Uhildren Cry Tor Pitcners Castoria. XThon Raby was tick , wo gave her Castoria. When sliowas a Child , she cried for Castoria , Wlicn oho became Miss , sbo clung to Castoria , When sbo had Children , nho gave them Castoria. Chamberlain's Eye & Skin Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Sere Even , Totter , Salt Ithciim , Scald licml. Old Chtonlo Horcs. Fever Sort'U. Eczomn. Itch. I'rnlrle Scratches. Sore NlpplcH and I'llcH. It Is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases hnvobcen cured by it iiltur all other treatment had failed , it IB put up In " ! > and 60 cent boxes. For Rule by Gcoruo M.CIiuncry. Nov.SO-lyrnr. A. .1. irmNiiou8H. : : o. n. ISO-VLB. JUTTKNHOUSE & UOYLB , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAAV McCOOK. NKIS. * - ,1. K. KKLLKY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - li AHKNT UNOLN LAND CO. MCCOOIC. - - NRIIUASKA. OrriCK : Jn rcurofKlivt National Hank. HUGH W. COM3 , LAWVEH , MCCOOIC. NHIWASICA. J3ry WHI practice in all courts. Coinincrcitt. nnd corporation law a specialty. .Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old Kirnt National bld'fr. R. IJ. DAVES , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. NKIiltASKA. < S2er"OKFicic HOUIIB : St to 11. n. in.'J to 5 and 7 to 0 , p. in Itoows over l''rt National bank. A. T. RICE M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , I have located permanently in McCook , Neb. All calls answered promptly by day or night , in the city orcountry. Special attention given to diseases of children. Office over Lowmrm's store , south of Commercial Hotel. Office hours from S a. m. to 8 p. m. Residence 2 doors south of brick school house. CHASE CO. LAND & LIVE STOCK CO. Konei branded OB left hip or left Bbouldnv P. O. address , ImporUL Chaie County , and Beat- brloe , Neb. RangeStint- jr Water and French man creeks. Chase Co. , [ Nebraska. Brand as out on side of I some animals , on hip an * sides of somo. or any- irhero on the animaL j. S. McBRAYER , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. and Safe Moving & Specialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber Yard receive prompt attention. R. A. COLE LEADING- MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , lias a fine stock of Cloths , Bind ings , and other trimmings always on hand. THE KANSAS CITY 8. H. tor. ItthandBroadwajr , For the treatment of all Chronic and Surgical Dluasn and Dlnaiet of tha . EjtandEu. The object of thltSanlta. f Tina ii to famish board , room and ! l medical attention to tooie inhering vita 'i i iii _ . ' * DefonniUe * , DM MS ofTom n. Dls- ucs of tat Urinary anil Sexual OrganLDUeaicaortaeKerroas Sntem. Lung and Throat DIse iet , lej. Cancer * . Tumor * . Etc. , Etc. Surgical Operation * performed with ikllL Book * free to if CD ami Wcmen. For further Information call on or addm * DR. C. M. COE , Kansas City , Mo. Xj-EJO ? 3J3EE3 If. XMS X"JL * "OITEDEt , I Will Avoid Quncti. IVnnd andBoBTH Medical Jnitltntea by golnff to * hc Old , Sellable 1 02 A ! 04 W. NINTH STBEET. KAHSA3 CITY , MOa A Regular Graduate in Medicine. Over 26 yearj vractico TZ in Chicago. EstablishedffiS. THE OM > EST TX AOE , s ssas w s TseOTMDebUltya.ossos'SnxuAi.POWEKX i iTk > hiiitr.PoUoned Blood , Dicers and Swell- . . orovryn. Cores Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Char BOB Xow. Tnouinds of cac cured Experience Is important. No met * everr Tear tSSfartaSaawu medicine wed. Notlme lost from business. Patients at a distance treated br aaff and egress. Medicines ocnt everywhere ftea State jonr case and send conMeattal , per- RflflK full ot descriptive pictures , sent DUUIm sealed in plain envelope for Gc. In book contains SECKETS a-d Bbould beread by every male frora 15 lock and ker OMY rcplctoUha thousand I mcns. Including the celebrated French wblch alone cost over WOO. For MeaOrUy THE eUEATTORUSH RHEOMATIB COKE. A FOSITITK CSBK FOB BlIKCKATlSa. H > lor any case this treatment falls to cnro or help. Greatest discovery In snnals of medicine. One dose gives relief : few doses removes fever and pain In Joints ; Cure completed In a few days. Send statement of case 'with stomp IOC CB , KENOEBSON , KMtSAS CITY. MO. First publication December O.l'JOJ. ' SHERIFF'S SALE. ' IIV vlrtiiuof mi order ol'fliih ; directed to mo from ih'Mlltitrlct court of Ited Willow county. NobniHloi. on n Judgment obtained before Hon. D.T.Volty. . Judge of tlio district cumt of Ited Willow county , Nebraska , on thu Oth duy of .June. ISitt. In Invnr ofSiull HroB. us plulntlirH , mid iiRiilnHt