The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1893, Image 5

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Powder :
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No' Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
It long ago seofiied as though
shoes could never bo better anc
never bo cheaper , but they are
hotter now and cheaper now than
lh y ever were before. The greal
eveiy day favorite is our men's
and ladies' shoe. It is as much a
boon to the pocketbook as it is to
the feet. It won't wear you out
to wear it out. You don't need to
take care of it ; it takes care of
itself. It will give you solid com
fort for the simple reason that u
better shoe for knockabout pur
poses has never been produced.
If prices never appealed to you
before , the price of this shoe will ,
for it costs only $2.50. It will
look nicer and wear longer than
any shoe on earth.
For Lamps , Chenerv's City Drug
Predmciru Bros , keep the l > era cylin
der oil in McCook.
Buy your school supplies at Chen-
cry's City Drug Store. .
Wayson & Odell are putting out some
handsome rigs these days.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
We are able and happy to state offi
cially that 1893 will be a winner sever
al times over.
The new county officers assumed
charge of their respective offices yester
day , the 5th instant.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
George W. Eckerraan of Ashland ,
Nebraska , has purchased eighty acres
of the J. H. Locker farm near Perry
FOUND : A pocket book containing
some valuable papers , Tuesday after-
uoon , on road leading southeast from
McCook. Owner can secure same by
calling at this office.
On Wednesday a wealthy Illinois
farmer purchased the Ed. Hall farm ,
situated one mile east of this city. He
wil take possession and move his fam
ily to the same the first of March.
Every Man whose watch
has been rung out of the bow
( ring ) , by a pickpocket ,
Every Man whose watch
has been damaged by drop
ping out of the bow , and
Every Man of sense who
merely compares the old pullout -
out bow and the new
will exclaim : "Ought to have
been made long ago ! "
It can't be twisted off the case.
Can.only be had with Jas. Boss
Filledand other cases stamped
with this trade mark
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case C . ,
Mr. Fred Heard , the
piano and organ tun
er , is in the city ,
Leave orders at II ,
P. Button's.
Water tax for the
1st quarter of 1893
beeomesdue Jan. 1st
and is delinquent on
January 10th.
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by O. J. Ryan.
nt Noble ? ' .
Machine oil of all kinds nt Predinore
TCanev rockers just received at Fade
& Son'P.
Hogs reached $6.85 in Omaha on
Elpgnnt PprFuniPS at Chenpry's City
Pru : Store.
This is what mnv lp stylpd n salu
brious olimatp.
MoMillon has n largo assortment of
lnrnr > s
Purp drugs can alwavs be found at
flhpnprv's fitv Drug St.nre.
S. M. ( Viehran & Co. keep repairs
for all kinds nf machinery.
Thfi finp t. line oF p.andics in tliP. city
it Gray & Troxnl's rpstanrant.
The ground is hare and the roads
Iry. and fall plowing is in good shape
'or seeding.
Usual union Baptist and Congrega
tional services in Meeker hall on Sun
day morning only.
There will he regular services in the
"Wotlindist church on Sunday morning
only , by the pastor.
Noble parries a large and complete
ctock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his nrices corresnond with the times.
The average temperature for Decem-
Der was 18 degrees above zero. The
coldest was 6 to 8 degrees below zero.
McCook has a new paper. Next to
an extra five thousand population , this
paper is its chiefest need. Hastings
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
A fine line of Plush Goods , Albums ,
Manicure Sets , Perfumes , Sponges ,
Toilet Articles , etc. , at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
The county judge has married 27
couples during the past year. Quite a
helpful item in an office where the fees
have not exceeded $500 , the past year.
We still have a few boxes of writing
paper left , and we will sell them at less
than cost. We are closing them out at
any price. TRIBUNE stationery depart
The next holiday on the calendar
after New Year is ground hog day ;
and it does not involve heavy expenses
for toilet cases , rocking horses , candy ,
slipper cases , etc. Let us not neglect
our duty in waiting for ground hog day.
On the first of the new year men
should not only resolve to abandon all
bad habits but they should resolve to
be sober , industrious , kind to their fam
ilies , honest in their dealings with their
fellow men and subscribe for THE TRI
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where 'they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed in Western Nebraska.
Oysters in any style atGray &Troxel' ,
McMillen is headquarters For a )
kinds of lamps.
Paints and Oils , Clienery's Citj
Drug Store.
