of DIAMONDS , and WATCHES until you wonder where GREAT BIG STOCK they all came from. Inspect while stock is complete. JEWELERS OUTING SHOES. It long ago seoraed as thougl shoes could never be better and never be cheaper , but they arc better now and cheaper now than ih y ever wore before. The greai every day favorite is our men'e and ladies' shoe. It is as much a boon to the pocketbook as it is to the feet. It won't wear you out to wear it out. You don't need to take care of it ; it takes care of itself. It will give you solid com fort for the simple reason that a better shoo for knockabout pur poses has never been produced. If prices never appealed to you before , the price of this shoe will , for it costs only § 2.50. It will look nicer and wear longer than any shoe on earth. Suvener - : - Spunes at Karuth's. For Fine Book Cases and Dining Tables go to the New Furniture Store. For Lamps , Chenery's City Drug Store. McMillcn has a large assortment of lamps cheap. Paints and Oils , Chenery's City Drug Store. Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin der oil in McCook. Buy your school supplies at Chen ery's City Drug Store. . Wayson & Odell are putting out some 'handsome rigs these days. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. J. S. LeHew is adding a comfortable porch to the east front of his dwelling. ± > room corn is one ot the most prou table crops which can be raised in thi -section of Nebraska. Noble , the leading grocer , makes i specialty of fresh , clean family grocer les. He will treat you right. A fine line of Diamonds ends at Button's , The Leading Jeweler. What Can't Pull Out ? Why the Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases , made by the Keystone Watch Case Com pany , Philadelphia. It pro tects the Watch from the pickpocket - pocket , and prevents it from dropping. Can only be had with cases stamped with this trade mark.lfl Sold , without extra charge for this bow ( ring ) , through Watch dealers only. Ask your jeweler for pam phlet , or send to makers. We liave tlie g-oods know we can suit you and are in a po sition to sell as cheap it'not cheaper than any one in the Repub lican Yalley , at BUT TON'S JEWELRY Music STOKE. Residence property for sale in all parts of the city by O. J. Ryan. Machine 0/7s at 20c , 25c , 30c. and 35c. at KN/PPLE'S. 33f"Grocenes at Nobles' . Machine oil of all kinds at Frcdmorc Bros. Fancy rockers just received at Fade & Son's. Elegant Perfumes at Chenery's City Drug Store. Hogs reached $6.50 in Omaha , on day last week. Pure drugs can always be found at Jhenery'a City Drug Store. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs 'or all kinds of machinery. The finest line of candies in the city at Gray & Troxel's restaurant. Remember that Xmas comes just once a year , and act accordingly. Diamonds black diamonds in pro fusion at the Barnett Lumber Yard. Domestic , White , Standard and New Home sewing machines on $5 a month payments at Pade & Son's. Too many laws are like sausages which cease to inspire respect as we come to know how they are made. Wayson & Odell can fix you up com fortably and stylishly in any thing you may desire in the livery line. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. IN QUEENSWARB Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest deoigns of the season. His prices are reasonable. A fine line of Plush Goods , Albums , Manicure Sets , Perfumes , Sponges , Toilet Articles , etc. , at Chenery's City Drug Store. It seems to be peculiarly true of the newspaper-man that "hope springs eternal in the human breast. " Yet you must walk a long way behind a wild goose to find an ostrich feather. We are printing the date to whicl each subscriber has paid his subscrip tion to THE TRIBUNE along with tin address. Watch the date and you wil know if you are in arrears. If you are please come and see us. Put your $ $ $ where they will d < the most good , where they will secun the best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake ii Noble's is the place of deposit. He gives the limit in quantity , quality and value , and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. The great universities were not estab- ished at Lincoln because the slate penitentiary , asylum and other institu- ions were there , nor because Lincoln's police courts show up a pretty lively business. But because it was eminent ly business-like to do so. The Wes leyan Seminary for the West Nebraska Conference will most likely be estab lished at McCook because it will be strictly business to do so. Chancellor Creighton and his associates have re sponsible business sense. Reduction On large Photo work till January 1 , only at Smart's gallery. 