Joseph Uooxo us do- lendant. for the Hum of Hlxty-nlnoIC'Jdol- ( ) hire , iiml ' 5 cents , and COSIH taxes ill * } ; J.7S and noeniliiK costs , 1 Imvo levied upon thu following reulestulo tnkcn us the property of mild dorcndtint to siillfify euld judgment to- wiKhouib hull' of pouthtvcHt quarter of fieo- tion twenty one ( -1. ) towimlifn otn * ( I. ) north of ruiiKo thirty CM. ) west ul.xth ( ti ) I * . M. in Hed Willow county. Noli. And will olfcr the muno 1'or Riilo to the highest bidder , for cafili In hand , on tlieiMh dity of Jniiuiiry. A. D. IH'JM. In front of iho Houth door of thu court IIOURO. In Jndhtnolii. Nuhrnnkii. that bulnx the biilldlii whuroln the hint term of court WIIH held , at the hour of 1 o'clock ] ) , m. of paid day. when mill wlioro ' .lno attendance will tic given by llieundcrfllk'iied. Dated December 0th , 18'J" . K. It. ANHS. Shc-rlff ofHnid County. NOTICE. In the mutter of thu cstuto of Frank JI. Fowler , deceased. Notice is hercbv | .rlvi-n that in ixirsimtico ol an order lulled out of tin : district court ot lied Willow couniy. PtiiK ; of Nebraska , made on tho'id day of December. 1SSB. for the siilo of the ri'al estate hi-reinaficr clfBcribcd. there will be sold on the foil nvinir dc.scrlbed pn-misos on the lath day of .January , IS ! ) : ) , at 10 o'clock , u. in. , nt public vcndue to thu hlKhufit bidder for cuBh , or for part cash and the biilunce , not to exceed three-fourths of the purcliHPo money , on u credit of not uioro thtin three year H ; mild money for wlJch credit is plven to be peeuix-il by bond ol the purehapernnd by moti aon the proinlftps sold : the following-duEcribcd real estate , oru Htilllcient amount of the same to bring the Hum of $ I.li03.0i towit : Firsl : The undivided one-half IntcreRt in the east half of the northwest quarter , nnd the went half of the northeast quarter of FOC- ti > n twenty-nine , township lour , range twunty-niiip , Hcd Willow county , state of Nebraska. Second : The undivided one half interest Inlet lot eleven , block thirteen , West McCook , Ne braska. Third : The undivided one-half interest i'l lot nine , block six , third addition to McCook. Nebraska. Fourth : The undivided one-half interest Inlet lot eight , block twenty-two , original town of .McCook. Nebraska. Said sale will remain opbn one hour. Dated December 13 , 1893. IlKNitiKTTA FovruMi. Administratrix of the estate of Frank II. Fowler , deceased. ; : ts. SHERIFF'S SALE. IJy virtue of tin order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage , issued out of the district court for Hed Willow , county Nebras ka , and to me directed. I will , on ttie Itith day of January. A. 1) . 1893 , atone o'clock. P. M. , at the frontdoor of the court house in Indmnola , Ited Willow county. Nebraska , that being the building in which the last term of the district court was held , sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash , the real estate des cribed In paid order of sole ns follows , towit : The north west quarter of section twenty-six , (2(5) ( ( ) In township two , (2) ( ) north of range thirty. OlOj west of the C P. M. . in Ued WjOw | | county , Nebraska. Said property to lie sold to satisfy J. Lowell Moore the sum of nine hundred seventy dollars and lorry-two cents judg ment , with interest thereon from June Cth , A. I D. , 18)2to ! ) satisfy the Glebe Investment com pany , co-defendants , to the sum ofninty-three dollars and forty cents judgment , with inter est thereon from the 6th day of June. A. D. 189J. and twcnty-nlno dollars and scvontv- eight cents costs with interest thereon from June 10th. 189-- . until paid , together with ac cruing costs , according to a judgment render ed by the district court "of said Ued Willow county , nt its June term. A. D. . 1892. in an action therein pending wherein .J. Lowell Moore was plaintill and Joseph A. Brewer , Anna G. Urewor nnd others were defendents. Dated this lith day of December A. D. . 1893. E. It. HANKS. Shuriir of Hed Willow county , Nebraska. J. E. KEU.KV. Attorney. First publication December 23,1892. