n arvi J WI fry s S ' - I ® m = AND = p Cornet and Sterling BRANDS OF FLOUR IARE THEi % ii 1 I Store open till the usual hours. | I * § E & 0 0 e I wish to announce the arrival of my Fall and. winter Stock of - CLOTHING , GEH1S' FURNISHING GOODS , \ HATS AND CAPS. o | $10 Houss C. W. KNIGHTS , PROPRIETOR. > Bcwaro of dealers tilTERNATIONAL..STOCK FOOD or companies vho make ever fails to cure andprcvent disease and save grain false statements and try . ' , HcrsfsCattle , Sbeep.Hogs , Colts. Calves , Iambs and Pigs. to sell yoaasubstitute. , Prepared Esy o Stoclcraan. Harmless for stock inj Bay the genuine. any condition. Purifies the blood and permanently strength- , cos the entire system. Oar Superior medication guarantees ISO Feeds tri each OO-ecnt box. S4HnoStockEngra7ing3anilhnn < 2rea3 of testimonials Free at Druggists. Grocers , General Dealers , etc.or dlrcetftom ns. Greatest Known JuTog1 Cltolcnt 3t"evcnilTe. Sole BRectswanted. International FoodCP. Wri'e XST Minneapolis , Minn. ' Soleownernof ' The * Latest t VtPROVEf ? MEDICATED FOOD ll Farewell. Of all the words of grief and woo where m la- cry doth dwell The saddest Intonation lies within that one- farewell. It serves to srvcr souls for aye , for who is thcra can tell If Lcarts will ever meet acatn when once they say farewell ? It carries not r. tone unkind ; no wrath docfflt compel ; 'Tls breathed from out the bosom's depth , that deep , that lontr fnreu'cll. TheachiiiB heart is rent in twain and lies a shattered bhell ; Then , with a lonRing , anguished cry , it oays its last farewell. ' * Sir Walter Scott. AN INDENTDEE. Tom Barrett and I had been chums almost as long as wo had been cousins , which I must confess was nearly twenty- four years. Tom was six months younger than I , and I ruled him with a rod of iron. But one day the day when I became twenty-four years old the worm turned. Ho told me that he loved me. me."Of "Of course , " I remarked coolly. "I'm your relation , I guess. You've got to. * ' And then ho burst out with a lot of stuff about his not loving me as a rela tion , but as u wife. "Tom Barrett , " I said sternly , "do you think I would ever marry a man six months younger than myself ? I havn brought you up , and you know it. If I ever marry anybody it will be a mature , ready made man , who will guide and control and make me respect him ! Don't you ever say another word to mo about this as long as you live. " And I went up stairs and cried because my old Tom was gone. One of my birthday presents had been n check for twenty-five dollars with which "to take a little trip , " my blessed old uncle said , and I decided just to run down to Ann Arbor on that excuse and stay as long as I wanted to with my old friend , Orpha Rej'nolds. I might join Borne classes or do some reading and bo contented there for a. long time until Tom had forgotten. And with a tele gram to Orpha the next afternoon I was off. Orpha was delighted to see me. "I am so glad j'ou came just now , " she said as wo sat together in the half dark after supper. "I shall need yon to help me manage Ed. " "Ed who ? " I inquired with some sur prise , wondering if Orpha had been adopting an infant. My friend seemed a trifle embarrassed. "Why , Etl Rice , " she answered slowly. "I guess I luvven't toM you about him , have I ? " No , I guessed she had not. "He is a young boy in the law depart ment , " she went on with a conscious air , "who rooms next door. His eyes have given out temporarily , so that Dr. Car- row has forbidden all college work , and I luivo just been trying to amuse him and keep him out of mischief. " All this was certainly very nice and philanthropic and quite like Orpha , but what on earth was she blushimj about ? I waited for her next words. She spoke very fast and would not look at me. ' I wish you would take him off my hands for awhile you won't have much else to do. I bate'to be with him much myf elf , he has been acting so for a week or two. I'm afraid he is beginning to think he cares for me especially , you know. Ho doesn't of course such a kid ! " with scornful emphasis and an ait- together unprecedented lapse into slang. "How old ? I inquired concisely , with mental visions of a