" KNIPPLE Leads All IN ; Gi-roc = AND = AND HIS : Cornet and Sterling BRANDS OP FLOUR IARE THE : m Store open till the usual hours. FALL e I wish to announce the arrival of my Fall and winter Stock of CLOTHING , * GEMS' FURNISHING GOODS , HATS AND CAPS | $10 in House , C. W. KNIGHTS , PROP. PRICE REFUNDED IF / * or companies who mate , ever ullato care andprevenV disease ana save grain for falsCjStsiements and tiy iHorses , Cattle , Sheep , Hogs , Colts , Calves , Lambs and Pi ; to sell you a uubstita' , Prepared by Stockman. Harmless for stock- Boy the genuine. on ? condition. Petrifies . the blood and permanently strength' , ens the entire system. Oar Superior medication guarantees ISO feed * In eacSiSOxieBft feoz. FEEDSMOME CENT 24 Fine Stock Engrsrings and hundreds of testimonials Free 8t DrnggWs , Grocers , General Dealers , etc. , or direct Horn ns. Greatest Known Dot Cholera Preventlre. Bole aeentt wanted. lirternallonil Food C . gilF- Minneapolis , Minn Write Solo owners of _ _ _ . _ . _ The Latcrt IMPROVED MEPfCATED FOOD INDIANOLA ITEMS. Sheriff Banks in very busy these days. The county-scat contest case is in full blast. School commences again Monday , January 2d. Skating remains good no school and the kids are happy. It is said that the paint company will begin to grind early in January. M. E. Homer of McCook is building an addition to Sheriff Banks' stable. Miss Carrie Ashmore , daughter of ex-Judge Ashmore , is visiting in our city. Mrs. George H. Purdum has gone to visit a sister who is reported very sick. Miss Georgia Carfman , daughter of Dr. Curfman of Denver , is visiting in our city. James Barber of Fritsch precinct , made an eight year proof on his timber claim before county judge , Thursday. J. A. Piper , ex-county clerk of Har- lan county , and now an abstractor in said county was in our city on Tues day. Prof. J. H. Bayston is in Lincoln , this week , attending the teachers' con vention , and is expected home on Satur day. Mrs. Samuel Premer of Alliance pre cinct , died on Monday evening of this week , leaving a husband and eight children. . The accident association of the Mod ern Woodmen have appointed 0. W. Beck to receive applications for acci dent insurance. District court had to adjourn a iew hours on Thursday , waiting for witness es , but No. 4 brought in a new supply and the mill proceeded to grind. Messrs. Harry Cavanaugh and Clar ence Dje , two Denver gentlemen , have been Russelling around among the Lil- lies and visiting friends here for the past week. The Congregational Sunday school made the children happy on Christmas eve by providing a nice supper and al lowing them to fish choice presents from an artificial fish pond. Married at the residence of Charles W. Beck , county judge , on Dec. 28th and by the same , Mr. John B. Gorley of Tyrone precinct and Miss Jennie A. McClees of York , Nebraska. j License was issued on the 24th for the marriage of Mr. John W. Burtless and Miss Pauline Burtless , both of McCook ; they were married on Christ mas day by Rev. A. W. Coffman. The supper given on Wednesday evening , by the Epworth League , was well attended. There was an abund ance of good things including oysters in every style. The receipts were $44. Floyd and Robert Welborn came in from Denver to spend Christmas with their parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welborn , and other friends in our city , returning early in the week to Denver. Married on December 24th at the home of the bride , Rev. C. D. Gear- hart officiating , Mr. Frank Herbert Strout and Miss Ruth May Hobson , daughter of Dr. G. A. Hobson of the Leland hotel. The Christmas tree at opera house given by the M. E. Sunday school , on Saturday evening , was well attended , the hall being literally packed with children and by persons of all ages from one to seventy five. The Odd Fellows expect to hold a public installation at their hall on Tues- dey evening , January 10th. There will also be a lecture on Odd Fellow ship on same date by E. J. O'Neil , deputy grand master of the state. Married on December ? 