The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1893, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
District Court Proceedings.
NoliniskH & Kansas Farm Loan Co. vs. Wm.
M. Nut I c till. Equity.
llnrntiuin Till leys & .Co. vs. Ooorjfo E. Mnyo
lit til. Equity.
Western Loan & Investment Co. VB. John
Urcon ct ill. Equity.
The Amrlo-Ainorlciui Loan & Trust Co. va.
William Y. Johnson c t al. Equity.
Uilmoro & Unhl vs. Henry unilitrcc ct al.
Nut llriicn vi * . Hiirrluon Niitlonnl IJnnketnl.
Susan H. VnnVllct vs. Allen H. Mitchell et
al. Equity.
I'liulps & UlRolowr Windmill Co. vs. Mary F.
Gray et nl. Equity.
T. H lllder vs. Samuel Younjr et nl. Equity.
J. M. Hlcharcls va. C. . B. & Q. U. H. Company.
Samuel 1C. Smith vs. Laura V. Marker et nl.
Grout Western Watch Co. vs. John \V. Wolf ,
Nebraska Mortgage Co. vs. August Kroldt
et nl. Equity.
Phil E.WInter vs. George U. Green. Appeal.
John A.Thomas vs. Charles D. Cramer et ul.
Great Western Watch Co. va. Charles H. LIs-
ton. Equity.
McKinney , Hundley & Walker vs.O.M.Knip-
ple. Uovivor of judgment.
The American Investment Co. vs. Iticbard
G. Mitchell etal. Equity.
David Fisher vs. Charles W. Heck. Appeal.
Charles C. Ely vs. Francis M. Hurt et nl.
Equity. . .
Mary N. Clark vs. Isaac 8. Sbirey et al.
William A. Hincfaley vs.Pellsch & Kimberly.
Michael Watch vs. Geo. Nicholson. Appeal.
Great Western Watch Co. vs. A. P. Bodwell.
Great Western Watch Co. vs. J. F. Itlack.
Edward H. Ogacn vs. Stephen S. Drown et
nx. Equity.
U. M. Vincent vs. Goorgc S. Cundiff et al.
Howard II. Shields , administrator , vs. J. In-
iiian's estate et al. Equity.
The State of Nebraska vs. John L. Kouch.
Grand Larceny.
Charles Nash vs. Allen Hartley etal.Equity. .
Garwood H. Atwood vs. Louis Mather et nl.
St. Joseph Loan ami Trust Co. vs. Annie
Hill etal. Equity.
St. Joseph Loan and Trust Co. vs. John C.
ICinkead et al. Equity.
Cl'arles C. Crabtree VB. George Crahtree.
G. W. E. Gritftlth. trustee , vs. Ira .J. Corey
etal. Equity.
Luther It. West vs. Swan Pcharson. and
Western Loan and Investment Co. vs. Swan
PotoarHon. consolidated. Equity.
Newton Hart vs. Geo.VelIl et al. Equity.
In the matter of the estate of Frank H.
Fowler , deceased. Petition to sell real estate.
Great Western Watch Co. vs. C. B. Hoag.
Appeal. .
.las. N. Brown vs. Sarah 11. Suavely. Equity.
Charles H. Hall , executor , vs. James F. Hay
ot al. Equity.
Charles II. Hall * s. { Joseph U. Tens et al.
Charles II. Hall vs. Unfits M. Suavely et ul.
Robert H. Thomas vs. G. W. Roper , county
olcrlc et al. Injunction.
James Keliey vs. Kobert Moore. lleplevin.
Timothy W.-preston vs. Frederick Quaduor
etftl. Equity.
AffaC. Seeloy vs. Bart.J.Doyle etal. Equity.
Winf.-ed B. Torley vs. Patrick Richard et al.
Nebraska Mortgage Co. vs. Leu is Mather et
at. Equilr.
Charles Wright 2d vs. Ephraim Green et al.
William II. Lockwood et al. vs. Thomas Clark
et al. Equity.
J. Abbott Thompson va. Edward Kuesteret
al. Equity.
Francis L. Stoddard vs. Kobert Ackerman et
al. Equity.
Oliver M. Hyde" vs. James A. Piper et al.
Nina A. Sraoad vs. George C. Roberts et al.
Report ot Referee.
The Anglo-American Loan and Trust Co. vs.
John P. Ueiter etal. Equity.
The Citizens Bank of McCook vs. R. C. Orr.
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.
vs. Alfred Carter et al. Equity.
Ell C. Popejoy vs. Thomas Real. Appeal.
Helen T. Campbell vs. Sarah R. Snavely et
at. Appeal.
August Sohulz vs. Henry Schneider et al.