big headed , owl eyed infant prodigy bearing a law folio under each arm. "Oh , twenty-two , or maybe twenty- three , " she returned nonchalantly. "But that for a man is mere infancy. Now a woman" But this valuable philosophical disqui sition was abruptly exit short. A sub dued stamping and shaking was heard outside it had been snowing all day and we sat listening until some one banged thn street door behind him and started up stairs three steps at a time , whistling under his breath. "That's Ed , " said Orpha and rose to light the lamp , but she had only just scratched the match when there was a faint knock. The sitting room door wats slowly pushed open , and a clear , boyish voice exclaimed : "Just lighting up ? You're late , aren't " ' yon ? "Yes , said Orpha , turning up the wick. "Just wait till we have some light on the subject and I'll introduce you to an old friend of mine who came this afternoon from Grand Rapids. Miss Barrett , Mr. Rice , " she concluded. He bowed stiffly and murmured the conventional happiness ; then , with a sudden , frank impulse , walked over and shook hands heartily , showing as he smiled two unmistakable dimples in a sensitive , extremely attractive face. He had been there an hour , though it did not seem half that , when Orpha sent liim home. She had to bohn out a French grammar lesson for an eight and a quarter the nexfc morning , so I went to bed and left her swearing at Dupy in a pious sort of a way. Really I did not mean to relieve Orpha of her young mission , but how could I lelp it. Under Orpha's orders he cheer- 'ullj' pointed out to me the professional residences , the frathouses and all the other inevitables ; conducted me over ; he museum , the library , the art gallery and the laboratories ; dragged me around the boulevard to Cascade and School- ; irls' glen , to Lovers' retreat , and .iiual- y even to the sable fortune teller's on the Observatory road. In return I im- ) arted to him all my little botanical ore and allowed him to join my daily constitutionals , so that every day , wet or dry generally wet in Ann Arbor , you mow we sallied forth together in earch of "specimens" ' and exercise. I got acquainted with Ed very fast ; hese days , and as I came to know him better I grew infinitely disgusted and enraged with Orpha for failing so en tirely to appreciate him , but I dared not ay a word for fear of ruining what lit- le chance Ed might still have with her. Before a month had passed Ann Ar bor had laid her spell upon me. I deter mined to stay out the year anyhow , jdo- - . jig full college work , and it might bo mat I would even complete a regular rourse. 'So at the beginning of the second end semester I entered as a "special. " Ed was now allowed , conditionally , to attend lectures , and so on both sides our time for walking and scientific investi gation was much curtailed. We still found time , however , for a short daily tramp , and as hprinjj came on for fre quent longer excursions. The beaut } ' of Hay days was wholly irresistible , so that even our sober minded and church go ing Orpha was induced to spend ono per fect Sunday morning with us in n quiefc wood strewn thick with spring beauties ' and adder tongue. She confessed after ward that at first she thought it was wicked , but when we got there sheki.ew it wasn't. Well , with botanizing and tennis ano examinations the last days of thisblesscc year slipped past. The Saturday before "fcomrnencemen Ed and I went up the river for orchids Wo found only a few yellow ones , bn could not feel much disappointed. The sky and the river would have made u ] for a much greater loss. We driftet , back almost in silence , listening to the soft plash of the water against the boat 1 the dreary whispering of the trees on the i bank and at intervals the faroff cry o a hawk. Presently Ed interrupted it all. * "I want to give you something before fore you go , " he announced suddenly "May I ? " "Why , yes , if it isn't too valuable , " answered priggishly in a desperate , at tempt to be proper. "I assure you it is absolutely worth less unless you care for it , " and he dex terously tossed a long , folded paper into my lap. Another of the legal jokes he was