8th by the county judge at his office , Mr. Stephen Fry of Sheridan countyKansasto Mrs. Emma J. Wilson of Norton county , Kansas , thus showing their good judg ment by coming to Red Willow county to begin life as married people. The next regular meeting of the Tn- dianola camp No. 1840 of the Modern Woodmen of America will be held on Wednesday evening , < Jan. 4 , 1892. The camp voted at their last meeting to continue to accept the proper persons at same price as charter members. You will find at Sut- ton's Jewelry store the Largest Stock and the Lowest Prices. THE NEW YEAR. O'er the mountains wild comes a llttlo child , And all the untrodden ways Are blooming bright 'ncath his steps of light. And the valleys ring with his praise. And the morning glints on his brow and tints His check with its rosy rays. His bright eyes beam and his tresses gleam- Shot with the sunshine's darts That mark his way through the gates of day As the dying year departs , And the vacant throne is now his own. And his kingdom is human hearts. The songs ho sings and the joy ho brings Are wonderful , sweet and rare. And the future glows like a fragrant rose 'Neath the wand that ho waves in air. And with kisses sweet , and with smiles , we greet The beautiful , glad New Year , And cover the head of the Old Year , dead , With a cold , cold shroud of snow. Lif o is sweet , but time is fleet. And the years must como and go > The beautiful years , with their smiles and tears , The years that wo all love eo. Kisses and tears for its joys and its cares The year whoso steps have passed Into silence sweet , where no fall of feet Is heard in the Dim and Vast. o the Old his due ; but wo love the New The sweetest rose is the last ! Frank L. Stanton in Ladies' Homo Journal. Dating Abend. Featherstone My tailor has a delicate sense of humor. Bingway Why , \vhat has he done now ? Featherstone He has sent me a calen dar for 1894. The Persian Bathes on New Year's. On the 21st of March , according to onr chronology , the Persians arouse from their usual apathy and roam about in glee. The men fall upon each other's necks , kiss and caress each other and vow eternal brotherly love. The Per sian laborer and peddler , who ordinari ly does not mind if his hands and feet are of the hue of night , takes a bath and has his hair cut , and if the sun is hot he has his head shorn clear of hirsute adornment. Balancing himself on the ground by holding on to his toes , he de livers himself over to the hair butcher , who is usually a tonsorial artist of no mean development. Indeed it is said that several of these public barbers have become quite rich , notwithstanding that they perform their hardest labor on this great holiday. A Martyr to the Cause. Lady of the House Aren't you aware that the custom of paying calls on New Year's day has entirely gone out ? Tramp I am , madam , but that does not deter me. As long as there is a drop of blood in my veins I am going o leave no stone unturned to bring it back again. f To buy your winter g'oods and the place to buy is where you can st STOCK Clothing , Dress Goods , Blaite , Cloaks Shawls A.id everything * warm for winter wear IS NOW IN. PRICES AND QUALITY WE GUARANTEE' WE HAVE THE STOCK AND WILL MAKE THE PRICE. Examine our stock before you buy , We carry full stock of GROCERIES. C , L DeGROFF & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ALLEN. ) I Beyond a doubt there never has been on exhibition in the 1 city of McCook as large and rare a line of 1.1 i i as we are now displaying for the Holiday trade. We have just opened a rich assortment of RICKSECKER'S LUNDBORG'S PALMER'S LAZELLE'S And our stock embraces everything pretty in Perfume Gases , Gut & Plain Glass Bottles Call and see what we have to show you in this line. HO. KALSTEDT , THE LEADING TAILOR v Has jnst received a fine stock of FALL AND WINTER SUIT INGS. Call and see him , two doors south of the Famous , while the assortment is com plete. - - - - - it tit Would ( BEFORE. you AFTER. Increase Your Business ? 1