The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1893, Image 7

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    iUhilareruCfy Tor Pitcners Castoria.
When Baby was sick , wo gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child , she cried for Cactoria ,
When oho became Miss , she clung to Costorfa ,
Whcnshehod Children , she gave them Castoria.
| Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain curulorChronloBnrc RVCN. Toiler ,
! .Sail ltliumn , i cald Heitil. Old Chtoniu SOICB.
Fever SOI-OH. Eczema. Itch. I'rulrlu Scratches.
Sore Nlpplcp and I'llfM. It is cooling jind
HooililiiR. Hundreds ol en-en liitve been en ted
by linlii-r all oilier troiirim-nl hud fulled. If
is ] int up In 25 and : " , ( ) cent hn.tcs. For sale by
' coriro M.Chi-nery. No\.20-l.vear.
A. j. nrmxiiousK. : c. n. IIOYLK.
.1. K. KBLLKY ,
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : LA\\ ,
OKPICK : In reiti-ol First Nulioniil Hank.
CX7 Will practice in till courts. Coinmcrcl > . .
nnd corporation law a pnociully. Mnnoy to
loiui. Kttoni.x ! situ ! 5 old Kirs I National liM'j.- .
o : Ilmnts : It to II , si. in.In. "i and
7 10 ! ) . ji. in HOOIIIH iivi-r K'rst National tumk.
A. T. KICE M. D.
. . , . . ,
I have located permanently in McCook ,
Neb. All calls answered promptly by day or
night , in the city orcountry. Special attention
tjiven to diseases of children. Office over
Lowman's store , south of Commercial Hotel.
Office houis from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Residence
2 doors south of brick school house.
Eorsea branded on left hip or Jeft shoulder.
P.O. address , Imperial
Chase County , and Beat-
trice. Nob. Hango. Stink-
man creeks , Chase Co. ,
Brand as cut on side of
some animals , on hip and
sides of some , or sn -
whore on the animal.
J. S. McBRflYER ,
SSTilouse and Safe Moving *
Specialty. Orders for Draying left
at the Huddleston Lumber Yard
will receive prompt attention.
R , A. COLE ,
lias a fine stock of Cloths , Bind
ings , and other trimmings always
on hand.
S. W. Cor. 11 til and Broadway ,
For the treatment of all Chronic and
Surgical Dbcue * and Disease * of the
Eje and Ear. The object of thi Sanita
rium is to fnrnUh board , rooms and
medical attention to those sntTering with
- , Deformities. Diseases of Women , DIs-
euf3 of tot Urinary and Sexnal Orcans , Diseases of the Nerrons
Srstem. Lung and Throat Diseases , files. Cancers , Tnmors. Etc. ,
Etc. Surgical Operations performed with skill. Books free to
Men amd Women. For farther Information call on or address
DR. C. M. COE , Kansas City , Mo.
X "Will Avoid Qnacfea.
3raTidc nnfl Botnio Medical
Institutes by coins to
Old , Sellable
1 02 & I O4 V. NINTH STREET.
AHeyular Graduateln
Medicine. Over 26 I/ears'
practice 12 in Chicago.
.Established 1865.
ow. Thousands of ca em
lull pictures , sent
for any csso Ibis treatment falls to
caroornelp. Greatest dlscoreryJn
annals of medicine. One dow 0ve ;
; few doses removes ferar and
Klrst publication Ucucmher a. ISftt.
