of DIAMONDS , and WATCHES until you wonder where GREAT BIC STOCK they all came from. Inspect while stock is complete. JEWELERS < ? ' A _ ' ; i i V& * /i i ( OUTING SHOES. It long ago seemed ns though shoes could never be better and never be cheaper , but they are better now and cheaper now than they ever were before.The great every day favorite is our men's and ladies' shoe. It is as much a boon to the pocketboolc as it is to the feet. It won't wear yQU out to wear it out. You don't need to take care of it ; it takes care of itaelf. It will give you solid com fort for the simple reason that a better shoe for knockabout pur poses has never been produced. If prices never appealed to you before , the price of this shoe will , for it costs only ยง 2.50. It will look nicer and wear longer than any shoe on earth. For Fine Book Canes and Dining Tables go to the New Furniture Store. For Lamps , Chenery's City Drug Store. McMillen has a large assortment of lamps cheap. Paints and Oils , Chenery's City Drug Store. Predmore Bros , keep the best cylin der oil in McCook. Buy your school supplies at Chen- ery's City Drug Store. . Wayson & Odell are putting out some handsome rigs these days. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. Monday morning the north side of J. Albert Wells' establishment was clear ed of all remaining goods and is now in the hands of the mechanics for repairs from the effects of the late fire. Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft or accident is the now-famous BOW , the only bow ( ring ) which cannot be pulled or wrenched from the case. Can only be , had on cases containing this trade mark. MADE BY Keystone Watch Case Company , of Philadelphia. the oldest , largest , and most complete Watch Case factory in the world 1500 employees ; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which arc just as good as solid cases , and cost about one half less : Sold by all jewelers , without extra charge for Non-pull-ont bow. Ask for pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. ' We have the goods know we can suit you and are in a po sition to sell as cheap if not cheaper than any one in the Repub lican Valley , at BUT TON'S JEWELRY AND Music STORE. Residence property for sale in all parts of the city by C. J. Ryan. Machine Oils at 20c , 25c , 30c. and 35c. at KNIPPLE'S. EgT'Grocenes at Nobles' . Machine oil of all kinds at Predmorc Bros. Fancy rockers just received at Pade & Son's. Elegant Perfumes at Chenery's City Drug Store. Pure drugs can always be found at Chenery's City Drug Store. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep repairs for all kinds of machinery. The finest line of candies in the city at Gray & Troxel's restaurant. The new Congregational church is beginning to loom up in generous pro portions. Absolutely rust proof tinware is sold by S. M. Cochran & Co. , the west Dcn- nison street hardwaremen. Domestic , White , Standaid and New Home sewing machines on $5 a month payments at Pade & Son's. Wayson & Odell can fix you up com fortably and stylishly in any thing you desire in the livery line. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. A fine line of Plush Goods , Albums , Manicure Sets , Perfumes , Sponges , Toilet Articles , etc. , at Chenery's City Drug Store. We are printing the date to which each subscriber has paid his subscrip tion to THE TRIBUNE along with the address. Watch the date and you will know if you are in arrears. If you are , please come and see us. Put your $ $ $ where they will do the most good , where they will secure the best and the most groceries for in stance. You will make no mistake if Noble's is the place of deposit. He gives the limit in quantity , quality and value , and his stock cannot be duplicat ed in Western Nebraska. The progressive merchant of today owes his success to advertising ; without it one might as well take down his sign and invite the sheriff to walk in and close up his business. The wisest business men and the most successful ones are those who keep their names prominently before the public when trade is good as well as when it is dull. Constant and continuous advertising , got up in attractive style , is like the constant dripping of water upon the flinty rock ; slowly but surely an im pression is made. Reduction On large Photo work till January 1 , only at Smart's gallery. 2OO to 3OO Watches to select from at H P. BUTTON S. Our - Christmas - Bells RINQ OUR. STORY OF GIFTS FOR ALL OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GIRTS , . * is open and ready AT PAIEEST FIGUBES.