Candies , FruitH , Nuts , Cigars anc
Tobaccos at Gray & Troxel's restaurant ,
Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dennison -
nison street bardwaremeti.
Everything being equal it is wise
and prudent to buy everything at home
and patronize home institution.
Gray & Troxel's restaurant is now
open , mid the public is cordially invited
to call and enjoy a square meal.
Train 43 from Lincoln will run
through to llavenna , Saturday nights ,
returning at 6 P M. , Monday mornings.
A. G. Dole announces a public sale
it his farm on Thursday , January 12th.
He is arranging to remove to Indianola
to live.
McCook is putting on great airs these
days. The latest thing is a content ,
plated uiotor line. Cambridge Kaleido
Mr. Sheridan of lied Willow is a
bigger man than he was last year. Men
become famous in a day and sink into
obscurity in a night. Bee.
They have just received a shipment
of the celebrated Gold Coin Cooking
stoves at the Harris Hardware. If
you want , a superior stove go and in
spect these.
The Indianola Courier appears , this
week , with the name of E. J. Mitchell
flying from thfi masthead. Here's
success to you , Ed. May your ' 'fat
takes" be many.
During the past year the county
judge has issued about 90 marriage li
censes and has tied some twenty seven
couples together in the bonds indisso"
Well , our own Ike Sheridan was the
temporary chairman of the lower house ,
being chosen over Church Howe by a
rate of 51 to 48. And thus a scraper-
leal is swallowed up in glory.
Jamns Creasman has commenced an
action in the district court of Otoe
county for a divorce from his wife Han
nah , who lives up on one of the Doyle
farms. Most ot the week testimony
has been taken here before Squire
The latest and prettiest song now be
ing sung on the stage , is entitled "The
Indian Summer Time. " It is by the
popular author , Will L. Thompson , of
East Liverpool , Ohio. The price is 40
cents. Send the author half price , and
you will receive a copy.
Lovers of the art terpsichorean seem
to be agreed that the K. of P. ball last
Friday evening was one of the most
gratifying social events of that character
held this season. A pleasant feature
was the excellent music discoursed by
McCook orchestra. Oxford Standard.
The Union Gospel Meetings com
menced on Sunday night. The Metho
dist church was filled to overflowing , a
number of persons being unable to find
standing room. These meetings will
be continued every night at 7:30 : o'clock.
Come and bring your Gospel Hymns
No. 5.
THE TRIBUNE is authorized to in
dignantly deny the story which has
been industriously circulated , the past
week , that one of the prominent appli
cants for Postmaster Troth's brogans
was discovered on New Year morning
in the rear of THE TRIBUNE office try
ing to catch the postoffice by sprinkling
salt on its tail.
The marvelous growth of the public
schools of our city may be seen in these
figures. In the beginning of the year
1890 the total and largest attendance
was 391. The attendance this week at
the opening of school after the holiday
vacation shows a total enrollment of
672 , or nearly one hundred more than
last year , and considerably the largest
enrollment in the history of our schools.
A Nebraska farmer sold fifty-seven
hogs at the Omaha market Tuesday ,
and received for the bunch an average
of $22.53. He carried home just $1-
284.21 in cash by the transaction. Ihe
market price of porkers is $3 more
than it was a year ago. These facts
are forcible enough to render all com
ment useless , but there is gratification
in noting them.
For Best Furniture
and Lowest Price go
to . PADE & SON.
FOR SALE : Good house and lot in
McCook , well located , good property.
Enquire of G. L. Laws , Lincoln , Neb.
By strict attention to business the
average man ought to learn to write it
" 193" after a week or two of failure.
Mr. and Mrs. John VanDyke are the
fond parents of a fine boy baby who ar
rived at their home on Tuesday of this
Sportsmen will remember that the
law respecting quail hunting is now in
force , and will refrain from hunting
these gamey birds.
The new Columbian postage stamps
are fully as good for souvenir purposes
as the Columbian half dollars and are
within the means of the poorest.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
Frank Carruth & Son are exhibiting
two souvenir World's Fair half dollars
in their front window , and of course
they are attracting much passing at
That was a handsome , seasonable
display made by J. Albert Wells in his
millinery window New Year morning ,
and it received many passing compli-
Rev. W. C. Stevevenson is the agent
for aouth-west Nebraska of the " Hotel
Endeavor" at Chicago , the mammoth
hotel to be conducted during the
World's Fair under Y. P. S. C. E. au
The annual convention of the retail
implement dealers' association of Ne
braska will assemble in Omaha , Tnes-
day , January 20. The membership of
the association is made up of the retail
dealers of implements in the state.
