The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1892, Image 5

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    of DIAMONDS , and WATCHES until you wonder where
GREAT TOOK they a 11 came from. Inspect while stock is complete. JEWELERS
It long ngo seemed as though
shoes could never be better and
never be cheaper , but they are
bolter now and cheaper now than
th w over were before. The great
every day favorite is our men's
and ladies' shoe. It is as much a
boon to the pocketbook as it is to
the feet. It won't wear you out
to wear it out. You don't need to
take , care of it ; it takes care of
itself. It will give you solid com
fort for the simple reason that a
better shoe for knockabout pur
poses has never been produced.
If prices never appealed to you
before , the price of this shoo will ,
for it costs ouly § 2.50. It will
look nicer and wera- longer than
any shoe on earth.
Suvener - : - Spunes
at Karuth's.
For Lamps , Chonery's City Drug
McMillen has a large assortment of
lamps cheap.
Paints and Oils , Chenery's City
Drug Store.
The banks observed Monday as
Christmas day.
Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin
der oil in McCook.
Buy your school supplies at Chcn-
ery's City Drug Store. .
Wayson & Odell are putting out some
handsome rigs these days.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knipple.
There has been an unusual amount
of skating so far this winter.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right. *
A fine line of Diamonds
ends at Button's , The
Leading Jeweler.
Every Man whose watch
has been rung out of the bow
. ( ring ) , by a pickpocket ,
Every Man whose watch
lias been damaged by drop
ping out of the bow , and
Every Man of sense who
merely'compares the old pullout -
out bow and the new
exclaim : "Ought to have
been made long ago ! "
Itcan't betwistedoffthecase.
Can only be had with Jas. Boss
Filledand other cases stamped
with this trade mark
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
We have the goods
know we can suit
you and are in a po
sition to sell as cheap
if not cheaper than
any one in the Repub
lican Valley , at BUT
Music STOKE.
Residence property
for sale in all parts of
the city by O. J. Ryan.
Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and
35c. at KN/PPLE'S.
3rf "GrocericP at Nobles' .
Machine oil of all kinds at Predmore
Fancy rockers just received at Fade
& Son's.
Elegant Perfumes at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
Pure drugs can always be found at
Cbericry's City Drug Store.
S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs
for all kinds of machinery.
The finest line of candies in the city
at Gray & Troxel's restaurant.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
Domestic , White , Standard and New
Home sewing machines on $5 a month Pade & Son's.
Wayson & Odell can fix you up com
fortably and stylishly in any thing you
may desire in the livery line.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
IN QUEENS WARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
A fine line of Plush Goods , Albums ,
Manicure Sets , Perfumes , Sponges ,
Toilet Articles , etc. , at Chenery's City
Drug Store.
The latest coined political word is
"Snollygoster , " It means a man who ,
is liuscling for an office that he cannot
get and could not fill. McCook has a
The Pierce County Call says :
"From newspaper reports we see that
the Pueblo and Duluth railroad is still
alive. Headquarters have been estab
lished at Neligh and grading will be
pushed all along the line as soon as
spring opens.
Put your $ $ $ where they will do
the most good , where they will secure
the best and the most groceries for in
stance. You will make no mistake if
Noble's is the place of deposit. He
gives the limit in quantity , quality and
value , and his stock cannot be duplicat
ed \Yestern Nebraska.
The preparations making for the
event , in costumes and in the other
et ceteras of such affairs , lead to the
reasonable expectation that the 0. R.
T. ball tonight will be a winner several
times over , a most auspicious and suc
cessful event , with a multitude in attend
ance , and great gobs of pleasure lying
around loose and at the disposal of all.
The city marshal informs us that the
dog killerduly authorized and armedis ,
now abroad in the land of this immedi
ate vicinity , and that unless a large
number of citizens present themselves
to the city clerk for licensesat oncethe ,
expiring howls of several or more worth
less and otherwise canines will split
the blue vault of high heaven , imme
diately if not sooner , So ante up that
dog tax , tie up your dog , or prepare
for music.
2OO to 3OO Watches
to select from at H P.
Our - Christmas - Bells
is open and ready AT FAIREST FIGUBES ,
Visitors are cordially invited.