always laboriously perpetrating Yes a deed this time , carefully fillet out , except a short blank space near the top : This indenture , made this 20th day of June in the year of our Lord ono thousand eigh hundred and eiglity-ouc , between EcUvan Mills Rice , party of the first parf , and , of the .second part , witiiesscth that the said party of the first part , for aud in consider ntion of love ami affection to him in hand paii by the said party ot the second purl , the re ccipt whereof is hereby confessed and u < - kuowledgcd , docs by these presents grant , ba- gain , sell , remise , release , alien and confirm unto the said party of the second part and to her heirs and assigns forever all that certain piece or parcel Qf humanity situate and Leintr at present in the city of Ann Arbor , county o : Wasutcuav and state of Michigan , and de scribed us" follows , to wit : An ordinary enough piece of good * , reasonably well educated am moderately well fixed ; twenty-three years olt and quite alone in the world , with no eyes to speak sf. and at least two years of grinding yet ahead , together with all and singular , the hereditaments aud appurtenances belonging or in an\wisc avpcrtaining , to have and tc hold the : -aid I read no further. "Ed , why don't you give this to Or pha ? " "Orpha ! " he echoed. "She wouldn't have it ; von know she wouldn't. And besides' ' added the audacious youth , "she iat i , paid me the 'consideration' nio. tl .u-d therein. " " Veil , goodness knows 1 didn't sup pose 1 had , either. Ed. But what shall I do with this ? " "You might just write your name in the space I left for it , " he suggested. I didn't quite dare to. I leaned my chin upon mj-hand , looked into the water and thought. But Ed's face floated persistently between me and all prudential considerations. "He is a year younger than you. What about the mature 'ready m.ide man' whom 3-011 as sured Tom you should marry ? What will Tom say ? And how supremely ri diculous and inconsistent ! Refuse Tom because ho wasn't old enough and marry a man six months younger than he and twice as boyish looking ! But , if I choose to be inconsistent , whose business is it anyhow. " I would not reason. I would not "consider. " I shot a swift smile up into Ed's anxious face and then with my fountain pen traced in round deliberate characters across the space he had left Kate Marion Barrett. I have the old deed yet. Since our marriage it has lain in state , the sole oc cupant of a convenient pigeonhole in my writing desk. Here I often run across it and smile as I wonder whether in dear old Ann Arbor , fragrant with the memory of countless student romances , the momentous question was ever be fore or since asked and answered in such unpoetic fashion. But Ed and I don't care. We have had our poetry since. Kitty Carew in Detroit News. Spiders * Webs for Telescopes. The astronomers of the naval observa tory have looked all over the world for spiders' webs. Such gossamer filaments spun by industrious arachnids are util ized in telescopes for cross lines extended at right angles with each other across the field of view , so as to divide the lat ter into mathematical spaces. Threads of cobweb are employed for the purpose because they are wonderfully strong for their exceeding finenest , and also for the reason that they are not affected by moisture or temperature , neither ex panding nor contracting under any con ditions. Specimens were obtained from China because it was imagined that the large spiders of that country would perhaps produce a particularly excellent quality Df web. However , it was found that the best web is spun by spiders of the United States , such as are plentiful in the neigh borhood of Washington. Accordingly expeditions are made early in June each year to get from the fences and barns iiereabouts the cocoons of the big "tur tle back" spiders. Each cocoons is com posed of a single silken filament wound round and round , though there are apt : o be some breaks in it where Mistress Spider left off work for a time. Attempts have been made to use the cocoons of spiders like those of silk worms , and exquisite fabrics have been manufactured from them. Unfortu nately