The State Bank of Nebraska vs. C. B. Thomp
son. Appeal.
W. C. Billiard & Co. va. Nettio B. Moore et
Hi. Equity.
Adelia Lee. guardian , vs. Robert H. Thomas
et al. Equity.
State vs. Albert Rice.
J. H. Ludwick vs. J. H. Bennett et al. Re
Citizens Bank of McCook vs. E. R. Banks ,
sheriff et al. Appeal.
Peoples Building and Loan Association vs.
Samuel R. Smith ct al. Equity.
S.L. Sticther vs. First National Bank. Ale-
Cook. Equity.
S. L. Sticthor vs. W. H.Williams et al. Equity.
G. H. Warring. Jr. . trustee , vs. A. H. Ormap
et al. Equity.
Florence M. Ly tie vs. Charles Ly tie. Divorce.
ID the matter of the estate of George H.
Starbuckdec. Petition to sell real estate.
Justin A. Wilcox vs George A. Niccolson et
tt. Equity.
First National Bank. Ainswortb , Neb. vs.
Edward Price. Appeal. Verdict for defendant.
Qmma J. Lane vs. Mary Leonard ot al.
Equity. Decree ot foreclosure.- plaintiff
J8W.20 , co-defendant J. . Seeley $114.35.
William C. Metoalf vs. Homo Fire Insurance
Co. of Omaha. Equity. Jury , verdict for de
Lewis B. Kerns etal. vs. Red Willow County
fjive Stock Association. Equity. Decree of
foreclosure. 'Duo plaintiff 9818.40.
Minnie C. B&llard vs. John Green et al.
Equity. Decree of forclosure. Due plaintiff
$509.25 , co-defendant. Western Land and In *
vestment Co. 167.25.
A M. Bevorldffc vs. Ellen Burdiclc et al.
ulty. Decrte of forecloseure. Dueplalnt-
Franklin W. Eskoy vs. Charles F. Weelnier.
Appenl. Unrnlehce discharged , eostn taxed
to plaintiff.
Esther G. Shaw vs. C. J. Illgglns. Equity.
Dfcreo of foreclosure. Otto plaint Iff $859 fjpC
JoHcph S. Helm * . * vs. Jennette Holmes. DI-
ffucun Cnttlutr vs. Sanford McGriff et al.
Equity. Decree of foreclosure ) . Due plaint-
I If 813.
Wnrrcn 0. McClnre vs. II. M. Ashmuro et al.
Equity. Decree of foreclosure. Due plaint
iff f 081.12.
Ruth W. Lathrop vs. William Anderson et
al. Equity. Decree of foreclosure. Due
plaintiff $745.08. Burton & Hanrcy ttSW ) .
Martin Yager vs. Ella Yairor. Divorce.
Alice Murry vs. John Murry. Divorce.
Eliza H. Eaton vs. John F. Rawlins et al.
Equity. Decree of foreclomtre. Due plaint
iff * S3l.CO.
American Savings Hunk vs. E. M. Piper.
Equity. Decree of foreclosure. Duo plaint
iff $780 83.
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. vs. Robert H.
J. W. Dolan VH. Mary E. Goodrich. Defi
ciency judgment for $1-1.
Frank A. Trlpp vs. Alexander A. Cole. Defi
ciency judgment for $132.35.
C. C. White , receiver , vs. Ida M. Fisk.
Ainii8 ) County Bank vs Abraham Loeb.
Blf C.McMillcn vs. Garner , BrowneFriend
Paint Co.
Henry H. Bealfy vs. James C. Lafforty.
V. D. Heed vs. J. A. Cordeal.
Ncwmiui Duteher vs. Albert Stegman et al.
Equity. Taken under advisement.
. II. Thomas , contestant , vs. V. Franklin
et al. . cdiitestees. Election contest. On trial.
Hlley'Bros. vs. William G. Francis. Confir
mation of sale. Settled and satisfied.
McCook Co-Operativo Building and Savings
Association vs. Swenoy Munson. Confirma
tion of sale. Taken under adv iscment.
Legal Notice ,
VB. >
In justice's court before H. H.Berry. Justice
of the Peace.
G. B. Marvin will take notice that on the
15th day of December. 1892. H. II. Berry , a Jus
tice of the Peace of Red Willow county. Neb. ,
issued an order of attachment for the sum of
$22.55 in an action pending before him where
in Justin A. Wilcox & -Son are plaintiffs and
G. B. Marvin , defendant , consisting in money
due and owing in the band of the C. . B. & Q.
R. R. Co. . garnishec as wages for work and
labor performed by said defendant for said
railroad company in said Red Willow county.