. , v. . > A : .McMIL-LEN , .Druggist.
Plated Ware , a com
plete assortmen , at
SUTTON'S , Leading
Fine Kruitcii Kruits t Postoffice
Oysters in any MyltMitGniy &Troxel's
MuiMillcn is headquarters for all
kinds of lamis.
All Nebraska roads will lrtd into
Lincoln next , wcijk.
Chrihtmas candies , nuts ami fruits
of all kinds at I'oatoffico Lobby.
Candies , Fruits , jSuts , Cigars and
Tobaccos at Gray & Tr. xePs restaurant.
"If a nation wen- built , or adamant
free trade would grind it to dust. "
Nepolean Bonaparte.
Absolutely ru > > t proof tinware is sold
by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dennison -
nison street hardwaremen.
Gray & TruxePs restaurant is now
open , and the public is cordially invited
to call and enjoy a t-quaro meal.
Train -13 from Lincoln will run
through to Ravenna. Saturday nights ,
returning at 0 1 * M. , Monday morning ? .
The hiiow that lie.s on the wheat
fields of Nebraska is contributing in its
silent way to the bountiful harvest
next year.
water tax for the
1st quarter of 1893
becomes clue Jan. 1st
and is delinquent on
January 10th.
The annual meeting of the st"ck
holders of the McCook. Electric Light
Co. will be at the Co.'s office , January
JJd at : * , P. M. FRANK CAIWUTH , Prep.
We are in it this year ; come and
look over our holiday stock consisting
of doll carriages , hobby horses , shoo
flys , velocipedes. wagpns , sleds , books
and toyof all kinds , at Postoffice
On next Sunday morning in Meeker
hall , "Pastor Stevenson will begin a ser
ies of talks entitled , "The Milages of
Life" . These will be given in the inter
ests of the Y. P. S. C. E. and all
young people.
A few years ago but few people
would have thought that Nebraska hay
would ever become valuable enough to
pay for having it bailed , but for the
last five years bailed hay has been a
merchantable commodity in this city.
C. M. Noble takes pleasure in direct
ing attention to his stoolof goods for
the holiday season. It is the largest ,
richest and finest assortment of chinaware -
ware , glassware , lamps , etc. , ever exhi
bited in McCook or in southwestern
Nebraska. Also an elegant line of
fruits , nuts and candies. Go and see
what a satisfactory and acceptable pre
sent can be secured at Noble's for a
little money.
Mr. Fred Heard , the
piano and organ tun
er , is in the city.
Leave orders at H.
P. Button's.
In Pennsylvania , where the subject
of public road improvement is now
much discussed , it is suggested that
the state make an appropriation , the
same to be distributed in proportion
to local efforc and interest , and that
the townships create a loan and set
aside a certain sum each year for a
sinking fund. It is demonstrated that
the interest on the loan and the princi
pal can be paid for less money than it
cost to repair dirt roads under the pres
ent system.
Noble's Dramatic Company , the best
repertoire theatrical combination that
has ever visited Holdrege , opened their
week's engagement at the opera house ,
Monday night , and have been playing
to packed houses all week. The com
pany is composed of firs t class artists
only , and their plays are presented in
a faultless manner. They carry a most
excellent band , and the music rendered
by their orchestra is superb. They
may be sure of good houses should they
ever return to this city , and we hope
their future visits may be frequent.
Nebraska Nugget. At the opera house
week beginning Jan. „ 2d. Tickets on
sale at L. "W. BlcConuell & Go's.
All goods bought at
SUTTON'S , The Jew
eler , engraved FREE
Do not 1'ail to cull at PoBtofiicc
Lobby and examine their goods before
making a Christmas present.
The Burnett Lumber Co. carry a
largo stock of tbe best hard and soft
coal to be found in the market.
Foil SALK : Good bouse and lot in
McCook , well located , good property.
Enquire of G. L. Laws , Lincoln , Neb.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many otber blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
The twenty-fourth annual meeting of
the Nebraska state horticultural society
will be held in Nebraska hall at .the
state university , Lincoln , Tuesday ,
Wednesday and Thursday , January
10th , llth and 12th.