it was found impossible to make ; he industry a commercial success , ow- ng to the combative inclination of these creatures. When kept together they will always gobble each other up in a short time , ths final result being a sin gle very large and fat spider and one cocoon. Washington Cor , Boston Tran script. List of Patents Hocolvcd at the McCook U. S. land olllco on December Kkh.lB'.L' . Benjamin Hoard John I/ . lohn K. ItatiKliman John ' . ICvlM > John llrndy Manin Lester Walter C. Itarton Charli'S S. Monte Mollsca S. Hralnard Annie H. Mffila-hon James L. Ciilton John H. Moore Maiqtiis Candy Thomas It. McGlnnls Wlllos E. Calvin John McClnnis Nathan T. Calvin John M. Morse William K. Calvin Miiflu .Mnrrisni' Thomas I ) . Cain I.siniu F. I'nterlmiijrli Sylvester Dunn im Je M ! M I'arUer Allen li.ury Caiolinit 1C. I'oui.s ChurleD.ivlK neorjji' F. l'ieie Sieihen | Dabler Aliraham 1'eieiS John HUM rum Hocan Person John It. I'Mwards Kliphalet I'ottor I'lioiius Eppcibon William S. Pot tor Anton Frilscho Milton F. I'icrsnn Mtirv Farrell Anthony Uowloy Thomas A. Forney W.\inan A. . St. Clair Edward W. Goetschlns Daniel Slieinian Kichard A.Green Aaron F. ftwart Mary A. Gruvor Aimer W. Shalfur ( jeorjje. C. Harvey Sao I. Si-ward jo-eph O. Ham William T.Tuyliir James H. Hill Harvey J. Vandervort John F Hunt Wlllnnl M. Wiley Win. V. Hundley Kilwunl F. Wiley Mary O. Howard Elizabeth Warnock M.IM-S I ) . Helper .lohn Wlinllhan Peter Hohnsteln John Wolfe Cuailey 11 eland Charles W. Wood Eugene W. Osear A. Williams David S. Jones Mary M. WinllHd NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ? a ill Wha it nay Co = : cra : Tin-commissioner appointed to examine a nii < | ( mim-iieiiitf at tlie northuest corner -IM-H..H II. town 4. iiinjre J.'G. in Norih Valley IIM cinei. ICed Willow county. Net.riifUii. run- miiir tlienee rust on section line , terminating' in ilieHinlli caht corner section 15 same town , and ratine , lias reported in favor of the locu tion i In-1 CM if. and all < lijeetions thereto or eiainir. lordmiihtfes must be tiled in the conn- clerk's . i.lliee on or before noon ot the Ulbl d'ay ol January. A. I ) . Ib95 or said road will be established without releience thereto : . ' 84ts. GKO. W. Koi'Bli Countj Clerk. Notice of Attachment. Aaron Hcadley wil1 take notice that on Out. I8ih , ! 8U . J. E. Krlley. Jiibtii-r of the Poaee I ICi' i u illow e. nniy. NelimsUa. issued an mieriii ntiaclimeni lor the mini of iweiny- luudollarn ( J in an net ion pending lielore limsheieiii : . .lohnWentz is plaintiff and Aaron Headlej is di-fetidant : that propertj of in Icnilant in ( he hands of the K. < Sc M. U. K.Co. ( hiciitro , Itnrlinuton and Quincy railroad mpi.ny. owncrc. ) consisting ol money , has In en attached liy order of ptiiiitelimunl ii ainxt said paity. Mini cause was continued to the ) d day of lu'cciulier. JSf. ! at 10. A. M. ? .S 3u > . J ) HN WESTZ. Plaintiff. Fii-Nt publication November 11 , 18 ! ) _ ' . I.\M ) ( JKKICK AT .McCildK. NKU , I November ! ) . ISIcJ. f Xotfcc IN lu-n > by viven that the lollowinjr- imeil H'ttier 1m- tiled notice of his intention > nmkc tinal proof in Mippoi t of his claim. > l liiul said pi out wll lie made befoie U vi-ii-r or Itej-eiviT at M : C iol < , Neb. . OP Miiurdny. Dee. 17. IbJM , viz : WllMAM E. KETCH , I ) > . No. 15937. lor tinS. . W. J . Se < - . 22. Twp. : . \ II. 21) ) . W. UihP. M. He names the following ui in i-sto prou1 cnntiniioiiK rt-s-idenei- .ipon and cultivation oi , said land , viz : Hill" 11 IJeaeh. ol I tux Elder Nebraska. Mull lieuStexvmt. . of Ho.x Elder. Nebru-kn. > evi-rt Hoiige , of McCook , Nebraska. Anlln Monyiof : MeCoiik. Ni-bra-La. .1. 