Among the exhibit sent east by S.
H. Colvin , Tuesday morning , were 24
sacks of grain , different varieties of
wheat , rye , barley , oats and flax , all of
whichwill make a fine showingofour ag
ricultural possibilities , and should prove
a drawing card.
Rev. Henry Buettner , pastor of the-
German Congregational church at Me-
+ t \.t
Cook , was in about town , Monday , ar
ranging to give our German folks some
preaching services. The reverend gen
tleman hopes to make an appointment
soon for the near future. Cambridge
S. H. Colvin has sold four farms
eight miles south of McCook to the
four Lofton brothers , who live in south
eastern Illinois. They will all be out
in the spring , well equipped with im
plements and stock and will engage in
developing their farms on a large scale
and in a thorough mannpr.
The public installation of officers-
elect of J. K. Barnes post No. 207 , G.
A. R , of our city , vail take place on
Tuesday evening , January 24th. De
partment Commander "Dilworth and
other department officers , also Mrs.
Amanda B * . Tisdel , Department Presi
dent of the W. ft. C. , are expected to
be present.
When the time comes to appoint a
successor to Supt. Johnson , at the asy
lum , which will not be soon , Dr. Z. L.
Kay , of McCook , will be the man , and
a better man could not be named by
Gov. Crounse. Dr. Kay is a man of
character and ability. The family stand
high socially at McCook and will began
acquisition to Hastings society. Hast
ings Democrat.
The TRIBUNE man cannot under
stand why republican editors should
not be recompensed for their efficient
work for the party the same as those
who have charge of democratic journals.
There is nothing improper or impolitic
in rewarding those who do the real hard
work for the parties , but it is eminently
correct and prudent , as well as deserv
ing. The writer says this for others
and not for himself.
We direct especial attention to the
call elsewhere in this issue for a far
mers' meeting to be held in this city on
Saturday , January 18th , and hope the
attendance from the various counties
mentioned in the call may be large.
Besides desiring to take concerted ac
tion upon the question of making an
exhibit at the World's Fair , which will
be creditable to this section of the
state , general questions of importance
to the farmer will he discussed.
for Sale.
Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Baking Hi
Last Friday Evening : Was a Not
able Success.
C.W.Bronson lodge No. 487 , Brotherhood -
hood of Railroad Trainmen , of our city ,
held their first annual ball in Meeker
hall on last Friday evening. And it is
a genuine pleasure to state that the
boys had a fine a perfect run. All
the passengers they could accom
modate. Through tickets and scarcely
a deadhead in the entire jolly company.
Everybody happy , narya kicker , charm
ing through.
The attendance was very large , dele-
gaiions from Lincoln , Hastings , Impe
rial , Wauneta and other places , aug
menting the numerous local contingent ,
making in its totality a brilliant
gathering , brim full of enthusiasm ,
which found expression in active par
ticipation in the full and varied program -
gram of dances , and in the sundry oth-
erentitles which go to make up a splen
didly successful Ball.
The brotherhood displayed some in
genuity and much taste in the decora
tion of the hail , which was quite elab
orately draped with vari-colored bunt
ing , while lanterns of different hued
glasses , appropriate banners , lettering
andsoforth aided prettily in the general
and attractive effect.
The costumes worn were in many in
stances elaborate and of a variety , ele
gance and richness quite unusual in
this community , where fashionably and
handsomely appareled people are by no
means rare. This feature was suffi
ciently marked to form a picture of
striking offcctiveness and beauty.
The orchestral work by Prof. Reizen-
steiu anil nve assistants was up to their
high standard of excellence , embracing
some new and catchy selections as well
as a number of oldtime favorites , all
being stimulating and meritorious.
In its full , rounded proportions their
first annual ball was a success of the
first magnitude , and the membership of
487 can severally and collectively take
home to themselves large satisfaction
A Good Time to Begin.
With two good years back of us
with every prospect of a good year in
front of us , with money easy and confi
dence everywhere , the present year
should be the greatest in the history o
McCook. Now is a good time to begin
to talk on that line and to act on that
line. The old lethargy must be shaken
off. The business world must begin
to realize that the hard times are over ,
that people have recovered their finan
cial feet again , and that judicious in
vestment and well-directed industry
and energy will bring as good results
and probably better returns now than
they have brought at any time in the
There was never a time when Mc
Cook had such prospects before her as
she has at present. By common con
sent she is conceded to have passed ,
through the past five years of close
times in good shape. There have been
no failures and there are no empty res
idences or business houses in the city.