- 5 Visitors are cordially invited. A. 'McMILLEN , Druggist. SOLID SILVER and Plated Ware , a com plete assortmen , at SUTTON'S , Leading Jeweler. Oysters in any sytleatGray & Troxel's restaurant. McMillen is headquarters for all kinds of lamps. Chrihtmas candies , nuts and fruits of all kinds at Postoffice Lobby. Still we occasionally sec it stated in out exchanges thfit Jay Gould is dead. A larger assortment of toys than ever before , just displayed at the Post- officeLobby. . Gray & Troxel's restaurant is now open , and the public is cordially invited to call and enjoy a square meal. The new Pythian ritual is expected to he ready for distribution to the sub ordinate lodges about December 20th. The remains of the late True Demo crat were purchased by V. Franklin , at the sale on last Saturday afternoon , under mortgage held by the Citizens bank , for $100. Experiments made by Director Ingersoll of the Nebraska experiment station show most conclusively that the "detasseling of corn seems to be a posi tive detriment and loss. " We are in it this year ; come and look over our holiday stock consisting of doll carriages , hobby horses , shoo flys , velocipedes , wagons , sleds , books and toyfc of all kinds , at Postoffice Lobby. This modest but entirely indispensi- ble home comfort points the finger of pride to its large and succulent array of holiday and other advertisements , this issue. All enterprising business of the city are represented in generous space and display. They are worthy of your patronage. It is contemplated , in a concerted fashion , after the first of the year , to make a vigorous assault on the strong holds of satan in our city ; and the prayers and efforts of all Christian people , likewise of all good citizens , should be blended in making the storm ing effective for good , the meetings fruitful in soul winning. This is no day and age of the world for chestnuts and back members. The watchward of the people of the nine teenth century is advance. The stage coach , the horse car and the pony ex press have given way to electricity and steam and to keep up with the proces sion the people as individuals and as communities must , to use a modern phase , hustle , keep hustling , and con tinue to hustle , and at the close of this year of our Lord 1892 , the people of McCook , lied Willow county , Ne braska , should be found in line at the head of the column ready and eager to do battle in the great struggle for supremacy , that will command for them and the city they represent atten tion and a reward commensurate with industry displayed by them in pushing McCook to the front. Pull off your coats and stand up and be counted for McCook. A fine line of Diamonds ends at Sutton's , The Leading Jeweler. . District Court Filings. Chas. H. Hall , Exec. , vs. Richard Dunning , equity , Dec. 3. Kate W. Doty vs. Peter M. Cain , equity , Dec. ? . Sarah E. Booth vs. Robt. H. Thomas , equity , Dec. 7. S. Anna Small vs. Wm. H. Rich , equity , Dec. 7. Eliza beth B. Crosby vs. Patrick McDonnell , equity , Dec. 7. Susan K. Broughton vs. Thos. Clark , equity. Dec. 7. J. E. Seeley vs. Jas. H. Goodrich , equity , Dec. 8. Heaters and Cook Stoves. I have a few very fine hard coal heaters that I will sell at cost. They are the best. I am also the agent for the Gold Coin cook stove and keep on hand a well assorted stock. I am con vinced there is no equal of the Gold Coin in the market. Harris Hardware , east Dennison at , \ block east of Main street. All goods bought at SUTTON'S , The Jew eler , engraved FREE OF CHARGE - . -t rv. f V ' / \ A A point factory man was in the city , this week , looking up a locution. Do not Tail to call at Postoflicc Lobby and examine their goods before making a Christmas present. Fou SALK : Good house and lot in McCook , well located , good property. Enquire of G. L. Laws , Lincoln , Neb. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. There should be no such word as fail in the vocabulary of the people of McCook when consulting as to the ways and means to secure enterprises that are calculated to be of material beneflt to the city. LOST An overcoat of a brownish gray color , between Fitch's lane and McCook. Finder will be suitably re ward by returning the same to THE TRIBUNE office. DAVID HOBINMIER. Cards are out announcing the wed ding of Mr. William P. Grimes and Miss Haddie A. Critser , at residence of the bride's parents on the evening of December 20 , and THE TRIBUNE ex tends congratulations herewith in ad vance. It would now seem ns though the Culbertson Sun