1' . I.INIISAV , lte risier. Fust pnlilieation -ueinticr'J. I . SHERIFF'S SALE. ll > virtue of an orderot sale directed to me tiom the district court ol Ued Willow eoniity. Nehraska. on a judgment obtained lielore lion. II. T. Welty. judueof the distnct ( joint ol Iteil Willow eonitty , Nebraska.on the ( Jth day ol June. 15'Ji. in laver ofStull Urns , as plaintiffs , and iifrainst Joseph llooze a-4 < le- lendiini. f r the sum ot sixty nine ( -Sf9) ! ) dol- laif. . and 5 cents , and costs taxes at tvi5.78 ; and iiccrnintr costs , 1 have Ifvied upon the lollowmy real estate taken as the properti ol sjiul defendant to satisfy said judgment to- uiiMiutli half of southwest quarter of sec tion twenty one (21. ( ) township one (1. ( ) north of rmijre thirty (30J ( west sixth (0) ( ) P. JI. in Hed Willow county. Neli. And will offer the pame lor sale to the highest bidder , for cash HI hand , on the 9th day of January. A. D. 1893. in 11 out of the south door of the court house , in Imiiauola. Nebraska , that beiiiK > he building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour ol 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. when and where , due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated December Gth. 1892. E. H. HANKS. Sheriff of said County. NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Frank II. Fowler , deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of nn order issued out of the district court of Ued Willow county , state of Nehraska. made on t he 'id day of December. 1893. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described , there will be sold on the foil-wing described premises on the lath day of January , 1893. at 10 o'clock , a. m. . at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash , or for part cash and the balance , not to exceed three-fourths ) f the purchase money , on a crqdit of not more than three years ; said money'for which credit is given to be secured bv bond of the 'iirchaser and by mortgage on the piemises told ; the following described real estate , or a sullicient amount of the same to bring the sum of Sl.nU3.04 towit : First : The undivided one-half interest m the east half of the northwest quarter , and : he west half of the northeast quarter of sec tion twenty-nine , township lour , range wenty-nine , Hcd Willow county , state of Nebraska. Second : The undivided one half interest in ot eleven , block thirteen. West McCook. Ne braska. Tliiid : The undivided one-half interest i'l ot nine , block six , third addition to McCook. Nebraska. Fourth : The undivided one-half interest In ot eight , block twenty-two , original town of McCook. Nebraska. Snid sale will remain open one hour. Dated December 13 , 1892. HENKIETTA FowhKtt. Administratrix > f the estate of Frank H. Fowler , deceased. 3ts. SHERIFF'S SALE. By viitue of an order of silicon decree of 'oreclosure of nuutf-tnie. issued out ol" the iistrict court lor Kt'd Willow , county Ncbrns- cti. mid to me directed. I will , on tno Itith day of Jnminry. A. D. IS'JIJ atone o'clock. P. M. . at he f i out door of the court house in Indianola , led Willow comity. Nebraska , thtit ticiiifr the mildiiifr in which the last term of the district oiirt was held , sell at public auction to the li hest bidder for cash , the nnil estate des cribed in Kiid order ol sale as follows , towit : 'he northwest quarter of section twenty-six. i ) in township two. ( : . ' ) north of ran e thirty. : ! 'Ji ' west of the t ! I' . M . In H 'd willow county , tehruskii. S.Ud property to be sold to satisfy . Lowell Moore the sum of nine hundred evenly dollars and lorty-two cents judfir- nent. with interest thereon from June Gth. A. J. . ] 8Wto satisfy the Globe Investment coin- imiy. co-defendants , to the sum ofnlnty-three ollars and forty cents judgment , with inter- st thereon from the Oth-dav of June. A. D. blU. ami twenty-nine dollars and seventv- iKht cents costs with interest thereon from une IGth. IBM. until paid , together with ac- rulnff eosts. according to a judgment render- d by the district court of said Red Willow ounty. at Us June term. A. I ) . . 1802 , in nn ction tlierein pendliiK wherein J. Lowell loore WHS plalntllT and Joseph A. Brewer , Anna G. Hrewer and others were defondents. Dated this 14th day of December A. D. . 