H ) vlmie of mi order ol'nl < ; ilnvuli'd lo-mo
from ihodlHtrlct court of Ht-d tt'lllow ,
Nubniskii. idrMV' judgment , iilirnliii-'l lid'oni
Hon. D.T.VHiy. . judjmnl' ilu ! 'Imniut oourt
of Hod Willow county , NebriiHkii.on the ( Itli
duy ol .luiif. W.K , In Invor ufSmll liros. iw
I > | alltlu H , Illlll It lllMM .lilHlM'll IIOO/L n < 1-
t'cndam. fur tlic uiiin ol Hlxiy-nlno ( i'O'.D dol-
litrs. inniu. ) coins , nnil CHHIH ti.\in at $4:5.78 :
mid ttconilntr cnrttf. I hnve Irvlud upon the
following rciilCHtntc inlu'ti IIH the ptopuriy of
eiild ilofCMidiiiu to finitely Hnld judgment to-
wlt : south liulf of HoiilluvcHl iiimrtcr of BOO-
tloii twuiity uuu (21. ) towiiHliip OIMtl. . ) north
of rniiKo thlrtv CM. ) west sixth ii ( ) I' . M. in Hed
Willow county. Nub. And will otfur the sumo
for sale to the highest bidder. lor onsli In
bund , on tlioilth duvdf .Iniiuiiry. A. 1) . IB'Jif. In
fiont of tint south door of the court house , in
Indiunolti. NcbniHlvii. thiit. licliiK the building
wherein the hist term of court wns held , ut
the hour of 1 o'clock j > . in. of suid duy. when
and where 'Inn iittcndiinci : will bo j.'lveii by
Dated December fllli. 1692.
K. It. It INKS.
i-'licriir ofsaid t cunty.
lly virluu of an order of null1 on decree < H
loieclosnre of nuirtsriiBO. issued out of the
district oouit for Hed Willow. 01111113 * Nebrns
kit. and to me directed , I will , on tin : Jtith duy
of .Iniiuury. A. I ) . Iff.n. atom * o'clock. 1 * . M. . in
the Iroutdour ot the court hoime in Indiimoln ,
Hed Willow county. Nebraska. Mint bains the
huildiiifr in which tbu liifit term of the district
court was held , Fell ut public unction to Mn
highest bidder for itsli : , the real estate des
cribed in eaid order of sale as followR , town :
Tbu northwest quarter of section twenty-six.
CJI5) ) in township two. (2) ( ) north of range thirty.
0U ! ; west of the 0 1 * . M. . in llwd Willow count } ,
Nebraska. Said property to bo sold to Biitlslj
.1. Lowell Moore the sum of nine hundred
hovcnty dolhus and lorty-lwo cents judg
ment , with liileie t thereon from June 6th. A.
1) . . lb'J.Jto : Hiitisty thi ! filnho Investment com
pany. co-defendiint3 , to thosuin ofnlnty-tlirec
dolliirsand forty cents judgment , with inter-
out thereon from the Cth day of .June. A. I ) .
18K. ! and twenty-nine dollars and neve.ntv-
eight cents costs with interest thereon fiom
Juno IGth. 1892. until paid , together with ac
cruing costs. uoHiidlnKto a judgment render
ed by the dibtrict court ot said Hed Willow
county , at. its June term. A. I ) . . 1&.K. in an
action therein pending wherein .1. Lo"- < -
Moore wns pltiintiir itnd .Fnscph A. lit ewer.
AIIIISI G. ISrewor and others were dcfondoiite.
Dated this 14th duv of Uucemlier \ . . , IW- .
Sheriir of Hed Willow conntv , Nebraska.
.J. K. KEM.KV , Attorney.
First publication December 23,1892.
IJy virtue of an order of Rale directed to me
from the district courtof Hed Willow county ,
Nebraska , on u judgment obtained before
Hon. D.T. Weltj' . judge of the district court
ot Hed Willowcounty , Nebraska , on the 20th
day of October , ISltt , in favor of Mary .1. Cole ,
as plaintiff , and against Stephen Tuttle etui ,
as defendants , lor the sum of six hundred
and fifty-live ( $655) ) dollars , and K cents , and
costs taxed at § 30.73 and accruing coats , and
C. G. White , receiver , on his cross petition ob
tained a decree for $55.31. I have levied upon
the following real estate taken as the property
ertyof said defendant to satisfy said judg
ment , to-wit : South' half of the northeast
quarter and north half southeast quarter of
section two (2 ( , ) township one (1. ( ) north of range
thirty (30. ( ) west of tbetith P. M. . In Hed Wn
low 00111113Nebraska. . And will offer the
same lor sale to the highest bidder , for cash
in hand , on the 1'Jd day of January , A. D. ,
IfcDS. in front of the south door of the oourt
bolide , in Indianola. Nelmi.-kti. that liein t'ie
building wherein thu hist term of court was
held , at the hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said
day. when and where due attendance will be
irivun l > 3' the undersigned.