Nebraska , has been attached under said order ,
said case has been continued to the 28th day of
January , 1893 at 9 o'clock. A. M.
33-3ts. JUSTIN A. Wiwjox & SON.
January 3. 1893. f
Notice is hereby given that the S. W. & of
the N. W. H of section 8. township 4 , N. of
range 29. west , will be offered at public sale at
this office at not less than $1.25 per acre , on
Saturday February 11. I8P3. at 9 o'clock , A. M.
Central Standard time. J. P. LINDSAY.
33 6ts. Register.
The store room now
occupied by Joseph
Reizeii stein will toe
for rent February 1st.
Inquire of
At McCook , January 18th , 1893.
At the request ot ± Sx-Uovernor .burnas ,
the fanners of Chase , Dundy , Hayes ,
Hitchcock , Frontier , Red Willow , Gos-
per , and Furnas counties , are earnestly
requested to attend the above meeting
for the purpose of arranging a Grand
Display of Southwestern Nebraska farm
products at the World's Fair , and for the
discussion of all points of interest to
the farmers. All farmers can readily
see that the country needs settling , and
the only way is to bring its advantages
before the eastern people. Let all who
are interested in the welfare of South
western Nebraska attend the meeting
President. Secretary
Noble's Dramatic Co.
Has been playing in the Menard al
week to crowded houses , and has been
giving gratifying satisfaction. This
company is among the best that have
ever visited our city , and their populari
ty has been attested nightly during the
week's stand here. Tonight they will
play "East Lynne , " their finest effort ,
and the sale of reserved seats indicates
that the opera house will be crowded to
the utmost with the many who are
anxious to hear and see that splendid
January 4 , 1893 , at the home of the
bride's parents , Miss Ophelia J. Ellis ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ellis ,
to Mr. Hans I. Petersen , H. H. Berry offi
The employment of a policeman to
look after the "gallery gods" at the op
era hall , this week , was timely. There
has been entirely too much rowdyism dis
played at times in that quarter and the
public heartily commend Mr. Menard's
At the matinee , Saturday afternoon ,
"Little Lord Fauntleroy" will be played.
This is perhaps the most popular play of
of the class ever put on the boards in
this country. Noble promises an inter
esting presentation on Saturday after
noon at z o'clock.
Eric Johnson is a very lucky gentle
man. In the legislature he has a soft
place as temporary chief clerk of the
house. This means that he will re
tain the place till the close of the ses
sion in all probability.
It is stated that the shooting on Tues
day night was done by some boys who
were out on a "high lonesome ; " when
they ought to have been at home tied to
their mothers' apron strings.
The Noble Dramatic Co. travel in their
own private car , which is also fitted as a
dining car and sleeper.
Remember "Little Lord Fauntleroy"
Saturday afternoon at a-o c'lock at the
opera hall.
The ladies and children will enjoy the
matinee tomorrow afternoon.
Engineer F. W. Campbell is in the
city on the Kaw on a visit to relatives.
There are those who talk very confii-
dently about the prospects of the new
hotel scheme.
The Workman lodge of our city is by
far the strongest in southwestern Ne
braska in numbers.
There is a lady's handbag at this office
for the owner. The article was found on
Main avenue , last evening.
C. B. Gray of the Palace restaurant
has a badly burned arm as a remem
brance of a mishap with a pan of grease
a few davs since.
Mrs. Louis Lowman wait down to
Lincoln , Sunday , on a visit to relative ;
in the capital city. She will be absent
two or three weeks.
Yesterday , S. W. Huddleston shipped
out a carload of buckwheat , perhaps the
first car load of that grain ever sent out
of Red Willow county.
A. H. Burdick is here from McCook ,
looking after his large furniture interests
in our city , so ably managed .by Frank
Leonard. Hastings Nebraskan.
The independents and democrats fused
and organized the lower house with
James M. Gaffin of Saunders county as
speaker , and Eric Johson as chief clerk.
Nebraska is about the only place on
earth where they put up such weather
as we have been enjoying the past week.
It is simply'matchless in balmy bright
In the spring the water works compa
ny contemplate moving their power and
pumps down to the wells , in order to
increase their pumping capacity.
East Lynne is one of the choicest of
Noble's Dramatic Co.'s repertoire , and
thejr pride themselves upon giving a fine
presentation of that popular play. Re
member that East Lynne will be given
If half the valuable time wasted in
waiting for official position was devoted
to useful employment or legitimate busi
ness there would be more prosperous
business men and fewer Micawbers scat
tered about the country.
Rev. W. C. Stevenson officiated , yes
terday afternoon , at the marriage of Mr.