1892. E. It. BANKS. Slier ! ! ! of Ued Willow countv. Nebraska. J. E. KELLEV. Attorney. Uliilaren Cry TorPitcners Castnria. When Eaby was delve nave her Castorla. \7hca she was a ChiJil , she cried Tor C iorla , AThen she bccamo Jllss , sbo clunj to Castoria , Wliea she had Children , she gave them Castorla. Chamborlain's Eye & Skin Ointment. A ret i iiineiiru for chronic Sore Kycu. Tottor. Suit Ithciitii. Sncl ! Head. OI < 1 Chronics-Sores , Fever -ores. Kc/.eiini. Itch. Prairie Scratches. Sore N'lpplen and I'l leu. U Is coollntr und Hnoihiuir. Hundreds ofoattrH liuv" bunn cured by ll alter nil other tieatnient had failed. It IH put up In L''I and . " > ( ) cent lo.xe . For Halo by George M. Clmncry. NovJJO-lyear. A. J. IMTTKNIIOUSK. O. II. IIOYIK. IM'ITEXHUUSE & BOYLE , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW MeCOOK. NBll. .1. K. KKLLEY , ATTORNKY - : AT - : - LA\V , AOKVr MM'"I.N l.\\'l 0 ( . MU ( OOK. - - \rilUl\--KA. OKKU-K : In i-i-u-ut KI.--I N'nil itil Hunk. lUfiJIV. . n lK. I\\VVIH : , McCOUIC. NKUHASIvA. | | iriietiri * in all courts. Coin'mercls. .ind ecirp'iratitut Inw A specially. Money to limn. ll < > ms t iiul.'i ol < l I'ii--1 National bld'K- H. IS. DAVIS , PHYSICIAN ANDSWWIWN McCOOK. NKItUASICA. tT ( IKKMM : Horns : ! i in II. a. m . - IK.'I and 7 I" ' . ' . i . m liiH { : : - iiv-r l--i-t Viiliiiniil 1'iink. A. T. RICE , M. DM I'lIYSIHAN AND SURGEON. 1 have located permanently in McCook , Nel > . All calls answered promptly l > v day _ or night , in the city orcountry. Special attention given to diseases of children. Office over Lowman's store , south of Coininerciai Hotel. Office hours from 8 a. in. to S p. in. KuMtlencc 2 doors south of brick school house. CHASE CO. LAHD & LIVE STOCK CO. ffones branded OB left hip or 'oft shoulder. P. O.address , Imperial. Cheie County , and Beat rice. Neb. Kangn. Stink- \ny \ Water and French man creeks. Chase Co. , Nebraska. Brand us cut on aide of some animals , on blp and sldet of some , or an - irhere on the animal. J. S. McBRflYER , HcCOOK , NEBRASKA. J5"House and Safe Moving Specialty. ' Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber "Yard will receive prompt attention. R. A. COLE , . LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR OF MCCOOK , has ; i fiiie stock of Cloths , " Bind ings , and other trimmings always on hand. ! THE KANSAS CITY " " HEDiaiHB. ' S. H. Cor.'Hthanii'Broiidway , For the treatment of all Chronic and Surgical DI a j and Diseases of the Kve and Ear. The object of thli Sanita rium Is to furnish board , roomt atnl medical attention to those tattering wld Deformities , Dlsnues of tToocn. Dli- eases ot tue Urinary and Sexual Organs. Disease- the Nervous Sjstcm. Luns and Throat Disuses , Files.Cancers. Tnmors. Etc. , Etc. Surgical Operations performed with skill. Books free M Jlcn ani Women. For further Information call on or addrena DR. C. M. COE , Kansas City , Mo. OVHEt. . , I "Will Avoid Qnnctt. Frauds &cd Io u Medical Institutes Ijy golnc to the Old , DR. HEHBEBSOH f IO2 A , I O4W.HINTH STREET. KANSAS CiTYj NIG. AJJcgular Graduate < n Xfcdicine. Over 26 year * ' practice -12 in Chicago. Established 18/55. / M TITE OT DEHT X3T AGE , nndr-OXCESTX-OCATED , i : Authorized by the State to treat Chronic. Nervous and "Special Uiscascs."Seminal Weakncss.NlGHT i.ossEsSeiuallJetIUty < i.ossojrscxuAi.PowEKjl Nervous Debility. Poisoned Blood. Ulcers and Swell lnc of every kind. Urinary and Kidney Diseases etc. Cures Guaranteed or Money .Refunded , Charsrco JLoiv. Thousands of cases cured every year. Experience Is important. No mer cury or Injurious mcdiclno used. No tlmo lost from business. Patients at o distance treated by mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere frco from Raze or breakage. State your case and send lor terms. Consultation frco and confidential , per- onallyorbylettcr. For particularsBCO HA A If FOB BOTH BEXES. sopases- KlIIIK lull ot descriptive pictures , sent ftw WIm scaled in plain envelope for Cc. in sUmps. N. B. This txxik contains SECRETS and useful knowledge which should be read by every male from 15 to 45 years of a e and kept under lock and key. FREE JCU8EUM OP AJiA.1- OHV replete with a thousand Interesting specl- inens. Including the celebrated Frenek ac Al - which mlono cost over KXO. For Mea Only. THE 8HEAT TORtlSH BHEOU&T1C CUBE. A FU31T1TX CVBB1TOK KXECHATUX. SSO /r any case this treatment falls to euro or help. Greatest discovery In annals of medicine. One do o gives relief ; s > few doacs removes f aver and pain In joints ; Cure completed la a few days. Send ststemant of case with staer 08. BIHDiKWI , KMBAS CITY. A i '