Dated December 21.189- .
j Sheriff of said county.
i First publication Decembers } 189'J.
Hy virtue of an order ofstilo d.reeled to me
from the district oourt of Hed Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Hon. D.T. Wolty , judge of the district court
of Hed Willow county. Nebraska , on the 2Gtn
dayot October. 18)2 ! ) , in favor of L. M. Leach
as plaintiff , and against George l-elaud etal.
to .1 nf'fitifloiitu 4Vi * > flift ciini nflltm hiiiirlriiil
and fifty-eight ( J55S. ) dollars , nnd 40 cents , and
costs taxed at $20.18 and accruing costs. I
have levied upon the following real estate
taken as the property ot said defendmits to
satisfy siiid judgment , to-wit : Commencing
at the southeast corner ot lot 7 , hloek origi
nal town of McCook , .thence t.orth 81 left ,
thence- west 25 feet , thence south SO 1'cer.
thence east 25 teet to place of beginning- , and
beiiiir a part of lots seven and eight in said
block nineteen. And will offer the same for
sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand ,
on the 23d day of January , A. D. , 1893 , in trent
of the south door cf the court house , in In-
dianola. Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said day.
when and where due attendance will be given
by the undersigned.
Dated December 21,1892.
E. ft. HANKS ,
Sheriff of said county.
Publication Notice.
Edward Kuester , Dora Kuester. George W
liurton. and Andrew E. Harvey , uartners do
ing business under the lirm name of Burton
& Harvey , and George Hocknell. defendants ,
will take notice that J. Abbott Thompson ,
plaintiff herein , filed his petition in the district
court of Hed Willowcounty , Nebraska , against
said defendants , the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ecuted July 20th , 188(5. ( by the defendants Ed
ward Kuester and Dora Kuester to plaintiff ,
upon the east half of the southwest quarter
and'lots three (3) ( ) and four (4) ( in section
eighteen (18) ( ) , township two 1.2 ] , north of range
twenty-eight [ 28 ] , west of the 6th P. M. . in
lied Willow county , Nebraska , to secure the
payment of eleven promissory notes of the
said Edward Kuester and Dora Kuester , one
forfSOOdue July 19th. 1891. and ten notes for
$32 each , due respectively. Januarv 1st and
July 1st. 1887 , 1888. 1889. 1890 and 1891 ; that
there is now due upon said notes and mort
gage , including taxes paid by plaintiff , the
sum of $1.230.16. with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 20th
day of November , 1892 , for which sum with
interest and cost of suit , plaintiff prays for a
decree that the defendants be required to pay
the same , or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or bnfore Monday. February sixth , J8I3. !
Dated this 16tb day of December , 1893.
32-4te. J. AHBOTT THOMPSON. Plaintiff.
By W. S. MOHLAN , his attorney.
THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE is acknowledged
to be the best and largest newspaper in the
west , publishing more western and general
news than any other paper in the country.
The usual price is one dollar per year.
THE AMERICAN FARMER is published at
Springfield. Ohio , is n 16 page monthly paper
devoted to agriculture , horticulture , the
dairy , poultry and general interesting stories
and other malter for the home. The usual
price is one dollar per year.
WOMANKIND is also published at Springfield ,
Ohio. It is JO page monthly publication , de
voted to everything that interests the wife ,
mother and maiden. It is full of useful in
formation and interesting talks and stories
that are instructive as well as entertaining
both to young and old.
Ono dollar pays fora year's subscription to
the Bee and cither one of these journals.
Address all orders to
A Mammoth Competition.
$6,500 in prizes for the best seven stories
was what the Youth's Companion offered :
$5,000 for the best Serials , and $1,500 for the
best Folk-lore ta'les. The successful stories
are just announced to appear in the Compan
ion during 1893.
. By sending $1.75 at once you will obtain
the paper free to January and for a full year ,
to January , ' 94. Address The Youth's Com
panion , Boston , Mass. , . . . ,
The Echo Organ and Electricity.
The echo organ is something that the
most-unmusical- appreciate.It is *
part of the great organ , and still re
moved from it. Sometimes it is put "in
the loft between the ceiling and thereof
roof , but the best authorities recommend
that it be kept in a room built expressly
for it well up toward the ceiling , with
openings to permit the sound to reach
the auditorium , but always higher than
the main organ , because its voice fol
lows the dying notes of the great organ
like an echo , and the best effect is given
when the echo descends , as though it
were the answering voice of angels.
There is such an echo organ in Grace
church , and a great one is building in
this city for All Saints' Catholic church ,
at One Hundred and Twenty-ninth
street and Fourth avenue.
The beautiful idea of the echo organ
is not new , for there is ouo in the great
Harlem organ , which was built in
1733 , but the use of electricity for play
ing the echo organ is new , and it is the
only way in which the echo organ can
be used to perfection without an en
tirely separate organ and organist. With
the electrical keyboard the organist
plays the echo organ from the keyboard
of the great organ , both together if de
sired , but usually separately. One of
the first electric action organs built in
this country was exhibited at the Ameri
can institute fair in 1869. It was made
in this city. New York Times.
Shingles Coining Around Capo llom.
An experiment of interest to the shin
gle manufacturers will shortly bo made
by Lewis & Crane , of Seattle. An ex
perimental cargo of shingles is lo be
shipped by vessel around Cape Horn to
Philadelphia , there to be distributed to
dealers in the New England states.
While the cargo will be almost wholly
composed of red cedar shingles , some of
the best grades of fir , spruce and cedar
lumber will be sent. Messrs. Lewis &
Crane stated that if the shipment proved
successful other cargoes would be sent
around the Horn to New York and
Philadelphia , making those cities the
Atlantic coast distributing points for
Washington lumber and shingles.
There is a difference of opinion among
lumbermen as to whether a venture of
this kind will pay. Many believe that
freights , insurance and handling will
eat up the profits , others say the experi
ment will pay handsomely. If nothing
else is done than to establish a distribut
ing center in the far east for Washing
ton shingles , the benefit to be derived
from an eastern outlet will in time more
than make up for any loss. Puget Sound
The Latest Sea Serpent.
Though somewhat late in the season ,
the sea serpent has turned up at last ,
this time a few miles off the Aberdeen-
shire coast. The vouchers for its ap
pearance are the crew of the fishing
boat Harbinger , who state that while
lying at anchor an extraordinary look
ing monster , with a neck like a giraffe ,
a long , dark mane , a skin spotted like
fancy linoleum , suddenly rose over the
uuu juuueu one loot at tne
prow ami the other near the stern of the
Harbinger. The boat listed over nearly
three feet , to the horror of the crew , one
of whom ran up the mast , and the oth
ers dropped into the hold.
The creature remained in sight for a
quarter of an hour , so that ample time
was afforded to the fishermen to recover
their wits and take stock of the visitor ,
which they further describe as having
ears of extraordinary dimensions ( no
doubt of this ) , teeth like a marble stair
case , and jaws , when open , sufficiently
wide to stow away an omnibus. And
all this off the Aberdeenshire coast in
our home aoas ! London Chronicle.
Deer from the Adlrondaclcs.
A party of Adirondack hunters re
cently returned with ten fine deer ,
among them a notably fine buck , weigh
ing 310 pounds. A third shot was found
necessary to kill him. Last Tuesday
Captain David Hutchinson , of Rutland ,
Vt. , celebrated his ninety-third birthday
by snooting in tne Aoirondacks a deer
weighing 267 pounds. Captain Hutchin
son is a famous hunter , and despite his
age he has lately tramped with his rifle
eight miles daily in search of deer and
bear. In the year 1866 , when he was sixty-
eight years old , he killed fifty-five deer
in the Adirondacks.