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to mo from the district courtof Hed Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon. D.T. Welty , Judge of the district court of Ited Willow county , Nebraska , on the 20th day of October , 1892. in favor of Mary J. Cole , as plaintiff , and against Stephen Tuttle etal. ns defendants , lor the sum of six hundred and flfty-flve" ( $655) ) dollars , and 5 cents , nnd costs taxed at $36.73 and accruing costs , and C. C. White , receiver , on his cross petition ob tained a decree for $55.34. I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the prop erty of said defendant to satisfy said judg ment , to-wit : South half of the northeast quarter and north half southeast quarter of section two (2 ( , ) township one (1. ( ) north of range thirty (30. ( ) west of the 6th P. M. , in Ited Wil low county , Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in band , on the -3d day of January , A. D. , 1893 , in front of the south door of tbo court house. In Indianola. Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last terra of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said day. when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated December 21.1892. E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county. First publication December 23,1892. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from tbo district court of Hed Willow county , Nebraska , on n judgment obtained before Hon. D.T. Welty , Judge of the district court of Hed Willow county. Nebraska , on the 20tb day of October. 1892 , in favor of L. M. Leach as plaintiff , and against George Leland et al. as defendants , for the sum of five hundred and fifty-eight ( $553. ) dollars , and 40 cents , and costs taxed at $26.18 and accruing costs. I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants to satisfy said judgment , to-wit : Commencing at the southeast corner of lot 7 , block 19.origi- nnl town of McCook , thence north 8f feet , thence west 25 feet , tbenco soutb 80 feet , thence east 23 feet to place of beginning , and being a part of lots seven and eight in said block nineteen. And will offer the same for sale to the higbeBt bidder , for cash in hand , on the 23d day of January. A. D..1893 , in front of the south door cf the court house , in In dianola. Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said day , when nnd where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated December 21,1892. . E. R. BANKS , Sheriff of said county. Publication Notice. Edward Kuester , Dora Kuester , George W Burton , nnd Andrew E. Harvey , partners do ing business under the flrni name of Burton & Harvey , and George Hocknell. defendants , will take notice that J. Abbott Thompson , plaintiff herein , filed his petition in the district court of Ued Willow county , Nebraska , against said defendants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted July 20tb , 1886. by the defendants Ed ward Kuester and Dora Kuester to plaintiff , upon the east half of the southwest quarter nnd lots three (3) ( ) and four (4) ( ) in section eighteen (18) ) . township two [ 2 ] , north of range twenty-eight [ 28 ] . west of the 6th P. M. . in Red Willow county. Nebraska , to secure the payment of eleven promissory notes of the said Edward Kuester r.nd Dorn Kuester , one forSSOOdue July 19tb. 1891 , and ten notes for 533 each , duo respectively. Janunrv 1st and July 1st , 1SS7 , 18S8. 1889 , 1890 and 1831 ; that there is now due upon said notes and mort gage , including taxes paid by plaintiff , the sum of $1.236.16 , with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 20th day of November , 1892 , for which sum with interest and cost of suit , plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or bpfore Monday. February sixth , 1893. Dated this 16th day of December , 1892. 32-4ts. J.ABBOTT THOMPSON.Plaintiff. By W. S. MORLAN , his attorney. SALE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of January. 1893 , at 2 o'clock p. ra. . on the corner of Mam nnd Denmson streets in the city of McCook. Nebraska. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash : one iron gray geld Ing horse named Barney. 7 years old , weight about 1000 pounds , the property of A. C. Fredirck. to recover the sum of $30.50 feed bill from the 1st day of November , 1890. to the 1st day of Janunry. 