II' lai-ge stock , l > est assortment , and low prices are inducements , we certainly can please you. Holiday Novelties without limit. Latest designs in RICH JEVVELHY. ; tit ! By F. M. K1MMELL. . OFFICIAL CITY& COUNTY PAPER. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME ; PRINT. Articles purchas ed .of us engraved free. Oarruth & Son , A Gratifying Success , -The fair conducted in tlie Menaid opera house , T'uesday and Wednesday afternoons and evenings of thin week , by the ladies ( if the Congregational church , was in t-very respect a most gratifying success. There was a large attendance arid generous patronage of the numerous booths which dotted the hall , each filled xvith a profusion of handsome , useful and artistic articles , the elegance and quantity of which pei- haps has never bi-en exhibited and of fered for sale at any similar affair ever held in McCook. Tin : tasteful arrangi'- mcnt and decoration of the various booths and the endless assortment of pretty fancy things therein displayed were a source of much admiration and comment , and certainly the ladies arc to be congratulated and praised there upon. upon.A A source of amusement as well as of profit were the nyjUer suppers given on Tuesday evening by the married men and < ) ii Wednesday evening by the single men. These both passed off with great ecat , providing a feature strikingly unique in local annals. As a future oyster supper by the ladies will go the conif any realizing the more from their oyster supper , there was a spirited rivalry between the benedicts and bachelors. Up to this time both sides have withheld their returns , and some fears are being expressed of "loading" operations being practiced. The special costumes in the gypsy camp , the Japanese and Alaskan booths were very attractive and gave a pleas ing variety to the scene. The ladies realized considerably over 200 dollars net , and feel quite elated and satisfied over the success which but justly crowned their persistent and strenuous efforts. Don't Know Jim ! Still they com'A traveling mat named Harris , of MclJook , wants to.gt to the United States senate from Ne braska. Who is he , or where he came from , or what his idea of making peoplt ' laugh is not know. Lincoln Call. What * don't know Jim Harris ? Well , we rather think we do. He if one of the homesteaders of Red Wil low county , settling there some ten years ago. He's from Arkansas and spells democrat with a big D. He wanted the McCook U. S. office under President Cleveland eight years ago , but when Grover found that Jim never plowed his corn after planting it , he appointed Sterling P. Hart to the place Jim wanted. This didn't discourage him a bit. He went to selling sewing machines in Missouri , where they can't read the machine contracts , and he has been hiuart enough to keep out of jail. Jim Harris for senator ? Don't you believe it. He is after something near- cr home , and if he don't wear the same old suit of clothes that he did eight years ago , and throws away that in- . femal old tape , the aroma of which would drive a strong man to drink , he vrill come close , awful close , getting it. -Jiui Harris for senator ? And still people wonder at the increase of crime. Adams County Democrat. 0. M. Noble takes pleasure in direct ing attention to his stock of goods for the holiday season. It is the largest , richest and finest assortment of chinaware - ware , glassware , lamps , etc. , ever exhi bited in McCook or in southwestern Nebraska. Also an elegant line of fruits , nuts and candies. Go and sec what a satisfactory and acceptable pre sent can be sepured at Noble's for a little money. Engineer McChesriey's family will go to Galesburg , Illinois , soon. George M. Clienery at the City Drug store lias quite a display Of useful articles wnich will make very desirable and acceptable gifts. Call and see them. is To buy your winter goods and the place to buy is where you can STOCK Clothing , Dress Goods , ' filankets , Gloaks , Shawls Anl everything warm for winter wear IS NOW IN. PRICES 'AND QUALITY WE GUARANTEE. WE HAVE THE STOCK AND WILL MAKE THE PRICE. our stock before yon buy. We carry foCl stock of GROCERIES. G. L DeGROEF & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. C. ALLEN. Beyoud a doubt there never has been on exhibition in the city of McCook as large and rare a line of i as we are now displaying for the Holiday trade. We have just opened a rich assortment of RICKSECKER'S LUNDBORG'S PALMER'S .LAZELLE'S And our stock embraces everything pretty in Perfume Gases , Gut & Plain Glass Bottles Call and see what -we have to show you in this line. Ho. KALSTEDT , THE LEADING TAILOR , Has just received a fine stock of FALL AND WINTER SUIT INGS. Call and see him , two doors south of the Famous , while the assortment is com- Plete. . - - - - - ( BEFORE. Would you AFTER' - Increase Your Business ? s * . ' Established 1886. Strictly One Price. othin GIFTS. We desire to call your especial attention to our Elegant Stock of GENTS9 FURNISHINGS , including Mufflers , Gloves , Mittens , and the Latest Effects in Tecks , Puffs , and c Four-in-Hands , of which we have a superior line for the Holiday trade. Would be pleased to have you call to inspect our stock before making - ing your Christmas purchases. McCook , Neb. JONAS ENGEL , Manager. Call at once to look over Suttoii's stock of Xnias goods Largest ever displayed in the city of McCook. Fine French Fruits at PostoiBce Lobby. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned of all kinds. In the case of the United States vs. James Kenser and the Northwestern Cattle Company , transferred from Mc Cook , the secretary denied the motion for review. Annual convention Nebraska State Dairymen's Association , Minden , Dec. 20 to 22. Fare one and a third rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale Dec. 17 to 22. Annual meeting Nebraska Stat5 Farmers' Alliance , Grand Island , Dec. 20 to 22. Fare one and a third rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale Dec. 17 to 22 , inclusive. "Tales from Town Topics , " No. 6 , increased in size and containing an original novelette entitled "The Sale of a Soul , " has made its appearance. The long story is interesting , and the se lected matter the best the New York society journal has printed in past years. Town Topics , 21 West Thirty- third street , New York. It will be remembered that Col J. S. LeHevr , of McCook , created a sensa tion the day 6he McCook democrats ratified , by suing Congressman Mc- Keighan who was ratifying with the boys down theie. The paltry sum of $50 stood between them , creating an impassable chasm. It must have been fixed up for the colonel has withdrawn the suit. Adams County Democrat. Notice of Estray. Came to my place in North McCook on Saturday night. December 3d , an old bay mare ; can be found at D. J. Smith's barn by paying expenses of keeping and advertising. CHARLES HIKE. McCook , Neb. , Dec. 16 , 1892. Children's --Table Sets at Carruth's. / Free ! Free ! In order to increase our cash trade we will give away the following list of presents to our cash customers. 1 Gold Watch , worth $100.00 1 Gold Watch , worth 75.00 1 Gold Watch , worth 50.00 1 Lady's Gold Watch , worth 75.OO 2 Silver Watches at $25 each 5O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25,15O.OO 6 Magnificent Oil Paintings at $25 , 90.00 100 Books , standard works of English and American fiction , bound in cloth and gold , at $2 - 20O.OO 118 PRESENTS WORTH $790.0O We carry the largest stock of I ! Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Harness , Saddles , House Furnishing Goods , in lied willow county. And we meet all competition and go them one better. Call and examine these pres ents and price our goods before buying. W. C. LaTourette. \ .