2OO to 3OO Watches to select from at H P. SUTTON S. Our - Christmas - Bells RING OUR STORY OF GIFTS .FOR ALL OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GIRTS is open and ready AT FAIKEST FIGURES. Visitors are cordially invited. A. McMILLEN , Druggist , SOLID SILVER and Plated Ware , a com plete assortmen , at SUTTON'S , Leading Jeweler. Fine French Fruits at Postoffice Lobby. Oysters in any sytleatGray & Troxel's restaurant. McMillcn is headquarters for all kinds of lamps. Oh , my eye , but isn't THE TRIBUNE'S Christmas number fetching. Chribtmas candies , nuts and fruits of all kinds at Postoffice Lobby. The owner can have a small bunch of keys by calling at this office. Burdick has partitioned off a work room in the rear of his furniture store. Candies , Fruits , Nuts , Cigars and Tobaccos at Gray & Troxel's restaurant. S. H. Colvin has a good organ to sell on installments or to exchange for stock. A larger assortment of toys than ever belore , just displayed at the Post- sffice Lobby. J. M. Henderson has just completed i barn and other outbuildings on his lorth Madison street property. Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold ) y S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Den- lison street hardwaremen. Gray & Troxel's restaurant is now pen , and the public is cordially invited o call and enjoy a square meal. Free salvation meeting are being con ducted in the German Congregational church by Mr. Lincoln of Driftwood precinct. The club dance , last evening , in the opera hall , was fairly well attended , giving much pleasure to the merry par ticipants. Remember that at the Barnett Lum ber Co.'s yard is the place to get your coal. The best grades of hard and soft coal kept in stock. We are in it this year ; come and look over our holiday stock consisting of doll carriages , hobby horses , shoo Sys , velocipedes , wagons , sleds , books and toys of all kinds , at Postoffice Lobby. It has been demonstrated that to- aacco of excellent quality can be raised n portions of Nebraska. In all cases where tobbaeo grows and matures well .t is a profitable crop and it may yet be- ; ome one of the strongest resources of he farmer in this state. The Odd Fellows of our city will hold a public installation and give a banquet in Meeker hall on Friday even ing , January 13th. It is expected to make the event one of the prominent affairs of the season , and will be par ticipated in by a large company of Odd Fellows and their friends. The Courier misrepresents the TRI BUNE on th question of bonuses and bonds. We are on general principles opposed to both and all kindred things. But when either takes the form of a plain business like investment the TRI BUNE always favors it , within reason able bounds and under proper protec tion of the donors , etc. We are op posed to watch factory bonds and pain 'actory bonuses , however. C. M. Noble takes pleasure in direct- ng attention to his stock of goods for the holiday season. It is the largest , richest and finest assortment of chinaware - ware , glassware , lamps , etc. , ever exhi bited in McCook or in southwestern Nebraska. Also an elegant line of fruits , nuts and candies. Go and see what a satisfactory and acceptable pre sent can be secured at Noble's for a little money. It grieves this poor and contrite heart with deep and settled grief , to see some men who take delight in spreading unbelief ; it makes the crystal teardrops fall in wild profusion down when young men , starting out in life , go out to "paint the town"to ; note the sorrows of the poor , the needy and the good , and selfish greed of those who might assist them if they would. It gives this man ly breast a pain that shoots from side to side , to see a thimbleful of brains puffed up with foolish pride. It fills his cup of misery when modest girls chew gum , or when a Keeley graduate goes back to guzzling rum. Drift in Journal. All goods bought at SUTTON'S , The Jew eler , engraved FREE OF CHARGE Do not fail to call at Postoffic Lobby and examine their goods befor making u Christmas present. The Burnett Lumber Co. carry i large stock of the best hard and sof coal to be found in the market. FOR SALE : Good house and lot ii McCook , well located , good property Enquire of G. L. Laws , Lincoln , Neb We shall be pleased to publish an ] interesting sketches of early life in thif county , and all are requested to senc such in for publication. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will "fall to youi lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. Leap year is fast drawing to a close and the girls who may have had the op portunity and not improved it should remember that after the last day of this month they will have a long "spell" to wait. Reports from over the state indicate that the patronage of home industry movement that has been agitated by the state press for a year past is grow ing fast and that there is a steady in crease in the demand for Nebraska manufactured goods. It is thought that Hon. J. A. Cor- deal of McCook will receive the ap pointment as Register of the McCook land office under Cleveland. Joe's many friends in Hayes county will tllfi fiinri-lmrmf > r iirr climilrl h * hn A & f C ? successful. Hayes Centre Republican. We understand that A. S. Campbell will be A candidate for appointment tea a position in the McCook land office , when a change is to be made. Mr. Campbell has been an efficient steward in the insane asylum and is one of the kind of democrats who never change their party coats. Success to him. Hastings Tribune. TIIE TRIBUNE hopes that the water works company and the city authentic may "get together" before spring , to the end that an end come of this un necessary friction , that more satisfactory service be rendered , and that peace and harmony may reign supreme. The people are entitled to good service and ire willing to pay for it , and they are weary of this water works fight. Life is as pleasant in Nebraska as in my place on the continent. In soil ind climate there is no section of the inion that is superior. Producing jeople are all that is necessary to make Nebraska and especially the south- vestern part of it as great as her latural resources entitle her to be. Let he people of less favored states come i among us. Our people will welcomi them with smiles as genial as our skies Bishop Graves of Kearney conducts Episcopal services in the Lutherai church , Sunftay evening , being assistet by Rev. Gill of Arapahoe. A far audience greeted the Bishop consider ing the brief notice given. It was an nounced that hereafter regular monthly services would be held. And it ii hoped after coming June to have E young man stationed here to look aftei the interests of the church in the uppei valley. Preparations have been made by the South McCook Sunday school to give the seventy pupils of the school a Christmas entertainment and tree. Supplies for a pleasant time have been procured. A program of exercises will be given , a tree and presents provided , and on Saturday evening it is expected to make the children as happy as their means and circumstances will allow. THE TRIBUNE wishes them all the merriest Christmas. The business of the McCook post sffice exceeds $6,000 annually , exclu sive of money orders and postal notes. Fhis amount of business is only ex- ; eeded by Omaha , Lincoln , South Dmaha , Hastings , Beatrice , Grand Is- and , Nebraska City , Norfolk , Fremont , 7airbury , Kearney , York and Platts- nouth , among the Nebraska postofiices. yi of which is a most gratifying ecord for an office which has only been stablished about ten years. Enterprise , progress and push must haracterize the coming man for this country. If you are an old fossil , crawl out of your shell and shout for Red Willow county. If you have got into a rut and your business lags , get a hump on yourself and advertise a spec ialty in the TRIBUNE. Throw petty brickcrings in the sewer and look pleas ant. 1893 means more than you think for Red Willow county and McCook. Are you in favor of progress ? Allright then , here's our hand. We are too. Now watch us. PRICE'S Baking Powder : The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard PREGNANT PROJECTS. Colonel Ilatfield pere is feeling very merry these day of peace on earth and good will to men and projects vast and schemes galore scamper through his fertile think pot in happy profusion and gay abandon. First in importance is the proposition to Jay out 4,000 lots in his River Side addition. He wil list the property low and expects the entire 4,000 lots to go like hot griddle cakes smothered in gravv. Another enterprise , the contcmpla tion of which has kept the Colone awake o' nights , is an electriis or able line which he expects to build connect ing the city with Wesleyan Seminary place. It must be admitted that Major Campbell is more or less mixed up in this stupendous undertaking ; and that Deacon Morlan is very desirous of get ting in the ground-floor in the scheme. It may be stated in this connection ihat the rumor that Colonel Hatfield is a large holder of the North Side Irri gation Ditch stock is a lie from the pit , as bald as Bob Ingersoll's impos ing dome of thought. You will find at Sut- ton's Jewelry store the Largest Stock and the Lowest Prices. Far From Home. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ewing's little daughter yielded up its frail life at an early hour yesterday morning , from an - attack of brain trouble , being sick mice Sunday. Mr. Ewing travels for i Westfield , Mass. , whip house. The sorrowing parents left on 6 , yesterday ifternoon , for their New England lome , where the remans of their loved me will be buried. They were guests at the Commercial louse , and every kindness was shown hem and all possible assistance rend- Ted , in their bereavement , which was loubtless intensified by their absence rom home and relatives , in the far off rest. The Largest stock of Watches and Diam ends at Button's , The Jeweler. What It Means. When you see that red flag with the square black centre floating over THE TRIBUNE office don't be alarmed. THE TRIBUNE doesn't have measles or chicken pox. But go right home and carry in coal and wood , house the stock etc. It signifies that within a few brief hours a full grown cold wave will be down upon us , and that Uncle Sam wishes his subjects to be prepared for the chilly visitor. Souvenir Spoons at Sutton's. At Red Willow School House. The friends in the neighborhood of Red Willow school house are prepar- ng to give a Christmas entertainment on Saturday evening. There will be songs , recitations and a representation of the parable of the ten virgins. All are cordially welcome. To Prove That we are making as finely finished photos as can be had , we will waive our rules of deposit till Feb. 1 , you need not pay one cent till work is 'fin ished , if not peed , keep your money. .1. H. SMART , Photographer- Degree of Honor. The election of officers will be held Monday evening , Dec. 2G , all members of the order are requested to be pres ent. Plnkerton-Roeves. Yesterday , Rev. A.V. . Coffman of the Methodist church united in wed lock two of Box Elder's sterling young people , Mr. James A. Pinkerton and Misa Ada G. Reeves. THE TRIBUNE joins the good people of ilmt neighbor hood in warmest congratulations , and earnest g md wishes. The .Methodic puuplo are preparing to give a Xmas entertainment in the church on Saturday evening. The pro gramme will be appropriate and inter esting. There will also be a distribu tion of presents. It is hoped to make it a very happy affair. The university board will take final action on propositions for the location of the Wcsleyan .seminary in this con ference , on Wednesday of next week , at a meeting to be held in floldrege' . McCook should bo prepared to make her host bid. LOST An overcoat of a brownish gray color , between Fitch's lane and McCook. Finder will be suitably re- ward by returning the same to THE ' TRIBUNE office. DAVID ROBINMIER. George M . Chenery at the City Drugstore has quite a display of useful articles which will make very desirable and acceptable gifts. " and see them. The North Side Irrigation Ditch , it s claimed , will go through the coming season , bonds for its extension , it is tatcd , have already been sold , to the sxtent of three-quarters of a million lollars. We understand that the new paper rill sail under the breezy caption , 'The ' McCnok Enterprise. " and that it nil make its initial appearance this reek , W.I. Lindsay &Son , publishers. Messrs. Walsh & Rooney are using he engine of the merry-go-round in tutting up their ice crop over on the ) riftwood. THE TRIBUNE'S cold wave flag at- lacted a large share of attention , Wed- esday afternoon , upon its first hoist- The cases in district court against Allen Rice and John Rouch were both dismissed for Jack of prosecution. Services in Meeker hall , next Sun day morning and evening at the usual hours by Rev. D. L. McBride. The family of W. 0. Russell has been severely afflicted by illness , but both the sick are improving. The next meeting of the board of county commissioners will be held on Monday , January 2. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. The Maccabees expect to organize next week with a charter membership of seventy. If McCook really wants the semin ary she will have to go after it in earn est. Go to Sutton's Jewel ry and Music House for your Xmas goods. False. Smart has not raised his prices ou photos since the other gallery closed. Horses for Safe. Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite tfee Cen tral hotel. On Hand. An assortment of Frames for the holiday trade at Smart's gallery. Frank S. Keid and family returned iome from Omaha , yesterday. The county-seat case -will come up jefore Judge Weltyon Monday. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PCWB