1893 , nnd cost of sale. JACOB BALL. Per H. H. BERRY. Agt. SHOOTING. We were a witness HOtnetime ago to n Humpl" of the outrage which i'artner.s nre subjected at thin season of the year. While walking with rlie proprietor ol'a herd of thoroughbred cuttle we found a $50 calf shot and wounded by hunters. "This , " Baid thu proprietor of the herd , "IH bub another instance of vandalism that has been growing very rapidly. I have lost animals like this before. I have lost one horse by being fhut out right and aevt-ral by being run into fences by these troupe.of marauder . ' ' This is but one instance of many with in the knowledge of the writer in his own neighborhood. We have had fine borsen run into wire fences and perma nently injured by the discharge of fire arms in pastures. On the approach of Thanksgiving these hunters from towns and village's will take charge of farming communities and , with wire nippers to remove staples in wire fences , become a law unto themselves. The scant hunt ing territory areas are becoming posi. lively dangerous for man and beast. It is high time that this hunting nuisance should be abated. Farmers in different neighborhoods should combine and put the law in force against any man that trespasses upon their property without permission for hunting. If the present laws are not sufficient , farmers should see to it at the very first meeting of the legislature of their state , that a law is enacted that gives them full and com plete power to stop the practice of hunting on their property without their consent. The west has become a civil ized country and no longer a paradise for hunters. Farmers in the easte'rn states do not stand any of this kind of nonsense , nor submit to the loss which western farmers endure. The Strongest Man Living. From Harper's Young People. There have been many Samsons in the world , although none so famous as lie who carried the city's gates upon his shoulders , and demolished a temple by pushing down the stone pillars that supported its roof. The strongest man n o before the public is giving exhibi tions of his muscular power in Eng land. He is a Prussian named Sandow , is JJ5 years old and has served in the Ger man army. He has been very strong as long as he can remember , and as a boy was more than a match for all his schoolmates put together. His body and limbs are corrugated with muscles which are said to be as hard and smooth as marble. Altbought he measures fifty-two inches around the chest he has a small waist. One of jis feats is to lift a dumbell , in the lollow ends of which men are concealed , and hold it high above his head with one hand. This weight is not less than 250 pounds. With his face upturned and a board across his chest and knees Sandow rests upon his hands and feet and supports two ponies , which seesaw upon a plank crossing his body. This is his most difficult feat and the boy who merely supports his own body reclining backward on all fours for five minutes will begin to see how hard it is. 3F'NoBLE , Purveyor to trie Great Common People , is now exhibiting about the handsomest and largest as sortment of plain and fancy lamps to be seen in Southwestern Nebraska. If the next legislature fails of great performance , and parenthetically we believe it will , it will not be for lack of advice , sage and otherwise , offered in adult doses by the press ; who are never unmindful of this prerogative. Cloth is fast becoming the favored material for hats. The quality em ployed is very fine , with an almost satin-like finish , which is certainly prettier than felt , besides offering a larger range of colors. Among the soft shades are those of gray , pink , heliotrope and nile. There are many beautiful shades of green , red and brown. White cloth combined with sable is , of course , very elegant. Vel vet is also used to an unprecendented extent. Whole hats are frequently com posed of it , but a trifle more popular are those having soft full crowns of velvet attached to brims of cloth or embroidery. It is a mistake to think flowers are not allowed on winter hats. First publication Nov.25,1S'J2. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . I November'Jl , 1892. f Notice is hereby given that the following lands to-wit : e. H. s. w. ii. sec. 10. twp. 5 , nnd s. w. J s. w. Ji , sec. 8. twp. 4. n. all in range 20 , west of the 0 P. M. will be ottered at this office at public sale , at not less than $1.25 per acre , on December 31,1892 , at 9 o'clock a. m. central standard time. J. P. LISDSAV , Register. The Citizens Bank of McGook , Incorporated unaor State Laws. Paid Up Capital , $5O,000 -DOES A- General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on principal cities in Europe. Tazc paid for non-residents. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS : V. FltANKLIN , President. JOHN 11. CLA.UK , Vice Frea. A. C. EBEIIT , Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS : The First National Hank , Lincoln Nebrskn. Tlio Cliemicnl National Bank , New York City. Tft AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $60,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. GEORGE HOCK NELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. A. .CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. THE McCOOK ROLLER MILLS , E. H. DOAN. PROPRIETOR , Is Now Open and Ready for Business , jggF'I am prepared to handle all business in my line promptly and with the most approved machinery. DOAN & HART are also prepared to handle wheat for which they are paying the highest market price. F ° Mills and Elevator on East Eailroad street. THE even balance of the three parties in Nebraska two years ago has been paralleled by the results of the election in South Dakota in November. The vote stood for Cleveland 17,527 , for Weaver 17- 360 and for Harrison 17.354. The New York World thereupon joy fully proclaims that the majority against Harrison was 17,000. Well that was about the size of the majority against Weaver and and the majority against Cleve land , so honors are comparatively easy. But the reaction has already commenced in the populist states and a year hence it will matter little Avhat the vote last November was. Journal. The laws of health are taught in our schools ; but not in a way to be of much prac tical benefit and are never illustrated by liv ing examples , which in many cases could easily be done. If some scholar , who had contracted a cold was brought before the school , so that all could hear the dry loud cough , and know its significance ; see the thin white coating on the tongue and later , as the cold developes , see the profuse watery ex pectoration and thin watery discharge from the nose , not one of them would ever forget what the first symptoms of a cold were. The scholar should be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely , that all might see that even a severe cold could be cured in one or two days , or at least greatly mitigated , when properly treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. For sale by G. M. Chenery. This is a great country. A smoker can make a nuisance of himself on a street car platform for a nickle. An honest Swede tells his story in plain but unmistakable language for the benefit of the public. One of my children took a severe cold and got the croup. I gave her a teaspoonful - spoonful ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , and in five minutes later I gave her one more. By this time she had to cough up the gather ing in her throat. Then she went to sleep and slept good for fifteen minutes. Then bhe got up and vomitted ; then she went back to bed and slept good for the remainder of the night. She got the croup the second night and I gave the same remedy with the same good results. I write this because / though ! there might be some one in the same need and not know the true merits of this wonder ful medicine. CHAS. A. THOMPSEEN , Des Moines , Iowa. 50 cent bottles tor sale by G. M. Chenery. Some of the most disappointed people in the judgment will be those who could have had more religion , but thought they had enough. In Use Forty Years. Humphreys' Specific number seven , for coughs and colds , has stood the test of more than forty years. Can you ask for greater proof of intrinsic merit ? Price 25c. at all drug stores. We arc printing the date to which each subscriber has paid his subscrip tion to THE TRIBUNE along with the address. Watch the date and you will know if you are in arrears. If you are , please come and see us. Children Cry for.Pitcher's . Castoria.1 . A. WILCOX & SON. we will receive within a tew days an eleg-antline of Ladies , Misses and Children's Cloaks direct from the manufacturers ; also Shawls and want you to look at our stock before purchasing- . Will also receive a large stock of Shoes , Rubbers , etc. Our new dress g'oods are now arriving- . For Hats , Caps , Ladies , Gents , and Child ren's Underwear , Gents Furnishing- Goods , Groceries , Flour , etc. , etc. Call on . A. WILCOX & SON. iBeware of deaten INTERNATIONAL .STOCK FOOD orcompanleswhomake ever falls to cure disease and for andprevent save grain falsestatonents and try/ . / .Horses . , Cattle , Sheep , Hogs , Colts , Calves , Iambs anil Pis.i to ECU you a BabsUtate.1 Prepared by y Stocfcman. Harmless for stock in ! 07 the genuine. anyconditlon. Pnrifiesthe blood and permanently etrensth- eas the entire system. Onr Superior medication guarantees ISO feeds in each 50-ccnt box. 3 FEEDS 24 Tine StocfcEngravings and hundreds of testimonials Free at Druggists. Grocers , General Dealers , etc. , or direct from us. Greatest Known HOST CboJera Preventive. Sole agents wanted. Internationa ! Food Co. Write /W" Minneapolis , Minn. Sole owners of The Latest IMPROVED MEDICATED FOOD TUB TBIRHNF