A number of splendid carcasses of
deer shot on Jessup's river , Indian river ,
the West Canadas , Piseco and the Oregon
gen clearing have been shipped to New
York , Brooklyn and other points. The
largest buck sent out this year was shot
in Wellstow and weighed 338 pounds.
Albany Journal.
The Blaines Will IJvo in Augusta.
The Hon. James G- . Elaine and family
have decided to make Augusta their res
idence after the coming winter. On her
recent visit to this city Mrs. Blaine
stopped an hour at their mansion here ,
thoroughly inspecting it. The family
bave concluded to put it in complete
repair and make several changes , re
modeling the kitchen , etc. The grounds
are also to be plowed and graded.
These improvements will be begun at
an early dajf. They will live here , spend
ing but a brief period at Bar Harbor
during the summer season. Mr. Blaine
is strongly attached to Augusta and pre
fers to live here. Augusta Cor. Lewiston -
ton Journal.
Money in Chill.
Money in Chili is so scarce just now
that pasteboard notes of hand are used
instead of coin. Merchants state their
name and a certain sum on a scrap of
pasteboard , which circulates as money
till at last redeemed by its original pro
ducer. London Tit-Bits.
John Baird , of Richmond , Me. , is a
veteran of Waterloo. He enlisted in
the British army when but fourteen
years old , and is now hale and vigorous
it ninety-two.
Somebody claims that an electric plant
IRS been discovered in India which will
influence a magnetic needle twenty feet
The Citizens Bank of McGook ,
Incorporated under Siato Laws.
Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO
General Banking Business ,
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts draw *
directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes
paid for non-residents.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FJtANICLlN. T. . -nt. J01JN It. CLAltK , VIce Pres.
k.'U. EBKHT , Cashier. v
The First National IJank , Lincoln Nebrska.
The Clicnucnl National JJnnk , New York City.
ir m * % xx
J w e
GEORGE HOCK NELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W. F. LAW SON , Cashier.
Is Now Open and Ready for Business ,
B HF" ! am prepared to handle all business in my
line promptly and with the most approved machinery.
are also prepared to handle wheat for which they nro
paying the highest market price ,
and Elevator on East Railroad street.
For a Clean Shave on
An Artistic Hair Cut.
Cares Consumption , Coughs , Croup , Sore
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
Fora Lame Side , Back or Chest ShSloh's Porous
Plaster will give great satisfaction. as cents.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins , Chattanooga , Tenn. , says :
"SWtoft's Vitalizer * SAVED MY LIFE ? I
I evtr used. " For Dyspepsia , Liver or Kidney
trouble it excels. Prlce75 cts.
Have you Catarrh ? Try this Hemedy. It-will
relieve and Cure you. PricefiO cts. This In-
lector lor its successful treatment is furnished
free Shiloh'fl Remedies are sold by us on a
guarantee to give satisfaction
r ii o &i pw
&lio + .iriti * ir&HEZxffiiitte.t. -
A CASE : iT\yjLLnoTcuRrc.
It is an agreeable Lasativo for the Bowels ;
can be made into a Tea for use in one minute.
Price 25c. . 60c. and S UK ) per uackngo.
for theTeeth and Breath 25c.
Subjects need fear no longer from this Kin ; ; of
Terrors , for by a most wonderful discovery in
medicine , cancer on any part of tbo body canoe
permanently cared -without the n e of
the knife.
MBS. IL D. CotBV. 2307 Indiana Avo. , Chicago ,
Jays. * Was cured of cancer of the breast in six
weeks by your method of treatment. " Bend for
treatise. l r. H. C. Hale , 3C3 31th St. , Chicago.
Buy the best Machine Oils at Chen-
eryla City.Drug'Store. -
Regimental Blacksmith ,
Opposite liiillanFs lumber yard nnd
in O'Neil's carpenter shop.
/ Will Cure Interfering Horss
& Contracted Hoofs or no Pay.
J2 "i will iiive you value received or no
pay. Prices reasonable.
The Call Leads the Procession.