Charles E. Bunker of David City , this
state , to Miss Florence A. Hughes of our
city ; the ceremony taking place at the
farm over in Valley Grange precinct.
The installation of the officers-elect of
the order of Knights of the Maccabees
took place in the Meeker hall on Tues
day evening , everything passed off in
good shape. The Maccabees start out
with a charter membership of about 70 ,
perhaps the strongest lodge , numerical
ly considered , ever organized in McCook.
If McCook cares to make an effort to
secure the Wesleyan seminary she has
from now until the second day of Febru
ary in which to prepare a proposition.
Now let those who have the land and the
money step forward , if there is anything
in the project for the.growth and pros
perity of our city. The matter must of
necessity rest with those who have the
means and the lands.
The Wesleyan seminary matter is still
open , the trustees not receiving any sat-
factory proposition at their meeting on
Wednesday of last week at Holdrege. If
McCook has any proposition to offer
they can do so at any time between now
and February 2d , when the trustees will
meet again for final action. McCook
should get a hustle on herself if she
wants to be in this matter.
Postmaster Troth informs us that he
has already received a shipment of the
new "Columbian souvenir stamps , " and
that McCook is one of the first towns of
its class in the state to receive these new
stampswhich will no doubt be treasured
next to the half dollars which have been
the subject of'so much comment already
throughout the land. The new stamps
are much larger than the ordinary issue
of the postal department , and are much
more artistic in design , besides are ap
propriate altogether.
Ladies' hats at the theater are an in
tolerable nuisance under all circum
stances , even when they are of the most
modest dimensions ; but the present style
n hats rise up in crown or feathers from
six inches to a foot , and some of the
arims are of the barn door order. They
are hideous enough as an article of ap-
mrel anywhere ; but when to their ugli
ness is added to the obstruction of vision
or all who happen to sit in any on or a
dozen more seats behind them forbear
ance should cease to be a virtue.
On Thursday evening the following
vere installed as office bearers of King
Cyrus Chapter No. 35 at McCook , Ne
braska : Horace H. Easterday , High
Priest ; Justin A. Wilcox , King ; John R.
ioxby Scribe ; Samuel L. Green , Treas
urer ; Thos. J. Rees , Secretary ; Wm. An
derson , Captain of the Host ; Hugh W.
Cole , Principal Sojourner ; Joseph D.
Robb , Royal Arch Captain ; Edward E.
Lowman , Master Third Vail ; Sylvester
Cordeal , Master Second Vail , Lewis C.
Wolf , Master First Vail ; E. J. Hall , Sen
. ,
1893 :
Goods Must Go. . * * > -
Gome , Look through pur btock , and take
Advantage of this Opportunity.
JAN. 13.
JONAS ENGEL , Manager ,
The Domestic , Nevi
Home , White , Stand
ard and America !
Sewing- Machines ai
prices to suit at
F. 11. StroutV. . G. Black and S. 11
Smith of ImlmnoJa , took in "Lucky Ranch' '
on Wednesday evening.
Miss Eva Abbott , daughter of Judge Ab
dott of the Hayes Centre Republican , breath
ed the stimulating air of the metropolis
One hundred and nine accident cases havi
been treated by the company physician here
Dr. Davis , during the past year.
In Use Forty Years.
Humphreys' Specific number seven
for coughs and colds , has stood the tesi
of more than forty years. Can you asl
for greater proof of intrinsic merit !
Price 25c. at all drug stores.
First publication December 30.1892.
December 29.1891- . f
Notice is hereby Riven that the followinfc
named settler has tiled notice of blsintcntior
to make final five year proof in support ol
his claim , and tbat said proof will he made
before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb.
on Saturday , February 4th , 1893 , viz ;
who made H. E. No. 7991 for the south ya
of northwest * i and lots 3 and 4 of section
1 , In town. 5 , north of range 29. west of the
6 P. M. Ho names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , said land , viz : John F. Garlick.
Quick. Neb. , James Arnold , John Knepp ,
Jacob Zelder , all of JleCook. Nob.
J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
Free !
In order to increase onr cash trade we
will give away the following- of presents
to our cash customers ,
1 Gold Watch , worth § 100.00
1 Gold Watch , worth 75.00
1 Gold Watch , worth 50.00
1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth 75.00
2 Silver Watches at $2 5 each 50.00
6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO
6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25 , 90.00
100 Books , standard works of English
and American fiction , bound in
cloth and gold , at $2 - 200.00
118 PRESENTS WORTH - - $790.00
We carry the largest stock of
Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness ,
Saddles , House Furnishing Goods ,
in Red willow county.
And we meet all competition and go them
one better. Call and examine these pres-
nts and price our goods before buying.
W. C. LaTouretfce.