had been entirely and permanently eclipsed. The luminary aforesaid has been a great boon in its days to the gentle housewife for use on pantry shelves , etc. , but its usefulness in that lowly sphere has now ceased , for all of which there is much to be devoutly thankful. The Democrat alwaycondol the dis tressed , hence we offer condolence to both Col. Jim Lindsay and Col. Dave Bomgardner , the register and receiver of the McCook land offices. When these gentlemen let go the land office teat , there'll bo a cavity below their nose compared with which a deep dark dungeon isn't a circumstance. Adams County Democrat. The old cure for the drink habit , which consists of chewing raisins every time a drink is desired , has been tried in a number of cases with great suc cess and is now being freely recora mended in various quarters. Another remedy , which is indorsed quite often by the medical fraternity consists of eating apples in great quantities , both during meals and whenever thirst is felt. . THE TRIBUNE chronicles with pain the death of Mrs. Oscar D. Keith , which occurred on Monday afternoon from pleurisy. The deceased was the wife of brakeman Keith , and he has the sympathy of the community in the loss of his beloved wife. Services were held in the Catholic church by Father Hickey at 10 o'clock , Wednes day morning , the interment following immediately thereafter in St. Patrick's cemetery , being attended by many sympathizing friendsjalso by the father and other relatives of the departed from abroad. Suvener - : - Spunes at Karuth's. Municipal Business. The municipal patriarchs were in regular session Wednesday evening , Mayor Brewer , Clerk Warren , Councilmen - men Me Adams , Menard and Spickel- mier being present in the flesh. Bills as follows were found to be true , correct and wholly unpaid , and warrants were ordered issue in payment of same on the proper funds , J , H. Dwyer , killing dogs , . . . $ 1 25 McCook Electric Light Co. , 170 50 P. T. Francis , surveying for sidewalks 400 J. H. Dwyer , salary for November , 50 00 H. T. Kealiher , work on cemetery fence , 11 00 W. C. Bullard & Co. , lum ber and coal , 125 50 James Carl , draying , 675 J. S. McBrayer , draying , . . 6 00 Predmore Bros. , blacksmithing - ing , 450 Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber , 2 80 John Weintz , blacksmithing 6 25. Report of city treasurer read and ordered placed on file. The chief of police was instructed to collect delinquent occupation tax , and to report all failing to liquidate to the citj attorney for collection by legal means. Adjourned. DPRICE'S Baking Powder : The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard The Educational Rally Tn the Methodist church , Wednesday evening , addressed by Chancellor Creighton of the Wesleyan university at Lincoln , was fairly well attended considering the other attractions of the evening , and the interest'manifchted was quite encouraging. The Doctor delivered a ringing address on the sub ject of education ami morals , joining them in.holy bonds , and proving them to be very and potent hand-maids of religion. All this in a general way and loading up to the special matter of thu even ing , namely , the WesJcynu seminary proposition and enterprise. The Chancellor gave as full an exposition of what the proposed seminary will be , will do , and what is required to secure it , as his limited time would allow. At the conclusion of the meeting a com mittee of five was selected to push this matter and to formulate a proposition or bid. The gentlemen composing the committee are Dr. S. L. Green , Fudge J. E. Cochran , J. A. Wilcox , Dr. A. P. Welles and F. M. Kimuiell , who to gether with V. Franklin ami a few other interested citizens had a brief consultation with the Chancellor. This committee is now at work to ascertain just what can be done and THE TRIBUNE hopes in a brief while to be able to announce a satisfactory completion of their labors , and the maturing of a plan which will bring the seminary into our midst without fail. You will find at Sut- ton's Jewelry store the Largest Stock and the Lowest Prices. Self Destruction. Tuesday morning of this week John Fisher , a Russian farmer living on School creek in Missouri Ridge pre cinct , this county , committed suicide by hanging. It is stated that he went out in the morning to do the chores , and failing to return in due season , his wife commenced a search for him , which resulted in finding the still warm body of her husband hanging by a rope in the granary. The cause of the sui cide