Tbe inquiry for Red Willow county
farm land does not abate , even when
cold weather maks viewing lands an
undesirable business. Eastern people
who have learned what Red Willow
county lands are capable of , are anxious
to secure farms before the price gets
out of sight.
On iny farm I am king. No man
can spit tobacco juice about me , or be
foul my air with the smoke from their
mouths , or make me listen to swearing
or any impure or foul conversation.
I do not have to put up with anybody's
impudence as a matter of business
policy. Practical Fanner.
What this county wants is settlers ;
both farmers and business men , and
one of the best ways to get them to
coiiie to Red Willow county instead of
some other county is to convince them
that we have advantages. How can
we do this ? you ask. We are doing it
right along. When an eastern man is
contemplating making the west his
home , he first sends for a copy of the
county paper of the place he has in
view. The first thing he looks for in
that paper is not the local news but
the local advertisements , and when he
sees columns of advertising he must ,
naturally , conclude that the country is
flourishing. It is an effectual way to
get settlers , as one can form an esti
mate of how many business firms a town
has by looking over the names of ad
vertisers , i
iMr. A. L. Burr , president of the
First National bank of Alma , showed
us a handsome medal , Wednesday , pre
sented bj the United States government
to Miss Bertie 0. Burr , daughter of C.
C. BurrLincoln , for rescuing two young
ladies from drowning at Crete , Nebras
ka , July 23 , 1891. The medal is of
gold , and though it probably repre
sents one hundred dollars of precious
metal , it must be worth many times
that amount to the owner. One of the
ladies rescued by Miss Burr was the
daughter of Hon. Gilbert L. Laws ,
formerly of Orleans. There is one thing
peculiar in the possessor of this valu
able gift , and that is she can swim.
Very few women can swim , and al
though there really is no excuse for it
but few ever desire to learn. In this
instance Miss Burr was the only one
present that new how to keep herself
above the waves , and had it not been
for this ability two souls would not be
alive today to praise her for their
timely rescued from death. Alma
A Christmas Tree.
Saturday , December 24th , closed the
school in district number eight , and , in
response to a request by the children and
parentsM5ss Pauline Burtless prepared
a Christmas tree. She was assisted by
several young people of the neighbor
hood , and so efficient were their efforts
that when on Christmas eve the curtain
was drawn aside the crowded house be
held a tree that excelled anything of
its kind ever before exhibited on this
side of the river.
'Ihe program embraced some well
chosen and well delivered recitations ,
dialogues by the children , a few selec
tions of instrumental music and songs
by the choir , who performed with great
At the close of the last song Santa
Claus was seen standing among the
branches of the tree enveloped in the
usual fur-coat , cap and whiskers. As
the song died away the distribution of
presents began and not a child in the
neighborhood was forgotten.
Cake , popcorn , candy , oranges and
apples were passed freely to everyone
in the room and Miss Burtless can
rest assured that her efforts were
crowned with success and cannoc be too
fully appreciated by the patrons and
friends of the school. We hear that
she has taken upon herself another
calling. If that is true Red Willow
county has lost a good teacher. * *
Powder :
The only Pure Cream , of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
At No. 411 Bowen avenue , Chicago ,
III. , by the Eev. Jenkins Lloyd Jones ,
on the eveningof December 27th , 1802 ,
at seven o'clock , Mr. Horace II.
Easterday of our city and Miss Emma
T. Meinhardt of Wbeaton , 111. , wer
made husband and wife.
The groom , well the Colonel is the
rustling grain dealer of our city am
all-around prince of peed fellows ant
his superior sense and good judgment
have never been so well displayed as n
the step he has just taken , and it ; the he
lection of so estimable a bride as Miss
THE TRIBUNE feels like doing several
unseemly things , but will rest the case
for the nonce by offering its sinccrest
congratulations and warmest well-
Mr. and Mrs. Easterday will arrive
in the city iu a day or two to take up
their residence amongst us. Here's a
right good hearty welcome.