All that is needed now to put the new
era of prosperity strongly on its feet is
for every business man to gird up his
loins and begin to do business on the
theory that there is confidence enough
and money enough to bring an adequate
return for energetic , well-directed work.
"Stand up for McCook , " is good as
far as it goes , but it does not go far
enough. Spring up for McCook ; move ,
hustle for McCook ; work like a beaver
for McCook ; make your neighbor work
for McCook. Remember in season and
out or season that the earth is the hus
tlers , and the fullness thereof.
On Hand.
An assortment of Frames for the
holiday trade at Smart's gallery.
On large Photo work till January 1 ,
only at Smart's gallery.
You can buy Sew
ing Machines at Fade
& Son's on $5.OO a
month payments.
ft ]
A Modern Garden of Eden.
I have just returned from the Re
publican Valley. One can hardly tell
which paradise to prefer the Elkhorn
or the Republican with their beauti
ful tributary valleys. I've traveled over
luost of thu states , except the far west
and the far south , and nothing strikes *
me like these great stretches of beauti
ful , fruitful , fertile , interminable and "
all-day valleys of Nebraska. Yes , all \
day we speed along with the endless vi
sion about us. For seven years Ive
f tasted on these views and thought of the
poor benighted eastern farmer > -truggl-
ing with stumps , stones and fertilizers ,
and of the future generations that will
break away from eastern bondage to
worn out soil and settle here. The on
ly temptation I ever have to secular
life springs from the vast valleys of
Nebraska. The Republican , the Beaver
and the fit lor the "
er Sappa are "gar
den of the Gods. " No wonder there were
rivers in Eden. Indeed , I take no stock
in the location of Ultima Tliulo at the
North Pole. When T get time [ will
locate paradise on the grounds which
the philosophers have overlooked.
They have located Kden most anywhere ,
but the right where. The topography ,
with its conjunction of streams ,
fertility of soil , and transsplendent fall
climate , ( the weather has changed since
the Fall of man ) and the indigenous re
sources , are in so many respects paral
leled to the ancients , account that we can
locate the gaidcn here with more pro
priety than at the pole , as Dr. Warren
attempted to do. Chancellor C. F.
Creighton , D. D. , in the Omaha Advo
The Special Meetings.
Last Sunday evening in the Metho
dist church the Congregational , Metho
dist and Baptist brethren commenced
their series of sepcial meetings , thus
formally arranging their embattled hosts
against the scried ranks of sin. It is
doubtless the earnest prayer of many
that these meetings may result in good
and grandly. To this end the effort ?
all Christian and well-disposed people
should tend during the few weeks these
meetings may be held. Last year's
work can be excelled by faithful effort
and confidence in the power of the Divine
arm , wnen tne am is invoiced earnestly.
Knights Templar.
Mt. Elias Commandry K. T. met in
regular conclave at the Asylum on Sat
urday evening , December 31st. Sir
Knight Rees , Grandwardcn , proceeded
with inspection. After all business
was transacted the commandery , with
visitors , Sirs Lowman and Tubbs , of
McCook , repaired to the B. & M. eating
house , where they were met by the
ladies , and partook of an elegant ban
quet , and as the old year ended they
bid each other good morning with a
Happy New Year to all. Holdredge
To Prove
That we are making as finely finished
photos as can be had , we will waive
our rules of deposit till Feb. 1 , you
need not pay one cent till work is fin
ished , if not good , keep your money.
.1. H. SiiART , Photographer-
Take Notice.
All parties that are indebted to me
will please call and settle at the Farm
ers & Merchants bank , without further
notice. H. LAWLER.
McCook , Nebraska , Dec. 20tb , 1892.
To Trade.
A quarter section of land adjoining
leota , Colorado , to trade for McCook
residence or vacant property.
E. C. BURKETT , Tribune Office.
To My Debtors.
I have decided to go out of business ,
and desire all persons indebted to ms
o call and settle at once *
Pony Mare for Sale.
1 have a fine pony mare for sale at a
very reasonable price. Inquire ab this
office it you want a bargain and mean.
Smart has not raised his prices oat
> hotos since the other gallery closei.