 6th P. M. , in Red 11i11ow county , tiebras-
ka. And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash in hand on the filth
day of November , A. D.,1&pj , in front of the
south door of the court house in itthanola ,
Nebraska , that being the building wherein the
last term of court was held , at the hour of one
o'clock , p. m. of said day. when and where
clue attendance will be given by the uuder-
Signed. Dated October 1st. :89. ; .
E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county.
11' . S. MORLA , Attorney. Oct.S-5ts.
fo York National Bank , M. A. Castle , C. S.
Woods , \V. S. and E. J. QuckW. II.Garadc ,
Quincy A. GravesGeorgia MillerWilhehnina
Eastwood , Mina Schrnelzer , Jacob Sterner ,
Mina A' . Beall , John Walter Mittenhergerand
to all whom it may concern :
fhe commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at the southwest corner of
the southeast quarter of section 30 m township
3 , north of rm,1'm west of the 6th piincipal
meridian. ut h i ' Valley precinct , Red 'A illour
county , Nebraska , running thence north on the
half section line to the southwest corner of the
southeast quarter of section 18 , thence north
12 degrees 15 minutes , west 12 chains n2 links ,
thence north 26 degrees 15 minutes , west 24
chains 25 links , thence nortli 47 degrees w'est8
chains 33 links , thence north 32 degrees 15
minutes , west 6 chains 6 ! irks , therice north
22 degrees , west rt chains 36 finks. thence
north 17 degrees r5 minutes , west 6 chains 20
links , terminating tuereatlmas reported in favor
of the location thereof , and all objections
thereto or claims for damages must be filed in
the county clerk'solfice on or before noon of
the :6th : day of November , A. I ) . , IS94 , or said
road will be established without reference
thereto. GEO. 1V. ROPER ,
B. G. Gss.1Ri' , Deputy. County Clerk.
September I4.4ts.
The State of Nebraska , Rei Willow county ,
Nebraska , ss In : hi : Count court. In the
matter of the estate of 1Vidliam E. Kit [ n ore ,
deceased. On tile 25th day of September ,
1894 , there „ led in this ofnce an instrument -
ment purporting to be the last will and testa-
mentof William E. Kilgore , deceased wht , h
will nominates Ella Kilgore of McCookNeb-
raska , as executrix of the Dante. It is hereby
ordered and decreed , that October Ith , ru44 ,
at one o'clock. p. m. , is assigned for hearing ,
on the probate o1 said will 4,13 the appoiating
of the said Ella Kilgore cs executrix. And
all persons interested in said matter may appear -
pear aEl show cause , if such eist , why the
said will should not be probated , allowed and
recorded as the last will and testament of said
deceased. And it is further ordered , that a
copy of this order he published in 1liE Mc-
CooK 1'RlntrNE. a neekiy newspaper published -
lished in said county , for weeks prior to
said day of hearine. Dated September 25th ,
1894. CHARLES 11. lxhLr. ,
Sept28-its. County Judge.
The best salve in the world for cuts , bruises ,
sores , ulcers , sal : rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cts.
perbox. For sale by McMillen.
\ .