"In we'll all have
ninety years cross
ed the bleak dividing line ; in ninety
years we'll sleep for keeps where morn
ing glories twine ; in ninety years our
loves and hates will be forgotten
things ; our hopes will then have
crumbled been , our fears have wings ;
in ninety years a little while , for tire
less time is fleet in ninety years the
world will know the tread of other feet ,
but ten to one there'll bu among tbe
mad and motley throng a man wlio'll
stand around and sing that everlasting
song , which throws a gloom upon the
world and breaks our hearts today
the song that's wrecked a thousand
homes. the "Ta-ra boom-de-ray. "
Walt Mason.
The Largest stock of
Watches and Diamonds
ends at Button's , The
If Tom Cook is to be the only re
publican candidate for secretary of the
state there are a good many rcjMibli
cans who will not die of grief if the re
publicans fail to organize that body.
There are various and sundry republi
cans in the state who claim , and say
they can prove , that Tom Cook has
neither brains nor beauty. They allege
that he is composed of proud flesh arid
intestines , the latter largely predomin
ating. Of course the Times is not
sufficiently posted to know about these
things , and has the honor of not being
personally acquainted with the gentle
man above referred to. York Times.
Souvenir Spoons at
Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Stevenson were
the objects of a surprise , last evening ,
by friends and parishioners in numbers ,
upon their anniversary occasion. The
visitors were amply provided with the
wherewithal to spread a bountiful
feast , and left a handsome set of dishes
with the reverend gentleman and lady
as a token of esteem and a remem
brance of the day.
To Prove
That we are making as finely finished
photos as can be had , we will waive
our rules of deposit till Feb. 1 , you
need not pay one cent till work is fin
ished , if not good , keep your money.
.1. H. SMART , Photographer-
Mrs. H. H. Berry is enjoying a visit
from her sister , Mrs. J. S. Kikendall
of Bartley.
Mrs. C. E. Eldred is passing the holi
day seassn with her parents in Phillips-
burg , Kansas.
George M. Chenery
at the City Drug * store
has quite ; i display
of useful articles
which will inake
very desirable and
accept a 1) 1 e gifts.
Call and see them.
Take Notice.
All parties that art : indebted to me
will please call and settle at the Farm
ers & Merchants lank , without further
notice. II. LAIVLER.
McCook , Nebraska , D.H ; . 20th , 18J'J.
To Trade.
A quarter section of land adjoining
Keota , Colorado , to trade for McCook
residence or vacant property.
E. C. BuuKETTi Tribune Office.
.Mr. and Mi > . S. II. Colviii ha.l r
thirty four m-if-hbois : uid friends for
( * ! nir > tniit ; dinner , ami weren't quite-
happy because tlicy couldn't accommo
date more.
An nverall factory is Indianola's lat
est. acqiu-ition Such an establishment
ought in be sneees ful. It is a prac
tical f
Kev.V. . S. llaiilein of Bartley has
gone to Lincoln to attend the winter
at iliu Weslryitii university.
Go to Sutton's Jewelry
ry- and Music House
for your Xmas goods.
Smart has not raised his prices on
ihotos since the other gallery closed.
Horses for Sale.
VVaysan & Odell keep horses for sale
at their livery barn opposite the Cen
tral hotel.
On Hand.
An assortment of Frames for the
ittliday trade at Smart's gallery.
On large Photo work till January 1.
only at Smart's gallery.
Tbe prospects seem to be good for
the county-seat contest to continue for
two or three weeks.
V. Franklin was up in Benkelman ,
fore part of the week , looking after his
banking interests there.
Samuel Biampied and wife are up
from .Republican visiting friends over
in Perry precinct.
McCook was not prepared to make a
bid for the Wesleyan seminary , we re
gret to state.
The frame building occupied by Alt-
shulers's saloon has been purchased by
Mr. Stern.
Samuel Strasser is entertaining Mrs.
Moses Stern and family of Hastings ,
this week.
C. J. Ryan was a passenger , last
evening , for Grafton , his old home , on
John M.Cotton of the Lincoln Xews-
paper Union , is here on business , today.
M. W.Eaton is expected home from
Indiana tonight.
Mrs. Will Davis arrived home , today ,
from Chicago.
W. M. Lewis is down from Culbert-
son today.
Mrs. A. L. Lewis left on Monday for
St. Joseph.
There is another grocery store in
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report