We call the attention of onr readers
to the advertisement of The Call in
another column. Sinoe its redoetSon
in price The Call is the cheapest
daily in Nebraska , and its spicy ana
independent policy is too well known
to need comment from us. In reduc
ing the price of The Call so as to put
it within the reach of everybody , the
management have placed themselves a
decided step in advance of all other
publishers in the state. This is an era
of popular prices for the newspaper ,
and The Call is , as usual , at the head
of the procession.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber on his
enclosed lands in Willow Grove pre
cinct , Red Willow county Nebraska , on
the 29th day of November , 1802. one
black gelding , horse supposed to be 14
years of age. weight about 1,300 ; no
other marks or brands.
Dated Dec. 17 , 1892.
We-are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to THE TRIBUNE along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are ,
please come and see us.
B3F"NOBLE , Purveyor to tne Great
Common People , is now exhibiting
about the handsomest and largest as
sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be
seen in Southwestern Nebraska.
A G - i. . L < W ! * < L/AA'4-/ ' -7 9
( Regular Graduate. )
The Loading Special 1st of the United State :
in His tine.
Private , Blood , Skin and Nervous Diseases.
Yotinjr and
Middle A.EC < 1
Men : Hemark-
able results have
followed my
treatment. Many
YEAKS cf var
ied and * 'ucces3-
ENCE in the use
of curative rceth-
that I alon
own and contrr.l
for all disorders
of MEN. who
have weak or un
developed or dis
eased orfT.-iS. , or
who are suffering
from errors of
youth and ezccs
or who arc ccrv-
ous and JMPO-
TXNT , t'aD scorn of their fellows and the con-
U -npt of friends and companions. Icuds me to
G7JARANTEE to all patients , if they can pos
t27 liE.ME.lZH.EIC , that there is hope for
YOU. Consult no other , as you may WASTE
VALUABLE TIME. Obtain my treatment at
.Female Diseases cured at home without in
struments ; a wonderful treatment.
C'atarrh , and Diseases of the Skin , Blood ,
Eeart , Liver and Kidneys.
syphilis. The most rapid , safe and effective
treatment. A complete cure guaranteed.
bkln Diseases of all kinds cured where many
Others have failed.
Unnatural Discharges promptly cured in a
few days. Quick , sure and safe. This include. *
Gleet and Gonorrhoea.
1. Free consultation at the omce or by mall.
2. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis.
3. That each patient treated gets the advantage
of special study and experience , and a
specialty is made of his or her disease.
L Moderate charges and easy terms of payment.
A home treatment can be given in a majorit-
of cases.
Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men.
No. Z for Women.
No. 3 for Skin Diseases.
Send ICc for frtpage Reference Book for Men
and "Women.
All correspondence answered promptly. Bus
iness strictly confidential. Entire treatment
scat free from observation. Refer to banks in St.
Joseph and business men. Address or call on
J. N. HATHAWAY , M. D. ,
Corner 6th and Ednjond Sts. , St. Joseph , M ?
nothing new when we state that it pays to engage
in a permanent , most healthy and pleasant busi
ness , that returns : i profit for every day's work.
Such is the business we offer the working class.
We teach them how to make money rapidly , and
guarantee every one who follows our instruction !
faithfully the making of S.'JOO.OO a month.
Every one who takes hold now and works will
surely and speedily increase their earnings ; therr
can be no question about it ; others now at work
are doing it. and jou , reader , can do the same
This is tne best paying business that you lia\i-
ever had the chance'to secure. You will make a.
grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at ouce.
if you grasp the situation , and act quickly , you
will directly find yourself in a moat prosperous
business , at which you can surely make and save
large sums of money. The results of only a few
hours * work will often equal a week's wages.
Whether you are old or voting , man or woman , i ;
makes no difference , d"o as we tell you , and suc
cess will meet you at the very start. Neither
experience or capital necessary. Those who work
for us are rewarded. Why not write to-day for
full particulars , free ? E. C. AIXEX & CO. ,
Box No. 42O , Augusta , Me-
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.