seems to be unknown , although financial distress is given by some. The deceased leaves a wife and five young children , he being only 30 years of age at his death. Rev. Deletzke , the German Luther an minister of our city , was called upon to conduct the funeral , which oc curred on Wednesday afternoon. Jake Would be Register. Hon. Jacob Wiggins was in town , Saturday , circulating a petition asking tor his appointment as Register of the McCook land office. It will doubtless be many months before a change is made , but when it does come the Re publican would be pleased to see a Hayes county man capture the prize. Hayes Centre Republican. Souvenir Spoons at Sutton's. Horses for Safe. Wayson & Odell keep horses for sale at their livery barn opposite the Cen tral hotel. On Hand. An assortment of Frames for the holiday trade at Smart's gallery. Our German Congregational friends were around , first of the week , solicit ing funds to raise a small indebtedness resting upon their church , and THE TRIBUNE is gratified to learn that they met with a fair measure of success. School Entertainment and Fair. j I On Thursday and Friday evenings of next week , the children , of our public schools give their annual Christinas en tertainment nt tlit : east ward building for the purpose of improving their library and their musical and lantern depart ments. There will be a curious and interesting - * teresting display of articles manufactured by the pnpils , and a varied entertain ment provided for each evening. An excellent supper will be served and no person need stay away for fear of the expense. Among the features of the entertain ment , in , the assembly room will be an elaborate display of lautem slides , pro cured especially for this occasion. During the two evenings the following exercises will be given : Pisino Diiut Ihittic Yanier and .Lillian Troth. .Recitation , Thu freckled faced uirl Amy Sttnsser. Character .sonir in costume. Grace Stras- surand Tommy O'Connell. Itucitatioii , Newsboy's debl Ernest Cor- Piano Solo Delia .Johnston. Jiecitation , The painted baby Frank Col- fer. Itfcitalion , What they say about Cupid Magnitj ( Jiillen. Piano Duet Mrs. Brown and May Sea man. man.Motion Motion SOUK By ten little Piano Solo Selma Noren. Violin Duet liallie Bomgardner and Montie Slalfrnd. limitation Jennie Douglas ami Ilattie Bimnell. Piano Duet Edith and Ethel Oyster. Itccitatiim , Liberty bell Lizzie Ritchie. Violin Solo Tommy O'Coimell. Jit-citation , The hunter's child Margaret Eiter. Violin Solo Frank Fitch. Kucitation , The goblin 'll get you Dare Kenyon. Recitation , High tide Bertha Boyle. Piano Duet Stella Norval and Florence Holiday. Jtecitation Walter Boyle. Piano Duet Lula Sircoloumb and Elsie Burjress. Recitation , Ked Hiding JJood May Whit- taker. In addition to the above there will be a series of brilliantly illuminated tableaux , and a game of checkers with living checkermen played by prominent experts , and a tamborine drill with new music and groupings. Every effort will be put forth by pupils and teachers to render the affair a social and artistic- success. During each evening a supper will be served , and it is hoped that the citizens will improve the opportunity to confer a favor upon the school children , at the same time pass an agreeable even ing. We hear itrumored that W. T. Lind say & Son have purchased the outfit and will revive the True Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jacobs have the sympathy of this entire community in the death of their daughter yesterday morn ing. SALE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of January. 1893 , at - o'clock p. in. , on the corner of Main and Dcnniaon streets In the city of McCook. Nebraska. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash : ono iron gray geld ing horse named Barney. 7 years old , weight about 1000 pounds , the property of A. C. Fredirck. to recover the sum of f 36.50 feed bill from the 1st day of November , Igyo. to the 1st day of January. 1893 , and cost of sale. .JACOB BALL. Per H. H. DEIIIIY. Agt. Goto Sutton's Jewel ry and Music House for your Xmas goods. To Prove That we are making as finely finished photos as can be had , we will waive our rules of deposit till Feb. 1 , you need not pay one cent till work is fin ished , if not good , keep your money. .1. H. SJIART , Photographer- The Largest stock of "Watches and Diamonds ends at Sutton's , The Jeweler. False. Smart has not raised his prices on photos since the other gallery closed. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE